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8640864 No.8640864 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever watched a GP or even worse, a med student, try to explain something as if they were a biologist or a chemist and had the slightest idea what they were talking about?

Is medical practitioner the definitive brainlet occupation?

>> No.8640871


A large proportion of medical students have a degree in Biology, upwards of 50%

Medicine is structured to engage with patients in education at the 4th grade level.

If a doctor explained to a patient why they went into diabetic ketoacidosis, no doctor would say, "well your lack of insulin has caused your cells to engage in betaoxidation of fatty acids to produce pyruvate to enter glycolysis and produce ATP, but because you are utilizing fatty acids you are causing production of ketone acids that has caused your blood's pH to rise and you're severely dehydrated because free glucose molecules are freely circulating and pulling water from your intracellular space and causing a state of slight crenation. This is why we are giving you lots of IV fluids, this is why you're on an insulin drip to resolve ketoacidosis, this is why I'm monitoring your anion gaps."

Patient's aren't educated, generally. Patient's also generally want to hear this explanation when they are sick.

If your case is different and you're seen as an outpatient, then ask for a thorough explanation or study the mechanisms yourself

>> No.8640876
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Medical students are biologists and 50% chemists. It's part of their lengthy formation.

Judging by your post, I would describe you like pic related

>> No.8640880

They are undergrads not researchers. Big fucking difference, bud.

I'm talking about stuff you can't read in a book.

>> No.8640885

No, you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.8640890

Yes I do. You are not an active researcher. You are not a scientist. You are a walking encyclopedia. This is fact.

>> No.8640912

Medfag here, we are taught a lot of physiology in med school without the biological underpinnings. Any medfag or GP that you were conversing with is probably going off of knowledge acquired in their undergrad. That being said we're still smarter than you.

>> No.8640917

>This is fact.
>what I say is the truth no matter what anyone can say, I know everything!

The worst kind of people

>> No.8640935

No undergraduate has the expertise to speak authoritatively on biology.

>> No.8640953

Acidosis leads to your pH sinking. Other than that, nicely explained.

Get off your high horse. I have to have a working understanding and knowledge of all natural sciences. Why would you assume I don't know what I'm talking about? If I don't know specific details I can look them up and incorporate them.

>> No.8640966

Your argument is that a biological researcher is different from a biologist.
This is shocking. So...you're telling us that the biologists that work at Fish and Game.... are different from the biological researchers...

And you are applying this argument to doctors, whom you believe can not explain physiological or pathological issues because....they are not biological researchers?

>> No.8641063

>everyone's worried about me, want me to see a "psychiatrist"
>I'm lying down
>shrink asks me personal questions
>flat out let her know I don't believe in this crap
>oh boy here comes the pill pushing
>haldol 20mg and ativan 4mg IM
>just makes me tired
>return to my castle on the moon and resume shitposting
Medicine is one big scam

>> No.8641147

>caused your blood's pH to rise
You wot mate

>> No.8641173

Yeah I typed that several hours ago on the run.
Was a mistake, tried to convey lower and insulin admin would assist in returning/ raising pH over time

>> No.8641174

My shrink was using treatments from like the 70s

>> No.8641180

Of course. It's just the go-to major for brainlets who want to be able to make money despite the fact that they are brainlets.

>> No.8641182

That's not my argument my all.

My argument is that simply graduating with a degree in biology does not make you a biologist.

>> No.8641184

the brain is complicated anon

>> No.8641201

This tbqh senpai

>> No.8641227

That's why there are people here confused about your argument.
You have no parameters for your conclusion.
You state people who are not actually engaged in biological research are not biologists, even when holding degrees in biology.

There are multiple subsets of biology, and many "biologists" apply biology in application. There are also biology professors, teachers, wildlife conservators, and even the people who periodically test for invasive plants to preserve their particular ecosystem are "biologists."

To make your assumption, you should explain (rationally) why all the other disciplines besides the one discipline is worthy of having the name, biologist.

Hard mode: arguments are usually only valid if they contain no subjective data what so ever. You cant use "I feel," or "I think." You have to approach completely objectively, with no opinions

>> No.8641239
File: 20 KB, 842x595, iq major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're smarter than you.

you're a glorified mechanic and medicine attracts brainlets because all you have to do is put in some effort to memorize shit and you'll do fine.

