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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8615546 No.8615546 [Reply] [Original]

>that aspergers guy in class who constantly raises his hand when the professor isn't asking a question, and announces some obvious thing as if he is a genius for realizing it

>> No.8615552
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>that kid who aggressively shouts out keyboard shortcuts to the teacher when she has her computer up on the projector.

>> No.8615563
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>that guy who asks questions, and then answers himself before the professor can even respond

>> No.8615571
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>that chick who said douglas lost the debate to lincoln because he wasn't as telegenic

even the professor couldn't help laughing at her

>> No.8615576
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>that guy who doesn't think a monkey in a room with a keyboard for infinite time could produce Hamlet.

>> No.8615577
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>taking graph theory class
>the entire first two rows are neckbeard CS students who are exactly that guy

>> No.8615609

>that girl who keeps asking vaguely-related questions pertaining to her personal life as if she's the only person in the class

I call it "front row" syndrome. If you're sitting at the front of the class, you're less conscious of the fact that there are 100 students behind you and so you feel safe to ask stupid questions as if the professor is there specifically for you.

>> No.8615625

>that grad student in a class of undergrads that references unrelated higher level math to demonstrate his intelligence

no one cares John you stupid fucking manlet stop ruining all of my classes

>> No.8615635

why is a grad student in a class full of undergrads?

>> No.8615641


I don't know. he's the one grad student that's miraculously in all of my math classes that he should've taken in undergrad, like abstract algebra and point set topology

>> No.8615645

i took physical chemistry 2 as a grad student because my undergrad major was mechanical engineering.

i got the highest grade even though this was the second ever chemistry class i took in college, and the first one i took in 5 years kek.

>> No.8615649

where do you go

>> No.8615650

>i got the highest grade even though this was the second ever chemistry class i took in college, and the first one i took in 5 years kek.
You're "that" guy.

>> No.8615652


generic crappy state university

>> No.8615657
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>I got the highest grade

>> No.8615662


>> No.8615666


United States

what are you trying to get at?

>> No.8615671

i just find it incredibly bizarre that someone waited until grad school to take point set topology

>> No.8615675

i never talked in the class and sat off to the side and towards the back. the only time i said anything is when the professor asked something, stared at the class, and for over a minute no one answered so i'd blurt out the answer.

not even memeing. i can screencap the email the professor sent.

>> No.8615681


no one cares idiot. you're a grad student, you should be ashamed if you got anything less than the highest grade.

>> No.8615688


I don't know how he graduated with a degree in math because he's been in the majority of my undergrad math classes, meaning he didn't take them as an undergrad

>> No.8615737

>that autist who asks irrelevant questions when demonstrating lab techniques to them

Actual example:
>demonstrating stereotaxic surgery
>why don't you guys have a conveyer belt to bring rats in and out of the lab

He was obese.

>> No.8615762
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>that fucker who quotes pseudo-intellectual shit he saw on facebook so he can look a fucking philosopher

>mankind is the only species that can hate itself
>everyone is a genius at something, but people keep telling them they aren't

>> No.8615785

You'd still have a monkey at a typewriter for infinite time, sure, but I'd be a dead monkey after a finite amount of time.


>> No.8615808

You don't have to have a bachelors in math to get into a math graduate program. That's why he's taking all these upper division undergrad credits now.

>> No.8615811
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>>i got the highest grade even though this was the second ever chemistry class i took in college, and the first one i took in 5 years kek.
>i can screencap the email the professor sent.

>> No.8617335


>> No.8617342

>the 3 month summer during which you transition from being an undergrad to a grad somehow results in an insurmountable increase in knowledge

>> No.8617386
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>that guy who raises his hand and gives input after every topic
>literally raises his hand just to say "Huh"

Lower division classes

>> No.8617388

> that kid who enthusiastically nods when the prof looks at him
> that kid who quickly answers yes when the prof asks if everyone understood

>> No.8617391

What do you do when the prof looks at you and asks if you get it?

