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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8562532 No.8562532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Nigerian prince proves Riemann hypothesis, and he's getting his million dollars!


>> No.8562536
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>> No.8562539

>Tuesday 17 November 2015


>> No.8562542

I'm sorry guise.

>> No.8562550

>nigger posts false proof and the mainstream media declares the problem cracked without anyone even verifying it

>> No.8562602

Ayo hol up
So you be sayin
We wuz mathematicians and shieet?

>> No.8562611

Literally in the first line
>could be

>> No.8563328

Really makes you think.

>> No.8563341


>> No.8563371
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Imagine if they showed his proof and it was just a bunch of pictures of watermelons and KFC.

>> No.8563376
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>tfw black
>IQ 87
>keep coming to /sci/ to try become smarter
>/sci/ keeps making fun of my people

>> No.8563381

/sci/ isn't going to make you smarter. Go read some books and do math and shit

>> No.8563383

You should probably identifying with people who have the same skin as you and start identifying with people who share your desire for self improvement.

>> No.8563384

Meant to say "probably *stop* identifying".

>> No.8563396

but white nerds are very cringey desu I don't want to deal with them
blacknerds are the best friends

>> No.8563552

das raycis dude

>> No.8563558


>> No.8563627


>> No.8563645

>tfw black
>tfw studied STEM field at prestigious university for five years and graduated with distinction
>tfw published, active member of scientific community
>tfw on /sci/ for years, enjoying glimpses of intelligent discussion
>tfw /sci/ starts to become /pol/

Is it too much to ask for the race baiting to be contained?

To those of you who have wandered from what should be your containment board: for the record, there are famous black mathematicians and scientists who have made sizable contributions. For every useful proof or result, there are thousands which have failed or been incorrect. Race doesn't matter in this regard.

By attempting to denigrate somebody for presenting and seeking review for what turned out to be a flawed proof, you're actually denigrating the concept of rational inquiry and progress in STEM fields. This will fall on deaf ears, but it would be to your benefit to stop trying to make the world conform to your own ignorance.

>> No.8563650

We're justing joking around mate.

>> No.8563656

>Being this butthurt
>Over 4chan

Maybe you're not as intelligent as you think you are.

>>tfw black

That explains it.

>> No.8563659

I think it's less butthurt and more of concern.

>> No.8563661

>tfw studied STEM field at prestigious university due affirmative action
What an accomplishment

>> No.8563682

That's how these things work. It has to be confirmed by other mathematicians before we are sure he has proven it. The interesting thing is that the proof was already presented in a prestigious venue.

Please take your race-baiting back to /pol/ or at least keep it in the race threads here, since those are only kept for use as /pol/ containment threads.

Race-bating is not science and it isn't math, so it doesn't belong here.

>> No.8563686


>> No.8563697

not that it matters but
>tfw white, blue eyed, brown haired, moderately intelligent
>agree with you 100%

jokes are great while you are not the subject
>tfw USA born and raised, moved to AUS after my accent stuck as a child
>constantly made the subject of jokes for 20+ years, septic tank -> septic yank "cors yer all fulla shet"
>its just a joke mate, dont be so serious
>watch faces harden as I affect overly bogan accents and make fun of alcoholism and gambling addictions

>> No.8563699

This was already proved to be fraud.
What's amazing though is how quickly this spread with ""renowned"" publications all publishing an obviously fake story.

>an African doing something important quick publish it!

>> No.8563702
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>tfw on /sci/ for years, enjoying glimpses of intelligent discussion

>> No.8563707

What the hell are you talking about. How can posting a article be race baiting.
For a man of science you sure are doing a lot of emotional reasoning.

>> No.8563710

Can't take banter? We should give you more special treatment that will surely solve the bitterness of whites.

>> No.8563724

He's not talking about the article. Read the thread before posting.

Lol, why are whites so bitter? This isn't about special treatment. Its about keeping your childish comments off board where they don't belong. Its not like you can't go over to /pol/ and race-bait all you want. It just doesn't make sense on a board about science.

>You: lol niggers
>/sci/: Take that to /pol/
>You: WOW, this is why whites are so bitter

I bet you're one of those people that thinks theres a war on Christmas, too.

>> No.8563754

>He mentions his race expecting people to support him unconditionally
>People don't give a fuck

Pl-please d-don't be racist!

>> No.8563760

>not that it matters

Then don't fucking mention it.


You're already wrong.

>He can't handle tip-top Kangaroo banter

They didn't laugh because in 20+ years you didn't learn shit from their rich shitposting culture. You offended their heritage, not them personally.

>> No.8563762

I got this email too. Did u give money?

>> No.8563777


>> No.8563781

Do actually expect me to reply to a strawman? Or are you just masturbating via text?

>> No.8563784

Nope, you're just making shit up. He mentioned his race to remind you that there are in fact, black scientists.

You shouldn't support him because he is black, you should support him because he is right. Those comments don't belong on this board.

I'm not asking you not to be racist. I'm asking you to be racist somewhere else.

>> No.8563787

>OP 12/25/16(Sun)17:04:55 No.8562550▶>>8562611 >>8563328 >>8563682
> >>8562532 (OP)
if you were actually smart you wouldn't even be on this board


>> No.8563796
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>> No.8563798
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>I'm not asking you not to be racist. I'm asking you to be racist somewhere else.
Tough luck nigger

>> No.8563801

you should learn the definition of racism
no one denied that blacks weren't scientists, lol

>> No.8563803

>Do actually expect me to reply to a strawman?

In all honesty, I feel my greentext accurately reflected your argument. None of you really posted 'banter' because it wasn't clever or funny or even original. You just posted the same racebait that you post all the time.

It doesn't really belong on a science board and I'm not sure

a) why you don't understand that
b) why that makes you bitter

>> No.8563804

>Black scientists exists
so what? Should they be treated any different than other scientists? If they're work is shown to be faulty then they deserved to be laughed at.

>> No.8563805
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Nice to see we have virtue signalling whites here on sci. Good job man! You're such a good person!

>> No.8563808

I'm white, so the proper term is nigger-lover.

Sorry, I'll revise my statement.

I'm not asking you not to racebait, I'm asking you to racebait somewhere else, like >>>/pol/ or >>>/trash/.

>definition jerking

>> No.8563809

My point was that when you get special treatment you should expect banter about it from resentful people.

and half the threads on this board don't belong here. this is 4chan not physicsforum

>> No.8563811
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This thread is another example of how niggers are like women when it comes to the internet.

