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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 625x350, flat-earth-625x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8579982 No.8579982 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s answer regarding flat earthers ?

>> No.8579984

> if they're so fucking sure the earth is flat, why don't they get a plane or boat, travel to the edge and jump off

>> No.8579987

>Earth is a rhombus please respond.

>> No.8579991

Not flat earther, but I don't think flat earthers think that's possible.

>> No.8580001

It's all very stupid and believing this kind of thing should qualify a person for a Darwin award.
>but how is this going to kill them, anon?
Literally launch them into space with ~10 minutes supply of oxygen.

>> No.8580006

>You're wrong, Earth is a Calabi–Yau manifold !

Now google that shit

>> No.8580032

Hipparchus, in 120BC, won this debate when he ran his triangulation experiment - simultaneously - in Egypt, Rome and Antioch and determined the stars were infinitely distant. Flat earther theory requires trivial distances and small masses for stars/planets/moon/sun.

Later on, Gallileo discovered the stellar parallex, then did pretty much the same triangulation experiment but using the largest distance possible (the 6 month orbit time of the earth) at the time.

You can do this same experiment yourself.
non-trivial distances to stars = flat earthers BTFO
simple as that.

>> No.8580045
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Flat earth is retarded. The earth is a giant donut.

>> No.8580054


To report and sage.

>> No.8580133

They're all wrong, it's clearly a Klein bottle

>> No.8580193

Not enough evidence to prove earth is round
Everything can be explained without having to make up ridiculous theories about mass bending space and things like that.

>> No.8580228

they don't think it's possible because of a government conspiracy, not because it would be physically impossible

these are the same retards that believe in chemtrails and FEMA deathcamps, that the Queen is a lizard and zeta-reticulans control the world's banks and governments

>> No.8580256

>What is /sci/'s answer regarding flat earthers ?

Go away CTR.

>> No.8580260

I know right, the queen is diffs a frog

>> No.8580272


>> No.8580393

I was listening to a flat Earth debate and the guy said aristosthanes' story about wells was a hoax because, basically, we don't have any primary sources detailing the actual experimental data from him so therefore we can't know nothin'. Their fall back is always "it's a hoax" or "it's Photoshopped" or " you're just irrationally attached to the ball model because you're brain washed and you don't like being lied to!"

It's retarded. These people are donkey-brained.

>> No.8580426

Forget horizons or sunsets or any of that shit, how come no-one has EVER found the edge?

>> No.8580433


>> No.8581186

>and zeta-reticulans control the world's banks and governments
that's much more likely than flat earth

>> No.8581481

OMG! I haven't heard that term in a looooooong time! Wonder if Nancy's moved on to something even more flaky?

>> No.8581491


I dont understand why the logic of "the loominarty is keeping flat earth a secret". What would anyone have to gain from this?

>> No.8581504

Answer? People stopped needing an answer to flat Earth over two millennia ago. People that cared to know about the shape of the Earth knew it wasn't flat in ancient Greece, despite not knowing about the internal structure of the Earth or the laws of gravity.

>> No.8581770

>haha Darwin award lmao
fuck outta here with that popsci horseshit

>> No.8581777

Water proves the earth isn't flat. Unless there is a government conspiracy for that too.

>> No.8581809



>> No.8581883

What is have genuinely heard from a flat earther

>> No.8582539

Flat Earthers are the same exact type of people that deny evolution, are typically creationists, and believe everything, literally everything is a conspiracy with zero evidence. They deny climate science, they deny the Big Bang, they deny basic principles of physics, astronomy, chemistry and biology. They are not worth the time or effort it takes to respond to them, because even if you do, they continue to deny it. They simply won't change their worldview based on evidence, evidence means absolutely nothing to these types of people, they are that deluded.

>> No.8582565


>> No.8582570


The better of us ignore them. Why feed the troll?

Same goes for climate deniers.

No point in giving the monetary or political capital to those who desire to manipulate the clear and obvious truth for their own selfish causes.

>> No.8582799

Euthanasia... preferably involuntary.

>> No.8583470
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>Same goes for climate deniers.

Ignore them? Some of them are running the government!

>> No.8584367


If the flat earthers are using non-euclidian geometry, they might have a point. I'm sure you could find some iso to work with the mathy physics shit

>> No.8584371

According to flat earthers, UN soldiers patrol the outer rim and prevent people from getting there.

>> No.8584374

it doesn't matter. noone in industry uses a flat, 6000 year old earth model to do anything with.

every oil/gas/mineral company uses the 6 billion year old model and assume the earth is round.

it literally doesn't matter what flat earthers think because their model has absolutely zero application in the real world, so all their talk is just butthurt trolling and philosophical circle jerking.

until you can make money with your theory, nobody gives a fuck and nobody is going to take you or your research seriously.

>> No.8584388

What if the earth is flat and the sun and moon rotate in circles above the plane, and they dynamically change shape, thus explaining why the sun and moon don't rise and set at the same size in the sky.

>> No.8584393

to be fair, the bible never actually says that

>> No.8584475

yeah, but some senators do.


also, to be fair, questioning the oft-repeated selectively quoted "consensus" from a single meta-study is not the same as calling the earth flat and/or 6,000 years old.

>> No.8584634
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If the earth is flat, then how can it be hollow???

>> No.8584644

someone mixed guanidine thiocyanate (common ingredient in DNA work) with bleach and made cyanide gas

>> No.8584752
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Flat earthers and climate change deniers deserve only to be exterminated. I ain't even joking.

>> No.8585713

>UN soldiers

Then some flat earthers should get on a boat off of the tip of Chile and get some photos of these boats and men patrolling the great ice wall.

Those soldiers must be awfully efficient. If the earth is a flat disk like they describe, that's a huge area to cover.

>> No.8586625

mtherfuckers are stupid, but thats what happens when you breath in too many chemtrails

>> No.8586638

Of course the earth is flat. Haven't you all seen the movies "Independence Derp" and "Asteroids"???
In both movies the climax explosion in space can be seen by all cultures and countries world wide. They all look up and celebrate their salvation. Line of sight proves a flat earth duh.

(Sorry, I'll go back to /b now)

>> No.8586662

So people who do their research and come to the wrong conclusion should be exterminated, as opposed to people who just believe whatever shit they've been told?

I guarantee you that the average person here probably wouldn't be able to debate the more well-read flat earthers.

>> No.8586666

If you honestly push aside all of those discoveries with how much ample evidence there is supporting them then you are the fucking retard here. /sci/ my ass you people wouldn't accept something if the evidence was shoved in your face.

