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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8552082 No.8552082 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else in uni right now?
State your major and give a short description of how the people in it are like.
>Mechanical Engineering
>People who are a strange mix of childish nerd and Chad, trying to have a social life but usually studying most of the time

>> No.8552099
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Students really don't know each other and brutally fight amongst each other, eventually competing for the same few good positions and careers. Not gonna get better. But a lot of pretty posh girls who learn all day and seek to get fucked by someone who does it well.

>> No.8552142

>Computer Science
>Everyone in it is either retarded or a Pajeet (or both)

>> No.8552162
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>A disgusting amount of normies

>> No.8552164

What level of math are you doing at the moment that the normies haven't been cleared out yet?

>> No.8552169

I'm on the fucking 3rd year of a third world meme university.

>> No.8552171


Tbh there's a fair mix of people, I'm relatively normie, only slightly aspie, and a few other regular people. Then there are also autists of varying degrees of functionality. Like, there's some that run around constantly and always brownnose professors and are generally socially incompetent, and there are also some that are borderline dysfunctional. Like, I know a junior that is essentially not a human, I have no idea how he was allowed to progress that far. Can barely string sentences together, extremely cringy to listen to him talk, and dumb as all hell.

>> No.8552173

>Anyone else in uni right now?

Is this even something you need to ask? This is /sci/


>A bunch of 'normal' people. Everyone seems to have good hobbies like music or sport and everyone is social and has a social life. The entire group sometimes go out... except for me. I have no hobbies like music or sport, I am asocial and I do not go out with them nor talk to them.

I don't know what to conclude from this. Mathematics students are normies and asocial retards like me are just the exceptions to the rule?


>Everyone is optimistic and there is a mix of high achievers (people who want to become researchers) and low achievers (people who unironically want to be math teachers).

That's all.

>> No.8552175
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Students are waaaaaaaay too chill for their own good.

I've always wanted to marry an econ major, so I don't have to think about that shit

>> No.8552181

>The definition of normal and average human beings. Not even chads or anything, literally if you condensed humanity in 50 people it would be them

>> No.8552186

I have a master's in chemistry and let me tell you that the more you go the more you will notice that chemists are either normie as fuck or complete autistic lab rats, there is no middle ground.

>> No.8552191
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>> No.8552198

Tbh that's how it kinda seems lmao

>> No.8552210

5 year Computer Science degree
It's a split between normies, dumb autists and smart autists. But hey, at least everyone seems to be good at math.

>> No.8552213


A couple of dudebros
Then there's some who are just in it for the money bringing everyone around them down.
There's this one tech wizard that is incredible with electronics diy and all around everything else related to EE, spends most of his time in his apartment on projects as far as I could tell, barely see him out of lectures.
2 grills, one of them who is doing EE as a hobby degree with her husbands money, the other is pretty good, both very social obviously.
And then there's that one weird guy with a villain mustache always going on about outer body experiences. I swear to god that guy must be on some kind of meds.

Such is the life of an EE

>> No.8552221

>Computer Science
>everyone gives off a slight sense of autism and social ineptness
>many of us have poor hygiene
>no one knows how to interact with girls
>it took years for the computer science majors to start "socializing" with each other
>there are only about 10 girls in the major
>they're all either landwhale feminazis or poo in loos

The memes are true desu.

>> No.8552224

I'm computer engineering, and I have yet to meet anyone the same year as me, since it's just a combination of CS and EE.
I have a comp e senpai, he's pretty normal/cool.
The EE majors are pretty middle of the road people, they just seem like your average young person who's doing engineering because the world said it was a good idea.
The CS majors are normie af, and there's a huge age spread. The local economy is booming because of the tech industry, so most people in that major see it as there way to provide for themselves/family. Additionally the CS major at my school is extremely competitive so most people have their shit together. There's a couple of stinky/turbo autists, but nothing like how /sci/ makes it out to be.

>> No.8552236


There are a few rare people who are cool and not socially retarded, but they are few and far between.

Common hobbies include video games and anime..

>> No.8552251

>Annoying autist, 9gagger, redditor, muh IQ faggots

>> No.8552262

>Nuclear engineering

> this major entirely consists of a mixture of overly inflated egos and borderline, if not full-fledged, autism. I refrain there is at least 1% of my classmates that truly have a passion for the subject and have a more realistic approach, ie; developing nuclear energy in a more efficient and effective. Rather than the pedestrian autismo constantly saying they have the "revolutionary design" for a new multistage neutron bomb without fission initial stage.

TLDR; this major is full of triggering

>> No.8552263

what university are you talking about?

>> No.8552313

>ms applied math
>ass kissers and status signalers
either than that quality they're alright. seem like a generally intelligent and personable bunch.

>> No.8552340

The math students in my school seem rather relaxed and carefree, great group of people. Even though I can easily see their intense competition between them all, its rather obvious.

>> No.8552344

sometimes their/our compulsion to be right is overwhelming

>> No.8552359

A mix of weebs, neckbeards, and some regular folk just trying to get by

>> No.8552366

Not one you've ever heard of.

>> No.8552374

>i dont know I dont talk to anyone

>> No.8552379

You're right on the spot
>The best students are quite social and generally normal, albeit not without small weirdness
>Disgustingly uncultered and with inferior, normal moral values
>the worst students are either same normies, but more stupid or just autistic asocial retards

>> No.8552410

can't really tell what you mean by this comment

>> No.8552415

I just finished my degree this semester. I'm free!
But, my major was math.
People were surprisingly mostly normal people. No autistics or socially inept weirdos.

>> No.8552420



full of clueless chicks and wannabe doctors

>> No.8552439
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Double major

-highly motivated over-achievers
-constantly circle jerking about muh interview prep and personal projects
-handful of super smart chads, most are normies, some are blue-jeans-and-hoodie wearing weirdos

-Most are normies who don't really give a shit and I presume just picked the major because they didn't know what to study
-Lots of girls in the above group
-The few people who actually give a shit about math are super smart frat chads

>> No.8552455

Chemical physics. We're all fucking nerds.

>> No.8552459

>>The best students are quite social and generally normal, albeit not without small weirdness

I'm the guy you are talking to and I am the one with the highest grades in every single class we take. It is actually not even close. The classes average is C while my grade in every class was A.

So it is more like the worst students are social and normal.

The best are asocial.

>> No.8552460

>anyone else in uni right now

im convinced 99% of sci posters are in high school.

>> No.8552464

What the fuck are you going to do with oenology? Also, do you go to Brock by any chance? That's the one university in my country that offers this degree. (A friend of mine went there for that.)

>> No.8552488

4th year Russian CS here.
Same. Though it's normal people and fun autists (in the good sense of the word) around. Fun bunch. All the "I wanna make vidya gaems" crowd got kicked out after second semester, when physics, linear algebra, discrete maths and diff eqs started.

>> No.8552489

>70% normie 30% weirdo

It's higher than the campus average, but surprisingly normal for such an autistic major. There's seriously half cute girls in my analysis course.

>> No.8552496

i think it's like

>good behavior is that which gibs me social reward

>goodness is superior

or something like that.

some people aren't too reflective about themselves

>> No.8552501

No longer in uni but this was my experience:

>mostly cool people mixed with a few socially awkward autists
>mostly intelligent but unable to comprehend anything that's not in formal logical terms

>> No.8552540

How can there be so many chads in such autistic majors?

>> No.8552544

I guess real life is different from /sci/ memes.

>> No.8552548


My best explanation is that when you are a complete autist then someone with maybe just minor social problems who has a girlfriend looks like a fratboy chad dudebro.

It is all a matter of perspective.

I bet if you make this thread on /fit/ and ask them for a description of the people in their majors you would get the CS people talking about everyone in their major is an absolute sperg faggot and so would the engineerin people there.

>> No.8552556

>physics grad school
>everyone is either a huge autist or a complete alcoholic

>> No.8552582

Shit, I'm studying to become a math teacher. Should I just end it now?

