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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8639824 No.8639824 [Reply] [Original]

>The universe is a closed system, and it will not expand forever.
>Eventually it will collapse into black holes, and there will be a new singularity.
>Given that it is a closed system, the following big bang will produce exactly the same universe down to your current brain chemistry
>Your parents will always meet
>You will always be born, just as you always have
If this is true, how does it make you feel? Nietszche believed that most men would not be able to hand it, but I believe that his philosophical ideas based on ancient knowledge will eventually be a leading theory on the fate, and past, of the universe. Free will is an illusion, but it is also just a mind game we play with ourselves. We are just like the motion of the cosmos, revolving through our life. Will you fight to make this eternal life of yours the best it can be? Will you find love that is truly eternal?

>> No.8639828

>Given that it is a closed system, the following big bang will produce exactly the same universe down to your current brain chemistry

I need this part explained to me.

>> No.8639829

>The universe is a closed system, and it will not expand forever.

Your entire argument rests on this being true and we don't know if it is.

>> No.8639832

there is as much evidence pointing towards a Big Crunch/Bounce as to a Big Freeze. The universe has gone through different rates of expansion, and you should rule out that it will eventually collapse, or that there is no boundary and eventually the matter gets trapped in black holes that then, (after an unimaginably long time) come together. Do you deny that the universe is a closed system, though? This I actually want to know if it makes sense.

>> No.8639835

Tell me where I am wrong. I understand that it rests of the premise that the universe will collapse.

>> No.8639908

You didn't even clarify what I quoted.

>> No.8639959

Accelerating expansion of the universe points toward a Big Rip in the far future instead of a Big Crunch. There is no reason to believe that the universe will ever collapse into a single singularity or that it will ever assume its initial conditions again (to the contrary, in fact, since the CMB appears utterly random and the concept of hidden variables probably won't ever make a comeback).

Quantum fluctuations may or may not produce universes again, but for them to ever play out exactly as this one requires assumptions that we are in no position to make.

>> No.8639991

Hi, Pepe here (4chan solved unification theory)

Infinity = void

Infinite matter is not possible or we would be stuck in matter. (No room to move)

Infinite void is not possible because there would be no matter. (And we would not exist)

There is a balance

>all negatives = void
>all positives = matter (what are opposites compared to positive/negative)

In the question if nature is infinity the anwser is yes. Nature is the cycle of matter. And that cycle is infinite

>Change infinity to everything (all matter in the universe)
>take 1 matter and place it in 1 void.

There is one less -1void and the +1 matter is part of everything again

So -1=1=0=everything

>in our universe all matter = equal to the void.

Next step. Creating matter
>matter × matter = matter^2 × -matter^2 (the loss in void)=2 matter (and -2 loss in void)

Wait how did I get a positive number when I combined a positive with a negative?

>because 1(positive) × -1(negative) = 0 ×-void +1 matter

>> No.8639993

what fucking math does he have to back this up though?

>> No.8639999

Fogot to say the following:

> light travels instantly in a void, and is only visible by reflection and absorbtion in/of matter

>> No.8640000

Digits confirm

>> No.8640004

And again

>> No.8640008

there are no outside effects changing the course of events in the history of the universe, so everything will occur exactly the same as before - leading to you right up again reading this thread

>> No.8640031
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>> No.8640049
File: 73 KB, 620x620, Dynamitmann_ist_über_deinen_Pfosten_nicht_erfreut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF you talking about, you moronic ape?
Eternal Recurrence is a fucking thought experiment, it measures your life´s worth or something like that. Nietzsche never, EVER said it was to be interpreted as a metaphysical state of being.
For fuck´s sake, he hated the scientism of his times and always refused to argue for his theses because he so goddamn hated all formality.

How can anyone be so ridiculously stupid?
>pic related, he frowns upon your garbage post

>> No.8640277

What evidence do you have for the closed system? Wasnt the big crunch kinda abandoned when they found out about dark energy?