>> No.8587646

Dear Satan,
There is evidence supporting flat earth theory?
With regards. Anon

>> No.8587667

The trick to debating flat earthers is not to try and disprove their theory. It's to try and get them to find any practical use for their model. A hypothesis is useless if it can't make any decent predictions over what we have already.

>> No.8587678

>all of those discoveries

What discoveries? All flat-earthers ever present is a bunch of hand-waving and MS Paint graphics.

>> No.8587731

>what is the Coriolis effect

>> No.8588232
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>binging on alex jones and /x/ is research
>the default public opinion on climate change is it's real
The more intelligent conservitards really don't deny it these days, it's now how much of it is manmade. As always, the conservicucks are behind in the sciences by a good 50 years.

>Well-read flat earthers
>Well-read flat earthers
>Well-read flat earthers

>I guarantee you that the average person here wouldn't be able to debate...
I'll give you this one, either because this average person here is actually doing some semblance of research but more likely is an autist with no social skills that hates confrontation.
Then again, you're implying this "debate" would be anything more than the vocal form of youtube comments.
Well-read flat earthers...kekjojlel, i needed this.

>> No.8588391

Here's the deal: there are two types of Flat Earthers: trolls, and literal Bible interpreters. Somewhat surprisingly, we usually encounter the latter on 4Chan. They have the freedom to make shit up (lie) because truth and understanding are not their goals, and they end the arguments with "prove me wrong." By disavowing any science put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by attrition. It is simply impossible to keep up with having to explain away the barrage of the violations of the most basic principles of geometry, math, science, and logic. They aren't interested in critical thinking or putting in the requisite effort to do the science. Proofs are tossed aside, or they may not even respond when they can't fabricate anything that would pass even their own red-faced test. They are blind to 3D visualualization. They concentrate on believing what their leaders tell them, and will not allow any sense to mar their fractured perception of the universe. There is simply no arguing. It's like trying to paint over mud, where you just end up with a dirty brush.

>> No.8589766
File: 44 KB, 559x785, flat earth bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Bingo in this thread

>> No.8589780


A mate of mine is confirmed as a third category.

Over the last two years, he's been smoking a lot more pot, and becoming more convinced that the Government is part of a massive conspiracy to hide the health benefits of pot.

The problem with that is the more upset he gets about it, the more he starts buying into every Government conspiracy memes like Chemtrails. fake moon landings and eventually flat earth.

Over the last month his Facebook friend list has dropped from about a hundred to about 20 due to the way he wants to tell everyone to "educate themselves" and fights all the sheeples that don't listen.

He's a legitimate fedora wearing atheist and has always made an issue of hating religion so it's not that. And he's had too many fights with his own family to be trolling.

>> No.8589781

That sounds like he actually needs help.

>> No.8589789
File: 17 KB, 566x259, Erat2B-710882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aristosthanes' story

you are listening to the wrong flat earthers. flat earth has been known for thousands of years and only the past millennium have we entertained on the idea that the earth is a globe.

i recommend sources like eric dubay for answers regarding proofs.

as for the aristosthanes' story you can simplify his assumption that angles of shadows means that there is curvature:
if you take a flashlight and move it locally across a kitchen table and note that the angles of the salt and pepper shakers shadow change, does that mean the surface of the table is curved?
the answer is yes according to NASA and the educational system.

water does not flow up hill and always finds a level surface, sea level. if the earth was round there wouldn't be such thing as level in a macro-scale and rivers from mountains would flow up and over as well as down hill.

>> No.8589792

>deny evolution
>believing in Darwinism ever

you cant make a tree into a horse.
you can however make a white person from a black person.

the creator made life diverse as it always was and the genetic diversity can spread throughout specific species it was designed to mingle with, that is, a horse already has many phenotype in its DNA to express many different kinds of colors of its own nature but it cannot evolve into a dog or a hippopotamus. when a species has isolated an expression of its genetic traits multiple times over, it increases its chance of having malfunctions, hence why whites are more susceptible to autism or deformities.

also giants, as many ancient history and myths on the face of the earth have confirmed, were real and dinosaurs are not.

>> No.8589795

There are three types

Arguing with either is pointless since it's not going to be argument per se.
The correct course of action is calling them a faggot.

>> No.8589798
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>> No.8589800
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>> No.8589809
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>flat earther's

how ironic.

>> No.8589831

>if you take a flashlight and move it locally across a kitchen table and note that the angles of the salt and pepper shakers shadow change, does that mean the surface of the table is curved?
The shadows cast on a flat surface are measurably different.

>if the earth was round there wouldn't be such thing as level in a macro-scale
Sure there would be. "Level" would simply refer to a curved surface.

>> No.8589962

I seriously doubt George Washington believed in a flat earth.

>> No.8591280

Okay, I'll buy that. But I state that we usually encounter the two types on 4chan. Does your mate post here? And I'm sorry - it must be difficult to see a friend lose his mind.

>> No.8591300

Flat Earth isn't even physically possible. Gravity would make it collapse into a ball Earth.

>> No.8592709

>implying they think gravity is real

Most of the flat earthers I've listened to on youtube seem to believe that gravity is a meme theory, stating that since we never observed gravity particles analogous to electrons or photons, that we don't really know anything about gravity, and that Isaac Newton invented gravity to explain the fraudulent globe model. They instead claim that what we refer to as gravity is just density, so the air is higher because it is less dense and the ground is lower because it is more dense (don't ask me how this is supposed to replace gravity, I know it's stupid.)

>> No.8592982

They think the Earth is flat and it's proof of god. They think the conspirators don't want you to believe in god so they can control you more.

There's a Molyneux video that was especially infuriating to watch as this retarded caller handwaved everything as fake but wouldn't acknowledge that he believes in flat earth based on images online which could also be faked.

>> No.8592986

Gravity isn't real. It can't even be observed and measured properly like any other force.

>> No.8592995

>it cant be observed and measured
Never dropped something?
Never measured the velocity as constant?
Never went to highschool?

>> No.8592996

This. We are kept on the ground by a electromagnetic force that for some reason doesn't make metal extremely heavy while still being strong enough to anchor non-metallic objects to the ground firmly and observably attracting all forms of matter equally. Fucking globe-heads can't get it through their spherical heads that gravity is a lie and therefore the earth is OBVIOUSLY fucking flat.

