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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8639587 No.8639587 [Reply] [Original]

>your school

>your major

>your year

>your comments on school/major

>> No.8639592

>Acturial Science
>3rd Year
>Wasn't smart enough to do pure mathematics or get into UBC

>> No.8639604

>Subway University
>Lesbian Dance Theory
>It's all a meme

>> No.8639615

>PhD in Mathematics
>$300k starting salary
>Any job I want

>> No.8639628

>University of California, Santa Barbara
>3rd year
>I hate it here.

>> No.8639661

edmonds community college

physics transfer


holy shit there are a lot of asians here i'm like one of the only white people here.

>> No.8639668

medical biochemistry
3rd year, 2 courses behind
had the most courses i was interested in
kelowna is big enough to have stuff but not so big i want to die like vancouver

>> No.8639677

man i really want to move to kelowna

all of my climbing friends moved to kelowna, and those that haven't moved yet are moving in the next year or two

>> No.8639689

Loyola Marymount University
Electrical Engineering
Hate engineering but trying to get paid

>> No.8639692

switch to something you like you dumb fucker. you really don't care if your life is some empty bullshit all based on "i wanted to get paid"? fucking hell some of you faggots are dumb

>> No.8639693

UCI student here. Just went up to UCSB the other weekend to see a girl I've dating. Holy shit that place is degenerate. Specifically, isla vista. Yeah a party every once in awhile is cool but those fuckers party everyday, all day.

>> No.8639695

>Combined Major in Science
>3rd year
>It's a giant meme where you're the jack of all trades, master of none.

By some stroke of luck I was able to get into a forestry genetics lab so all hope isn't lost for me (yet).

>> No.8639696

combined major? sounds like a general studies degree

>> No.8639699

Kek. Not the poster you replied to, but how many people do you know that do what they LOVE and make a decent wage? The only person I know who did what they loved is my dad. Wanted to be a police officer since childhood, and he is one. But even as he gets older, he is starting to get tired of it. Pays well over 6 figures here in cali too.

>> No.8639702

and you can make 80K per year delivering pizza in Seattle. What's your point? COL is more important than what you make.

>> No.8639704

no one wants to live in Seattle though.

>> No.8639705

UBC has a way of creating new degrees so they can slap it on their brochure for marketing purposes. I have yet to figure out the difference between biochemistry and chemical biology, yet they're considered two separate degrees. There's also integrated science, general science, and CMS.

And it's not just the faculty of science which does this. We also have a Bachelor of International Economics program alongside our regular economics program.

>> No.8639712

I swear I hate the mathfags on /sci/ that haven't even been uni yet.

>> No.8639713

>Hate engineering
It does not get better after you graduate anon.
Be prepared to be involved in an eternal big dick contest with other insufferable engineers about how smart you are.

>> No.8639721

>UC Santa Cruz
>Mathematics, ee minor
>3rd year, graduating in spring
>lmao weed university
it's pretty good here. campus is relaxing and they let you take a ridiculous number of classes per quarter if you want. I've met a lot of retards, especially in the engineering department.

>> No.8639729

> Notre Dame
> Physics
> Sophomore

Decently fun, good mix of people, and an excellent place to be for undergrad.

>> No.8639735

Eyyyy UCSC! imcabrillo :( I'm Maitreya Buddha tho so that's cool I guess. how do u like ucsc whats ur major

>> No.8640271

said in my post. math major, electrical engineering minor. ucsc is probably the most laid back place on earth. there are a huge number of bitchy liberal arts students though. if you are anything other than a communist they hate you. (I'm also very left wing, but they are full b sjw)

>> No.8640274

>corrosion engineer
>1st year
>it's a lot of fucking work

>> No.8640286

one more thing: i don't mean to say that the obnoxious lib arts community here metres me dislike the place. i actually love the school itself. planning to go here for my PhD.

>> No.8640313

>Delft University of Technology
>2nd year
>I love studying here, we have good and interesting professors

>> No.8640324

>2nd year
>A lot of gunners here and I hate taking classes with the engineers who are largely smarter and harder-working than I am. Everyone seems depressed all the time. Lower division classes are mostly fucking awful but most of the faculty here is pretty cool if you have the opportunity to interact with them. Kinda wish I had gone to Berkeley considering I'm thinking of switching fields for Masters/PhD

>> No.8640367

>Taking anything on 4chan seriously

>> No.8640387

what is that?

>> No.8640389

South Florida university

>> No.8640412


Ahh, google only returns Simon Fraser University.

This is what happens when americucks think anyone knows acronyms for their shit universities.

>> No.8640436

>UC San Diego
>applied math, chemistry minor
>campus is 80% Asian international and privileged white kids. I saw a guy wearing a $1000 Prada backpack and another student driving a matte finished BMW Beamer. Both internationals. Student body is pretty smart and hardworking, I have to work hard to stay top of the curve. But once in a while I have a class completely retarded. Ochem II right now is made of retards who couldn't get into the easy class and calculus series was filled with dums too

>> No.8640441


Is anyone supposed to know what these universities are?

The only US university that international people would recognise by the acronym is MIT.

>> No.8640447


Most people know the UC system dude. You know

The system that has Berkeley.

>> No.8640448

Any acronym that begins with UC usually refers to University of California....you know, the universities that all the people from your country to get into

>> No.8640450


>not pure anglo

shit-tier uni right there

>> No.8640461


>taking even one single post seriously

you don guffed

>> No.8640521

>Communist faggot undergrads, good math faculty, gay grad students all from Columbia

>> No.8640526
File: 588 KB, 4160x3120, wCifVJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wayne State University - Detroit, MI

>Chemical Engineering

>First year

>Commuter school mainly. One of big 3 research schools in Michigan. Chemistry program is decent, not too sure about ChemE. Need to get more involved once I get into those classes next year / get involved in undergrad research.

>> No.8640529

How is Wayne State? Dangerous or decent? I decided to go to Michigan State instead because I didn't want to get shot.

>> No.8640547

The campus is very safe(Actually much safer than MSU, crime statistics wise, but it is a smaller school). I can't say anything about outside campus though, but I regularly walk downtown which is like a 3 mile walk. I haven't been shot

Initially I kinda regretted not going to MSU cause it was a big 10 school and they'd most likely have better networking opportunities, but I really like it here in Detroit. Not too sure education-wise, but MSU probably has WSU's Engineering program beat, but it's really Umich or bust imo. Not gonna matter when I(hopefully) land my first internships.

