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8589064 No.8589064 [Reply] [Original]

>but, but Von Neumann

>but but, muh Gauss muh Euler muh Newton

>> No.8589093

No one compares.

>> No.8589141

i hear alot of people praise Grothendieck

but i don't know much, can someone explain to me what the hell this man did to get alot recognition?

>> No.8589168

he made category theory actually slightly useful

>> No.8589483

he is pretty much single handily, responsible for modern algebraic geometry


>> No.8589513

It depends what you mean by goat mathematician.
Newton and Grothendieck were system builders, they set out to create frameworks to explain existing mathematical methods in a new light and then to use the new system (Calculus, EGA) to solve standing problems (Mechanics, Weil conjectures).

Euler and Von Neumann were problem solvers, they moved through the mathematical domains like mercenaries, applying their skills and favourite techniques to solve problems in many different areas. Von Neumann did do work on the foundations of set theory and quantum mechanics, but he was mostly clearing things up, rather than building large frameworks like Newton and grothendieck.

Gauss did both but tended towards being a solver rather than builder.

>> No.8589516

He failed university at one point. How can he be a genius? Aren't geniuses supposed to be able to do anything with very little effort?

>> No.8589517

>Weil conjectures
That was SGA

>> No.8589531

My point was he started of working on EGA. But yes EGA was incomplete.

>> No.8589543

Geniuses do whatever interests them

>> No.8589551

he looks like fucking voldemort

>> No.8589560

How good at geometry was Newton

i know he created calculus (along with Leibniz)

but was he a good geometer?

>> No.8589566

Considering Principia consisted of Newton making geometric arguments which corresponded to ideas in calculus, I would say he was pretty damn good.
If by geometry you mean classical geometry.

If you mean geometric intuition I am not ure, he certainly didn't go beyond Euclid like Gauss did.

>> No.8589630

Gauss worked in geometry? i thought he did Algebra?

>> No.8590043
File: 354 KB, 946x488, Screen_Shot_2015-08-30_at_6.18.06_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8590072

I can't tell you who is the GOAT mathematician, but I can tell you who's the worst: Georg Cantor, for inventing set theory and single-handedly managing to set mathematics back milennia by indirectly leading to fundamentally flawed notions like uncountable infinities.

>> No.8590078

>Gaussian Curvature
>Theorema Egregium
>Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

He did a lot of foundational work in the differential geometry of surfaces.

>> No.8590102

Tired of this meme.

And besides the meme, that doesn't even make Cantor a bad mathematician.

>> No.8590131

It's not a meme. Set theory as it stands is unrigorous unappliable illogical trash. Wildberger's efforts to fix it are admirable, however.

>> No.8590154

Is this guy actually this dedicated to shilling wildberger or is he trying to create a forced meme?

>> No.8590174

they don't call him GOATendieck for nothing

>> No.8590179

He was a muslim?

>> No.8590188

Von Neumann was a great mathematician, but he applied his genius in other areas, thus not developing his full potential at Mathematics.
The true GOAT mathematician is Ramanujan.
>be a semi-analphabet indian living in a tropical shithole
>have little to no academic guidance
>prove every single theorem on a book you found and create new stuff that eventually gets to be proven by brainlets using nothing but your own logic and intuition
>achieve things that the overwhelming majority of mathematicians, even with lots of formal education, never dream of
>die at 32 having lived more than a lifetime of achievements

>> No.8590196

he IS wildburger

>> No.8590199

Ramanujan is a meme

>muh pi series

>> No.8590205

Go read about him then come back here

>> No.8590290

Ramanujan had Gauss level brilliance, but in terms of accomplishments, he didn't really do alot of big stuff

Grothendieck was alot more revolutionary in his work than Ramanujan

>> No.8590434

he made many great math accomplishments

>> No.8590773

>forgetting about Galois

>> No.8590803

Lots of people I would consider geniuses failed at some point, often more than just one. I think the myth of people who do everything with ease is cancerous, and makes people believe that they are not good at science or math because they failed, while failing is in fact part of the process.

Kierkegaard, the philosopher, may be my prime example of someone who didn't do particularly well in university, but became awfully influential in later years.

A more recent example is Smale. The guy is fucking good, and has field medal under his belt, and he still

>Initially, he was a good student, placing into an honors calculus sequence taught by Bob Thrall and earning himself A's. However, his sophomore and junior years were marred with mediocre grades, mostly Bs, Cs and even an F in nuclear physics. However, with some luck, Smale was accepted as a graduate student at the University of Michigan's mathematics department. Yet again, Smale performed poorly in his first years, earning a C average as a graduate student. It was only when the department chair, Hildebrandt, threatened to kick Smale out that he began to work hard.

Don't be a pussy. Don't let your past determine you and go back to study fag.

>> No.8591010

oh shit it's the Observer