Stare back at him like a vegetable?

>> No.8617398

The prof isn't asking _you_ whether you got it, but rather is giving the class an opportunity to ask questions to clear up things that weren't understood, before continuing with material that builds upon the things he just explained. It's a rhetorical question.
gj m8, you're that guy

>> No.8617400

If you're looking around judging people for nodding silently in the middle of a lecture you're significantly more autistic than "that guy"

>> No.8617404

Protip: I'm not one of the students.

>> No.8617408

He won't be looking anywhere specific. He doesn't care to see who understands it, he wants to see if there's anyone who doesn't.

>> No.8617411

What about an infinite amount of monkeys in a room that all type one word into a shared google docs?

>> No.8617420

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8617422

>that guy who starts an evolution debate with the professor in Bio 1 or 2

>> No.8617426

>that professor who starts an evolution debate with the class in Bio 1 or 2

>> No.8617435

I've taken a lot of science courses, and never once have I had any professor be hostile in their presentation of evolution towards any religion. I've seen one student try to start a debate with a prof though, who basically told him to shut the fuck up and went on with the lesson.

>> No.8617440

you, faggot.

>> No.8617442

Fun-fact: I'm not actually gay =)

>> No.8617443

prove it.

>> No.8617705
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>i can screencap the email the professor sent.

>> No.8617719

I want to see this screencap. Not because I don't believe the guy. It's just fun to see private emails.

>> No.8617747


We have a highschool kid in my calc III class who prints the slides out, works through them while waiting for class to start, and then calls out the answer before the professor is even done writing the problem out.

It is the most annoying thing I've ever seen a person do.

>> No.8617754



thought you should know

>> No.8617758
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>getting this butt blasted that a high school kid is outperforming you

>> No.8618005

> That kid who asks obvious question
> Professor answers it
> Kid realizes it was obvious
> Kid waits 20 minutes, professor keeps lecturing
> Kid asks extremely complicated question to convince the professor that he is not a brainlet

>> No.8618316

We've got this guy who is one of the types who refuses to admit when he's wrong -- while being consistently a B student.

>Got into several arguments with the professor because he insisted that a question on a test wasn't clear enough.

>sat in the front row and ate cans of fucking tuna during every class.

>At one point after a test he started freaking out because he misunderstood terminal velocity and proceded to argue with half the class about how the definition he used was correct, and that everyone else must have been wrong.

>> No.8618325
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>mfw I correct my linguistics professor once and he said "Hmm, I'll have to check that.".
>And the next lecture he had found the source I was using and showed it infront of the class and personally thanked me for having insight

I never spoke in class for 2 years after that.

>> No.8618327

>sat in the front row and ate cans of fucking tuna during every class.
FUCK this guy

if you really, really have to eat in class at least don't eat some fucking rancid sandwich I can smell 5 feet away

>> No.8618340

>i took physical chemistry 2 as a grad student because my undergrad major was mechanical engineering.

i got the highest grade even though this was the second ever chemistry class i took in college, and the first one i took in 5 years kek.

> this is a nigardly thing to do. Your a niger.

>> No.8618345

Still being a niger

>> No.8618346


>> No.8618349


>> No.8618361

You know you're going be sucking his dick when you faggots graduate right?

>> No.8618368

I feel like I'm the aspergers guy in class OP is describing. How am I supposed to know when the teachers questions are rhetorical? Whenever they ask actual questions, everyone in the class just sits in silence like retards until I raise my hand to answer. It's been like this for as long as I can remember.

>> No.8618383
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>what about the empty set?

>> No.8618388

I'm like it too. But you should be careful about it if you want to have friends though. Humans are completely vicious and they'll go totally teacher's pet-tier on you if you do that, and never talk to you or invite you for anything.

>> No.8618394

Why's that?

>> No.8618476

this is true but a real mathematician doesnt give a fuck and still answers when the prof asks the audience.