>> No.8640555

I'm this guy: >>8639721
I'm glad to see another math major fed up with college student commies. there really does seem to be little to no capacity for anything other than extremist thought in some departments

>> No.8640580

do bongos not browse /sci/?
I can't recall a single time I've seen a bongo uni in these threads

>> No.8640583

Luton Sixth Form College
No major, it's a college you dip
Second year
Full of mudslimes, niggers, etc.

>> No.8640585

great financial aid

>> No.8640606

USF is used not SFU

>> No.8640616

>your school
Stockholm University
>your major
>your year
>your comments on school/major
The math institution is like 1 kilometer from the regular campus so its pretty nice to have your lectures next to a lake with a park around it. Also if you buy coffe/tea you get regular mugs instead of paper ones, so you can use one mug all day, thats pretty nice.

>> No.8640639

>Uni of Manchester
>Computer Science & AI
>1st yr
>absolute shite so far, hoping it get's better this semester.

>> No.8640647

>your school
University of Utah

>your major

>Your year
2nd year

>your comments on school/major
Not too bad. Professors are alright and people here are chill. It's mostly just your typical state university

>> No.8640650

why is it shit anon?
I want to study microbiology there next year due to it being 35th in biosciences

>> No.8640651

>your school
Morningside college
>your major
Biochemistry probably as per med
>your year
>your comments on school/major
Sucks. Shitty, small liberal arts college is both shitty and small. Very few decent research opportunities, but they gave me a good scholarship so here I am

>> No.8640656

Alright dude, college fag here (UK), i'm a good programmer and know Python and C# to a high extent. But how much theory and mathematics is involved in university CompSci?

I've done CompSci GCSE - A*
And i'm currently doing CompSci A-levels, which i'm finding revatively easy, yet there's not much maths involved here, morely programming. I suck at maths and got a B, and am not taking it in college, so what do?

>> No.8640675

Considering his focus with CS is AI, I would think in his case a lot of math is involved. To many others, CS is not math heavy; especially if they are going the B.A. route which is like one to two higher learning maths required. You go the B.A. route, expect to be either a code monkey or spend much of your time studying for networking and security certificates,

>> No.8640714

Don't get me wrong, Manchester itself is great - the nightlife is amazing and everything here is a lot cheaper than down south.

The CS course here is meant to be 8th best in the UK, but honestly I feel a bit of a chump for not looking deeper into the course content before deciding to come, as the course totally lacks, well... depth.

I don't know anyone on microbiology though, so can't offer an opinion on whether the course is good or not. If you do come, I hope you enjoy it!


Lad you'll have to suffer through the intro to programming shit as I've done (stupidly long assignments covering very basic stuff).
The maths on this course is quite difficult, primarily because I've never been exposed to statistics/probability, proofs and logic before... not too bad though. I got an A at A-level, but I since being here realise that I'm quite shit at maths. The amount of romanians here is insane... they've all done something like 4x the amount of maths we're exposed to up to university level before, so they find it alot easier.

Wherever you end up going, get to a load of hackathons - full of spergs but really good fun.

>> No.8640830

Fuck off

>> No.8640922

Utrecht University
Biomedical sciences
Second year now
meh, it's ok. Too little math/physics tho

>> No.8640956
File: 63 KB, 1920x1080, tmp_6891-TrumpU-101863523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
>Game theory major with an emphasis in winning

>> No.8640968


>> No.8640986


>> No.8640990


>> No.8640993


>> No.8641230

>> New York times university
>> LGBT studies
>>1first year
>> i love subject of Gay crussing

>> No.8641255

>Indiana University Northwest
>I came to school to study animals and ecology, but this tiny ass school only has a biology major. I'm hoping to get my credits this year and transfer to a bigger uni next year and hopefully major in ecology and go on to grad school.

>> No.8641270

Hunter College



Cute asian chicks are distracting while studying, one of my profs is very well known in density functional theory and makes me excited whenever she talks. School is too liberal but libertarian colleges don't exist.

>> No.8641271

Off topic
I know this one person that finished mechanical engineering at MIT.. is that difficult ? Am I in the presence of a mental titan ?

>> No.8641284

Nope, probably just a minority, a rich kid, or high school grade inflation.

>> No.8641315

>electrical engineering
Fuckin nerds everywhere

>> No.8641321



> 5th fucking year

>CS at tech is amazing and finding a job was really easy at my school if you take advantage of the resources. after this last semester I already have a job in silicone valley

>> No.8641329

Is this Uni of Texas at Dallas?

If so, do you like it? How is general campus life like?

>> No.8641333

>EECS, the meme major
>really boring actually. girls are pretty ugly. too many asians

>> No.8641335

>university malaysia sabah
>environmental science
>graduated in 2014
>its ok

>> No.8641356

Yeah it's utdallas. The course work itself isnt crazy hard imo but I've heard otherwise from my classmates. Campus life is meh, too small with nothing too much to do. That may be with all campuses tho so take that w/ a grain of salt. Lots of foreigners in ECS/JSOM, and the qts wont date you unless you're muslim. Im making it sound worse than it is but i would go somewhere else if you want a vibrant social life. Otherwise utd is a great uni w/ lots of companies in the area wanting to hire you

>> No.8641357

>University of Waterloo

>Physics, chemistry minor (inb4 someone calls me by name)


It's gud. The physics department is shit when it comes to organizing anything, especially compared to chem and math, but I mean it's fun once you meet the right group of people. Also, muh co-op

>> No.8641362

>3rd year
>300 level courses require so lots of memorization so be prepared. Overall good diploma, just wished I learned more practical stuff. Take all non-science electives to balance it well. I want to work for a bit and then do a master's later.

>> No.8641363

LOVE engineering, but I really need to pass the FE exam for my degree to be taken seriously.

serious question, is UNF obscure or has anyone here heard about my uni?

>> No.8641366

>everyone is drunk and/or german
>everyone is fucking everyone and the department is like 30 people
>due to some professors retiring, the department is shrinking, so more and more classes are being taught by professors outside of their area of expertise
>i still feel that the quality of education is high, however

>> No.8641367

I meant I graduate in 2018, its my third year

>> No.8641368

>VU University Amsterdam
>Pharmaceutical sciences
>3rd year
>Good shit

where my eurotrash at

>> No.8641371

of course the potsmoker is a pharmafag

>> No.8641379


>> No.8641403

>ut austin



Night life is great here, it's a great party school. Coursework seems reasonable, but I'm only a fucking freshman so it's definitely going to get harder. There's a lot of brainlets though due to Texas' shitty top 7% law

>> No.8641412


>> No.8641416

saint vincent college
environmental science
good academics here but everyones retarded

>> No.8641588

>Your school
>Your major
>Your year
4th semester
The Resnick is such a fucking meme book holy shit. I understand if you want to grab some problems from it, BUT DON´T FUCKING USE IT AS A BIBLE YA CUNT.

