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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 500x393, pioneer-plaque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8600305 No.8600305 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Only people with an IQ above 155 will be able to cringe at posted material.

>> No.8600306
File: 539 KB, 600x1200, 畫圖課.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8600307

Small peen

>> No.8600315
File: 248 KB, 1158x608, Hillary_Clinton_climate_change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8600320


>> No.8600341

FACT: me on the bottom.

>> No.8600345

12 year old chink qt


>> No.8600502
File: 23 KB, 650x300, 1483227643899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8600503

0.9999... = 1

>> No.8600526

what you posted is cringe worthy, but probably not for the reason you posted it

>> No.8600530

What, an arrow? Really makes you think

>> No.8600533
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1481406536410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying i think its cringe worthy

>> No.8600534

Why would you do it with log?
Log doesn't get you OUT of infinity. Silly human.

>> No.8602087

I like it that those are obviously white people. No darkies on our planet!

>> No.8602115

because of pluto? i don't get it really

don't have to be einstein to find the meme drive cringe

funny not cringe

not watching that thing


you are the cringeworthy one

>> No.8602155


>> No.8602821

No vulva

>> No.8602854


Belly buttons! Adam and Eve didn't have belly buttons.

Checkmate scientists!

>> No.8602904

>Most humans can't understand picture
>Expect aliens could

>> No.8602955

What is wrong with that?

>> No.8602960

>tfw a 140 iq cuck

>> No.8602964

actually the correct form is
[math]lim(0.9999999..) → 1[/math]

>> No.8602967


>> No.8602971

t. freshman calc 1 student
come back after real analysis..

>> No.8602993

lmao what a tiny penis that fag has

>> No.8602999
File: 60 KB, 540x700, 1464739818886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calc 1
baka @ you brainlets

>> No.8603006

>a trump voter
Oh, that explains a lot.

>> No.8603014

Le Trump meme

>> No.8603038

The woman is obviously missing a feminine penis

>> No.8603044
File: 46 KB, 500x393, 1484378669092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot this

>> No.8603051


I cringed

>> No.8603145


Yeah cause the aliens trying to solve it will definitely be fat weeaboo alt rightists and not their top astronomers/cosmologists

>> No.8603257

So I understand everything on the image except the two circles with the line connecting them. What's that supposed to depict?

>> No.8603264

illuminati symbology

only illuminati aliens will understand

>> No.8603265

Hydrogen, I think. Not sure why it's there.

>> No.8603272

>Yeah cause the aliens trying to solve it will definitely be fat weeaboo alt rightists and not their top astronomers/cosmologists

I wouldn't be surprised if the picture leaked and it ended up in their own version of 4chan and someone made a thread about how their version of jews fabricated this to make them believe that they were not alone in the universe, despite what their version of the bible says.

>> No.8603275

Because it's the fundamental element desu...

>> No.8603296

I do like how Microsoft is using Minecraft to advertise their future-product. A game they've attempted to kill multiple times, both through creating incompatibilities with OpenGL and with Java.

>> No.8603303

It's because everyone knows Pluto is no longer a planet duh

>> No.8603637

We have to show them what our scientists look like anon

>> No.8603690
File: 517 KB, 1735x1671, 243cb7_5644078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw aliens use our 4chan

>> No.8603737

The answer to the Bertrand's box "paradox" is 1/2.

The fallacies that lead people to believe it's 2/3:
People believe that there are 3 gold coins and 1 silver coin to choose from at random, rather than 2 boxes to pick between at random.
People fail to recognize that drawing a gold coin isn't a matter of chance, and that regardless of whether you reach into the gold-gold box or the gold-silver box, the framework of the "paradox" is that drawing a gold coin is absolute certainty.

The probability only comes into play when choosing the box, not when drawing the second coin. You have a 1 in 2 chance of picking the gold-gold box, a 1 in 2 chance of picking the gold-silver box, and no chance of picking the silver-silver box. Drawing a gold coin at first is again, a certainty.

>> No.8603751
File: 14 KB, 540x287, 0a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8603758

>no chance of picking the silver-silver box
if you list all of the possibilities, then there is a "chance" to get silver first, a 1/2 chance to get silver first. however, you get the 1/2 chance that gold comes out, meaning it's a certainty the silver-silver box is not picked. For the same reasons that there's a 0% chance of getting silver at the beginning, you also have a 2/3 chance of getting gold twice in a row.

The 0% chance only becomes a reality once you know you got gold. If you don't know that, it's a 1/2 chance.

Exact same thing with getting gold twice in a row.

This is pretty similar to the Monty Hall problem and only absolute idiots will believe there is no difference between switching and staying

>> No.8603821

Except that's wrong. The only two possibilities are:
You pick a gold coin from the gold-gold box, or you pick a gold coin from the gold-silver box.

Getting a gold coin is a certainty, the only option is which box you pick it from, and it's impossible to pick from the silver-silver box.

>> No.8603865

How in the world are you posting in a high IQ thread when you cannot understand probability?

Is this bait?

>> No.8603877

climate change isn't real

>> No.8603897
File: 348 KB, 988x829, 1475769280479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8603903

I understand probability, you just don't understand how to apply probability to this problem.

You treat impossible outcomes as if they had a chance of occurring.

You can't pick the silver-silver box, you aren't magically twice as likely to pick the gold-gold box just because there are two gold coins in there, and if you pick the mixed box then it's certain you picked the gold coin from it.

You think you're picking between 3 gold coins, two of which result in you picking another gold coin. In reality, you're picking between two boxes, and one box will give you the desired result and the other won't.

You're just confused. You put all the numbers in and trusted the math. You forgot to apply logic.

>> No.8604039

Not the anon you are replying to, but think about it like this:

How do you get this first golden coin?
By trying.
You pick a box at random.
If the first coin drawn is silver:
Reset everything and start from the beginning.
If it is gold, the question is now, how big the probability is, that this is the gold-gold-box.
And this obviously has to be 2 times as high as it being the silver-gold-box, because 1/2 of the silver-gold-box picks didn't make it to this step.

>> No.8604191

Oh my me, that guy's spaceship drawing though....

>> No.8604196
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 1482067241001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a plumber and

>> No.8604236

I'm not a plumber, why is it funny?

>> No.8604325

didn't they ditch the whole project?

>> No.8604572

Except you're adding to the original question. It explicitly removes the possibility of a silver being drawn first.

You'd be right if that wasn't the case, and your logic applies fine to the Monty Hall problem, just not here.

>> No.8604602

>It explicitly removes the possibility of a silver being drawn first.
No it does not. It says that we look at a case where a golden coin has been drawn. Not that it was impossible to draw a silver one in the first place.

>> No.8604612

Just came here to say that i'm too smart for this thread and will ignore it. Only people with IQs above 180 will understand this

>> No.8605136

>How do I screw a trap?

>> No.8605192

155 iq required to cringe

>> No.8605227

I may have interned at a NASA center. VR Mars is a thing. I wore the headset, but I'm not sure if it was HoloLens or not.

>> No.8605251

was it good?

>> No.8605269

Cringed and 128 IQ

>> No.8606110

Thanks doc

>> No.8606390
File: 92 KB, 800x800, 548px-Nue_Houjuu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringed at 7 trillion IQ