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8572945 No.8572945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that IQ is a meme.

>> No.8572950
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>the british send all the lowliest criminals and prostitutes to australia
>civilization thrives

>africans sell other africans to america
>hundreds of years after slavery they're still inferior on any given metric

>> No.8572952

>muh communism

>> No.8572953

>what is systemic opression
blacks in america were starting to do fine until shit like minimal wage and welfare were instituted.

then liberal decided to create a victim culture and jews started to make ghetto rap crime culture to pander to blacks.

It doesn't help that then AIDS appeared.

american blacks are an unique case, read a history book.

>> No.8572954

That's because they are poor and live in the shittiest neighbourhoods.

Do not make fun of poor people, it makes you sound like a terrible asshole.

>> No.8572956
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>> No.8572959

>muh american data
and yet ghana has an homicide rate of 1.6 and madagascar has an even lower rate than even germany.

there's 20 black nations with lower crime than USA.

I see this argument over and over again, and they simply look at american data.

>> No.8572961

oh wow, its ALMOST like the higher IQ parts with decent welfare and the lower IQ parts with shitty welfare average that IQ to that number.
Does OP even know how statistics work?

>> No.8572964

Cherry picking is a meme.

>> No.8572965

why do racists always only point downwards? following the logic of racists this stat clearly suggests whites and blacks need to be genocided to make room for the asian master race.

>> No.8572966

>higher IQ
>there's one black nation example
the economic system has a bigger influence over the economic prosperity than IQ.

>> No.8572971

could be cherrypicking but how do you explain that capitalism is the driving force behind prosperity and IQ is irrelevant.

look up botswana, same PPP as brazil and is a black african nation.

>> No.8572974

Holy fuck, if that dats is true then holy motherfucking fuck.

There must be something else. Something that affects black people even when they are middle class. It could be, again, the neighbourhoods they populate. The state usually doesn't give a shit.

Do you have data for people who make over 6 figures? And maybe for millionaires? If there are still black millionaires murdering then call me a cuck and race war now.

>> No.8572977

you mean the jewish masterrace. if asians were so smart, they wouldn't live in shitty homes and work in sweatshops for 15 dollars a day

>> No.8572978

You got it wrong. IQ is the driving force behind capitalism.

>> No.8572979

bet you are angry

>> No.8572982

american blacks suffer from unique characteristics.

look up non american black data, some african nations have homicide levels lower than other white nations.

america is a shithole.

>> No.8572983

how do you explain botswana versus zimbawe then retard?

One was founded by a president trained in a british college and had a boner for european institutions and capitalism.

the other had a socialist dictator.

guess what happens then.

>> No.8572984

>same PPP as brazil
as if that's impressive

>> No.8572985
File: 68 KB, 624x743, _92591509_f0bce746-7146-45ee-993e-65de900cafcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in africa they're still busy spraying each other with pesticide


and paying HIV infected men to have sex with 12 year olds to 'cleanse' them


>> No.8572987

Socialism scared away the high IQ people. They left Zimbabwe and moved to Botswana.

>> No.8572991

that's impressive for a black nation.

most of africa is still rural and a lot of their population has not proper modern education.
is like if a lot of them are still living centuries ago.

look up if those examples comes from the urban centers or the rural towns.

yes, because socialism sure rewards the high IQ hard working people.

>> No.8572992

american blacks are suffering from positive and negative racism. positive racism from libtards, who always treat minorities like pets, making them fragile and weak and ultimately stopping them from growing as a culture, and from negative racism by repubtards who think race identity determines your place in society, discriminating against blacks and denying them from opportunities to grow as a culture.

>> No.8572994

picture is bullshit.

niggers are dumb and everyone knows it. you'd have to be retarded not to see it.

>> No.8572996

is interesting to see how culture shaped american blacks into some retarded shit, how their culture is a regressive one and doesn't promote growing up as a person.

most black americans that want to work and educate, the smart black kids are discriminated by their own culture, even calling them uncle toms.

niggers only exist in USA, newfag.
read more about blacks.

there's plenty of smart african kids who are now getting scholarships to study in colleges betters than what you are.

also not all blacks have low IQ, blacks aren't a single race.

>> No.8573012

It could be this. There is really a culture of criminality, specially among blacks but also whites.

According to pop culture in the US, you are not cool if you aren't a pimp with two hoes by your side and a gun to bust any "nigga" who messes with you.

My guess would be that the african nations who do better than the US do not have that culture of criminality and it makes sense. Pushing for hip hop and trash music in general is something that only first world nations can do. If you sing about smoking weed, fucking hoes and busting nigga's asses in a third world country people are going to look at you like a madman. People are too busy making a living a not dying to pay attention to such superficial crap.

>> No.8573016

yeah, american culture is a toxic retarded one.

compared it to whites.
they brag about being better than blacks, but they don't see white americans are the retarded inbreed stock of the white race.

white americans are simply more violent and retarded on average.

is a cultural problem, not a racial one.

>> No.8573020

IQ varies greatly, OP, and you are showing pics of very small areas. North Korea probably has a very low IQ due to starvation and poverty, East Germany has slav population, probably, some cities in Africa may attract international minds to extract resources and coordinate work, Colombia and Venezuela are very different, these IQ scores are made with small groups, and most likely, by random people in the streets.

>> No.8573029


Yes. Because human being can be engineered. I mean, they made you into a dick, and there is nothing you could have done about it.

Let's treat all people like they are pigeons in a box. It's worked so well in the past.

No wait! You mean all that nonsense about Welfare Queens was made up?

>> No.8573032

no retard, both are neightbor countries with the same culture and same genetic stock.

compare modern china to mao china for a better example, or ghandi india to india after they switch to free market.

>> No.8573040


You do realize that different nations have different reporting rates?

You seriously think countries like Sudan have the same level of policing as the US?

>> No.8573048

you do realize black african nations people mob and lynched rapists and murderers, I'm sure you have seen those videos where africans burn alive some criminal and you think: wow, they're savages.

