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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 439 KB, 640x430, 1482961261652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8599646 No.8599646 [Reply] [Original]

Is this right?


>> No.8599650


>> No.8599665

Final redpill? That's been around for a very long time, dumbass. Kill yourselves /pol/esmokers.

>> No.8599666

>that entire thread
Is /pol/ full of 15 year olds or something? Also, to answer your question, yes the double slit experiment is true.

>> No.8599672

Did you expect a board not related to science to have good scientific discussions?

>> No.8599678

>good scientific discussions

That's beside the point, they're all legitimately retarded.

>> No.8599679

I didn't really expect them to have good scientific discussions, but I expected them to at least have some level of discussion. The entire thread is all shitposting and nothing more.

>> No.8599681

>That's beside the point
No it isn't.

>> No.8599688

Looks like the thread was bumplocked.

>> No.8599689

this is literally the first reply, you conceited faggots.


>> No.8599692

That thread is absolute cringe. And I'm not talking about the OP, but rather the pretend-scientists that think quantum mechanics is middle school level and they understand it all and love le science so much xD. This can't be real.

>> No.8599693

That's a shitpost, like every "babby's first" post ever made. It translates into "I'm a teenager and I think I'm cool."

>> No.8599696

/pol/ mods, not even once.

>> No.8599700

>double slit experiment
>not middle school level
Not everyone went to school in Africa, Jamal.

>> No.8599707

>Science is the most autistic bullshit ever
>2 replies
>expect them to be shitting all over the poster
>they're in agreement

is that board satire?

>> No.8599708

>implying that's even a useful reply
>thinking the first post justifies the lack of content in the rest of the thread
Please, his post is the equivalent of
>I know you're wrong and I'm better than you for it
>but I either have no idea why or won't bother to share any insight into it


>> No.8599719

haha dude those poltards dont even know about quantum mechanics ahahah wow im so smart xd

>> No.8599721

/pol/ moves so fast that the dynamic of replies there works differently than on boards like /sci/. You will seldom see a conversation that spans a chain of replies. It's more akin to a comment section on news article, i.e. if someone makes a shitty post it will be ignored.

>> No.8599722
File: 42 KB, 308x266, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's partially irony and partially stupidity. Look at the other posts by that ID, one of them is the same kind of bait threads we get, and the other one is just looking for something he doesn't understand to shit on.

>> No.8599724

I don't know if you're being sarcastic by immitating /pol/tards or genuine

Even if they mention it the experiment will not make sense to middle schoolers
It will be that cool experiments we have no understanding of

It belongs to high school curriculum, even then it won't make much sense to them probably

Other than that /pol/ is full of failed brainlets who use the board to have a sense of belonging and superiority because they have nothing else going on in their lives, so what other anon said is pretty much correct anyway

>> No.8599729

Of course it's satire you idiot.

>> No.8599733

this whole fucking site is satire

>> No.8599734


>all poltards are stormfags

>> No.8599737


You all use this term incorrectly I've noticed. You think it means "no you!"

>> No.8599739

So sarcastic it is

>> No.8599740
File: 35 KB, 700x700, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor OP

>> No.8599744

>me smart and important because i took ap physics in highschool
literally projecting

>> No.8599750


>> No.8599789

All memeing aside, diffraction is covered in the second physics course (electricity and magnetism) which if you took AP physics you should be taking your first semester in college, and if not then still in your first year. It's been a while since I took that class, but I do believe they mention at least in passing the particle wave duality. If they don't then it's covered at the very beginning of physics 3 (modern physics) which everyone should take as it's probably the most straightforward and most interesting course of introductory physics.

Although, I just checked and unfortunately it seems like my university, which is in a downward spiral the past few years, has done away with the modern physics course which started with special relativity, then introduction to quantum mechanics, and finally nuclear physics with two separate courses: fundamentals of relativity and fundamentals of quantum physics.

>> No.8600496


>> No.8600504

Kill yourself, it's literally kindergarten math.

>> No.8600508

Top kek things I discovered when I was 12 are mindblowing ruptures in reality to these retards

>> No.8600525

/pol/ brainletism never ceases to amuse me

>> No.8600700

Does double slit prove human consciousness is more than just material ?

>> No.8600723


>> No.8600733

that's a big rock

>> No.8600761


(It is btw fyi)

>> No.8600774



>> No.8600812

for you

>> No.8600819
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, 1480773396961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to browse /pol/

>> No.8600823

Hello. My name is Simon.

When measured at the infinite limit of energy, it will split and become new energy that you can no longer detect with the same method you did before.

Light did not change it's nature. It simply became something else.

Did that help?

>> No.8600830

Why are you so fucking autistic?

Maybe he didn't want to waste his time explaining something so motherfucking obvious.

The pretentiousness of this board.

