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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8534193 No.8534193 [Reply] [Original]

Who /complete academic failure/ here

>> No.8534202

>be me
>always get mostly A's, with maybe one or two B's

>be me this semester
>get mostly B's, only one A, and a D

Why even live

>> No.8534205

What'd you get the D in?

>> No.8534208

his mouth, cuz he's an engineer

>> No.8534212

Data structures. But the subject is irrelevant. I was being a lazy faggot and not turning in assignments.

Computer engineers suck pussy, buddy.

>> No.8534217

Boi puccy xD

>> No.8534219


>> No.8534223
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I have mostly As, though there is a crippling sensation inside me that I'm bullshiting myself and not actually learning anything. I don't understand why because I have taken classes with famously hard professors. I'm not even that insecure, but this I can never feel proud of myself.

>> No.8534225

always did average all the way from kindergarten to college
I learn quickly on my own or with a tutor but the classroom environment always disagreed with me

>> No.8534233

fucking kek

>> No.8534282


>> No.8534403

me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shit happends.

>> No.8534487
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>tfw a fucking failure but for some reason my personal tutor believes in me

end it

>> No.8534494
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I fail so many times. Trick is to just harden the fuck up, prepare better, become better and try again.

>> No.8534532

Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.

>> No.8534538
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>1.2 in high school
>3.4 in CC
>Transferring to Uni this spring
Going to be a 20yo sophomore. Wish me luck bros

>> No.8534684

Good luck buddy :)

>> No.8534691

I was 21 as sophomore, you'll be fine.

>> No.8534696

Literally nothing wrong with that. Education isn't a race

>> No.8534698

>B-B-But you should have taken Calc 3 in middle school!!

>> No.8534704
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>tfw to intelligent for math

>> No.8534708

>tfw C in pre-cal but A in Calc 1

What did I mean by this

>> No.8534717
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>> No.8534731

He's correct retard

>> No.8534767
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>start school as a kid and excel in every subject
>put in advanced programs
>at an impacted, low-income elementary school
>highest level for my year is easy and boring
>lose interest in schoolwork and start goofing off and getting in trouble
>situation progressively worsens
>enter high school
>discover women
>somehow become even less focused
>eventually emotionally drained from said women
>graduate 1.5 years early
>tfw every teacher and counselor said you were extremely smart
>tfw you never really believed them

Fast forward to now, and here I am trying to teach myself what I would have been learning had I not fucked myself out of attending a good university. Only after I left did I begin to appreciate the value of education and realize I wanted to be a part of academia. I will have to find a way.

>> No.8534771

*ring ring ring*

>> No.8534777

Teachers by and large respect that. If u can keep up with kwy assignments and material, they'll gloss the details. Rven my most intense prof did

>> No.8534779

>>discover women

Why do pussies have to come with women attached to them? It fucking sucks. Imagine if instead you had like a pussy in your hand so you could just fuck your handpussy and also imagine if our bodies naturally produced a drug that would make us feel what we feel when having sex with women. The world would literally be a better place. We would already be colonizing the moon... of another planet in another galaxy.

>> No.8534799

Fleshlights exist anon

>> No.8534837

>We would already be colonizing the moon... of another planet in another galaxy.
We would not, because nobody would be reproducing. You can't get those generational spaceships to work if you don't fuck.

>> No.8534846

You do realize that the only reason feminism worked in liberating women is because men needed women, right?

Remove the pussy element and women would still be fucking slaves, which means that even the top tier 500 IQ autists who die virgins like Newton would be able to just go to the nearest women prison and just impregnant like 10 of them to produce the next generation of geniuses. As easy as that.

>> No.8534934

I'm pretty sure the word "too" is supposed to be used, I don't really see any other way the sentence can show that "to" is appropriate.

>> No.8534939

I feel ya, i got a C in thermo

>> No.8534980
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>Be me
>Studying Mecha. Eng.
>6 semester
>Have like 2 areas out of my curriculum
>Available to pass in A or at least in B+ hard areas like Mechanical Desing or Models of Dynamics systems.
>Can't pass simples areas like Differential Equiations or Mecha. of Solids
>Have my average in 3.22
>I gonna do the next semester the only two areas that are like a pain in my ass mentioned previously.
>I am in TP (Test Period)
>That means if I don't get in this semester an average of 3.7 I will be out
>I am thinking seriously to leave or continue this career
>Don't want to leave because I am literally in the middle of the road
>Want to leave because I'm a waste of money

Well my father was right, I didn't have the enought balls to tell to him about choose another career and doing this only for the purpose of have a mayor like my father and the rest of my family.

Shits are good.

Now I have to take it seriously, shame I waste my time in stupids stuff.

>> No.8535173

Sorry that your dad is such an asshole

>> No.8535182


You're going to be okay dude.

I did 1 year CC, dropped out, worked for a few years and went back in 2015 and did my other year. Got almost straight As when I went back. Got into a top 10 public Uni.

I'm 25 and just finished my first quarter as a junior.

Work hard so you dont have to repeat classes. Trust me. Force yourself to find what you are learning to be interesting. School is WAY better than wagecucking.

>> No.8535187


>Get A in Precalc
>Get C in calculus 1
>get A in Calculus 2 and another A in Multivariable Calculus

same thing I meant by this apparently

>> No.8535207 [DELETED] 
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5 years of college and I never even passed one semester.

I am always tired, can't focus and have 0 interest in what I study. Even if I graduated I don't know who would hire me over some normal dude who finished college on time, is passionate about his subject and sociable. But the idea of not going to college at all somehow terrifies me. Like you are branded as failure for life without a degree.

>> No.8535214

I'm in a PhD program but it's at a low to mid tier public school (CCNY). So I'm not a total failure, but I'm probably pretty close.

>> No.8535218
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tell me about it, after one year I developed insomnia because of the fucking pressure this puts on me.

>> No.8535245

I majored in math but never focused or studied like I should have. Made a bunch of Cs, Bs, B-s & - few As and A+s. Was all over the spectrum and bombed classes like analysis with a C of some sort.

I knew I wasn't as dumb as my grades suggested. I started studying at home years later very rigorously. I saw I actually understood mathematical proofs and could do and understand shit I never grasped whenever I took algebra & analysis the first time.

I took this ground up approach to relearning mathematics and enrolled as a non degree student taking intro courses (again) to get into graduate school (PhD). As of now I have a 4.0 GPA (even if intro I am carrying the same approach to my upper level courses).

I was told my terrible GPA wouldn't matter and the only transcript the school is trying to get into would consider is my last one which happens to be the courses I'm taking there anyways.

This is a prestigious school and I'm like late 20s taking courses over again I fucked up in initially with freshman but now I'm doing extremely well in them.

I was told research experience is very important so I'm going to try to find a professor and get involved with that too.