>> No.8552593

I'm in a one year course that a relatively prestigious university in my country offers to people who show potential to do a degree but don't have formal qualifications to be acceoted.

I wanted to do theoretical physics but I'm struggling to get my head around basic equations of gravity, so now I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.

>> No.8552605


What is geology like?

I keep thinking about switching to it but every time I hear it's either "there are no jobs bro don't do do it" or "there are plenty of jobs bro"

>> No.8552616

Nope. They're actual chads in top frats. I'm sorry you go to a shit school were the gamer losers are the cream of the crop, but at mine there are plenty of high achieving chads. Good genes come in packages.

>> No.8552619

Well I'm no chad but
>if you're smart and disciplined like a true academic you'll probably be able to realize if you want to be a healthy attractive human you should allot some time for the gym
>while girls, in the main, are a distraction, fucking a girl in a hard class does wonders, because you can collaborate/rely on her. Even better when you're doing better than her.

>> No.8552623

Also, you've clearly never been to /fit/. They literally meme about how autistic they are.

>> No.8552625

I took physics with a literal supermodel and a fitness trainer and im p sure the both did better than me in the class.

>> No.8552627


It depends. If you do it because you don't see yourself being capable of research or something, then yeah.

But if you do it because you really want to, then it's okay, as long as you try your hardest not to suck major ass.

>> No.8552628

because life isn't like a videogame where you only get so many points and they're allocated different for each person

some people are smart and attractive and social

>> No.8552679

Yeah Feynman used to write about his 2 hour leg days and how some of his best work in qed came on those days.

Only people itt with a clue understand the relativity of these things

>> No.8552689

>chemistry and biology
Chemistry is filled with stoners and drugs. They party very rarely and there is a mix of anti-social and social people. One guy has only ever been seen drunk at the bars or hungover in the computational chemistry lab studying. He fries his balls off on acid every week and he aces every class, looks like the kinda guy that'd have his application to work as a janitor rejected cause he looks to unprofessional. Most don't like math but are fairly good at it and can do dimensional analysis in their sleep by the time they finish quantitative analysis. Some of them are cool and some are assholes like this one guy who keeps pouring out his chemical waste down the sink saying it's not his problem.

Biology is a huge department at my school. A handful of autistic spergburgers and a shit ton of normies. They have shit like ethidium bromide just laying around, there's even a door handle in the department literally stained blue by peoples hands. Many of the ones that focused early and are trying to do research are cool cause they have a goal and it's fun to talk about with them. The pre-meds are fucking insufferable for the most part, acting like hot shit when they can't even do dilutions without a freaking chart and a calculator.

>> No.8552697

Upcoming generation after millenials has a high proportion of realistic people how managed to be popular and smart. The beginning of said generation are college sophmores right now, as once you reach that they will assuredly have 0 recollection of 9/11 and would have grown up in the Great Recession, Gen Z.

>> No.8552710

Dumbed down education and technology addiction, folks

>> No.8552714
File: 80 KB, 640x640, t3_35msud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineering mathematics/mathematical engineering
>drawing so many shafts i have no time to actually study for my algebra class

>> No.8552717

This is entirely dependent on your uni.

>> No.8552719

anyone have the unintelligent version of this picture?

>> No.8552721

I do, it's a mirror.

>> No.8552726 [DELETED] 

oh, I misread, I thought I was to give a brief description of what the major is like here

as for the people:

mostly asocial, couple of normal people, one obnoxiously annoying smartass, but he's pretty fucking smart so I'll give him that. He's getting full scores on everything.

hi ondrej

>> No.8552746

Mechanical engineering at a large university.

I hang out at an on-campus music venue a lot of the time, and there's a healthy mix of different majors, so my view may be skewed.

>indie trash but with good hearts
>everyone is overworked and lonely so people tend not to have qualms if you insert into their groups as long as you're not manipulating anyone or trying to butt into a place of power
>the social crowd is often at the stage of ironic enjoyment of injokes and memes
>as you spend more time here, it becomes increasingly evident that a large segment of the people are asocial but it's hard to tell what fraction of them are because you only ever see them in class and in dorms
>since there are always ALWAYS companies on campus looking to grab some of our students, there's a thriving professional community, meaning a fair amount of real-world wisdom and professionalism permeates the student body, especially at the higher levels, making our sperg count low even though the general intelligence is high
>invite-only-unless-you're-a-girl frat parties each week as well as parties where it's really just a bunch of friends hanging out with non-generic booze (exception being yuengling, the best generic booze) and sometimes anime or movies
>you may be judged or challenged or further informed but will not be mistreated or rejected for having an unpopular opinion; the understanding is that we're thinking people
>"I heard professors at Princeton are letting people sit out their tests because they're upset at the US election results. Good thing we're not Princeton." -- quote from one of my professors while he handed us our midterms
>lots of asians, but they're actually from asian countries; chinese is an often-heard language
>silly conversations include putting compressors inside of compressors to increase compression and system heat, shaping speakers like various instruments to change their timbres, and using an octopus as a control system element

Fun nerd school.

>> No.8552790

90% of chads study business or shit-tier humanities degrees.

>> No.8552900

>some are blue-jeans-and-hoodie wearing weirdos
>tfw this is me

>> No.8552918
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>I bet if you make this thread on /fit/ and ask them for a description of the people in their majors you would get the CS people talking about everyone in their major is an absolute sperg faggot and so would the engineerin people there.

>> No.8552928

Yes, the majority are business tards. There are a good amount in STEM as well.

>> No.8552935

>drawing so many shafts i have no time to actually study for my algebra class
what, you're so obsessed with sucking dick that you're drawing them in your notebooks now?

>> No.8552939



I do math as well. The top 1% are well adjusted normies who have everything going for them.

>> No.8552941


>> No.8552948


>How can there be so many chads in such autistic majors?

All the good traits correlate with each other unlike the Hollywood stereotype so

>all the other good genes

Everything goes hand in hand. If I look at my university, the Professors are all very tall and from obviously wealthy backgrounds and none are hideous.

>> No.8552953

>confirmation bias
Awkward lanklet brainlet coasting of daddy's money thinks he's a success

>> No.8552955

this post reeks of shit.

>> No.8552965

might I ask what school?

>> No.8552968

4 girls mate >(

>> No.8552981

There is data confirming the correlation, plus it just makes sense

>> No.8553085

and the winner of our daily low iq contest is

>> No.8553094

>a bunch of dumbfucks oh why did I choose Literature fucking why god

>> No.8553096



>> No.8553102

>my professors are the smartestest people on earth
have you got to the lesson about thinking outside of the box?

>> No.8553106


you've never met an ugly fuck whose 10x smarter than you because he puts in the work? get into the real world kid no one cares what you look like.

>> No.8553139

very few actual math majors but they're nice people, we have a common disdain for engineers so we get along

>> No.8553153
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>some are assholes like this one guy who keeps pouring out his chemical waste down the sink saying it's not his problem

>> No.8553170


I only socialize with CivE's.

>> No.8553188


My incoming class had ~75 students and by senior year we had about 25. My experience is that most people who stuck with chem were fairly normie with a few quirks. They would be okay working/talking with other people, but they have some aspie tendencies that prevented them from becoming a true normie.

Granted, there are a few fratbros and sloots, but most people are tolerable. Classes are about 60/40 male to female. The women are mostly looking at pharma or looking to go into some kind of sales position after college. The men are a lot more focused on going to graduate school, with a much smaller portion looking for work outside of the field.

>> No.8553246

Because you're gonna get a master's and then a phd and then teach, thus perpetuating the cycle of who fucking cares

>> No.8553250

My roommate's an environmental science major and wants to hear if anyone's got any opinions on that

My opinion is that it's not science and it's for hippies.

>> No.8553253

CS at small state school.

Pajeets, typical anime nerds, older people going back to school for the money who always complain about failing Calculus.

>> No.8553271


90% total chads. Like, retarded-level, "How the fuck do I functional" blub-language assholes that are literally just here for a piece of paper so they can go make 100k a year writing python scripts to automate shit for their bosses. Literally know three chads that have pulled this off that graduated before I do.