>> No.8641596

Just a national college in Romania

>> No.8641597

>UC Irvine
>Physics and CS
>3rd year
>Physics professors will use circular reasoning to explain to you why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light and that the universe is not deterministic
>Everyone in CS will laugh at you if you prefer to think about computation as Lambda Calculus rather than operations on a Turing Machine
Kill me.

>> No.8641602


Jesus fucking christ there are too many newfags not getting it. I hate this shit tier board

>> No.8641613


> "Physics and Math"
> Freshman
> I fucking hate everyone here. Its full of arrogant autistic idiots. I swear to God every boy here smells like shit.

>> No.8641641

>all of you are poorfags

>> No.8641654

>empirical evidence=circular reasoning
Gee I wonder why they laugh

>> No.8641656

>Stanford University
>Electrical Engineering
>Freshman, Winter Qtr
>I'm glad I got involved with the CS and EE departments!

>> No.8641658
File: 42 KB, 480x359, HeartMonitorUwU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will be one of the only people that actually know how to fix shit in the incoming robo-zombie apocalypse

>> No.8641663

Wtf. I would have been happy to do that for 80k. Damn. Too late now. Fml.

>> No.8641665

The only reason I went into software is because I love programming. Kind of makes me cringe when I see so many people that entered the field just for money and now hate their job.

>> No.8641667


That is a good thing, if it were true. Sadly, you are wrong and that is why real estate is increasing in cost the fastest in the greater Seattle area out of all of the U.S.

>> No.8641670


You know how you can tell if someone is from California?

Don't worry. They will be sure to tell you.

>> No.8641673

>National University of Singapore
>Biomedical Science (muh premed)
>Freshman, 3rd semester
>based biochem and calculus weeding out the faggots already

>> No.8641675

I double goofed you.

>> No.8641736

How is the physics department there?

>> No.8642131

>Texas A&M at Galveston
>Marine Biology
Shouldve done aerospace engineering
but i was an idealistic little faggot who wanted a dream job like "swimming with all sorts of neato torpedo marine life for a living"

>> No.8642238

>Basel university
>Physics BSc
>4rd started master classes
>Is guud

>> No.8642242

>@stanford and not doing physics with based susskind

>> No.8642249

How hard is it as an American student to successfully apply to PhD programs in Germany?

>> No.8642250

ngl, Stanford has an incredible physics dept.

One of the assistant professors for the intro to Mechanics is Carl "I fucking helped discovered a new state of matter" Weiman

>> No.8642251

>your school
Johns Hopkins University

>your major
Biomedical Engineering

>your year

>your comments on school/major
University is alright. No sports culture despite having a historic lacrosse program. Engineering school is depressingly busy and lots of competition for the good research spots. Arts/Science school for the most part has too much free time and does a lot of moral posturing. Lots of bitching about how we have an obligation to help city niggers but obviously no action taken lel. Oh and most of the university feels like they have something to prove since this was their safety school and they struck out with Ivies and Stanford.

As far as the BME major is concerned, I ride the curve and get B's with fairly little effort. Indian students are smelly cunts and have a library of backtests that they rarely share. Good faculty but the advising can be shit. A lot of students butthurt that Georgia Tech is now the #1 BME program after Hopkins held the spot for like 2 decades.

>> No.8642260

You're probably gone but difficulty of curriculum is not what separates elite programs from the rest, it's the alumni networking and access to relevant research under some of the best in the given fields. If you get into the program on merit from high school achievement you should have no problems graduating

>> No.8642308

Did you go to a Northrop Grumman talk in LA? I think I might have met you.

>> No.8642338

>electrical/computer engineering
>it's alright, the food is decent

>> No.8642392

sorry, we can't all be from the great bear republic

feels great to live in the most beautiful and richest place on earth

>> No.8642454

University of Chile (inb4)
freshman, starting in march
All the second years i have met are fucking idiots

>> No.8642465

Nah... I haven't exactly been all that good about going to talks these past couple of quarters (I've been really busy), but it sounds interesting!

>> No.8642484
File: 103 KB, 500x444, 1481306311172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Chemistry (MSc)
Incredibly interesting but trashy career options

>> No.8642545

hopkins buddy what's up

>> No.8642577


>> No.8642578
File: 59 KB, 650x340, a-photography_vintage_medical_books_vintage_book-10347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow medfag
How is med-school in South America?
Like in US?

>> No.8642590

Ooh, that's a really cool university.
I've heard that it has really great rankings in medicine, I'm thinking of doing an exchange semester there.
How is the place? Is everyone autistic?
Maybe I'll even see you there while studying medicine, if you see an awkward gwai lo in 4 years it's me.

>> No.8642655

pretty chinky, if you count hardworking robot-esque chinks as autistic

It's an incredibly nice place, and the rankings are as they say. Go ahead and do an exchange semester to get a feel of the work ethic here.

>> No.8642662

In Europe you need a MSc before you start a PhD.

>> No.8642754

>Electrical Engineering
>Great school. Great research. In the middle of a corn field.

>> No.8642813

Uni of Portsmouth

Computer Science, integrated master's

Year 2

Some of the units are great, others are laughable. The labs are good, and the placements office is incredible. I'm glad that there's a decent hacker ethic here.

>> No.8642840

taking easy courses since I only had 6 required credits to take but need 12 on my schedule. year/major?

>> No.8642897

>sixth form college in SW london
>maths, further maths, physics, computer science
>year 13
>great teachers, shit administration

>> No.8642931

I'm really hoping I can transfer to McGill for next year for MechE or EE

>> No.8642935

Croydon doesn't count as London senpai

>> No.8642958

>University of Cambridge
>I'm unable to fully embrace Cambridge because I just see it as a second-rate Oxford because of how eminent Oxford is in popular culture. Doubting whether law is really for me. Constantly wondering whether I should have gone into STEM instead. I admire the objectivity of science.

>> No.8642960

I don't know
in my school it is 7 years for GP, then 3 or 4 for speciality and then 2 or 3 for sub
We are not behind in investigation, at least my uni goes pretty hard on it
we are shit in comparison to european and north american schools, but the doctors are good at their shit

Also getting there is not hard
there is this unique standarized test that is pretty easy to ace. My country is small anyways

>> No.8642964

yes, you chose the wrong major

t. math grad student

>> No.8642983

Im planning on going to VT for CS next year, any advice? How difficult is the program?

