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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8568216 No.8568216 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8568239


>> No.8568240

Is James Grime.your favorite mathematician by any chance?

>> No.8568242
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>Shit tier

1/10 troll

>> No.8568252


>Electrical engineer, anything but suicide tier
O I am lafin

>> No.8568265
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>> No.8568270

Works for physics as well senpai

>> No.8568272

Except physicists can do engineering, programming, trading, etc..

>> No.8568287

Whats with the 3/3/3/3

>> No.8568292

Physics majors can't do engineering, are you fucking stupid?

>> No.8568299

political science

>> No.8568300

Well, fuck, we need more chemists to really be the 'science board'. What shall we do?

>> No.8568301

Then why do 25% of physics grads end up in engineering?

>> No.8568302

Petroleum E.

>> No.8568304

get the fuc out of here
biology is the only real science

>> No.8568306

Because engineering allows to make practical application with all of that physics you learn and this allows you to finally make bank with that knowledge too.

>> No.8568307
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god tier - anything applicable to developing life extension

whatever tier - everything else

should be rounded up and summarily executed tier - bioethics impeding life extension

>> No.8568312

I basically agree with this, but I think there are better examples. The picture is too much physics-oriented.
For example, Husserl had a PhD in mathematics, but he is also known for founding the school of phenomenology, which has been very much fucking influential in later existentialism.
Frege is another mathematician who produced remarkably philosophy. Russell worked on mathematics and logic, and his philosophical influence is still presente.
Wittgenstein was an aeronautical engineer, and it wouldn't be too much of an exageration to say that he maye be the most original philosopher since Kant.

>> No.8568317

>Without philosophy there would be no mathematics.
>Without mathematics there would be no physics.
>Without physics there would be no chemistry.
>Without chemistry there would be no biology.
>Without biology there would be no medicine.
TL;DR: biology and medicine are bottom tier sciences that require so many other fields to even exist that they shouldn't even be trying to claim any dominance.

>> No.8568319

They actually save lives, too.

>> No.8568322

Pretty funny how these are 'top dogs' by the popular opinion

>> No.8568324

>dominance should be claimed upon "dependence" rather than achievements and consequences
pleb detected

>> No.8568327
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>> No.8568328

>not God tier
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.8568329

Well, consider this:
>Philosophy's achievement gave us the sciences.
I guess philosophy is the most patrician of them all.
On a less autistic side-note:
When put side by side, all fields of STEM have contrabuted roughly the same to humanity and thus none are dominant.
>Anon just got BTFO by a supposed 'pleb', rough times.

>> No.8568333

God damn auto-spell.

>> No.8568337
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>> No.8568340

Where are the god damn chemistry ppl... get in here

>> No.8568341

BA in Japanese/Philosophy and now getting a dual degree in Computer Engineering/Computer Science.

>> No.8568345

stopped reading, *tip*

>> No.8568346
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>Proves that he was well a truly BTFO.
Feels good, feels good.

>> No.8568350


kek, cry more diogenes, medicine is master race

>> No.8568353

Literally move, you're blocking my light, anon.

>> No.8568354
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(...) the most exact of the sciences are those which deal most with first principles; for those which involve fewer principles are more exact than those which involve additional principles, (...) But the science which investigates causes is also instructive, in a higher degree, for the people who instruct us are those who tell the causes of each thing. And understanding and knowledge pursued for their own sake are found most in the knowledge of that which is most knowable (...); and the first principles and the causes are most knowable; for by reason of these, and from these, all other things come to be known, and not these by means of the things subordinate to them. And the science which knows to what end each thing must be done is the most authoritative of the sciences.

That it is not a science of production is clear even from the history of the earliest philosophers. For it is owing to their wonder that men both now begin and at first began to philosophize; they wondered originally at the obvious difficulties, then advanced little by little and stated difficulties about the greater matters, e.g. about the phenomena of the moon and those of the sun and of the stars, and about the genesis of the universe. And a man who is puzzled and wonders thinks himself ignorant (whence even the lover of myth is in a sense a lover of Wisdom, for the myth is composed of wonders); therefore since they philosophized order to escape from ignorance, evidently they were pursuing science in order to know, and not for any utilitarian end. And this is confirmed by the facts; for it was when almost all the necessities of life and the things that make for comfort and recreation had been secured, that such knowledge began to be sought. Evidently then we do not seek it for the sake of any other advantage; but as the man is free, we say, who exists for his own sake and not for another's, so we pursue this as the only free science, for it alone exists for its own sake

>> No.8568391 [DELETED] 

CS Shouldnt really be up there as thats a degree most students take to land a job in the software dev/eng field. You dont see a lot of CS students actually going into Phd program with hopes to become an actual computer scientist.

>> No.8568402


>> No.8568427

>When put side by side, all fields of STEM have contrabuted roughly the same to humanity and thus none are dominant.
kek retard

First off, we're comparing fields at one particular time frame. If you do it from 2000-future, you'll see that not all fields have the same yield in benefits for humanity. I'd put physics on top then bio then chem. And in the near future bio first then physics then chem. Philosophy is nowhere to be found because it literally has no bearing nowadays on anyone. The standing for math depends on whether you're including it in computer science or pure math on its own.

If you do it 1900-present you'd get physics then chem then bio for instance. That's how you compare everything with each other.