>> No.8573054

>daily reminder that IQ is a meme.
No, it's just that it's only one of several factors that influence life/national outcomes. Arguing that because IQ doesn't completely cause outcomes it must have no importance on outcomes is retarded. You can't just blindly reverse an incorrect idea and hope to arrive at a correct one.

>> No.8573058

Isn't the main reason niggers are fucked in the States due to fatherless families?

>> No.8573059

systemic opression from their own culture and external factors.

>> No.8573060


That is the dumbest fucking explanation I've ever heard. And where the fuck are you getting your numbers from. WHO estimates Ghana homicide rates per 100k at 15.7 in 2007. Certainly nowhere near the 1.6 you claim.

>> No.8573064



Source: UNODC Homicide Statistics 2012

>> No.8573067

>systemic opression
Uh, no. Although I can buy them also being affected by a classist system which disproportionally targets the poor and lets the rich off the hook.

>> No.8573081

here's world bank data, newfaggot.
get update data, not shit from the last century.

blacks have a crime culture in america.

>> No.8573097

>wow haha look at my cherrypicked photographs, this is definitely an argument!

>> No.8573100

Colombia is a shithole where cartels run the country and kill people over $500 and people rob tourists using scopolamine.

>> No.8573103

Reaction time evidence suggests that the average white in the Victorian era had an IQ 15 points (an entire standard deviation) than the average today. This puts them at or higher than the purported Jewish estimate. I would bet that if our culture and popular entertainment ceased to push its degenerate, anti intellectual agenda on the poor, working class and uneducated our average IQ would be just as high.

>> No.8573108

holy cherry-picking batman

>> No.8573112

>whites are dumber than asians cause of le degenerate culture
>not blacks lol its just genetic, pure subhumans!!!
/pol/ is very intellectually dishonest

>> No.8573121

I never made the claim blacks weren't being held from their true potential either. I would argue they are more so than whites.

>> No.8573141

SJWtards expose themselves so easily these days

>> No.8573168

>white americans are the retarded inbreed stock of the white race.
lol, no. You obviously haven't been to the UK or Eastern Europe.

>> No.8573171

they don't believe in creationism though.

>> No.8573172

Yes, because Israel is a much more developed country than Japan.

>> No.8573178
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here you go


>> No.8573194

Jews lack the visuospatial skills to excel in design or engineering so naturally their country will desire much in terms of infrastructure and civic development. However you're missing the point. They don't need to actually do any of that just like they don't need to do any of the actual labor. Their freakishly high verbal abilities allow them to acquire the capital and let others do it.

>> No.8573213

so why is it that are they poor and live in shitty neigborhoods?

>> No.8573256
File: 9 KB, 221x228, 1477165523754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /sci/ veteran
>tfw too smart to see the negative ramifications of letting millions and millions of niggers into europe
someone explain it to me, p-please

>> No.8573271

>muh capitalism solves all the problems!
look at Mexico. they are not left leaning. and they are a narco ridden shithole.
look at the state of the American working class. they are in such a state of despair they literally voted for a multimillionaire to "drain the swamp" lmao. they are hopeless.
Look at Chile. the rampant inequality caused riots about education

>> No.8573272

Niggers in Europe perform as bad as niggers in America on any concievable metrics, yet they never were enslaved, nor oppressed in this case.

>> No.8573277

those aren't free market countries idiot.

except for igbos and niggerians.
try again.

>> No.8573284

free market only generates poverty in the third world
there's a reason why the us always tried to forcefully remove emancipatory governments in the third world

>> No.8573293

But it's alright when /pol/ does it, right?

>> No.8573304

no, every single study shows people in the west today are way smarter than 50 years ago. this btw makes sense. the brain is a muscle and can be trained. more years in school will increase the average iq.

>> No.8573306
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>> No.8573315

If intelligence is genetic why don't geniuses produce geniuses?
Why can dumb couples produce average people?

>> No.8573318

coz its partially environmental?

>> No.8573323

>my specific, perfect, entirely infallible brand of capitalism has never been tried

>> No.8573324

What exactly do you suggest does not work with capitalism?

>> No.8573329
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>offspring isn't exactly like parents
>therefore genetics arent real!

>> No.8573330

Every single study huh?


>> No.8573344

this abstract is the most retarded thing i read in a long time. literally /pol tier science. fuck off.

>> No.8573352

JEJ, this.

They're no better than the people who say "real communism has never been tried"

>> No.8573357

What is so retarded about it? If you want people to take you seriously, you're going to need to actually articulate yourself. Screaming /pol/ and running off just makes you look like a child.

And for the record, I don't go to /pol/, and I'm not a racist.

>> No.8573365


And they've only been oppressed that much. Because they've been deemed subhuman by almost every race on this planet.

>> No.8573368
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No it doesn't you stupid fool. How are Asians the master race when most inventions you use are white made, and 60 years later you guys still haven't even made it to the moon.

Your logic right now literally just adds fuel to the fact mongoloids are not master race by far.

>> No.8573373

literally every sentence about it is retarded.

>The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of which appear to have declined subsequently.

no indicator mentioned that supports this hypothesis, is argueably not true and just and an anecdote.

The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ amongst Western nations, starting in the 19th century, suggests that these trends might be related to declining IQ

again just putting a statement out there as if it is self evident.

>This is because high-IQ people are more productive and more creative. We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations, using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study.

oh, so finally an indicator. could it be any more unreliable? average reaction time? really? if average reaction time is positively correlated with intelligence, blacks would all be geniuses.

...and so on and so on.

btw, i quickly googled the first name of the authors and everything i found from him had exactly opposite statements (people today are smarter than in the past).

>> No.8573374

>ow are Asians the master race when most inventions you use are white made,
>muh creativity
Post evidence that whites are more creative or fuck off.

>> No.8573377

im not asian, just pointing to the fact that most indicators white racists use to proof their superiority put them second or third.