>> No.8642989

UT here too, hope you're enjoying it so far

>UT Austin
>4th year, graduating this semester
>The school is as hard as you want it to be

Other anon was right about the brainlets here due to our weird admissions policies but it's a great school to do research at

>> No.8643009

>your school
UBC vancouver

>your major

>your year

>your comments on school/major
Microbiology faculty is small and cozy, you pass by a lot of familiar faces, especially in 3rd year when you do your lab course. Our building is a little run down (it used to be a hospital back in the day) but functional. Campus is like a small city and can be a bitch to cross from one end to another in 10 minutes if you register for courses that far apart(shouldn't happen unless you have varied interests and decide to take an elective on the other side of campus)... Student body is pretty diverse, although a lot of us are Asian.

I thoroughly enjoy listening in the the weekly research seminars held in the life science building and in recommend attending the presenters that interest you.

>> No.8643014

shit university nothing better to except in my shitty country, it is a good thing i started learning shit on my own last year

>> No.8643084

Hi. UCSD transfer too. Im math-cs though.

Do you think the asian international population is worse here than at other UCs?

>> No.8643109

im a different anon, but i heard UCI was the worst since it's cost to orange county

>> No.8643117

I'm guessing your chiggity chineez too ... Considering ubc is full of them... *barf did your parents in hongkong pay for your trip to van so you could study there and depopulate Vancouver w your seeed

>> No.8643124

>am a Texan
and this is fucking hilarious.

>> No.8643126

sorry for your loss.

>> No.8643132

Law is a decent paying field though. Maybe its just a personal opinion but any degree that lands you a high paying job is "worth" it. But you will be doing that job every day for a living. So I guess its a matter of doing something you dont like but could still live with yourself if you had no choice. Bottom line: if you're not happy you're not happy. Its a hard degree but still "worth it".

>> No.8643138

>UT Austin
>daddy pays my tuition
you have to be a fucking millionaire to afford that school, and a billionaire to afford living close to it.

>> No.8643273

You must have applied for university by this point, right? Where are you going/what will you be studying?

>> No.8643287

I'm from North Carolina and I know what UCSC and UCSB are. You're just retarded. The UC system is one of the best in the country.

>> No.8643291

You're an Idiot. You've never heard of University of California? You're either shitposting or genuinely retarded or perhaps both.

>> No.8643292

Not if you're from texas

>> No.8643303

I have a bad feeling it's the wrong move to respond but yes I'm ethnically Chinese, culturally Canadian (I speak better French than Chinese).

I don't like that Vantage College exists. If your English isn't good enough to enter UBC, improve it or go somewhere else... I understand that the international student population brings more money to the school, but the whole concept of accepting international students with subpar English language skills when locals and literate internationals baffles me.

>> No.8643335

>SUNY Buffalo State
>Horribly understaffed and piss poorly designed/organized program.

>> No.8643342

>junior college
>can't wait to go to cal berkeley

>> No.8643345

Stony Brook University
Graduate Computer Science (PhD)

Interesting how few grad students are here, but not surprising I suppose.

>> No.8643346

>Berkeley for anything but chemistry
go to UCLA or Stanford

>> No.8643348

for rhetoric? Berkeley is the only school with that major in california m8

>> No.8643354
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1485204132097s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your school


>Graduated 2016

>Learned so much - met some of my best friends and people - the world is beautiful

>> No.8643358

Sup, fellow Comet here. CS program is great, tons of job opportunities, and it isn't too hard to get a full ride with AES. But like anon said, don't come if you're looking for a great social life.

>> No.8643365

Yep, I actually already got the AES, as well as admission to tamu and purdue, and i'm still waiting on a bunch of california colleges but its interesting to see how utd is, especially since I come to the campus periodically to work with some grad students.

>> No.8643369

Hey I used to be a physics student at CUNY York. Luaghably small physics student population, but the professors there are great. Both working on the mu2e project at Fermilab. Very close knit, was surprisingly great, though i transfered.

Hows the physics program over there? I got into City College for Physics, but I went EE at another school instead.

>> No.8643372

I'm late 20s and I was thinking of going to Harvard extension school to get a degree in computer science. But a lot of people on the internet talk about this like its some kind of for profit degree mill junior college open to anybody with a credit card or something. Is it a really joke? Or is it a good place to go learn from the best?

>> No.8643379

>Berkeley humanities anything
Choose a Stanford major that's similar

>> No.8643383

>despite all the talk about how good it is on /sci/, only 2 people in the entire thread are actually doing mathematics
Is majoring in math just a meme?
It's not, r-right?

>> No.8643385

A college that tells you its research is good is trying very hard not to tell you its courses are shit.

>> No.8643438

Understand what it is and what it isn't. It's a Harvard diploma with the value of a UMass degree for several times the cost. It's not going to catapult you into the elite like a "real" Harvard degree would, but the quality of education is still there. For CS however there are much more affordable options out there. And if you just need a degree to find work, you don't need to "learn from the best" you just need to learn the standard material they teach in all schools.

The only people who consider Harvard extension are those who want to be able to list Harvard on their resume but it turns out you can't even do that. What do you think goes on your resume after you graduate?

>Harvard University, BS in Computer Science

Nope. BA in CS? Not even that. There are very specific rules for what extension students can write on their resume and it turns out to be this.

>Harvard University, Bachelor of Liberal Arts in extension studies, Concentration in computer science

Good luck explaining what the hell extension studies are to a recruiter.

>> No.8643515

Do you regret going there? WPI is one of my options

>> No.8643574

>Portland Community College

>EE transfer to Portland State


>It's like buying a kayak at K-mart.

>> No.8643588

>i fucking hate it here

>> No.8643622
File: 10 KB, 305x308, UniversitLogotif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to take advantage of portland state, do a civil degree and specialize in hydrology.

i'm going there for my masters in CE just for that reason. got my BS in mechanical at pic related and did hydropower stuff for about a year.

>> No.8643627

> Caltech
> Physics
> Junior
> I'm literally living my dreams

>> No.8643658

>Community College
>Registered Nursing
>Third Year
>Being in classes with 95% women isn't fun after an hour.
Please kill me

>> No.8643688

We've probably unknowingly seen each other in ECEB at some point.

What area?