>> No.8568429

>physicists cant do applied physics


>> No.8568431

>bio ahead of chem

biochem is more chem than bio. medicine is all biochem. biofags are pathetic

>> No.8568437
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Step out of the way brainlets, Unbelievable tier EE major with God tier Physics minor brainmore coming through

because my girlfriend is a Hospitality management major my massive brain is to powerful for her meh tier brainlet major

>> No.8568444

Not really, it depends on the university. I am biochem and I work in the life sciences department. Biology uses chemistry anyway but chemistry doesn't really rely on biology, so I don't think it makes sense to include biochemistry in chemistry from any viewpoint.

>medicine is all biochem
Vaccines are one of the most obvious things that come to mind to disprove that statement.

>> No.8568486

How the fuck is computer engineering "unbelievable tier"?
And I say that as someone who is in that major.

>> No.8568566

>because my girlfriend is a Hospitality management major my massive brain is to powerful for her meh tier brainlet major
Literally, 'ive fucked enough chads, i'm ready to settle down with my high earning husband' tier.

>> No.8568595


>> No.8568610

G E O L O G Y boys. Science for those that suck at math, lotta biddies in my classes too. Good stuff.

>> No.8568628

How do geologists even use the scientific method? What theorems are you testing?

>> No.8568664

Why does CS always catch the shit on this board

you're all permajellymad

>> No.8568669

Cuz the rest of us are real scientists.
You guys are fucking weaboo trash and pajeets.

>> No.8568678


Engineers aren't scientists. Neither are mathematicians.

You're a poor lab faggot

>> No.8568679


CompE reporting in. Thinking of doing MSc in EE or Mechatronics.

After that maybe a second degree (MSc) in Applied Physics or Math.
It'll probably be in Math (more math is always good + control theory - dynamical systems).

Physics at BSc level is brainlet tier in itself and EE MSc is enough (at a proper uni) for solid state physics (semiconductors) or optics. Anything else isn't exactly strict physics.

So suck my dick, dumbfucks.

>> No.8568683

Because most schools have shit programs, and you'd be better off majoring in math and learning to program in your spare time.

>> No.8568706

Yeah I thought so too but I was legit her first. It is strange when I think about how attractive she is, but she is also very introverted and just watches netflix and british shows in all her downtime.

>> No.8568711

What's the difference between Software Engy and Computer Science? Most computer science majors end up in software engineering, but if you mean computer science as a field, it's in God tier (they do research in AI, graphics, quantum computing)

>> No.8568714

Computer Science

>> No.8568724

>electrical engineer
>computer "engineer"
It's not even April first

>> No.8568727

aka Biotech, Genetic engineering, etc.
None of which appear on this list

>> No.8568737

Why is Chemistry the least popular science? It seems both on /sci/ and irl that everyone hates chemistry, except chem majors.

>> No.8568740

The only thing I like in chemistry is nuclear stuff. So I went with physics since its more applicable.

>> No.8568747

Because it's has to be the most dull science of ever. Straight memorization is all that you do

>> No.8568749

Why is Computer Engineering above Computer Science? Does OP not realize that Computer Science involves more math (think ML, graphics, theory, computer vision, networks, etc) than Computer Engineering (circuits and stuff like any other engineering)?

Software engineering should be in the "great tier", since it's basically "learn how to code"

>> No.8568751

I'm surprised by the amount of engineers. There are barely any engineering threads here.

>> No.8568753

This. At least in Canada it is illegal to do engineering unless you have an engineering degree.

>> No.8568788

studied mechanical engineering

working in telecom

fuck man i have to learn about shitty internet protocol and other computer science bullshit

>> No.8568820

I'm doing genetic engineering and biotechnology, am i engineering, biology or chemistry?

>> No.8568955
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>Does OP not realize that Computer Science involves more math (think ML, graphics, theory, computer vision, networks, etc) than Computer Engineering (circuits and stuff like any other engineering)?


>> No.8568957

>Biotech, Genetic engineering
because these are poorly defined, what is "biotech" for instance

>> No.8568965

You're in the meme tier.

>> No.8568989

again, you're thinking of "Software engineering" or "computer science" at a bootcamp.

A good university (at least mine) goes deeply into the math and theory of computer science, you have to do all of calculus + real + functional [banach, hilbert, lp spaces, complex variables] and complex analysis, discrete math, linear algebra, graph theory, combinatorics, vector calculus, statistics, differential equations/pde, an option to do computational topology (esp if you want to do graphics, it involves tychonoff's, stone's, directed complete partial orders [DCPOs], resursive domain equations, domain theory), linear optimization, and a few others.

That's just the math portion of a good Computer Science undergrad. Probably more math than most of the math majors on /sci/ have done in their lives (since they're all freshmen). Obviously it won't have as much math as a math degree (no abstract algebra), but it's only because that stuff is useless in computer science (like if a math major studied psychology or something to "understand what the great philosophers were thinking")

For the computer science portion, there's a lot more stuff:
coding - OS, introductory programming, functional programming + paradigms, parallelism, data management, systems programming, networks, compiler construction, a ton more
theory/science - AI, ML, computer architecture, theory of computing [models], database systems internals [optional], distributed systems, advanced internet services [hyperlink analysis, scalable web services, you create a web crawler], computer vision [3d shape reconstruction, object recognition, image retrieval, segmentation, motion estimation], graphics/animation (ray-tracing, affine transformations, etc), security, NLP, and then a few capstones

Keep in mind that this is a good UNDERGRAD computer science education. I'm not sure what deluded program /sci/ thinks of when computer science is brought up, but this is real computer science.

