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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8617748 No.8617748 [Reply] [Original]

>have a few free electives to take before I graduate
>take a political philosophy class because I'm interested in learning about it
>first day of class professor spends the entire class period talking badly science and asserting that pursuing science is a waste of time because you should be pursuing philosophy

>> No.8617841

I dont get why philosophy and science hate each other, specially hard sciences.

They are both needed

>> No.8618303


I've never taken a science or math class in which the professor mentioned philosophy

>> No.8618314

But here in /sci/ every talks shit about all social/human sciences in general and act like they are superior for studying STEM.

Also I met a engineering professor who every class talked shit about law school.

>> No.8618339

Had an engineering professor who often talked about ethics, and that pursuing a philosophical basis for why one does what one does was critically important to the field.

>> No.8618351

ethics is a meme

>> No.8618355

because philosophy is literally mental gymnastics about bullshit supernatural garbage, where as science is based on evidence and observation.

>> No.8618382

Highly subjective fields, social sciences, liberal arts and whatever other garbage depends on people buying into it and valuing them.

Science is a joke today. It's idealist to think science could actually be achieved by fallible humans. I've lost so much respect for science when you see how it's little more than people appealing to authority and doing whatever possible, regardless of how detrimental to legitimate science, to gain research grants.

Universities have more of these nonsense degrees than any legitimate STEM because it's what sells. Universities are businesses.

Even legitimate degrees are dumbed down to be more appealing or fit some political agenda or quota. I couldn't believe it when the IT course I was about to apply to had 2 mandatory, core courses on Aboriginals.

I don't care how many "intellectuals" claim otherwise, I don't respect anybody as an intellectual any more than people respect the most intelligent of any other animal.

>> No.8618408

this /thread

>> No.8618409

your grade in a philosophy is dependent on how much you agree with the professor/gsi and how dumb the rest of the class is. your grade in math is empirical

>> No.8618427

science is natural philosophy

>> No.8618477
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>> No.8619223
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>taking personal wellness class.
>professor starts talking about how depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and only cured with medication.
>ask why people can't just make positive life choices to be happier.
>prof says that's not effective.
>well what did people do before depression was even thought about?
>professor gets mad and repeats from the book.
>walk out and drop the class.