European and white american males talk shit all the time without ever saying 'hey there are good english/italians by the way :^)'

Women come along and we get 'I'm a grill btw'

Blacks come along and we get 'WE WUZ SCIENTISTS AND SHEEEIT'

Nobody cares, you're not special here

>> No.8563812

>should they be treated differently?
No! They shouldn't! I'm glad we agree :) Good thing I never advocated that.

I'm curious as to why you think that a black fraudulent scientist should be mocked for being black and not for being fraudulent though. That's a bit odd, don't you think?

>> No.8563813
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The proper term is faggot that doesn't know about IQ differences and criminality between races

>> No.8563817


Most of the """""banter""""" was posted before it was even explained that he was a fraud in the thread.

>> No.8563823

I do believe the fact that he was black lead to his conclusions not being investigated by mainstream media before the posted:"Look at how smart black scientists are."

The fact that they needed to mention the guy is black and from Nigeria is racebaiting, they could've run the entire article without mentoning his ethnicity or where he's from. But because he's black he needs special treatment in academia, which I dont now why the black community doesn't find that extremely offense.

>> No.8563826

>IQ differences
who cares. Just because the averages are different doesn't mean there aren't smart black people. There are very smart black people and very dumb white people. Surely you're not so dumb that you don't understand how averages work.

>criminal rates
Even more irrelevant than the IQ part.

>> No.8563832

How many articles have you seen written about people where they don't explain the people they are taking about? If someone makes a discovery, people want to know who they are and where they are from. And they want a picture. That's just how articles work.

If you really think putting someone's picture and background in an article about them is racebaiting, I don't think we have much more to discuss. You're clearly retarded.

>> No.8563835


He's obviously a fucking fraud. Nobody is going to solve the Riemann Hypothesis while any of us is still alive, and even if someone presented a proof, that still means nothing. Remember that it took years for Perelman's proof of Poincaré's Cojecture to be fact-checked and considered correct, so until then we'll just shitpost away to eternity.

>inb4 go back to /pol/

People would have made fun of him because of his procedence regardless of what it had been. If you really think people wouldn't have made fun of him for being French/Brit/American/German/Japanese/etc... and that him being black makes any actual difference appart from the jokes used, you're really, really wrong.

>> No.8563837
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>muh exceptional blacks and white trash

God you are an idiot

Look at the African continent

Look at Detroit

Look at Ferguson

Or, think of it like this:
Would you be more likely to get along with a classroom full of blacks, or a classroom full of whites?
Would you rather live in a black or white neighbourhood?
Would you be more likely to find a mathematical genius in a room full of whites or blacks?
Would a society benefit more from an influx of one million whites or one million blacks?

>> No.8563841

>I don't read the news
>I don't know anything about biology

>> No.8563845

>Nobody is going to solve the Riemann Hypothesis while any of us is still alive
I'd love to see your proof of that.

>explaining to me how proofs are verified Irrelevant.

>we'd make fun of him independent of race
Yeah, but you wouldn't make fun of his race independent of his race.
If he was black or asian, sure, you'd make fun of his race like you did. But if he was white, you'd make fun of his country (that's why you mentioned America/British/Franch). Making fun of someone for being American or British is not racebaiting.

>> No.8563853

I don't know what point you're making. None of that proves that there aren't smart blacks who don't commit crimes, and are very valuable members of society. (Protip: there are)

>> No.8563857


>> No.8563860
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"I met this one black guy once upon a time who wasn't a criminal and wasn't a total idiot, so they are just as good as you or me" the post

>> No.8563866

>The irony is that even though Enoch’s genius appears to have been mistaken, Nigerians are well known for some original and verified achievements. Last week, in Perth, Australia, Wellington Jighere became the first African to win the World Scrabble Championship; and in May, Ufot Ekong emerged as the best graduating student from Tokai University in Japan, breaking a 50-year-old record in the process.
>the best graduating student

That's pretty awesome, right guys?

>> No.8563872

Certainly you can make a better argument than just strawmanning. If not, I think we're done. I really don't even know what you're arguing for.

>> No.8563876

>I'd love to see your proof of that.

It's just a hunch.

>>explaining to me how proofs are verified

No it isn't, it's basically the only reason I assumed it was a fraud, probably the same for the rest here.

>If he was black or asian, sure, you'd make fun of his race like you did. But if he was white, you'd make fun of his country (that's why you mentioned America/British/Franch). Making fun of someone for being American or British is not racebaiting.

It's nationbaiting, which is basically the same since you have exactly the same amount of control over where you were born and what your race is. And I'll admit that him being black would have superseded his nationality for the most part, but so what?

If you know any good anti-white racist memes ala "HOL UP", "WE WUZ" and shit like that, just spread its use. Until then, people will take the easier route and use their nationality.

And just by the by, I didn't make fun of the guy in the article, I just trolled the black scientist and the not-Australian man.

>> No.8563883

>If you know any good anti-white racist memes
The 'cucks' meme is an example anon. And you're wasting your time arguing with him.

>> No.8563893


But it's a contextual meme. I can say "AYOO HOL UP" and it will almost always be a correct use.

>> No.8563894


Not him but cuck isn't really anti-white, a better example would be something like yuropoor.

>> No.8563910

Cuck means someone who is okay with being a loser and justifies as if it's okay. eg: liberals

>> No.8563912

Post hand and something smart like triple integral

>> No.8563922

Was a black guy ever awarded the Fields medal ?

Legit question, not even trying to be racist.

>> No.8563953


No, but there has been a black guy who got a van neumann prize and one who got a Nobel in economics.

So it's a feasible goal, someone just has to step up.

>> No.8563961

sorry bro I just checked know your meme and that is not what cuck means

>> No.8563968



This guy has won quite a few awards. No Fields medal, but somebody of his level of ability has the potential to earn one.

>> No.8563992



>> No.8564009


>> No.8564013

Do you seriously never get tired of spewing the same memes?

>> No.8564014

You could've used homie instead of bro to keep with the vibe of the thread.

>> No.8564016

Assmad nigglet detected

>> No.8564025


>tfw /sci/ starts to become /pol/

It's pretty fascinating. /sci/ seem to be the only board that is actively raided by /pol/ though I don't read /lgbt/. I wonder what this is about?

Then I guess /pol/ has always had a foundation in anti-intellectualism. Some of the userbase probably perceive the "intellectual elite" as their biggest threat, leading to a handful of users with a vendetta.