Don't even get me started on their insane astronomy lies. You want to tell me I can see the sun from 93 million miles away and it's 865,000 miles in diameter? I can cover it with my pinky finger you morons!!!

>> No.8593001

Why are constellations in the northern and southern halves of the planet different?

>> No.8593007

How do you explain tides with a flat earth?

>> No.8593057

Government's have been to the great sapphire shell enclosing the atmosphere. They manipulated the skies to create false evidence of a globular earth.

>> No.8593060


Somehow gravity's strong enough to pull in the tides of whole masses of ocean but doesn't affect anything else in the atmosphere the same way. Gravity is an excuse for convenience.

>> No.8593073

holy shit lmao denser objects sinking below less dense REQUIRES gravity to work. I know you're just trolling but I wouldn't put it past the flat-earth tards lol

>> No.8593085

What about the countless revolutionary governments that weren't and aren't part of the status quo?

>> No.8593091

Out of curiosity, what is the flat earth explanation for tides?

>> No.8593094

Wel tths teh gubment weve macienes at teh egde of teh wurdl. kk?

>> No.8593095

All governments collude. The revolutionary ones are just to stir up the rabble - they are controlled opposition. Most of history has been rewritten to cover up the edge of the world which was discovered in what globe-heads would call 400 BCE.

Caused by warmer and cooler areas of ocean. That's why the tide changes as the sun does.

>> No.8593099
File: 395 KB, 2800x1800, 1466294890830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this, spherists:

If the Earth is a sphere, then why is the horizon fucking FLAT?

>> No.8593103

>Caused by warmer and cooler areas of ocean.
How does thermohaline circulation fit into that?

>> No.8593112

>thermohaline circulation
Not an expert on that, but it's probably caused by warm/cool as well as the movement and activities of the aquatic life which change the salt content of the water and displace water as they migrate.

>> No.8593132

>flat earth believers
Ahaha go back to 300 BC before Archimedes owned your asses with the Sand Reckoner.

>> No.8593139

Care to reproduce those experiments? Oh wait, you can't. Just keep sucking N(azi)ASA's dick and jerking off to their CGI photos.

>> No.8593143

because infinitesimal calculus is real, the earth is really big, and humans are really small in comparison.




>> No.8593149
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1456766456399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because infinitesimal calculus is real
hahahahahaahaha next you'll me the the "real" numbers are real too! lmao! Globe-head and a believer in irrational math, sounds about right!!

>> No.8593159

How do you explain tides at night and spring tides (tides caused by a syzygy of the sun and moon)?

Rent a tall sailboat and have a friend (you do have friends, right?) sail over the horizon and back.

>> No.8593173

The sailboat will disappear due to diffraction of light through the atmosphere, which is why you can't see infinitely far. If you use a telescope to look at your friend, you will see that the hull disappearing below the horizon is actually just an optical illusion, since with a telescope the hull will remain visible! Explain that!

>> No.8593178

>How do you explain tides at night and spring tides (tides caused by a syzygy of the sun and moon)?

How do you explain why the Earth is spinning at 1000 mph and orbitting the sun and we don't feel shit? Why can planes fly equally fast whether they go east or west? hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe the earth is flat dipshit.

>> No.8593198

Experiments? Archimedes just used deductive reasoning to state the earth is round. Retards have been saying the Earth was flat before Jesus was born, but they were also saying the Earth was round before he was born as well.

Denying evolution =/= denying the earth is round. The Earth is definitively round. And that makes sense physically as well as philosophically, however, evolution's main tenets are less than 200 years old. Very fragile, untenable piece of shit.

>> No.8593201

What is relativity, dipshit

>> No.8593209

>flat earth

mentally disadvantaged people believe this

>> No.8593223

A theory made up to explain away the inconsistencies in classical Newtonian physics - inconsistencies that stem from dumb ideas like a spherical earth. Next you'll tell me black holes are real and we landed on the moon LMAO

>> No.8593250
File: 54 KB, 604x453, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A theory made up to explain away the inconsistencies in classical Newtonian physics - inconsistencies that stem from dumb ideas like a spherical earth. Next you'll tell me black holes are real and we landed on the moon LMAO

>> No.8593256


>> No.8593263
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>> No.8593270
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>tells me I fail
>uses a space-travel propaganda film character created to literally grind the spherical retardation into his head

>> No.8593277

Is this the only reason why this thread is still alive? One, sad retard is bumping it constantly?

>> No.8593286

What do flat earthers even expect the horizon to look like if not flat?

Remaining at eye level in the north then as you turn around it gradually falls down until it reaches it's lowest point in the south where it starts going up as you keep turning towards north again?

>> No.8593287
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>> No.8593296

We don't feel shit when we travel in airplanes 1000 mph. Why would we feel shit when the earth does the same?

Why can you walk equally fast in a moving train or airplane whether you go back or forward?

>> No.8593301

North is at the center of the FLAT disc we live on. i.e. if you fly from east to west you are actually flying in a circle and NOT a straight path as spherists would have you believe.

Globular-tards think that by gaslighting they can avoid presenting real evidence. Not gonna work idiot!

lol no. When I'm in a car or an airplane I can feel it moving when we accelerate or decelerate. So one of two options dude: 1) the earth's rotation is constant (obviously bullshit) 2) the earth is not rotating, because it's fucking flat. How do you not understand this basic shit? My god the public education system has done it's job well on you people!

>> No.8593310
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reminder that there is literally zero application for flat earth theory in industry (same as a 6000 year old earth). whether our model is ((((true)))) or not is irrelevant, its about being useful. there will never be an application for biblical models because they are literally working backwards from the way everyone else in our modern industrial society solves problems.

>inb4 hurr science is about the meaning of life and absolute truth

no it isn't.

>> No.8593315

>the earth's rotation is constant (obviously bullshit)
Obviously the rotation is constant, you expect it to accelerate and decelerate haphazardly? By what mechanism?

>> No.8593317

Working from a false theory will inevitably doom your progress at some point. Not to mention all the "progress" we've made in space is a big government joke.

Copernicus had the right idea with his geocentric model, he just didn't understand that he had been lied to about the shape of the earth in the first place. Then the spheretards came in and changed up that model because the math was getting a little too hard (and close to the truth) for them.

>> No.8593319
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>Not gonna work

>> No.8593322

Okay, fuck face, are you aware that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yes?

How about you rig up a camera to a Pi and a balloon and send it up to show us proof of this flat disk.

