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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 750x201, IMG_1439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8550658 No.8550658 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this meme so fucking popular, /sci/?

>> No.8550664

>learning about the quadratic formula in college


also who would pay good money to learn how to do their taxes? pick up a fucking book or use google or something

>> No.8550667

>Quadratic formula

American "education" at work everyone

>> No.8550670

Why do people perpetuate this meme? If you want to learn how to do taxes or have a good marriage, pick up a fucking book or use google, like the other anon said. And the quadratic formula should be common fucking knowledge. Why are people so stupid?

>> No.8550681

>quadratic formula

I've not been in school for nearly 30 years. Has education slipped this far? A had to do that shit in our heads by the end of the 1st year of high school.

>> No.8550682

Oh and back then we had Home Education which taught us how to do taxes, balance a check book, and how to run a household.

>> No.8550684
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>> No.8550686

>Teach me how to do my taxes and calculate my mortgage.
>Whoa whoa whoa, why the fuck are you wasting my time teaching math? Didn't you hear what I just said.

>> No.8550690

>true statement for most people

>> No.8550696

>classes on marriage

>> No.8550698
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>mfw I scored in the 93rd percentile of the GRE math portion despite never having memorized the formula in my entire life

That shit is literally just a gay meme.

>> No.8550710
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>> No.8550760

Is this a joke image? Why do colleges even offer those course? Don't people need to have certain entrance grades or pass a test before being let into the school?

>> No.8550782


College is the new high school, it's just far more expensive.

I wish kids would go to community college instead, it's a great buffer that prevents people from shitting up what are supposed to be institutions of higher learning.

>> No.8550795

Because normal people get married and have a hard time doing their taxes.

>> No.8550796

Yes, and many colleges will let you get in anyways if you pay out the nose.

A guy I live with failed his math 088 class. Calc 1 is math 111 at my uni. Why? Didn't show up to class, didn't do homework, didn't study.

Professorconfess, the source of that image, is a good ranter about academia. He's absolutely right and offers good insight, but it gets tedious. He's been ranting about the same things for years.

>> No.8550809

My high had an accounting course that taught us to do our own taxes.

He was a CPA and really chill.

>> No.8550815

I kinda agree in a way desu.
Why the fuck do I have to take feminism 101 and we was kangz 208 when I'm an engineering major?

>> No.8550824
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> tfw you realize when the average person is stupid as a sack of shit.

>> No.8550851

>Why the fuck do I have to take feminism 101 and we was kangz 208 when I'm an engineering major?

You don't. You could have signed up for Japanese 101 and Reading in the Church Fathers 234.

>> No.8550854
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Everyone is required to take a course from the "Pan-African Studies" department at my school.

>> No.8550884

Th-this is a joke, right? I took Algebra 2 sophomore year of high school, how can it be possible for people to be so far behind? Where do these people come from? How is this normal? What fucking school is this?

>> No.8550887

It's not a joke. Pretty much every college pulls this shit.

You can thank the student loan program.

>> No.8550893

But these people are getting high school educations, no, less than high school educations, in what's supposed to be college. Maybe I'm out of the loop or something, but this literally baffles me.

>> No.8550899

They're idiots. Colleges do it to make money.

>> No.8550906

I get that. I can understand actual retarded people taking college classes that teach 6th grade math, but these are adults. Functioning adults. Didn't they already get this education? Is Billy Madison a true fucking story?

>> No.8550910

Africa is a pretty big place that has occasionally mattered in history; it's normal to learn a little something about it. I don't know about a whole course though. A geography, world politics, or world history course ought to suffice.

>> No.8550926

They can also vote. :^)

>> No.8550933
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Saint Augustine was from Numidia, you could have substituted a course on him if you fought with the dean.

>> No.8550938

>Saint Augustine
>implying they would want us to learn anything about muh white people

By "Pan-African Studies" it should really be called "Nigger Studies," honestly. I just took a course on jazz music to fulfill the requirement. A lot of pandering to niggers, "muh slavery," "muh Civil Rights Movement," etc.

>> No.8551092

>I co ming offise to day AAAAaaaa?

>> No.8551111

I laughed

>> No.8551121

professionals with generalized educational base perform better at the same task substantially than peers with purely specialized educations

>> No.8551124

Even if you hate black people you can learn things about the world you wouldn't know otherwise
or are you so set in your beliefs you're afraid to learn anything new that might change them?

>> No.8551131

What would a course on marriage even cover?

>> No.8551148

Don't be a dick.
Don't be a twat.

>> No.8551152

Communication skills and how to not be a totally self-centered jerk? How to work hard at building a relationship that will weather rough times? Maybe.
Shit you should have learned by observing your parents, really. Except the boomers decided to teach their kids that "self-fulfillment" is more important than anything; and when the going gets tough, it's time to get out.

>> No.8551156

They are right, desu.

non-major specific general education is useless.

>> No.8551169
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This. My school's reasoning for having gen-eds is that they introduce you to "new ways of thinking" and offer "new perspectives on the world." The reality is that these new perspectives are useless to someone in hard sciences or math. The gen-eds for non-meme major students should be to take a X classes in a science complementary to your own subject. Like as a chemist, my "gen-eds" should be in advanced physics and math classes.

