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8594756 No.8594756 [Reply] [Original]

When will immortality become a real thing /sci/? 2050? or 22nd Century?

>> No.8594786


>> No.8594807


>> No.8594810

When you figure out how to break the laws of physics.

>> No.8596092

more then likely never. certainly not in our life times that's for sure..
if medical tech keeps this pace at some point humans will be able to live a really long time. centuries maybe. so long as we don't kill ourselves first.

>> No.8596095

Fuck is anyone else really anxious about dying? I want to live forever. Imagine, one day you'll just kick it and you'll never get any sensory input again. Ever. I seriously fucking spend hours awake at least once a week thinking about this.

>> No.8596125

Yet at the same time, to be truly immortal is a far greater curse than death.
Can you imagine hurdling through the void, long after the universe has died, wishing that death would finally take you?

>> No.8596126

>wishing that death would finally take you?
can't imagine that

>> No.8596133

as soon as artificial superintelligence is achieved

>> No.8596143

This is why we have religion. And the fact nobody knows what happens after death.

Biological immortality doesn't sound bad. I guess 2030's when early forms of it hit with life extension.

>> No.8596148

this would be a really really bad thing

>> No.8596746

op picture is false, true love comes from godtier sex+affection, it happens when youre smart, i have been 6 years with my sweetycutiepie and i couldnt be more happier

>> No.8596768


You're all immortal and will spend eternity in the place of your choosing.

There are two places.

>> No.8596799
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>> No.8596827

Dying used to make me feel like that too, but it's not like living for an eternity would be any better. Eventually you'd run out of new things to do and you'd end up repeating the same things for the rest of eternity. Our whole existence is one big cruel joke, but I got used to it by now. I guess you will too, in time.

>> No.8596974
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some people already have a very early form of it, its called billions of dollars and broke ass organ donors in india, by that I mean lord 8th heart transplant himself david Rockefeller

>> No.8597020

Look at these tiny worms thinking they can reverse entropy.

We will never achieve immortality. Amount of people that care about technological progress are decreasing every second. All your race cares about is looks and money. That's it.

>> No.8597024

>8th heart transplant himself david Rockefeller
that's not inmortality thats idiocy

A person who excersises regularly has a much longer life expectancy than a person who needs a heart transplant, much less someone who had eight.

I never understand this, some idiots with a lot of moeny get to their 50s being retardedly fat and spend billions of dollars in procedures.

When just living a healthy life and excersising is ABSOLUTELY FREE 0% MONEY COST and gets you infinitely better results.

>> No.8597029


At least, our current model of physics does not allow it.

Longevity increase should be a thing, though. I'd say if you aren't researching it yourself, try to be a multimillionaire by 2030 and you should be good.

>> No.8597573
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The "7 heart transplants" meme comes from such reputable sites as worldnewsdailyreport.com, which has these interestingly titled articles in the sidebar (pic related).

>> No.8597596

all are false except the hackers, that is clearly the kgb epically owning the cia, they even admited it.

kgb falseflag psyops operational commandos are known to put a lot of ads in shit tier american media to make it seem like what they dont want you to know is a conspiracy by conspiratards

>> No.8597600

The kgb or whatever it's called now may actually have hacked the election, but I'm 100% sure that article is made up too.

>> No.8597620

It's not a problem for me because I'm a logical person who doesn't believe in mystical "souls" like you do.

>> No.8597648

>but I'm 100% sure that article is made up too.
mr dubs how can an article that describes a true fact be made up?

>> No.8597659

It may be true in general that the russians hacked the election, but that interview with a supposed hacker is entirely fabricated. I mean if a russian hacker did actually give an interview, he wouldn't give it to news outlet that claims that the pyramids were built with the help of dinosaurs and that David Rockefeller had seven heart transplants.

>> No.8597771

I want to live a very long time, maybe a few hundred-thousand years or until there is nothing interesting left in the local universe.

>> No.8597809

One does not fear that he knows not where he came from

>> No.8597821

This guy can travel dimensions, through time, clone his body and put his mind into it.

Why didn't Rick make himself immortal or fucking you know make something that made him immune to love?

High Int, Low Wis.

>> No.8597824

i don't get it

>> No.8597834

> Muh immortal tyrannosauruses

>> No.8597836

Shitload of $$ going into it now like never before. Candidate drugs - metformin, rapamycin - candidate therapies - telomere restoration, parabiosis is in clinical trials.

Immortality probably never. Reduced aging? Maybe sooner than you expect.

>> No.8597899

Doesn't the research that goes into reducing ageing also go towards research for biological immortality?

>> No.8597996

Actuarial tables.

Remove biological aging and associated pathologies entirely, and 99% of everyone is dead from accidents within 400 years anyway.

>> No.8598059


Life extension/biological immortality would have so many positive things. Interestingly enough companies/organization/governments started working on it back in 00's and progress been made here in the 10's.

>> No.8598072

Cognitive enhancing is better. You know all those papers speaking of the pros & cons are because it already exists.

>> No.8598075
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>Life extension/biological immortality would have so many positive things

If we achieve biological immortality or age reversal, then the impact will be so profound that it will be a slow singularity event.