Next year I'm taking senior level classes and am studying my ass off beforehand to not fuck up in them.

For once in my life I feel like I'm achieving my potential. My end goal is a PhD and will do what it takes to get there.

>> No.8535250

I had to type this shit on mobile with autocorrection fucking it up. Basically I did terrible as an undergrad math major. I enrolled as a non degree years later retaking courses I fucked up in and pulling off a 4.0 first time in my life.

Will be applying to graduate programs later once I get more upper division courses in

>> No.8535256


I feel like it would be morally wrong of me to not tell you to stop going to school.

>> No.8535309

congrats, that's actually pretty inspirational that you were able to do that.

What will your path in life be after the PhD if you follow through?

>> No.8535316

never do something just because you're expected to.

You need to take a step back and find some meaning in my opinion.

>> No.8535518

>Like you are branded as failure for life without a degree.
This is a stupid misconception and incorrect. If you don't fit in the school environment, then get out. You're wasting your time and money, and it's clearly not emotionally healthy for you right now. Many doors will be closed, or will take some force to open, but there are jobs out there for people without college degrees. e.g. software companies hire programmers without computer science degrees fairly frequently. Learn a skill on your own for a while, then try applying for entry-level positions. If you can get your foot in the door, then you will only be able to go up from there. In most cases, experience will trump your educational background.

>> No.8535526

I just wanna win the fucking lottery or something and relax the rest of my life, or make a big investment and live off that

I'm weary lads....

>> No.8535540

If you're going to spend your life doing something that makes you miserable... take breaks.

>> No.8535557

>going to be a 23yo sophmore
Kill me. I look just like a regular 18yo freshman now, though. No one knows I'm a vet

>> No.8535587

I fucking hate lectures

Such a colossal waste of time

There are far more effective ways of learning

>> No.8535630 [DELETED] 
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>enroll to study again after dropping out at 25
>mfw people younger than me whining that they got their bachelors a few years later than everyone else

>> No.8535654
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>straight A's entire life
>super high GPA
>mainly because school was easy to game not because i was smart by any means
>parental and family expectations through the roof
>go to school for CompSci
>enjoy it Freshman year
>tank my Sophomore year because im starting to fucking hate programming
>first time getting C's and D's and near failing

Well shit. Motivation is a powerful thing. I was sure I would enjoy learning this sort of thing. Time to reevaluate everything.

>> No.8535693
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The thing is, you are never going to be truly motivated by anything.

What you will do, after realizing you hate the thing you thought you would love, is discover something else that interests you. So you will pursue that. Switch majors. Go through classes for about two semesters or so. Then you will start growing tired of that, too. And you will start to realize that there is something else that you are more interested in. So the cycle continues. At some point it will no longer be practical to switch majors over and over again, so you will resort to something that is at least mildly interesting so that you can get school over with and get a job.

>> No.8535696

i'm also on the math path, and like you in a lot of ways, but i don't want to laundry list them off.

what are the prospects for getting into research in the mathematical sciences these days?

>> No.8535721

Just barely got a C in data structures by the hair on my chinny chin chin

>> No.8535726


3.5 gpa (all ap) 31 act in HS, got into 0 universities so I'm in CC feeling like a fucking loser burnout

I mean I'm applying to transfer to a 4 year, but the pity looks and and talks from people seriously suck

>"school doesn't matter, its what you do that counts"
>"well I know plenty of people who bounced back from CC"
>"good for you, going to school!"

>> No.8535736

>3.5 gpa (all ap) 31 act in HS, got into 0 universities so I'm in CC feeling like a fucking loser burnout
probably because you're a white male, and they gave all the spots to niggers with a 1.5

>> No.8535739

>3.5 gpa (all ap) 31 act in HS, got into 0 universities so I'm in CC feeling like a fucking loser burnout
Holy FUCK do I know that feel. Didn't get into ANY good schools despite my high GPA and 32 ACT. Had to settle for a shitty state school.


>> No.8535747

got me

>> No.8535748

same here.

it's been rigged against white males, from about 2008 until 2016.

idk why tho.

>> No.8535812

Clearly not too intelligent for English. :^)

>> No.8535814

Try ecstasy and a fleshlight. Record the results, I'm very curious as to how it will end.

>> No.8535826


"you'll just keep switching" -you, some guy online

Now you might be right for this guy but on the other hand maybe programming just isn't his thing and he would find a lot more satisfaction and drive in another field.

>> No.8535830

ur retarded if u think this desu. only people who its rigged against are asians

>> No.8535848
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Just calculated my gpa

At the very worst I'll end up with 2.68. If I somehow manage to pull one out of nowhere and pull a b on final tomorrow which is unlikely I'll end with 2.93

I'll most likely end with 2.68


Fuck how will I ever recover am I fucked from getting internship now. I'm 80 credits in should taking final sophomore classes next semseter

>> No.8535854

Did lously this semester, the only hard course I had was Discrete Mathematics. But overall I ended up with a 2.8 GPA overall, simply due to lack of studying. Really need to get focused next semester and I think I can pull at least a 3.5 with even a little bit of effort.

>> No.8535890

gpa won't matter as much after a couple years in industry.

If you're applying for gradschool though? sorry.

>> No.8535899


forgot to mention, I was top 10% in my states high school class (washington) and it displayed that on the graduation brochure

I didn't get in to the University of Washington but fuck tons of people in my class made in that were not in the 10% (and probably no where close)

I am still so fucking salty about this

>> No.8535904
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has anyone failed a class? i've completely blown off a materials science course this semester after failing to pick up the slack for the shitty lectures and garbage textbook and i might actually fail a class (or at least not get credit for my major, and then what's the fucking point?). final is on thursday and i've zero motivation to study when i've been lost for half the semester

>> No.8535909

materials science is awesome you pleb..

>> No.8535912

i know and i fucked up pushing it off to the side the entire semester because i didn't feel like putting forth the time. fuck i still don't really understand stereographic projects

>> No.8535932

Funny, my MatSci has had the most fun and interesting content I could ever ask for... but a terrible professor. Haven't done a damn thing in there beyond show up for lectures, but I'm still doing fairly well.

Pros of being in a new program that the professors are still working out the kinks in I guess.

>> No.8535939
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I've failed at least 3/5 of all classes I've taken in the past 4 years of uni and I want to fucking kill myself. Financial aid stopped helping me because of my shit grades by my third year, and I'm digging myself deeper in debt because I'm still stuck in the mindset that perseverance doesn't come with consequences, which it fucking does.

>> No.8535983

I failed a lot of classes out of laziness during my undergrad. Still got into grad school, the third world is an amazing place.

>> No.8535991
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I failed Cal 1 TWICE
Parents finally had enough after 5 years of me being NEET and threatened to kick me out if I didnt go back to school or work, so im giving it another go
I don't know what the fuck im gonna do

>> No.8536018

Pretty shit. But if you feel that you have to do it even knowing the shit prospects, then do it. Or so that's how I'm gonna go about it. Just make sure you know just how shit it is.

