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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8589129 No.8589129 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8589132

Faggots from other boards keep turning up.

>> No.8589138

board aren't things you live in you schizophrenic faggot

>> No.8589139

Too much nigger, kike and spic vermin infesting this place

>> No.8589143


>> No.8589171

Just ignore the climate change containment threads and it's not that bad.

>> No.8589177
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, HnqlM1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem, right here. /po/ak's comming here with climate change threads and race threads.

>> No.8589183

And why is that a bad thing?

This doesnt even make sense, what are you actually saying

>> No.8589189
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From other websites too. There's a couple of them trying to poison 4chan...if that can be a thing. It is a long term effort using bots.

>> No.8589659

It was much less toxic and had better content 6 months ago. Other boards have fucked it into a toxic, unscientific, shitposting state.

>> No.8589824

Shitposters and poltards. If the mods even did a third of their job and cleaned up the very most obviously shit threads, then /sci/ would be a lot better.

>> No.8589829


It's not toxic.

>> No.8589855


Also multiple daily climate change threads, racial profiling, flat earth threads and moon landing deniers cause the people who actually want to discuss real science to leave.

What remains is the retards and the STEM spergs who think they are the only people who understand science, but only have a high school level of education. Theres been a couple of times I've posted about my research and then been told my work doesn't exist, or is wrong by somebody who clearly has no understanding of the subject. I don't know why I still post here to be honest.

>> No.8589863

All the other things anons said is generally correct, added by the fact that you can't really discuss science and maths the way you do with other subjects

>> No.8589867

computer """""scientists"""""" from /g/ and psueds posting instead of just lurking

>> No.8589872

>racial profiling, flat earth threads and moon landing deniers

I wish they delete these threads.

>> No.8590017

This. Compared to other boards /sci/ is almost a board for reasonable people. Who also like to banter every once in a while.
It's only shit when regulars from /x/ or /pol/ shit up this board with unscientific garbage.

>> No.8590032

>who think they are the only people who understand science, but only have a high school level of education

This annoys me. I bored one day so thought I'd post a few QFT problems I'd been working on, in the stupid belief that it would prompt some interesting discussion and perhaps some more interesting problems. It got 20 posts before 404 and they were all along the lines of:
>Baby's first QFT

It was about then that I gave up on /sci/, now I rarely come here, occasionally to see if there's any good threads and to complain about the quality of posts.

>> No.8590288

>All the other things anons said is generally correct

No it isn't. Its painful to read threads about my subject area, because the majority don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about. Maybe for math majors its differant, but I don't really care for topology.

>> No.8590291

>daily climate change threads, racial profiling, flat earth threads and moon landing deniers

This is the problem

Where the fuck are the mods?

>> No.8590688

This, slow boards aren't toxic unless you're literally fresh from Reddit

>> No.8590698

>This, slow boards aren't toxic unless you're literally fresh from Reddit

1)Not toxic
2)Attacking people only because they come from a certain board (worst part is that reddit as a board is better than 4chan, but you should never judge an individual by that)

choose choosey one and only one

>> No.8590705

Reddit is Orwellian, 4chan is Huxleyan

>> No.8590718

what?, its just social networks, im sorry to burst your edgy angsty teen fantasy of you being le la resistance of the universe, but its just two random places where people from the internet write opinions.

only difference is that the one you defend is KNOWN for promoting child pornography and making people killing itself

while reddit is known for people talking about happily about the htings that make them happy and smile in life

>> No.8591546

I don't think you understand
On reddit downboats bury all unpopular opinions and they come back to haunt and undemrine you since they're tied to a permanent identity.
On 4chan all opinions regardless of quality are buried in a sea of shit and anonymous so they cannot be differentiated or connected to an authority.
This epitomizes the difference between Orwell's and Huxley's respective fears of the future

>KNOWN for promoting child pornography
Are you a conservative from 2006?
>making people killing itself
Kek. Proofs.

>> No.8591552

Don't you know the mods are "scientist". So that counts as science.

>> No.8591554

There are no board dedicated mods since Hiroshima arrival.
I dont think this board even has janitors to begin with.

>> No.8591555

It's their /pol/ away from /pol/ desu

>> No.8591829

Everyone here have their heads up their asses, like most stem students who just got into college. Beliving in the superiority of science and mathematics over humanities and arts reinforces stem students ego, therefore posting messages that glorify OUR superiority and blow each other junks untill the whole board is mindess - as it is.