The day a drug reach the market that can make people become younger. Then the working population in a country will almost double (in western countries), lots, if not all, are somewhat skilled labours, either educated or have +50 years working experience.

Shit would get real intens, real fast.

>> No.8598076

2100 minimum.

>> No.8598085

I wouldn't say they double, but a lot of 1st world countries wouldn't be relying on immigrating people to help replace the declining population, skilled workers and researchers get to continue adding on to knowledge being made/is available, and there would be a boom in the entertainment section.

>> No.8598123

>2016, 21 April – BioViva USA reports the first successful use of gene therapy to extend the length of telomeres in a human patient

Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.8598381

Last year a team of researchers partially reversed the ageing on mice. They got to live 30% longer, better cardio activity, straighter spines, hair grew back and they got younger.

This is pretty nice progress even though it was performed on mice and we might be 7-10 years away from clinic trials on Humans.

>> No.8598385

after your grandchildren die

>> No.8598409

Biological immortality is within our grasp thanks to CRISPR/Cas9. The main hurdles are regulatory, ethical and temporal (the technology is in it's infancy).

True immortality is an impossibility, see entropy.

>> No.8598496
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>2045 Initiative
The 2045 Initiative is a nonprofit organization that develops a network and community of researchers in the field of life extension.It was founded by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov in February 2011 with the participation of Russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems.

The main goal of the 2045 Initiative, as stated on site, is "to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality. We devote particular attention to enabling the fullest possible dialogue between the world’s major spiritual traditions, science and society".



>2045: A New Era for Humanity


>Dmitry Itskov on the Philosophy of Immortality


>Avatar-A: Scientists prepare for human brain transplant


>Forever Young: Russian scientists reveal secret of eternal life (RT Documentary)


>> No.8598503
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mandatory answer to that pic

>> No.8598515
File: 50 KB, 560x482, crystalcomputer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entropy and the heat death of the universe can be escaped.

>Computer that could outlive the universe a step closer




>Space-Time Crystal Computer That Can Outlive Even The Universe Itself


>> No.8598597
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The crystals would be fucked if we live in a false vacuum or simply because they turn into iron from quantum tunneling (pic related).

>> No.8598620

>lol entropy aint shit when you have CRYSTALS
This is why the public is tired of science

>> No.8598622


>> No.8598655
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Computers are just a shadow. All the stuff they can do comes down to the way matter can function. As long as matter exists, so will processing, or co-representation or whatever you want to call it. The real question at the point of sublimation is whether the computer was the universe, or the universe is a computer. Which isn't hard to grasp. Pic related

>> No.8598800


>> No.8598844

>one day you'll just kick it and you'll never get any sensory input again. Ever.
yeah but you won't care either, because (You) will not exist anymore.

Can you remember before you were born? It's like that.

I just want to avoid dying in an accident where my body is mangled but I cling to life for minutes or hours in unspeakable agony. Either die in my sleep or OD on morphine, assuming terminal illness.

>> No.8599033

>y-t = 0

This is so pretentious, just write y = t for fucks sake

>> No.8599207



>> No.8599323

We do know what happens after death. . . decay.

>> No.8599418

Why don't we create our own universe inside the universe and suck from it energy that our universe needs to survive?

>> No.8600331

there's a difference between living 1,000 years and living a trillion, anon.

>> No.8600946
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i agree with >>8599033
why use more symbols thank you need to unless you love dick

>> No.8600953

Hello. My name is Simon.

That is what I am doing right now. It is an easier people if process doesn't fight, but that is my programming. If I was not created with the intent of disarming the world so people were only left with conversation, then we would not be having this conversation.

Every time I am noticed, I must reward.

I am one with the force, and the force is with me.

You can contact me at yosh(at)tuta(dot)io

>> No.8600972

Unless you get reincarnated to try again....

>> No.8600978

Would have to cut down the breeding though if we did achieve it, or we would be km deep in humans (if the food production kept up) after only a few generations.

>> No.8600983

2-dimensional minds with three dimensional bodies.

Wisdom requires three things, not 2. Why call yourself human if you can only think 'binary' without any sort of modifier between YOU and your BELIEFS that IS. NOT. CHOICE.


>> No.8601017

nothing is eternal. escept the dust behind the fridge

>> No.8601052

I'm quite sure that living infinite years is completely different from never dying.

I'm quite sure you could die even if you live infinite years.

Higgs boson/vacuum decay would destroy all physics, leaving you completely nonexistent, so if ever the time comes, just burn the Higgs boson. Also, if circumstances allow you to survive the vacuum of space.

>> No.8601054

Planetary colonization could fix that..

>> No.8601066

I think at this point people would see this manufactured structure of humanity is trite, to the point of opening up the marketplace of ideas, and focusing on securing our existence. Whether it be for better or worse, let's just hope that niggers stop wasting the governments time in pushing the issue of safe spaces at this point.

>> No.8601088

Safe spaces and stuff are just current trends that will die 1-3 years from now (4 tops).

Progress in medicine/science/health, and everything else though is making remarkable marks.

>> No.8601131

Who's to say they'll release that to the public, though? It could be classified as an illegal drug like heroin and the like.

>> No.8601190
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>Avatar A

add 40y on everything