>> No.8536296

lmao what? Do you know how many fucking chinks there are in my class? I'm pretty much the only white guy. Let me tell you, this shit is definitely not rigged against chinks.

>> No.8536305

I started uni at 22. You'll be fine.

>> No.8536588 [DELETED] 
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I haven't even finished middle school yet.

>> No.8536595

Holy fuck that was unexpected, kekd

>> No.8536604
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M. O.

M. O. D.


*clap clap*
*clap clap clap*

>> No.8536611

I'm 21 my man. I entered a deep depression when I was 13 and it ruined my life because I never got help.

>> No.8536648
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Yessssssssssss let the autism flow through you......

>> No.8536655
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>tfw to intelligent to needlessly lengthen words

>> No.8536659




>> No.8537931

I refuse to believe you faggots are this retarded. I hate this stupid roleplay thread.

>> No.8538003

Going down the exact same path. Good luck to us both

>> No.8538005
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>I don't really see any other way the sentence can show that "to" is appropriate

Retake English 1, fucking kek

>> No.8538027


Im about to get

I'm tearing my hair out. I had straight A's during midterms WTF is the matter with me. I'm fucking stupid as fuck.

Jesus christ Im freaking out. A fucking C. Really? Wtf is wrong with me. I'm just going to drop out and die now, I can't handle the embarrassment.

>> No.8538031

This feel is confusing indeed

>> No.8538033


Are engineers stereotypically gay or something? This could be good news for me.

>> No.8538060

>application rejected by state uni senior year
>enter CC because poorfag with mediocre grades
>don't want to be at CC
>think I'm better than CC
>stumble my way through classes with the intention of just transferring out
>9/11'ed the same course 3 times now, perma-rekt my GPA
>will be lucky to get in anywhere now
>somehow apathetic about the entire situation
take it as a warning not to be a smug faggot and study hard, because there's no way to recover from rock bottom

I'm most likely going to pay off my bills and kill myself rather than stay in this rut for another semester :^)

>> No.8538076

It's "too" you fucking idiot, as in more, also, or to a higher degree

>> No.8538079

Literally in the exact same spot, but I got into the "second-tier" public school. I realized that university is a strange beast. Nobody cares where you went, they care what you do. As long as your university is accredited and you feel as though there are opportunities there for you, the rest is just how you feel about the campus life.

Not to mention, if you do succeed you get mad alumni points and can retroactively make your university attractive.

>> No.8539026

Your 1 year behind that is nothing

>> No.8539032


only on sci. in real life, no

>> No.8539047

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8540676

At least your not 24 and have a meme degree. Study stem

>> No.8540713
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>was really interested in biology, chemistry and engineering
>really sucked at math that wasn't geometry so didn't make the cut
>ended up as an archivist
>then a welder

>> No.8540747

You're too hard on yourself. That's still a low 3? Much better than most college students. Unless you're a premed or something I wouldn't freak out too much about it.

>> No.8540748

Hey man, the vets I saw in my classes as freshmen were pretty cool. Ain't nobody give a shit how old you are

>> No.8540755

Senior here, half your hs class that goes to college drops fyi

>> No.8540765

smart, but not wise

just like the rest of this board

>> No.8540767

when will brainlets leave

>> No.8540787
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>Be me
>Decide to get an AAS in Engineering Technology
>Get good job, hot wife
>Fix welding robots for a living
>Still feel inadequate for not learning Differential Equations or Thermodynamics
>mfw I browse /sci/

>> No.8540793

I am a 27 year old neet that dropped out of high at 15, I am going to attend a community college soon and hopefully change my life around

>> No.8541033

Total failure here. I'm on my seventh year of a five year graduation.
Got depressed on my second year and never came out of it, I passed only one or two courses in a lot of semesters. The uni and the professors are very understanding, they know I'm fucked up. They convinced me to continue, but I'm still thinking on dropping of, everyday, even though I have only my graduation thesis left to do.

>> No.8541077

>>Still feel inadequate for not learning Differential Equations or Thermodynamics
Why don't you learn it then, fag?

You may think you're an alpha male because you fix robots and own a sexy woman, but you're really, truly, deep down inside, a numale. Those people who don't bother learning something because they can't take a class to coddle them through it, instead of learning it on their own, are truly beta males, because they get frightened by ideas.

>> No.8541122
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>Tfw managed to salvage my GPA from bad to okay
>Probably going to need to get an amazing GRE and some As in graduate courses before I can get accepted into a Masters program because I'm at the minimum recommended GPA for a not-shit school graduate program.

>> No.8541135

What is wrong with me /sci/
Why can't I just study and be a tryhard like all of you
Even when I start to study it doesn't last long
Why couldn't I just be smart in the first place so I could enjoy studying

it isn't fair
I can't fail anymore classes

>> No.8541144
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>finals tomorrow
>piss easy but still gonna manage to fail
I just study to ease the cramps in my stomach

>> No.8541157

Smart doesn't help if you don't apply yourself and aren't motivated

>> No.8541166


Worked out really well for me, I transferred up to a State school after CC, don't let CC be your ceiling.

>> No.8541183


For how people talk on here, anything below 3.5 means bye-bye to grad school chances. That is what is coloring a lot of my thoughts.

>> No.8541188

>might have to give up medicine cause im failing hard

I'm studying it in a language that I'm really not that proficient in, but I still manage to learn the material. Then the tests always have questions on minor details that I skimmed over and I fuck it all up. It's quite sad actually, I guess I bit off more than I could chew.

>> No.8541209


Last night I was in the same position. You just have to force it, take some fucking drugs to calm yourself down, drink a soothing tea, etc.

Force yourself to study, force yourself to stare at the page.

A thing that helps me when I cant concentrate, is reading the page out loud and exclaiming outloud that I have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. or that I get that part because of x. Really helps me to get into the mood. I do that, get up pace for a few minutes trying to calm down.

Sit down and do it.

>> No.8541212

Below 3.5 means its very hard to get into a top tier grad program, doesn't mean that's the end of the world. 3.0 to 3.5 is generally the min for many schools that are decent and if you do well on your GRE or even go back to school for a couple grad courses and do great in them the Grad program people will overlook a weak GPA. Whatever you do, DON'T GET YOUR MS AT SOME NO-NAME SCHOOL EVEN IF THEY ACCEPT YOU. School rep matters above all for grad degrees. At least get it at some well known state school like Massachusetts or California or something.

>> No.8541378


>weak GPA
You are still referring to 3.0-3.5 as weak, which is what I was afraid of. I have a 3.3 and I could probably get it up to a 3.45 or something.


I don't understand what you mean by no-name? I was looking at UoPortland, uni Oregon Corvalis/ uni Oregon Eugene, IU, and Uni of Vermont.