>> No.8551171

Maybe classes like communication and writing should still exist, but requiring humanities and arts and "sciences" that aren't related to your major is fucking retarded. You aren't going to learn shit in an intro class.

>> No.8551185

the quadratic formula is used in daily life if you do ANYTHING involving science or engineering.

it's popular because most people are brainlets, and that image was made by a brainlet.

>> No.8551188

I used to think this, but honestly this last year I have taken several philosophy, political science, and anthropology classes. Fascinating stuff, and it has really helped me understand the more human aspects of the world around me. It's made me a more curious and aware citizen, plus there are lots of interesting people in those programs that you might not meet in your maths.

>> No.8551189

they're only useless if you let them be and sail through the courses. I think STEM majors could benefit from some general ed classes, at least some related to writing and speaking. Most of my colleagues are spergs, and it was even worse in college.

>> No.8551191

>ANYTHING involving science or engineering.
so 5% of the population

>> No.8551195

when is intro to biolgy or anthropology 100 ever going to help me while I'm wondering how much rebar to put in a concrete beam.

writing and speaking, yes, because it helps you function in a firm. everything else, useless time waster.

>> No.8551223

>I have to take sociology, art, female bullshit, and 3 different cultural courses aka timewasters
>Everyone else only has to take one "science" course aka middle school level geography or astronomy and the highest the go in math is "calc for business majors"

I ree everytim

>> No.8551312

>tfw have a math degree and never memorised the quadratic formula

>> No.8551343

>classes on marriage and how to do your taxes
why not ask your parents

serious question

>> No.8551373
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>crying about the quadratic formula
>will probably only reach pre-calc/calc1

>> No.8551486


High school education is shit. If a student is failing, they will ""diagnosis"" him with autism and exempt him from all the requirements.

>> No.8551489
File: 176 KB, 640x3030, education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The regressive education reformers are back.

>> No.8551494

I really, really hope that's a joke/photoshop. Otherwise, holy shit.

>> No.8551507

>Basic Mathematics (Pre-Sub-Remedial)

As for people learning about the quadratic equation, I have a story
>older roommate did biology at university
>start masters degree in microbiology
>never did math as a biology student, and need Math 101 to do masters
>Help him with shit he struggles with
>Gets first test back
>guy is happy as a retard
>look over questions
>which if the following numbers are rational: 1, 0, -5, 5.3, 5/7, pi, sqrt(2)
>Solve for x in 2x + x - 1 = 0. Hint: x = (+-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac) )/ 2a
>If f(x) = x^2 - 4, calculate f(1), f(3) and f(10).
I used to have a pic of the test, but i cant find it

At a later date
>Im a chemE
>roommate tells me how he did all the chem subjects a chemE does, he only needs like 2 subjects to get a chemE degree
>Has done no math
>thinks he can do chemical engineering

Thats when I realized biology people are fucking retarded

>> No.8551510

damnit, i knew id fuck up the formula if I wrote it in plaintext

>> No.8551526
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Classes on marriage should be given out by your local Church.

>> No.8551529

i had a room mate who was a biomedical engineer who didnt know how to do basic unit conversions like moles to grams or moles to molarity and needed my help to do it. I also had a discussion with him once on physics and said that calculus doesnt work with physics. he was also the biggest american jew ive ever seen and told me i commited a hate crime because i told him his dad sounds spot on like jerry seinfeld
To stay on topic though, he would always complain to one of my teachers about how it takes him literally 10 hours to do the math homework and was complaining that he was gonna get his parents involved if the teacher doesnt make the homework easier.

>> No.8551531 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey. The goys are getting dumber. Now they're easier to control.

>> No.8551540

When you get kidnapped by North Korea, you're going to be glad they forced you to take Korean 302.

>> No.8551545

Once in calc 2 a girl was 15 minutes late for class (which was basically optional since there is no attendance record or unexpected tests), her mother came into class with her and apologized to the professor, said they were caught up in traffic. Girl looked embarrassed as hell, so i felt kind of bad for laughing.

>> No.8551546

>My dream is to be a wage slave!
>Why isn't college a trade school?

>> No.8551549
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How did he pass the Quantitative Reasoning section in the GRE?

>> No.8551666

kek, yeah I feel sorry for that girl. Just wants to transition into adulthood but has a retarded helicopter parent.

>> No.8551695


People live in the real world, yes.

>> No.8551706

These cunts are the ones who pass off economics class in high school for yoga or some shit. When I was in grade 10, all of the semi to non tards took the class. Our teacher taught us how to do have, get a downpayment on a house, how to pay for college. Hell he even have us marriage advice, don't get married

>> No.8551860

we dont have GRE here

>> No.8551869

We had a 'Practice mathematics' class in high school, if you didn't take the normal mathematics course you had to take this one. They did every day math like
>Calculate tip on a bill
>Add up the costs on a shopping list
>convert cups to ml and back
>adjust the amounts of ingredients in a recipe if you make a double/half/other fraction recipe
>Calculate the amount of food needed if x friends each eat y food at your party
>no compound interest, thats in the normal math class since its too hard

Not surprisingly, there were people who just barely passed the class

>> No.8551879

I didn't have to take remedial but I got a C in college algebra in my first semester because I was so far behind due to an extremely ineffective implementation of homeschooling. Now I've made As in calc 2/ physics 1 and have DE/calc 3/physics 2 ready for the spring.

