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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8627923 No.8627923 [Reply] [Original]


Effected scientists are from the department of environmental protection and the department of agriculture



>> No.8627925
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>> No.8627928

The ARS is claiming there is no gag order, but this is the internal memo which leaked to the press:

" “Starting immediately and until further notice, ARS will not release any public-facing documents. This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds, and social media content"

>> No.8627938

we have a board specifically for this. fuck off.

remember to report OP unless you want the board filled with this shit.

>> No.8627940

I think /sci/ deserves to be informed about the ongoing "war against science" by the trump administration

>> No.8627946 [DELETED] 

it's only a war against fake climate science, stop conflating fake science with real science

>> No.8627948

1. Climate science is not fake you idiot. global warming should not even be a political issue. it's republicans who made it a political issue by trying to seed doubt about the results of the scientific research because the oil giants are among their donors

2. It's not just the department of environment protection which is effected

>> No.8627962

>it's republicans who made it a political issue by trying to seed doubt about the results of the scientific research because the oil giants are among their donors

you're never going to be able to spin leftists turning climate science into a personal slush fund into something the republicans did maliciously, no matter how much fake news you try to pump out

>> No.8627965

Yikes, I suspect a big purge is coming up. Thankfully a lot of the data has been backed up in foreign countries.

>> No.8627967


>> No.8627972


>> No.8627973

Whataboutism, not an argument

>> No.8627975

And thus it begun ......

>> No.8627979


>> No.8627980

It makes me sad that you probably actually believe this.
And when I say sad I mean embarrassed. I feel embarrassed that you are here.
Please return to your brainlet board.
I'm asking you nicely.

>> No.8627981

>Please return to your brainlet board.
which one is that? i've been posting here since the first day this board opened

>> No.8627985

Why do you feel the need to lie like that?
On 4chan of all places?
I don't mind where you go, but >>>/x/ or >>>/pol/ would suit your belief system more than this board does.
Bye bye!

>> No.8627988 [DELETED] 

Fun fact: among the 3% of climate scientists who deny human-caused climate change, many of them also used to claim cigarettes don't use cancer

>> No.8627990

Fun fact: among the 3% of climate scientists who deny human-caused climate change, many of them also used to claim cigarettes don't cause cancer.

The other 97% of climatologists say global warming is real and human caused.

>> No.8627992

>Why do you feel the need to lie like that?
it must be a lie to fit your narrative right? try not being so closeminded

>> No.8628004

I can't believe you can take yourself seriously

>> No.8628008
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Does everything that contradicts your worldview qualify as fake science? Cutting funding is one thing, outright censorship is essentially admitting the problem exists.

Fucking kill yourself my friend.

>> No.8628012

>I can't believe you can take yourself seriously

>Does everything that contradicts your worldview qualify as fake science?

>> No.8628014

fucking Kim Jong-orange

>> No.8628024
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Care to elaborate? I want to analyze the psyche of a retard.

>> No.8628026

islam contradicts my worldview but it's not fake science

>> No.8628041

Fun fact
Through stimulation by high potential high frequency current it is possible to create ozone, excite the usually inert nitrogen in the atmosphere allowing it to be utilized and also plausable with other elements, such as carbon which essentially means we could clean and repair our atmosphere.
Trump, and a lot of presidents before him know of the methods to do this, and such methods have been available since the beginning of the 19 hundreds. https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/patents/us-patent-568177-apparatus-producing-ozone
He does not go on to explain in his patent the many other uses for this, including but not limited to the the environmentally friendly production of nitrogen fertilizer.

Tell me again how climate change is not a fabricated problem to boost fossil fuel prices? Don't get me wrong we are doing damage, but only because its allowed to happen for inflation. This is what trump will end. He is actually a lot like JFK, just not as much of a gentleman

>> No.8628043

I'm sure you've read the text

It's pretty much another law to keep tech and research secret

You know, so people have less desire to leak shit to the Chinese or something

Good old fake news.

>> No.8628046

Allahu akbar, Mohammed Bin Aflicki!

>> No.8628080


He's learning from Putin real fast.

>> No.8628153

>Through stimulation by high potential high frequency current it is possible to create ozone, excite the usually inert nitrogen in the atmosphere allowing it to be utilized and also plausable with other elements, such as carbon which essentially means we could clean and repair our atmosphere.

>> No.8628361

If Trump sent a gag order to the department of Papercraft and Origami, don't you think /po/ would have a thread?

>> No.8628366

you would be lucky if /pol/ doesn't falsely report this thread for breaking the rules. /pol/ is doing their own form of censoring on other boards that trash /pol/

>> No.8628367

really stimulates my nitrogen

>> No.8628371


how to trigger retards on /sci/

>> No.8628380

>it's just to keep tech and research secret

>> No.8628381

>/pol/ is doing their own form of censoring on other boards that trash /pol/
Considering most of /pol/ are redditshits from r/thedonald, it comes to no surprise that they want an echo chamber.