>> No.8564033


the thing is there were many great black scientists like yakub who created white people

>> No.8564046

You made a mistake. /sci/ actively drains iq

>> No.8564053

Nice story anon, never heard of this yakub before.

>> No.8564057


>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.8564091
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Nah. You are taking it too seriously.

Actually, we actually have no advanced culture compared to european mediterranean people, so we got raised without getting pride of our roots mostly. Our people have shit culture.

So, when insecure individuals find a checkpoint where they can feel calm, and take fake pride on (my ancestor :) ), so they tend to "relax".

I think some of us fall for that trap and become like /pol/ for a second. I am smart. I got achievements. I can do great things.

I think that most of us actually don't give a fuck about your opinion, and it's actually funny when you jump in the conversation and try to explain culture like a biologically coherent "fate".

Nevertheless. Most mexicans are dumb and are raised as such. Educated and high education peruvians are the smartest of the continent.

>> No.8564097

I know this is bait but anon /sci/ is the wrong place to try and get smarter.

>> No.8564099

Nigga only the American portion of /pol/ is anti science. The rest especially Europeans aren't retarded like that.

>> No.8564102


I dunno, if you are European and posting unironically on /pol/, you are probably pretty retarded or a Swedish masochist getting off to verbal abuse.

>> No.8564103

>not thinking black culture is the single biggest reason for their failure literally everywhere.

u w0t m8?

sure there are good blacks but the bad blacks far outnumber te good blacks and therefore al blacks are seen as bad blacks and therefore racism will exist because bad blacks literally contribute nothing to society.

>> No.8564109

Are you for a chance, american?

Try to read my post again.

>> No.8564119


We can safely burn Niel DeGrasse Tyson now. I always thought he'd make good marshmallows.

>> No.8564127

I wouldn't call it that, since he never actually refuted my main point, which is that racebait comments don't belong on this board.

You're right, nationbaiting is almost as bad. That's why those comments don't really belong here either.

That word used to mean something...

>> No.8564128

you have no "roots", if you did they would either be slavery or shitfarming up in the Congo where you fail to achieve in 2016 what the Europeans did in 1600.

As for the second bit I probably don't understand what you're trying to say then. But here's my rebuttal to what i think you're trying to say. Blacks shouldnt be proud of their race. They should be disgraced. Blacks as a whole should hate their forefathers and their ancestors for what they allowed to happen to the black race. Any public black figure shouldn't be admired simply because they arent doing enough to keep little nigglets off the streets, in the schools, off the drugs and out of crime.

>> No.8564136

How could you possibly know that?

(This is a rhetorical question.)

Those are good points.

>> No.8564141

I want /pol/ to fucking leave.

4chan has historically been apolitical, with a slight liberal bent.

The nigger jokes were funny in like 2008. But as people on this website pretended to be racist, actual racists now infest this website. I've seen this defense tactic again and again.

Call them out for being what they are, racist pricks and they respond with

>oh we are just banting m8 lighten up

they throw that last bit in to get that last bit of rise out of you, and if you respond in earnest, they say you're just being butthurt.

It's bullshit. /pol/ needs to fucking go. You are all a bunch of insecure, shriveled dick white cucks, terrified at the prospect of your irrelevance as you slowly realize that not only do women no longer need you, the very institutions you thought were your sanctuaries no longer need you.

>> No.8564142

No, my mum didn't let me do it.

>> No.8564147

Nah. I'm not a nigger. I'm a dark peruvian mix of races.
>As for the second bit I probably don't understand what you're trying to say then. But here's my rebuttal to what i think you're trying to say. Blacks shouldnt be proud of their race.
Being proud or not is not proven to be efficient or a requisite to be a happy individual. Actually most losers tend to be like that meme (my ancestor). The dream world where they fight for their freedoms and they look all mighty replaces the actual worry they should have in their little heads, so they tend to be comformist and close-minded.

>They should be disgraced. Blacks as a whole should hate their forefathers and their ancestors for what they allowed to happen to the black race.
If that helps to fix the problem, ok.

>Any public black figure shouldn't be admired simply because they arent doing enough to keep little nigglets off the streets, in the schools, off the drugs and out of crime.
If that helps them, ok

Most shitty educated families tend to stay the same. Only the self-hating and strong-willed individuals tend to scape that hellhole.

A great example are the poor white families. They got incredibly self-destructive habits, and they are pretty comformist in general.

Actually if the nigger is dumb. Then let him leave this website. If he is smart, you will only inflate his ego calling him "nigger" or dumb.

>> No.8564149


Yeah, I realise "trolled" is far from the best way to put it, it's just that I don't know how else to say it.

Also, this joke thread has at least a tangential relation to science and maths. Meanwhile, there's a thread about Putin or some shit. I'd say that if it has meme potential and it's science related, it belongs.

You're expecting a minimum out of /sci/, and that's already expecting too much.

>> No.8564172

The thread is about math, yes.
But the racebait comments are not math/science. That's my point.

>> No.8564178

KFC? Nigerians don't eat that greasy disgusting fatty American food.

>> No.8564187

>Actually if the nigger is dumb. Then let him leave this website. If he is smart, you will only inflate his ego calling him "nigger" or dumb.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've read.

You have to go back

>> No.8564196

Nah. You just can't understand how things work over here. Get out, retard.

>> No.8564221

>/pol/ards jack off to history thinking that their cherrypicked peak culture moments are a reflex of their genes
>they want science to repeat what they believe
>/sci/ anons don't know shit about history
>eternal discussion about IQ is science and you are brainlet threads
>/pol/ circlejerk beliefs aren't discussed
That's what happens over here.
>/pol/ wants to check their beliefs on /his/
>thready BTFO'd every time
This will always end up the same.

>> No.8564229

Certainly you can bring a better argument than just anecdotal evidence.

>> No.8564236

I can't see any trace of scientific proof. Sorry.


>> No.8564238


>> No.8564243
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>> No.8564258

Yeah, but Nigerians don't eat any food

>> No.8564260

It's always kind of funny to me, how it is with /pol/ and other boards. Because it's pretty obvious when a /pol/tard posts, because they have the same kind of shitty flavor that comes from being in a circlejerk echochamber for too long that you see with other such populations, like sjws or even certain party affiliations.