Are those no-names? I don't expect to get into anywhere nice. I don't even want to apply to anywhere nice, just feels like I'd be wasting my money.

>> No.8541757

What was your major?
I am worried about doing a difficult major because of how much I missed, the highest math I've done is pre-algebra.
Though being more mature and a more capable learner than I was before gives me confidence.

>> No.8541834
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Brainlet reporting in, is here the brainlet club?

>> No.8542233

>1.8 in HS
>.8 in College
>4.0 in CC
Fucking took me long enough jesus fuck.

>> No.8542245


> what you do

What, like sick as extracurriculars or shit? Does doing independent research count? Does it particularly count if you have been doing a lot related to your desired field of study?

>> No.8542250

>studied BSc Economics, graduated First Class without great difficulties
>decide to start a pure math degree
>feel like an absolute brainlet, work my ass off just to not lose touch with the material
>1st semester exams coming up with a distinct possibility of me not passing

I have never felt as dumb as I do now. Especially with so many others seemingly effortlessly doing better than me.

>> No.8542267


CS/Math double, in CC I just did all the general electives, I was originally doing some of the Computer/IT/Networking stuff there too until I realized how easy it is to teach yourself these things on the job. I started off in fucking remedial math wanting to kill myself, and took not one but fucking 3 retard-tier remedial math classes at the CC level, totally worth it if you are coming back as an adult, you really forget all that shit.

I took Alg 1, Alg 2, and Trigonometry starting off, now in uni I'm doing Number theory and Diff Equations only a few years later. Just take it slow. If I can be this brainlet that I'm retaking Algebra 1 and go on to do a Math undergrad I'm sure you can too, the only thing stopping me was self-doubt. Once that is out of the way you can just go for it!

>> No.8542372

same here

>> No.8542426

Just failed to get the B I need for engineering school in community college Physics for Engineers, checking in.

>> No.8542501

how the fuck did you get a 0.8

>> No.8542512


He clearly just stopped going to classes multiple semesters in a row, but also didn't drop so got straight F 0's.

>> No.8542689

>have physics degree
>working as a software engineer

Paycheck's nice though

>> No.8542889

>he thinks "too" is a word

it's 'to' for fucks sake. stop adding an extra o

>> No.8542968

That sucks — where do you go now?

>> No.8543010

i failed an intro to philosophy class (transfer requirement) because i didn't do half the assignments

>> No.8543033

>achieving my potential.

A PhD would probably be a waste of your potential. Lot's of irrelevant stuff diverting your attention from becoming good at a subject.

>> No.8543050
File: 13 KB, 320x240, orly-43441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking got a B+ in Numerical Analysis. Only got 71.11% on the final. How? I literally don't know. That class is just plug and chug. You solve equations with DECIMALS and use algorithms and somehow I fucked up on 29.89% of that.

I actually hate myself. I'm doing my second undergrad so I'm not just starting out. Had a 3.94 GPA last year and now the absolute best I can get this year is a 3.94.

I wouldn't be so upset if I didn't feel like I'd be horribly incompetent working in an industry, doing a PhD, or anything besides being a doctor. But medical school in Ontario o'Blast is fucking hell to get into. I'm not sure if you amerifags know this, but Canadian medical schools have entrances averages of 4.0 (using your scale) and require a shitload of extracurriculars.

I'm not doing anything with my life besides school at the moment so getting a B+ is literally soul-crushing for me.

>tfw I have such lofty expectations of myself but don't come close to achieving them even when I'm stressing out trying to learn shit

I spent a good 20 hours studying for this exam. I'm not sure how I fucked that up so badly. I spent literally half that time studying first year Micro- and Macro- economics last semester and topped the class. Also had the highest mark out of everyone in Discrete math I. But somehow my brain literally works half as well 5 months later.

Anyhow, that was my miniature breakdown. Thanks for reading

>> No.8543054

Would you rather be a shity chemical engineer (2.6 gpa) or a decent business student

>> No.8543057

Wish you the best anon. Keep your head held high. I am doing something similar >>8535245
what was your first degree in?

Thanks, glad someone found it inspirational. I thought this thread would 404 by now. My plans are to work in industry after a PhD (machine learning). I worked in industry as an analyst for several years and absolutely could not focus on research (only could focus on things that directly translated to business value). I had to get out and go back to school. The reason I want to go industry after PhD is because I think there are a lot of interesting problems out there and large companies have access to vast data sets. But I like to dive deep into the theory and graduate school will provide that.

Depends what field. I'm very interested in applications to computer science (but more on the theoretical side).

>> No.8543066

I keep thinking there's something wrong with me. I've had this 'fog' hanging over my head all year and I don't know why. I think it's just that I'm not studying as well... It's like I'm studying to learn the course rather than studying to do well on the exam. It's like I can't decide what I want to do.

I used to be really good at just getting a feel for what the expectations for the course would be and tangoing with that but for some reason this year I'm trying too hard to into deeplearning (even when it's hopelessly inefficient at this stage in the course).

>> No.8543071

Forgot to mention, first degree was in Philosophy

>> No.8543075

Hey you're actually studying the stuff that I think is interesting.

Are you interested in financial applications? Or are you interested in data analysis in technology or science?

>> No.8543082

>Trying to get into med school in Ontario
I feel you. Took a second year kine course because kine is a literal cakewalk compared to actual biology classes. I was so confident I skipped almost every lecture and then ended up with a B+ in the course. Sucked my own dick too hard and ended up cumming in my eye.
I have a B average anyways so I already have to do a master's if I want a chance at getting into medschool.
>Tfw I may never end up being a pretentious Queens U med student

>> No.8543086

I am mostly interested in data analysis / deep learning. The basics of deep learning are taught at an undergraduate math level... calculus I-III, Statistics, Probability, Linear Algebra (very important).

If interested in deep learning I recommend diving right in. Look up hand written recognition using the MNIST data set. Learn about softmax & cross entropy. Code it up in python and get it to recognize your own handwriting.

You said you have a 3.9, that is pretty great. I graduated with an undergrad math degree.. like 2.9 my last 2 years. But that was 4 years ago and I have since taught myself a lot and enrolled in school again post-degree to prep to get into graduate school.

I was acing my class this semester... had a 101%. Just took the final. Think I made an A on it. Should have a 4.0 this semester. Your grades don't define you. You can improve and stay consistent. I plan to make As here on out until I apply to PhD programs.

>> No.8543108


How much do you study throughout the semester? I feel like my undoing this semester was only getting my shit together like 1-2 weeks before the exam.

