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File: 140 KB, 640x480, pi-640-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8578359 No.8578359 [Reply] [Original]

I found this written in the back of an old Math book today:
[math] \displaystyle \pi \approx \frac{208341}{66371}= \frac{A}{17}+ \frac{B}{47}+ \frac{C}{83}[/math]
and it appears to be within one-half part per trillion of the actual value. Find the values of A, B, and C, if you're hard enough.

>> No.8578416

Do your own homework.

>> No.8578530
File: 46 KB, 668x490, Skärmavbild 2017-01-03 kl. 14.20.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it appears to be within one-half part per trillion of the actual value.
You sure about that, m8?

>> No.8578535


OP is a faggot and can't type 66317 properly.

>> No.8578538

probably why he can't do his homework

hard to decompose into partial fractions when you start with the wrong factors

>> No.8578554


>> No.8578568

You'd think that with modern super computers, the last digit of pie would be found by now.

>> No.8578590

Pi actually ends with 51413, it's a palindromic number.

>> No.8578594
File: 3.71 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170103_160613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I suppose to solve this?
>A B C

>> No.8578607

>66371 = 17 * 47 *83
try harder baguette

>> No.8578615

To fulfill this, you'd need, for example, this equality to be true as well:
6 = 8a (mod 17)

Up to you to figure out why.

>> No.8578675

you doing chemistry mate ?
what uni you at ?

>> No.8578851

The actual number es 66317, not 66371...

>> No.8580631

No, when I wrote that I found this written in the back of an old book (Mathematical Handbook by Murray R.Spiegel) that was true, unlike what you wrote.

>> No.8580633

Correct, I transposed the 1 and 7 because fatigue.

>> No.8580634

Stop talking like a stuck-up faggot. Just talk like a normal person and say "I fucked up".

>> No.8580653

stop talking like an inbred faggot and talk like a normal person

>> No.8580717

Find out how to solve linear Diophantine equations in three variables.
I found this solution:
A = -64169028
B = 176464827
C = 1666728

>> No.8580762

>it appears to be within one-half part per trillion of the actual value
it's only ~39 ppb by my calculation.

>> No.8580800

I found a other approximation which is slightly more accurate:
[math]\frac{312689}{99532} = \frac{A}{4} + \frac{B}{149} + \frac{C}{167}[/math]

>> No.8581718

positive integers A, B, C are all
smaller than your value for C

>> No.8581751

lol Americans...

>> No.8581780

your inferiority is showing

>> No.8581856

too lazy to find the particular solution :^)

>> No.8581926

\frac{5}{17} + \frac{37}/{47} + \frac{171}/{83}

>> No.8581927


\frac{5}{17} + \frac{37}{47} + \frac{171}{83}

>> No.8581946

How did you arrive?

>> No.8581953

it's pretty trivial after re-expressing it as
so trivial, in fact, that i used a CAS to give the general solution

>> No.8582027

I plugged it into Mathematica, but I don't know how to specify that I want only natural number solutions.

Does anybody know how to do that?

>> No.8582032

Reduce[3901 A + 1411 B + 799 C == 208341, {A, B, C}, Integers]

>> No.8582042

Cool, thx
(I see ", Integers" also works with Solve)

>> No.8582315

found this solution as well

>> No.8582337

[eqn]\frac{312689}{99532} = \frac{3}{4} + \frac{144}{149} + \frac{238}{167}[/eqn]

>> No.8582691
File: 8 KB, 526x235, pi-approx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>within one-half part per trillion
>it's only ~39 ppb by my calculation
We were both wrong, it's 39 per trillion.

>> No.8583465

I'm a rebel
[eqn]\frac{22}{17} + \frac{37}{47} + \frac{87}{83}[/eqn]

>> No.8583478

>page in the background literally says croissante
Really makes you think.

>> No.8583489 [DELETED] 

here's the solution I found with some modular algebra:
remainders on division by 17:
[math]6 \equiv 8 \times \textup{A}(mod~17)~so~ \textup{A}=5,22,39, \cdots[/math]
remainders on division by 47:
[math]37 \equiv 1 \times \textup{B}(mod~47)~so~ \textup{B}=37,84,131, \cdots[/math]
remainders on division by 83:
[math]11 \equiv 52 \times \textup{C}(mod~83)~so~ \textup{C}=5,88,171, \cdots[/math]
picking B=37 (for example) gives the choices
(A, C) = (5, 171), (22, 88), (39, 5)

>> No.8583496

here's the solution I found with some modular algebra:
remainders on division by 17:
[math]6 \equiv 8A(mod~17)[/math] so A = 5,22,39...
remainders on division by 47:
[math]37 \equiv B(mod~47)[/math] so B = 37,84,131...
remainders on division by 83:
[math]11 \equiv 52C(mod~83)[/math] so C = 5,88,171...
picking B = 37 (for example) gives the choices
(A, C) = (5, 171), (22, 88), (39, 5)

>> No.8584020

Pi as fuck.

>> No.8584127

>Joke's on you I was only pretending to be retarded