/a/ tells them to fuck off, the mods usually get rid of /pol/-tier shit pretty quickly
/sci/ and /hist/ sometimes refute claims, often times ignores/tells them they are retards, because it's genuinely difficult to tell the difference between a troll and an actual /pol/-poster
/biz/ gives no fucks usually, because money-making extends cultural and racial borders
/lit/ will occasionally sustain a thread about a popular book /pol/ might like, or an author like Ayn Rand, but usually it's on a literary basis so there's a huge disconnect
/v/ will eat their shit up and completely agree, dragging the industry further into the shitty polarized mess, helping nothing and only making things worse for everyone involved
and /b/ will join in on raids and other chaotic things that you'd expect.

/pol/ is like the autistic, edgy kid of the class who owns a few katanas and pretends to know how to fight, but is too out-of-shape.

>> No.8564268

A better argument for what?

I'm pretty sure I argued that there exist well-educated black people that are valuable members of society. Since I have met such people and one was even linked in this thread, the proof is complete.

Do you want a link to babby's first logic lecture or something?

>> No.8564270

/pol/ and SJWs exemplify the horseshoe theory pretty well. Also the issue with /a/ is even with /pol/ garbage, it's still an elitist circlejerk that shits on anything that isn't generic moeblob SoL garbage

>> No.8564275

Yeah, but because it's elitist, it contains its circlejerk, which I appreciate. They also can have some really good off-topic threads, and I've had a lot of scientific discussions bordering on autism about how mechanics might work in a certain series.

>> No.8564278

Even without /pol/*. Anyway they're both two sides of the same shit coin, just /pol/ is the one flooding 4chan and not SJWs so I hate the former a lot more as they're personally affecting me as opposed to complaining about some video games I don't care about.

>> No.8564300

I don't usually go on boards other than /pol/. Haven't browsed /sci/, /lit/, and /his/ in about a year. All I keep reading is people complaining about /pol/. Jesus, just get your own identity and stop living in the show of other boards.

>> No.8564303

Precisely, I agree 100%. /pol/ should have its own identity as a containment board, and not live by stirring up other boards.

>> No.8564357

/lgbt/ has a crush on /pol/, so /pol/ goes easy on them.

>> No.8564365

>jokes are great while you are not the subject
then the only acceptable jokes left are knock knock jokes. Yay

>> No.8564400




>> No.8564421

No, fuck off nigger back to Africa nigger. Your kind are a plague on our great white nation

>> No.8564422

Except when you mention how great Jews are

>> No.8564472
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It's clear now, /sci/ is full of passive faggots who won't call a spade a spade when it comes to race.

>> No.8564475

>/pol/ comes to /sci/ to shitpost
>people are annoyed
>"Why does everyone hate /pol/ so much??"

>> No.8564481
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>this guy doesn't have a mathematical proof of racial differences so I don't have to entertain opinions outside of my comfort zone
>I don't need to think because all the smart guys tell me that philosophy is dead and we're all the same
>I'll never have any conviction in my opinions because it's all relative and I can wageslave and masturbate so who cares


>> No.8564491 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8564498
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Clearly they're just stupid, right gaizz? xDDDD

>> No.8564530


how can /pol/ recover?

>> No.8564546
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Except they aren't
Even using a linear regression method still only accounts for ~15% of the gap

nice meme
Overall? No they don't.
Per capita? Obviously Hispanics and African Americans use far more than European whites.
[pic related]

This is a fairly good argument, that the resources taken from colonial era Africa allowed Europe to develop much quicker than competitors in Asia and the Middle East (Not that Europe wasn't already decades ahead at this point). However, to Africans there as unfair as it seems they actually benefited greatly economically (socially, they were enslaved and treated like dirt). Infrastructure like schools, ports, roads, bridges and trains were put in as well as hospitals etc etc. As bad as it sounds, Africans weren't touching the resources and so weren't actually economically impacted by Europeans extracting them, and actually gained by all the received infrastructure, but obviously had losses socially.


Affirmative action is mostly a gain for war veterans, year after year they're the largest group to receive help from affirmative action. I don't personally agree with racial and ethnic quotas since they're more racist than being a meritocracy ie hiring an Asian simply because you're missing a token Asian.

>> No.8564551


Asians repeatedly show higher intellectual potential than European whites, but the observation can be made that even before Europe's Opium wars and interventions into the far East that Europe had developed and achieved FAR more than Asia did

"we're all the same now"
Nice meme
If we were then the SJW's wouldn't have anything to bitch about, and statistics of acedemic and economic achievment would also tell the same story (but they don't)

>Cultural marxists

>> No.8564556
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heil fucking hitler

>> No.8564564

>Overall? No they don't.
>Per capita? Obviously Hispanics and African Americans use far more than European whites.

Obviously per capita

>> No.8564566



sending stupid people to college only super-charges their stupidity.

>> No.8564569
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Speak truth to power, brother

>> No.8564589

Eh, you can't know that /pol/ wouldn't benefit from college.

>> No.8564596
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Nice snarky quip faggot

>> No.8564604


/pol/ in general? i don't know. i do know that our public education system absolutely fucking trashes anyone who is both masculine and intelligent, and there's significantly more males who could use higher education but aren't getting it than there are females who could use it but aren't getting it. by a staggering proportion.

if it were up to me i would de-materialize every public school in america, de-fund all public schooling institutions completely, all teachers fired, all schoolbuses sold to homeless people, period, done, over, it's gone. let people figure shit out for themselves. colleges will still need students to survive and businesses will still have to hire people. something will have to give and people might actually fucking learn something if the public education system vanished overnight.

>> No.8564627

>Self learning is possible for 99% of people
It's not. Almost every single person would fail completely in self study for most subjects.

>> No.8564632

You know, go fuck yourself. Screaming about /pol/ because less people are buying that "races are equal" and environmental determinist bs.

>> No.8564638

Not him - and I disagree with his second paragraph solution - but learning and culture will always be restricted to an elite. That's why people graduate and never open a book or have an original thought outside of their economic or sexuzal concerns ever again.

The solution is: aggressive qualifying process for teachers (make the profession prestigious again), and a new curriculum which introduces philosophical reasoning and dialectic at a young age. Kids love being exposed to logical problems, and when 'philosophy' is denigrated at the expense of all rational enquiry we lose the young and encourage a perception of learning as 'memorizing useless shit'. Philosophy, unlike politics, also doesn't encourage high emotions in women and beta males

>> No.8564644

He's wrong anyway, 4chan was always libertarian.