I felt very frantic this whole semester and I've found myself having unhealthy thought patterns a lot recently. I feel like I've been a total brainlet these past two months and I have no idea why

>> No.8543109

I probably failed Calc 1, but I was being lazy, so i'm taking the CLEP tomorrow-it's more extensive than what I've learned tho

>> No.8543113

But you could apply to Queens with two good years. This year and next year were supposed to be the best of years. Western also seems like fun, and you can get in there with two good years. Realistically though, any schools going to be good since you'll be surrounded by successful people no matter where you go.

I think my best bet is to do one full-time year after this year and one part-time year after. I feel like this semester was my first real test. If I can get good grades next semester (or if my GPA this year ends up being anything above 3.8) and I get good grades in my remaining courses, I can have a GPA that is enough to make me competitive anywhere in Ontario (since my cGPA would go from 3.0 to 3.5) as well as give me a good cushion for when I work or do a Master's.

>> No.8543114

Freshman here, got an A in my ridiculously hard intro to real analysis/proof based calc class whatever you want to call it. Its a class that i ended up putting ~15 hrs a week for because we use something called the moore method https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_method . It's pretty ridiculous but I enjoy the material and have gotten a good understanding of it.

>> No.8543115

If you apply to Queens with a graduate degree they don't weigh your undergrad GPA (according to the dudes on premed101, anyways). So your dreams still alive bro. You think about doing a Master's? What's your GPA? I might not have accomplished much myself but I've done a good amount of lurking people who actually have gotten in.

>> No.8543117

I've just started going back to school after being out of college for a couple years due to lack of interest. Finally, two areas i'm interested are math and law. I'm currently pursuing law but im loving math.


>> No.8543122

>get bachelor in a non-STEM field
>want to go back and get a masters in a STEM field
Apparently you're allowed to do that but I'm going to need to take all or most of the core undergrad classes to even be able to qualify for the grad program. I initially when I entered last time was placed into the highest math criteria so I should be able to do that again with a bit of review. Also doing a bit of calculus study myself before going back.

>> No.8543128

I'm a freshman who just failed all his classes because of some retarded tier depression.

Aced all my midterms and the classes were pretty easy gen-eds, everything was going pretty smoothly, but I just stopped going and laid in bed instead of taking any finals. I Got a lot of calls from people asking where I was and if I was okay...

How fucked am I? Can I still get help or do I need to retake everything again. I probably deserve to.


>> No.8543146

welcome to adulthood.

>> No.8543155

Which language and country?

>> No.8543178

>but I'm going to need to take all or most of the core undergrad classes to even be able to qualify for the grad program

WOW, REALLY? You mean they expect you to be TRAINED and QUALIFIED to get into a distinguished graduate program?

Fuckin bullshit, mate! They should just give you the degree for free, you probably know everything anyway since you're such a genius that you went for a non-scientific degree in the first place.

>> No.8543197

I neither said nor implied any of the things you're attacking in my post. This is an "academic failure" thread and my failure to go for a good degree the first time is going to add quite a bit of work onto the post-grad path I want to take.

>> No.8543200

Came here to say this

>> No.8543205

I recognize you from the other thread. This is an academic failure thread, you idiot.

>> No.8543222

In undergraduate I never studied, least not effectively. I always tried to do the homeworks the night before or utilized study groups. Probably explains why I did so poorly.

I changed my behavior by doing all homework assignments by myself. I studied every day and rarely used outside help. This became very effective come exam time as I could solve novel problems, from being able to do the homework and such independently .

But to answer your question I put 8-10 hours a week in this one class. It'll be my method moving forward. Independent work (no group work unless required) and 8-10 hours (very least) of pure study outside the classroom (per course)

>> No.8543225

This is why I had a 100% going into the final.

>> No.8543232

I'm not a failure, but I'm taking so long a time getting things done that I worry I won't have a thesis done until my mid 30s

>> No.8543258

I'm a fresh PhD. Therefore I am the failest.

>> No.8543501

I failed it 5 times then passed calc iii on my first try. You can do it

>> No.8543794

My GPA is a 3. Right now im working part time in a lab, im good friends with my PI and expect to start my masters with him as soon as I graduate.
One of my co-workers didn't have a good enough GPA to get into medschool, but he got put as an author on a paper in Nature. My PI told whoever was considering him that he basically wrote the actual paper himself (which was true) and helped get him in. Im hoping that I can do well and figure out something similar. The only problem is the actual "doing". Plus I think that they still consider undergrad grades, but just less.

>> No.8543924


I'm pretty sure I didn't even pass precalculus this semester, and I might have to take an extra semester to graduate.

Guess thats what I get for taking two majors and believing in my abilities

>> No.8543949

I'm grateful that I live in Texas where top 10% is automatic admittance for all public universities.

>> No.8543952


If you chem engineer and then work your way up the good ol boy system they will literally pay for your MBA. This is why I have no clue why anyone would do MBA out of their own pocket or pick it as their starting major.

>> No.8543971

I'm a mostly straight A student who's had to medically withdraw twice. Like a fucking moron.

>> No.8544041


Have you accepted their offer yet? I had an offer like that from one place where I didn't meet all of the requirements for core undergrad classes they wanted, and they basically told me that the semester that I didn't have the cores done I would go unfunded and would be ineligible for teaching positions/fellowships.

I did not accept that shit. Not worth it at all.

>> No.8544050

Got my "light" research degree like in-the-middle-of-MSc-and-PhD then dropped out to became a community college prof. in electronics and programming. I managed to stay relatively sane and healthy despite some sick odds and that's the most important part of it for me.

>> No.8544055

3.7 All AP and 35 on ACT in HS. Got into 1 university because I had legacy so thats something. I applied to 20

>> No.8544139

Oh lord I need source on this gif

>> No.8544145


>> No.8544170

>Got places at UCL and Imperial to study engineering
>Chose UCL (fuckup 1)
>Dropped out (fuckup 2)
>No money to go back
>Can't even get into Imperial again anyway because they upped their entry requirements past my grades.
Right now I'm pretty bitter that all that effort I put into studying A levels were all for nothing.

>> No.8544589
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>tfw consider anything under 90/100 a fail

>> No.8544677

>pretty sure I failed 2 final exams
>need to pass the finals to pass both courses
>had B's in both courses going in

Apparently most people did poorly/failed the exams as well though

What am I supposed to feel

>> No.8544687


that you should have studied harder you little fuck

>> No.8544697

Yeah I know I'm a stupid fuck

>> No.8544726

>put no thought into a major when applying for unis beyond:
>"mech. eng. = ROCKETS, CARS, PLANES"
>"comp sci = bretty kool, but code monkey stigma"
>"electrical = lol poking around circuits all day"
>"chemical = lol making detergent or working with dirty oil pipes all day"
>"civil = lol construction all day"
>get into uni, keep open mind between mechE and CS
>get ass kicked in lower div math/physics and in intro cs classes, but less so in cs and feel more interested in cs
>end 1st year depressed
>switch majors to cs thinking it would keep me more motivated/interested
>start feeling anxiety and not confident
>switch back to mechE
>hate doing physics shit, bullshit through thermo and fluids, end up with B's somehow
>end 2nd year depressed and lost and hopeless
>start 3rd year completely uninterested in shit
>drop out after 1 term

just off myself senpai

>> No.8544762

Should have joined a extracurricular activity. Instead of watching anime when getting home.