>Muh Java
>Muh C
>Lol that was hard right guize? But now I python

Btw this is a "really good school".

Then there's also a decent amount of hipster faggots, and they all act like they're cool because they get Bs in everything and are really into javascript. Which is like, okay, I get it, literally everyone uses it, but how does that make you hip?

Then there's a couple total autists, myself included, who cry themselves to sleep every night while jacking off to videos about homotopic type theory. We don't hang out, we all hate each other because of REALLY trivial differences in stuff like freebsd vs openbsd vs netbsd and shit like the best way to implement reversible logic or whatever. It's like a "who has the best quipper fork" contest with these fags but mine's the best and will be most important in 30 years once we get the hardware down.

>> No.8553277

Yeah I don't know about the smart thing. I'm 28 and I fuck a lotta sophomores and they're dumb as bricks.

>> No.8553285

>but mine's the best and will be most important in 30 years once we get the hardware down.

>> No.8553288

how old are they
how do you do it
do you just go "wanna date" and then shag and leave or what im curious

>> No.8553291

If you don't have problems with lying to people...exploitation awaits

>> No.8553308


>> No.8553452

>people who have never touched a boob

>> No.8553465

>Computer Science & Engineering
>a good amount of run of the mill autists with poor conversational skills, a few total shut in sperglord hacker types, some relatively normal guys yet on the reserved side by normal standards, some of the worst women college has to offer

>> No.8553466

They're like 19-20. They're sophomores.
I know a little bit about everything. Not a lot, just enough to be able to figure out in two minutes what they're interested in, what I know about it, how to relate it to something they don't know about, and make it sound like I just totally find them interesting the whole time. Pretty much just make these chicks feel smart and special.

And it isn't like "hey wanna date", it's just playing off the fact that all these yup bitches want attention and giving it to them in a way that doesn't take a lot of thought or effort. Also I mainly go at girls that aren't very obviously crying for attention like most normie hot chicks, but like fine girls that have something weird going on, like their dad left when they were three and maybe touched them or something but they're still smart enough to be fine and not look like total garbage. But who probably look like melvins to chads and who still make the autists awkward. But I'm an autist, too. Idk. They're like fucking 20. It ain't that hard to look smart and interesting to a 20 year old when you're pushing 30 as long as you have your shit together and don't look terrible. I mainly fuck sociology and anthro majors that haven't signed on to the sjw thing... same kinda girls that used to play hella kingdom hearts but didn't really watch animu, like 10 years ago.

>> No.8553468
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hey man >>8553291 <- this wasn't me btw
this was

>> No.8553474

It isn't really about lying. It's about faking being interested in whatever dumbass shit they're into, but by being educated about their dumbass shit. It's not that hard. They don't have that much mental capacity so whatever they're down with takes like 2 seconds to look up and form an opinion on.

>> No.8553478

Okay but for real, it's important to learn the language of shit that hasn't been invented yet (nothing has true qbits), but it can all run on conventional computers, albeit really slowly. That hardware's right around the corner, sort of. When it hits, the fuckers that have been quippering for the twenty years leading up to it are gonna be way ahead of the game.

>> No.8553480

>Theology and Literature
>Amazing, open minded individuals who can offer broship

>> No.8553489


>> No.8553506


literally nothing but autists. there's not a single girl or normie in the entire class

>> No.8553546
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Biological Anthropology

Not much really outside of
>Self-aware pre-laws who want to study something neat before they kill themselves in law school to become paralegals forever
>SJW's with an agenda
>Wannabe Archaeologists who have no idea how fucked they are
>Normies looking for "adventure"
>The person who is doing this to become a legit anthropologist and try to better the field
Pretty even mixture of all to be honest.

Beat the shit out of Biology aka Nu Pre-Med. At least pre-laws are self-aware in that they'll end up paralegals forever with a slight glimmer of hope at becoming an actual lawyer.

>> No.8553559

Glad to know I have a shot at gradschool then

>> No.8553561


>> No.8553572

>restaurant management

Literally the whole class is spics in their late 30s - early 40s that have like ten fucking kids each. They all are senior managers at places like iHop, Chipotle, McDonalds, etc. Their English is terrible and their Spanish is even worse (a chi a chi a chabez a guey). I don't think 90% of these people are actually enrolled in this school, and they just sort of show up and talk shit on the while kids about the dumbest shit. This guy got on my case the other day about having a stain on my backpack. Who washes their fucking backpacks??? I'm taking 10 goddamn units, and I'm not sure if any of these fuckers are getting anything out of it other than bragging rights to their coworkers for "being in school".

The other day, one of my classmates called me a pussy for not scheduling my classes around my work schedule where I go to class at 6am and finish work at 2am and just have a big fucking gap in the middle of my day for three hours. Like what the fuck is wrong with these guys, I need to sleep some time. They're all obviously on meth, too, but they deny the shit out of it.

I wanna switch my fucking major to civic engineering so that I can design the wall that they oughta build and pay for, but I'm too retarded.

>> No.8553580

Civil is literally the easiest shit u spleef

>> No.8553582

Easier than whatever the fuck you major in where you don't need to know English?

>> No.8553583

Ausfag here, doing double major or someshit

> Commerce (Economics/Finance) (70% chinese, rest are white)

> So many fob Chinese who can't speak english
> old money rich private school kids
> A few spergs, not many
> Average white people like myself, not normie but not robots

> Mechanical Engineering

> Lots of nerdy pajeets
> Some fob chinese
> Not many white people
> Some dudebros

>> No.8553585

Not the guy you asked but yes,

Chemical physics with a minor in computer science

>like 80% meme tier autists
>10% only show up for exams and midterms
>10% a mix of people from various degrees who are taking a CS credit for whatever reason
>probably the ugliest group of students across both genders
>massive amounts of Asians right off the boat

>really wide range of students
>most aren't there because they particularly like chemistry, they just want a stem degree for jobs but couldn't do engineering
>there are some qt chicks tho, however usually in biochem

>people I associate with most
>most of them are there because they like physics
>about half are borderline autists, they can have regular social interaction but they're not too good at it

>> No.8553586

Which are you?

>> No.8553588

>lives in ontario

haha wheelie

>> No.8553613

outsource the design to mexicans dumbass, that's why you're not a business major

>> No.8553631

the way you type makes you sound like a gigantic dumbass anon. I can't imagine how vapid the women you shag are.

>> No.8553651

Can confirm, I'm the only STEM major from my pledge class, there are just a few of us that hide our minor autism I guess.

>> No.8553652

>>10% only show up for exams and midterms

this, more like 20%

>> No.8553847


>All women and Psychologyfags

>> No.8553868

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8553885
File: 480 KB, 206x196, 1366113509853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I poured a little bit of liquid nitrogen down the sink

>mfw I potentially exposed myself to a viral vector

>> No.8553891

>medicine (MD/PhD)
>people are very nice, helpful, not at all what I though these kinds of students would be like
>65% women in my class though (everyone is very left-leaning, muh feelings-arguments about ethics, etc etc)

>> No.8553897

On Nov 8th I had people presenting their research where most of my biomedical class (hons/master/phd students and professors) were losing their shit about donald trump winning the election. Biggest smile I've had yet and I'm left-leaning too.

>> No.8554026


How is that even possible?

>> No.8554196

It's cs so that's acceptable and what I do unless the class is scheduled between two other classes

>> No.8554208


>> No.8554348

>good looking girls
>98% idiots who think that another narrative account of some event will bring the discipline forward
>"Statistics? Variables? Vector-autoregression? I only trust qualitative account. Numbers don't mean anything. Everything is socially constructed!"
The discipline only is a meme, because of all these lazy, inept retards who want to push their agenda.

>> No.8554385

>"Statistics? Variables? Vector-autoregression? I only trust qualitative account. Numbers don't mean anything. Everything is socially constructed!"

Fucking this. I am a sociology major but the first year was basically the same as PoliSci. Everyone is a math retard and trys to justify it by saying some bullshit arguments about qualitative studys.