>> No.8569016

Education Preschool -- High School

>> No.8569036

Structures (incl. FE and that parametric design shit)

So...Between Great and God tier?

I mean, I get to go to fancy soirees put on by architects and clients while my friends who studied Aerospace and Mech eng design a single blade or clutch for about 3 years.

>> No.8569037

As someone who studied physics, and now works as an engineer.

lel. It's really fucking different.

In the same way a pretty painting and a real 3d landscape is different.

You'll sit there all day deriving a great equation to get your work done... then some dickhead will come along and point out that you're retarded because of X Y Z .... 'bbbuttt muh physics' doesn't cut it.

>> No.8569098
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tfw no statistics

>> No.8569105
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>all the Earth Sciences lumped with 'other'

>> No.8569109

Love it, you have to change the rules of the game just to win. PATHETIC! Fyi, engineering has contributed the most, including that computer you're shitposting on, so suck my dick. :)

>> No.8569113

Not to nitpick (ok, really to nitpick) but I have a buddy who graduated with a philosophy degree and ended up a sitting judge in New York state.

Philosophers can also work as politicians or political advisors, writers, professors, and lawyers or judges if they continue on into law. There's probably a philosopher or three in your university's administration.

>> No.8569117
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Integrative biology

>> No.8569124
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And all of you would be sitting on wooden logs smashing rocks together for fire if it weren't for us geologists. What's your point?

>> No.8569215

as a masters or a bsc?

>> No.8569226

>sci is full of comp sci retards and faggot engineers

Why don't you just leave?

>> No.8569241

give examples of cases where bioethics halted life extension development
I'm not challenging you, just curious

>> No.8569243

Medicine here

>> No.8569279
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Cognitive science is the future.
All field covered at once.

>> No.8569293

No wonder all the neckbeard science here, with 30% of engineers

>> No.8569297

bio probably, all these meme bioengineering shit should be lumped to the closest field. Just as a statistics degree >>8569098 should be lumped with math.
Of the bioshit, only biomedical engineering should belong to the engineering category.

"Other" shouldn't be included when medicine and earth science are excluded, it's overinflated due to these fields and a bunch of other non STEM majors.

I'm kind of surprised at the engineer and compsci number, considering /sci/ uses many prevalent anti-CS and gay engineer maymays.

>> No.8569302

>based on job market
>CivE only Great tier when they have the highest growth of Engineering disciplines that don't have a miniscule amount of jobs

>> No.8569315

I didn't say anything bad about geology, though, I think you're forgetting the metallurgists who progressed us through the stone age, to the bronze age and then to the iron age and eventually to the 'steel age'.

>> No.8569327

>employment, usefulness to market, salary, job everioment
>math is higher than computer science

Yeah people didn't do any medicines before biology theories were created.
And no one did any chemistry before physics theories were created.
That totally how it works.

Provide proof that it's impossible to describe world's phenomenons, do engineering and do math without concerning about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.

>> No.8569336

>shit tier
Kek, well memed

>> No.8569337

Studied Electical Engineering, but honestly I think I should move to Computer Science

>> No.8569423

I didn't say you did. I'm suggesting that we're all working together, that engineers need physicists as badly as physicists need engineers, that geologists like me need you physicists and engineers as badly as you need us, that there is no superior field of science.

I think more than anything I should say: 'Life is not a competition'

>> No.8569429

And certainly not a competition if we're working toward human longevity and betterment?

>> No.8569479

I switched to chemistry

the world needs chemists, correct

>> No.8569499
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Oh and by the way
>Shit tier
You guys clearly have no fucking clue what life changing shit is going on in geography right now.


The whole tiers thing is just pure and utter idiotic bullshit. It should be relabled to 'stuff I know about -----> stuff I don't understand'

>> No.8569557

Computer Engineers do that. CS guys are just fuckboys.

>> No.8569561


Nice try circuitbabby

>> No.8569579


Honestly at any reputable school CompE is CS + EE at around 120-140% (you can't do a 200% aka the entire CS+EE in a limited time).
It's a hybrid degree and as such it's usually harder because of the more varied and different topics aka broader.
CE curriculum usually have the essential classes from CS + some more.

CE is more concerned with stuff with computers in it than with pure CS stuff.

I guess CE is also more varied between universities. Not clear definition.

That's essentially in CE too. You just described most of the basic courses. Of course they can't teach you all that shit you listed in a CE program because of all the other shit you need to learn, but most of that are the CS basic classes.

Where I am CS is a 6 semester long degree with lighter class load while CE is 7 semesters long with heavy class load. They did merge some courses though for the CE guys.
CE is like all the basics stuff + lot of electives from CE/EE/CS stuff in whatever way you want it.

You can also fairly easily continue into a CS masters if you wish. You only need to do a few more classes to compensate.

>> No.8569592
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>More CS-Monkeys than phsicists

>> No.8569594

Cog/behavioral neuroscience+psych major here. What's my power level /sci/?

>> No.8569651

>Cog/behavioral neuroscience+psych major here
sounds gimmicky

>> No.8569689

> Military (as a Private)

Maker of list confirmed fucking retard

>> No.8569697

>transportation that low
What the fuck is this chart based on? Cities would literally fall apart and not work if it wasn't for me planning the different bus and train systems.

>> No.8569701


>> No.8569704

>nuclear engineering major

please fuck off with the statement that Geology is at a higher tier than Nuc E

>> No.8569720

>Not God Tier
yet chemistry is? biochem is literally chemistry and biology.

>> No.8569724

Where does medicine go?