>> No.8643714

Interesting thanks for the input.
But would the professors, TA, etc, somehow shun me? Would the professors not offer opportunities to research, etc?
From your response I guess employers that only hire people from the elite like the "real" Harvard, like wall street for example, would shun such a degree?
You're right about having to put extension studies on your resume, people might even lump it in with stuff like gender studies and straight into the bin it goes.

>> No.8643716


Do either one of you work with a giant red robot that has a sensor built into its head and cameras in its palms?

>> No.8643728

Im also upenn comp sci/comp eng

>> No.8643730


Im also upenn comp sci/comp eng

Why do you hate it anon?

>> No.8643843

I can't see how it could be worse than here. In the stem depts. it has to be close to 65% asian immigrant.

>> No.8643882

I have a few questions senpai
>are you from Switzerland?
>how do you sustain yourself?
>what do you think of epfl?
>is there any hope for loans for foreigners doing their bachelors? I haven't seen any from google except for masters/phd

>> No.8643884

how did you go about finding lab experience?
what are some things you do in the lab?
what career options do you currently have?
do you plan to go for a masters/phd?

>> No.8643885
File: 24 KB, 411x411, belushi-college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faber College
Delta Tau Chi Fraternity
Seven years down the drain,
I might as well join the Peace Corps.

>> No.8643896

>your school
Trinity College Dublin

>your major
Mech Eng

>your year

>your comments on school/major
Occasionally think i should have done maths or comp eng but im happy enough most of the time. Just don't enjoy materials amd manufacturing

>> No.8643898

Thinking of going there for an exchange next year, whats it like? Are people friendly?

>> No.8643899

Is everyone there asian? I got offered an exchange there but idk..
Im irish so its pretty far away

>> No.8643904

>uni of Sydney
>Mechanical engineer
>Will start first year in a month
>Don't know what to expect
Tell me what I can expect guys regarding studies

>> No.8643909

not the same commenter but isn't it also possible to transfer out of Continuing Education into a real degree?

>> No.8643916

Not sure about sydney but for me its basically maths(calculus,linear algebra), mechanics (solid, fluid), thermo and materials/manufacturing

>> No.8643926

Luton, I feel bad for you mate.
What A Levels?
What uni you aiming for/got offers from?

>> No.8643929
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1461735269063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general expenses covered by TAing, living expenses by parents (although I commuted 3.5h/day for 3 years)
>EPFL is sweet too, ETH is just even better funded and generally higher impact
>I think you can request a form online, although foreign bachelors are much less common than masters

it's a great environment for research and Switzerland is in my opinion the best country to live in in the world. people are pretty cool here; more so overfriendly and beta than super competitive and dismissive (natives at least)

>> No.8643934

How can you admire objectivity then go in to law?

>> No.8643936

I'm in aus

First year is the most enjoyable.
Sustainability units and report writing for it is the most time consuming. You can get decent marks leaving everything to study in the final couple of weeks, that's what I did.
Same with second year desu, but I regret not learning progressively. Going into third year.

>> No.8643940

Do most schools admit freshman to a major? Or are you all just declared?
At my school you do two years of pre reqs then apply to your major and hope you get in.

>Comp E
>no comment

>> No.8643948

Ah ok, thanks.

And pretty much everyone speaks english, right?

>> No.8643953

Brigham Young University
Graduating spring

Is all right. Good geology here in Utah.

>> No.8643971


>> No.8644046

>But would the professors, TA, etc, somehow shun me?
They should be more professional as instructors than that. After all, you're paying tens of thousands to be there.
>Would the professors not offer opportunities to research, etc?
Extremely doubtful. Many schools offer some form of continuing education to working adults in the area, understand that the extension school is just Harvard's version of that. If you want research opportunities try a regular degree. Also understand that there are people from top schools around the world (including Harvard) vying for opportunities to do research with these profs. Ask yourself whether your extension studies degree would stack up against these people.
>From your response I guess employers that only hire people from the elite like the "real" Harvard, like wall street for example, would shun such a degree?
Wall Street HR personnel are very well acquainted with Ivy League degrees, many of them have one themselves. Your resume would be trashed immediately.

Absolutely not. That would be a backdoor into Harvard.

>> No.8644059

>backdoor into any Ivy
Those don't exist anymore anon, the last one at Cornell has been sealed up. I don't think one ever existed for Harvard.

>> No.8644077

>Spain udg

>Chemistry done, doing PhD in Computational Chemistry.

>In Spain we don't have an actual university ranking, but I had a lot of brainlets as classmates.

>> No.8644108

You people who managed to get into university should feel grateful

>> No.8644141

Technological Institute of the Philippines
>inb4 get out

Computer Engineering

2nd Year College student

School is great but not on my grades.

>> No.8644280

>oxford university
>second year
>fucking hell

>> No.8644326

What's wrong with Oxford?

>> No.8644348

You're either a brainlet that can't get scholarships or out of state because UT is easily the best value university in Texas. I'm here on a full ride but in-state tuition is like $4,500 a semester

>> No.8644352

I did research at caltech over the summer and loved it there but i got the impression that everyone that goes there full time wants to commit sudoku

>> No.8644369

Same year, major, and uni as you. We've probably seen each other. Are you in ECE 2100 this semester?

>> No.8644381

>having to suddenly do lots of work and drag a work-ethic from the depths of laziness
>being expected to focus on only one subject for three-four years
>9am lectures
>no room for existential crises

I mean I'm still here, but fucking hell.

On the other hand, the people here are great, and there are lots of interesting things going on.

>> No.8644424
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, OBJECTION!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you admire objectivity then go in to law?

Yeah that's kinda why I'm conflicted.

Although law is certainly more 'objective' than other non-STEM subjects such as English, Philosophy, History, etc. At least in law there is problem-solving and some questions that do have certain answers. Sure there can be debate over technical points of law (usually 'does X count as Y?') but in a lot of typical scenarios it's fairly clear-cut what the answer is. If it weren't then the law would be completely unreliable, right?

I think law is the best of all the non-STEM subjects if you enjoy problem-solving and that stuff. I'm just hung up on how law is 'artificial' whereas science studies naturally-occurring things.

I really do enjoy studying law itself. But I just can't get out of my head the idea that science is 'purer'.

>> No.8644435

Escola Politécnica da USP
Engenharia Mecânica
I just got started and there are many angry feminists everywhere

>> No.8644514
File: 6 KB, 720x576, tam-box-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't really fit in here it seems. Also there is fried chicken and bars off campus but that's it, welcome to college station

>> No.8644526

Aerospace is idealistic

>> No.8644705
File: 18 KB, 583x328, 1485585639667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what uni?
what prospects do you currently have?
best/worst thing about working in labs?

