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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8586538 No.8586538 [Reply] [Original]

>You're studying mechanical engineering?
>Fix my car! XD

>> No.8586548
File: 44 KB, 554x371, not-this-shit-again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You have a chemistry degree?
> Can you cook up some meth?

> You have a degree in agriculture?
> What's the best way to grow weed in my basement?

>> No.8586554

Yeah, but those are the only ways to pay for those degrees.

>> No.8586555

if you can't even solve those presumably simple problems, what good is your degree for? you just wasted money in uni

>> No.8586557

>you know computer science!
>fix my Playstation!

>> No.8586559

you're studying first year of mechanical engineering ? fix my elbow sink

>> No.8586562

>You have a degree in math?
>What's 1500 * 3200?

>> No.8586565
File: 2.06 MB, 480x302, 1481948113761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your studying physics
>It must be so hard wow I hate that subject

>> No.8586570

>you know how to program?
>see I have this idea for an iphone app...

>> No.8586574
File: 1.03 MB, 268x274, le_confused_man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have a degree in math, right?
>I'll pay you 10 bucks to do my taxes

>> No.8586628

>say you're a software engineer
but i'm a programmer
>goes back to academia

>my virgin hands are soft like anime loli
>does this collar look blue to you pleb
>muh social class

>> No.8587517

>>Fix my car! XD
desu i don't know anyone who was studying ME and
wasn't interested in cars, bikes or engines.
and ... if you weren't even interested, then why the fuck have you even applied?

>> No.8587523

>oh you're studying geometric topology?
>turn this donut into a coffee cup XD

>> No.8587526


>> No.8587527

>So you are doing aerospace
>Fix my plane
Said no one ever. Feelsgood to be detached from this world.

>> No.8587528

Kill yourself useless faggot for not seizing opportunity because of your elitist bullshit. I hope you die if hunger.

>> No.8587529

Maybe there are other things you can work on once you have that degree? Not everyone is a faggot dudebro. Cars suck I want to work with weapons in the future.

>> No.8587530

Kek, anybody an be "the idea guy", stop overestimating your value.

>> No.8587532

>detached from this world.
Hah you wish

Aerospace is just applied physics which is just applied math which is just applied applied pure math. You're 5 applications deep. Nothin' personnel kid

>> No.8587533

>not wanting to have shares in many startups

>> No.8587534

underrated kek

>> No.8587535


>> No.8587536

Cars are cool but weapons are way more interesting, I agree

>> No.8587582
File: 32 KB, 225x225, 1054 - h2vvwEm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're studying electrical engineering?
>why do you want to be an electrician?

>> No.8587879

>shares in many startups
Apps are born and die every day and a lot of them aren't even worth the investment unless you get lucky with a game you make, or you make a legitimate tool or social networking idea that hasn't been made yet. Statistically, the odds are your dumb friend is pitching a dumb idea. It's best to hear him out first I guess, but after you've heard so many ideas for an app where you push a button and hear a voice, you just get tired of listening to people.

>> No.8587902

>What's your major?
>Computer Engineering
>She starts talking to her friend next to her.

>> No.8587938

>What's your major?
>starts sucking my dick.

>> No.8587945


t. engayneer

are you trying to get back at physicists for calling you fags?

>> No.8587952

>you're studying nuclear engineering

lol build me a bomb

>> No.8587953

That's why you are supposed to invest in more than one startup. One of them is surely gonna be worth it

>> No.8587958
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>You're studying electrical engineering?
>Well every house has lights in it

>> No.8588116
File: 8 KB, 400x343, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're studying applied math?
>You're such a nerd

>> No.8588123

If you can't do these with your degree then you've effectively proven that Uni is worthless.

>> No.8588125

> You have a chemistry degree?
> Can you cook up some meth?

Well yes actually.

>> No.8588126

Studying that too, the version for AeroE is "so can you fly me to X?"/"when will you become a pilot"?

>> No.8588127

>faggot dudebro

Those "faggot dudebros" will be your bosses in any defense industry company you work for you fucking geek.

>> No.8588134

>not differentiating between ability to do something and desire to do it for free
I bet you fix your family's computers for free, cuck

>> No.8588137

>I am a civil engineer
>Oh so you design roads?

every. time.