>> No.8569742

Fuck you gun do boi.

>> No.8569780

>biochem is literally memorizing over a hundred different cofactors, enzymes, and rxn pathways

>> No.8569861

Is there even such thing as CompE in grad school? What do people who did CompE in undergrad do if they choose to go to grad school?

>> No.8569884
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God tier
Physics ftw

>> No.8569910

Probably specialize in certain areas of circuitry and design. R&D stuff.

>> No.8569915

have fun being a reactor technician bud

>> No.8569917

Any Mat Sci bros here?

>> No.8569928

Where does robotics fit in this

>> No.8569937

>tfw aerospace engineering student

I'm finally cool on 4chan. Which sorta feels like winning a race at the special olympics

>> No.8569994

>BSc physics

This degree is pretty easy desu, any moron who can get through calc 3 should be able to get the degree.

Granted many of the brainlets in my classes are having copious amounts of trouble with undergrad quantum, but I have trouble with undergrad mechanics so I guess fair is fair.

>> No.8570334

>it's in God tier (they do research in AI, graphics, quantum computing)
>Computer Engineers do that
You have no clue what you are talking about kiddo.

>> No.8570341

>Which sorta feels like winning a race at the special olympics

Then you should feel just at home because studying anything other than pure mathematics must feel like participating in the special olympics.

>> No.8570469

If you don't botany, drink headlight fluid

>> No.8570474

Wouldn't math be the most versatile? It should be unbelievable-tier.

>> No.8570503

Same here. I love geology

>> No.8570510

>in cs
>hate cs
>have no idea what else to do

help ;_;

>> No.8570574

also lotta backwater rednecks

>> No.8570583

This may come as a shock to you, but not everything about every subject uses math.

That's like saying you can be a doctor because you have a BS in math.

>> No.8570665

He's right though.

>> No.8570672

cs is great, stop falling for /sci/ tier memes

>> No.8570674

this is probably the stupidest shit ever


>> No.8570676

it's not even /sci/ i just hate programming

>> No.8570680

I go to a UC and they do have CompEng in grad school as well as undergrad

>> No.8570690
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>/sci/ - 1st year of MY BSc is better than yours

just delete this subreddit already

>> No.8570692

Electrical Engineering.

>> No.8570695


>> No.8570759

geology here. just got hired at an engineering firm and I don't graduate until May. So much weight has been lifted off my shoulders :')

>> No.8570889

Yes but what do they do exactly? Embedded shit?

>> No.8570914
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Holly fucking cringe. Do physics major actually think this? Disgusting

>> No.8570915

Some places have CE in grad, but depending on what your school actually called CE you can probably go into CS and/or EE grad programs.

>> No.8570930

Most of the time when I see a physicist trying to do engineering that's when I realize that they neither actually understand engineering or physics in depth and they're absolutely incapable of efficiently moving between abstraction "levels" and connecting them properly (totally incapable of big picture [design tier] thinking).

They get lost in the details and they never truly understand all those things they have "learned". They are just too arrogant to admit it. They also have an extreme lack of ingenuity.

The fact that they actually have no idea about physics in the real world is just a crude joke on top of all this.

Being a computer in a narrow specialized sub-field without any knowledge about reality won't magically make you capable of doing all those things, kid. So go back to school.

There are exceptions of course, but very rare. Good, capable, talented people are rare in all fields. Most of them are just as stupid as the rest, maybe even more with their shitty biases.

>> No.8571024

How's what I said equivalent to saying you can be a doc with a BS in math? I said it's the most versatile, as in no other degree has more versatility than it. Is there one that's more versatile? What you said is implying there's a degree that's even more versatile and one which you can become a doc with. Are you logically deficient? Do you need me to tell you the definition of versatile? What the fuck.

>> No.8571067

>Shit tier

STEMfaggotery is over 9000

>> No.8571087

how the fuck is philosophy shit tier

>> No.8571323

Mostly computer architecture and embedded, yes.

>> No.8571328

>All these people complaining about philosophy being a garbage field of study for obvious employment reasons
/his/ leave please

>> No.8571361

No wonder there's so many fags in /sci/

>> No.8571363

Because Dawkins and post 2010 hawking said so.

>> No.8571425
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Pic is the actual program.

>> No.8571627

aren't aerospace and nuclear a branch of mechanical engineering?

>> No.8571818

Philosophy is not shit, Philosophers are

>> No.8571928

>tfw EE in the power industry
I want to work for a utility or GE or some shit, I fucked myself by not I think :(

>> No.8572032

I'll give you large scale projects
or the Big Data meme jobs that even M.Engys get

If you aren't talking about behind the scenes graphics card assembly code
FUCK no.
This is horribly wrong. A computer engineer will never have graphics courses as apart of his BS/Masters curriculum unless he takes it a few classes as electives.
See AI. pretty similar situation; usually niche applications within niche applications

>> No.8572112

Should I post my curriculum? On the other hand maybe you would call what I study EECS.

I don't think so you know how varied CpE/EECS curriculums are. I'm also in Europe though, so maybe that's why, but honestly I have seen similar in the US (even some other anon posted it in some thread somewhere a while ago).

CpE/EECS here is a bit more focused on embedded systems than chip design (excluding HDL stuff) and which part it covers more in-depth depends on the school. If you want to build chips only then you go for an EE MSc, otherwise you go to uni where you can take those courses as a CpE.