>> No.8573385
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Not him but don't be dishonest. You'd think that out of all places /sci/ would have people with the least cognitive dissonance, but I should have known it would just have intelligent people who would be better at arguing for their silly ideas.

Niggers are stupid. That's all there is to it. And you can shove a few "intelligent" ones our way here and there, and tell us that they're all capable of "affirmative action" aka "hard work", but anyone who can use simple logic, math, statistics, and reasoning will come to the conclusion that generally speaking, blacks are extremely fucking dumb for lack of better words.

You can literally pull out a nigger from a Sub-Saharan African tribe, wearing feathers and mud, prove to me his I.Q.is 200 and that he's a scientist somehow... and it still wouldn't change the fact, that as a whole, they're incapable of a DECENT civilization because collectively they're not their yet when it comes to their mental development.

The white man passed his caveman phase, blacks on the other hand, were pulled out of it, integrated to Victorian Era (not even medieval mind you) and expected to function.

Giving a loaded gun to a monkey is more dangerous than giving it to a scientist correct? When Africans got a hold of AK47s they weren't ready for that technology either.

They have been fucked by non-blacks that I do agree with... but that's because they're the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.8573393


No it doesn't, and I just proved why it doesn't. So why are you still using the same argument?

I'd rather take a little more crime than Asians, and a little less I.Q., if those trade offs come with beautiful architecture, better lifestyles, more discoveries and inventions, better politics, better economies, better art, better looking people etc

I.Q. Obviously isn't everything, it's still important but it's not everything and the world shows that to be true. There are many different biological things at play and I.Q. is just one out of the many important qualities to be successful in this world.

>> No.8573402


Let's ignore that /pol/ tier science.

You can't really look me straight in the eye with the way the world is and other real life statistics and tell me the black man I just as intelligent on average as the Mongoloid, Caucasian man?

>> No.8573405

>white racists use average iq to show their superiority
>average iq wise there are several races above them (asians, jews, sometimes indians, etc.)
>still think they are the master race because of muh iq

and now you are saying iq really doesnt mean much. but when it is about discriminating against blacks, it means the world.

>> No.8573406

Why are you such a retard acting like you know what you're talking about?
>The white man passed his caveman phase, blacks on the other hand, were pulled out of it
Many african populations were post iron-age. Far past being cavemen. As for the ones that weren't, who cares?
There were europeans who had to be dragged into civilization by more civilized europeans. That does make northern europeans inferior?
>beautiful architecture
Subjective. Chinese probably think Chinese architecture is more beautiful than western architecture.
>better [subjective,subjective,subjective,subjective] thing
Lmao why do you keep relying on subjective shit?
You're literally just saying that you prefer your own culture to another. And pretending you're saying anything remotely objective.

>> No.8573408

>hurr anyone who hates my savage primitive obnoxious ass must be the same thing
go be a monkey elsewhere

>> No.8573411


The world is evidence. But if you're too autistic to see the world around you, then pick up a history book.
I don't know what they teach you in China Cheng...

But you guys didn't create the computer, airplane, train, cars, skyscrapers, space shuttles, satellites, phones, discover electricity, nuclear energy, modern western medicine, etc

I mean... the list really goes on. Asians have thought us to be so superior, you guys ditched your girly colorful dresses and now wear suits and ties when trying to be formal.

You guys pride yourselves in playing European classical music and instrument for fucks sake! You come to our countries for opportunities!!! Hahahaha

You guys aren't bad don't get me wrong. But still... I mean... come on.

>> No.8573412
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IQ matters, but results that each race produces matter more. Measure the quality of life of the average Chinese man compared to the quality of life of the average Norwegian man or Finnish man.

When discriminating against blacks, both IQ and the results that they have produced are relevant.

>> No.8573413


We take into account their I.Q. along with everything else. I didn't say it didn't mean that much, it means quite a bit.

Why are you arguing like someone of double digit I.Q.? Or like a woman?

>> No.8573416


I only used one subjective argument, and now you're saying that is my ONLY relying argument? Clearly I'm arguing with a dishonest woman. Discussing over

>> No.8573420

>beautiful architecture
Subjective and eastern architecture is honestly better
>better lifestyles
Asians are way healthier, most of white nations have happiness problems
>more discoveries and inventions
Lots of Jews and we're being overtaken by Asians now.
>better politics
>better economies
Japan is one of the top economies and per capita power. China will overtake USA very soon. India's GDP is also rising.
>better art
>better looking people
Irrelevant considering it's subjective and a monkey will consider a monkey attractive, not a human.

Also muh yellow fever

>> No.8573421

how do you think ancient germanic tribes would have fared in a modern iq test?

i think that iq is indeed not so very much important. i think it is important a civilization develops where there are several other civilizations nearby that can interact with each other. if somebody would ask me why the west started to dominate from 1500 onwards, i would say it is because there was so much diversity and exchange of ideas on the european continent. china was an isolated 99% han chinese country. europe was a multicultural, multireligious (catholics, orthodox, protestants, sunni muslims (ottoman empire)) very dynamic continent. china was homogenous and static.

In Simbabwe, there was a true black high culture that developed somewhere around the year 1000 ad. it was pretty much isolated from the rest of the world. but it crumbled and vanished with no replacement. why? because there was no other culture nearby, no exchange of ideas, etc. also, nobody to conquer, because at the end of the day a lot of empires formed because they wanted to rule over those dickheads across the sea.

>> No.8573422

Hey autistic retard. I was using caveman as an insult. Not a literal explanation. So now that you know what I meant, since it had to be explained to you. What is your argument now?

>> No.8573425

The UNODC does an annual report on crime and its based on more than police reporting. It also looks at public health reports from orgs such as WHO and discrepancies between things like estimated deaths and reported deaths.

>> No.8573427

Don't use caveman as an insult in an argument where there are retards who will use it literally.

>> No.8573428


Europe was "multicultural" with whites. With European whites.

China is a huge place, with many different people, cultures, and different Asian ethnicities inside of it. Also multicultural if using the same standard.