>> No.8588139

Favors are a currency too.
As long as they have something you're capable of using and they understand that nothing comes for "free."

>> No.8588145

>relying on covert contracts as a medium of exchange
Beta cuck confirmed

>> No.8588157

>You're studying economics? Why aren't you a billionaire?

Tfw normies don't grasp that hyper dimensional utility "solids" and discussions about multi person games have little to do with being Steve Jobs.

>> No.8588174

>You're studying economics, why are you such a fucking faggot?

>> No.8588181

But thats literally one of the most common civil jobs

>> No.8588189

I've never actually understood the economics degree = huge cash money meme. Whats the deal? Everyone I talk to who take some kind of economics is in it for the big money. Literally how will working as a loan advisor or some other meme title at a bank give you tons of cash?

>> No.8588196

Good luck finding a job with a business degree too.

You're overqualified for Bank teller jobs.

>> No.8588199
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>> No.8588204

You can easily get a shitty management job making 50k starting at a retail place with a biz degree.

>> No.8588205
File: 91 KB, 750x684, 1482765169937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're studying geology?
>Fix my well! XD

>> No.8588208

im studying computer engineering
>oh cool i love computer science. will you help me get my printer working?

>> No.8588230

Honestly tho, could a person with a chemistry bachelors cook up meth? Or does it require a more specific kind of chem degree?

t. a person with 0 chemical knowledge

>> No.8588237

Fucking 90 IQ literal meth heads can cook meth. Meth is not hard to make.

>> No.8588240

I'm not talking about the battery parts and painkillers in a bottle, I'm talking about lab grade cookery, memeing bad style. Is it still that easy? Like google a guide easy?

>> No.8588254

I'm not going to show you how to cook meth.

>> No.8588257

You don't need to either, I was just curious to how hard the lab grade stuff it actually is.

>> No.8588260

>is it easy
>dumb niggers without degrees do it every day to make money

Yes, it takes a fucking PhD to make meth. That's why it's a street drug. It's actually a liberal conspiracy to try and educate the minorities.

>> No.8588266

Well alright if you put it like that. I dont live in a meth ridden shithole and I've never even met a meth user so I wouldnt know ;^)

>> No.8588274

That's why you have to separate the money frat bois from the actual social scientists.

>> No.8588279

It informs you how the system works on a micro and macro scale and which organizations are important to be aware of when handling money. The degree itself does nothing for you unless you want to end up as an accountant or consultant but the knowledge is useful if you want to know how to walk the fine lines and maximize what you make while avoiding legal troubles. Such as practicing tax avoidance, opening up charities or having your hands in a charity you're donating to, etc.

Though admittedly you could just learn all of that in your spare time and learn something else at Uni.

>> No.8588287

Yes, if you have the chemical knowledge. You can literally use middle school tier lab equipment and ingredients from your local walmart. Though, the purity of the cook is up to the hands that make them.

>> No.8588294

>minor in german
>"omg are you some nazi or something?"

>> No.8588395


>> No.8588412

Let's not lie anon, 99% chance you browse /pol/.

>> No.8588853

>study biology
>wanna study anatomy later, anon?
>no i study molecular biology
wtf is with all these whores that study anatomy? is everyone a premed nowadays?

>> No.8588893

>you study chemistry?
>will you fix my car?

>> No.8588913

>You study Chemical Engineering?
>Will you fix my car?

>> No.8588918

>you're a mechanic?
>can you do my chemistry homework?

>> No.8588926

>cockblocked by my own autism

>> No.8588927

>study neuroscience
>oh did you know incorrect pop sci statement about the brain?

>> No.8588942

I'm left-brained, I'm really good at drawing and stuff. I bet you're right-brained because you're so smart.

>> No.8588952

If you're not in a frat you're doing college wrong desu

>> No.8588954


>> No.8589104

This so much, it's not even funny anymore

>> No.8589142


>> No.8589148

But they do anon

>> No.8589164

Well are you!?

>> No.8589169


>> No.8589172

>you're studying eletrical engineering?
>what will be your job? will you fix refrigerators?

>> No.8589185

ficki ficki

>> No.8589220

OP confirmed for brainlet.