>If you aren't talking about behind the scenes graphics card assembly code
FUCK no.
Computer graphics is required for CpE. It's theoretical material + OpenGL usually. At some schools they don't give a shit about OpenGL instead they want you to write a software renderer and similar shit.

I can agree with the part that lot of courses are offered as electives, so you can do whatever the fuck you want. I guess 7 semesters only allow for so much.

>> No.8572475


And we have literally three companies to get a job from

>> No.8572500

Ah maybe thats why
Maybe its defined differently over there

>> No.8572502

Applied mathematics and physics minor. I only had to take 1 extra class for the minor.

>> No.8572513

Yeah, honestly I wrote all that up, because I was almost sure that this is some kind of difference between university curriculum and possibly what you guys call CpE or EECS.

Briefly put: I think here it's something like between EE and CS with a good focus on interdisciplinary stuff like Robotics, Image processing and Embedded systems.

Usually you can pursue either a CpE/CS or EE Masters with it. Of course you learn less than a pure CS or EE because it still needs to fit into 7 semesters, but the overlap is enough that if you study properly you can continue in either field.

Plus info:
It seems to me that in the US CpE is most of the time defined as something like a EE with a bit more CS ( just enough to know what's going on) + a focus on computer hardware design. In my country that's usually an EE specialization.

Honestly I'm not even sure whether the naming is uniform among most European countries.

If you're in the EU then you have this:
which means that the name doesn't really matter, only what kind of classes you take and I guess that even other EU unis accept your courses if it's 70-80% equivalent to theirs, so the naming is probably up to each country and due to different culture and history I guess computer engineer is a crude translation. It's more like EECS with the ratio between EE and CS being defined somewhat by the university you attend.

>> No.8572514 [DELETED] 

Medicine reporting in.

Anything non-US MD need not apply.

>> No.8573030

Well here in the Netherlands at Delft University of Technology, we have the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). The three bachelor studies one can choose from are Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. The master programmes vary a little bit. We have Electrical Engineering as a master with different 'tracks' f.e. Communications and Systems, Microelectronics etc. We also have Computer Engineering as a master education at the department of Computer Engineering. EE bachelor students and CS bachelor students can both apply for CE but they might have different subjects. CS students do not have experience with circuits for example.

>> No.8573076

With your own explaination, that makes biology and medicine would be the hardest science to learn. Since they include all other forms of those scientists, they would b the absolute hardest and contain the most information to process. Not to include that actual biologists study biology the same way as physicist and chemist.

>> No.8573494

99.9% of anyone with any of the degrees listed never do anything of any matter whatsoever.

>> No.8573784

Damn this thread blew up

>> No.8573786
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>> No.8573787

Statistics, easy money

>> No.8573793
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>> No.8573801

99.99999999% of people do nothing of any matter whatsoever

>> No.8573803

Nah, there's a lot of overlap with molecular/cell biology and related fields.
Overall though, biochem is pretty protein focused and sits pretty much right in the middle of the two.

>> No.8573812
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My man. Biochem is the apex of the life sciences.
>I took a babby's first course in biochem and now think this is what it's all about
Lol calm down son.

>> No.8573834

yeah and my building would be really gross if janitors stopped cleaning it

>> No.8573895
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>don't even like economics
>like mathematics better
>chose econ over math because smart but lazy
>want to change to math now after first semester econ because of baby tier math

Who else economics here?

>> No.8573948

Does it get better? All the memorizing really turned me off. Seemed like stuff could be learned on the job. Was thinking of doing ChemE for bs just incase

>> No.8573963

So God is believable?

>> No.8573967

Why is nuclear engineering so low? Low demand?

>> No.8573974

Why is cs at the very top? Cs isnt engineering

>> No.8573976

Not even special Olympians would waste their time with that shit

>> No.8573980


Math/Econ here

Do a Joint-Degree or Minor in Math or Stats one or the other.

Economics doesn't start getting interesting once you get into Econometrics, Forecasting or anything involving with Statistics or Finance.
But this only involves one or two semesters.

The first few semesters are total pleb shit but you should seriously brush up on your statistics for later coursework.

>> No.8574000

I posted this in a nother thread but I want answers.

I'm thinking of doing a maths PhD but it will be in geometry so there wont statistics or programming involved.

Could this still lead to a high paying job?

>> No.8574008

So you're going to be playing with protractors and measuring your dick with a ruler as a living? Yeah, good luck tough guy.

>> No.8574009


>> No.8574017


>> No.8574023
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Trips of destiny.

>> No.8574658


>> No.8574663

This is why I get paid six figures to work less than 30 weeks a year fixing software people write.

>> No.8574764

Why do a major/minor when I can devote myself entirely to mathematics?

>> No.8574903


>> No.8574986

>PhD in math
>trips starting

>> No.8575037

Why is Art meh? It's paractically science specially some of the crazy shit ive seen look up kirigami of ingrid silikus

>> No.8575127
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>> No.8575132

Sit around and "think" all day?

>> No.8575135

not bait genuine question im doing 3D animation which basically art right, but its an up and coming field because almost every animated show these days and in the future will be using 3D animations including future gifs and shit someone has to do them right? Specially with the frontier of VR too it' going to be big

>> No.8575136

>tfw EE with good paying job
>still completely useless and unknowledgeable

>> No.8575139

comes under computer science you're fine, that 3D rendering stuff is complex I give you credit for creating some of my favourite characters and figures in 3D my bro.

>> No.8575149

>uses new technology (stone tools) to create mediocre fertility statues
>"I'm just as much of a scientist as those guys trying to make wheels"

You're right, this graph is inaccurate. "Art" should be in "Shit Tier".