>> No.8618486

similarly, whenever my dynamical systems professor mentions continuous functions this 300lb neckbeard immediately has to ask "with respect to which topology???" as if it isn't obvious that we're using the standard topology generated by (a,b) in R.

>> No.8618509


>> No.8618523


>and since multiplication on R is commutative
>with respect to which ring structure?

>> No.8618547

this one. its subtle yet happens so often
tfw Ive done it before

>> No.8618671

>the brainlet offscreen in this lecture who nearly makes Feynman call him a fucking retard


>> No.8618687
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How do you tell people to actually shut the fuck up during class ?

I hate when people start asking stupid/irrelevant questions or asking the professor to explain the same fucking thing 20 times because they dont get it.

If you dont have enough brain cells you shouldnt be in college to start with, but if you are going to do it then ask the professor once the class is fucking over because he is not there only for you.

I just sit and the last row with my group of friends and only talk when the professor asks a question and all the brainlets are quiet for like 5 minutes to reply so he can continue the fucking class.

Also what the fuck is wrong with first row girls. At first I was like "well these ladies sure are very smart and dedicated" but all they do is talk shit and always get lower grades than me, and all the professors call them by their names because they have talked so much irrelevant shit during class that they basically know their whole lifes.

>> No.8618693


>talking over Feynman

>> No.8618702

>install gentoo

>> No.8618827

>that one morbidly obese guy that smells like fat people do
>spontaneously creates an area of empty seats around him

>> No.8618869
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>a real mathematician doesnt give a fuck and still answers when the prof asks the audience

>> No.8618870

What's the point of linking it if it's 2 hours long and you didn't make the URL go to a specific time?

>> No.8618896

>calc III
Who cares what some highschool faggot is doing. Your professor is screwing you in the anus by teaching calculus over a powerpoint. The kid probably does that in protest.

>> No.8618968


Top Kek

I also was a grad student whom had to take the "next series up" for chemistry and bio

I blended in though, was only 25 at the time, if anything I felt embarassed as fuck being there

>> No.8619013

She uses a touchscreen so she can write over the slides. The point is that she wasn't asking the class to answer the problems. She would begin writing an example on the board and he'd shout the answer out before she was even finished.

And he did so for every single example problem.

When class ended he sprinted out of the room, but did that thing where he didn't swing his arms. He's the definition of autismo.

>> No.8619028

Who the fuck does this?

>> No.8619049
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>that one morbidly obese guy that smells like fat people do

>> No.8619491

If he's expecting people to say they don't understand it then it's not a rhetorical question.

>> No.8619559
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>that professor who asks trick/brain teaser questions with a shit eating grin

>> No.8619637

Yesterday some girl asked a question to the prof. After she was done asking the question, some guy raised his hand and asked the prof if he could try explaining the answer himself.

>> No.8619664

jesus christ i've done this

>> No.8619679

He probably wasn't a math major in undergrad, and now he's taking extra classes to catch up.

I switched 'majors' for my PhD, and this isn't all that uncommon.

>> No.8619763

>professor does this multiple times EVERY single lecture
>pretty soon he can't get someone to answer what is actually a straightforward question
This is how you don't teach.

>> No.8619766

it sounds like CS

>> No.8619793


>not watching the whole Feynman lecture

>> No.8619808

>taking 1st semester chem
>some brown kid constantly has to make stoichiometric equations more complicated by incorporating cal II equations in it, and announcing it to the class
>even worse, he had a horrible stutter
>overthinks questions and asks the poor students around him if they also did advanced organic chemistry and calculus shit in their work
>got low grades on tests over how much unnecessary work he did in the equations, thus getting the wrong answer
I get he was trying to show off that he was "smarter", but come on.

>> No.8619810


i hate this

>> No.8619833

I like this observation.

>> No.8619836

>that weird creepy guy who can always be heard above everyone else laughing at a mildly amusing quip the professor made as if it was the funniest thing in the world

>> No.8619849

Isn't that just a way of showing that you're paying attention? What are you meant to do when they look at you? Frown? Look away? Because that's autistic.