>> No.8644760
File: 440 KB, 1365x1024, Drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drake University
>Actuarial Science Major with a Minor in Data Analytics
>It's pretty good. I got a full-ride scholarship so I can't complain too much. Most of the other students are extremely preppy and uptight, so I don't fit in that well. My business fraternity (Gamma Iota Sigma) is the one place I feel at home.

>> No.8644762

How many exams have you past? Have you interned anywhere yet?

>> No.8644771


Not same anon.

Best thing about labs is that you can move around and physically do things. Pure number crunching and working with computers can get tedious for 8 hours a day, so it is nice to have an excuse to move around a bit.

Worst thing about labs is that experimentations are so uncertain and long. It's easy to waste a month of work simply because of pure random chance. That actually didn't bother me though. What bothered me is that some experiments require you to be present after hours. Biology is on its own clock and can't always be timed out to match your own schedule.

>> No.8644779

So many UBC anons. I'm at UBC Van, doing pure math (hons.) fourth year.

Microbio anon: how does it feel that I took your classes as electives and probably did better than you?

>> No.8644785

Why give a shit about how pure it is, its as pure as math considering both are completely made up to help us do shit.

Purity is a meme and you don't become a greater man by studying a more pure subject.

>> No.8644786

ottawa desu senpai

i regret not attending waterloo even tho i was accepted

>> No.8644792

>Microbio anon: how does it feel that I took your classes as electives and probably did better than you?

1. No way in hell you did better than me.
2. I am glad that at least some mathematicians are interested in empiricism rather than pure speculation. I bet, unlike your peers, you understand how stupid it is to not believe in evolution and believe in the Judeo-Christian God.

>> No.8644794


3. FYI, microbiology is a fluffy elective for us too. It's not a requirement (at least for my major) and was one of the easiest classes I ever took.

>> No.8644807

Idk man, they were the easiest courses I took at UBC. Probably even easier than my english credits and my regular biology electives. I get so butt blasted with these premed tryhards in micro who are the definition of brainlets. I know a couple micro faggots who got under 95% in math 100/101, and didn't even take calc III. Probably the most annoying program on campus. They study hard, but damn are they stupid

>> No.8644814

>he chose his major because of an xkcd comic

should kill himself

>> No.8644829

>I get so butt blasted with these premed tryhards in micro who are the definition of brainlets.

I am the same anon. Your sentiments are shared. I did pre-med in a different university. Pre-meds hate each other because they all think they are royalty and are A type personalities.

There are cool, more quick witted biologists, but they usually go into research and have unorthodox backgrounds. For example, my PI went to Yale for physics, then med school, and then ended up in research.

>> No.8644831

Good, glad someone else hates those people. There are definitely smart people in the field, but they are the exception (also they are the ones who get all the good jobs...)

>> No.8644842

what do you think of farhad?

>> No.8644863

What is xkcd

>> No.8644920

>your school
Kettering University
>your major
Mechanical Engineering
>your year
>your comments on school/major
This place is a fucking sausagefest. 80% male student body. The co-op program is great though and I love the campus.

>> No.8644995

thank you for your response, friend.
Could you give some random examples of what you had to calculate, or specifically what kind math you use (calculus, algebra, etc)?
Also what did you major in?

>> No.8645015

RWTH Aachen


2nd year

Very theoretical, really nice

>> No.8645023
File: 3.96 MB, 272x204, 1453043504962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ nigger, you might actually be autistic. I actually respect math students but just these two posts kind of explain why everyone views you as losers with assburgers.

t. someone who's studying microbio at an irrelevant Yuropoor faculty and also hates premeds

>> No.8645027

I have the feeling that this is what would happen to me if I went to A&M, as someone who was born in austin and would probably fit in rather comfortably in UT

>> No.8645032


The math you use very much depends on your research.

Some research requires very advanced math and other research requires almost no math (very basic stats and dimensional analysis). Probably most labs don't require very much math. In the lab that I was talking about, I didn't have to use very much math.

Yet, when I help out some friends in neuroscience, the math that they have to use (or atleast understand) is fairly advanced. Actually, alot of neuroscientists come from physics, math, and engineering backgrounds. Now that I think about it, I think all my neuroscience professors had very mathematical backgrounds.

Usually, advanced statistics and computer science would be applicable to biological research. Alot of researchers even just become data scientists after getting their PhD.

>> No.8645049

in german?

>> No.8645050

I was going to go there but my chances to get in a proper major looked better at a&m so that's all I based the pick on

>> No.8645052

what am I watching?

>> No.8645053

I'm trying to there for compsci, fingers crossed

I also got into a&m pretty early for compsci too

>> No.8645064
File: 165 KB, 800x625, 800px-Anthrax_color_enhanced_micrograph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I'm merely beginning my uni stuff next year after saving up, hopefully uni of manchester/edinburgh/ucl or not-happening oxford
do you have any book suggestions, useful links, anything that revolves around microbiology and it's subsystems that you could share? I'm really fascinated by this stuff.

>> No.8645065


There's order in chaos

>> No.8645095


I can only offer the name of a couple books that I had to use for undergrad,



The Amazon reviews reflect my feelings on them.

To go into more specifics of when advanced math is used, advanced math is used mainly for modeling. Biological systems have many stochastic, constantly changing variables. In order to properly represent those processes in the model, statistics, differential equations, advanced linear algebra, etc. are required. In addition, for some bioengineering, biophysics, etc., a knowledge of physics is necessary to create good models. I have seen modeling particularly prevalent in: biophysics, biochemistry, and neuroscience.

The labs that do not need as much math are the ones that are not trying to create mathematical and computer models. Those labs would just need some basic math for things like hypothesis testing, rate calculations, dilution factors, etc.

>> No.8645138

I've glanced over pdfs of those books and they look pretty intriguing, definitely plan to study them.
Also I had no idea the math varies this much in bio,
pretty eye opening.
Thanks for the help.

>> No.8645140

>applied math
>fuck this place, full of normies

>> No.8645144

>i regret not attending waterloo
Don't, it's overrated beyond all hell

>> No.8645149

Penn state
Information systems
I hate commuting. The programming classes are boring as fuck. Really love the it project management courses as well as operations mgmt. Good program, I just suck at Java.

>> No.8645182

Florida State University

Pure Mathematics


It's alright. The teachers are nice and have alot of knowledge of the topics they teach and the classes are /comfy/. Only wish that the libraries were the same way, but what can you do?

