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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 145 KB, 670x424, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8560807 No.8560807 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do to get as comfy as possible when you're studying, /sci/?

>> No.8560849

I put on socks and sweatpants and study at the kitchen table with the divider shut between the living room and the kitchen.

>> No.8561075

Are you literally me? Sweatpants and thick socks a best

>> No.8561099

Put down the metronome on a table. Sweatpants and a white shirt. Book and pen. Start the metronome and begin studying
>inb4 "pen"
Learn to cross out whatever's wrong instead of erasing it from existence. It's proof that you can and will be wrong

>> No.8561102

In my room, in the cosy corner at the desk.
Wearing sweatpants and a sweater, with the heater on and a cup of tea.

>> No.8561104

strip down to my underwear and do work on my whiteboard

>> No.8561109

take off the bra, it really helps

>> No.8561110


>Learn to cross out whatever's wrong instead of erasing it from existence. It's proof that you can and will be wrong

What a load of shit, if I am drawing a diagram and fuck up a small part of it I am not starting over again.

>> No.8561113

Yeah my man, gotta keep warm and wear loose comfy clothes to keep the mind free of unwanted stimuli

>> No.8561128

Tidy up a little, like picking up clothes off the floor or washing up extra cups/plates off my desk. File away lose pieces of paper and only have textbooks/work on my desk that is relating to the kind of studying that I want to get done.

Take some time to think of what im actually trying to achieve in my studying period, I generally think of the first 10 minutes of studying being completely pointless with little to no mental retention because I am first trying to get over the procrastination mode of my brain, once its past that an hour of studying can pass very quickly.

Pausing regularly for anywhere from 60 seconds to 10 minutes.

>> No.8561345

>clean work area
>comfy clothes (sweatpants, comfy socks, soft shirt)
>classical piano
>your mom on my dingle

>> No.8561410

>clean room then desk
>take cold shower
>cotton tee tops and sportswear bottom (bikeshorts sweatpants or tracksuit)
>make non-instant coffee/cocoa/tea, no milk and no sugar
>add fresh cinnamon

>> No.8561680

Trannies aren't allowed

>> No.8561742


Are you Zachary brown from Illinois?

>> No.8561847

Contort into weird positions and perch myself on random objects around the house

>> No.8561853

>beat my dick
>play a video game
>text some females
>take a nap
>kinda hungry now, better make food
>take a shit
>finally study, put in minimal effort

>> No.8562000

fucking this, why do females consume so much of my time

>> No.8563427

I read a book I like.

>> No.8564198

I post Pepes on 4chan. Makes me feel comfortable.

>> No.8564214

Spyro the Dragon soundtrack. That's my study jam.


>> No.8564496

My fucking nigga
Excellent taste

>> No.8564713

>wearing socks inside
I feel bad for grills with large tits. They're useless bags of meat just hanging there, needing a bra to keep them from sagging.
I hope that in the future, genome editing of human embryos will make all females small chested so that they can be more free.

>> No.8564816
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1465879258819s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope that in the future, genome editing of human embryos will make all females small chested so that they can be more free.



>> No.8564863

Books on coffee table, seated on my knees with back to radiator.

>> No.8564930
File: 76 KB, 174x228, Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 11.01.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you actually put some degree of care and craftsmanship in your work?

>> No.8565075
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>> No.8565077

fucking kek

>> No.8565081

take 3 showers and half-heartedly study in bed with my computer on my chest

>> No.8565110 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 900x750, john-von-neumann-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as I have a pencil and paper and access to the internet, then I'm good. Pencil and paper at the least, but I don't like not having internet access. The learning process is much too slow without it.

>> No.8565112 [DELETED] 

Too much styling and not enough doing puts the A in STEM.

>> No.8565114

get nude

>> No.8565132

>100mg caffeine and 200mg L-theaine (15mg vyvanse from prescription if I really am on a crunch).
>plain white tee and black wool sweater.
>perfectly fitting jeans and my black doc martens with thick winter socks (I proceeded to take these off so I can play with the tongue of the shoe with my feet while I work).
>noise canceling headphones, usually
listen to some eno (any of his ambient works are great. More enjoyable music that's mostly instrumentation when doing tedious work. STFTB by swans or Low by David Bowie are two of my faves.
>little study room at the back of my campus that over looks the campus and the river.
>Water bottle with ice water and slice of lemon.
>take out box with olives, hummus, pita bread, and slices of cheese and sausage to munch on.
That's about it, got me through finals pretty damn well.