I essentially didn't have a high school education.

>> No.8551950

>implying that STEM majors don't desperately need to learn how to write well and read critically

>> No.8551979

Technical writing and documenting lab work is crucial for productivity.

Also, context from the social sciences offers an idea of what's going on with people and the world so you can tailor your work to meet the world's needs before other producers can beat you to it and sometimes before they can even start. It's how Steve Jobs did it.

>> No.8552004

You're the retard for going to a cow college instead of a legit school with a good bio program.

>> No.8552011

South African Maths Lit. ?

>> No.8552014

kek, yes

>> No.8552083
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>implying in going to get married

>> No.8552107

Maybe if they taught you how to court a girl in school you would have.

>> No.8552134

That's sexist.

>> No.8552158

The amount of times a students questions the math they are learning whenever I tutor them is astounding. These highschool students, somehow, have already determined that all of math is useless and that no one needs it. These are the same students that go on into college and cry the same statement when they get destroyed by an easy course such as college algebra or trigonometry. I firmly believe now that if the US didn't have such shit math education that we wouldn't have kids saying this type of shit. Then again, I also firmly believe that 95% is borderline dumb.

>> No.8552177
File: 26 KB, 640x430, math_primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some bad news for you

>> No.8552199

>tfw math phd and never even learned the quadratic formula

>> No.8552208

Because apparently a chemistry degree needs to teach you about marriage and filing taxea

>> No.8552258

>>Solve for x in 2x + x - 1 = 0. Hint: x = (+-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4ac) )/ 2a
Can someone explain this to a brainlet?
From my brainlet reasoning I know the answer is 2x+x=1 so that means x has to be in some superposition of 1 or -1 where it's 1 by itself by 2x makes it -1.
Or is that the entire point?

>> No.8552281
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2x + x = 1

3x = 1

x = 1/3

>> No.8552305

I'm not good with fractions.

>> No.8553005
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It's never sexist to blame the dude.

>> No.8553024

Kids learn this shit in middle school now
High school, first year. if you're a dumbo
t. teacher

>> No.8553043

why are women so retarded
In daily life i treat them with the same respect I would a man, but it always seems like they can perform mental gymnastics that only a man could dream of doing.
Yes some women are smarter than men, but it doesn't take away from the phenomenon that is women being all around dumb as a sack of rocks
or whatever I probably have autism

>> No.8553044
File: 61 KB, 800x531, RS16111_5484003804_34b3805bcd_o-qut-800x531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>classes are “too easy” or “aren’t very challenging” for high-achieving students.

>“For years, all eighth-graders had to take Algebra 1. The vast majority, however, either failed or did poorly in the subject. Those students are now in a cycle of failure,” says Lizzy Hull Barnes, mathematics program administrator for the district.

>“It’s very disappointing to me that our education system is really starting to be this cookie-cutter approach,” says Melody Hernandez, whose 13-year-old son will be in eighth grade this year. “It’s not feasible. … I really don’t want [my son] to lose his engagement in school because it’s not moving at a fast enough pace for him.”

Cultural Marxism is at it again.

>> No.8553048

>tfw field's medalist and don't even know what a polynomial is

>> No.8553054
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>> No.8553159


>> No.8553168

>The Civil War was inevitable, but it didn't have to be that way
>I co ming offise to day AAAAaaaa?
>For one semester, we offered an even more basic math (a sub-pre-sub-remedial course)

>> No.8553181

But what is the reason for having a bunch of prerequisites for a specific major that have little or nothing to do with your major
I can understand wanting your students to be worldly, but if people can lose 2 months of information over the summer then what is the point of having them take 2 years of something they will forget after 5?

I'm not suggesting we do away with the system entirely, but if there was going to be a general education course, why wouldn't it be something that is universally (or at least nationally) useful

>> No.8553206

What meme?
The fact that colleges are filled with stupid people?
The fact that no one wants to take classes outside of their major?
These aren't memes

Literally wrong
Those courses are trash and you get nothing out of them
The only useful gen eds I took were ethics, general history classes, and writing composition
All the ones that focused on minorities were trash in which you didn't have to try and they were trying to push you towards a certain way of thinking

Protip: anytime they're telling you about these classes that are going to make you more "well rounded", "cultured", and that promote "diversity" and "inclusiveness" all they're doing is trying to make you take useless classes and give them even more money.

Anyone with a half a brain is going to benefit more from taking more classes within their major than useless classes outside of it

>> No.8553263

Why do you guys have a problem with this? Being surrounded by brainlets is amazing.

>> No.8553269

Just wait until you have to work with them.

>> No.8553678

>but if people can lose 2 months of information over the summer

You seriously believe that meme? That's just what public school math teachers say to justify wasting the entire fall with review.