We got redpilled on race when Trayvon was gunned down by that white supremacist though. Things were nver the same once people started to seriously question some of our benevolent assumptions about race

>> No.8564647


most people don't need to study. they're not going to be scientists or scholars. they're going to do a job which they can be trained to accomplish within a few weeks.

educating someone beyond necessity is harmful, psychologically and socially. educating a stupid person merely turbocharges their stupidity. educating someone beyond their capacity is honestly rather cruel.

furthermore, adding a survival imperative to self-learning in an age where it's easier than ever will improve the human stock. making life easier and more automatic for more people has proven to be absolutely disastrous - people need a certain degree of hardship and trial.

in addition, i would deregulate TV frequencies so that any jackass with a camera and access to electricity could put shit on TV and mostly it'd be static.


hard physical training must come before philosophy. a weak human, a human who is not at or near the peak of their genetic capacity for strength, agility, endurance, etc. can not be entrusted with philosophy. knowledge is dangerous in unworthy hands. if schools did exist, they should be devoting the vast majority of their time to physical training, martial arts, sports, etc.

a nation where 95% of people are physically elite is far more desirable than a nation where 95% of people have degree's in a world that can only accommodate 25% of people to even have a technical position.

>> No.8564651

No, the problem with /pol/ is that it brought a shitload of normies to the 4chan who won't keep topics contained to their own board.

>> No.8564655

I actually have some sympathy for your view on strength. Although I view it as a prerequisite of being an effective intellectual. You need to have some backbone, and physical strength encourages confidence to pursue your opinions independent of group validation. Probably another reason why women are so vulnerable to groupthink.

The rest is nonsense however

>> No.8564661


why the hell would you ever even attempt to educate females beyond basic math and reading? it serves no purpose whatsoever. women should primarily be engaged as military civil servants.

it might seem strange that i would suggest all females be army concscripts, but there are reasons for this.female militarization would incidentally create superior mothers, who would tend to impart discipline to their children. the superfluousness of females as combatants would allow any female that is impregnated to leave the military to become full time mothers.

the psychology of females is capable of a fanatical devotion to the autocrat who leads the millitary; where male military structures have loyalty to fraternity - they are loyal to others. the implicit reward for a male risking his life in war is that he can rape if they win.

make no mistake, women have no role in actual combat, as the tip of the spear. but in todays world where we need less and less men on the frontlines and more and more personel in positions that grind the gears of logistics, a society where all females, but not all males, are in the military, would have some unique advantages.

>> No.8564662
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Yes yes all those normies ruining our boards

>> No.8564670

all women should be employed into the military by default. birth control is illegal. upon impregnation, the female is married to the father and exits the military.


well they got donald trump elected. getting caught was part of their plan.

>> No.8564680

>in addition, i would deregulate TV frequencies so that any jackass with a camera and access to electricity could put shit on TV and mostly it'd be static.

Isn't that Youtube?

Also how would you determine who gets what frequencies? The person with the highest powered antenna could dominate all frequencies and every time you turn on your TV it's videos of an industrial paint mixer.

>All the librarians ITT who think abandoning public education would actually make people smarter
90% of people are fucking retarded, I've never seen a single person sub-130iq actually turn out to be a not total retard or simpleton.
Public education, however, opens acedmeia up to ~120 IQ people who by far aren't smart enough to self learn for example engineering but are smart enough to become an engineer.

It also teaches the masses how to learn and believe it or not, it doesn't matter WHAT you learn, as long as you will learn it stimulates and helps your brain learn how to learn and think.

>Dude lmao the free market will provide everything for us without any sort of regulation at all

>> No.8564686

Just stop your pathetic attempts at baiting and leave.

>B-but these are scientific facts
Then post research published in reputable journals to back up your claims.

>> No.8564687

this nigga dumb

>> No.8564693

Not sure how any of that fixes /pol/ shitting up other boards. If they just stayed in the containment zone like MLP, no one would care.

The problem is they don't want to be left alone, they want people to be forced to listen.

>> No.8564702
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>they want people to be forced to listen.
They have a pretty popular message faggot

>> No.8564706


>Also how would you determine who gets what frequencies? The person with the highest powered antenna could dominate all frequencies and every time you turn on your TV it's videos of an industrial paint mixer.

this is exactly the desired result.

>All the librarians ITT who think abandoning public education would actually make people smarter

not trying to make them smarter, that's not the actual goal. eliminate public education, colleges will still need students and employers will still need employees. we'll have a much more honest and results oriented system.

i'd actually be content with public school from 4-8 to teach basic arithmetic, reading, writing, followed by mandatory physical and military training from 8-18.


i don't have a shred of respect for 'science' or journals. or 'facts'. as far as you're concerned, at least. that's the only way to accurately communicate my thoughts to you. it's not how i think about it myself, but this IS how you will see it from your point of view.


you do what you want with women in YOUR society, and i'll do what i want with women in MY society, ok?


/pol/'s mission is to 'shit up' other boards, and there's no stopping it. it will only increase. it will not be fixed. containment breached. critical mass has been achieved, and ironically, /pol/ is mostly all shilling and raiding by commies, leftists, SJW's now; the very people who you seek to protect from /pols/ corrupting influence are forcing /pol/ people out of their board and into the world at large at rate which is satisfactory to me.

things are going to be changing.

>> No.8564716

You're doing the work of god man. Just know i'll be praying in silence for the race baiters to develop a malign tumor.
> inb4 religionfag
> not a religionfag

>> No.8564728

Then talk about it all they want... in the appropriate board.

You don't see /x/ coming and shitting up /a/ or mlp going and spamming fit all the time. But /pol/ is normies' first revolution, and so they want everyone to hear them all the time.

>> No.8564729
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>> No.8564731

We wuz scientists and shiet. Mo welfare checks 'n govment grants fo muh research!

>> No.8564732
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Yes, because /x/ doesn't have sleeper cells all over 4chan

>normie revolution

Nice meme faggot

>> No.8564734

>/pol/ is mostly all shilling and raiding by commies, leftists, SJW's now; the very people who you seek to protect from /pols/ corrupting influence are forcing /pol/ people out of their board and into the world at large at rate which is satisfactory to me.

That's not forcing them out. IF they can't stand people holding an on topic opinion that differs from theirs, then they shouldn't be on the internet. Just because /pol/ isn't a 100% safe space for them doesn't mean they should spew shit anywhere else.

>> No.8564740

> they can't stand people holding an on topic opinion that differs from theirs
>Just because /pol/ isn't a 100% safe space for them doesn't mean they should spew shit anywhere else.

God you are either a shill or just a useful idiot

>> No.8564759
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>Then talk about it all they want... in the appropriate board.

politics is relevant to everything, in some way or another. and anyways, /pol/ has zero respect for you. they don't give a fuck what you think is appropriate.

