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File: 361 KB, 1580x1968, vrrnZMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8572086 No.8572086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what level are you on?

>> No.8572094


>> No.8572095

Second level. Everything below that sounds like memes.

That said, the tragedy of the commons could potentially happen should we ever run out resource abundance and have terrible community leaders.

>> No.8572110

Why is Fermi paradox at the bottom?

>> No.8572113


It's more about the implication than the paradox itself

>> No.8572116

hopi prophecies

>> No.8572119

Where is the Glenn Beck buy gold level? Did your picture get cut off?

>> No.8572121

oh fuck I've unironically done research on at least two categories from each level, why is this my life

>> No.8572127


>> No.8572132

I don't even know what is, like, the half of the things listed here.

Wtf is ecofeminism?

>> No.8572138

I feel like it's not even a real paradox.

Due to the diversity of life, and the fact that after millions of years on this planet there are so few species that have reasonable intelligence, and only one species that has both intelligence and the means to build things probably points to intelligence being extremely rare.

Not only that, given how fucking humongous the milkyway is, we'd have to be extremely close (relatively) to have any chance of communication. Right now, to reach the nearest star, it would take over four years. Assuming the signal is intact, which it probably wouldn't be due to interference from other stars, the alien would need to receive it. Not only would they have to receive it, but they would have to understand that it is indeed a message. Then they would need to send us a message, and everything I just described would need to make it back to us.

Fermi's paradox is fucking nonsense. It isn't a paradox, it's a misunderstanding of how big the fucking universe is. We've only been listening for what, 50 years at most? That means there's only a 50 lightyear range for aliens to make contact. Unless you're talking about technology that can somehow defy laws of physics, you're talking outside of reality.

>> No.8572170

Do you guys think the clathrate gun hypothesis has any grounding, as the methane is there for some temp. rise, but this theory seems extreme to me

>> No.8572174

Well I've studied Deep Ecology (protip: it's bullshit), read Theodore Kaczynski's "manifesto" (also bullshit) and am aware of the Fermi Paradox...which isn't much of a paradox really.

So I'm a fucking dolphin now?

>> No.8572189

Yeah I agree. Didn't really think it was a particularly "deep" or obscure subject though but as always these charts are full of buzzwords

>> No.8572193
File: 48 KB, 615x630, Edgelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pentti Linkola. The more I read the news, the more I'm convinced that most people are too stupid, apathetic and wasteful to deserve democracy.

>> No.8572218

You ought to put David Benatar in there for providing a practically airtight argument for anti-natalism, but I guess the position itself is represented by Zappfe.
Planning to read him too at some point, haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.8572230

Would anyone recommend reading Ivan Illich's work?

>> No.8572237

I would recommend NOT reading anything listed in OP's pic or mentioned in this thread.

Really, save your brain cells.

>> No.8572255
File: 442 KB, 2282x1397, IMG_0980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the more and more nations are adopting consumers lifestyles due to a growing middle class in the Third World, I feel like I'm going to witness a Tragedy of the Commons firsthand.

I might as well make the most of my life. You only get to see the end of the world once.

>> No.8572263
File: 207 KB, 800x600, 1478524160240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no reason to not believe i.e, it is completely logical, we have a bunch of methane frozen in the ground and at the bottom of the oceans, warmer temperatures release it, and methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and will thus increase temperatures even more.

I have come to accept that humans are not a sacred species endowed with some amazing attribute that will overcome extinction.

>> No.8572264

I don't think consumerism can bring the tragedy of the commons.

People consuming more is not the same as taking more than your fair share of the land, specially in a world where the middle class is big.

If we ever get a world where everyone is middle class (in the way we see the middle class today) then imagine how consumerism would work. Everyone would work in a factory producing some product for tomorrow. Then the next day the consumers consume everything that was a produced... but that same day they produce the products for the next day, and so on.

Consumerism today where most of the world is poor and not middle class is kinda causing a big scale tragedy of the commons. People in first world countries consume a lot and the people who produce that are poor people living in poor countries who then get fucked over by corrupt politicians out of any chance of becoming middle class themselves. So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Except that in this sick game, the poor cannot counterplay by starting to consume a lot themselves and corrupting the governments of rich countries because they simply do not have the power.

A world where everyone is middle class is a perfect world.

>> No.8572281
File: 101 KB, 818x556, world poverty 1820-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all are a bunch of semi-literate, innumerate ignoramuses in this thread.

>> No.8572316

Wikipedia tells me the clathrates are buried way too deep and it takes thousands of years for the temperature shift to reach them.

>> No.8572341
File: 136 KB, 705x654, IMG_0979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step above dolphin. Civilization is the most cancerous meme of all.

>> No.8572349


>> No.8572382
File: 16 KB, 236x215, IMG_1442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say I enjoy math
>"oh yeah? What's 1546783 + 987632?"

>> No.8572806

my personal belief leans toward pantheism

what is this bullshit chart anyway?

>> No.8573915

>implying ted is crazy

he pioneered modern analysis

>> No.8573937

>Pentti Linkola

>> No.8573975


>> No.8573979

Non-religious monotheist fatalist fanatic.

>> No.8574022

Apparently the nature oppresses women.

>> No.8574040

From my polsci textbook
Ecofeminism: a combination of environmentalism and feminism that views male dominance as the basic cause of the degradation of the Earth

>> No.8574052

Nature actually does. They're undeveloped men.

>> No.8574162

What is this chart even suppose to represent?

>> No.8574254


>> No.8574414

I mean, thousands of years isn't a long time.

Certainly not long enough for humans to develop gills or the ability to breathe methane.