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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8586054 No.8586054 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you /sci/gays actually unironically find your studies "fun"?

You often hear from autists that they find math "fun" or they find physics "fun" or whatever, but I imagine that they either have an extremely skewed view of what "fun" is, haven't made it very far in their degree program yet, or are just pretentious cuntbags who think they're super cool for studying math. So, which is it?

>> No.8586081
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Sounds like you hate your field of study. That's a mistake other people haven't made.

>> No.8586093

I study my field not because it's "fun" but because it requires less effort than the others.

>> No.8586099

i like some parts less and some parts a lot

im sorry you hate your choice of direction in life.

>> No.8586117

>bait thread
I'll bite, here's a (You)

The word "fun" has cultural connotations, usually extroverts enjoying an activity together, which is lighthearted and requiring little mental effort. E.g. going the cinema and for a meal is fun, but reading, though you might enjoy it, is not fun.

In the same way, I enjoy maths and science, but they aren't fun. I enjoy the effort and calculation required, like /fit/ enjoys weightlifting for its' own sake.

>> No.8586179

90% of people who say it's fun are lying. The rest are geniuses (if you're reading this you are not part of that group obviously) that wet themselves with precum everytime they get into math.

>> No.8586219

I find my narrow field of research very fun, most of the stuff we teach in our department is an absolute borefest.

>> No.8586227

Is looking at paintings "fun"?

>> No.8586365

This a million times.
I consider my area of studies, albeit it's at quite a low level, interesting. Of course it's not like hanging out with friends or doing something like doing sports or watching a movie, but I enjoy myself while doing so.

If you do not enjoy yourself while studying from time to time you are either a brainlet, you're trying to hard, a brainley who tries to hard or just choose a path which you do not enjoy.

>> No.8586901
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at your current level of mathematical ability youre still effectively retarded.

Get good at math and youll see how it is fun to use.

>> No.8586912
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I'm a CS/Math Major and I enjoy my field of study.
My favortie branch of math is logic and combinatorics and I get to apply it everyday to a discrete optimization problem or fundamental problems relating to computation and algorithms.

I think posts like this are meme posts. If you don't enjoy the problem solving in calculus or perhaps the proof based stuff in your "introduction to proofs" class then I highly doubt you would enjoy upper level math.

>> No.8586928

>Do any of you /sci/gays actually unironically find your studies "fun"?
I do.

>but I imagine that they either have an extremely skewed view of what "fun" is
Is it so hard to imagine that other people enjoy different things than you do?

>haven't made it very far in their degree program yet
Why would that matter? If anything, higher levels are more fun, because you are more likely to study the topics that interest you specifically, and also because you get closer to the cutting edge.

>> No.8586935

I find it hard to believe math can be fun.

However, it isn't a stretch at all to call it cool as shit.

>> No.8586936

I disagree. I hated the calc sequence and proofs class but love math now. Have you learned any analysis, algebra, or topology yet? Once you do, math becomes very different. Similarly after learning some differential geometry or algebraic topology. You just can't compare the early stuff with it.

>> No.8587131

I find them satisfying

>> No.8587136

I'm not a in mathematics or hard science ( one key word in there should give you a hint of what I study), but when I learn a principal or something that seems very obfuscated previously, it's almost like a high. I feel such clarity and happiness that I worked through something and came to a conclusion, and that is what makes it worth it.

It's maybe not the definition of fun, but it's particularly satisfying.

>> No.8587145

It's always nice to get a kick out of learning something new or finding an answer to a question.

Not difficult to understand.

>> No.8587146

I used to think this, it was when I started having to argue my points against someone else, I had to produce data and math is so fucking good for shutting someone up. Empowering almost.

>> No.8587406

>I need to be happy all the time or I'm doing something wrong because the Hollyjew said so

>> No.8587418

Well I spend my free time studyig pure math and other fields of engineering which I don't need for my job/research. So yeah I guess I do it for fun.

>> No.8587421

/pol/ are the new furries. Every thread they have to let people know they are /pol/aks.

>> No.8587427

just watch a hollywood movie from 2008, and another one from 1958.

watch a foreign film, like from france, or thailand. usa films, even when they have the same general plot, still force the "yolo gotta be happy all the time" meme

>> No.8587505
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>> No.8587524
File: 89 KB, 960x776, 12998472_784594341671394_1419339521323282361_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn a principal

>gotta be happy all the time
There's no evidence this is a Jewish conspiracy. Calling it one does not achieve greater predictive power and so on.

>> No.8587624

This desu

>> No.8587642

I study math and I like most things, but also hate some subjects.