>You don't see /x/ coming and shitting up /a/ or mlp going and spamming fit all the time. But /pol/ is normies' first revolution, and so they want everyone to hear them all the time.

nope, you see /pol/ doing it. they're learning the art of evangelism. here's the cool thing, if you had to pay them to do it, it'd be millions of dollars of man-hours per day. but they do it for free.

/pol/ doesn't give a fuck about your board or what you think is right or wrong. they're going for anyone and everyone, until you either agree or leave.


>That's not forcing them out.

making them WANT to go elsewhere is the exact same effect.

> IF they can't stand people holding an on topic opinion that differs from theirs, then they shouldn't be on the internet.

but you can't stop them. and they present a highly motivated, highly cohesive front which can coordinate it's behavior almost subconsciously. they're a dominating force against which there are no real countermeasures. fighting them is a guaranteed loss.

>Just because /pol/ isn't a 100% safe space for them doesn't mean they should spew shit anywhere else.

you can't stop them, though. ironically, what /pol/ is, or was, was the very last DANGERZONE, where there could be absolutely no safety. you have many thousands of people who spend a great deal of time there every day, who are absolutely unfazed by disapproval from others. and now they're coming to your favorite board. like locusts.

>> No.8564765
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absolutely happening

>> No.8564770

>Missing the key phrase "on topic".

>> No.8564776
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>> No.8564781
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when you make a rule, we break it. you set a topic, we change it. you start a conversation, we derail it. you have a place that is yours, we take away and make our own. when you resist, our penis get's harder.

>> No.8564786

don't be such a nigger you faggot

>> No.8564788

>they're a dominating force against which there are no real countermeasures. fighting them is a guaranteed loss.
They're a fad, and the quicker people get over it the better off the board will be.

>> No.8564794

No one is stopping you. I'm doing the exact same thing you are here. You're not rebelling, you're just playing along.

>> No.8564795
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>They're a fad

You clearly have no idea about how politics is going at the moment. /pol/ is going to get stronger for a long time.

Let's be honest, you don't know shit about politics and think pol are just racists right?

>> No.8564800

>i don't have a shred of respect for 'science' or journals
Then why are you on a science board? Do you not see how idiotic that is?

>it's not how i think about it myself, but this IS how you will see it from your point of view.
Why even bother typing if you're too retarded to communicate your thoughts?

>MY society

Speech to incite violence is not free speech. That's pretty much the only exception.

>politics is relevant to everything
So is science, but you don't see us going around shitting up other boards.

>> No.8564808
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keep telling yourself that. it's actually a movement that's been building pressure for almost two decades now, and has made it's 'public debut' only recently. 20 years of thrusting, and it's not even done thrusting; there will be at least as many years of momentum as there was of pushing.

it's a movement born of desperate necessity, powered by virgin males. consider that: it's literally a voluntary movement of young, white males, full of anger at the world, driven by the most powerful force of living nature - the desire for sex.

as all socio-historical movements can be defined through the perspective of various groups vying for reproductive efficacy. look where the greatest tension is.


>Then why are you on a science board? Do you not see how idiotic that is?

no, there are reasons which you haven't thought of.

>Why even bother typing if you're too retarded to communicate your thoughts?

it takes two to tango, baby.


what, you don't have a society? get on my level, moishkin.

>Speech to incite violence is not free speech.

hmm, how is the violence going to be incited, then? and what if people create a new language that you can't understand, how will you know what they're saying?

>So is science, but you don't see us going around shitting up other boards.

and? you don't attack. /pol/ attacks. you are not attacking. /pol/ is attacking. that should be pretty clear, right? you don't shit up other boards - we do. ok? is that understood? any questions?

>> No.8564809

>Speech to incite violence is not free speech. That's pretty much the only exception.
There's the fascism of the left folks

>> No.8564814

>/pol/ is going to get stronger for a long time.
Yes.. that is in fact how fads work.

>> No.8564823
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maybe someday you'll realize the sheer, absurd, blind arrogance of calling the combined desperation of millions of people and their desire for a world where they can belong 'a fad'.

but hey, you're on the right side of history, right? nothing to worry about. i wouldn't worry about it, if i was you.

>> No.8564825

another snarky quip from the useless idiot

>> No.8564828


>> No.8564830

>it's actually a movement that's been building pressure for almost two decades now, and has made it's 'public debut' only recently.

If you followed politics more you'd know it came out of the ashes of the tea party movement, and that itself came from whatever the name was for the movement that came form the moral majority. Each time they reinvent themselves with a new name, thinking that surely their different from what's come before. Then when leaders don't live up to their expectations they say those leaders were never true adherent of the ideology. Then they forget. They they reinvent themselves again. It's a very short cycle actually.

>> No.8564831

>maybe someday you'll realize the sheer, absurd, blind arrogance of calling the combined desperation of millions of people and their desire for a world where they can belong 'a fad'.

Don't be so emo.

>> No.8564840


>> you'd know it came out of the ashes of the tea party movement



not even close

not remotely close.

that's actually surprisingly naive, i expected something better.


>Don't be so emo.

call it emo if you wish, i won't even say it's not, but that's what mass movements consist of - explosive psychic concentrations. take enough people, create conditions that give them all a similar, powerful, pervasive emotion... when it becomes apparent to them that this is a life-thing, as in, it's not going to get better for them, that they have nothing to live for if they don't create change both in themselves and thus the world around them, you have pulled the pin on a social grenade, and it's going to reverberate through history.

>> No.8564857

Why stop at decades? Why not pretend /pol/ is the culmination of centuries of political thought? All it leading to people shitposting on an internet message board. This is clearly the zenith of humanity as you say.

>call it emo if you wish
You're incredibly naive if you think it's anything else. It's just people posting memes and voting for a leader they think will make all their dreams come true. People have done it before. They will do it again.

>> No.8564866

>No one brings up race seriously it's all just banter.

>PLEASE DNT B RAYCIST card is played.

>It backfires tremendously.

>> No.8564873


>Why stop at decades? Why not pretend /pol/ is the culmination of centuries of political thought? All it leading to people shitposting on an internet message board. This is clearly the zenith of humanity as you say.

you could do that and you can make sense with it but it becomes less and less useful as it becomes less and less specific

>You're incredibly naive if you think it's anything else. It's just people posting memes and voting for a leader they think will make all their dreams come true. People have done it before. They will do it again.