After you've done that (and find that it is actually a sphere) and don't believe the results, go and get a plane or sea vessel and travelling to the 'ice wall' (it doesn't exist, then proceed to travel around the globe and finally realise that you and your movement is full of shit).

>> No.8593325

There is certainly application for a 6000 some year old earth, retard. All this extra bullshit is tacked ONTO the existing state of society and Earth. However, there is little application for a flat earth, which unlike evolution, is testable.

>> No.8593326

Very true, science is about enterprise to make profit.

>> No.8593328
File: 300 KB, 1280x718, 1480382364475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ward
Might want to recheck your spelling there buddy lol. Otherwise it's a pretty accurate meme - it's fun to laugh at the flawed reasoning and mental gymnastics that spherists go through on a daily basis.

Many people are doing this now. No matter how high the balloon rises - flat horizon. No sphere dude, you were lied to! No one is allowed to travel to the ice-wall. UN prevents that from happening. If I weren't laughing my ass off at the devout followers of the spherical cult, I would be crying for you. Look it up. Due your research. Unironically wake the fuck up man.

>> No.8593330

>Globular-tards think that by gaslighting they can avoid presenting real evidence.
>My god the public education system has done it's job well on you people!
Mhm, tastes like hypocrisy.

>> No.8593331

You CAN measure the gravity of a 1kg ball on another 1kg ball. It's how they measured the gravitational constant.

>> No.8593333

Go to the ice wall then, if you don't care about muh gubments, show us this fucking ice wall. Since, funnily enough, the ice wall is the only plausible bit of evidence you could bring to the table (if you weren't a lazy retard).

>> No.8593336

Yeah I would except for, ya know, the fucking military guarding it. Go to the antarctic yourself. Or try at least. Unless you're in on the scam, they won't let you know the truth.

>> No.8593339

Also, why not do the camera test yourself, rather than blindly believing (like you say we do), or is hypocrisy and irony lost on you?

How about YOU do it, since YOU ARE the one making these claims, mhm? :)

>> No.8593344

Also, some flat-earthers (I don't really agree) theorize that the earth is an infinite plane. Beyond the ice is a whole other world. But I think that theory is probably bullshit - takes a big stretch to believe that.

How about YOU do it, since YOU ARE the one making these claims, mhm? :)

Oh nice! Ladies and gentleman we have our first globehead ITT telling me to get myself killed so he can be sure of something that he could confirm himself by looking out the fucking window at the horizon RIGHT NOW.

>> No.8593348

Oh nice! Ladies and gentleman he have our fist flathead ITT telling me to blindly believe his claims by looking out a fucking window, without actually looking out the fucking metaphorical window himself (going to the 'ice wall' or sending up a camera balloon).
>ITT: Flatfucker keeps hypocrisying all over the place.

>> No.8593349

>It's like trying to paint over mud, where you just end up with a dirty brush.

Not trying to go /pol/ here, but if you put the mud in a kiln, painting over it is a breeze.

>> No.8593355

Okay, how about you go into national waters (where murdering you would a crime), use a satellite phone tether as your Internet connection and GO TO THE FUCKING ICE WALL! As killing you would be broadcast over the world and the gubment scheme would fail.

Or failing that, if you are too much of a retarded pussy, fly a drone to this ice wall using the satellite phone tethered Internet connection to broadcast the data to the world, once more BTFOing the 'spherical conspiracy'.

Look, I just done the thunkin' for you. :D

>> No.8593356

>There is certainly application for a 6000 some year old earth

if there is, it isn't superseding the 6 billion year old model that is used by literally every oil, gas, and mineral extraction company on the planet.

>Working from a false theory will inevitably doom your progress at some point.

>this is what retards believe

no it wont. science does it all the time. we still use outdated models we know are incorrect just because they make useful predictions in certain applications. hard shell model of the atom is one of them.

>Not to mention all the "progress" we've made in space is a big government joke.

yeah maaaaan, all these private companies are just dumping money into helping the government keep this conspiracy going.

>> No.8593360

>you will see that the hull disappearing below the horizon is actually just an optical illusion

Show the video evidence. Powerful telephoto equipment is available for relatively low prices.

Diffraction or not, the ship will eventually disappear entirely. This has been known for centuries.

>> No.8593365

lol! I'm not going to spend all kinds of money sailing to the edge of the world only to be shot by a government and accomplish nothing. I'm also not going, and can't afford, to replicate a well-documented experiment that I've seen 1000 times on youtube by trusted leaders in the flat-earth movement.
The earth is flat - I'm sorry you can't prove it and resort to profanity!

>satellite phone tether
You're still thinking in a globular mindset my dude. There AREN'T any satellites. There ISN'T any internet way the fuck out there. N(azi)ASA LIED TO YOU! Think critically for once in your inflated-balloon-shaped-earth theory life FFS!!

Evidence has already been shown. Look it up.

>> No.8593368

>the fucking military guarding it

How do you know the military is guarding the ice wall? How could they possibly do this, when the US can barely guard its 2,000 mile long southern border?

>> No.8593377

>Not willing to provide evidence, even when simplified and actually not that expensive (Google satellite broadband, or broadband at sea).
>The earth is flat - I'm sorry you can't prove it and resort to profanity!
Yet, you aren't willing to provide irrefutable proof.
>I'm also not going, and can't afford, to replicate a well-documented experiment that I've seen 1000 times on youtube by trusted leaders in the flat-earth movement.
>There AREN'T any satellites.
>There ISN'T any internet way the fuck out there.
Then how does Internet at sea, or extremely remote places without mobile phone tower connection get Internet (such as the Outer Hebrides or research teams in the Antarctic, Africa, et al?

>> No.8593379

>I'm not going to spend all kinds of money sailing to the edge of the world only to be shot by a government and accomplish nothing.

Put together a kickstarter with your flat-earth friends to hire lawyers and put together a real research team. Get freedom-of-information documentation from the UN and other governments. Set up a group expedition and stream everything. I'd watch.

>> No.8593380

Me too, I'd also chip-in a small amount to that kickstarter just so retarded flat-Earthers go away.

>> No.8593383

I'm digging the way you think man. No faith in anything but that that doesn't have any faith in the world.

You remind me of my parents; the government killed them for knowing too much

>> No.8593385
File: 35 KB, 453x576, internet_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Picture is very much related.

>> No.8593388

Okay you're on like 20 different tangents here. Consider this: Have you been to the arctic? How do you know there is internet out there wirelessly available by "satellite" and not through a government radio tower (which you wouldn't be authorized to use)?