>> No.8565182
File: 22 KB, 480x360, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MIke "Watt Watt in the butt" Pence

>> No.8565196

Anyone else here who just can study with shoes on?

>> No.8565366

Does l-theanine really do anything?

>> No.8565406


>> No.8565637

This desu, ripped a grav bong before each and every one of my finals, got away with a 4.0

>> No.8565643
File: 609 KB, 1836x2448, vcM0wmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you don't want your notes and study sheets to look this beautiful

Am I the only one on this board who's a proponent of STEAM?

>> No.8565653


>> No.8565666

Wow engineers really ARE homosexual.

>> No.8565673

These are the notes of someone who has no conceptual understanding of anything they are learning.

>> No.8565683

This. Anybody can come up with an autistic layout for their notes without having any understanding of what they're writing.

>> No.8565686

What's the point of notes like this? So you've got everything on a page... so what? Do you get to use this sheet while you write the test? Do you just memorize the stuff on here? I honestly don't get this.

>> No.8565705

So when you're looking at them after taking them, they still make sense. So many times I've looked at my notes after lecture and had a hard time understanding it; when I put care into my penmanship and organization, it makes the flow of information much more intuitive and understandable.

>> No.8565710
File: 1.25 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, the autists on /sci/ are triggered by aesthetic perfection

>> No.8565712

This WAS actually able to be used on a test, obviously im not trying to be Picasso when sitting in lecture

>> No.8565716


>> No.8565731

under my sheets with a fleshlight and a wand


>> No.8565781


>> No.8565837

Lol @ millenial faggots who can't even see the way society conditions them to like arbitrary traits and lash out with accusations of homosexuality.
I bet you've ever even touched a pair of tits. They're just bags of fat, and they WILL sag unless they're fake, in which case they will look awful because fake tits universally look like shit.
Small tits are far more pragmatic (women can be active without needing a special bra all the time), and even more attractive because they remind you of lolis.

>> No.8565842

you're a real fucking weirdo

>> No.8565908

>women can be active
Why do women need to be "active" you fucking egalitarian cuckold?

>> No.8566032

>hurr women should be in the kitchen making me a sandwich

Lol get back when you've passed the age of 20 you millenial virgin.

>> No.8567627

>lmao i don't obey society and i like small tits therfore i'm superior XD
>i like small tits because i can't fuck real children or lolis
>t. pedophile

>> No.8567684

I sit down, take the shit I need out of my backpack and study.

First step is optional

Jesus what a bunch of pretentious homos

>> No.8567689

this thread is just getting better >:^)

>> No.8568379

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8568987

they can just use life-like attachments for kinky shit lad, small tits are objectively superior for the health and happiness of the host. Even just playing sport, you know how annoying/hard it is with that. I've played rugby against girls as a teenager, just messing around. Many of them had large breasts and let me tell you, not being a fucking pervert, hurting them or making them uncomfortably made it very hard to play to the best of my ability. With smaller breasts it just doesn't matter and isn't so restrictive.

>> No.8568999

Are you me?

>> No.8569069


>> No.8569081

I usually move my empty mountain dew cans and dried cum stained tissues aside to make enough space so I can fit some loose leaf paper on my desk to work on. My gf hates it but it gets it's working well enough for my PhD.

>> No.8569422


>> No.8569502

Of course Senpai. Try it out! :)

>> No.8569602

Don't bother m8, you'll just get some " hurr women shouldn't play sport" reply from these rebellious /pol/ millenials.

>> No.8569638
File: 41 KB, 660x628, 1479613146072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I utilize the cold winter nights to cool my home down by opening a window for a few hours. When the place is cold enough, I take away my clothes except my t-shirt and my undies. Then, I take a blanket and wrap it around myself.

>> No.8569847

Im jelly on how clean it looks. My formulasheets are way more clumsy

>> No.8570896

Wait, do you guys actually have to study?

I thought /sci/ was smart or at least pretended to be.

>> No.8570980

If you are schizophrenic then yes, we can talk later telepathically

>> No.8572708