So why didn't they have the same boom Europeans did?

>> No.8573430



>> No.8573433


>> No.8573435

In the UK black Africans perform better than average on the GCSEs while their blacks of Caribbean descent perform third worst and are only beat out by travellers and gypsies

>> No.8573441
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There's a reason why Chinks and everyone else travels to Europe to see their architecture and culture.

While only weebs go to Japan.

Here's European Art 1600

>> No.8573443
File: 33 KB, 624x238, respro_japan_624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese art same era

>> No.8573444

In regards to IQ, that is the case. James Flynn who has contributed plenty on the research of intelligence talks about this. "What is Intelligence?" is a good book I hear

>> No.8573447

Show me where pajeets have ever demonstrated higher iqs than whites. You are full of shit. I like how you include "etc" when you literally can't list any others.

>> No.8573448

>There's a reason why Chinks and everyone else travels to Europe to see their architecture and culture.
European don't visit China even though it's a much less free of a country? Or Thailand?

>> No.8573456


>Asians are way healthier

In comparison to who? I bet you there are way more unhealthy Chinese and South Asian people living in literal shit holes than all the niggers and white trash in America put together.

Please travel to Beijing, or harbor cities in Japan weeb.

>How about Muh Korea

They, along with Japan, have even more depression issues and suicide rates than the USA.

Beauty is not as subjective as you think. You having an Asian fetish because you like Asian culture is an exception. People tend to prefer people of their own race, this is biology.

You like Asians because you can't get someone from your own race but you know you can trick some ugly yellow squeaker to be with you.

Same reason why a lot of ugly men tend to go for fat chicks and develop a BBW fetish.

>> No.8573457

so do white include the moors who ruled most of what is today's spain? the jews? the turks who ruled byzantine empire (renaming it ottoman and making it muslim)?

>> No.8573458

Well, geneticists have also found "warrior genes" that give a predisposition to violent crime. Blacks are way more likely to have them than anyone else.
Some whites do visit China but they usually come back disgusted at what a shitty place it is.

>> No.8573459


Of course they do. And we enjoy some of the stuff we have there. But most of us don't want to stay and live in those shitholes. They're mostly adventurous for us.

On the other hand. You guys want to come and live in our "shit holes".

>> No.8573462


Are they Caucasoids?

>> No.8573463

well, since there are only a handful of races having two or three above you means you are somewhere in the middle. the etc. depends on how you define race. slavic people for example have a higher avarage iq than US whites.

>> No.8573464

>Beauty is not as subjective as you think.
You going to post sources about the objective metrics of beauty that also show whites being on top?

>> No.8573466
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Jews are basically smarter and more sneakier whites.

Those Arabs who conquered Spain, then got BTFO and Spain recovered it's land, and then went and pretty much conquered and colonized a huge part of the world and due to them Spanish is the second most spoke language in the world.

>> No.8573468

so suddenly an ethiopian can count as white. you fucking racists are comical.

>> No.8573472


No, I'll just leave common sense handle that one.

But if you want. I can post all the online dating app statistics showing white men got the most responses out of every race of women on those sites.

Would that destroy you?

>> No.8573473

arab has more native speakers than spanish.

>> No.8573474


So suddenly we're talking about black Ethiopians being considered white?

You liberals are hilarious

>> No.8573475

Wouldn't it make more sense to compare intelligence by ethnic groups considering how broad the taxonomy of race is? The only group actually analyzed are the Ashkenazi Jews

>> No.8573476




Top three in that order

>> No.8573477

spanish speaker here.
spanish has the second native number, 50-100 millions more than english, behind chinese.
english only has more second language speakers.

spanish is the official language of 36 countries.

>> No.8573479

Yes you should post those statistics.

>> No.8573485
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Just don't KYS now...

>> No.8573487

>In comparison to who? I bet you there are way more unhealthy Chinese and South Asian people living in literal shit holes than all the niggers and white trash in America put together.
Americans and most of Europe. Look at Japan especially. We're talking lifestyle and comparing highly developed countries. They absolutely dominate other races when it comes to life expectancy for example.
>Please travel to Beijing, or harbor cities in Japan weeb.
China has problems with environment, but that's not what we're talking about. It's lifestyle. Look at Asian diet for example compared to America.
>They, along with Japan, have even more depression issues and suicide rates than the USA.
And then we have something like Latvia with even worse suicide rates. You can't really call whites better in the regard.
>People tend to prefer people of their own race, this is biology.
So first you say the white people are more beautiful and that it's an objective fact, then right after you say that people prefer people of their own race? It's either subjective or not.
>You like Asians because you can't get someone from your own race but you know you can trick some ugly yellow squeaker to be with you.
But I don't. Yellow fever isn't my stuff.
Anime girls > Euro - Asians and East European > European > Asian girls > Latina and various mixes with European > other
That's my ranking of beauty
We don't want to stay in China because it's a developing country with heavy personal freedom issues but I don't see how European don't want to stay in Japan more than Japanese don't want to stay in Europe.

>> No.8573488

that used to be the case. but arap populations are growing rapidly and spanish not. arab today has 420 million native speakers spanish has 400.

>> No.8573490

>two or three ahead
so two ahead IF you count ashkenazi jews as their own race. also the 3 to 5 point difference between European and Asian populations has been argued by psychologists other than Spencer and rushton to be negligible

>> No.8573493

ethiopians are caucasoid, so if we now define white as everybody who is caucasoid ethiopians are white.

>> No.8573496

its not 3 to 5 points. korea has an average iq of 115, us whites have an average iq of 95.

>> No.8573500
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Please, we both know what we meant. They can barely count as caucasoid. Stop grasping at straws.

In regards to the Moors... they weren't blacks, and blacks weren't the original Jews either regardless of what some fat black guy on the street tells you.

>> No.8573501

You have to go back.

Keep deluding yourselves stormcucks.

>> No.8573503


Further proving that though I.Q. is important. There are other things at play. The white man has a more creative and brave mind.