>> No.8645376
File: 76 KB, 530x398, Peterhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm unable to fully embrace Cambridge because I just see it as a second-rate Oxford because of how eminent Oxford is in popular culture.
Everyone knows Cambridge is superior to Oxford, except Yanks because 'muh rhodes scholarship'

>> No.8645453

i'm currently a freshman there (uw seattle) in cs

how do you like it

what classes do i take to not be a brainlet

>> No.8645460

cambridge sounds like a gay ass name, sorry dentist dodger.

>> No.8645515
File: 291 KB, 900x600, Pembroke College.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concede that Oxford does sound nicer to the ears

>> No.8645770

Any comparisons between Florida State and University of Florida?

>> No.8645842

>California State University San Marcos

tfw i'm the only autist in class size of ~30

>> No.8645865

they specialize in different things, fsu has more of an arts and social sciences focus, uf is more business and engineering, and better at general undergrad stuff. ofc even within engineering there are some things fsu is better at. there are nerds at fsu but most students tend to be either sjw hipsters or alcoholic normalfag chad types, uf has some of those but a lot of nerds, foreign students, hippies and general weirdos, there is even a nazi. tallahassee is a pretty shitty place, there is some good food and bars but its crowded and ghetto, gainesville is harder to get around but a pretty nice place.

src: went to uf undergrad and fsu for masters in math

>> No.8645978

Why did you choose medicine?
i'm in bachillerato and currently split between going into medicine or engineering.

>> No.8646157

> University of California, Berkeley

> Mathematics

> 2nd year Phd Student

I'm studying theoretical computer science, and Berkeley is one of the best places to do that. I especially like the Simon's institute lectures. The only place I would have preferred was MIT.

>> No.8646173

Cal Poly Pomona
Computer Engineer
Major? Complete shit. I'm switching to Finance.

>> No.8646177

If you go to UF become best friends with John Stanton, his quantum peen is enormous

>> No.8646184



>3rd year

>Cheap tuition fees but ruthless grading system

>> No.8646188
File: 69 KB, 186x178, 1013 - CiqeIO4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midwest state school maybe top 100 in country at best

>electrical engineering/physics

>currently sophomore

>The school is alright and know a few friends. Not the best school I couldve attended but it's ABET accreditted and almost free with instate and scholarships

>> No.8646203

>FIU alma mater
>Math & Computer Science
>started a PhD in CS at UChicago but left it at the end of winter quarter. looking at masters in financial math now, perhaps transitioning into a PhD in the field

ask me questions about florida, UChicago, or just meme on me

>> No.8646204

I went to the main campus for like six hours and left because they told me they couldn't give any financial aid. It was going to be ~$30,000 per year as an in-state student. it's so ridiculous. i go to a community college now in another state that is literally half of the cost including rent/food and I'll transfer into a better university than stupid PSU.

>> No.8646206

i wasn't even born in this country and i know the UC system and most of the acronyms in this thread
i guess these are the fruits of a 3 digit IQ

>> No.8646209
File: 74 KB, 230x230, pepe 420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



4th year undergrad

really enjoying it, glad I switched from marine biology

>> No.8646232
File: 91 KB, 614x588, 0069 - nokSoT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be born in Cali and have instate access some of the best public universities in the country and then leave the state because it is a shithole
Feels real bad

>> No.8646239
File: 32 KB, 230x230, pepe weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not born in cali but still in a UC

>> No.8646360
File: 77 KB, 372x300, 1484438552756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your school
University of Sydney
>your major
>your year
Already graduated
>your comments on school/major
Graduating is the easy part, its finding the job that will be hard for you.

>> No.8646365

Okay. Continue to kiss their ass. Sheesh!

>> No.8646436

>Nazarbayev University
Greatest uni in the world
all other unis are run by little girls

>> No.8646444

>you could be getting burned alive in the streets for not hating Trump right now
>instead you are at a non-cali state university where no one cares and people just want to learn

>> No.8646448

University of Technology Vienna
Technical Maths, but probably Financial/Acturial Maths later on
Liking it so far, cool professors

>> No.8646453


I am suspicious. I don't know avout the physical harm to people, but I think the property damage might be from anarchists. They were at the inaguration too.

The people dressed in all black are the only ones showing up on the news, but they are not part of the main group.

It is a common infiltration technique used by the government (e.g. remember Egypt). But this might be anarchists and not the gov. Definitely a different group though.

>> No.8646522

Yes, master is English

>> No.8646915

why not mixing both?

>> No.8646928

if your goal is to make a lot of money, you're set with either one of them

if you choose medicine, you can end up having your own consult en providencia atendiendo hijos de cuicos

>> No.8646938

>University of Edinburgh
>Theoretical Physics

I'm enjoying it, they work you like a dog though, it's relentless. There's a reason it scores so lowly for student satisfaction, although I was expecting it when I came and.

>> No.8646944

Never heard of this university before. Interesting concept, outsourcing knowledge.

>> No.8646947

>Moscow State University
>4 year
Not that bad, one of the few places in my cunt there it's still possible to get non-meme education and then leave this country forever, but I ruined by GPA so my chances are damn low now.

Hi fellow post-ussr

>> No.8647175

>Graduating is the easy part, its finding the job that will be hard for you.
But I thought STEM guaranteed me a job?!?!?! Aww man, and I spent all that time trolling arts majors... Fuck...

>> No.8647180

Were you Scottish or did you go to Edinburgh after finishing your A-levels? I would hate to spend 4 years at university for an undergrad degree (5 for a masters). Or were you allowed to enter in 2nd year?

>> No.8647210


if you are smart no, if you are average, no one wants your normie brain

>> No.8647286
File: 349 KB, 1600x900, IMG_1233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any universities worth paying out of state tuition for if I'm going into engineering? Currently in a standard public uni in my home state.

>> No.8647386

As long as your degree is ABET accredited you should be fine as long as you do well. Even if you cant land your dream company straight from college, when you apply later with experience your college of study wont really matter

>> No.8647716

That would requires taking evolution/ecology classes which I find boring as shit compared to stuff like molecular biology or genetics

Also I despise anatomy

>> No.8647820
File: 91 KB, 618x412, paul dano perturbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a choice between
Trinity College Dublin
University College London
Which one desu should I choose?

