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8566744 No.8566744 [Reply] [Original]

If there are an infinite amount of universes, then shouldn't their also be an infinite amount of universes that have discovered inter-dimensional travel and made contact with us?

>> No.8566755

>there is an infinite amount of anything

>> No.8566770

You didn't read my post.

>> No.8566771

>If there are an infinite amount of universes, then shouldn't their also be an infinite amount of universes that have discovered inter-dimensional travel
>and made contact with us?

>> No.8566776

Why not?

>> No.8566790

Among the infinite universes, there isn't even one where OP is not a fag.
See? Something being infinite does not bring infinite possibilities.

>> No.8566791

If there is an infinite amount of integers, shouldn't there be an infinite amount of integers that are equal to 2 xDDDDDDDD????????????????

pls repli i am a girl mathematician wink wink <47

>> No.8566819

>then shouldn't their also be an infinite amount of universes that have discovered inter-dimensional travel and made contact with us?
Depends on if the probability of discovering and utilizing inter-dimensional travel between universes is or is not equal to 0.

>> No.8566843


An infinite amount of universes make sense only if universes are finite. and it seems not to be the case.

>> No.8566848

Why wouldn't an infinity of infinite universes make sense?

>> No.8566877

Just because you have an infinite amount of something doesn't mean you will have an infinite amount of possibilities.

Even if we do. There would also be an infinite amount of universes in which people from other dimensions never came in contact with/will never come in contact with.

So this means we could be in one of these no other universe person will contact us universe.

>> No.8566889

>then shouldn't their also be an infinite amount of universes that have discovered inter-dimensional travel and made contact with us?
no because its not possible.

0 * inf = 0

>> No.8566901

You don't understand that we just happen to live in a universe in which interdimensional travel is impossible.

>> No.8566904

Clearly this means travel between universes is not physically possible, and we will die with the universe.

>> No.8566911

No it doesn't mean that man. Fuck shit ass cunt. It could just mean that the universe is derministic and that everything that happens, happens for a reason. It might still happen yet.

>> No.8567173

Supposing there is an infinite number of 'vrses , it means that there also is an infinite number of universe where inter-dim traveler never went... we could just be one of them.

Also, and just for the lulz, there would exist at least one universe whose physical laws didn't permit multi-universe theory. This theory is self-contradicting.

>> No.8568204

how would we be found?

>> No.8568220

It doesn't work that way. Every possible world is a possible world in relation to our world, so a world in which transworld causation is possible is impossible in relation to us. OP's argument by itself doesn't disprove modal realism, just that modal realism and transworld causation don't go together.

>> No.8569771

no because an infinite number of universe hoppers is going to be less than number of universes to hop to unless unless 100% of universe dwellers can hop universes and shit

>> No.8569790


>> No.8569794

>infinite hoppers is less than infinite universes
>infinity is less than infinity
You're not even trying to make sense.

>> No.8569799

Some infinites are larger than others

t. Numberpedo

>> No.8569801

Michio Kaku says there is so there is.
>inb4 I am smartre than Michio Cucku nobody tell me what to think I am a threefinger!!

>> No.8569810

>i am a threefinger

Haha wow how small do your fingers have to be to fit 3 of them in a pussy?

>> No.8569813


Just because there are infinite universes doesn't mean they each have different states from each other, thus an infinite amount of states. If there are a fixed amount of states the answer will still be no as some states will repeat even though there are infinite universes.

There's only 1 universe, fyi. The hint is in the name.

>> No.8569815


nothing is really infinite in reality.



>> No.8569820


>> No.8569824

For the same reason there are no perfect circles in nature.

>> No.8569829

You just don't know that. Even our own universe could be infinite. We can't say for sure.

>> No.8569837

That doesn't follow. The Earth is not a perfect sphere by any means, yet its surface is still unbounded.

>> No.8569855
File: 70 KB, 969x867, it was already written.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing about infinity. Everything in this thread has already been written down. All of the writings of human history from beginning to ending have already been written. It seems infinite, but it isn't. Everything is finite.

That was just an example of something that only really exists in math, but not the real world.

>> No.8569875

You do not need infinite universes for a multiverse theory to work.
Look up 'many interacting worlds'. It's a quite new theory but interesting nonetheless.

>> No.8569882

For reference if someones interested:

>> No.8569893

There is a physical infinity both in the density of black holes and in the scale of the universe based on our models of cosmology.

The universe is roughly flat, its geometry remaining Euclidean on any cosmic scale we've ever observed. There's the possibility that the curvature of the universe has a nonzero value, but if it was, space would be cyclical if you went far enough, meaning you could go infinitely far away in any direction and never run out of space. Either way, the universe is infinite.

>> No.8569972

if the density was truly infinite, the mass would be infinite as well, we just dont understand whats happening inside yet

>> No.8569991

I saw some documentary a while ago where some astrophysicists were saying that we just say it's infinite for simplicity, but really we don't fully understand it yet.

