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8576505 No.8576505 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a bunch of MIT graduates failing to power a light bulb with a wire and battery. So much for prestige! LOL


>> No.8576515

>hey let's find the two idiot MechE majors who don't know how circuits work and imply that MIT graduates cant preform basic tasks

>> No.8576549

>I don't know how circuits work.

>> No.8576562

what a bunch of retards. i am much smarter then them

>> No.8576563


>> No.8576565

If you researched this video a little more carefully you would know they were given a bulb too big for the battery and then given a choice to choose between other ones, their responses to this trick question were then selected out of context for the narrative.

>> No.8576573

>you would know they were given
And yet they failed to recognize and call it out why it wouldn't work.
Your "IQ" threads are meaningless if you fail to acquaint and adapt with the given situation fast.
The fuck out of here,you and your glass bell idiots.

>> No.8576589

>>hey let's find the two idiot MechE majors who don't know how circuits work
circuitry is high school stuff really

>> No.8576650

To complete MIT you have to do Physics II which is electrical circuits and electromagnetism.

>> No.8577008

Ah man I wish I was asked this. This would be my response:

"I assume you are asking me this to prove that MIT graduates aren't as smart as one would think. Well I can light the lightbulb, but I'll provide for you an alternative proof to our stupidity"

I would then proceed to complete the circuit with my tongue.

>> No.8577042

Why should they be able to recognize that? Nowhere is it taught what a 1.5 volt bulb looks like, nor should it be taught.

>> No.8577059

Actually no. It's due to the positive and negative part of the bulb is not labeled so you need to know that the bottom tip of the bulb is a different led than the metal on the sides. The students were given only a single wire, a battery, and a bulb. So you had to touch the tip of the bulb to the battery and connect the wire from the other side of the battery to wherever the other path of the bulb is located. If they were given two wires things would be a bit easier to figure out.

>> No.8577080

MIT is so far ahead in the future that they no longer need obsolete lighting technologies.

>> No.8577100

>Nowhere is it taught what a 1.5 volt bulb looks like
Get a load of this guy.
Fucking hell

>> No.8577109

this shows that people aren't being educated, but "educated".
desu, this is why I had problems in uni. I like to see why I'm learning what I'm learning, but things go so fast, we aren't really taught about tangible things, but only about theoretical problems.

all these batteries have the more or less same voltage you tard

see >>8576589
they should know what a power source is, and how lightbulbs work, ffs

>> No.8577117

Knowing how circuits and lightbulbs work has literally nothing to do with knowing what a 1.5 volt bulb looks like, you illiterate tard.

>> No.8577118
File: 85 KB, 580x563, quite sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore. I waited 3 months into further education to do it so it took me about a year before I realized how piss easy it was.

>> No.8577147

except, it clearly shows they have no experience, and have never even touched a frigging light bulb

>> No.8577165

hell, watch the video... they don't know what to do with the single cable they have

>> No.8577211
File: 301 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell a lot of people didn't even watch the video. They were trying to light up the bulb without even attempting to make a closed circuit. All but now in the video just had a singular wire going from the positive end to the battery to a single terminal in the wire.

Pic related is what's they were trying to do.

>> No.8577343


>> No.8577361

you know that it wouldn't hurt, its just a 6volt bat and the tongue has a lot of resistance

>> No.8577390


>> No.8577424

>only the black dude figured it out.

>> No.8577430


>> No.8577433

oh the nigger got it
and the jews/women had no clue

>> No.8577436

Apparently those guys never played with this sort of stuff when they were kids.

>> No.8577437

You know that there has to be 2 different poles regardless of whether you've worked with a lightbulb before

It ain't that fking hard, but this is why the country is declining, our education institutions have been taken over by foreigners and turned into a charade

>> No.8577513

That just looked like a state they passed through while fumbling with it and talking to the interviewer prior to their reaching a solution. It's mostly just them selectively editing the 4 people who fucked up out of who knows how many that got it right relatively quickly.

>> No.8577530

>Here's a bunch of people who payed a lot of money to have someone read them a book for 4 years and teach them how to read a formula shee failing to power a light bulb with a wire and battery. So much for prestige! LOL

Thats how i read it lol

>> No.8577535

In our country we have a TV show that consists of TV crew going around places and asking questions about - for lack of a better word - trivia. Things like "who is our current president?".

They ask about a hundred people and then pick out the most suited to their agenda, in this TV shows case it's comedy value.

You'd be surprised how much stupid shit people say merely due to being caught off guard and facing a camera crew. Televising it and making any conclusions based on these few handpicked results of stress is dishonest.

>> No.8577549
File: 52 KB, 412x549, well-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were any of them EEs? I wonder if one of them could do it

>> No.8577559

cut the wire with hands
you fucking tard.
still they are better then me in other subjects. and it doesnt harm that much.

>> No.8577840

>positive and negative part of an incandescent bulb

>> No.8578135

This is what happens when you teach nothing practical.

>> No.8578313

hands aren't that sharp mate

>> No.8578319


>> No.8578322

this, when we were kids we used to put 9volts to our tongues for fun

>> No.8578325

Is this the thread where we say the grapes are sour anyways?

>> No.8578617

>Harvard Professor
Lmao that arts and crafts school!

>> No.8578628
File: 375 KB, 572x464, 65465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8580329

That appeared to be a 40 watt lightbulb...

And that battery looked like a D cell, which has a power output measured in milliwatts.

(1.5 volts, at about 0.0025 amps, for 0.00375 watts.)

It never would have lit that bulb.

>> No.8580331

>(1.5 volts, at about 0.0025 amps, for 0.00375 watts.)

Oops, sorry that was 0.025 amps, for 0.0375 watts. (35 milliwatts)

>> No.8580566