>> No.8628383

Oh boy back to /pol/

>> No.8628384


shitty bait

>> No.8628394

They're also trying to divide /sci/ against itself. Every climate thread has at least one "fuck climate change and fuck white people" and the samefagging is out of control. If you ask me, thread IDs make more sense on /sci/, they're wasted on /pol/.

>> No.8628409

Ozone generated on the ground would not reach the ozone layer lol. I'm pretty sure it'd just create smog. Maybe if we had some satellites producing it.

>> No.8628410


>department of environmental scamming and the department of farming subsidies

>> No.8628413
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just wait until all the ground water is polluted

>> No.8628434
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>He lives in a coastal city
Jokes on you guys. My comfy suburban Houston home will be beachfront property in 50 years

>> No.8628447


Looks like trump is cleaning house on all of the federal grants people get. Considering how much bullshit research papers and general waste that i hear on here i am glad he's doing it.

>> No.8628507

He didn't cut the waste. He cut everything

>> No.8628508


>> No.8628625


We are not affecting our environment. No waterways have been diverted or damned. No oil has been pumped out of the ground (which explains why they still have all the reserves they had twenty years ago).

Only irresponsible tiny little minds deny climate change and deny that we are causing the increase in catastrophic weather extremes. Trump the Precedent is anything but responsible: He sure doesn't have any honor or intelligence...but then he's the same as the rest that professed to having accomplished something positive and, yet, here we are in this nasty gargantuan problem of environmental disaster that is at its worst.

>> No.8628637

No one's stopping you from practicing the Liberal Sciences, you just aren't allowed to do it on the taxpayer's dime.

>> No.8628645


/scI/ B T F O

>> No.8628689

McFucking kill yourself. Atmospheric physics doesn't care about your feelings, Trumplet.

>> No.8628703
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>> No.8628730
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>No waterways have been damned.

>> No.8628738
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How do you explain this NASA picture that was recently released?

>> No.8628741

Scientists: ''You should really cut global GHS emissions or we're going to have trouble!

Trump and his idiots: ''Fuck you, don't publicize facts.''

People: ''Private industry knows what's best''

Fast-forward 20 years

People: ''Why is our planet dying, SCIENTISTS DIDN'T WARN US!''

>> No.8628742


Retarded liberals need to get out of their basement and realize that they are not living in a dictatorship anymore. The Obama regime is over

>> No.8628747

This website is for people above 18 years of age only. Take your shitty fanfiction back to /v/eddit.

>> No.8628754

Hol up guys at the rate we are going by 2010 all the ice caps will be gone
We must turn this around or face drastic changes to our planet
>barely anything is done
Guys by 2015 all ice caps will gone if we dont do anything about it bad things will happen
>nothing is actually done about it
Hol up guys ...
>be first one to say global warming ... if we are drastically wrong then our theory is wrong
>drastically wrong

>> No.8628759

>at the rate we are going by 2010 all the ice caps will be gone

Find me a non-popsci source that says this.

>> No.8628765
File: 1.84 MB, 300x262, yfw anthropogenic climate change is happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth doesn't fear investigation!
>Trump (surrounded by oil executives) is only silencing the EPA because it's fake news!

>> No.8628766

Whoops screwed up
Al gore said that it would be gone by 2013

>> No.8628772

Even Exxon doesn't deny that humans are the driving force behind climate change. It's literally on their website.


They know what's happening. The whole thing about ''OIL COMPANIES ARE THE BEST I BELIEVE THEM OVER SCIENTISTS'' is just rubbish.

>> No.8628779

That's because companies care about public image. Judge their actions not their words.

>> No.8628782

You're not the same person and you didn't post a link.

>> No.8628788
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Im the same person

>> No.8628789


>> No.8628791

What exxon says for public relations means nothing, especially when they are still funding entities like Donor's Trust / Donor's Capital fund.

Their history of funding climate change denial is well recorded:

>> No.8628831
File: 325 KB, 500x341, muh al gore rhythm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it hadn't occurred to you, but Al Gore isn't the king of climatology. So the guppy gets it wrong; anthropogenic climate is still happening.

>> No.8629193

Are you the kind of person that thinks evolution can't be real because Darwin was wrong on some points? Hell Al Gore isn't even a scientist.

>> No.8629368

>Al Gore
>non-popsci source
Top jej

>> No.8630052
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>> No.8630086
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>> No.8630291
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There are leaked documents which proved ExxonMobil knew climate change is real as early as 1977, and then they spent millions to seed public misinformation in regards to climate change:


Just letting you know