>> No.8619906

>that 2cool4skool kid who doesn't talk to anyone and rolls his eyes all the time before going home to masturbate and post his demented mind on 4chan

>> No.8619946

I do this. Nothing feels better than feeling superior to others.

>> No.8619948

You laugh at him but he's probably trying to get a recommendation letter.

>> No.8619962

Fucking lol

>> No.8619970

This reminds me of a kid in my calc 1 and 2 classes that would always ask what variable we were differentiating with respect to in examples. Of course, it was just 2 variables so.the answer was always x. My calc 2 prof called him out on it and the dude started crying about how he just wanted to be certain. Very annoying.

>> No.8619975

>that kid that talks really fast and asks a completely unintelligible question really loud

>> No.8619985
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>programming class (EE)
>there's this tryhard who dragged a cutie into the class
>obviously not an eng student too hot
>he tries to impress her with his programming knowledge
>every time the prof asks a question he raises his hand and answers it immediately without being told to answer it
>every time he turns to the girl and whispers something like "trivial"

>> No.8619988


kek :D

>> No.8619991
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>does this formula work in dimension 0 ?
>are we using the axiom of choice ?
>does this form a set ?

>> No.8619993

how do i become this alpha

>> No.8619996

>this entire board

>> No.8620079



>> No.8620087

why the fuck do retards eat in class? i had five back to back classes and i still never ate in class.

if you're that much of a fat piece of shit just eat a big breakfast.

>> No.8620096

Me minus the eye rolling.
Although I used to roll my eyes and sigh and stuff in high school.

Every time I remember myself in HS I want to fucking die

>> No.8620105


Same but I most admit that I hated it and was pretty much depressed

>> No.8620107

Same but I thought rolling your eyes and shit was fucking gay. Then again in high school I was out of my fucking mind. I used to laugh to myself and talk to myself and generally act insane. Idk why but I definitely wasn't putting it on.

>> No.8620184

There's this guy in my class who brings an entire chicken and rice meal with a giant slurpy drink every morning. And he has earphones on for the first 45 minutes of the 60 minute lecture while he's eating. Can be heard complaining about getting zeroes on the weekly quizzes.

>> No.8620229

what surprised me is that somehow there is always at least one of those fuckwads in a class. even when i took a 400 level applied math class that only had 7 students there was this black/mixed chick that would sit in the center of front row and always ate in class. she always brought oranges too, so the whole class would smell like oranges.

that class also had the other fuckwad that seems overly common: the guy that sits with his arms folded the whole lecture except for when he snaps a pic of the board.

>> No.8620280

>that class also had the other fuckwad that seems overly common: the guy that sits with his arms folded the whole lecture except for when he snaps a pic of the board.

I sometimes do this if I'm taking too long to write everything down. Better than mindlessly copying the board while distracted from the lecturer's explanations.

>> No.8620319

>implying anybody further back than 1st row gives a shit about the lecture

>> No.8620324

not taking notes is a valid way to take a class. Especially if the class doesn't have much roots in math.
You're better off actually paying attention to the professor than writing or even typing paragraphs of shit and half-listening only to never touch your notes once. Given a good professor and quality reference material you shouldn't even have to take notes.

>> No.8620349

This, I generally cross my arms and don't even bother snapping pics of the blackboard

>> No.8620354

i have never taken a class where the professor writes "paragraphs" on the board, even when i was taking low level gen eds. the classes that have a lot of text use powerpoint, and the classes that benefit from taking notes use the board.

you can do whatever you want, but the students that took pictures were always lazy and at best had average performance in the class.