>people are mostly dumb
>have no idea what they want to do with the degree
>also usually have no interest in the subject
>the feminists all dropped out after year 1

>> No.8554911
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I go to Georgia Tech.

The most annoying thing to happen in recent-ish times is when the Wal-Mart at Tech Square moved out. Now I have to go to Publix to get my groceries like I'm some sort of caveman.

>> No.8555640

I'm a math major but all my friends are depressed, self loathing Physics majors (some with a double in math). I was Physics when I got here so that's why I know them a lot better.

Even the phys friends I make that don't know my friends are sim; it's weird but I love it.

Can't say much about math students yet, but fuck the wannabe teachers. fucking hell they are annoying and make me fear for the children they'll potentially be responsible for

>> No.8555992 [DELETED] 
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Just fucking kill me. The program is nearly 95% women (not exaggerating) and they are all fat, brain-dead, SJWs. Each one is struggling with some kind on emotional issue this has somehow consistently manifested in a desire to overeat and become a psych major). They then project their issues on everything.

There are four other guys in the program; three of them are fags -actual fags, the dick-sucking kind- and the other is the token Ebonic speaker.

This is why the mental health field is such shit.

>> No.8555998

>P cool guys, laid back and chill. The general opinion is that some of us are annoying and loud though (mostly me)

>> No.8556020

Fuck dude, I guessed that when I read your OP last night. Nerd+chad certainly sounded like GT but I wasn't sure if all ME departments were like that.

I'm in CSE.

>> No.8556113

>But who probably look like melvins to chads and who still make the autists awkward.

My friend's plight. Not hot enough for Chad, to hot for the autists. I'm worried she'll get to the point where she'll grab some guy and rape him.

>> No.8556141

>healthy mix of autists and normies, mostly normies

>> No.8556159

maybe if a normie is defined as 'anyone who socializes regularly or has had a gf'

>> No.8556163

that's what a normie is though

>> No.8556164

>autists but like...likable autists. Like autist engineers tend to be pretentious obnoxious know it alls. math autists tend to be nice, laid back and easy to get along with just hopelessly boring and awkward.

>> No.8556192

>Software Engineering First in the thread bitches!
>Thinking about a double major in Applied Mathematics

>Plenty of pajeets to go around even though the school is literally in the middle of the desert.

>25% are in it for the money.
>25% literally cannot into computers.
>30% think this is CS.
>20% have an idea of what the degree means.

Don't know how to distinguish the different majors but those who I see regularly in the same courses seem a tad bit assbergy and there's a 50/50 chance of them being a normie.

What are: The upsies and downsies of Applied Maths?

>> No.8556194

>>Software Engineering
hahaha what

>> No.8556203

You heard me, want to fight m8?

>> No.8556208


Sperglords everywhere. Smelly, retarded, sperglords. I literally end up giving girl advice AND CS advise to my fucking classmates since they're all shit at programming, and they're all shit with women.

>> No.8556209

i got some pretty normie research lab mates as well as total autists but i consider myself to be both autist-like and very socially competent. there's always an exeption

>> No.8556211

dude, some of the cs students at my uni are literal turbo brony autists.

it is astounding

>> No.8556214


I agree that "good" genes seem to come in bunches, but

1. Inherent social awkwardness and inherent intelligence seem to go hand, the farther you are from the center of the bell curve, the harder communication with other humans is

2. Given that there are only 24 hours in a day and skill is proportional to time spent practicing, we have to choose what we end up getting good at. If you spend all day socializing, you will have great social skills, but you won't be a research scientist. If you spend all day studying physics, the inverse is obviously true.

I have intelligence, good looks, height, wealth, physical fitness and social awkwardness because I spent so much time studying instead of communicating with humans. The cool thing about being fit and good looking is that I can still get laid. If I was only average looking, given my charm/communication skills, I would be SOL.

>> No.8556284

Liquid nitrogen is one thing, dangerous carcinogenic heavy metals is another.

>> No.8556335


20% non feminist semi normie girls .
40% Pajeets and Changs.
40% Mild autists to decent Normie's
Fair number weebs and turbo autists.

Mostly pretty social and know our shit. Our CS is very competitive there are assloads of people wanting to go CS and not enough room and the average GPA here is 3.8.

>> No.8556343

>no discipline, no intellect, no intuition, require coddling, cannot apply theory to practice need lots of instructing, always compain about how hard their lives are

>> No.8556346

People are pretty nerdish, some don't know how to talk to girls

>> No.8556359

>I am asocial and I do not go out with them nor talk to them.

>> No.8556363

>Biomedical Science
There's a mix of really sociable people and extremely autistic. Men outnumbers by grills. Several chads that are quite vocal and have likely worked the way around the class

>> No.8556364


More women than men. Most people are nice and social, I guess you could call them... normal?

>> No.8556370

Complete normalfags and medicine rejects. I don't really know what else I expected. I only joined because it was one of the only majors you could begin during summer.

>> No.8556391
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>mostly normie, non-austistic environmentalists and animal lovers
>majority either focused on plants, zoology/wildlife bio, or GIS
>classes are easy as fuck
>love learning about animal taxonomy, nature, and stats
>most of my classes have extremely long labs outside, learning through experience, develop social skills because of the amount of human interaction
> All professors either research organisms or are crazy naturalists who can ID that tree you're thinking of before you even thought of it
>mfw I feel like I'm learning practical skills for the field I'm trying to enter

>> No.8556431

Ayy i do biomedical science here in NZ, and this sounds about right

>> No.8556454

>Computer Science
Mostly just normies, a few smelly autists who asked stupid questions constantly and seemed to have mostly dropped out by now (third year)

You'd think the autismos would be the smart ones but oh boy you'd be wrong

>> No.8556460

>Pure Math
>A lot more women than I expected

>> No.8556474

I did my degree in maths and computer science and Ive TA'd computer science for several years.

People are either extremely bizarre and introverted or incredibly normal, well-adjusted, and well-rounded. Surprisingly everyone got along.

>Computer science
90% are geeky in some manner. Large amounts of shy people who only talk to 1 or 2 people. I wouldn't call the general atmosphere anti-intellectual, everyone seems to enjoy some aspect of computer science, but the intellectual juggernauts are few and far between, and they tend to be obnoxiously autistic

>> No.8556480

Current medicine reject here considering pharmacy school. Any friendly advice?

>> No.8556482

You sound like a tremendous faggot. Thank you for shitting up this world.

>> No.8556491

Bonus round: did philosophy minor and in a past life did half a BA degree.

Optimistic hipster twees, hottest grills, most people were actually pretty smart and well-rounded

Lots of ethnics, shit students with no work ethic or passion for learning

Tonnes of ethnics, lots of (ugly) grills, I was almost the only guy in these classes. First year courses were filled with idiots.

Probably the most diverse classes. Lots of dude bros, unpleasant autists, dainty hipsters

>> No.8556492

>height correlated with intelligence
not at the extreme end of intellect

>> No.8556608

Asking the wrong person. In Germany, you can do a pharmacy degree straight out of high school, and I'm only in my fourth out of eight semesters, so you've probably got more experience than me. It all depends on what you want to do. The focus is on chemistry, specifically analytical chemistry. Since most pharma graduates (80%) actually end up working in a pharmacy, the program is tailored to that audience, so if you like checking prescriptions and counting pills, you'll be right at home. But my physical chemistry professor is always complaining that the industry is snatching away graduates before finishing their Ph.D., so you've got options. If you like QA and shit. For research, you can specialize in pharmaceutical technology, chemistry, pharmacology and biology, so you'll end up as a "jack of all sciences", so to say.

I'd say the program consists of 50% chemistry, 40% bio and medicine and 10% math and physics. But if you're going to treat the program as a bargain deal medicine degree, you're going to regret it.

>> No.8556616

>everyone is very left-leaning, muh feelings-arguments about ethics, etc etc)
you aren't even trying to hide your anti-intellectual attitude

>> No.8556638

Are stem programs free in your university? What uni is that,maybe we are in a same uni.