>> No.8544765

go to cs

>> No.8544895
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>> No.8544902
File: 267 KB, 344x389, LADS_WHAT_DO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Americans are academically challenged.

>> No.8544914

We dont care of our own kids about education here in america but we braindrain the other countries just basically take their knowledge

>> No.8544956

>be lazy
>parents tell me I only do bad because I'm "le smart but lazy"
>start actually caring about a subject
>can't get anywhere with it
>realize im actually retarded
Who else /retarded/ here?

>> No.8544963

Lmao fucking brainlet

>> No.8544970

What the fuck did you just try to say?

>> No.8545031
File: 225 KB, 658x370, Fightville_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw med school in your country is pass or fail so you have no idea about GPA:s
>tfw you had abhorrent, abhorrent high school grades
>like janitor level grades
>tfw your country has a retarded test which you can apply to all universities with which you can do twice a year
>tfw not extremely brain dead so finished in top 2 % of test nationally
>tfw university application is done through a government website and is solely based on high school grades or the stupid test
>tfw university is free in your country and you even get paid 3k € per month for studying and can borrow an additional 7k € for basically zero % interest
>I can get into any program in the country except one
>If I actually studied for the test I would propably ace it
>tfw thinking about what second bachelor I should get while doing first 5 semesters of med school
>and then starting on my PhD on the sixth semester
In shaa Allah

>tfw life is strange

Wanna guess the country?

>> No.8545049


>> No.8545067

If you voted for Trump you might call my country Turkey.

>> No.8545068

probably failing 3/3 subjects because I thought they were too easy, I'll just retake them next semester

>> No.8545072

Or rather one might call it "next Turkey" or "next Somalia"

>> No.8545434

heyyy me too except i felt like i didnt to learn anymore so i goofed off and now im going to community college because i couldnt hack it at a real university

kill me

>> No.8545444

if you went for a phd you would just have been blatantly copied by all the fake phds spying on your work anyway. better to pretend to fail and they have no excuse to copy you.

>> No.8545455


>> No.8545457

My PhD application just got rejected

>> No.8545732

Geez Anon-senpai

hope things get better for you

>> No.8545737

studying in top-tier german uni, i'm east-european, it really isn't the material itself, it's my hubris thinking you can just study fucking medicine in a language that you haven't mastered. i pulled through though, that post was before the finals.

>> No.8545801

Denmark ?

>> No.8545815

I know that feeling. I ended up staying at the same school I did my undergrad. I'm going to be "that guy" who did all his degrees at one school.

>> No.8545825

we get that here in Madison, too, anon. You cannot fucking believe who gets in and who does not. There are people here who can barely read. It makes no sense at all.

I feel you man. Shit sucks.

>> No.8545831

Please don't tell me you're doing Bachelors Masters AND phd at the same school.

>> No.8545834

Only doing masters right now. Though I could very well be doing all 3 at the same school. The school is ranked decently, between top 20 and 30 internationally. I have very little desire to go into academia so I'm not too worried about being seen as the product of academic inbreeding.

>> No.8545837

I had the same problem getting in to undergrad. I was not just too 10% but top fucking 10 in my graduating class. And I didn't get in to Georgia Tech, while a lot of my friends did. All of whom were surprised I didn't get in.

I figured it was one of two things: I didn't have enough extracurriculars or I wrote shit essays.

But I go to GT now for grad school:)

Some advice: writing is hugely important. Take an extra writing class or two beyond what is required. You'll be glad you did.

>> No.8545845

I'm confused as to why someone with a masters from a top 30 wouldn't go top 10 for phd outside of personal reasons.Are you just trying not to move to far from home?

>> No.8545865

I've tried. The applications I went during my last year of undergrad were either rejected or accepted without funding (soft reject). I don't believe that by the time I finish my masters, my new application would be all that different.

>> No.8545916

Forgot to mention you are a teacher and the real reason you left is that you ran out of patience and realized you could learn faster on your own.

>> No.8545928


kill yourself and fuck off with this positivism bullshit you dont even believe in.

kill yourself, again.

>> No.8545931

Maybe you're right that he doesn't believe in it. But it sure as hell annoys you enough to still be worth it.

>> No.8545955

>t. I don't know what "positivism" means

>> No.8545965


nice meme bro, you got me by assuming stuff and projecting your false sense of superiority now fuck off.

Its bullshit.

>> No.8545966

Not sure about that. Women is supposed to be the main driver to work hard for men. Work hard, get good, get good woman for teh pussy. Some time later: get kids. Then the incentive to work hard is to make family proud and happy.

That is the default route of any society.

When comes to productivity sure any other drug coupled with autistic immersion is probably more effective. BUT. Then the psychosocial means to control the mans behaviour by proxy thru his woman diminish. That control factor for societal stability is more important to those with money and power than efficiency ever was.

>> No.8545993

what the FUCK is that thing

>> No.8545994

>I'm a freshman who just failed all his classes because of some retarded tier depression.
Went through the exact same thing.
I started lagging behind 3 weeks into the semester and, instead of studying and catching up, I kept perpetuating a quasi-anxious feeling of "Im-gonna-fail-everything-so-why-should-I-bother" like a fucking idiot.

>> No.8545996

community college was made for dudes like you.

>> No.8546002

Yo, I just moved to Madison for grad. school. It's cold here.

>> No.8546012
File: 212 KB, 1286x383, medschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that anon but even I know that it is rigged against them. If the conditions were fair then most colleges would be full of Asians and nothing but Asians, but at some point they accept other ethnicities to maintain a certain quota of diversity.

>> No.8546025

Why would you say that is unfair? Your logics are lacking.

>> No.8546032

less than 8 billion worldwide. 4.4 billion asians in the world. 350 million northern americans. could be that there are more of them to apply but that they also suck.

>> No.8546050

This is US medschool, not global medschool. The largest ethnicity in the US is white people. On average Asians had the highest MCAT scores and the highest GPA (equal with white people) but they are still the ones refused the most.

Just accept it already, you thought you were a victim but it turns out Asians are the real victims and you're unaware of your privilege that you could be accepted just because you're white. Only Asians lack that race card.

It's unfair because they have the highest scores yet are refused the most. Over half of black people with a GPA of 3.2-3.39 got accepted yet barely 6% of Asians got accepted. The system is clearly rigged against Asians and all other ethnicities (including white people) are being favored.

Source for my image btw :


Here's a nice article talking about it


>> No.8546057

Are you not going to do an internship or research during your masters?