>> No.8553739

That's sweet

>> No.8553780

Lel the average person is stupid as shit, that's why. The average high school in America is full of these stupid as shit people.

You know why we have so many people claiming to be "smart but lazy?" It's because they are average students attending these shithole flyover high schools where simply not being an 80 IQ mouth-breather gets you a 4.0. Then they get into a respectable college but when surrounded by people who shouldn't be summarily executed for stupidity, find themselves far outclassed and exposed as being pretty stupid themselves.

It's why people say that classes like Calc II or Physics I are "weedout" classes.

>> No.8553802

Because brainlets can't ever fucking teach themselves anything.

>> No.8553874

Sweet from the kid that hes rolling with it til he realises she is retarded. The entire post is a fucking red flag, pushing the kid far beyond "treat everyone with respect". Also,

>As a woman who has been abused & treated like crap in the past,

You do realise theres a very large chance shes one of those women for which abuse equals not getting their way?

>> No.8553876

>Lel the average person is stupid as shit, that's why. The average high school in America is full of these stupid as shit people.
These retards should be barred from "institutes of higher learning". Its amazing to see a ton of Americans deluding themselves into thinking a university education (or the degree, but those should be the same) is worth nothing. Well, if you got your "masters" in subsaharan pottery you shouldnt be surprised that you cant find a job.

>> No.8553899

It's hardly a meme if the average adult doesn't remember basic geometry/trigonometry/algebra

>> No.8553913

Being able to think critically and creatively and communicate well are very valuable to those in the hard sciences.

The engineering / science majors who actually need to take those gen-ed classes the most are the ones complaining, since most of these classes are ridiculously easy if you have adequate critical thinking / communication skills. They just don't want to write essays.

>> No.8553914
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t. 20 year olds who never ever filled a form created by liberals and libertarians

>> No.8553920

Another stormcuck who doesn't know how to add.

>> No.8554118

>tfw inter-universal geometer and never learnt what a hodge theater is

>> No.8554123

>most of these classes are ridiculously easy if you have adequate critical thinking / communication skills. They just don't want to write essays.
I agree, these classes are incredibly easy and I hate writing essays. But the problem with grading a person based on an essay they wrote is that if the teacher is biased, they could completely ruin your grade even if your arguments are valid. And a lot of the time, classes like this are taught by the most biased people of all. I fear having to take these classes because one stupid teachers opinion can completely fuck up your 4.0. In math or science, 100 different teachers can grade your work and all come up with the same score. In English, History, Philosophy, and Humanities, 100 different teachers will come up with 100 different scores. There's no standards. If I fail Calc 1, I could retake it and learn the exact same material. If I need to retake English 1, the reading material could be different based on the teachers preferences, and I could have an totally different experience. Instead of focusing on learning the material, these classes are inherently broad so that you learn the techniques of thinking critically. The problem with this is, I already know how to think critically, so practicing with broad classes is useless to me. I'd rather practice with more advanced and specific material.

>> No.8554127

The quadratic formula is useful for pretty well every employable major, though.
I don't disagree with a few mandatory life skills courses in high school, though. It will help keep more idiots off of the government dole, and you know that those types will never pick up a book to learn anything.

>> No.8554212

>boo hoo I'm too stupid to write my essays in a way that panders to my teacher's biases

Who cares faggot just write the damn essay and get it over with. Nobody cares what your actual opinion is

>> No.8554247

I find it very ironic that people are against genetic modification of embryos in case we create a two caste system, however they're all for lowering their education levels, thereby creating a two caste system.

>> No.8554294

Most of my fellow engineering students are complete retards. I used to think that people who ended up in the humanities were those who were too stupid to handle basic mathematics, but now I'm starting to think otherwise. I don't understand how these kids could possibly succeed in a basic english class when most of them don't understand the difference between your/you're or there/their/they're. And don't get me started on spelling. For engineering papers I end up spending the vast majority of my time proofreading their elementary level english and writing. Like, how did you just write a run on sentence, like read a book nigga, open yo eyes

>> No.8554298

these are children of the state. The only Daddy or moral authority they will ever have is the government.

>> No.8554314


Confession time, I was forced to take remedial algebra and trigonometry at my school. Here is how it happened.

> decide go back to school at age 24 to get bachelors.
> highest math in HS was Calc 2
> take the placement exam without studying at all, get an 80%
> when I go into the office they tell me that 80% is the cut off and I need to take 5 remedial classes.
>tell them that I don't need entire semesters worth of refreshers to get back up to speed, etc etc.
> basically tell me that they can't change the rules and that if I want to take any of the higher mathematics classes I'm interested in I have to first do all these mandatory remedial courses.
>clearly a fucking scam to rip me off.

I can continue with what the actual classes were like in a second. Pretty shocking.

>> No.8554316

more like college requires you to take useless classes about marriage or how to do your taxes when I should be spending my time on science.

>> No.8554320

> I can't fill in a basic form about taxes, taxes must be stopped!
t. Republican

Also Libertarians are completely against all government, if you don't know that get out of /sci/

>> No.8554321

>Cultural Marxism is at it again
You mean that Horkheimer and Adorno wanted people to become dumb fuck? Why would they ever want to do that?

