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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 650 KB, 1873x2393, _20161219_125629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8549349 No.8549349 [Reply] [Original]

Have to finish all this in 3.5 months.
Wish me luck /sci/ !

>> No.8549369

Jesus dude. It's like you're taking chem 1 and phys 1 all at the same time!!!

>> No.8549377
File: 132 KB, 958x960, b675eedd-b8ee-414c-a5a3-265d042dc172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad. I'd suggest learning Probability after integration and derivation but that's just me. Good luck OP

>> No.8549514

So how's senior year of highschool treating you?

>> No.8549551

Not good.Hence this situation.

>> No.8549625

May I ask why?

>> No.8549646

Entrance exam for getting into uni.

>> No.8549665


Only (at least) 5 more years of this crap....enjoy!

>> No.8549769

Engineering courses are 4 years duration where in my country.

>> No.8549774
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Implying you will be able to finish in 4 years.

>> No.8549787
File: 245 KB, 747x676, completely false.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible, but you better have a iron study habits.
I would probably try for a week and then procrastinate the rest of my time away after stumbling over some of the more difficult concepts.

>> No.8549793
File: 218 KB, 913x679, summary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, do you still have class or are you completely free?

>> No.8549797

I'm free.Have to teach all this to myself.No tutors nothing.

>> No.8549801


Where are these from?

>> No.8549807

What math and science classes are you currently taking OP?

>> No.8549926 [DELETED] 

Good Luck OP, I am in the same way, in which you are

>> No.8549937

Good Luck OP, I am in the same way, in which you are

>> No.8549987

You can do most of that over the christmas break

>> No.8549995

All the best for JEE

>> No.8550108

Haha thx.

>> No.8550201


>> No.8550208

None of that's hard lad
You should already be taking classes on it anyway

>> No.8550211


>> No.8550218

Study m8. Best of luck

>> No.8551244

Lmao not that easy

>> No.8551302

Padhle Bhai acche se. Worst part is getting a rank just good enough for top 5 but the worst discipline. You don't want it to happen to you.
Aim for less than 2k. Solve as many papers as you can and honestly put in 8 hours each day.

>> No.8551317

Been doing 7 hours for the past few days.But I'm afraid if it's too late.

>> No.8551344

Question for Indiafags:

What type of student gets into IIT? I imagine they must be next-level brain genius's

>> No.8551376

Not really.Maybe <100 rank ones.
Rest it's just work put in by you and how much you keep up in your classes.

>> No.8551382

Very few are, most are those who can do hard work and also those who are "factory products" (study for the exam for 4 years and do nothing but study and know nothing except for how to get great marks)
Most of the studnets' motivation is money and only money. That's why there's a lot of competition for CS courses (gotta be in top 300 out of 100,000 if you want CS at top 5 IIT)
They might be genius but most only care about money, not that it's bad but to me it seems stupid.

>> No.8551392

Guys did I make a mistake? Could've gone to IIT with a shit stream but instead got into uni of Sydney

>> No.8551394

Nah you're better off there.IITs are overrated with a shitty gender ratio.
Also Straya>>>>India
How did you get in tho?

>> No.8551399

Just high school marks.

>> No.8551409


It's not hard. I did it myself. I'm doing PDEs, complex variables and Lagrangian mechanics at this point.

>> No.8551432

>mole concept

It's a unit of measurement you fuck

>> No.8551438

If you have done this before and just need to revise then its not too late, don't lose hope :)
Most go into IITs by hardwork, the top students still are geniuses
I guess he means questions on it and other related topics

>> No.8551487

How else do you get in?

>> No.8551530
File: 455 KB, 2880x1920, 1459506176186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Than why are you wasting time posting here?

>> No.8551566

i've got a whole year of high school to go and i've done all this shit

>> No.8551762

You mean you briefly studied the bare bottom of the barrel minimum of every subject?
Holy shit you're insane!

>> No.8551772

project a little harder anon

>> No.8551775
File: 966 KB, 350x261, 1482163734372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've got a whole year of high school to go and i've done all this shit

>> No.8551854

Good luck my nigger. Hmu when u on that Tony Stark shit

>> No.8553935

I have to do the exact same thing, just for comparison purposes, how are you approaching this?

>> No.8553951
File: 19 KB, 299x244, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I found it by searching on the filename in the second pic.


>> No.8554019

Will try to finish coordinate geometry by the end of this year.Doing meme tier stuff like fluids and all that on the side.
I'm dumb at Chem.Have to do organic and inorganic within end of January.Rest all by Feb end.
Practice papers in March.
Current progress is bit of coordinate done(circles and St.lines),did bit of optics,know algebra but have to practice.Almost 0 inorganic done and a wee bit of organic done.
Which exam are you giving?

>> No.8554266

>Physics 1, 2
>Chemistry 1, 2
>Calc 1, 2, 3
You can do most of that in a month if you study hard. Physics and Chemistry stuff is easy as fuck

>> No.8554277

Integrals just to get in? Jesus brother what kind of a hardcore uni is that?

>> No.8554390

Indian institute of technology.
Exam is called JEE

>> No.8554442

Actually in India you study integration in 12th if you take maths, JEE requires a bit deeper knowledge of most subjects tho

>> No.8554482

>Indian Institute of Technology
Why bother studying when you haven't learned to poo in the loo?