>> No.8556650

Here in Spain university is not exactly free, but it can be pretty cheap, especially if you get goverment subsidies for being poor or living far away or for having a mean mark of 8 or higher. Also, if you get a 9.5 or higher in a subject with X credits, then next year you won't have to pay for those X credits.

If you manage it well, you can end up almost getting paid to go to uni, which is pretty comfy.

>> No.8557370

>What is geology like?
Geology is fucking amazing.
As to whether or not there's any jobs in it, the trick is to go into the areas that require math. Geophysicists are never unemployed.
There's lots of "Cs get Degrees" types in geology, so if you have any drive you're probably going to graduate in the top 10% and have little to no real competition.

>> No.8557379
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>tfw high IQ, low height

>> No.8557384
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>Software Engineering
Everyone is either a hyperautist or mathematical genius, as it's one of the harder programs to get into at my school. Lots of people dead set on moving to California and making millions. Everyone is always working on some crazy side project or going to a weekend hackathon. It's actually pretty cool to be around so many motivated and bright people desu, but the hypercompetitive dickwaving can get tiring at times.

Also, no girls.

>> No.8557415

>tfw closest group that describes me is the hipsters

Just end my life senpai.

>> No.8557501

Nearly exclusively normies. More girls than boys.

Many normies, but also a lot of weebs and people unironically dying their hair and wearing fedoras.

>> No.8557502

People who stress too much. Incessantly.

>> No.8557509

What is your country?

>> No.8557525

>mathematical genius
Pick one.

>> No.8557617

>Biomedical Eng
Seems like the most normie bunch in engineering though.I've been in modules with EE, mech, CS and civil. EE are probably the smartest but theres a lot of weirdos in that group. Mech seem to be normal dudes with slightly above average intelligence, same with civil. Computer scientists are one of 2 things, lazy idiots who wont make it through their degree or autistic savants. There is no middle ground.

Come to think of it I dont know anyone in our class who actually has a passion for biomedical engineering. I think a lot of people picked it cause they thought it would be easy, I picked it for the money.

>> No.8557620

I'll talk about my class of 10 - I haven't been to many lectures.

>the normie who wants to go into finance
>the engineering enthusiast who started the rocket club
>the wannabe lad who plays sports all the time and hang out with the lads
>mysterious posh boy who is quite sarcastic and weird, gave my bf a hickey once
>the oddly spacey girl who never blinks and talks as if you might hit her
>the girl who parties a lot and is concerned with being popular and le randum and dresses in eye-watering colours
>the complete autist who can't have conversations and basically doesn't talk
>the guy who cannot have a serious conversation, literally everything he says is 'bant' or sarcastic or ironic
>the guy who actually seems to like physics and is good at it, hailed by everyone as 'the one to beat' i.e. 'the unbeatable'. He's smart but not philosophical. Somewhat socially incapable. Survives on 'bant'.

And then there's me, who has an existential crisis every time she thinks about anything. Chronically late. Gets the tutor into philosophical discussions as often as possible. Hey, we still cover the work.

I live with English students, and they seem far more interested in their subject than the physics bods. They'll have a philosophical conversation at the drop of a hat, but often they get into politics or analyse people instead.

>> No.8557641

people who actual give a shit about bio surrounded in a sea of med normeis

>> No.8557679

Most Chem majors that I've met are normies. The chicks are super hot too. Maybe it's just my school.

>> No.8557693

Sweet merciful jesus I am so glad we got rid of people like you in the first two semesters.

>> No.8557711


>> No.8557718

sounds like Waterloo

>> No.8557721

what class is that

>> No.8557756


> Neurotically over-competitive people
> Love to humbly brag about the fact that they are medical students to anybody who'd listen
> Constantly over-exaggerate how hard the course is (it's fucking easy desu, literally rote memorisation)
> Every single one of them is leftist as fuck, classic bleeding heart liberals who can only ever argue from emotion
> Loudly and aggressively sociable (this one especially irks me as it makes my autism all the more obvious)
> Ridiculously abusive of alcohol, love nothing more than to talk about how much they had to drink at some-society-event. Drugs are kind of taboo though, strangely (probably because evidence of drug user is enough to bar you from medical register)
> Upper-middle class hippies everywhere
> Overflowing with pakis and Indians
> Many of the aforementioned brown folk obviously have no real desire to pursue medicine, and have clearly been coerced into it by parents
> I am one of those pakis

My biggest regret is not leaving this course 2 years ago when I was considering a change. My second biggest regret is getting into it in the first place. I'm too old, too far in and too indebted now to start another course. I guess medicine is my life now.

>> No.8557761


>class of 10


>> No.8557769

the people in my year in my college (oxford shit)

>tfw I'm a second-year
>tfw I go to a better university than you

>> No.8557770

no what's the name of the class

>> No.8557776

it doesn't have a name, it's just the people in my year at my college.
last year we had classes together (instead of tutorials of 2/3 people) so that's what I call them

>> No.8557791

I'm in med school too, I always tell people I work at Starbucks. Pretty sure we're on different continents but it's literally the same shit here.

Do you just hate the social circle or do you just not enjoy medicine?

>> No.8557792
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double fixed

>> No.8557800

>not dual majoring in business and stem

>> No.8557803

Criminal Justice
7 of my classmates are PC and SJWs while the rest are pretty cool people who do their studies and are quiet.

>> No.8557869
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>Computer engineering
>pic related

>> No.8557881


Literally retarded. This is why you don't take career advice from students.

Geology is saturated. With oil AND mining down, even the env market is flooded with experienced, unemployed geologists. Did you graduate in the top 10% of your class. Congrats, you're not eligible to wait in the back of the employment line.

Have a geophysics BS? Oh, no one told you you needed a masters to work in that field? You are need an MS to work in the field and you're not even eligible for regular geology jobs because you lack the proper background. Oh you do have an MS? Oh, I guess no one told you your entire skillset is only relevant to oil & gas, welcome to unemployment.

>> No.8558344

>3/4 of the people enrolled dropped out in the freshman year.
>Only aspies and a hot autistic red head with foot fetish stayed.
>I will try to bang the redhead qt
>It may happen because I am an aspie Chad inside this pack of weirdos

>> No.8558354

Law school

Mostly passionate people who have some cause they want to help. It's a mix of fairly smart people and people who aren't very smart but compensate by studying a lot - some even going as far as to do 14 hours a day, 6 times a week. So most of them work hard, but there are also those who are pretty lazy and only chose law school for the money.

>> No.8558384


>> No.8558390

>aspie Chad

Fuck off, you're just a fucking normie.

>> No.8558395

>you're just a fucking normie
Kek.I would love to.I am aspie as fuck

>> No.8558402

>I am aspie as fuck
>I am an aspie Chad

It's like you think pretending to be an aspie on the internet is funny. You're a fucking normie. Now get out of my safe space and go fuck some fucking redhead Stacey who you think is an "autist" because she's sucked less than 30 dicks.

>> No.8558409

>dangerous carcinogenic heavy metals is another
fair enough, but when the LN2 went in the sink, there's potential for the pipes to crack and also you could see the gas clouds frothing from the sink. I had a mini panic attack but no one found out.

>> No.8558411

>You're a fucking normie
I am not.I am almost a hkv dude

>> No.8558419

you arent the other oxford physics girl on /lit/, right?

>> No.8558444
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>> No.8558465
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>get a D in calc 2
>still have to retake it
What the fuck is the point of having a D grade then? Give me a fail so I can at least feel like I lost.

>> No.8558477

>math major master race
people? literally all kinds in this shithole but ill tell you what kind of people i had in my recent physics class.