>> No.8554324


>algebra 2
>walk in, the entire class is a fucking computer lab.
>the entire semester we use a paid-service khan academy rip off
>it is literally khan academy minus the videos and with a subscriber fee
>prof doesn't lecture on the topics.
> just says, do the problems in the program.
>after each exam he posted the score distribution up on the projector screen.
>out of 110ish people
>A: 80
>B: 25
>C: 5

Nobody that was in that class had problems with these topics, everyone just needed a quick refresher. It was a complete fucking scam, 100% unnecessary at the university level, but there were several sections, probably like 400 freshmen enrolled in it. I highly doubt any of them chose to take that class of their own volition.

Completely just a scam to force people to pay them more.

>> No.8554339

More like

>I don't want to give those damn niggers any of my hard earned cash, taxes must be stopped!

Which is a perfectly valid argument.

>> No.8555003


Classes about stupid shit like that are the biggest waste of time and money.

>> No.8555086

Honestly I'm just mad that I'm paying money to take shit that has no relation to what I'm going for college for. For example, at my CC a bunch of the requirements are shit like speech class, sociology 101, a class called "student success" where we literally just sat there and I listened to people talk about their feeling for an hour every week. And I'm paying money for it.


>> No.8555102

You don't solve this by forcing people to take courses, you do this by removing the weird stem vs humanities atmosphere there is.

>> No.8555125

posts like these are why no one likes you

>> No.8555130

>brainwashing people into marriage and taxes

>> No.8555136

Can't tell if liberal or conservative...

>> No.8555180


All your money goes to the military. Only the middle class and above is taxed in excess of a person's share in the military budget and pays for other programs...

>> No.8555191

>pigeonholing everyone as liberal or conservative

literally the cancer killing society

>> No.8555233

What kinda of school for special kids do you go to? My school requires at least calculus for undergraduate in any biology degree, I used to think that was pretty bare bones until I read this thread. Christ.

>> No.8555252

Teaching basic manners, how to tip and do multiplication with percents, how to interact during dates and other formal situations. This is all important shit so that a person can become a functioning member of society.

You are assuming with no evidence and you are acting like showing a child how to be respectful and thoughtful is a bad idea. I bet you wouldn't buy a girl the doll they want because it conforms to "societies expectations" or some shit.

>> No.8555314

i don't know either

a vector?

>> No.8555559

What's sad is there is a push at many schools to lower the standards even more. I heard two professors talking about it while in the library. They were complaining college algebra was keeping so many students who "worked hard" from graduating.

>> No.8555612

Just go back to /pol and never come back, you'd do us a favor.

>> No.8555658

>older roommate did biology at university
>never did math as a biology student, and need Math 101 to do masters

What kind of a college would let someone get a BS without at least calc?

Also I think the issue here is that there needs to be a serious education reform. High school shouldn't be so easy to skate through, even though it is mandatory.

>> No.8555676

Republicans are the only ones that pay taxes you moron. Maybe if you still weren't a teenager you would have the real world experience to know this.

>Also Libertarians are completely against all government

No they are just against government by the people. They are perfectly okay with corporations severing as quasi governments. Communist are also against all government too yet the soviet model they advocate still serves as a quasi government institution.

>> No.8555679

core curriculum classes are a university scam everyone knows this. There is really no reason university should take more than two years, possibly three max.

>> No.8555747

Why not do your Gen Ed at a Junior College where it's cheaper and then transfer to the University you want to go to?

It's a smart move even when you did well in high school, it seems completely foolish not to do it when you're starting out behind.

>> No.8555750

>people of the republican party only pay taxes
>liberals dont

>> No.8555752

Then that's their problem, not mine. If you can't communicate your ideas effectively, you will never be a successful engineer.

>> No.8555759

don't you know? taxes are racist and oppressive. only a cis white male would pay them

>> No.8555761

stop memeing

>> No.8555765

>Republicans are the only ones that pay taxes you moron.
I pay all my taxes, faggot

t. Bernout who end up voting for Shillary

>> No.8555766


>> No.8555782

>Republicans are the only ones that pay taxes you moron
like Trump, right?

>> No.8555788

>How to do your taxes
Taxslayer LMAO

>> No.8555789

You would do well not to intentionally and with no evidence badmouth well-connected people you don't know in a public forum.

>> No.8555806


>> No.8555812

that kid's gonna grow up to be a cuck

>> No.8555813

Stop shitposting, Barron.

>> No.8555818

>pick up a fucking book
There's your problem right there

>> No.8555819


>> No.8555823

Don't spread lies about people, it can get you in trouble.

>> No.8555825

I loved my history and literature classes; doesn't mean I want to be a poet now, but college is the perfect time to learn that shit.

>> No.8555826

>tfw you need to cheat but you can't see your tattoo

>> No.8555842

not a lie, but ok

>> No.8555852

Your little fantasy world isn't truth. It's fine if you live in it but as soon as you start bringing shit out of it into the real world it's a problem for everyone else.

