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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8562623 No.8562623 [Reply] [Original]

What's it like being a statistics major? What do you learn?

>> No.8562634


>> No.8562636

How to count things with respect to how you count other things.

>> No.8562664

It's not particularly challenging. Social scientists will think you have godlike intelligence because they can't do maths and mathematicians/natural scientists will laugh at you because you're learning baby maths.
I'd suggest minoring in statistics since it's undoubtedly very useful, but there's not much to it.
This is correct.
Are you talking about standardization?

>> No.8562730
File: 298 KB, 531x717, smug nico nii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good if you're into /biz/ness though, don't fell for the social sciences meme

Still laughing at Pure Math majors that can't get a job desu, they look as smug as this girl yet once they graduate they will just be a normal secondary school math teacher since they can't be as smart as people like Andrew Wiles.

Oh and Applied Math is good too, mostly smart normalfags but way better than having an autist on my left side when doing tests

t. Have many applied math and stats friends senpai

>> No.8562851
File: 282 KB, 772x313, stat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pure" mathematicians are like historians who just learn stuff that previous mathematicians already learned and stuff that we don't need to know anymore because it's useless and has no application (similar to how it's useless to know about Egyptian medieval weaponry)

A statistician is much more useful - pure mathematicians assume that every number will work out perfectly and that the world is ideal. Statisticians find out the extend to which our world/numbers are ideal, then they can predict the future based on that.

Have you seen "Fantastic Beasts" (new movie)? Remember that one invisible furry creature? He was able to predict the future using statistics and probability (according to the books/movies).

Essentially, you become a wizard, rather than a historian (math).

I like to say that math is the logic of certainty, while statistics is the logic of uncertainty

why anyone would care about a deep but extremely abstract result in say, algebraic geometry, unless you're an engineer? Statisticians use and organize data from the world to predict stuff, while mathematicians just proof old theorems

stats is very boring though, but super useful (and it sinks in your mind, the longer it's been since you've learned, the better you get, while with math, you kinda forget)

>> No.8562888

straight stats is not particularly challenging, at least at my school. my experience so far has been along the lines of classes throwing various techniques at us and describing when they're useful. One of our homework assignments was to build a model to predict the severity of forest fire given the morning's weather conditions

data science is wildly popular, so there's a huge push for undergrads to get into CS as well. This includes everything from machine learning to some systems stuff. It's actually lots of fun. Have a peek at kaggle

Stats people rarely worry about the measure theory definition of probability - see "law of unconscious statistician." The theory is generally quite rigorous but the application is usually pretty hacky

I'm not far enough in my studies to be able to say why anyone would prefer a stats degree over an applied math degree with some kind of concentration in stats

>> No.8562894
File: 189 KB, 500x531, 1458965694888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you on

>> No.8562906
File: 487 KB, 900x900, 1461794937548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematicians just proof old theorems
>mathematicians don't know what a random variable is
>statisticians predict the future like make-believe magic animals
>stats is boring
>that fucking image

>> No.8562908

Ehm... isn't it way past your bedtime?

>> No.8562911

I agree with some of this but no need to diss mathematicians, let them do what they want

>> No.8563182

I heard you learn a lot about stats and stuff.

>> No.8563199

I am now dumber for having read this garbage