>> No.8573504

Not an argument. That document is full of unsubstained claims.

We can tolerate IQ being "science" for a moment, but this dumbshit is going to far.

Keep your mental circlejerk out of here >>>/pol/

>> No.8573507

do you even know what caucasoid means? ethiopians are hamites, which is one of the three caucasian races, the others being semits and aryans.

>> No.8573511


Haven't you've been reading the conversations?

You SJWs have just been arguing Jews and Egyptians were originally blacks, pointing to a few smart black people and making them the rule instead of the exception. Saying I.Q. doesn't matter, then pointing to Asians and saying they're better, and the ignoring the list of inventions and discoveries which far surpass the Asian man's.

And we're delusional? Ha!!!

>> No.8573514

/pol/ hates stormfags you fucking newfag.

>> No.8573516

nobody here says asians are better than whites, i said given the indicators white racists use to declare blacks inferior, they are themselves inferior to asians and other races.

>> No.8573518


You can't see it because you're a weeb who Jerks off to anime girls.

If Europeans wanted to stay in Japan, it would be full of Europeans.

But instead you get quite the opposite. You get Asians flooding OUR countries as permanent residencies.

>> No.8573520

And I proved that given those indicators, no they don't, unless you take them out if context in an absolutist fashion like you've been doing.

>> No.8573526
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He doesn't. He's a typical SJW redditor. He's only used to arguing with 14 white racist kids who can't articulate themselves or show proof for the obvious niggers lack of intellectual progress.

But here, he gets eaten alive. He's only the apex predator in reddit

>> No.8573530

That's because Japan has strict immigration compared to Europe, and even then we don't see many Japanese permanent residents. Most of Asians is china and some minor countries like Vietnam depending on the country in question.

And 2D is plainly superior to 3D and you need to be a butthurt westaboo not to see it. People who don't watch anime are plainly unhealthy like people who eat only meat without any vegetables pretending to be better than vegans. It's time to grow up and watch your anime kiddo.

>> No.8573532

lol, i just misclicked. i wrote >>8573507 and >>8573496 and >>8573507 was meant to adress >>8573500

>> No.8573540


Well at least we can agree that homogenous nations are the best nations.

>> No.8573542

No. European - Asians are the cutest therefore we should immediately go for strict race mixing.

>> No.8573548
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There are actually people on /sci/ who claim to be smart and intelligent and live lives based on realism and facts, who force themselves to belive that blacks are just as intelligent as other races/ethnicities. And they do this un-ironically.

Goes to show. No matter how smart you are. You can still be full of shit. Like a Muslim, Jewish, or Christian scientist who believes in their gods 100%

Except us mathematicians though. We only deal in logic and reasoning so we're impervious to shit like that ;)

>> No.8573553
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And this is coming from the weeb that believes anime women are superior to real women. What a surprise. You need to go to a mental institution.

Your lack of confidence, your inability to fit in, has robbed you of your sense of identity and instead you've retreated to a dark and degenerate place, and you want everyone else to go there.

You couldn't fit in as white man, and you can't even score ugly Asian women, so you were left with no choice but to jack off to inanimate and abstract objects.

This is the guy arguing for race mixing everybody, take notes.

>> No.8573559


Kek at this data

>> No.8573567

A few cherry picked cases is evidence.

No-one says IQ totally determines a country's fate.

Venezuela, N Korea, East Germany all share the problem of a standing communist dictatorship.

Botswana is the only black country that is not a complete train wreck. This is due to immense mineral wealth and a very low population density.

Saudi Arabia is rich for similar reasons and they will revert to illiterate poor camel drivers once the oil runs out.

>> No.8573569

>And this is coming from the weeb that believes anime women are superior to real women.
It's quite obvious that an artist vision limited only by what he can put on paper and imagination can surpass the beauty of nature. Arguing against it or implying it's impossible that is foolish unless you're ready to say that your precious European architecture is nothing compared to natural rock formations.
>Your lack of confidence, your inability to fit in, has robbed you of your sense of identity and instead you've retreated to a dark and degenerate place, and you want everyone else to go there.
Is that so? Maybe I just like anime.
>You couldn't fit in as white man, and you can't even score ugly Asian women, so you were left with no choice but to jack off to inanimate and abstract objects.
I haven't really met any Asian women in person, so you seem to be awful uninformed about my life.

It's pretty pathetic to be the man arguing for moral decency and traditional ways while posting on a forum made by and dedicated for anime loser degenerates. Is that because anyone would be able to point our your hypocrisy were you to take on a username? Is it because you want to feel superior to someone and normal people just don't cut it thanks to your lack of any achievements, and you think not watching anime shows the purity of your soul?

>> No.8573574
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>peer-reviewed article is /pol/-tier science

>> No.8573577

>average reaction time?
There is plenty of evidence reaction time is correlated with IQ.

You are just showing your ignorance and embarrassing yourself.

Why don't you eat some watermelon and dance? Better use of your time.

>> No.8573580

shitposters using the pol boogeyman in their """argument""" is to be ignored, reported and saged

>> No.8573585

saudi arabia has a decent industry actually, plus mecca guarantees them several million tourists every year. also, arabs always were pretty wealthy. in the middle ages the middle east also was seen as biblically rich (think 1001 night fairytales)

>> No.8573587

Which intelligence? There are several measures of IQ? It correlates with which one? Verbal? Pattern recognition?

>> No.8573589

>There is plenty of evidence reaction time is correlated with IQ.
who cares about correlation, the only thing that matters is causality. now please explain to me how reaction times influences your ability to solve mathematical equations.

>> No.8573593

in psychology, economy, sociology and other shit tier sciences you can get all kind of bullshit peer-reviewed and published. i know, because i did it myself (economist here).