>> No.8555861

>real world

>> No.8555878

yeah, i took two years of algebra in HS, but I still placed in College Algebra, where I got a C+ for the course, and I remember feeling disappointed.

>> No.8555895

That's good. Because you should be learning completing the square instead. As it gives you skills which help solve other things.

>> No.8555896

Trump bragged about not paying taxes during his campaign. What are you trying to defend?

>> No.8555905

Using tax deductibles is smart. Of course he's paid federal taxes.

>> No.8555922

Making sure they exist in such a way to greatly favor your industry and allow for easy loop holes is beyond smart--it's defrauding a nation.

>> No.8555949

Taxes are literally fill in the fucking boxes. You don't need to take in a course to do your taxes.

>> No.8555953

How come? Deductibles usually mean you're using that money for very productive community purposes instead.

>> No.8555960

>community purposes

AAARGH communism!

>> No.8555965

Ha, at my university I took economics as my social science/humanities electives.

>> No.8556007

Tell big companies that. They have whole departments working with tax optimization. They do it because there is money to be saved in doing it. Maybe if you don't have a business it won't make much of difference for you personally.

>> No.8556018

Basically its because of ideology.
People learn very early on that in a capitalist system, you're only valued for your own store of wealth or your ability to make wealth for someone else.
Under such a system, one wonders why they should spend any time on pursuits (like for example higher level math) that they can't see as contributing to this end.

>> No.8556022

Now get horrified as half of the people are even dumber than the average.

>> No.8556028

You really do sound like someone from OP's picture

>> No.8556033

A king in the medieval times was probably rich as fuck with many gold chests and castles but died of toothache or syphilis or some other really trivial disease. What was the value of his money to him on his deathbed?

>> No.8556075

He should have dated a dentist so he dared go visit one.

>> No.8556173
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>Check out his blog
>Unironically uses the term "sportsball"
>Flag worship
>HBCUs are examples of anti white discrimination


>> No.8556175

Introductory class to marriage: Bitches and hoes are like new clothes, once you buy them you wish you never got them.

Marriage class: Play this on loop


>> No.8556190

It's just a function from N to ring R where almost all values are 0. That is, there are finitely many non-zero values.

>> No.8556200

I wondered if maybe they do some special biology math, so I dug up his curriculum, it consists of the following number of the flowing subjects:
>2 - Academic Literacy (Reading and writing english)
>2 - Chemistry
>2 - Biochemistry
>7 - Zoology
>2 - Physics (Physics for biology 1 & 2)
>2 - Physiology
>1 - Geology
>3 - Soil Science
>2 - Microbiology
>3 - Botany
>2 - Philosophy (Understand the Natural World & Science and Society)

You have to choose between some of them, like the physics and geology modules, or some zoology, so you dont take all the above.

So as you can see, not a single math subject.

>> No.8556204

almost all values are 0 != finitely many non-zero values

You can have a function thats almost everywhere 0, yet have infinite non zero values. A corresponding series would be for example
x + x^10 + x^100 + x^1000 + ...

it has infinite terms, yet the probability of a random power being non zero is zero.

>> No.8556219

Yeah, I worded that badly. You're right

>> No.8556237

Home Ed was basically cooking with Grandma

>> No.8556287

Jesus fuck that's a sad course load. Like damn that makes me a sad panda I'm going to a fucking state school and it's still more rigorous.

>> No.8556293 [DELETED] 

>also who would pay good money to learn how to do their taxes? pick up a fucking book or use google or something
Bullshit argument. You could apply this same reasoning to pretty much every subject that isn't cutting-edge academic or technical research. Why have schools at all if you can learn independently?

>> No.8556294

Why would you go to an university and not a community college for that shit?

>> No.8556295

>also who would pay good money to learn how to do their taxes? pick up a fucking book or use google or something
Bullshit argument. You could apply this same reasoning to pretty much every subject that isn't cutting-edge academic or technical research. Why have schools at all if you can learn independently?

>> No.8556297

Not saying it should be taught at university level. In fact as universal as this shit is, it should be taught in middle school before students start to specialize in one field or another.

>> No.8556302

Middle school kids are too young to care

>> No.8556309

Because most jobs required you to show them a stupid piece of paper that says you went trough the formal education system.

Which means that millions of people all over the world are forced to take absolutely useless courses if they ever hope to have any decent life inside society. That's why.

>> No.8557216

>>HBCUs are examples of anti white discrimination
they literally are though

>> No.8557526

The more I hear about colleges the more cringeworthy they seem to get.
But what can you expect from a country where everyone is supposed to study even for bullshit like nursing.
Do I get it right that Americans have obligatory classes together with all other undergraduate students? Like everyone has to go to the same Calculus class?

>> No.8557624

Non-blacks can still apply and get in though. There's nothing banning them.

It's just a question of why you would ever want to.

>> No.8557646

Most people will never use any second order equations directly, will never need second degree polynomials

The applications of most of the field beyond algebra and geometry does not apply to the daily life of the average 1st world person.
Its like this for most of STEM.