>> No.8575151

So let me get this straight you rather no art in the world? No graphics on your packagining? No movies, music, film art, painitings or anything? You think that's not important?

>> No.8575155

>I work in prestigious STEM shit but can't do anything with muh money because I dont like the real finer things in life and letting my hair down or having fun, im just a concrete bleeze block of a personality and live only by my grades and status

what a faget

>> No.8575158

You seem bothered.

>> No.8575164


It should be STEAM

Art has played a major role in society and the world and all these STEM fags think they're superior

>> No.8575169

Art isn't a science you dumbfucking libtard.

>> No.8575172

I'd count audio as art too.

>> No.8575177

Art is for farts. Ever think of that, bucko?

>> No.8575181

Art has helped science in so many ways! The fact that the last 3 responses have been pretty vague shows how fucking stupid this site has become you guy sclai you are so sophisticated and shit but can't even debate this properly fuck off im done here professionally seriously fuck this place.

Art is very important it excercises the mind as well as the fucking soul, you cant just do STEM and have everything hunky dory,m thats not life. Tahts not what your here for. MAybe you are, slave.

>> No.8575200

Currently studying bachelor in biology, want to major in genetics or micro biology & biotechnology. The last resort would be environmental science.

>> No.8575231
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> political science
> shit tier
> always begging us for grant money

>> No.8575250

>you cant just do STEM and have everything hunky dory
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. The natural world is God's art, and it's much better than anything man can make.

>> No.8575254

You just manage the budget, faggot. All the political science cucks working as low ranked government officials who control the budget earn sub middle class wages. Get rek'd.

>> No.8575303

I know multiple physics majors who work in engineering. Might be because I live in an area with shitloads of engineering jobs, though, and not enough people to fill them.

The sad thing is they could totally get into research, but I don't think they're willing to slog through academia for it. One guy has a PhD, even, but I guess he just thought tenure tracks didn't look fun.

>> No.8575349

What area do you live in? I need a job

>> No.8575359

North Korea. Specifically in Li Juang District

>> No.8575390

chem eng but moving to applied math

>> No.8575394

Chemistry, I'm a flavor chemist that works for Nestle. Feels yummy man.

>> No.8575397

How's life in DPRK

>> No.8575419

Pretty good. Some years ago our government invented calculus and kickstarted new university degrees. I took engineering and now industry is thriving. Calculus is pretty good. When you people discover it you may be able to fix your broken societies and cities. With some communism, obviously.

>> No.8575467

in chem eng now but this is my goal, just something food related.
sounds cozy man

>> No.8575506

Southeast Michigan. You know, around Detroit. Most of these jobs aren't interesting, either. Things like designing the seats for cars, not really stimulating work.

>> No.8575775
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Fuck off Biofags.

>> No.8576136

tell me more, im majoring in stats and global health at top 20

>> No.8576152


You know they say the trifecta is law-accounting-doctorate, but they really do treat you like shit in accounting. This is for people who really loves the course... or they are masochists.

>> No.8576262

neuro is so overrated

>> No.8576266

Same here bro. Too bad this board is slow and this post from last week

>> No.8576279

so many engineering majors.

>> No.8576289

>Straight memorization is all that you do
t. premed who failed gen chem

>> No.8576302

MechE grad here, doing grad part time (cause I have a job).

First of all, why is programming hard? Shit was so easy. It was literally practicing the language and getting familiar with the syntax and commands.

AeroE is from MechE. Having MechE below AeroE is retarded. CompE is from ElecE. Having ElecE below CompE is also retarded.

Physics as ugrad is a meme degree, literally caused by the big bang theory show. Only like 5% get into a grad program for physics; most of them are not even good at coding (which is a joke desu. I don't know why people think it's godlike).

Folks in comp sci typically make more money because of the location inflation. Most of them go to Silicon Valley, but cost of living there is a fuck ton, so it evens out of you do the maths.

Tl;Dr - this thread is for people to feel better about themselves.

>> No.8576305

If you meet someone and they reveal they did not go into tertiary education and went straight into the work force after high school, do you judge them?

>> No.8576318

No. This is literally wiser than going to university nowadays. Most people are just elitist by nature and will judge those for working with their hands.
From my experience, most uni grads I know never find a job in their field and end up going back to college to do something more practical.

Also, trades make a shit load more money.

>> No.8576355
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linguist here.

>> No.8576370 [DELETED] 

don't ya'll think it would be better if there weren't majors; that u could just take classes that u decided u needed? that's what i'm doing. i'm not gonna say what my career's going to b.

>> No.8576390

No. Because I am one of those people.

>> No.8576435

I'm a CS major and I've done minimal programming so far. It's just been all math up til now. Programming is for software engineering/informatics majors

>> No.8576661

nice, but are you a real linguist or just a language learner

>> No.8576671

That was pretty funny actually.

>> No.8576672

Why is there no cure for cancers?

>> No.8576673

My thoughts

>> No.8576675

Do nuclear engineering

>> No.8576676

Pretty much how I feel about myself, but I'm trying to work on it.

>> No.8576714

What an offending list. Computer Science this way up doesn't go well with /sci/ and even i as a code monkey will not agree with this ranking

>> No.8576802

Not really.
Do programming units along side mathematics units and ensure you do a unit on operating systems.

>> No.8576913

Good luck then and keep working, don't give up!