>> No.8620516

>sit in back
>girls start sitting near me as it fills up
>pack up and move to the front because girls are scary

>> No.8620618


>first day of class a cute girl sits next to me
>go to next class and she happens to be in this one too
>sits next to in this class, smiles, and says "oh you're in this class too huh?"
>silently nod
>get up and move to the back of the classroom because I'm autistic and will panic eventually in the future sitting next to her

I hate myself

>> No.8620818

God I fucking hate pseudointellectual pricks so much

Stop obsessing over your supposed intellect. It is the most pathetic behavior I have ever witnessed. Insecure people who so desperately need to somehow feel superior.

I hate everyone in the sciences. I hate all of academia. I hate this fucking board.

>> No.8620820

bruh im about to take abstract algebra this semester and im a freshman wtf

>> No.8620840

hate this

*unzips dick*

>> No.8620927

In Norway, at least 15% of the class.

>> No.8620970

Scinec is cool though, man. You like science, rght?

>> No.8620988

Bullshit. No way.

>> No.8620990


they would end up just flinging shit around the room then you would need an infinite amount of cleaners to clean up the mess.

>> No.8621001
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I'm this and i don't do it on purpose

>> No.8621420

I don't think you understand what infinite means.

>> No.8622541


I bet you are just the life of all parties you attend.

So "a never-ending amount" of cleaners to bring the joke to anons standards.

Now go play with venomous animals without PPE.

>> No.8622571

>the nerds who get really mad when you talk about last weekends parties during some useless hs recap filler material
Always fun to see them REEE internally

>> No.8622579

>not even memeing. i can screencap the email the professor sent.

This thread is gold.

>> No.8622662

>be filthy manufacturing engineering undergrad
>lots of modules are two or three full time students and another 10 or so industry people doing only a few modules
>most of them are bros, we help them with academic stuff and they share their experience
>this one bald motherfucker though
>constantly interrupts the lecturer to ask him an obvious question
>he then interrupts the answer as well
>he demanded that F=ma be on the formula sheet because 'in the real world I could look it up'
>whole room trys not to laugh
>we do not succeed
>final lecture of the semester, academic just going through a brief overview of each topic so we can go early and leave for Christmas break
>baldy constantly demands that the lecturer go back so he can copy the slide out in full into his notebook
>the slide that is a revision slide for a whole weeks lecture, which itself is already published online
>he starts calling the lecturer stupid because he is teaching us G-code and how he could have written something better
>lecturer points out the he didn't invent G-code and that he has to teach it to us because it is the industry standard for CNC machines
>baldy gets ruder and ruder until the lecturer is just looking at him incredulously
>Being hungover and wanting to go home I eventually loose by temper and tell him to shut the fuck up
>He proceeds to get on his high horse about how he's older than me and has more experience and therefore I should be taking notes on what he is saying
>Tell him if he's so fucking perfect why isn't he teaching the module instead of the lecturer
>he storms out and makes a formal complaint, which is ignored

What pisses me off the most is that he isn't paying for his course, his company is and he still acts like he's being robbed blind if he's not allowed to cross-examine the lecturer whenever he wants.

>> No.8622673

I find I get distracted if I just sit and listen,
also the 20 words on the slide are usually accompanied by 20 minutes of discussion so making bullet points helps me remember what was said, even if I never read the notes again

>> No.8622676

these retards are pretty common. fortunately, the mostly take the classes offered in late afternoon so it's easy to avoid them.

>> No.8622687

unfortunately for me I go to uni in the uk. I have the classes required by my course and they happen only once a week at a specific time and place, there is no avoiding the mongoloids, trust me, I've tried

>> No.8622726

>me in calc I lecture
>obviously older student sitting next to me
>first day of class
>prof is going through course material
>pretentious guy beside me says
>prof looks at him like a retard
>everyone infront of me is looking at me but i motion my thumb pointing at him while both my hands are over my mouth
>prof: "no we will not"
>guy turns to me and asks me "don't you think this professor is a bit underqualified?"

he disappeared after the first week
never saw him since

>> No.8622729
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>>that aspergers guy in /sci/ who constantly makes shitpost and announces some obvious thing as if he is a genius for realizing it