'it's just, it's just, it's just' - it's not comparable to anything that's happened before. i don't know where you get the idea that they think trump is the leader that will make all their dreams come true. go visit pol. everyone think's he's a fucking kike. that's the consensus on /pol/. your misinterpretation of what little information you've been exposed to is woefully inadequate.

you will not permit yourself to speculate on idea's that upset whatever comfort it is you derive from the overt social consensus that you are more or less aligned with. THIS is something people have done before. you will always be provided with ample content to satisfy the need for these beliefs. it's practically a state service at this point.

and yet, there are people that don't seem to be 'behaving rationally'. hmmm. maybe you're just really, really smart.

>> No.8564878

>it's not comparable to anything that's happened before.
Oh you special snowflake you :)

>> No.8564881


haha you should have a comedy show

>> No.8564907

>you will not permit yourself to speculate on idea's that upset whatever comfort it is you derive from the overt social consensus that you are more or less aligned with.
Sounds a lot like /pol/.

>> No.8564920

/sci/ will never make you smarter. It only makes you feel smarter because of all the brainlets that come here.

>> No.8564923

It's a common stance within philosophy that speech to incite violence should be punishable. This is because such speech has no value anyways.

All you've done in this thread is say
>no you're wrong
But you've yet to say anything of substance. Pretty SJW-esque, if you ask me. Why are you so afraid to post any arguments?

>> No.8564924

sounds like you're a fucking pussy

>> No.8564958

Sounds like you're a pussy and your friends are fucking shit, mate

>> No.8564961
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/pol/ consists entirely of people who have found themselves rejected from society because they would not accept the consensus. nobody else is attracted to it.the vast majority of people on /pol/ conceal their beliefs and ideas from others in public because to reveal them would endanger their life. anyone that has something to gain from conforming to the group considers /pol/ to be disgusting. however, society-at-large is quickly going bankrupt and is finding it very hard to sufficiently reward those who adhere to it.


>All you've done in this thread is say
>no you're wrong

that's all anyone ever does. everyone has their reasons for believing what they believe, and the ideas that people adopt reflect the ideas from which they stand to gain.

society has fractured. you think i have no arguments. i think you have no arguments. we have no common ground. i think you're as retarded as you think i am. this is, largely, the state of things in the west right now. there is a cultural divide. there is an ideological civil war.

>It's a common stance within philosophy that speech to incite violence should be punishable. This is because such speech has no value anyways.

do you think that anyone on my side of the fence feels free to openly advocate violence? we don't have that luxury, not yet. you don't consider such speech to have any value. other people think that it does have value. no one is changing their mind here.

you appeal to 'a common stance'. the people you're speaking to take it for granted that calling something 'a common stance' is an insult. they think you're just looking for social approval on something, whether or not it's correct.

you are a child if you don't realize all of this. fortunately, anyone who recognizes this state of complete separation has an advantage over those who still think that the 'well known proven facts of common knowledge and science' will prevail for them, if only there is enough shaming and ostracization.

>> No.8564977

if you think race has anything to do with this shitpost, then you are fucking retarded

>> No.8564982

>nigger sperging out
fuck off. there's no affirmative action on 4chan

>> No.8564992
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I should note that those whom you address take it completely for granted that 'hate speech is not free speech' simply means 'wrong speech is not free speech.' (hate speech = inciting violence). there is no doubt regarding this, none whatsoever. you will never convince them otherwise. they are keenly aware of a double standard that you will find it convenient to ignore, and they are keenly aware that "freedom of speech" is specifically meant to protect unsavory speech; the right to hate speech IS the right to freedom of speech. no one ever tried to stop people from shooting the shit. there were never crackdowns on small talk. no one was ever oppressed for discussing their favorite recipes, or engaging in what is widely considered acceptable and benign speech.

it is the words that people do not want to hear that 'freedom of speech' protects. the only speech that matters is hate speech. hate speech is the most important kind of speech. and when you say it's 'inciting to violence' what everyone else hears is, 'keep talking that shit and i'm going to kick your ass'.

you would say that 'reasonable control of speech that can incite violence' is 'for our own safety' - but if we ourselves had a mind for violence we'd be attacking, not talking, or at least not speaking in public. because no one that seriously intends violence telegraphs their intent to their target. if they do that, they're just posturing.

you will disagree, and i will disagree with your disagreement.


we avoid being characterized as victims. our speech is characterized as inciting violence.



you seek characterization as victims. the violence is carried out directly and spoken of openly.

however, it's 'for a good cause'

>> No.8565002
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Fine, take it, I was done with it anyways.

>> No.8565005
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after all the effort i put into writing out exactly 4000 characters, this is what i get.

>> No.8565006

>i don't browse any board but /pol/
you have to go back


>> No.8565008

>I shitpost my /pol/ boogeyman panic in every thread, but it's other people who are shitposting and runing the threads

>> No.8565009

Same fat faggot who nobody likes

>> No.8565010

>/pol/ consists entirely of people who have found themselves rejected from society because they would not accept the consensus
Except that /pol/ is in the majority. You're mistaking not being able to accept the consensus for not being able to accept disagreement.

>> No.8565011
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you actually believe that /pol/ represents the social mainstream?

>> No.8565012

4chan isn't a physical place, and it certainly isn't your secret club, you packing pansy
anyone can come here and post, no matter how much you whine about it

>> No.8565013

>i don't have a shred of respect for 'science' or journals. or 'facts'. as far as you're concerned, at least. that's the only way to accurately communicate my thoughts to you. it's not how i think about it myself, but this IS how you will see it from your point of view.
You're human garbage, nobody has a single shred of respect for you so it works out.

>> No.8565015

>politics is relevant to everything, in some way or another. and anyways, /pol/ has zero respect for you. they don't give a fuck what you think is appropriate
Cringier than chanology, kys my dude

>> No.8565016

To add on, that's the whole point they shitpost on other boards. They can't tolerate people having other ideas.

>> No.8565017

Why did the thread not end here?

>> No.8565018

It's all your retarded drivel deservers ;-)

Honestly, I just wouldn't know where to start. And you've already decided you aren't listening to me, so I don't see a point. You said in your post that /pol/ tries oh so very hard to be edgy and to disagree with the mainstream, because if a majority believes it, its fucking wrong, right?

I'm pretty sure you've identified me with some group who in your head is """the mainstream""" so you aren't going to listen to a word I say. Why waste the time?

>> No.8565019


why did *i* waste the time?

>> No.8565020

I'm sorry, you're just not as unique as you think you are.