>> No.8600831
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1480030165085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too stupid to not browse /pol/

>> No.8600832
File: 614 KB, 547x9692, rare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, /sci/ is mad they aren't intelligent

>> No.8600834

>ur wrong xD


>> No.8600839
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1483218046466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw intelligent enough to browse /sci/

>> No.8600842
File: 77 KB, 684x605, anglotoointelligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too intelligent to browse /sci/

>> No.8600846

I might be more stupider than you college legends but at least I was able to predict the betrayel of Bernie Sanders and the win Donald Trump. Meanwhile have of /sci/ probably has donated to Bernie and thought a Trump win was neeeeeeever going to happen. I was right you were wrong nanananana.

>> No.8600848

I believe this post was made by a /pol/ack

>> No.8600855
File: 850 KB, 400x392, 1454449373914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no refunds goy

>> No.8600861

>stopped playing some half a year but owend every champ
>there are 3 new heroes, kled, knife legs and irvin
>buy 3 champ shards for 1700 and pay 5100 ip
>get kled
Now i can jew them.

>> No.8600863

science is for cucks

>> No.8600865
File: 77 KB, 653x477, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think we might have awoken a sleeping giant:


>> No.8600867

It is middle school level tho

You seem very insecure

>> No.8600870
File: 49 KB, 464x572, Jill-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci/, I've got some moon property to sell. If you make a small donation you too can become a certified moon citizen. A totally diverse society where all education is free and everybody uses your preferred pronoun. Gotta be quick though, those certificates are going to be sold out any minute now.

- t. Jill stein

>> No.8600871
File: 359 KB, 640x624, Americas problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You boys and girls like numbers and science right? Here's some numbers and science for you!

>> No.8600872

Niggers are objectively inferior, science proves this.

>> No.8600873
File: 74 KB, 580x389, iq_distribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I fucking love science.

>> No.8600875

Wildberger will protect us.

/pol/ doesn't know the power of transfinite shitposting

>> No.8600881

science is fucking gay hahaha shove your particles up your chocolate starfish batty boys

>> No.8600883

>tfw you try to fight a board war but /sci/ only has 2 active posters on the entire board

>> No.8600886
File: 23 KB, 385x385, sad_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8600887
File: 252 KB, 550x563, 1482081230205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm erally makes u tink

>> No.8600889

>tfw one of them is the Lithuania that originally posted in /pol/

>> No.8600890

Maybe it's a conspiracy to revitalise /sci/ with some culturaly enriching /pol/ "youths".

>> No.8600891
File: 39 KB, 600x603, my_sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8600900

/sci/ has at least 3 wildbergerposters

>> No.8600902 [DELETED] 

What would /sci/ look like if it had flags

>> No.8600904

There wouldn't be any african flags.

>> No.8600906

At least 1 Lithuanian.

>> No.8600910

Leafs would be the same, at least they would be identifiable now.

>> No.8600917

wew lad
That fucking thread
Been a while since I cringed this hard

>> No.8600923
File: 149 KB, 800x820, you have to go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cringe

>> No.8600926

This thread made me 'cringe' more than the /pol/ one desu

Fucking pseuds all over this site

>> No.8600927
File: 421 KB, 2518x750, 1478910037615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How true is this, /sci/?

>> No.8600928

almost as bad as the retards who think it's always about being contrarian.

>> No.8600945

> almost
> the picture is about always being contrarian

It is _as_ bad as "the retards who think it's always bout being contrarian".

Please, learn to apply the very basic rules of logic on rules you yourself have made up before posting to /sci/.

>> No.8600954

What's it like being stupid?

>> No.8600966

Jesus this thread says a lot about the average /pol/ poster. People with literally zero knowledge of the subject thinking they've outsmarted the entire fucking scientific community because they've misunderstood the subject.

That place truly is cancer.

>> No.8600986
File: 62 KB, 650x360, 634567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Backs Clinton
>Literally the most verifiable corrupt candidate in history
>Hurr /pol/acks are stoopid
>We're the smrt ones u guize

>> No.8601012

This is legit the biggest strawman I've ever seen in my life. My post said literally nothing about Clinton. Life must be so hard when you're retarded.

>> No.8601014

Why do you assume anyone who's not retarded was backing clinton?

>> No.8601019
File: 32 KB, 620x387, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."

>> No.8601029

Yeah /pol/ is the biggest proof of dunning kruger effect

>> No.8601033
File: 2.74 MB, 300x200, 1455264525644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less corrupt than Trump

>> No.8601240
File: 613 KB, 537x682, 1483958824851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I checked Trump didn't have any leaked mails where he offers access to contributers in exchange for cash. I suppose you're into science and all, so might believe in backing up your opnions. Well, looks like Hillary is more corrupt than Trump because there's proof against her but not against him. If there was it would be in the news already.

>> No.8601252

>if I say I don't understand quantum mechanics that will consider me humble and modest

>> No.8601253


>> No.8601302
File: 10 KB, 350x350, hitler's red pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final redpill
no, this is the final redpill
I recommend you take it as soon as you can

>> No.8601331

The youtube video is bullshit. It's called "quantum mysticism", aka bullshit thought up by nutjobs because the word "quantum" sounds cool.

>> No.8601475

cuz he smart

>> No.8601525

So seriously can someone explain why this happens?