The point of a masters for someone who wants to get a phd is to do research. Otherwise you are wasting your time.

And if you do some research and get a publication and do a national lab internship maybe , your next application will be much different.

>> No.8546253

So is there some rule saying asians can't apply? The US has been flooded by asians for decades, primarily math and engineering.

I never thought I was a victim, I'm not even american and haven't and won't apply for an american school.

Maybe there are desirable qualities to become a medical doctor which knowledge-on-paper does not account for? Have you thought about that?

>> No.8546260

MSc is a prerequisite for even applying to become a PhD. Almost no student is ready to do any real research after their bachelors.

>> No.8546267
File: 36 KB, 482x427, kewjc3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>told I'm an academic prodigy as a child, read at the level of a 12 year old at the age of 4
>parents are both mentally ill, mother is bipolar, father has borderline personality disorder
>absolutely miserable life, parents fight constantly, father is very abusive, mother is too drugged out on antidepressants to give a shit
>loner in school, feel very different to everyone, feel I have nothing to offer as a person, ashamed of being alive
>become a ghost, no social media, only leave the house for school and nothing else
>no positive memories to recall in my life, at 20 years old I feel like I've seen everything there is to see in this world, I've been fighting clinical depression all of my life, I'm just tired of fighting
>half way through my second year of computer engineering, literally all I've done in life is studied and worked, with no human interactions or connections with anyone

Would I be happier as a brainlet

>> No.8546292

Many people would be happier brainlets. Especially if you empathise with all people you see making crappy decisions and there's no way you can help them you would rather run away and hide. Which usually is a crappy decision for one's own well being at least long term.

I had a super good upbringing with loving parents but always enjoyed being alone. Not because i felt bad but just because I liked the calm and to think undisturbed. My problems started when I was 20-23 y.o. somewhere and slowly start to perceive much of the badness in the world from which I had been shielded for all of my upbringing. Unable to deal with all of that it affected my motivation to get better, make friends and many other important things.

>> No.8546318

>tfw didn't do BBBBAD this semester
sucks to be you

>> No.8546334

>believing everything you're told

that was your first mistake.

>> No.8546335

lmao you'rea retard
>hurr durr i'm retarded

>> No.8546337

At some point you realize the course givers are just humans and that you at some point will - not have learned everything - but be able to learn new stuff considerably faster on your own and without the need of external confirmation.

>> No.8547939

Are you me? Internship is gonna be hell when I'm pulling probably about a 2.9-2.95 after my final tomorrow


>> No.8547941

KEK, I did this too. Completely blew off 75% of my Mat Sci class bc shitty lectures and never ended up learning the stuff. Showed up for the final without studying and the entire last quarter of the exam was stuff I didn't even know we had done in class
Still pulled a C though, because I'm not a brainlet

>> No.8547950

JFM State University

>> No.8547980

de-fucking-stroyed lmao

>> No.8547985

>have a low 90 in my intro physics (mechanics) class while going into the exam
>tfw I probably got 6 or 7 questions wrong out of the 22, and I'm gonna finish with an 80 in the class
just fuck my shit up senpai, no 4.00 for me.

>> No.8548078

Happened to me. Had like a 97 going to an exam and literally bombed it. Must have finished with an 85 or so.

This year I had a 100% going into the final and got really scared about what happened last year. Studies my butt off the entire semester and went into the final. Final was hard as fuck but think the studying over the semester gave me the extra oomph. I think I made an A in the class but don't want to say shit until I see my grade. I am super paranoid after last year

>> No.8548111

>because I'm not a brainlet
Sure sounds like it.

>> No.8548269

>Maybe there are desirable qualities to become a medical doctor which knowledge-on-paper does not account for? Have you thought about that?

Sounds like what Hispanics and Blacks say to justify affirmative action.

>muh whitey so oppressed

Senpai, East Asians/South Asians got it way harder than you. Get good bitch nigga.

>> No.8548293

/sci/ IS real life.

>> No.8548308


>> No.8548313

employers don't care about your GPA and only meme employers care if you went to ivy league or MIT

just study something marketable

>> No.8548320

I had a similar experience with my chem exam, the exam was pretty brutal in its own right, but I put the most amount of my time in studying for it so I think I got almost perfect.

>> No.8548384

>slowly start to perceive much of the badness in the world from which I had been shielded for all of my upbringing
Fedora tier depression

>> No.8548394
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>tfw just got my mark on the final
at least I got a 3.67 in the class

>> No.8549342

>had 86 going into analysis final
>Get 65 on the exam

Truly life is suffering for brainlets.

>> No.8550054

Denmark ?

>> No.8550395
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>Tfw I want to work in medicine or biology and I'm planning to become a nurse but I can't even pass high school chemistry and biology which I need to be able to even be accepted into nursing school

Jesus christ, I'm going to put peoples lives in danger if I become a nurse. I should just work in a pharmacy or something

>> No.8550427

Did you guys aim too high or something?

>> No.8550433

I have this happen to me a lot.

My excuse for it is that for some reason every fucking prof I get falls way behind and then tries to skim over the last third of the course in a week, but that last third is 80% of the final.
I don't know if it's like this at every university but all the profs at mine do it.

When I took baby Rudin analysis the prof spent exactly one lecture on derivatives because he ran out of time.

>> No.8550624
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>reading the page out loud and exclaiming outloud that I have no idea what the fuck they are talking about

>> No.8550639

3.5 is not a high GPA unless you are a retard

>> No.8550655

>can't pass hs chem or bio and is reluctant to do nursing
>thinks pharmacy is a viable alternative in this case

n o p e

>> No.8550800
File: 10 KB, 500x500, 1434673441185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely make it through university
>get a BS
>failed Ochem 1 + 2 twice (no I didn't get a D I actually failed), every semester I passed by the skin of my teeth
>go to work for 10 years in the regulatory department of pretty much every major flavor, fragrance and food company around the NYC area
>got through grad school by a hair
>now the director of regulatory of affairs for a major food company

C's get degrees anon. Or rather B's get MS's

>> No.8550847

Did you do literally no ECs?

>> No.8550877

What are you, Elliot Rodger?

>> No.8550882

>got 56% on calc midterm because no study and bad notes
>got 67% on final
>somehow got a B in the class

idk even how

>> No.8550885

Do they have curves at your uni? I thought they only did the whole 90% is an A thing in high school.

>> No.8550890

I don't know.

I think it was just the way they graded the class. 50% of the grade was tests (midterm and final), 30% was quizzes (after every chapter), and 20% was homework. It just based the final grade on your % average in each category though, so I had an A, took the midterm dropped to a C, then getting a 66% on the final actually raised my grade.

So I passed the class with a B when I got an F and a D on the midterm and final.

maybe it's just that community college is a meme

>> No.8550904

>Not getting yourself pregnant by fucking your handpussy

>> No.8550940

Yes ironically what I started realizing was how fucking easily steered most normies are if you use ridicule and shame which is exactly the point of fedoras.