>> No.8557947

Because, for some reason, fucking EVERYONE thinks they need to go to college nowadays. That means a shitload of people who certainly are not nearly as invested in their education as they should be. I mean, christ, people literally go to college to get a specific career. Like FUCK how hard can you misinterpret the value of your fucking education you normie

>> No.8557971

>idiotic tripfag says something simplistic and /threads his own post
fuck off, beg for attention somewhere else

>> No.8557991

You are an idiot (read:human). People by their very nature categorize people based on their in group. Women are crazy because theyre all different from you, but that weeb or brony sperg holding the body pillow in a train? That guy is an autist and your brain unless you are constantly vigilant will latch on to those differences and distance yourself from these people, rather than search for any similarities. Your phenomenon is an imagined one.

>> No.8558276


Why not use the pq-formula?

>> No.8558278


Literally braindead

>> No.8558295

you're full of shit

>> No.8558299


People can have good opinions/ideas and bad ones at the same time. Too many millennials are looking for people they agree with 100% and forsaking everyone else.

>> No.8558301


The only sensible comment in this entire thread.
Sure, you can argue about whether social sciences are actually science or rather pseudoscience, but truly, both have their merit. Both take themselves way too seriously, and could probably learn a lot from each other.

>> No.8558611

are you rly suggesting that universities should offer credit courses to learn how to do your taxes?

at most teach it in high schools, but honestly there are plenty of non-university adult budgeting courses you can take. putting that shit in post-secondary is ultimately a waste of resources

>> No.8558752

The quadratic formula is WEAPONS GRADE math. It is every American's duty to know enough physics and math to derive basic ballistic equations IN CASE THE GOVERNMENT TAKES THEM AWAY!

You can pry my math classes from my cold dead fingers!

>> No.8558757

Who here never uses the quadratic formula after uni?

8 years have past since I graduated and I've never touched it.

>> No.8558759

>These people might end up in charge of editing genomes

Hold me, /sci/

>> No.8558770

Calculus 1, 2 and statistics are prereqs for juniors majoring in biology at my uni. The course registration system simply won't let you select a year 3 or 4 course without passing all three of those math courses previously with a C.

You are so full of shit I can't believe it

>> No.8558934

Thats made even worse by 4chan. Where you make friends with a hive mind of opinions you like without any regard for any of the individual disagreements between them, thus you have situations where two trump supporters think they agree on weathrr or not to gas homos despite their disagreement. If the person reviels their dissagreement, theyre brended an outsider, thus preserving their belief in a homogenous community/general. This extends to everything on chan beyond polititcs, from sjws to waifus.

>> No.8559037

>my university is the only one that exists

see >>8556200 for the guys subjects

note that there is no calculus.

are you just assblasted that people can get your hard scince biology degree with no math?

>> No.8559040

There is free software to not only file for you but literally hold your dick for the entire process from filling out your name to filing. Teaching kids how to balance a checkbook in elementary school is fine, if you can't do your taxes in college you fucked up.

>> No.8559041

It really shows that most of /sci/ has never picked up a book in Philosophy.

Really makes ya think

>> No.8559043

why dont you go and rediscover Tai's method then :^)

>> No.8559101

Then you weren't taught fractions correctly because under the proper teacher, you would realise how logical their manipulations work.

>> No.8560001

libertarians are for personal liberties and this quasi government bullshit youre suggesting they support would be in direct violation of that so fucking kill yourself tonight my man

>> No.8561475

>class on marriage
Its a scam

End of class lmao

>> No.8561480
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>"The eating of an orange is a lot like a good marriage."

>> No.8561634

But why? I don't have any particular distaste for math tattoos but what about the quadratic formula makes you want to tattoo it on your body?

>> No.8561644

I'm a senior math major and I just took my first quadratic formula class in college

>> No.8561785

>newfag feels the need to respond to a 'tripfag'
no u

>> No.8561804
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, peepsi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.0 GPA
>of which he learned the quadratic formula in college
Something tells me he was majoring in something retarded and people are neglecting that when taking his GPA at face value. Declare a major in STEM and then try to whip out your 4.0.

>> No.8561807

>he doesn't into differential equations
literally lmaoing at your life

>> No.8561813

I think the 2x is a 2x squared, otherwise you wouldnt really need the quadratic formula.
Also wtf are you talking about superpositions of 1 and -1? That is unecessarily complicated and doesnt really get you anywhe3re

>> No.8561856

That's a very well stated point anon. I've been trying to find the words to express the same thing for a long time.

>> No.8562101

People want to justify their stupidity.

>> No.8562122

I'm more annoyed at the "traditional zimbabwean basket weaving" diversity and cultures gen eds.

>> No.8562146
File: 70 KB, 244x200, y8d10Ge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I taught Beginning Algebra (i.e. sub-remedial math) last summer
>mfw I had almost the exact same conversation about complementary angles

The number one problem with people in these kinds of classes is that they give absolutely zero fucks about learning anything.

They've been so heavily conditioned to just putting in a bare minimum of effort in all their previous classes that they can't be bothered to understand even a few simple definitions.

It doesn't help that all these courses are teaching them is syntax and how to manipulate mathematical symbols.

