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File: 21 KB, 572x322, Neil "DaGrass" Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8569583 No.8569583 [Reply] [Original]

Is he an actual scientist? Is he a meme? What are his contributions to astronomy?

>> No.8569585

I think the most he has is undeserved co-authored papers.

>> No.8569591

Yes, he is an actual scientist. Astrophysicist. Researcher at the University of Maryland, Princeton, and became director of the Hayden Planetarium. Lead author on a number of papers.

I believe he's retired from active research but is likely still a reviewer and advisor.

>> No.8570093

He gets a lot of hate because of his cringy twitter posts but if you meet him in person you'll see he's a cool guy who really does love physics

It's understandable that people hate him because of his egregious fame, especially when there are physicists out there doing much more strenuous research. However, he gets people interested in science and that's something we can all appreciate.

>> No.8570103

He's a fedora tipping clueless faggot.

>> No.8570111

He is a scientist, but like Dawkins&Friends, he spends a lot of his time speaking of things he knows nothing about, instead of simply being an astrophysicist.

>> No.8570137


He's by no means a great scientist but yes he is an "actual" scientist with papers and everything. His talent lies in self-promotion and to a lesser extent in didactism, he's a celebrity more than he is a scientist.

>> No.8570255

>that's something we can all appreciate
Not only something we all appreciate but also something we need. We need people like him to make regular people get into popsience at least if we want our government to put more money on NASA and other science butgets with peoples aproval. He is doing a big job on that.

>> No.8570263

he's only popular with people like the average viewers of the big bang theory. White liberals love him because, 1), they love the idea of a black scientist even though he's basically a trained monkey, and 2), he tells them God isn't real, fully bringing them to orgasm.

>> No.8570426

>What are his contributions
Really cool and nice memes

>> No.8570471

His dad died today by the way.

>> No.8570479

That's very true, as it is our astronauts are bumming rides off the Russians to get to the ISS which is rather embarrassing for a global superpower. If more people recognize the importance of astrophysics and space exploration then doubtless we'll see an increase in budget and enthusiasm for our progress towards the stars.

>> No.8570482
File: 109 KB, 400x400, bill_neye-itsafake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to talk about a pop-sci guy who isn't a scientist, and has no educational authority to say, for instance, debate evolution, then you wanna talk about this guy, not black science man.

>> No.8570484

I watched a video of him explaining the twin paradox the other day. He totally butchered it--it was bad. I'm not entirely sure he's doing the world a service, but if he's getting people interested in science, that can't be bad...right? I don't have pop-sci influences and I don't know many colleagues who do either, but maybe we just grew up too early for this.

>> No.8570514

>the refugee crisis in Europe was caused because of global warming

I swear Bill Nye is a retard sometimes

>> No.8570540

His degree is mechanical engineering.
Source: he told me, 25 years ago.

>> No.8570561

>Bill Nye the B.Eng guy

>> No.8570578

How do you know he isn't self taught?

>> No.8570588

>We need science so the government will give us more money
Private industry > govbux


>> No.8570589

The ISS is a useless fucking space ornament.
I'm not paying for someone's vacation to LEO.
NASA hasn't done shit in 50 years.

>> No.8570622

Only neck beards on /sci/ can self-teach, you fuckwit

>> No.8570627

Private industry doesn't advance science just for science's sake. We need both.

>> No.8570653

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.8570729
File: 161 KB, 1100x729, 1441922771442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a meme in the most actual, literal, appropriate sense. Not even memeing right now. If there's one word to completely encapsualte Neil "smoke" DeGrasse Tyson, it's the word meme.

>> No.8570746

If you were anyone doing actual science and/or engineering then you would know that self-teaching and autodidact-ism are the basic skills for anyone serious about their work/research, because you constantly need to learn and absorb new information after you got your degree for the next 30-40 years. Especially that more and more shit is interdisciplinary today.

On the other hand I don't know how to feel about that guy. He got some cool shit, but as he got older he started to bring his own subjective yet incomplete opinion into shit just like everyone else does.

>> No.8570752


>> No.8570772

government advances science for the sake of dick-waving, like the olympics, and they do it by wasting other people's money with useless projects like a manned mission to the moon.

>> No.8570783

Why should anyone advance science just for science's sake? Science is not inherently worthwhile.

>> No.8570810
File: 98 KB, 914x960, 84e7e910b076bc4595f09fec1fda09127fbc2ef2eb654d770c46fe6a9ce6b3b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here comes the nihilistic faggot to shit up the thread
Of course science is worthwhile you twit

>> No.8570846

Riiiight, nothing practical, useful, profitable comes from scientific investigations. Ever, right?

>> No.8570901

Because most of the time we discovered something was useful wayyy after we discovered it.

>> No.8570992

Fucking bill nye. Big think should have asked richard the fedora man instead.
Its worse than discussing philosophy- hes trying to educate people on a field he has no background in.
If you watch his newer videos you can see him struggle to answer questions.

>> No.8570997

He's the Black Michio Kaku.

>> No.8571011

Bill Nye is a huge asshole in person.

I swear I'm not talking about the stealing candy bars pasta either.

>> No.8571023

Also top kek

>> No.8571029

Yep. He's an entertainer at best. A F ing moron and liberal media schill at worst.

>> No.8571032
File: 1017 KB, 1920x1080, 145403-42499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F ing

Really mate?

>> No.8571033

Except Michio Kaku has made very real contributions to string theory...

>> No.8571043
File: 838 KB, 1180x842, 1479594191497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the categorically "best" black scientist of all time?

>> No.8571059

Just looking him up real quick brings up something about improving the measurement of Hubble Constant and that he coauthored something with the guy who went on to win Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011. Wikipedia says he was also a researcher at some institutions. At
a young age he showed promise in the field of astronomy, but being a media personality was probably far too enticing.

>> No.8571070

You're not on the right board.

>> No.8571079

>if you meet him in person you'll see he's a cool guy

That's not what I've heard at all.

>> No.8571080

>What are his contributions to astronomy?
Being a black astronomer.