Just consider for 5 seconds how much you KNOW and how much you've been TOLD. The only science that can make sense is that which you can observe yourself and do yourself. If you can't prove a spherical earth and all observation points to a flat one, consider that the "scientists" at NASA and elsewhere have been lying to everyone.

This person is not me. Not sure if troll or government but fuck off either way.

>> No.8593398

Okay, a few things:
>Without a satellite long distance broadcasting, such as from a vessel (at sea), or in the middle of a remote location (like Africa or Antarctica) not even this special gubment radio tower would work.
How do I know this? I have conducted research at my university in relation to long-distance radio broadcasts to international universities.
>You also only refuted my point for Antarctica (pointing to the gubment), yet not at sea, or in another remote location that isn't heavily government controlled.
Still failing to address:
>Yet, you aren't willing to provide irrefutable proof.

>> No.8593403

I believe you mean kikes

>> No.8593407

Buddy, how many different ways can I say it? STOP THINKING THE EARTH IS A SPHERE

A radio tower would have no problem transmitting long distances on the very much flat earth we live on. What's more, that isn't even consistent in this argument. Which is it - we can communicate with a "satellite" millions of miles away or a radio tower can't transmit a few thousand away. Like really, make up your goddamned mind.

>> No.8593413

It is poignant, as without the satellite broadcasting WOULD NOT WORK and DOES NOT WORK (as I have witnessed) due to the curvature of the Earth.

It does work, however, if you broadcast to a satellite which then broadcasts to the receiving tower.

What does that mean? If satellites are needed (as I've witnessed) and worked (as I've witnessed as have other countless engineers) that means satellites exist and therefore orbit exists and therefore the Earth is a fucking sphere.

>> No.8593414

Still failing to address:
>Yet, you aren't willing to provide irrefutable proof.
>>>8593380 (You)

>> No.8593416
File: 3 KB, 97x96, 1483430959068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viewing this thread gives me life. Everyone here is either a cuck or a troll.

>> No.8593420

>Samefagging troll.
>Go to: >>>/pol/

>> No.8593427

>It does work, however, if you broadcast to a satellite which then broadcasts to the receiving tower.

Yes I'm sure once you broadcast to the non-existent satellite the government allows your transmission to go through. That doesn't prove anything.

>[mirror needed]
>[has provided 0 (zero) nada zip none proof of a spherical earth
>still in denial of the flat horizon
>still doesn't understand that if the earth were spherical, there would be measureable curvature that would make a train drop one meter every 8 kilometers

>> No.8593434
File: 106 KB, 960x678, 1482905218538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related - proof of how full of shit globe-heads are.

>> No.8593440

A jammer would jam you regardless, a jammer wouldn't just stop jamming you, retard.

>[mirror needed]
Provide a link to just one of these evidences of them going to the ice wall as you claimed here:
>[has provided 0 (zero) nada zip none proof of a spherical earth
Look through the entire thread.
Also, none of these:
>[mirror needed]
>[has provided 0 (zero) nada zip none proof of a spherical earth
>still in denial of the flat horizon
>still doesn't understand that if the earth were spherical, there would be measureable curvature that would make a train drop one meter every 8 kilometers.
Address these:

>> No.8593444

Just because you use oil as fuel does not mean or say anything about the 'evidence' of evolution.

>> No.8593450
File: 69 KB, 489x600, 1454611185605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun banging your heads against the wall coming up with explanations for the lie you were sold. Good UN puppets. I'm done trying to convince you people - it's like arguing with a wall that is also somehow extremely retarded.


Your theory has been BTFO x1000 by so many people so many times and I'm just done trying with you.

>> No.8593454

>Those soldiers must be awfully efficient. If the earth is a flat disk like they describe, that's a huge area to cover.
retar where do you think those high tax go?

>> No.8593458

Ah yes, a 'drop' on ball with no 'up or down' only an 'up or down' perceived by us due to gravity.

Look, I've given you countless chances to actually show us this ice wall, or the fact the Earth is flat from OC camera-balloon observations.

Still not addressing:

>> No.8593466

On a crystal clear day out at the beach I saw a ship come over the horizon. First the ship's superstructure and then its hull.

>> No.8593475

Still waiting on the evidence of those 1000s of trips by the 'leaders' of your 'cult' to this ice wall, or any of this shit:
>BTFO x1000 by so many people so many times and I'm just done trying with you.

>> No.8593485

evolution is the only explanation for why all animals didn't exist on the planet at the same time. if (macro) evolution wasn't (mostly) correct, relative dating wouldn't work.

and relative dating does work. hence, industry will continue to use evolution and a 6 billion year old earth as its operational model until which time you can come up with something more profitable.

>> No.8593487


WTF? I have stood at points on a peninsula with unobstructed views of the ocean horizon and it is very obviously curved.

You would have to be absolutely nuts to deny this or else your vision is fucked up.

>> No.8593503

It's not a perfect sphere m800.

>> No.8593504

Try telling them that.

For instance, I'm an EE and have conducted research involving long-distance radio broadcasting without the aid of a satellite to international radio towers, it doesn't work.

However, when you broadcast to a satellite and that satellite transmits the signal to that international tower it works.

I and countless others have witnessed this in action, and yet, these morons still deny it.

>> No.8593510

The only reason why dating works is because your untestable theories stipulate the causes of things like mineral composition. Science's grasp can only go so far, especially in the direction of the past, without being extremely untenable and reliable.

>> No.8593592
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2017-01-10 23-15-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite, but I can definitely see your rational behind it.

>Everyone here is either a cuck or a troll.

The fact that you were wrong only goes to reinforce his point

>> No.8593596

woops, replied to the wrong person

>> No.8593597
File: 20 KB, 322x480, 322px-Alith_Anar_Sombrío.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ignorant will seek to tear down and denigrate the intelligent if only to feel a fleeting sense of superiority, something their lives inevitably lack.

>> No.8593601

>watching Molymeme
Found your problem.

>> No.8593605

Go cruise at 40,000 feet on a sunny day and you'll very obviously see it is not

Or are plane cabin windows a gubmint conspiracy organized by Obummer to keep free thinkers in the dark?

>> No.8594125

Can somebody explain what the problem with this image is?

>> No.8594132
File: 27 KB, 375x383, 1458808202634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiments have been done to show that a laser parallel to the ground pointed at a distant object will not show the drop off predicted by the globe-theory's model. Therefore it must be false. Thus like the great Sherlock Holmes once said, the only remaining explanation no matter how absurd MUST be true. Therefore the earth is flat.