>> No.8601538

Of course, in your fantasy world.

>> No.8601553

>Trump didn't have any leaked mails

That's because he literally asked the Russians to hack Clinton. They hacked Trump too, this is confirmed, and are probably using what they found as blackmail. The fact that he got Russia to hack Clinton means he literally committed treason and Russia is holding that proof over his head like a sword of Damocles.

Even after having every bit of dirt on Clinton out in the open for scrutiny she is cleared of all allegations. Meanwhile Trumps misdeeds still go hidden to the public, probably used for blackmail. That only proves how less corrupt she is. She can have every skeleton in her closet shown to the public and still not be put in jail.

>> No.8601557

>people actually believe this
haha holy shit just how much cnn do you watch

>> No.8601567

>how much cnn do you watch
none, don't even own a TV

how's that /pol/ echo chamber/psyops program working out for ya?

>> No.8601571
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8601601

He hasn't said anything fake though

You can still go tin foil and deny the objectivity of the conclusions of course, and say stuff such as prosecutors are corrupted

>> No.8601700

t. nigger

>> No.8601856


>> No.8601859

>psyops program

bitch, we are the ones who conduct psyops

>> No.8601868

>Even after having every bit of dirt on Clinton out in the open for scrutiny she is cleared of all allegations

Woah buddy just because some fbi director got paid off and "decided" not to prosecute her doesn't suddenly make her innocent and virtuous. She's a no good dirty cheater, a fraud who alienated half of her party, that's why she lost, not the russians.

>> No.8601916

hello /sci/

i´m a /pol/ack and i have to say not every /pol/ thread is lightminded like this you can find some pretty smart guys there atm some guys from /dvg/ working on an Android/Ios app to fight against IS and /sci/ desu you have some fowl apples, too ;-D


check it out very chaotic anons but when you get onto the train at the right time it´s pretty funny.

You guys are welcome to enlighten some of us (if you can)

and excuse my english, because it´s selflearned and not my native language.

have a good evening and good bye.

>> No.8601944

4chan used to be liberal in the true meaning of the word, i.e. libertarian in america, up until 2008. after obama was elected and there was a constant push towards radical leftism 4chan turned more and more authoritarian right. it wasn't a huge transformation like the retard whose post you screencapped is trying to claim there will be.

also, regardless of what retarded redditors claim, 4chan used to be more racist than it is now. it was never "ironic" racism. the original 4chan users were largely from white lower income families and they had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with niggers. unlike now after the phone faggot invasion there's a bunch of sheltered suburbanites that only know niggers from what they see on MTV.

>> No.8601975

>4chan used to be liberal in the true meaning of the word, i.e. libertarian in america, up until 2008. after obama was elected and there was a constant push towards radical leftism 4chan turned more and more authoritarian right.

People were getting antsy about Bush after it became clear that the Iraqi insurgency wasn't just a few dead-enders being run by Saddam in his Tikrit hidey-hole.

Then the Great Recession hit and everyone was like fuck this noise.

>> No.8602000

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8602027

>another /pol/tard failing to understand simplest things

>> No.8602044

>that thread
Is /pol/ legitimately braindead, or what

>> No.8602059

>ur dumb

Fucking hang yourself you pretentious fag.

>> No.8602073
File: 103 KB, 632x499, Screen_Shot_2017_01_06_at_11.53.11_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/fags cannot reply to me unless they were also accepted into the best university in the world, and scored higher than a 138 on the WAIS-IV. Absolute brainlets. Also, I'm an Ashkenazi Jew, so affirmative action works AGAINST ME, just like with gooks.

Just remember that NOTHING you have done, or will do in your life, will compare to the experience of attending Harvard. Sub-130 IQ goys.

We rule you and we control this site, especially /pol/. We are always watching.

>> No.8602088


>> No.8602090

>he fell for the college scam

real smart people didnt go to college

>> No.8602096



>> No.8602099

You should read that with a little more self-reflection.

>> No.8603335

only if u observe bro... as long as we don't TRULY know we get an infinite nubmer of /sci/ posters... just don't look at the slits...

>> No.8603346

that's why all ivies are literally filled to the brim with kikes?

also, lmao at an 18 year old preaching about accomplishments when all he has is admission to a kike loving school and an iq test score.

>> No.8603362

I'm not that guy but /pol/esmokers main defense is literally:
>I'm tired of all these elitists (educated people) treating me like I'm brain damaged.

>> No.8603532

how is he educated when he's an 18 year old that just got his acceptance to college, dipshit?

>> No.8603564

I bet you haven't met a person from an ivy league university

>> No.8603734

why wouldn't i have? i'm actually in academia unlike your 18 year old self. in fact, my adviser was from princeton.

>> No.8603745


I'm going to fucking Harvard.

>> No.8603749

>proving his point

>> No.8604760


Artemis pls

Make a movie already

>> No.8604815

What if you shoot an electron dick through the slits with a nano-camera in the urethra

>> No.8605003

State school dummy can't even keep up with me.