>> No.8589304

Xd clux

>> No.8589316

Spend like fifteen minutes on erowid or check out uncle fester's auspiciously named "secrets of methamphetamine manufacture." The primary literature isn't that hard. Just know basic lab technique and have a general idea of how reactions work.
Memeing Bad makes so much fuss about purity but recrystallization is extremely easy and doesn't really need any special equipment.

>> No.8589347

They're going into nursing and you're a bit of a sperg for not wanting to hit that

>> No.8589418
File: 82 KB, 960x724, 15027488_1775636082712595_7580271125314239903_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're majoring in the culinary arts?
>wow, I bet you can cook really good

>> No.8589540

git gud at lab and organic synthesis and you're set. so yeah

>> No.8589554
File: 795 KB, 177x166, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"so im going for my doctorate in chemistry and Im focusing on..."
>"you're getting your doctorate??? my knee has been hurting whats wrong with it?!"

>> No.8589558
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It's the gluten

>> No.8589571

>You are studying computer science?
>So I have this problem in Excel....

>> No.8589572

>that compound
>not in ACS standard

phys chemists I swear

>> No.8589573

why dont you become a venture capitalist and start investing your money in idea guys then?

>> No.8589575

>youre studying * engineering?
>suck my dick! XD

>> No.8589578

engineering school is just a giant hazing period before they let you start your apprenticeship. you actually learn everything you need for your career in the first 2-3 years outside uni.

thats how the games been played for thousands of years my man.

>> No.8589595

With grandpa
>I'm doing mechanical engg
>should've taken electrical, you'll ruin your hands with tools working on repairs
He has just a fucking diploma
But seriously tell me what do mechanical engineers do? Will I have to use tools like a mechanic? I don't mind but grandpa thinks thats what mech engg is about

>> No.8589606

only if you go into manufacturing

>> No.8589660

yes but thats irrelevant

>> No.8589683

Funny enough a chemistry professor in my uni once showed a "hypothetical" step-by-step guide to make crystal meth during a lecture.

He also enjoyed making morbid jokes in class (topics including but not limited to the Holocaust) so it was par for the course for him I guess.

>> No.8589709

>oh, you're studying mathematics?
>here's your 300k and company car keys

>> No.8589886
File: 11 KB, 318x313, 1480175248370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "You study astronomy? "
>"Whats the name of that star?"
>"Where's Jupiter?"
>"Why can't we see the moon? "

>> No.8589923


>> No.8589984

>You study astronomy?
>Can you read my zodiac?

>> No.8591024

I came here to post this.
Fucking assholes ;_;

>> No.8591096

It's either
>What's your major?
>what's your major
>Oh cool what's 897,355*77,638

>> No.8591099

what's the 74th digit of pi?

>> No.8591100

The point is, they won't know if I'm wrong.

>> No.8591103

>you study Art?

>Jesus Christ what did you even plan to do with your life

>> No.8591104

it's actually 8

>> No.8591110

And 897,355*77,638 = 69,668,847,490. My point still stands that they don't know the answer either.

>> No.8591111

How do I ram more air in my engine?

>> No.8591114

1.Pure math
2. Math
3. Physics
4. Aerospace
5. ?????????

Maybe you need to apply some math.

>> No.8591120

what did you even plan to do with your life?

>> No.8591150
File: 92 KB, 600x662, Otter-Eating-a-Watermelon-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you study Biology?

>are dogs allowed to eat watermelon? mine got sick the other day and i know that is the reason. he's a pure breed german shepherd if that is 12 years old now if that helps. he threw up twice the other day and smelled really bad. i took him outside and he just laid in the grass but i didn't see him eat any grass. dogs do that when they're sick if you didn't know. i've also heard that dogs don't cry but that's obviously wrong cause i saw him crying when i took him outside so i guess he is sad that he's sick. but yeah he just hasn't been acting normal. can you fix him?

>> No.8591162
File: 852 KB, 914x550, elastrator-13E9B4363BD4F7B3DC4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you fix him?
With pleasure

>> No.8591489

you may not believe me but im in a graduate inorganic chem program and we had to do shit like that. its very difficult and unnecessary. I dont understand why.

>> No.8591492

>DFT calculations by hand
You're right, I don't believe you.
Comic sans really clinches the meme imo

>> No.8591564
File: 722 KB, 800x1131, 55649302_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're an economist?
>I love the environment too!