>> No.8622736

>that one really old middle eastern guy in all the open courses
Seems nice enough I guess

>> No.8622742
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I'm doing this now. I did pure math undergrad and switching into CS. I have to take a lot of undergrad CS courses. Last semester was in a freshman programming course and was a top student despite being out of school for 4 years and not knowing how to code well. Already doing very well in second programming course & also sitting in a discrete math course (my pure math degree didn't have math courses that were very applied to CS topics) and am on top of it too. Kek I'm "that guy too". Luckily I still pass as 18-19 so I don't look out of place.

>> No.8622965

My baby face is finally going to pay off, h-haha

>> No.8622980

>2nd year epistemology
>guy asks question
>prof answers it
>guy starts talking to his friends 2 minutes later
>"why are you talking? i'm answering the question you asked"

he was a pretty smart kid though. i saw him on his laptop once, on 4chan and he very nearly clicked on /b/ out of habit but instead went to /fit/ (???)

>in real analysis
>4th year guy in first row raises hand
>"what does that symbol mean?"
>"greater than or less than"
>"ok", continues writing

>> No.8622983
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>arrive on time for lecture (which is late in my books)
>like to have minimum of 2 empty seats beside me and other class members
>forced to sit in the last few rows in the back
>people in the backmost rows talk non-stop about only semi-relevant things to the lecture to appear like they know more than what's currently being talked about
Never arriving on time ever again.

>> No.8622996

I'm in my late 20s and people ask if I am a freshman. I love it.

>> No.8623001 [DELETED] 
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>that guy who chats all throughout the lecture, then looks at the board in confusion and asks the prof to explain
>or he just asks some stupid question that he could get the answers himself by reading 2 lines on the board
>every single course we end up behind in lectures because of him
>mfw returning for another term and seeing he somehow managed to stay with the class again
Fuck you Kyle you stupid brainlet. Flunk out and LEAVE US IN PEACE ALREADY.

>> No.8623004
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>that professor who can't complete his proofs without turning to you
>that speaker at the seminar who obviously hasn't a clue what he is speaking about, but has everyone apparently enthralled
> that "gifted" kid that is always asking you how to solve homework problems which are completely trivial stuff you worked on when you were 14
>those non mathematicians who are always battling to get you to formalise the foundations of their respective domains
>those qt3.14 nerdy girls who blush and giggle when you walk past and are really quite a nuisance

>> No.8623201

Supreme way to take notes is to pay attention the whole class and then write down from memory as much as you can immediately after lecture.

>> No.8623233
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>Professor explains X do Y
>Before he has the chance to continue
>"Professor!, so X do Y right?

>> No.8623238

what the fuck

>> No.8623252

>Introductory general relativity course
>Professor introduces Schwarzschild metric
>Annoying guy in first row raises hand
>"But what happens if r approaches r_s? Shouldn't that be singular?"
>Professor takes a deep breath
>"Yes, obviously, the chapter is called "Schwarzschild metric and black holes" and it appears you figured out where the second part comes into play."

>> No.8623261
File: 46 KB, 599x797, adonbilivit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd year of college
>take a 'public speaking' class as humanity
>take turns every class being focus of attention of 40+ people giving speech
>that one guy
>extreme spurg with horrendous stutter
>oh god
>i-i-i-if okeydoke.jpg
>painful 2minutes of stuttering for each sentence
>super cringe level
>whole class feels it
>prof is grimacing
>every day it's bad
>progresses minutely
>wow he's getting sorta slightly better
>"final" speech time for 50% of grade
>only a mild stutter twice
>whole class applauds
>teacher stands and glowingly congratulates him
>see him at end of semester keg party
>bro, i've never had a stuttering problem, that's how you get a A

>> No.8623268

What if that monkey has a fixation on just typing the letter "A" over and over and never bothers typing anything else?

>> No.8623292

Jesus Christ I love Feynman but why the fuck does he do this?