UCL is ranked way higher, but TCD has that ancient college appeal to it and its not bad at all
For postgraduate

>> No.8647830

so easy to transfer to stanford amirite

>> No.8647858
File: 1.03 MB, 3062x2076, University of Cambridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University of Cambridge
>Final year (3)
>Cambridge is fucking awesome. So tranquil. I leisurely punt on the River Cam. I'm surrounded by beautiful architecture. I dine in full academic dress (Harry Potter-style gowns) in dining halls that are older than your country, where I am served luxurious 4-course meals. I have weekly 1 on 1 meetings with world-leading experts in my subject where I get exclusive feedback on my work. When I tell people I go to Cambridge, I am treated like a celebrity. I have employers literally falling over themselves to offer me high-paying jobs. I'm going to be really sad when I have to leave. I genuinely believe there is no other university in the world that can match this experience.

>> No.8647865

6 important questions.

1) What will you be studying?

2) Where did you do your undergraduate?

3) What did you study for your undergraduate?

4) Do you intend to live and work in Ireland?

5) Are you Irish?

6) Do you have any other choices?

>> No.8647873

Small liberal arts school
Philosophy and economics
Philosophy is engaging, and it's worth studying. That said, economics has helped me more in my career. Currently, I sell modern and antique firearms.

>> No.8647898

Physics and Astronomy
Probably not
Yes but im unlikely to get in

>> No.8647928

>Know Python and C# to a high extent
>Only done CompSci GCSE

>Pick one

>> No.8647941

get a load of this pretentious cunt

>> No.8647959

At least Ottawa has cute girls.

t. waterloo cs

>> No.8647972

>tfw i have been going to UCR for nearly 8 years and i still have 2 years left in my CS degree
kill me

>> No.8648225

I'm doing mechE from there. What's the job situation for this?

>> No.8648230

>McMaster University
>First year
>It's ok, First years like high-school but with more free time.

Might try for a transfer for Waterloo, not sure if it's worth it though

>> No.8648244

holy shit another akron student
transfer to ohio state if you ever want to get out of NE Ohio
>graduating senior, EE

>> No.8648405

>utterly pretentious garbage, the post
>philosophy major

checks out

>> No.8648413

it has to be a joke post though. it's too perfectly showing the stupidity of philosophy majors

>> No.8648418

I'm a grad student at UCR. Apparently we have a good CS program, so you have that going for you...

I live on Blaine street.

>> No.8648532

Are you my cs120b teacher ? I know he is a grad student.do you recommended me staying there ? It taking me so long because it expensive no fafsa or loans.thinking about going somewhere cheaper but since it's apparently a good cs program should I stay?

>> No.8648541

That's crazy if true, Seattle is a shithole. Doesn't make any sense

>> No.8648546

in on honeypot thread

>> No.8648547

it's easily one of the best US cities. lol what the fuck are you on. don't come to the USA if seattle isn't good enough for you. the rest is either worse or not much better.

>> No.8648548


Dont pick major until last year

1st year (3rd year equivalent in other countries since there is 2 years of mandatory cram school in France)

I fucking hate engineering and my school as well.

>> No.8648550

I lived right outside of Seattle for 1.5 years during school as a total outsider from the east coast and I thought it was fine. It's definitely nicer than Pittsburgh, at least. The nature of Washington is great, too.

a lot of asians though so that was annoying but I was in school so they'd be there no matter where I go.

>> No.8648552


Alot of companies and people from the bay are moving up to Seattle because the bay is too expensive. The bay is still more expensive than Seattle, but the foot traffic is pushing prices up alot in the Pacific Northwest.

I lived in both places. I personally liked Seattle much more than San Francisco. However, probably most of the people in San Francisco wouldn't like the weather or the quieter personality types found in the Seattle region.

>> No.8648553


You should have seen the ramen festival in San Francisco. Buses and the BART were crammed as everyone from everywhere was trying to go to the city to get a bowl of ramen. In terms of Asian population, Seattle is nothing compared to the bay area.

The guy you are replying to probably is from California. Everything that is not California is a shit hole according to a Californian.

>> No.8648554

>quieter personality types found in the Seattle region

you mean passive aggressive hippies?

>> No.8648556

>one of the best US cities
lol I wouldn't even put it in the top 20

>> No.8648558

I almost went near SF for Berkeley as a transfer but I chose NYC for Columbia instead. I highly prefer Jews to Asians, basically, but I also sort of didn't want to live in California.
>the quieter personality type
I totally get what you mean.

>> No.8648561

>you mean passive aggressive hippies?

Actually, that was more of my experience with the bay. Seattle seemed alot more chill to me, and that's why I liked it more.

The Pacific Northwest has alot of Nordic influence. I have read that alot of people take in the region's culture poorly; it has a name, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Freeze .

>> No.8648569

as shitty and unprofessional as wikipedia is, that has to be one the dumbest articles I've seen on there

>> No.8648576

passive aggressive just means you're a petty twat, not some introverted snownigger intellectual (oxymoron, I know, scandinavians and their descendants are subhumans)

>> No.8648580

>feedback on my work
>my work
>philosophy major
I seem to have found two contradictory statements in your post.

>> No.8648581

>passive aggressive just means you're a petty twat

i.e. most of the people that I met in California

> introverted snownigger intellectual (oxymoron, I know, scandinavians and their descendants are subhumans)

i.e. most of the people that I met in Seattle

I am a little confused what you are trying to say. It sounds like you are agreeing with me while insulting Scandinavians by calling them subhuman?

I am curious, what is a good region according to you?

>> No.8648702

Oklahoma State University
Biosystems engineering
2nd year
I think the only point to this school is football and to integrate hillbillies into the 21st century. Yeehaw

>> No.8649485

Your standard of beauty is questionable senpai

>> No.8649487


>> No.8649520

Of course it is, I go to Waterloo

>> No.8649537

Mac's campus is a lot better. Only go to memerpoo if you want to do nothing, but math(since there will never be anything else to do there).

>> No.8649550

He goes to a shit-tier uni. He doesn't have much of a choice if he wants to earn a living, anon

>> No.8649568

That school depresses me. Dated someone who went there and she was retarded.

>> No.8649573

can confirm, there's nothing to do here and the food sucks ass

>> No.8649578

this silly name made me laugh quite a lot

>> No.8649886

your first year CHE200 prof

>> No.8650186

Pls respond jeff

>> No.8650278

NASA, test piloting, 2020, moon rocks

>> No.8650713

>U of A

>Electrical Engineering

>2nd year

I'm in co-op which sucks cuz the ECE faculty is bigger than it's ever been and competition is so high. Almost everyone I've met so far it autistic or has their head up their ass and I hate it. Course are pretty neat though

>> No.8651174

Sounds like you're just jealous you don't go to an amazing university like I do. Most likely you're just butthurt that a Philosophy major will have a better job than you.