>autistic faggot who's dad bred him for academic success, his dad was an engineer, was an asshole to the people who had jobs or made them feel like shit for not understanding
>hot girl who everyone though was a slut but was actually pretty smart but very likely still a slut
>fat asian autistic dude from another country who had a funny accent and got good grades but low confidence.
>asian dude who never said a word
>handful of lazy people who somehow got a better grade than me
>cool dude with a 9 to 5 who was pretty cool
>fake tough guy who just wanted a friend, was obsessed with cars, and weightlifting to get girls
>nerd anime weeb nerdo who was kinda smart
>literal waste of a body jock type dude

anyways, then there was me a psuedo smart guy who tries to hard to be smart but lowkey got on peoples nerves at some point in the semester, an a tad bit of a hypocrite, and i complained a lot.

anyways, for you guys in elite schools can i get some advice pls. How is the workload compared to a CC, and im 27 with a 2.8 with a chance to get a 3.0-3.5 gpa, can i still get into a good school?

>> No.8558495

D is passing, but courses that have prerequisites usually say that you need to get a C- or better in the previous class before you can move on to the harder class.

>> No.8558500

yes, there is only one oxford girl.

>> No.8558503

>omg he's tall and handsome. he must be so intelligent!
this is what it looks like when girls are allowed to voice their opinions publicly

>> No.8558548

>get a D in calc 2

>> No.8558803


/sci/ self-esteem defense mechanism activate!! Admit it, chad have good body, good genes, good lifestyle, good health, so he's probably have a better brain than you nerd hurting your ankle all day.

>> No.8558903

>ywn be Chad

>> No.8558905

>everyone there thinks they'll win the Nobel prize and only like physics because muh quantum memes.
>they laugh at me for liking classical physics more that modern one.

>> No.8558907

*than modern one

>> No.8558909

Freshman year?

>> No.8558919

You're the only one of them that will get a job and has a chance to make real breakthroughs outside of multi billion dollar experimental results.

>> No.8558942

Thanks for the support m8.

>> No.8558970

Out of curiosity, why would you prefer classical physics to modern?

The phenomena in classical physics are pretty uninteresting compared to the absolute fuckery that shows up in QM

>> No.8559004

so we can filter out more retards with the curve

>> No.8559010

This comment is so typical from someone who studied "physics" with almost zero mathematical sophistication which is getting increasingly typical in shitty state school physics programmes.

>> No.8559018

Oddly enough, there are very few med rejects in my pharm school.

You made a good decision seeing how a PharmD might do most of the GP's roles in the future. Course material is less bullshit and somewhat more practical and people are generally not overly competitive and it's the healthcare faculty where most people aim for Cs instead of As.

>> No.8559062

>Even though it's technically filled with EE majors, everyone is virtually a normie
>Some of the kids are really retarded
>There's this one kid obsessed with the word quantum
>Uses quantum in everyday conversations unironically
>See him filling out an internship application
>Uses the words quantum in his resume
>He has a coffee talk with a professor about his research
>Starts sperging out
>muh quantum n shieet
>Professor rolls his eyes so hard they fall out of their sockets
>He becomes permanently blind

>> No.8559107

there are loads of oxford girls, theres only one Oxford Girl

>> No.8559195

I pick both. Nice meme though.

yep, thank mr goose

>> No.8559250

>Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>Normies, some of them are fine, some others are narcisistic assholes. Either way, 99% of them are studying pharma because they didn't make it into medicine school and need a degree to get a good paying job.

>> No.8559252

>then there's me, who has an existential crisis every time she thinks about anything.

>> No.8559283

Nuclear engineering

Brown people and retards

>> No.8559288

huh, theres a noticeably hot red head in my EE course as well, where are you from?

>> No.8559341


You're probably frome the same uni. I did one year of EE and there were 3 women in the whole class, only one of which was identifable as such.

EE had the least social people.

Switched to physics. These are cooler I think, they're there for the physics. Mostly seem to be still living with their parents though. There is some immaturity. There's some great people there.

Also did biology. They were not as hippy as I had hoped to be. Mostly /Ifuckinglovescience/ fanboiss, doing 'actual' science. Couldn't really relate.

Took some finance/engaged in that stuff. Really different from all above. Normie tier, but all living way above their class, which is beautiful in some sense.

Overall, there were cool people in each major. Just need to search a little more in some.

>> No.8559491

>mostly seem to be living with their parents though

Is this how it shouldn't be in college? I cannot understand how any colllege student (especially STEM) could afford to pay for their own living. I mean, I could see how and it would be a stretch but it would just make more sense to save money

>t. Loser

>> No.8559526

which school

>> No.8559562

>Then there's a couple total autists, myself included, who cry themselves to sleep every night while jacking off to videos about homotopic type theory. We don't hang out, we all hate each other because of REALLY trivial differences in stuff like freebsd vs openbsd vs netbsd and shit like the best way to implement reversible logic or whatever. It's like a "who has the best quipper fork" contest with these fags but mine's the best and will be most important in 30 years once we get the hardware down.
did I write this and forget about it?

>> No.8559889

how could anybody be offended by this. rofl

t. manlet engineering student barely passing

>> No.8559891
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>aeronautics engineering
>most people think too highly of themselves that or they have a enormous superiority complex but thats the way I view them. And the way I view them is probably a projection of my own insecurities.

>> No.8559934
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Web Dev
people who thought "imma be a leet haxxor" and are now stuck here because they are too lazy to change.

the few with an actualy passion for programming and are stuck here because ate MBO4 level there isnt any CS/SE courses.

das about it.

>> No.8560065

>CS at a US top 100 university

Most of the people in the major already had a job in the industry before starting the program. It makes getting an A difficult but as long as you show up you pass. Most of the people in the program are smart and motivated. They filter out most students by the upper level students. Because our school is so large with so many students (60k+) the filter classes are often merciless. Most students talk about these classes and their schoolwork. Most students are social but they don't have the time because our coursework is time consuming. They're often great people but I've seen many of them fail or drop out. It's really sad and lonely. I just graduated and there were people I recognized at the ceremony which was nice. I'm very extroverted and love to go out but I was often restricted because of workload like most of the people in CS. There are legitimate geniuses in our program. Everyone is nice and understanding in our major but sometimes we feel neglected. We're in the same college as engineers but we are largely seen as outsiders. Engineering students don't see Computer Science students as equals at my university. It's a

>> No.8561714

>Tryhards, and normies who wanted an impressive major title

>> No.8562850

Economics - Frat boys or above average intelligent normal people

Stats - Chinese people and nerdy people

Spanish - Normal people who are more left than a typical university student

>> No.8563092

>Aeroespace Engineering
>Decent girls and top lads, all knowing that Mechanical Engineering would yield better chances at getting a job

>> No.8563161

>You'd think the autismos would be the smart ones but oh boy you'd be wrong

this is true

>> No.8564366

What college?

>> No.8564374

That's literally the definition of normie

>> No.8564441

Physics engineering
About 50/50 between people thinking we'll be the best engineers and normies

>> No.8564443

Is it fun? I have the possibility to study NE in my Masters degree

>> No.8564445

>Physics engineering

wtf is that?

>> No.8564457

Same here, stay strong my brethen

>> No.8564462

>tfw undecided

You guys are really spooking me

I don't know what the fuck to declare

>> No.8564466

Kind of the bridge between engineering and pure physics. I do EE, advanced mech, optics, QM, etc. Many people end up going into research while others are given the tools to perform well in many fields or even do a Masters in another field

>> No.8564467

its the repackaged "general engineer" curriculum.

>> No.8564484

Your short description is the same for my major: Physics.

>> No.8564519

>Computer Science
>Mainly nice people, autistic, positive, not prejudging, liking memes, small amount of girls

>> No.8564545

I pour shit down the sink all the time. Dilute anything enough and it's fine.

>> No.8564635

How is UPenn? Might go there for grad school in med

>> No.8564704

I literally thought "This guy is from Tech" while reading this. I go to UGA. Sounds pretty similar to what I experience in Athens, but I was a chem major so it's probably different from all the Chads that go here.

>> No.8564711
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>Absolutely no respect for science, all but one of lecturers is a continental, everybody is obsessed with hermeneutics, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis and feminism, thought process of the majority consists out of flying in the clouds
It's so bad that I'm considering switching major to physics and studying works of Vienna Circle and such as a hobby. This really is not what I was expecting from a field claiming to be the foundation of all sciences.