>> No.8565021

in /sci/ the people who whine /pol/ at everyone they don't like are much, much worse than the few bait threads that you're probably referring to when you talk about /pol/ (but which are in fact just people fucking with you sensitive pansies)

>> No.8565023

You typed all those faggot words when you could've just simplified things with "we are leejun we do not forgive, we do not forget"

Kys if you think whatever delusions of grandeur you've concocted for yourself are in anyway novel or unique

>> No.8565026

You have to go back


>> No.8565027

My advice: Stop visiting /pol/ for a month or so and see if some of your views return to normal.

I'm being serious. I fell for their bulshit for a couple months, but I stopped going and I feel better not reading the racist remarks everyday. You need to remember that the minorities being mocked are real people.

I think I gained an insight into the views people hold, but important to step out of the echo chamber every once in a while.

If you still hold exactly the same views after a month, come back and call me a faggot.

>> No.8565030

>in /sci/ the people who whine /pol/ at everyone they don't like are much, much worse than the few bait threads
Actually, all the /pol/ whiners are much worse than all the groups they complain about. I rarely if ever see original SJW crap. It's all reposts over and over again by /pol/

>> No.8565033

>You need to remember that the minorities being mocked are real people.
Merely not visiting /pol/ probably won't work.

>> No.8565037

It's worth a shot. You may also have to go outside and talk to people.

>> No.8565042

what /pol/ whiners? what complaining? in /sci/ there is almost nothing of this, all there is is people who start calling others /pol/ browsers repeatedly spamming like fucking toddlers

>> No.8565048

>what /pol/ whiners? what complaining?
Sorry, I forgot /pol/ never whines about the Jews, liberals, SJWs, niggers, or leafs. You'd never see any of them crying about any of those right?

>> No.8565051

There are constant
>le genetic differences between races
>climate change is librul hoax
>wow dem SJWs in academia sure done did it again
threads on this board on a constant basis. The only way you wouldn't have noticed is if you were new or you were so acclimated to /pol/ garbage that this didn't stick out to you.

It's very obvious to identify which threads on /sci/ are created by STEM students and/or people genuinely interested in science/math (even if at only a superficial popsci level) and the people who come here from /pol/ looking for a scientific justification for their beliefs or a "redpill" career where they can make a lot of money (because /pol/ is full of these loser types who haven't figured out their lives yet)

Think about that. How bad are /pol/ posters that popsci faggots are preferable to them?

>> No.8565058


wew lad


i haven't been there more than a few times since november 9 or 10 or so.


to be fair, /pol/ hasn't really had any effect on me besides strongly challenging my libertarian, freedom loving side. i've become more authoritarian since i found /pol/, but i was reading books such as "the menace of multiculturalism" when i came out in the late 1990s, when i was in middle school. i wasn't a latter wave of people that discovered it as something edgy and shocking, i was part of the group of people who had been looking for /pol/ before it existed.

as for 'racism', i grew up in the shitstain town of DeSoto in south dallas, and i was one of very few white kids in northside elementary and the meadows middle school. it's interesting that even though i had a very bad time because of the color of my skin, it wasn't until i was older that i really started to question, objectively, 'if racism is true or false' to put it simply.

i've worked since i was 16 and i walked 2500 miles across the united states with a backpack, sleeping in ditches, talking to everyone i met, when i was 24. i've worked manual labor in places where the predominant language was spanish.

interestingly, it's only white people that have a sense of 'lets not be racist now'. the concept of judging individuals individually and races racially would be considered racist, however, across almost the entire planet, outright racism is considered common sense to everyone and not given a second thought.

the only places where anyone actually has a problem with 'racism' is the USA, canada, australia, and europe.

there's a sickness in our society, and medicine tastes bad. but it's the job of the doctor to force it down your throat, as much as you try and spit it out. i've tried to talk to you on as much of a level as i can.

>> No.8565063

Woah nigga you think im reading all that trash written by a /pol/tard when it could probably be reduced to "we r leejun!!! expect us"

>> No.8565079


in your mind, what is the distinction between 'whining' and 'discussing serious problems'?

>> No.8565080

Good shit man. Glad you're fine with being racist.

As I said a couple hundred posts earlier, I don't really care. Just go do it somewhere else. It's not science.

>> No.8565084


that is not an option.

i don't really start threads and don't usually even post at all. but there are those that do, and it's not going away. it will intensify.

doing it somewhere else isn't an option. it's going to be done here.

>> No.8565085

Yea there is no racebaiting or muh liberal education conspiracy threads

>> No.8565095

>that is not an option
And you're going to continue to be called a faggot for it, so you better get used to crying when someone tells you rightfully to fuck off back to >>>/pol/

Also nobody gives a shit about your loser life story about how you worked picking berries with Mexican labourers. But thanks for confirming the idea that /pol/tards are mostly impotent losers. Faggot

>> No.8565096


guys! he's gonna call us faggot! run!

>> No.8565100

>bawwwwwwwwww why won't anyone take my ideas seriously im a /pol/ intellectual please /sci/ take me seriously ;_;
Figures that you'd get upset by someone calling you a faggot.

>> No.8565101

Ignoring the fact that 99% of /pol/'s "discussion" on these "serious problems" involves lying and shilling and circle jerking with people who won't call each other out on lying, it doesn't belong here.

>> No.8565102


>> No.8565104

you're just a pussy who's afraid of hurting brown people feefees

>> No.8565106
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8565100 (you)

>> No.8565107

Sorry pal, but not going on that board can't make me unsee the fact that blacks commit commit more violent crime and murder than any other group, regardless of income.

polite sage
Also 9.999571079099727227 == 10

>> No.8565109


>> No.8565111

I did this, I stopped being a wehraboo which was a good thing however my conservative nationalism and views on race remained unchanged

pretty sure it would've happened normally over time so correlation probably /= causation.

>> No.8565115

/pol/ is by far the least intelligent group of people on the internet, potentially in human history. If your beliefs are swayed by what you read there in broken English and broken logic, then you're stupid to begin with.

>> No.8565117

>I'm smart and anyone who disagrees with me is dumb
how much do you want to bet that you're underage?

>> No.8565121
File: 581 KB, 631x420, trump-incredulous[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the minorities being mocked are real people.
>real people

>> No.8565122
File: 84 KB, 645x851, SSatisfied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my trips disagree

>> No.8565125

>"anyone who disagrees with me"

/pol/'s favorite strawman when anyone points out how unbelievably retarded they are, which only further proves how unbelievably retarded they are.