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8584347 No.8584347 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody ever actually try to do the calculus that MIT teaches online? Nigga that shit is so hard lmfao. That shit is wayyyyyy different from the calculus I've done at my college and I'm at a top 20!! Why is MIT calculus so different from the calculus taught at other universities? Most calculus problems take like 30 seconds- 2 minutes max to finish, but not MIT calculus problems, you actually have to sit down for a good minute and think about that shit...

>> No.8584359

Bitch, what the fuck did you fucking expected from one of the top 3 universities in the world?


>> No.8584362

MIT is one of the top schools in the world bruh

>> No.8584379

>top 20

>> No.8584502

Harvard > MIT

>> No.8584514

what the fuck are you talking about? their calculus is not very hard, it's based on the usual steward-tier books

honestly your uni might be very bad

>> No.8584563

Ive never tryes calculus but ive done some
electromagnetism exams and they seemes pretty standard..

If you take 30 seconds to solve calculus problems from your uni, either your uni sux or you r a genius (which appears to be false weil you can do mit calculus).

PleasSend a pic of your uni calculus exercises and mit exercises which you found specially difficult

>> No.8584572

I mean, calculus is just calculus. Isn't it the same everywhere...? The only thing that would be different at MIT would be the quality of teaching and the work load the students get.

>> No.8584578

They have 2 different calc classes, there's the Apostol's Calculus type "Honors Calculus" then there's the regular calc class which is just Stewart's Calculus general type applied calc.

If you want to see some interesting calculus look up the book "Advanced Calculus" By Sternberg and Loomis

>> No.8584584

Most calculus 1 problems take less than a minute to solve unless it's related rates or a in depth integration problem. Other than that, their all fast to solve. You're the one who probably sucks.

>> No.8584650

caclulus isn't fucking hatd you fucking faggot i'm drunk throw any problem at me and ui'll swovle it for you bitch ass niqqaaaaa

>> No.8584654

You must have gone to Brown or something. No other top 20 school could be so dumb.

>> No.8584656

Texas A&M

>> No.8584838

This actually seems like a valid and scientific way to give an objective analysis.

Post it, OP. Show us some of your old calculus assignments.

>> No.8584879

Brown, A&M, same difference. What do you expect going to some cow college?

>> No.8584882

Go check the rankings, Oxford is number 1 at the moment.

>> No.8584892

No way Texas A&M is top 20. I'm at the best college at Texas, and I'm not 100% sure we're top 20.

>> No.8584895

MIT has an honors track for mathematics so even the first year courses are rigorous. There is also non-honors calculus that will be more like what you've seen.

>> No.8584896
File: 47 KB, 606x600, 1482369149239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheepfucker you are at a day-care. Please don't try to build another bonfire and kill yourself and fellow "engineers".

t. Texas

>> No.8584901

Texas A&M is ranked 74. Why would you even think you're top twenty?

Apparently Rice is 15, though, so that's better than I thought.

>> No.8584928
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1447987751452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i go to UT
>tfw A&M is for UT rejects

Feels good to be superior.

>> No.8584932

I haven't looked at the calculus ones, but I've watched the physics lectures and they move really fast.

It's not so much that the problems are hard it's just the amount of problems they work through, in depth, at such a fast pace. But, it's really only the math that you have to think about.

The more you're exposed to the math the more the patterns become recognizable and thus the solutions. So it's just exposure I guess. and assuming that every student in your class has a good conceptual understanding of the math that's explaining the phenomenon - which most people that aren't at MIT don't actually posses.

>> No.8584937

How the fuck is UCSB and UC Davis rated higher than UCSD?
These rankings are a sham

>> No.8584992

>mfw people actually think the institute is what defines whether or not you're intelligent and not whether you can do the material and research something worthwhile

l o l reality is going to hit you like a long tonne of bricks..

>> No.8585012

Texas a&m is 16 for engineering, which is presumably what OP is referring to for "top 20." Their department is so massive it would be hard for them not to be in top 20 engineering in USA, desu.


>> No.8585062

I like Prof Jerison's Single Variable Calc on MIT OCW.

I wouldn't say it's so much harder than other uni's. It's just that MIT presents their courses in a more rigorous way. They actually go through the proofs and theorems. They don't just skip to the power rule or chain rule. You get a full rigorous look at why those rules work first and how they were derived.

>> No.8585088

>Why is MIT calculus so different from the calculus taught at other universities?
no brainlets allowed at MIT.

>> No.8585320

No brainlets allowed unless they are diverse brainlets*

>> No.8585324


>> No.8586188

Is UT not worth it for out-of-staters?

>> No.8586208

If you are talking about this, than it's not so bad. Sure it's hard, but not impossible. We have a similiar (a bit easier) exams here desu.

>> No.8586267


that's a pretty standard calculus course

>> No.8586275

if its designed for one hour, thats kinda hard since you need all the time for writing and not much is left for thinking. For two hours its piss easy.

anyway, isnt 1-var-calc a little too narrow? is it a highschool course or is it only half a semester long?

>> No.8586305

I'm going to start that MIT OCW calculus course

do I need to review some algebra before starting it?

t. brainlet

>> No.8586311

What do you mean man? Have you never drawned a surface which is made of 3 different surfaces? Have you never solved high order differential equations? Have you never solved trigonemetric integrals? Please, you need more education before talking to me, fucking brainlet

>> No.8586316

based on the stupidity of your question I'm going to say yes.
if you can't find a slope, factor complex polynomials, and don't know trig functions, then yes.
if you know how to do all that then you've already passed calculus

>> No.8586321

I can do all this, but I don't how how autist is MIT, so I've asked.

thanks anon

>> No.8586322

Go on libgen.io and get Sheldon Axler's "Precalculus" (or buy it used) that's all you need.

There's another book I used called elements of math http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10697.html it's an overview of all "elementary" math subjects and explains it all from the view of a mathematician if you just want to quickly discover 'What's integration?" or see the proof why the square of 2 is irrational.

>> No.8586328


thanks, anon

>> No.8587366

This. I learned calc from mit ocw back in high school. It's not difficult.


>> No.8587385

>top 20

okay bub

>> No.8587751

Thank God I'm not the only one who reps Axler here

>> No.8587853

>Sheldon Axler's "Precalculus"
Kek. I didn't even know he had a "pre-calc" book.

>> No.8589019

Nah bitch

>> No.8589062

srs? Harvard blows everybody else out of the water in math, say what you will about its SJW politics. It has the most rigorous honors track in the nation and so on