>> No.8564725

Guess I'll respond to what it's like here.
>>Chemistry (B.S. CHEM, there are two different chem majors at UGA, one is more pre-med and the one I listed is for graduate school.)
>>Comparable to what other's posted, everyone is mostly normal but still somewhat weird.
>>All grills are normies

Just graduated Uni this month, waiting to hear back from grad schools soon.

>> No.8565760

>Political Science
>I can't characterize my major because there are literally thousands of us.

Fucking Houston, man.

>> No.8565785

>political science
never gets old

>> No.8565936

>falling for the university meme


>> No.8565947

>lots of asians, but they're actually from asian countries; chinese is an often-heard language
If you are talking about Waterwu, this is a fucking understatement. I left res within my first week because I was the only person on my entire floor not speaking Mandarin, and transferred out after the first semester where all five profs spoke with very heavy accents, and one TA taught my CS lab entirely in Mandarin.

>> No.8565963

BA geography on a pre med track

Just decided to do pre-med. Not worried about med school or mcat pre-reqs, but what about other shit? Volunteering, leadership, etc etc for med school? Planning on becoming president of my school's geography club but have no idea how to fuckin volunteer. I'm mostly normie. Any medfags want to help out?

>> No.8565976

This is true. It is just hard for people on here to swallow this pill

>> No.8565992

Third world university
Love physics classes so far, math classes are theorem focused soviet programs, you can get As by just memorizing shit.Students can be divided to 2 categories, those who memorise everything and those who don't, theres no middle ground.Will definetly continue studying abroad after graduation.

>> No.8566016
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>> No.8566017

>Actuarial Science
>Business, econ, accounting, programming courses are all piss easy and boring; free B+'s and A's
>Math courses are hard, but I enjoy them very much for the challenge

I'm considering switching to a mathematics major.

>> No.8566020


Doesn't engineering physics qualify as meme degree?

>> No.8566026

Double majoring Kinesiology and Physics, planning on going to grad school for Biomechanics.
Kin Majors:
>1% people who want to do the sort of thing I do
>10% people who want to go into PT/OT
>89% athletes/burn outs who just want easy classes

>100% autists

>> No.8566043

A friend of mine was a philosophy major. When they were studying the Greeks, his professor brought up Zeno's paradox and then at the end added that calculus offered a solution.

If you love philosophy, physics or math is a solid bet. I just started reading Newton's Principia, and in the foreward he talks about attempts to reconcile philosophy and mechanics which made me all giddy. Basically any philosopher worth anything went into the sciences past the 1700s, the rest are just masturbating about solipsism and taking psychedelics.

>> No.8566045

Including you?

>> No.8566048

I'm not autistically good enough at math to go anywhere with it, and I've got pretty good connections to the maritime law industry here.

Easy Money > Passion & Hard Work

>> No.8566049

Economics (technically it's a licenciature, not a major, but whatever)

Lots of normies, Chads and Stacies, only a couple are really interested in it as a science (>inb4 STEM are the only real sciences). Also, there's always a bunch of Marxists, but they are harmless.

>> No.8566051

>all these people saying their maths courses are full of normies
What the actual fuck? Is this just cause you guys are in shit unis or is mine just weird? Studying maths and everyone in my course is weird as FUCK. Antisocial, completely socially inept, totally focused on their studies. I'm part of the 1% who go out and socialize, unfortunately I'm afraid that number will get even smaller since I'm pretty sure most of the non-autists don't have what it takes (in terms of both intelligence and passion for the subject) to see their degree through to the end.

>> No.8566055

Mathematics with Economics at LSE

50% poo in loo
Everyone is some normie high-achiever from school who goes to 6 meet and greets and 8 internship meetings every week and turns up to class in a suit having just come back from an interview with some financial firm. They're also the most boring and dull people on the planet.

>> No.8566069


Oh, also, thanks to the socio-economic structure of my country, Economics is very elitist, so we are mostly white and upper middle class.

>> No.8566093

Mechanical Engineering.

A large portion is people who are borderline retarded but want an engineering degree because they think that will verify that they are smart.

>> No.8566114

Mechanical Engineering.

I also live in an all engineering dorm. Most everyone is very weird but its ok because they fit in with the other weird engineers.

>> No.8566281

Kek, this sounds pretty faimmiliar, I also study physics. We started out with 90 people, but we were weeded out to 25. I'll just describe the general vibe:

>The kid who is interested in physics but is not smart enough to make it, and you feel actually sorry for him
>The person who has no idea why he picked physics in the first place, and passes everything by the skin of his teeth. Eventually he realises physics is not for him and he quits
>The autist that will put his jacket on the chair left of him, and his bag on the chair right to him so no one sits next to him
>The general quirky phycisist (makes up around 40-50% of the people). They wear mostly old, not fashionable comfy clothes. They are actually quite sociable but have a couple of quirks
>The braniac, people that are so smart that it actually blows your mind
>People who just show up at tests, and you don't see otherwise
>Normies, well they sometimes finish the degree and then decide physics is not for them
>The beta orbiters, shy somewhat social guys that are kv's

>>mysterious posh boy who is quite sarcastic and weird, gave my bf a hickey once

>The weird guy, (like me), I flirt with guys for the lulz (no homo, I swear), show people weird youtube videos, always in a state of sarcasm

>> No.8566314

>>The kid who is interested in physics but is not smart enough to make it, and you feel actually sorry for him
This almost never happens. I think it is a very dangerous and cancerous myth that you need to be smart to be a scientist.

Anyone can do it if they study. I believe that the popular media has giiven everyone a wrong idea of what science is, and physics is a good example if we consider that physics divulgation is somewhat popular. "The kid who is interested in physics" is most of the time, someone who enjoyed watching Neil deGrasse Tyson and liked divulgation books, not someone who had a good time with a physics textbook solving problems. I would argue that only the latter is interested in physics.

>People who just show up at tests, and you don't see otherwise
That's me when I was in college. And it is going to be me next year when I go back.

>> No.8566345

Masters in Mechatronics

>90% dudes
>50% pajeets and chinks
>rest are mostly normies, some aspies but no CS level aspies.
>most people don't for that masters specifically but we get to do some cool stuff and the employment opportunities are great.

Don't really talk to the people in class though since I have other circles on campus i hang with.

>> No.8566358

there is a difference between thinking physics are interesting and being interested in physics.
I enjoy reading about the cool shit they but as soon as they start rolling out the differential equations i GTFO

t. engineering student

>> No.8566359

>le omg im so random xD xD


>> No.8566416

aye houston anon here, where do you study?

only good uni around here is rice anyhow

>> No.8566433

>only good uni is Rice anyhow.
this so fucking much.

>> No.8566499

>but as soon as they start rolling out the differential equations i GTFO
Fellow engineering, but seriously? Are you seriously afraid of babby-tier diffeqs?

>> No.8566507

Can you tell me anything about Mechatronics? Are you in the US?
I would be interested in doing either Mechatronics or EE for my masters. I'm a CompE.

I intend to be rather interdisciplinary (not just robots), but I feel like I wouldn't get enough specific stuff in Mechatronics and I don't want to miss out on some EE stuff.

I'm good autodidact though, I can easily learn from books. On the other hand, I'm in Europe and Mechatronics is very close to MechE here so I would need to teach myself lot of MechE stuff.

>> No.8566512

numerical methods is going to blow your mind my man.

>> No.8566548


Im a grad student but i just find math boring. Just a tool about as interesting as a spoon to me. There's a lot of neat shit in there but its not for me for the people that care but I don't

Since I'm doing my masters in control engineering i have to do my fair share of equation juggling but its with the knowledge that I will never do it again.

>> No.8566567

The main focus of the program is really control systems, like 50% of the courses are elective though so there's a lot of room for specialization.

We have people with EE, mechE, engPhysics and a few compE background but of of us came from our mechatronics bachelor which here is closer to compE and EE than mechE desu.