>> No.8573600

My Zimbabwean GF got 130 on an IQ test and she skipped the last few questions because she got bored, I'm 140 myself, I think it comes down to evolutionary needs for how many intelligent people are needed in a society for that particular geographic location, my gf coming from a high background

>> No.8573607

this is a good point actually. in a civilization intelligence is rewarded more than in a tribal society. so after several dozen generations one can assume there is going to be a fairly big difference in intelligence between a society that got civilized, and a society that didnt.

>> No.8573609

Certain societies need an overall dumb population and a few strong leaders, others need alot of smart people, in my view I see where resources are most plentiful humans become interspecies predators, competition encourages tight efficient groups of war focused people, it's the way things will head towards globally if we don't stop the current trends, race has nothing to do with it, it's just showing history of evolution, regardless of race, upbringing really plays the largest part

>> No.8573613

Yeah, where it favours to be strong, emotional and instinctive it's obvious those genes will rise to the top, with a few clever people for structuring the local society

>> No.8573619

I myself feel like the autistic schizophrenic offspring of anscestors who managed to invent/create something to earn themselves wealth and power, in a society free of selective pressures

>> No.8573620

>korea has an average iq of 115
Bullshit. But even if we're true, since when were we talking about IQs of particular countries.

>> No.8573624

Whereas they would have otherwise been killed, non human competative selective pressures seem to create a drive for people intelligent enough to figure out them and counter them

>> No.8573724


Because we have finite lifespans, attentions spans, and other races are doing it quicker and thus succeeding more.

>> No.8573726


When someone is a liberal and trying to avoid discussing general black I.Q. at all costs.

>> No.8573734

Daily reminder that you should treat everyone as an individual. I'd rather live next to black science man than white trailer park rednecks.

>> No.8573744

>south korea same as north korea
ebin trolley

>> No.8573774

Have you ever met a Korean that didn't get where they were by cheating the system?

>> No.8573788

I am a liberal that has no problem with the hypothesis that black people are stupider than average. It might be true, in fact it almost certainly is. Whether it makes sense to blame genetics or upbringing is of little consequence.

The fact is that judging a group of people by the average of any defined characteristic is bad policy for liberalism, because there is always going to be something that divides us, and ther are always going to be exceptions to that division that make it a good idea not to judge individuals based on averages.

I will freely admit that many liberals want badly for everything to be equal and fair, even though this is patently absurd. Many more recognize that things are not equal but still strive for an ideal world in which people are free to thrive according to their merits, but feel that voicing differences out loud is counterproductive.

The truth is that even if everyone in the world were to come out and admit that black people just aren't as smart, that doesn't solve any problems. Even if this were true, it would still be unjust and unproductive to use "blackness" as a tool in policy.

Ask yourself, why does it matter to YOU that black people might be dumbasses on average? Society and you are still going to benefit if smart black people succeed and dumber black people don't, just like everyone else.

Work toward meritocracy. Fight non-meritocratic systems in both conservatism and liberalism, and you'll be happier and better off.

>> No.8573795

are there actually people that don't believe blacks are just plain dumb? i would have thought that on an anonymous forum, people would be honest and level with each other in a way that they can't in 'good society'. blows my mind.

>> No.8573799

>Whether it makes sense to blame genetics or upbringing is of little consequence

it is of enormous consequence, and the fact that you say otherwise is a tacit admission that you think it is genetic. i mostly agree with you though.

>> No.8573816

Daily reminder that this kind of train of thought is exactly what has allowed so much trash in to our societies.

>Hey anon, you can't judge them because of a "few" bad apples, let them come in.

>> No.8573820


I literally said the same thing a few posts back. It's incredibly mind blogging. If statistics and lack of accomplishments isn't enough, one can just take a look at their nature. They're very different from us at a very fundamental level.

>> No.8573823

Years and generations of white guilt, anti-white media and psychological torture on the white man.

Mixed with years of non-whites jerking their superiority from sheet metal huts

>> No.8573824

No you fucknugget that's not what treating people as individuals is. If we treated everyone as an individual (which we don't) the trash would've never been allowed to enter.

>> No.8573838


I think it matters A LOT. The lack of the white man ignoring his GENERAL intellectual superiority as a race, has opened his borders, both in Europe, as in the Americas, to millions of violent cretins of all colors, who reproduce violently and soak up more and more of our finite resources.

Not to mention, the race mixing and watering down of intellect. Filling college seats with undeserving rowdy monkeys who bring down the quality of our schools for the sake of multiculturalism.

The biggest proponents of Multiculturalism in white countries... would never in a million years do it to themselves. This should tell you quite a bit.

>> No.8573839

>unironically posting a Stefan Molyneux video.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8573840


I'm well aware of your liberal hypocrisy. If liberals actually thought about what they said instead of using double standards, many of these problems would be solved.

Unfortunately you guys will scream at us about the few smart blacks over and over again. Bombard us with that bullshit. While opening the doors to the millions of NIGGERS out there.

>> No.8573843


Not him but.

>thinking that arguing like this will get people to side with you

Did you forget you're in /sci/? People here tend to have more common sense than to agree with you because you're spouting a meme ad hominem argument l

>> No.8573846


i think that our public de-education system has made them incapable of forming judgement and conclusions on their own.

their prime criteria for the truth or falseness of a statement is, whether or not they admit it, how it will be received socially. and that's not really new or unreasonable. unpopular opinions are dangerous and there's a lot of value to be gained from going along to get along. doesn't make it right but on some levels it does work.

but still it's sad to see that even when they are safe from social retribution they don't break from the thoughts they are required to have by others.


yeah. there are definitely people that benefit from the submissiveness.

and you might think that people on /sci/ have degree's and are educated, intelligent and stuff - but i've observed that just because a person is intelligent and 'educated' doesn't mean they're correct. it often just means that they have a much more complex defense around their misconceptions.

and if you educate stupid people, they just become stupid on steroids.

>> No.8573858


Couldn't have put it better myself. I've noticed the reason why more intelligent light skinned blacks are more militant of black power (besides the obvious insecurity) is that they're smart enough to understand some concepts, but instead of using them correctly to come to factual conclusions, they're emotionally invested, and will instead use their little knowledge to double down on their original beliefs. Which is why pseudo-intellectualism is huge in the African-American community. With all the "we were Egyptians and original kangz in Europe flying around in pyramids n shiiiet" Type of nonsense.