>> No.8562187

Here's my class on marriage:
It sucks. Love isn't real. You're a goddamn self-destructive idiot with zero self-preservation if you fall for this meme and deserve every bad thing that happens to you, and with marriage there will be tons of bad things.
Class dismissed.

Wow, we really need to spend money on this.

>> No.8562190

Abuse doesn't exist anyway. Women deserve being beaten up for being dumb whores they all without exceptions are.

>> No.8562253

why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.8562358

>paying taxes
Yeah NEETs don't have this problem

>> No.8562661

I teach math, they still learn it in highschool/middleschool. They just need to be retaught it because we still make all college graduates "show competence" through things they'll never need for whatever reason.

>> No.8562663

My uni has taken note of this and have started forcing students from those colleges to retake all those classes.

>> No.8562665

I'm supposed to be on a destressing winter break from teaching and this shit just gave me ptsd flashbacks. I shouldn't return next semester.

>> No.8562670

Im so poor, the government ows *me* taxes

>> No.8562692

>the quadratic formula is used in daily life if you do ANYTHING involving science or engineering.
You're either a student or don't work in the kind of field you're describing.

I'd just type Factor[a x^2 + b x + c,x] into mathematica and spit it out.

It probably plays a useful pedagogical role but that sort of thing isn't relevant to fully mature physical scientists or engineers anymore.

>> No.8562701

I was an excellent student in maths (in terms of test scores, never did much with it I'm ashamed to say). Finished the "minimum requirements" for my highschool diploma two years early because of tracking and never took math again, was a typical self pitying autist and thought I was being smart by not doing "extra work."

Ended up going to college against my desires, placed into calculus but was convinced by my college counselor to go back and take the precalc course. I was pissed at the time but I really thank her for it, gave me the grounding I needed and I ended up switching majors from film (eugh) to physics, got into classes where there was some motivation to succeed, ended up graduating top of my class for my major. Granted I'm an outlier.

The precalc course itself sucked.

>> No.8562758

[math]-\alpha \pm \sqrt{\alpha^2 - \omega_0^2}[/math]
is just the quadratic formula in disguise when solving the characteristic equation for any second order linear system. You could deSolve, but α and ω are useful parameters to have when determining damping ratio, natural and damped resonant frequencies.

>> No.8562873

Many of the working class lack ambition. Advanced learning is useless to them -- they don't want to advance. So they want help with the growing pangs to adulthood. It's their most immediate, tactile problem.

They are idiots, but understandable.
Christ I'm glad I'm not a STEMlord like you.

>> No.8563210

Doing good work anon, keep it up

>> No.8563254

A. I don't need to use the quadratic formula, even if it does appear in disguise. I don't need to ***know*** how to do it. If I'm working in an applied field I probably don't care since I have dedicated software and dedicated, relevant formulae already done for me, if I'm working something theoretical it's probably not involving things that are so nice-- and even if they were, I could just have a CAS spit it out for me.

The results the quadratic formula would give may be in line with things used in day to day life for these sorts of people, the quadratic formula itself probably isn't.

>> No.8563331

>I'm working in an applied field
That equation came out of electrical engineering you stupid FUCK

>I have dedicated software and dedicated, relevant formulae already done for me
You're just going to be memorizing a gorillion edge-case functions that spits out an only slightly closer result to the one you actually want in the end. I have absolutely no problem with CAS. I have a problem with you faggots who are unable to simplify the inner meaning of a system and seeing people like you on a project writing convoluted CAS-vomit as you declare yourself willfully ignorant makes me want to slap the fucking shit out of you.

>> No.8563339

Yes, the equation came out of electrical engineering. It's well known on its own though, it's disingenuous to say that it's "used" in electrical engineering.

You're literally defending an edge-case. Knowing how to factor polynomials in general is a far more useful skill than knowing a shortcut for roots of quadratics alone, in combination with abel-ruffini concerns and the fact that in an **applied** field you're unlikely to encounter a situation where such a thing is needed and in a **theoretical** field it's unlikely to be directly necessary it should be clear to you that it just isn't that widely used. That's not to say it's valueless, it's just that it is not accurate to say it's "used every day."

>> No.8563343

Dumb people want to have their hands held almost as much as they want to feel self-righteous.
That's why you see that shit everywhere.

>> No.8563345

Nothing in undergrad is hard, and the only way to get bad grades if you aren't retarded is to take humanities classes and purposefully fuck with the professors.

Basically if you have any work ethic, and the ability to do algebra, you can get an A in every single course at the modern American undergrad institution.

>> No.8563862

>implying real engineers don't just type the quadratic into mathematica to factor it
Yeah nobody is going to waste their time with this mundane shit

>> No.8563959

why would anyone be teaching the quadratic formula when you could just complete the square through subsitution? Our education system is a joke

>> No.8563960

the correct way to teach the quadratic formula is as an example to teach how to complete the square. that's exactly how you get it.

>> No.8566041

If high school wasn't easy to skate then some schools would be packed to the brim with 21 year olds that should have graduated years ago

That or people would just drop out altogether

>> No.8566211


Survival of the fittest.