It can be very interdisciplinary depending on course choices. I can pick from mechE courses and pure compSci courses.

>> No.8566645

Wish I'd gone to Rice, honestly. I attend U of H because it actually has a law school and Rice told me to pay full price or fuck off.

>> No.8566662

Are you my cousin who goes to dartmouth?

>> No.8566803

Nigger anyone with less than a B in any maths got through by a fluke.

Re-take it until A, brainlet.

>> No.8566984

>>8557881 <<<you should listen to this guy

>Mostly frat bros who have daddies in the oil industry. Geology is very easy, so the dumbest of the frat bros are in there. The people who don't shower and survive solely on granola are in the Environmental Sciences. People who started in Geophysics all transferred to the Physics dept.
I'm in Texas and yeah even major oil companies have fired a large percentage of their geologists. Even people who had the hookup through a family member to become employed after graduation are fucked. My plan is to stay in academia, during this downturn. After getting a fully funded PhD I'll go into industry, or become a consultant of some sort, or transition into planetary science. The geologists in academia are whacked outta their minds and it's really hard to convince NSF to give you grants to study a mountain range that isn't profitable.

>> No.8566988

I know some real dumb asses that got into Rice for free. Not sure how, like they told my valedictorian to fuck off, but accepted my friend ranked at #5 of our class. Very confusing.

>> No.8567450

>applied maths
>95% normies
>1% childish nerds
>1% geniuses wannabe
there is this emo nerd guy and his friend that keep talking utter shit that they read about on wikipedia or watch on youtube videos
nothing makes me want to kill myself more than dealing with their retardness

>> No.8567460

you're living my dream senpai, i envy you

>> No.8567466

tfw I go to Waterloo and all my professors speak normally, when they have an accent it's usually very slight and you can still understand them

>> No.8567468

Maybe the valedictorian was boring, they seem to select against people who just have grades and nothing else

>tfw you have to be a normie to get into top schools these days too

>> No.8567497
File: 20 KB, 436x200, skewness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grad student in Statistics. 90% Chinese autists in department. 3 Black people all at bottom of class and will go on to work in Gov and make lots of money; Affirmative Action killing society.

>> No.8568331
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Mathematics, bachelor.

7 normies, one guy who struggles with socializing (but probably not autistic, since he's funny) one child savant aspie who does nothing but brag about how good he is (he almost dropped out of real analysis, kek), and me (who you can classify as an autist because I post on 4chan).

>> No.8568352

>I've always wanted to marry an econ major,
no you don't, they're whores.

>> No.8568356

Im in a 3rd world uni too. Please lets share info :D where are you from, dude?

>> No.8568358

this post is going to get a lot of hate from the genetic trash of the board.
Just accept it. you're unintelligent, unattractive, socially retarded and the genepool would be better off without you

>> No.8568363


I'm one of maths majors surrounded by normies, and yes, I go to a shit uni.

> I'm part of the 1% who go out and socialize


What's with that 3%?

>one child savant aspie
>he almost dropped out of real analysis, krk

Fucking how

>> No.8568522

Nobody cares bud

>> No.8568529

>Software Engineering
>Thinking it's any different than CS

>> No.8568537

EE at BU, Junior Year.

We've got:
> Ex-biomeds
> Bros
> Spergs
and a few odds and ends.

For the first two years it was probably the smallest engineering program, but then all the washed out BME's who failed orgo swapped in.

There aren't enough (read: any) electronics classes. Plenty available on the physics of transistors and the like, but nobody has classes on PCB design or anything similar. The little I have picked up seems mostly magic to my compatriots. My best guess is that this is just a side effect of that not being a particularly interesting field of research.

>> No.8568544

>putting in hard work

>> No.8568614

I'm so glad I have a comfortable, opiate-filled life to help distract me from the spectre of my inadequacies and the knowledge that there will always be those that were born better and worked harder.

>> No.8568654
File: 66 KB, 742x156, cims_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhD in mathematics. Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, and even MIT, you can go fuck yourselves. While you people fiddle around with your contest mathematics and autists like Evan O'Dorney, we're here doing real math and getting shit done. It's no wonder we're ranked 1 in the WORLD for applied math. If you study mathematics ANYWHERE else, you are wasting. Your. Time.

>> No.8568705

I have read this shit in another post

>> No.8568861

>applied math
>not pure

Get outta here you normie

>> No.8568871

Molecular Biology and Math

-Largely consists of pre-med chinks or organic chemistry/biochemistry failures/double majors
-Pretty chill department with cool professors that don't really give a shit
-Pretty saturated with normies, but the chink body of the dept. is pretty introverted/spergy (including myself)
-Open storage room full of dialysis tubing

-50/50 split of turbo autismos and well-rounded, socially active normies
-Don't really know much else about the department since most of the math classes I did were at CC during high school

>> No.8569635

Veterinary medicine in Poland.

Great people, some Germans and Ukrainians, lots of girls, at least 90% of people are really smart and social, i feel fantastic and alive

>> No.8569849

>who has an existential crisis every time she thinks about anything. Chronically late. Gets the tutor into philosophical discussions as often as possible. Hey, we still cover the work.
Literally me.

>> No.8569870

Also physics here, this is pretty much the most accurate description

>> No.8570355

must be at a low tier school. good cs programs are filled with brown & east asian girls and sort of nerdy but more-or-less normal guys, with a small subset of old school neckbeards.

>> No.8570373

-Indians. Includes many girls.
-Asians. Includes many girls.
-Slightly nerdy white guys (play League of Legends and shit). These guys are really a minority.
-Strivers (significant overlap with Indians and Asians above). These fuckers complain their way into A grades when they get marks off and hound professors into letting them do 'research' to boost their resume
Generally CS majors are intellectually lazy and poor at academics, but will do the minimum required to get their desired GPA. They then spend their time heavily investing in interview prep and resume spamming.

Most of my classes had a makeup like this
-People who love math but have no clue what they're doing, in over their heads
-Future high school teachers (girls and one or two guys). Usually take as many applied classes as possible since they're easier. Not found in advanced pure math classes usually
-Relatively normal & together guys who generally try to study hard while maintaining a normal social life. Care enough about math to study independently and take honors courses. Usually perform at b+ level
-Weird stimmed up introverted guy who doesn't talk to anyone but is always in the top 1-2 students in advanced classes. Probably Eastern European
-Extreme high IQ chinese girl -- keeps to herself and wrecks curve with stimmed up guy from above
-Standard smart but kind of female neckbeard type girls--high enough grades but not dominating, not a huge social life, probably going to do a phd
-Random guys who look basically normal but don't talk much-no clue on these fuckers since i don't talk to them. Not sure if they're the ones making a nice curve for everyone else or if they're pretty good since they don't talk

>> No.8570678

Computer Engineering:
-Large Asian population; mostly consists of Japanese/Korean males
-Very few black people, mosat of which are pretty reserved and pretty smart actually (pretty sure two of them are top 10 in the advanced classes)
-Might be 1-2 chads
-Fair sized community of total sperglords; spend most of their free time playing mtg and hosting meetups where they watch anime at this one rich autists house
-"Normal" students that get decent-good marks and are socially functional
-Most of the super high IQ people are in the Korean and African American group
-Probably the most pretentious major I've seen here, as many of the super autists and founders of the CE club like to brag about their mediocre internships, how they slightly impressed a professor or how they have macbooks or expensive computers in general
Overall, it's a pretty chill and studious environment, and most everybody keeps to themselves.

-Strangely large Eastern European (Particulayl Ukranian) population
-Some future PhD students because they have phatt scholarships
-Extremely quiet and socially inept Brazilian girl who gets insanely high marks
That's pretty much my knowledge of this department since I did most of the physics courses at the local uni and community college during high school, so i haven't had much time to experience the culture of this undergrad.

>> No.8570711
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>reading computer science and mathematics for the 20th time now
You can shut the fuck up about those majors now. Thank you.

>> No.8570900

>League of Shadows
>It's a gang of psychopaths

Thanks god I betrayed them