>> No.8591587

kek, that's the best one yet

>> No.8591741

audibly kekked... what the fuck man

>> No.8591754

>Why are you flipping burgers while having a Finance degree?
>You could be doing forex trading and playing stock market

People think Finance does not branch off into other specializations like banking, taxation, credit management and analysis. Regardless, if you don't have a CA certification, only job you get with a finance degree is McDonalds.

>> No.8591896

>You study Philosophy?
>How do you plan on getting a job?

>> No.8591917

>you study computer science?
>wow I didn't know you were a scientist!

>> No.8592319

desu, i'd enjoy trying to fix it.
t. mech engineer

>> No.8592424

They ask a valid question

>> No.8592437

Gotta keep people from sleeping in class

>> No.8592536
File: 16 KB, 252x255, 1483038911149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're studying?

>> No.8592547

>I study philosophy
>Emm, OK, I just wanted a number 3 and an apple pie sir
>You actually cannot know that

>> No.8592743


>> No.8592773

>Agriculture degree


>> No.8592966
File: 11 KB, 236x229, sad frog meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I study Electrical Engineering
>Oh, so you're an electrician?

>> No.8593034

good one anon

>> No.8593056
File: 59 KB, 175x161, noice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i study computer engineering

>oh, so you want to go into IT?

>> No.8593254

Big bucks with Monsanto and the likes.

>> No.8593811
File: 6 KB, 168x300, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're studying geology?
>So you just looks at rocks all day? Sounds really boring and stupid.

>> No.8593824
File: 243 KB, 722x449, Chakra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You study geology?
>Will these Quartz crystals help with my back pain?

>> No.8593984

Agriculture is probably one of the biggest industries besides energy.

>> No.8593997

>Oh you study Electrical Engineering?
>Sick, could you put Solar panels on an RV? See I got this project...

>> No.8594016

>I study chemistry
>Oh cool, so you can cook meth?

>> No.8594763


You're a disgrace for ME if you can't fix a fucking car

>> No.8594774
File: 55 KB, 864x576, BANG BANG BANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're studying software engineering?
>Can you help me with this iPhone problem?

>> No.8594779


These people are truly worse than Hitler for not knowing the difference between hardware and software. Making a circuit board or a microchip is nothing like writing high level software. Sigh, level 8 problems amirite.

>> No.8594785

>"you know computer science!"
>"can you like hack facebook and stuff?"

>> No.8594787

>You're studying pure mathematics?
>Fix my axiomatization! XD

Ugh. So annoying

>> No.8594834

Well, can you?

>> No.8594846

>software engineering

>> No.8594850

>You're studying biology?
>Fix my cancer! XD

>> No.8594867


Instead of logic and reason, based in reality, you are combining the works of hundreds of people who all disagree with each other, into a working piece of software.

It's like being a 2 dimensional person in an 8 dimensional world. I've seen people go insane.

>> No.8594872

Epic topkek, me all the time. Feels good m8.

>> No.8594891

Lol I like how people's impression of a meth head's IQ on here is still in the low average range

>> No.8594895

You probably have and just don't know it

>> No.8594927
File: 19 KB, 248x237, 1481433222069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You study microbiology
>What do you think is causing my throat infection? Hahaha I watched Contagion and I don't wanna touch door handles anymore

>> No.8595012

If they paid attention in their organic chem class yeah

>> No.8595041

>studying plasma physics
>she starts talking about her plasma TV


>What's your degree in?
>... *Gets visibly nervous and ends convo on the dime*

>> No.8595066

>what's your degree?
>Oh, math huh? I absolutely HATE math, haha.


>> No.8595111

''Sorry i haven't studied billing beat practices yet''

>> No.8595299

If somebody leaves their laptop open XD

>> No.8595739


>> No.8595868


>> No.8595900


>> No.8595902


>> No.8595921
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>Mechanical engineering? Wow, you must be really smart, anon

>Electrical engineering? Is that like a fancy electrician? Nice, maybe you can fix up my audio/tv system soon

>> No.8596050


>> No.8596083


>implying you're not glorified mechanics

>> No.8596157

Family business perhaps

>> No.8596195

>You study philosophy?
>so uhh.... what even IS philosophy?