>> No.8569995

Loop something, loops are real

>> No.8570023
File: 832 KB, 1020x576, Black_hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point. The formulas describe everything pretty accurately up to the event horizon. But everything beyond that is a mess and the formulas dont give useful results anymore, especially at the singularity you get infinities which obviously cant be true.

But man, black holes are fascinating. I wish i was deeper in the subject and smart enough to understand the details.

>> No.8570101

Basically that is true, infinity is used as a placeholder for some constant that we haven't discovered yet.

>> No.8570620

If there are indeed multiple parallel universes, and travel or other forms of interaction between them were somehow possible, then there would also need to be multiple meta-universes (omniverses?) to account for all of the possible inter-universal interactions and/or lack of interactions.

And if there are multiple meta-universes for the same reason as before (the possibility of interaction between meta-universes), there would need to be another infinite set of meta-meta-universes, and so on it would continue in this vein.

However, if travel and interaction between the original multiple parallel universes were instead impossible, and each universe existed simultaneously as infinite in its own right but contained and isolated on a multi-universal perspective, there would be no need for ever expanding meta-universes since the possibility of interaction between them would not have to be accounted for.

>> No.8570737
File: 87 KB, 1336x636, jVWsuMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm surprised that nobody has posted this yet

>> No.8570740
File: 324 KB, 882x889, f215873846d32a9e7edfb1c9aec774a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66744▶>>8566755 >>8566790 >>8566791 >>8566819 >>8566843 >>8566877 >>8566889 >>8567173 >>8569771 >>8569790 >>8569813 >>8569815 >>8569875

>> No.8570741


your question reminded of this:


>> No.8571268

Except you can always write a longer string of text that isn't identical to something previously written. and no, all of the writings haven't been written yet, especially not by library of babel which only supports a few thousand characters.

>> No.8572084

If there is a limited number of other universes, then I'm not really interested in traveling to them. The only reason to do this would be to escape our own, dying universe. But if there is a limited number of universes, there is no point in doing this, as those universes will die too.

>> No.8572115

Wait, never mind. Maybe we can make new ones and go there. I mean, where did they come from? What is the "stuff" out of which they are made? Maybe this can be controlled.

>> No.8572134


>> No.8572135

My gf fits my whole hand, and I play basketball

>> No.8572617

>can't into aleph numbers

>> No.8572700

When did he get so buff?

>> No.8572701

About the time his density increased sufficiently to visibly warp light.

>> No.8572715

If there are infinite universes then there are infinite universes that know how to make contact with other universes, and infinite universes that have in fact done so. That means that if just one in an infinity of those universes pick us, then an infinite number would have also picked us.

>> No.8572748

Depends on whether logic applies to this Multiverse thing.
If logic then no.Light speed limits them.
If no logic then yes.We should have seen them.

>> No.8572773

You're cancer. You clearly can't pick apart the meaning to "alphanumerics" if you think it applies strictly to infinities just because some douche in a youtube video put letter in front of number when talking about infinite subsets while saying a big word you like.

>> No.8572775

You mean our universe's physics? Or just human logic?

>> No.8572778

logic is just a set of axioms

>> No.8572930

Thus the multiverse theory is incorrect

>> No.8573242

>If a set of numbers is infinite and they're all equal to 7, shouldn't at least one be equal to 9?

>> No.8573245


I didn't mean to imply that there are a limited number of other universes, but that because each is infinite in its own right and therefore has no bounds that can be crossed or otherwise penetrated, travel and interaction between parallel universes is not possible.

My theory is that our universe is an example of a single plane in a 4-dimensional universe, similarly to how our 3-dimensional universe could be composed of an infinite number of 2-dimensional planes, which are themselves composed of 1-dimensional strings, and even those composed of an infinite number of points.

Also I think it's dangerous to assume that a universe can die. Heat death is more just equalization of matter and energy on an infinite scale, which makes life here impossible. For all intents and purposes, yes, the universe is "dead", but the actual plane of existence is still there.

>> No.8573317

In finite time they can contact only fraction of all other universes

>> No.8573322

>If there are an infinite amount of universes



>> No.8573363

If there was a infinite amount of universes and traveling between them was possible then that would mean there were an infinite amount of universe hoppers traveling between an infinite amount of universes causing every point in space and time to be filled with one of these travelers making an infinite amount of universes with infinite amount of mass and energy causing universal black holes to forms.

In conclusion we are still here so either traveling between universes is not possible or infinite universe theory is a meme.

>> No.8574122 [DELETED] 

Some infringencies are bigger than other infringencies

>> No.8574641

You're continuously increasing the cardinality of the set of universes throughout your post.

>> No.8574655

Library of babel contains angelicizations of all other languages writings.

>> No.8575440 [DELETED] 

How do you know we have already not discovered you and made contact? People barely lift their head out of their ass to check their phones, do you think they would notice discrepancies in their reality and the people within?

>> No.8575546

I just want to go to my happy universe, I don't care if there would be 2 of me,