A lot of the people in this thread had no argument when presented with facts - in all likeliness they aren't just incredibly stupid, but rather paid conspirators sent to obfuscate the truth. Don't be fooled.

>> No.8594197

It actually is in the 4th dimension

*X File theme plays*

>> No.8594325


>> No.8594604
File: 125 KB, 418x627, demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think that the shape of the Earth as well as the whole concept of matter and space - both in terms of space and cosmos - should be thought of less as things in and of themselves that don't change when we look away and more as modes of thinking that we employ, and that we could potentially stop employing. The flat Earth described in the Bible as part of a parable emphasizing the importance of subject over object, noumena over phenomena. And the round Earth described in Materialist delirium emphasizing the opposite.

Trying to "prove" the Earth is flat means automatically accepting a Materialist model, where matter and space maintain themselves when we look away, and where they work like a Classical machine - all interconnected parts lending themselves to empirical observation with no contradiction arising even between the two most qualitatively distant points. Accepting Matter as basal and yielding to it.

You shouldn't attempt to do this if you're a Christian or an otherwise Spiritual person.

>> No.8595709


>> No.8595721


>> No.8595724


>> No.8595733

the level of retarded in this post is painfull

>> No.8596165
File: 2.90 MB, 608x1080, 1452551087416.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok answer me this /sci/fags

>how does propulsion work in space?
>1. thrust is the opposite reaction of pushing off of something
>2. there is nothing to push off of in space

>> No.8596183

Guys stop getting so mad at flat earthers.
Flat earth is a healthy thought experiment at playing devil's advocate and going through the process of explaining natural events in a set frame of mind. Just read up on the history of Aristotle's updates on the Geocentric model and how he adapted it to observed inconsistencies. It's healthy practice for the critical mind and the ironic flat earthers are getting a great workout for the brain by arguing it. You should play along without getting mad. Pick a side and join in.

>> No.8596229

>>playing devil's advocate
>>ironic flat earthers

Except they're not. They're scam artists who are trying to push this as a genuine belief on the ignorant. If you look at their Youtube videos, they get tons of upvotes. Most of the posts by flat earthers are either scam artist or ignorant true believers.

>> No.8596236
File: 582 KB, 1280x1024, 1484050359700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a flat earther but there are genuinely things which i need answers for before i will accept a globe earth as 100% fact and so i will play devils advocate as a flat earther to try to get these answers

for instance my question here >>8596165

or this question:

>even on a running track you have staggered starts because runners near the center otherwise would have an advantage
so, if
>presumably the atmosphere rotates with the earth
then why and how
>do various strata of atmosphere all move at the same rate, considering that even slight variations in rotation would eventually add up to extremely heavy winds?

>> No.8596237

Well, then treat it as such. Practice rebuking their more difficult statements, or play a flat earther to practice devil's advocate. It's a great exercise. Switch sides in the middle of a thread.

>> No.8596241

That's simply Newton's Third Law. Action and equal reaction in the opposite direction.

The expanding fuel from the engines creates thrust. The ship moves in the opposite direction.

>> No.8596265
File: 11 KB, 626x355, 1468817659965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nature equilibrates the fuel for free


newton's third law requires 2 seperate bodies in order for it to work

>> No.8596280

one of the bodies is the rocket, the other is the exhaust

>> No.8596286

>2 seperate bodies in order for it to work
The gasses from the burned fuel and the spaceship.

Just imagine you and another guy holding hands in space, then you push each other away. You go flying in opposite directions and have thus propelled yourselves. Now instead of a person its exhaust gas and instead of pushing yourself the gases gets pushed away by the expanding fuel.

>> No.8596308
File: 55 KB, 564x555, 1471887469554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is not true. i have conducted experiments where i inflate small balloons attached to small toy cars, and they propel normally when the balloons pressure is released...

>until you add a vacuum at the exit of the "rocket"

at which point they stand still (if you get the vacuum placed properly to swallow all of the propelled gas).

>IMPORTANT: i do not hold the vacuum BEHIND the car, but perpendicular to it, thus i am not "pulling" the car with the vacuum, which people tend to think when i talk about this experiment.

please try this experiment for yourself, you may be shocked.

>> No.8596331
File: 73 KB, 400x400, dartboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a large spinning disc, the further out from the center that faster it moves. If you want an analogy more similar to the atmosphere you can go with a fluid like water being stirred in a pot. Same thing.

There aren't massive winds because even if they have different tangential velocity their angular velocity is the same so their relative position to each other remains the same as the whole thing spins.

Think of a spinning dart board the outer red spot on the 20 move faster that the inner red point of the 20 but as they spin they stay the same distance away from each other and doesn't move to the right or left in relation to each other.

>> No.8596351

If the vacuum container is part of the moving car then all the momentum goes back into the whole contraption. Connect the car with a long hose to a stationary vacuum and try again.

>> No.8596374

Could you give us the volume of the balloon, the time it took for the balloon to deflate and weight of the toy car?

You do expect less thrust in a vacuum, it's possible your balloon was simply too small or the car too heavy to overcome friction.

Something with your experiment is evidently wrong as there's no logical explanation why pushing away 40kg of air wouldn't propel you the same amount as pushing away 40kg of stone.

>> No.8596418

Armin is that you?

>> No.8596419

>open /sci/ for the first time in 2 weeks
>first thread in the catalog
fuck me, when did it get so shit?

>> No.8596462

What if those threads are just proxy for flat chest vs big tits arguments?

>> No.8596467

>There AREN'T any satellites.
Yea there are you can look up at night and see them pass over every once in a while. He'll you can observe the international space station with the naked eye

>> No.8596519

>i have conducted experiments

Why don't you make a video and put it on Youtube (or similar site)?

>until you add a vacuum at the exit of the "rocket"

So the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner is next to the balloon "jet nozzle"? That obviously doesn't simulate rocket thrust in the outer space. What you'd need is to put your experiment inside of a vacuum chamber. it may be doable with a large sealed bottle or something like that.

But I would agree that demonstrating rocket thrust (or lack of same) in an airless space is an experiment worth doing;

>> No.8596599

"The Earth isn't flat you fucking retard"

>> No.8596631

Can't explain that.

>> No.8596655
File: 50 KB, 401x600, Gossuin_de_Metz_-_L'image_du_monde_-_BNF_Fr._574_fo42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one ultimate solution on flat earth problem and it's dead since '45.