T.non white who has no problem admitting that whites, Asians, and Jews in general have way better cultures and more intelligent civilizations than mine.

I mean... who would want to admit that you belong to a generally inferior race/culture? No one would, it's a tough pill to swallow. And the dumber one is, the less likely they'll be able to admit the truth or even see it.

There's a reason I moved to a white community, to get away from my own, so when I see "my people" coming here and ruining it, while claiming to be better than whitey, i get frustrated.

>> No.8573872
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>I mean... who would want to admit that you belong to a generally inferior race/culture?

this is something that hangs me up, actually. i have no problem with calling someone a dumb nigger and nigger this and nigger that, but, i have a issue with asking other people to demean themselves. i'm morally satisfied with contention but not with self-demoralizing.

while i've always felt it necessary to remind people that racist idea's are true, i think it makes sense that you'd judge a race racially and judge an individual individually.

it's not in my interest that black people are fucked up and i'd be glad to see if they got their families and communities in working order. just because you're genetically less likely to have the capacity to be a quantum physicist doesn't mean you can't be happy and live a reasonable life.

people are raised to be sanctimonious special snowflakes, so if you tell them that people should know their place and where they fit into the world in order to live well, they have a fucking panic attack.

there's realistically not some program out there that prevents a capable black person from achieving whatever position their potential allows. most people have good will towards others, even the so called 'racists', and strongly prefer seeing others succeed rather than suffer.

good luck getting brainwashed pseudo-intellectuals to see nuance and compassion in an unequal world. their 'compassion' is predicated on a big, forced sham of equality.

>> No.8573883

>they were doing fine until...
You gotta clever retort for that part of the post?

>Niggers in Europe perform as bad as niggers in America on any concievable metrics
Same goes for the trash sections of every demographic.
Since you're so dedicated to statistics I would challenge you to analyse the successful african classes in america and europe. Where they peaked and where they fell.

But you won't, because you're only interested in justifying one half of the story. The one that makes you feel better about getting bullied in high school.

>> No.8573886

this, high IQ is only needed for highly advanced stem shit.

there's plenty of vital jobs, from farming to military to police men and rescue guys to sport people and musicians, actors, preachers, politicians, writers, cleaners, tradesmen, smiths, machine operators, mining, education.

There's plenty of jobs for black people that are as vital for society as some high IQ stem faggot.

>> No.8573892

>most people have good will towards others
oh you poor sweet summer child

>> No.8573894

>and judge an individual individually.

An individual is still part of his race
Still has his racial tendencies
Still produces children of his race, that tend towards racial norms

What does it even mean to judge an individual, how can you know the individual without spending a lifetime with them? Even then, how many people discover they never knew their spouse when something happens

>> No.8573900
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>Same goes for the trash sections of every demographic.

statistics show that the most privileged black people perform on average slightly worse than the least privileged white people.

how could you even conceive of two different organisms being identical? even dogs have widely varying intelligence amongst breeds. a priori, you could assume that obviously different breeds of human from different environments would have different capacity in many different ways.


yep. it's an unwarranted superiority complex on the part of the 'educated' and an unwarranted inferiority complex on the part of the 'uneducated'.


edginess and cynicism can be taken for granted? people are majority gregarious. it's a normal human trait.


you can learn 90% of what there is to know about a person in 10 minutes and the other 10% takes 10 years.

you extrapolate from patterns when there's insufficient information. do i want to live around 'black people?' absolutely not. if there's a black person here, i can assess him and decide if he's a dangerous nigger or a decent human. i don't need to guess.

>> No.8573906

Acemoglu - Why Nations Fail

Basically institutions determine whether a country will thrive or not.

>> No.8573924

You'd truly have to be an absolute retard to believe stuff like this
Written by a brit & an armenian

>> No.8573925

>Venezuela, N Korea, East Germany all share the problem of a standing communist dictatorship.
Well they aren't that smart if they can't make the best economic system known to man work

>Saudi Arabia is rich for similar reasons and they will revert to illiterate poor camel drivers once the oil runs out.
Probably not because they are diversifying their economy.

>> No.8573934



everything discarded

>> No.8573944

At least in the US there seems to be little nuance. You are either smart or you're not. That's why the elites on the coasts have no problem replacing American workers with migrants from Mexico and Central America. In a sense I guess its true because only like the top 16 percent of society make scientific contributions if the estimated IQs of certain majors are anything to go by.

>> No.8573949


IQ has meaning, but it's at best an indicator of individual ability. These threads turn into race-baiting, but I'll say this: the truly superior group is the group of individuals with 140+ IQs, be they white, black, or otherwise.

The ones who are inferior are the ones who seek validation through association.

>> No.8573953


yeah. seeking validation through association isn't smart. but, the facts remain and this is the kind of place they should be said.

>> No.8574574

Can you fools stop arguing? All sides have their pros and cons. For example, Asians may be technically smarter on average but in some divergent future/past timeline they'd be evil, controlling Greys/Reptilians/robots/etc. Caucasians may, on average, not be as intellectual in a brute-force manner but they, in a different reality, reflectively, may be more angelic Pleiadians or benevolent seraphim -- not to say that all of one race or another are such and such or are ineluctably evolving to be such and such, but you get the idea. If we want awesome, unlimited, STD-free sex with each other we need to get along.

>> No.8574592

Most Australian convicts were indentured servants, and received land and opportunity after enough work. Not applicable to black people
>t .Australian

>> No.8574597

i think this thread is a good example of the inevitable ways of empires. once it peaks, the descendants of the creators will spend more time feeling superior and telling everyone how so much better there are because they belong to society group x who build this great empire and others dont, instead of building something new. racism is really just that. it brought the european empires down, and it will bring the USA down, too.

>> No.8574633

that's not even in east Germany.

