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File: 65 KB, 977x785, qV0e5bP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8550092 No.8550092 [Reply] [Original]

How much autism would I need to actually go through with this?

>> No.8550096

>Stewarts(1-3) + solutions ~$15
lol I(my Dad) paid like $200 for this, but I just use a torrented pdf half the time.

>> No.8550098

You would need more retardation than autism, because papa rudin is a graduate's introduction to measure theory and this pic doesnt relate to a real math undergraduates study at all, which is probably why the creator put all the stuff he did not learn in the appendix (organization left to the reader)

>> No.8550210

Where can you torrent at?

>> No.8550219

Maybe some half-assed retard program only covers analysis and abstract algebra, but good schools also cover topology.

>> No.8550226

What is this autism? How could finishing rudin take 3-4 months for someone who finished spivak in a week?

>> No.8550230


>> No.8550247

In the first year? Where lol

I'm pretty sure abstract algebra in the first year is uncommon

>> No.8550377

>torrenting pdfs


>> No.8550382

Ah, for a first year literally zero schools go through that content. Nevermind the OP image isn't just bad, it's fedora-tier nonsense.

>> No.8550384
File: 75 KB, 800x800, 1482100715122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I've been doing. I just need to get my hands on some abstract algebra. But using pdfs or just borrowing books is a better method for poorfags

>> No.8550397


This is a good troll image. I have saved it for future reference.

>> No.8550421


>> No.8550428
File: 37 KB, 573x608, Dubs_cc0973_2714962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose he didn't know about sites like libgen. I remember a few years ago I got my books mainly from torrents too.

>> No.8550430
File: 49 KB, 992x389, maths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's terrible. This is a much better sequence.

>> No.8550437

yeah I was just using torrenting sites and googling. I had heard of library genesis but I was kinda lazy to look for a link and the current method was working anyways.

>> No.8550460

>Matrix Algebra
Any recommended resources to learn that from?

>> No.8550500

see >>8548974

>> No.8550503

Linear Algebra Done Wrong, then Linear Algebra Done Right

no that's not a joke, those are the actual books

>> No.8550506

llibgen is a torrent though...

>> No.8550507

no it's not

>> No.8551498

No, it's a direct download site. There is an option for torrenting, but it's just an option.

It's at gen.lib.rus.ec , I think you should definitely check it out, since it has more content than the average public tracker, and you don't have to fuck around with a torrent client.

>> No.8551522

That's just a subject in linear algebra.

Fucking "matrix algebra" get the fuck outta here with this shit.

>> No.8551556

What's wrong with OP's list?

>> No.8551560

It's comically lopsided. What he did is make a beeline from high school straight through the entire analysis stream up to graduate level and put everything else in a footnote because he didn't actually know what he was talking about.

Math students don't just go calculus -> more calculus -> more calculus -> analysis -> more analysis

>> No.8551568

this is incredible

>> No.8551576

Can autistmos read? I thought they could only stack bricks efficiently from a young age and never progress from there.

>> No.8551580

He recommends you read THREE calculus books in succession and then tells you to read a book on vector calculus.

>> No.8551583


It's clearer to say matrix algebra than baby level linear algebra.

>> No.8551686

Autism can range from severely dysfunctional, like you describe, to basically normal human beings with some weird peculiarities (think ass burgers). Those in the upper range are certainly able to read, carry on a conversation, learn, etc. Autism is often associated with, eg., OCD, so they will become extremely obsessed with one particular thing (like studying mathematics) while leaving every other area of their lives in the dust.