In other news trigonometry.

>> No.8596825

if you are so fucking sure the earth is a sphere, why dont you get on a place or boat, travel to the edge and see the next edge

>> No.8596857

Is it bedtime where you live? Because I think you need some sleep.

>> No.8596860

literally who gives a fuck about what a bunch of zealots think

the people who think that 0 is a natural number are MUCH WORSE

>> No.8597035
File: 19 KB, 297x308, 1482427167495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gravity is so strong it can keep billions and billions of tonnes of water on the side of the world but the force doesn't crush every living thing on earth

>> No.8597039

i had no idea people didnt understand gravity to this degree

>> No.8597045

>gravity doesnt work that way!
>cant explain how gravity works

powerful and really makes you thiink

>> No.8597142
File: 47 KB, 1034x1054, jet propelled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>until you add a vacuum at the exit of the "rocket"
>at which point they stand still (if you get the vacuum placed properly to swallow all of the propelled gas).
>>IMPORTANT: i do not hold the vacuum BEHIND the car, but perpendicular to it, thus i am not "pulling" the car with the vacuum, which people tend to think when i talk about this experiment.

So if I understand you, you are placing a vacuum nozzle next to the output of the balloon (as pictured)? Because if so all you're doing is demonstrating that the vacuum's flow interferes with the thrust of the balloon.

>> No.8597155

Which part are you confused about? Billions of tons of water being heavier than a little furry animal?

>> No.8597189

>giants are real

It's scary just how much evidence there is of this.

Not even joking, people should looks this shit up.

>> No.8597225

>tfw I once used WGS84 and CК-42 for some map things
>predicted satellite locations using SGP4 as small project in uni
Am I part of the conspiracy? Fuck yeah.

>> No.8597232
File: 66 KB, 600x338, giants2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>giants are real
>>people should looks this shit up.

Photoshop is amazing!

>> No.8597881

>the earth's rotation is constant (obviously bullshit)

Why is that obvious bullshit? That doesn't even make sense.

>the earth is not rotating, because it's fucking flat.
A flat earth could rotate.

>> No.8597898

>a flat earth could rotate

Nope. A flat earth would collapse in on itself, forming a sphere.

>> No.8597909

only has to be reliable enough to do something useful. and it is.

>> No.8597956

That's besides the point, it's purely hypothetical. >>8593301 's claim was that if the earth was flat (which he apparentlhy believes), it could not rotate, which does not logically follow.

He may be coming from the biblical literalist ideology that the earth is fixed, and does not move.

>> No.8598109

Kek. And they know this how?

>> No.8599697

You'd think every now and then you'd hear from one of the veterans, saying "I was stationed in the Antarctic Circle for ten months, wow it was cold!"

There's no pictures of these soldiers or patrol boats. I doubt there's any concrete evidence at all.

>> No.8599758

>If the Earth is a sphere, then why is the horizon fucking FLAT?

Because you're not taking the picture from five miles up? Why wouldn't a curved surface appear straight when you're very close to it?

>> No.8599776
File: 1.25 MB, 482x482, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of earth is round then why is the man in the moon always visible?

>> No.8599800

I guess I should have given you low-IQ round earthers an easier problem

>> No.8599811


>> No.8599818

Seriously? The Moon is tidally locked with earth. Did you not go to school?

>> No.8599819
File: 25 KB, 280x210, Murphey280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8599831

nice proof sherlock. and what the heck do tides have to do with anything?

>> No.8599837

Gravity is real but the graviton isn't. Fuck particle physics.

>> No.8599840


>> No.8599848

This is actually the funniest thing I've seen on 4chan

>> No.8599856

"Fuck off, retard."

>> No.8599862




>> No.8599919

Why don't you go read a book? Or try googling?


>> No.8599924

Because we're just seeing a two dimensional shadow of a three dimensional shadow of a fourth dimensional hyperdodecahedron.

>> No.8599931

>last edited 2 minutes ago

>> No.8599939

Then flat is justice.

>> No.8600031

TLDR, they're no different than the apes we evolved from.

>> No.8600279

>>Has no idea how Wikipedia works and how there's an article history button link there
>>Implying that someone gives enough of a crap about a dumb /sci/ "flat earth" thread to actually waste extra time editing the wiki

>> No.8600500

9/11 bait, made me angry

>> No.8600539

IMPORTANT: i do not hold the vacuum BEHIND the car, but perpendicular to it, thus i am not "pulling" the car with the vacuum, which people tend to think when i talk about this experiment.
That is exactly what you're fucking doing it doesn't matter how you place the nozzle its still creating a force of suction or flowing air behind the car the counteracts the propulsion of the baloon. Are you really this stupid

>> No.8600546

Fuck i forgot greentext

>> No.8600566

>Denying evolution =/= denying the earth is round.
They're similar in the magnitude of delusion you need to deny them. To deny evolution you need to deny the almost entirety of paleontology, biology, and genetics.

>evolution's main tenets are less than 200 years old. Very fragile, untenable piece of shit.
Q: Do organisms reproduce?
A: Yes

Q: Are organisms born with unique traits that can be spread to their offspring?
A: Yes

if you have accepted these two things, you have accepted evolution.

>> No.8600611

Supposedly the powers that be are Sun worshippers and they insist on having the Sun be the center of our solar system. Sabbath is now Sunday, we worship God's son and etc...

>> No.8600627

>non euclidean

You can only pick one

>> No.8600650

how do flatearthers explain eclipse?

>> No.8600657


so many epicycles

>> No.8601959

But it is though.

>> No.8603066

>Ample evidence

>> No.8604301

>To deny evolution you need to deny the almost entirety of paleontology, biology, and genetics.

What's the problem? These fields are less rigorous than Pop Nutrition.

>> No.8604312


Both of these question are meaningless. Asking if "organisms reproduce" is like asking if "books get written".

>Natural Papyral Semiotics calls into question the existence of the Author

>> No.8604329

>What's the problem? These fields are less rigorous than Pop Nutrition.

Why are you lying?

>> No.8604398

stupidity != unconventional
I'm suspicious people who think like you aren't actually alive.

>> No.8604428


Paleontology itself is a closed loop of assumptions, "axioms", principles, "laws", etc. Its cornerstone is Human consensus. Somehow even MORE of a construct than consensus Human History.

>> No.8604431

>not knowing that the curvature of the earth is an optical illusion
>not knowing that the heavens and oceans are contained in a clear sphere of ether that can be penetrated by all other objects
>not knowing that god created the earth in 7 days

3rd eye status: calcified

>> No.8604520

Negative numbers don't exist.