>> No.8574636

>there's plenty of smart african kids who are now getting scholarships to study in colleges betters than what you are.

outliers are the exception, not the norm

>> No.8574637

Oh look it is ANOTHER racebaiting /pol/ thread
God I want /pol/ to get the fuck off 4chan
Reminder to report and hide /pol/ threads, kill yourself /pol/ faggot

>> No.8574639

>if I spam the word "/pol/" enough maybe I can convince that nobody else thinks this.
Is that the typical SJWtard ritual to shitpost on /sci/ threads like a dumbfucking SJWtard that you are and you can't back off from your SJWtarded pride enough to spit one shit without using pol boogeyman like SJWtard?
This shitposter is a prime example for why SJWtards need to be permabanned on sight. They confuse /sci/ with /sjw/ where they think this is their personal shitposting board to spam SJWtarded garbage all over the place.

>> No.8574640

once it peaks, the descendants of the creators will spend more time feeling superior and telling everyone how so much better there are because they belong to society group x who build this great empire and others dont, instead of building something new
Except pretty much all breakthroughs and innovation still comes from the west

>> No.8574646

Holy shit kill yourself you assblasted /pol/tard
I really wish moot were here to destroy your precious echochamber again
You /pol/ niggers are like a bad case of herpes, you pop up everywhere and you just won't go the fuck away

>> No.8574651

t. projecting SJWtard
Fuck off and advertise systematic genocide, labelmanie, crime, pedophilia, degeneracy, fat pride and your other cancerous treats in your own cesspool and don't bring your stink in here. /sci/ and all 4chan hates you and nobody wants your presence in here. except for /b/

>> No.8574657
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>the western diet
More like niggers can't stop cramming fried chicken down their throats.

>> No.8574665
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no fagtron, massive immigration of thirdworld shitskins and womans' suffrage is what bring empires down

descendants of the creators have a right to feel pride because they share the DNA of the greatest men to ever walk to earth

>> No.8574667
File: 99 KB, 534x800, fat nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wez be uhpressd n sheeit!

>> No.8574668
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Have a (You)

>> No.8574669
File: 179 KB, 1024x789, muh socioeconomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people are posting facts and statistics that collapse my liberal worldview!
>i'll call them /pol/ rather than refute their argument or admit i'm wrong!

>> No.8574712

Where is this from?

>> No.8574721

I'm a topologist
I believe that blacks aren't smart, but because of social factors, not genetics. Fite me irl fag

>> No.8574723

Wait a minute fuckface, that one doesn't actually report anything meaningful besides the fact that white kids don't go to jail for criminal activities, considering white kids and black kids commit crimes at the same rate.

>> No.8574726

Are we going to forget that there are tons of peer-reviewed articles full of retarded made up bullshit? How new are you to science?

>> No.8574731

>my definition of science is calling things you can't refute made up bullshit
we know

>> No.8574733

That's a great argument. Really convincing.

>> No.8574734

Holy shit are you retarded or something?

>> No.8574738

Why are you shitposting like a 8 year old every time you get BTFO? You don't have enough IQ to form arguments?
Are we gonna have to send you to lower IQ countries so you fit in better?

>> No.8574743
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>b-but da KKK nazi police just hates da proud Kang
>s-systemic racism explains it

Pic related, arrests by race compared with victim reported offender by race. The NCVS data gives the exact same picture.

Absolutely disgusted that a fellow pure math autist is this ignorant.

>> No.8574744
File: 6 KB, 480x360, rsthwqeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering white kids and black kids commit crimes at the same rate
you're fuckin ZOOTED

>> No.8574748
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put the liberal koolaid down, m8.

blacks and whites developed separately for 60,000-100,000 years. do you not believe in evolution or something?

>> No.8574749

Why is that americans are so fucking obsessed about race? Srls guys, please tell me
Were you bullied by black kids?
Cucked by a black?
Didn't get in your dream college and jamal did?
I'm really curious lads

>> No.8574750


see >>8574743

As always, liberals must use unfounded ad hoc guess work to defend their racial creationism.

>> No.8574754
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Let me help you out with some charts brother

>> No.8574756
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Incidence of low repeat MAOA allele by race

>> No.8574759
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>> No.8574767
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I liked how you ignored the crime statistics, rapes, murders, ghetto culture, racism, drug dealing, welfare leechers and instead desperately tried to make it sound personal. Yeah everyone is okay with blacks raping and murdering teenagers, we're just upset that they got into our college.

>> No.8574771

fun fact: black indentured servants could also receive land from the government in America after their terms were served, and many did, going on to own slaves of their own

>> No.8574773

>white kids and black kids commit crimes at the same rate
LMAO SOURCE? FBI disagrees.

>> No.8574834

"massive immigration" was always there and so was racism of course. the thing is how big this problem becomes. irish, italian chinese, and other immigrants were objected to racism when they immigrated, but not as much as mexicans or muslims are right now. its always the same pattern. the ruling class after some generations stops being productive and only engages in privelege fights and identity politics.

female emancipation is the single only reason why the west only is starting to crumble now, and didnt already decades ago.

>> No.8574841
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>even dogs have widely varying intelligence amongst breeds.

>you can learn 90% of what there is to know about a person in 10 minutes and the other 10% takes 10 years.
>if there's a black person here, i can assess him and decide if he's a dangerous nigger or a decent human. i don't need to guess.
This is some real fedora-tier shit my man

>> No.8574848

Fun fact: you're a real fucking moron. Do you really thing your logic is valid?
>most Australian convicts
>"There were black ones of those in murrca so it's the same!'

>> No.8574849

>>even dogs have widely varying intelligence amongst breeds.

Absolutely ignorant.

>> No.8574872

>Lets compare iq of people by showing their cities and what their government and companies have done with them.
These meme pictures need to stop

>> No.8574874

We should ban low IQ countries to get involved into these discussions so they don't turn scientific threads into a zoo full of namecalling and accusing people of racism for telling the truth.