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8581752 No.8581752 [Reply] [Original]

If we fast forward climate change and make it visible we can finally convince all the normies about it but not just that, the government would get a reason to start funding science like never before, that's why i've been releasing as much greenhouse gases into the air as much as possible, you autists don't know how shit works.

>> No.8581804


>> No.8581889

Why the hell don't you wand to fall of that cliff? If you do, you'll get a proof that the cliff exist and a very good motivation to build a parachute!

>> No.8581937

Well, I helped elect Trump so liberals would maybe start giving a shit about unjust aggressive wars, domestic spying, and corporate cronyism again. This isn't too different, I'd imagine.

>> No.8581951
File: 2.97 MB, 500x583, feelposters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlets want to stop climate change because politicians use it as a fear mongering tactic and brainlets are susceptible to political douchebaggery

scientists want to stop climate change because data is too volatile, there's too many variables and they're changing almost randomly
we barely have a grasp on the mathematics governing climate and atmospheric conditions
we don't even know if there's a proper way to model turbulent flow (which is largely what is happening in the atmosphere)
this is why weather is so hard to predict

the scientists do research on climate change but are paid to blow it out of proportion to scare the population into obeying the government

>> No.8582131


>> No.8582139

I wish I could gas all frogposters.

>> No.8582192

You seem to have a shaky grasp on what the phrase "stop climate change" means

>> No.8582265

Isn't Trump going to defund NASA climate research? How will that help?

>> No.8582267

Climate change sparks innovation. It's a good thing to always have a great problem.

>> No.8582269

I think you're confusing weather with climate, as well as conspiracy with reality.

There's virtually no research on this planet not financially motivated by finding positive results. Does that mean all research is wrong?

Rly makes u think

>> No.8582271
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, Zorg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this guy?

>> No.8582285

Bush tried and failed. Trump will be even more impotent.

>> No.8582289

They'll deny the effects right in front if their eyes. You can't convince a creationist with evidence.

>> No.8582326

wont our children and their children just evolve to better live in higher co2 environments? isnt that what evolution is for?

>> No.8582338

Evolution for us works over geological time, anon. We're still pretty much cavemen in fact.

>> No.8582345
File: 79 KB, 883x462, 1483332159740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking retards are deluded. the world will not be underwater in a few years.

you are not experts. politician and their lobbyists are not experts. think for yourselves.


>> No.8582353


Okay. I see lots of credible data and scientific theory that tells me that climate change is very likely real.

I also see lots of economical interests in making people think it not seem real.

Therefore I chose to think for myself that climate change is real and everyone says otherwise is a corporate shill.

>> No.8582356

do you think trump's resorts will be underwater in a few years? do you think people might be skeptical of claims like that?

>> No.8582426

If some of them are close to sea level, sure. That would just be a fact though.

>> No.8582442

"a few years" means like 2-3-4 years to most people. i'd bet cold hard cash on that not a single trump resort would be below sea level within 4 years. and don't you think it's funny that sanders bought a beach house if he supposedly believes in rapidly rising sea levels?

>> No.8582474

That may be a bit short, although our models consistently underestimate how fast temperature rises, ice melts, etc, so who knows.

I don't know anything about a beach house. How many meters is it above sea level? Who cares?

>> No.8582654
File: 152 KB, 640x360, Octopus in Miami Beach Garage_1479157233645_8339395_ver1.0_640_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fucking retards are deluded. the world will not be underwater in a few years.

Yeah. We have at least another 20-30 years. At least.

>> No.8583418

People will actually stand up to him when he does anti-scientific and anti-democratic things, because he doesn't shit gold and walk on water like our lord and savior Obama who can do no wrong.

Just watch the principled anti-war left come back after its eight year "vacation." Never mind that Hillary was the one calling for a no-fly zone over Syria and de facto war with Russia.

Fuck, look at his support within the executive branch of seriously suspect ideological fishing trip "research." The spuriously obtained 1 in 5 rape statistic especially, and Ruslynn Ali's threat to withhold federal funds from any institution which doesn't try these serious charges according to the preponderance of evidence standard.

>> No.8583477
File: 3.83 MB, 3880x1778, 1483682483456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want the government to fund my giant scam

nice try, thanks for playing. but you didn't obey the rules of mathematics when you performed your analysis.

>> No.8583561
File: 29 KB, 448x335, 1371205749507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post bullshit in a AGW thread.
>Get laughed at.
>Move to a different AGW thread and try again.

>> No.8583694

>think for yourself
>links a john oliver video
oh the irony

>> No.8583712

yes, the irony of giving libshits a dose of their own medicine

>> No.8583752

You don't remember shit do you? Iraq had 100,000 deployed in 2009 when obongo was in office. He drew that number down to less 10,000 in Iraq alone. 140,000 in Afghanistan and now 10,000. Say what you will but a ground war cost more in month than 2 years of droning.
Shit is not easy either in Syria. Politics is not clear cut. You had to deal with Turkey not only with the Russians. Turkey wanted Syria to burn and the US to go there and do it. Now that they see Hillary not being elected, they now want to settle for plan B and eliminate all the kurds. Shit is complicated. The best thing to have done was to let Syria sort themselves out. But the US is kinda responsible for ISIS.