>> No.8641244
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>medicine right next to sociology


>> No.8641251

>posts bullshit without any sources

>> No.8641263


That's funny, since medical students take the MCAT and not the GRE

>> No.8641276

>You state people who are not actually engaged in biological research are not biologists, even when holding degrees in biology.
You're putting words in my mouth. I said nothing of the kind.

>> No.8641282
File: 45 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another one with the source, medicine is still brainlet tier and physics is still by far the highest. as a physics major it always makes me laugh when people in """"sciences"""" like biology think theyre smart.

>> No.8641289

Wtf is this? For starters the GRE is meme tier and not even taken by pre-meds. It seems that you don't quite realize that there is much more to medicine than simple memorization. Application of knowledge under time constraints such that being able to assess situations concisely is a matter of life and death. This is the crux of a physician's responsibilities. A differential diagnosis of a sick patient ultimately comes down to your best guess and by no means is it easy.

>> No.8641293

Health professions is not in the same category as medicine

Health professions are subjects like Dental assisting, nursing, radiology technicians, things of that nature

When you look up a college or university, you will see its demarcated as such

There is Medical Schools
And there are colleges of health professions
And many have both.

If I say I study medicine, then I am a medical student
If I say I study nursing, then I am a nursing student under the umbrella of health professions

>> No.8641303

This is completely skewed as it is tallying intended college majors and not those accepted into said majors. Also, the health professions datum includes nurses, CMA and other low level providers.

>> No.8641314

Are PCPs better than GPs?

>> No.8641317

you can look at biology and chemistry majors, which constitutes most of people who go to med school, and you'll see its still humanities tier

>> No.8641327

Find me something that directly correlates graduate level physicists having a notably higher IQ than medical students. I'll wait.

>> No.8641350

Personal care providers are not physicians but instead someone that helps you to the bathroom and then wipes your ass. GPs (general practitioners) have gone through extensive training and are licensed to practice medicine.

>> No.8641417
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just spent a while looking around and there aren't any reliable sources for med student iqs most sources I saw were somehere in the range of 120-130 but again, nothing I trust enough to link. Just as a question though, do you really think graduate level physicists aren't smarter than med students on average? just think of the kind of person that wants to be a doctor and the kind of person that wants to be a physicist. There really is no contest, medicine is a worthwhile profession but in an intellectual pissing contest there is just no contest. GL saving people's lives friend!

>> No.8641446

We'll make more money than you and medical professions(MDs) are better regarded than physicists or whatever you are. That's all that matters in life.

>> No.8641455

>be biochemist
>doctor tries to explain biochem to me

>> No.8641457

I meant primary care physician.

>> No.8641470

General Practitioners receive their training based on material compiled by Biomed Studies.
The issue is that the information is reduced to the information that is usable to their direct practice, and as such the material is "fixed" in such a way to make general concepts "stick together".

Other than that GPs and most of medicine are frankly only about 20% scientific, and that is entirely weighted not on practice but on studies, scientific instrumentation and lab tests.

Non-lab diagnostic processes (which are the majority of diagnostic processes) are rarely scientific.

A larger issue is that not all MD candidates are required to learn anything more than basic anatomy, some disease pathology and some biomed jargon. Few institutions actually require any study in Epistemology (the underlying study behind Science), with the result being a practice run by an ignorant majority that often muck about with fallacies, biases and forced pattern matching (to match the pathologies that most easily remember or can look up).

People generally go into med because they trust their ego and memory, not because they have an interest in learning processes, hard science or relying on instrumentation.

Med is a people (interactive) practice; rarely is it a reviewed (scientific) practice.

There are movements changing this in 'the system' however. It's better to jump on board now, at least in jargon and association, rather than be left behind and looking like a complete idiot.

>> No.8641474

Hahahaha, so much this

>be pharmacist (PharmD)
>spend 4 years learning kinetics, dynamics, toxics, interactions, and applications in the human body + a 3 year residency
>an MD tries to educate me on a medication

Not hating on all physicians, but I'm glad to see that medical schools are training their students to consult and attempt to function as a team instead of treating the team as subordinates

>> No.8641633

Never said that physicists weren't smarter. I took offense to OP saying that Medicine is a brainlet occupation.

>> No.8641847

>one of the most respected jobs for centuries and still today
>fierce competition with the best and brightest competing for limited spots
>people who specialise think they're smarter because of more specific knowledge
really gets your noggin thinkin