>> No.8577584

real linguist. i study the formation of language not just languages. a person who studies languages (plural) is a polyglot. a person who studies language is a linguist. the concept of language arouses my penis vigorously.

>> No.8578070

I need all variations of this meme ASAP.

>> No.8578207
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Mechanical Engineer here.

Started this course a little late; in my mid-twenties now but willing to put work in. Had done trade school after highschool but sick of back-breaking labor. I am smart enough but lazy. But I know I can do this. Even shoot for graduate academia. How fucked am I /sci/

>> No.8578245


Don't rely on /sci/ to tell give you career advice or opinions on your studies. Its quite a isolated echo chamber and quite honestly /r/engineeringstudents, Quora, etc. are far better resources.
Study your ass off (unlike these purported autistic savants say, you cant' derive every theorem/law you need immediately without studying...), learn time management, live a balanced life, and explore a plurality of ideas and associations with other professionals and students.

Best of luck friend. Also studying Mech. Eng.

Don't let people shit on you for the trade school either. Put the work in, be diligent, be as persistent as you can be, and fly high friend.

>> No.8578248


>> No.8578252

Thanks field brother. I hope to see you battling it out in the future with me.

I may be a few years older and got held back in my early adult life but damnit I will die trying.

>> No.8578256

Mechatronic bros ww@

>> No.8578281

which rock is the hardest lol rocks are dum

>> No.8578324

Things like how and where to get precious metals all of us /sci/ use and how they are formed within the Earth.

Where to find precious resources like oil and the like. Geology important af senpai

>> No.8578331

in CE you have to take useless classes like chemistry

>> No.8578336

am i dumb or can I not find Latin anywhere on this?

>> No.8578361

Can somebody tell me what the fuck is wrong with psychology?

>> No.8578389

Actually EE at my top 10-20 school requires Chem, CE doesn't

>> No.8578398
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Tfw when no Marine Microbiology.

God tier

>> No.8578400

how about construction engineering?

>> No.8578401

No jobs.

>> No.8578425

Senpai your school is ranked 28th at best

>> No.8578496

latin is a romance language its not actually a difficult language in the grand scheme of things. its about as hard for a spanish speaker learning italian as it is to learn latin. also for most european languages latins grammar has influenced the written grammar throughout the middle ages as it was considered latin grammar should be the only grammar you should use. thank god we dont live in an era as backward as that lol.

latin should be in red if its on the list anyway.

>> No.8578564

>most of /sci/ are engineers
No wonder this board is filled with faggots nowadays

>> No.8578777

God tier at Cal, meh tier at UCLA

>> No.8578901

But you don't even know my school...

>> No.8578912


Geophysics, geology and petroleum eng. should be 'meh' or lower since oil companies stopped hiring around 2014.

>> No.8578930

I'm studying computer systems engineering.

>> No.8579148
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Materials Engy
R8 my curriculum

>> No.8579240

How? In my country you cannot work as an engineer without a degree.
And no, you just don't pay a fine, you actually go to jail for this

>> No.8579250

In a sense is like that. That's why our models are so poor. The system is too complex for us to understand what is going on most cases (in a deep level)

Heck, if people knew how many popular drugs are used without or with a minimal idea of how it really works they would probably have a second though before using them

>> No.8579276

30% Is not most. Clearly not enough statisticians though.

>> No.8579279
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>tfw physics undergrad
>tfw now an nuclear engineering master's student

Not sure if I'm a traitor or not. But I kind of feel like one. Dunno if I wanna go back into physics for PhD or not.

I'm having fun doing engineering so far though.

>> No.8579304

>BS Psychological Sciences
>Minors in Math and Bio
I just want to work in a lab doing quantitative or technician work.

>> No.8579440

You'll be fine if you're not lazy.

>> No.8579465

who /shit tier/ here?

>> No.8579506

Russian-English translation studies/linguistics
(English is my second language)
Technically German too, but I don't know much of it
yeah I am a retard

>> No.8579510

In my country there's this weird degree that is a mix of computer science with engineering, I mean I had economics, chemistry, physics (classic and electromagnetism), calculus, algebra, and all the theoretical courses from CS.

If you have a course about programming or learning a specific programming languages you're not studying real CS, you're at a bullshit programming degree for code monkeys.

>> No.8579515

CompE doing a masters in computational intelligence. Aiming for a PhD.

>> No.8579543

not trolling, why is astrophysics considered useful to the market?

>> No.8579614

>above pure science
>fucking ever

>> No.8579620

>you should do whatever benefits capitalists most
This is what cucks believe, anon.

>> No.8579630

Imma pure math major with a high GPA and a huge dick. Ama

>> No.8579674

Have fun living in a ditch trying to solve the Rayman hypotenuse, bud.

>> No.8579678

Yeah I agree that's a really retarded mindset. Specially considering it's coming from a science board.

>> No.8579714

>tfw want to become a mech engineer
>forced to do chem for final year of school
>can't answer simple questions like the state relevance of molecular collisions to gas pressure

i don't know why but my brain just turns off when i do chemistry

>> No.8579944

Biochemistry is just for lulz ang girls, it has nothing to do with chemistry, its not interesting, 95% of research is shit done by retards. Not really science while you just memorate and repeat, no real ideas, just money sucking circus. Also it has literaly nothing to do with biology. At all

>> No.8580412
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>Astronomy is in God Tier

>> No.8580939

>something so simple every dumbass civilization in the world did it

>> No.8581116

>tfw biomedical engineer

The workplace is definitely more enjoyable and the income is solid

>still not $300k starting

>> No.8581360

How is this thread still up?