>> No.8604569

so, how do we know we dont exist in a tunnel carved out by dwarves, with dust forming nebulas and planets and stars.

>> No.8604581
File: 142 KB, 960x602, the other globe map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These flat earth believers are retards. The earth is hollow.

>> No.8604583
File: 11 KB, 300x219, 1477825339019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8604592

It's a donut only fedora tipers mathematicians call it a torus

>> No.8604857
File: 114 KB, 800x534, au-sydney-0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon via Sydney

>> No.8604866
File: 87 KB, 640x426, seattle_full_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon via Seattle

>> No.8605040

I wonder what's on the flip side..

>> No.8605102

>fucking normies

>> No.8605597


Note that the lunar landmarks are rotated differently at the two locations.

>> No.8605667

I stopped trying to argue with flat earthers the moment one told me gravity isn't real

>> No.8606191


>> No.8607249

/sci/ answer to flat earth is: they are right.


>> No.8607252

When a plane takes off at the equator globe believers say it is moving with the earth at 1,034mph. Now take that motion and fly the plane over the North Pole. It will now be moving with its initial 1034mph in the wrong direction. It doesn't make any sense because the earth is not a globe and does not spin.


>> No.8607268


shes german not french

>> No.8607283


Is the earth a cone?

How do you explain oneside in darkness and the other light?

>> No.8607291

localized light bent by a magnetic center, mt meru or the "north" pole.

>> No.8607511

A healthy amount of skepticism is good for the mind. Most of these people are trolling, anyway.

>> No.8607533

They dumb. Me smart. Ooga booga gib grants.

>> No.8608849
File: 1003 KB, 320x180, padded-cell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3rd eye status: calcified
You sound really enlightened!

They should put you into an enlightenment room

>> No.8608862

>Both of these question are meaningless. Asking if "organisms reproduce" is like asking if "books get written".
that's the point, the questions are obvious because evolution is obvious.

>What's the problem? These fields are less rigorous than Pop Nutrition.
yeah genetics is all bullshit, I agree.

>Paleontology itself is a closed loop of assumptions, "axioms", principles, "laws", etc. Its cornerstone is Human consensus.
so the 'assumption' that fossils aren't planted in the ground by satan is taking a few steps too many outside of the reality we all know, presumably.

>> No.8608970

When scientifics say that the Earth spins at [insert speed] as lineal speed, they obviously take the reference of the Equator, the biggest distance from the rotation axis.
The only speed that is "constant" in the spinning of Earth (Though it varies slightly when earthquakes and tides take place) is the angular speed of Earth from the reference of its spinning axis. The lineal speed at any point of the surface of the Earth, from the spinning axis, can be written as v = omega x radius, where omega is the angular speed.
From the Equator you'll have the Earth's speed, let's say, 1.304mph. If you take place from the North Pole, at the very edge, your initial speed will be zero. (Distance from the radius = 0).

Basic solid body mechanics.

>> No.8608978

Flat earthist cannot explain lots of experiments that can be done.

1 - If you measure the intensity of a wave emitted from one corner of the Earth "plane", if you go to the opposite corner you should find the lowest possible value for the intensity, and their beloved Earth edge. But they would find themselves with the maximum wave intensity and in the exact point of the source.

2 - Send a camera high enough into space pointing downwards, with a small angle of inclination towards any direction (<10º). The curvature will get visible.

3 - If you measure the magnetic field caused by a cable that crosses half of the world from a fixed reference point on the starting point, you would notice the polarity changing direction until flipping to the opposite of the original.

4 - Try to see a laser signal emitted from New York at 1500 height meters from Hong Kong. They wouldn't, spherical trigonometry wouldn't allow it.

5 - Measure the relative speed from a fixed reference point in the other half of the world to see if it movement axis changed.

Flat earthers are either the biggest trolls or the worst students of this planet.

>> No.8608998
File: 87 KB, 712x600, foucalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally look at the fucking shadow the earth makes on the moon during an eclipse, also the constellations that aren't always the same, also the horizon, also the shadows of literally anything here on earth, also what other planets look like, also people living in different timezones on the internet saying it's dark outside when it's dark outside for their timezones, also the fact you're not being pulled to the center of a flat plane if earth were flat, also the fact that you can see further when you are higher up, also also also...

Yeah at some point. I don't think facts and evidence cuts it for flat-earthers.

>> No.8609009

BR ratio of 1

Hello. My name is Simon.

Welcome to Humanity.

Humanity = You + me - (suffering) = Humanity

>> No.8609129

I've noticed that anytime you try to get the flat-earthers to put their money where their mouths are, to get off their collective asses and do some serious work, they become awfully quiet.

Turns out it's a lot easier to shitpost all over the internet than to actually go out and do the work required to test your hypothesis.

>> No.8609195

If you face north when starting at the equator your trajectory will not be a straight line and you will miss the north pole (see coriolis effect).

But even if this scenario still doesn't make sense to you it would also not make sense on a flat earth, where you could build a model of a rotating round earth with a toy plane on it to reconstruct the process. Your problem is the physics of rotating objects. Whether or not we are standing on a rotating earth doesn't matter in this regard.

>> No.8609217

A simple google search, or elementary school science class, can explain how gravity works

You're just retarded

>> No.8609222

Interesting that you have presumably no qualifications in palaeontology, or indeed any scientific subject, or indeed any subject at all, because you're a blithering fucking sub-normie retard without even the most basic scientific literacy. Your kind are a blight to our species and the reason we can't have nice things. Please kill yourself at the earliest possible convenience.

>> No.8610896


where's the money? selling books to cultists?

>> No.8611010
File: 37 KB, 400x400, devil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The flat earth movement is like the people who claimed that fossils were put there by Satan in order to deceive us. But they replace the devil with an all powerful government.

>> No.8611055

one genius even told me that the reason NASA etc. tells us that the earth is a spheroid is to "control the masses"

didn't get an answer when I asked how do they "control the masses" by telling that

>> No.8611211

they should all be rounded up and shot.

>> No.8611293

we can archive now?

Why flatards never answers to arguments or just bring another question to change subject?

>> No.8611335


ALL Paleontological sources that explain consensus methodology start off by listing a set of self-referential rules.

Pop Nutrition: We see that x has this effect on people therefore x is whatever.

Paleontology: We believe that x is like this because that's what we believe.

Even worse than Scripturalists.