>> No.8640288

>he thinks that light stops
KEK that means there is a big fucking wall and the fact that we can't see it means light continues forever and expands everything
If the universe had a wall we would see it because it would have to be fucking massive, light would reflect off of it perfectly because the wall would be made of nuetrons and when light hits neutrons it loses no energy thus making the wall a giant blank slate for neutrons that are impenetrable and can be see all over the universe no matter where you are at, from earth would would no longer be able to see the stars as all their light would be reflected from the wall it would be day all the time and it would be freezing from 1700-0600
We would be in a very different universe

>> No.8640539

>still believing in the big crunch

>> No.8640587

Not OP.
Even if there were a wall then we wouldn't see it if it were outside of the observable universe.

>> No.8640625

>>Given that it is a closed system, the following big bang will produce exactly the same universe down to your current brain chemistry
>>Your parents will always meet
>>You will always be born, just as you always have

> I am forever doomed to be an underachieving loser reliving this hell over and over for all eternity

I didn't ask for this.

>> No.8640628

Terrible. I find adult life to be exceuciatingly boring. Can't wait for it to be over. The only good thing is that time seems to pass faster when youre older. Also being a kid was pretty baller. My favorite thing by far was having sex for the first time. So there's a silver lining, at least:

>> No.8640638
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does he even science ?

>> No.8640684

Then why is there always more stars no matter how deep we look?

>> No.8640846

Don't worry, this reply will comfort you an infinite amount of times, so now you are happy.

>> No.8640848

>If this is true, how does it make you feel?

Its not true so it doesn't make me feel anything.

>> No.8640869

>having sex
so you're nothing more than an animal, driven by chemicals, what a great life achievement.

>> No.8641772

>so you're nothing more than an animal, driven by chemicals
nobody can say they are any different. this is why free will is an illusion. it is a mind game. we move through life like a rock through space, and if you (theoretically of course) had a computer bigger than the universe that was recording the big bang (and was powerful enough to simulate all the atoms in the universe) then you could simulate all human lives and the end of the universe.

>> No.8641781


I just do not give a fuck OP.

Believing in fate does not change the illusion of free will. If I do not do what needs to be done, no one will do it. Only can count on myself and live with the consequences.

>> No.8641800

You're interpreting him wrong though OP. For him it was a thought experiment which was meant to give you a reason to make your life as good as it could possibly be.

Imagine that life was recurring infinitely, then it would be the biggest burden to bear if your life sucked, hence you should make the best out if it, in the sense that it wouldn't bother you to repeat it over and over again.

>> No.8642326

this actually explains dejavu. i think we are finally right /sci/

>> No.8642378
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>> No.8642405

>posting philosophy on a science board

Also Neechy was just max stirner samefagging.

>> No.8643127

looks like it is time to finally start a religion

>> No.8644213 [DELETED] 

>everything will occur exactly the same as before

When will it start happening? The moment you die?

>> No.8644226


if the universe is a closed system which recurs infinitely and the same way each time then that also implies the universe is completely deterministic and you have no control over how your life turns out

>> No.8644283

Well god fucking damn, Now I can't undo my birth with this timemachine.

>> No.8645591
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>> No.8645664
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>> No.8645707
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>the following big bang will produce exactly the same universe down to your current brain chemistry

"Quantum dice rolls" make this extremely unlikely.

Let's say it was possible to travel back in time 100 years. Even if the time-traveler managed to have absolutely no impact on anything (nothing that would cause a "butterfly effect" type scenario), the events of history from that point on could/would still play out differently for them.

The universe could still be a closed system that expands and then collapses, but there's no reason to think everything would happen exactly the same way every time. Quantum weirdness can put a limit on how predictable the universe is.

An example of what I'm attempting to describe:

>> No.8645714
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This post is correct. Eternal Recurrence, while interpretable in different ways, was a thought experiment

>> No.8645725

I wish people would learn how to fucking differentiate closed systems and ISOLATED closed systems.

>> No.8645733

my bet is on the simulation hypothesis, for no reason in particular.

>> No.8646361

>Nietzsche was just Max Stirner
This better be bait.

>> No.8646422

oh god, im trapped with you autistic fucks for all eternity

kill me now