>> No.8581683

That's what I was thinking! jajaja

>> No.8581691

Computer E.

>> No.8581719

Its in shit tier because everyone should have a basic understanding of Psychology. Psychology should be present in everything you do and not become your major.

>> No.8581732

Why even bother going for a BA. I understand certain schools dont differentiate between BA and BS, but one is by far more reputable.

>> No.8581735

Well said. Very philosophical.

>> No.8581738

Why can't we just be friends?

>> No.8581742

Agreed. Why pay out the ass for a 4 year shitfest with a $40k starting job when you can just get a 10 month education in welding and easily make 6 figures in a few years. Too many lawyer and doctor TV shows.

>> No.8581813

funny, I was majoring in marine bio before I changed to microbio

>> No.8581842

you can work as an engineer but you can't stamp approve diagrams for things without being a Professional Engineer, if that's what you mean.

>> No.8581860


I try not to be a snob, but I am.

>> No.8581878

Lol phaggot.

>> No.8581901

Biochem. I do crystallography.

>> No.8581939

Computer science here.

I want to do mechanical engineering but CS leads to higher paying jobs. I wish I had the money to do both. AI is pretty cool though.

>> No.8582720

I am currently in my first bachelor year of Electrical Engineering, but as you said, CS will pay you more. I am thinking of switching over to CS. Any thoughts on this guys?

>> No.8582803


do you have a small dick?

>> No.8582828

>>>how many languages do you speak<<<

>> No.8582864

only 3 but a linguists job isnt learning hundreds of languages, its analysing the structure of languages and most of the time im looking at the structure of english compared to random tribal languages or even artificial languages.
french german and english btw.

>> No.8582881

Why is nuclear engineering good tier? Just wondering, I would think it's very difficult.

>> No.8582892

Why is comp E so much higher than CompSci? I'm a comp E major and it seems like half compsci and half EE classes. I don't understand.

>> No.8583032
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>rayman hypotenuse
can this be a meme

>> No.8583118

Information Security with a minor in Mathematics

>> No.8583124


very fulfilling. I find the appeal to STEM odd nowadays

>> No.8583125

You're not alone.

>> No.8583136

I'm assuming because society is full of anti-nuclear cucks. Nuclear plants aren't in such high demand in the US because of fear. It needs to change. On the upside, there isn't a whole lot of competition nowadays in that field and many of the engineers working at plants are near retirement age. Hopefully we'll come to our senses one day and realize that Nuclear energy isn't some evil entity.

>> No.8583160

What can you do with a philosophy degree? I'm not trying to be a smart ass. I actually like the subject. I'm just wondering.

>> No.8583221

what do you do in theology? isnt it just like going to church or do you study other things like ancient religions of the aztecs or chinese mythology or something? also what do you want to do with your degree?

>> No.8583238

Philosophy is a shit tier degree, because most of the people think its about love, and open mindedness blah blah. Its became too liberal arts, where feminist and liberal activist go to "expand" but in reality they don't know shit, and they don't apply it to life. Mostly because over read that it takes an IQ of 130 to understand. Philosophy is good if you write philosophy books or essays. But it won't make you bank, so I stick to reading philosophy and going to school for math and business. Even though I love English. Honestly though, philosophy is one of the few subjects that melt my brain

>> No.8583243

The field is just the generalities of religion and spirituality, so it's very philosophy-oriented. It's really a cultural analysis of the world and it's neat to sort of find your niche. It combined philosophy, art, and history for me so i did it. I doubled majored in English though because I want to become an English professor. Working towards masters.

That said though, as "useless" as my degrees are, I wouldn't have done anything differently

>> No.8583272

and who are the ones progressing our understanding of the universe? those guys in the picture, not philosophers. thinking comes naturally to top tier scientists. philosophy is a useless meme by itself to major in or try to do for a living.

>> No.8583310

>triggering intensifies

>> No.8583319

It's not directly but check it (only applies if you went to a top-tier school):
>develops sensors used on spy cameras in orbit
>improves weather modeling based on observations of exoplanets
>assists high-energy physics with cosmological constraints
>develops new supercomputing code that gets recycled in aerospace eng.
>figured out how to do fusion

I'm sure there's others, but astro is the melting pot of cool stuff. Usually it's motivated by trying to look further and do more with less data than anyone else.

But then, I'm pretty biased

>> No.8583354

What does tourism count as?

>> No.8583358
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>Major in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Geoydromagnetodynamic Processing Design

did i goof up

>> No.8583433

"Eww w-well we cure diseases and fix peoples disabilities" well guess what you still can't fix stupidity and people that won't vaccinate their kids, and now they've got polio. So take your medicine degree and use it for a self colonoscopy.

At any rate, guess who comes up with the manufacturing processes for making your fucking pills OH SHIT LOOK IT'S THE CHEMICAL ENGINEERS TO THE GODDAMN RESCUE.

Get the fuck out of my fucking thread shit dick.

>> No.8583438

Shitting on people on their professions is so fucking autistic. With this new rise of "muh stem supremacy" hopefully it goes away soon.

(I study Mathematics)

>> No.8583447

>maths for words
May as well do an english degree.

>> No.8583614

Brainlet. Real mathematicians study engineering in order to use their knowledge in smart ways.

>> No.8584005

Engineering is a profession which puts it above science degrees.

>> No.8584107

>physics majors are physicists
not how it works

>> No.8584318


just die in my sleep already senpai