>> No.8623330

me lol

>> No.8623333


>> No.8623336

my first quads holy shit, I'm about to cry

>> No.8623382
File: 38 KB, 647x651, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who answers the question jeopardy style

>> No.8623386

Just get the FUCK out already

>> No.8623388

bless him

>> No.8623419

These are great quads

>> No.8623430
File: 385 KB, 819x1600, 1482098886168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be as good as von Neumann in anything

>> No.8623436

something similar happens to me from time to time. I think over a question for five minutes and when I finally ask it I suddenly have the answer. It's like "If you use this hamiltonian, how can you...wait... nevermind"

>> No.8623450

He was an actual genius, it's pointless to compare yourself. I just hope that one day technology will be able to make us less dumb.

>> No.8623603

your professor obviously never heared of 3D de Sitter black holes.
also nobody knows what to do with singularities, so they just cut them out of your manifold.

>> No.8623615
File: 574 KB, 1321x1238, 1484974350616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be like /ethan/

>> No.8623629

poor guy

he tried so hard and he got so far

>> No.8623648

Who does this?

>> No.8623660

You can't have negative opinions about people with Autism. I'll report you to police for hate speech if you keep it up.

>> No.8623683

American's... it's spelt Milady.

>> No.8623761

>that woman who says anything

Seriously, just fucking do the class and switch to management or hospitality, they were designed for women who refuse to just go to the kitchen

>> No.8623769
File: 13 KB, 216x233, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I go to a community college full of niggers

You all will never know this feel

>> No.8623791

I did, transferred to a four year and now it's white girls ruining it. I swear they're incapable of speaking at a normal volume

>> No.8623799


what you mean (I think I know)?

>> No.8624019

I know that feel.

>day of phys2 test
>sitting by myself outside class skimming notes because I have nothing else to do
>10/10 qt3.14 comes over and sits right next to me
>fidgets around a bit before quickly asking "hey can I review with you?"
>nervously reply sure and go over test concepts with her
>after exam she comes right to me to ask how I think I did
> tell her the last 2 questions really stumped me and I hope I get partial credit on them
>she excitedly respond "I'm sure you did great!"
>"hehe yeah I hope so I have to go to class now"
>quickly run to next class
>too scared to ever talk to her again

I think I fucked up.

>> No.8624030

no she just wanted to use you for studying. If you were a chad she was really interested in she would have started talking to you again

>> No.8624049

she just fucking talked to you
Why must all you nerds interpret a simple conversation as a dick crave or malicious manipulation?
She merely made small talk with you. If you like her, next time you see her make some more small talk but don't push your agenda on her. If you two kick it off then you can think of something more.

You fucking nerds. Seriously

>> No.8624060

Why would she specifically come to me? I was sitting away from everyone else all by myself. It's not like I was the only one with my notes out. If she just wanted help studying why not one of the dozens of others that were closer to the entrance? And why would she seek me out after the test to talk about it if she just wanted study help?

I'm a sperg and don't understand.

>> No.8624062

>that guy who asks questions that are for personal interest in a class which is already short on time and quite intensive

>> No.8624072

You seem to be using logic to explain a woman's actions. Stop doing that. Stop interpreting everything as it she has an ulterior motive behind every action. That's not how they work.

Next time you see her try to have a conversation with her. If she doesn't seem receptive just move on.

>> No.8624083

Sometimes you find out by just saying it out loud.

>> No.8624370

good post

>> No.8624606

delete this

>> No.8624610 [DELETED] 

>that spic who kept saying 'luhh hosputals rule' and everyone told him to stop, to which he responded 'who cares' and proceeded to continue with his retarded question
>that same spic who was in another class with me and thought the 'mg' on the board for a physics problems meant 'milligrams'
>that spic who asked the fucking professor 'so the weight of the object is milligrams?'
>fucker drops out of BOTH classes after one semester

>> No.8624628

holy fuck I am going to so this