>> No.8550942

What? I never said anything about oppressed, you're just making stuff up.

>> No.8550947

>get A in mathematics and science
>get C in language arts
>get D in social arts

>> No.8551253

I dropped out of college last year in October 2015. I've been working a shitty wageslave job living in my parents basement since then. My parents want me to go back but I don't think I can do it. I am fucking HORRIBLE at school. I've been shit literally my entire life. I have been having issues since fucking 1st grade. I only lasted 2.5 years in college because I took the easiest general courses possible, cheated, put minimal effort in to get a C or D average, and had help from my parents. But once I had to pick a major and had to take the hardcore classes, I was failing every class within 2 weeks. I ended up having to confess to my parents and dropped out the next day. They were mad that I was lying about my grades for 1.5 years, but they got over it. I don't know what to do with my life now. If I go back I'll fail again but if I don't I'll be stuck at this shitty job the rest of my life. Help.

>> No.8551262

have faith in yourself and train yourself to gain some conscientiousness

google it, you want to cultivate this personality trait

get a vocation if your GPA is too shit already

>> No.8551263

just go in trades you fuck
>he fell for the arts are easy meme

>> No.8551521

i was a really bad student my whole life.

what i realized that was the worst part of not being a good student wasn't myself, but my parents. so i eventually started trying a bit and doing mediocre (getting Bs mostly) and eventually i just got better. now i'm getting mostly As in my classes (doing a 2nd undergrad in math)

>> No.8551607

>gets triggered

>> No.8551627

what can i even do with a chemistry and physics degree i feel like i have no future and ill never get out of debt

>> No.8551773

I'm mostly hesitant to go into nursing because I'm afraid to fuck things up out of sheer clumsiness, but then again I doubt I'd get licensed if I can't even do basic shit like take a blood sample. I'd hopefully learn something in 3 years, otherwise I have to look into something else.

>> No.8552512

>tfw 20 and still in hs

>> No.8552515

oooh shit

>> No.8552520

Good luck anon. wish you the best

>> No.8552770

>major in math and physics in undergrad
>have like a 3.5 gpa with 3.8 if you only count grad level math and physics courses
>poor grade on senior thesis and a few undergrad-level classes because of laziness
>no publications because I'm lazy and don't enjoy anything
>only got 850 on the PGRE so I can't get in to any grad schools
I would have dropped out of a PhD program anyway but I won't be able to get hired anywhere.

>> No.8552796

I am now. I failed my finals :(

>> No.8552879
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 8nLFCVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to good uni
>take intro chem for life sciences
>get 109/170 on final
>tfw brainlet

>> No.8552973

Computer engineers suck pussy while their girl gets a mouthful of mathematician.

That's just the pipeline baby.

>> No.8554225

Discrete math exam in 3 hours

Complete retard reporting in.

I fucking hate that class.

>> No.8554241

Me too.
Failed all my exams.
>linear algebra
>calc 1

Turns out attending classes is not enough and you actually have to do the exercises in the book after all.

>> No.8554772


>> No.8554779
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>he doesn't have a perfect 4.0
Why even live?

>> No.8554789

god i hate these fuckers , constantly taking the easiest classes and bragging about how well they did

>> No.8554794

>full semester
>15 credit


>> No.8554798

>SOC JUS in a multicultural world

Can't make this shit up

>> No.8554799

>4.0 in marxist brainwashing
holy kek

>> No.8554800

A typical semester for most people is 15 credits.

>> No.8554802
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>really tough semester

>> No.8554819

Dropped out of university thrice.

>> No.8554829

>tfw people call the guy from your class "gifted" and "future scientist" just because he does good on exams
>tfw he's just a normie who wants to become a wagecuck and barely ever reads anything out of the university curillicum

>> No.8554860

>tfw got all A but one B in my first year of uni and now my GPA is fucked up forever

>> No.8554887

Do you have any extracurricular activities? I've heard a few people have the same complaint and everytime they claim they have good grades but didn't do jackshit outside of that. Join a club or something you sperg.

>> No.8555016

University is meme. The modern day division of labour is highly complex and spread out with each job demanding very specific skills. You're not going to get anywhere with a degree without experience and networking, which many people are unprepared for by a system that led them to that point.

Do yourself a favour and work toward becoming an electrical contractor. Your work will actually be in demand as opposed to getting in debt to jerk off over abstract problems in a textbook all day.

>> No.8555084

>actually unironically falling for capitalist propaganda
>muh "real life" meme

opinion discarded

>> No.8555094

>to a higher degree
Wow, nice job contradicting yourself.

>> No.8555113

All my bosses academic failure,but are Rich,get nice house, hot wife, make more money 99% Teachers/research.

>> No.8555277

>You're not going to get anywhere
How fucking spooked are you. Getting a job is not the sole aim of uni. Why the fuck would you even get a degree in something you don't like on its own?

Plenty of work requires a generic degree anyway.
>Your work will actually be in demand
I prefer not to commit suicide.
>that national average salary sure makes up for it though

>> No.8555307

>Getting a job is not the sole aim of uni
The main goal of a degree is to get a job in a field that interests you. Its the paper that matters, not the education material, which is often easily available online.

>> No.8555308

Found the business major.

>> No.8555320

>The main goal of a degree is to get a job in a field that interests you.
That is one of the goals. There's also simply studying what you want to study.
>the education material, which is often easily available online.
Oh yeah, sure, just "self-educate". Fucking everyone knows it's nowhere near as good as actual education.

In any case, none of this leads to committing slow suicide in the form of becoming an electrician (or getting any """trad""").

>> No.8555327

Don't get me wrong I love what I'm studying, but 99% of people go to school for a paper that allows them to work in a field they're interested in. Without that paper you're Vsauce tier.

>> No.8555335

Those people are idiots, then. But that's not really why they go to uni. -- they go because that's what's expected of them -- but also because they want to study what they're studying, and, as you say, because they want to work in what they're studying. I.e. they don't just want to work.

>> No.8555336

>Oh yeah, sure, just "self-educate". Fucking everyone knows it's nowhere near as good as actual education.
Depends on where you go to school. The vast majority of schools are so shit that you're better off just learning the material on your own. At that point you're just paying for occasional access to professors and TAs who don't know how to explain things in an interesting and enlightening way and who seem to hate their lives. A waste of money, and absolutely demoralizing.

>> No.8555362


I'm of this opinion, but I can't coast on loans while "self-learning" and I can't work and still have energy to self-educate.

>> No.8555822

>At least get it at some well known state school like Massachusetts or California or something.
UC Berkeley and Illinois Urbana-Champaign both have top 10 ECE grad programs.

>> No.8555863

i just can't motivate myself to do essays

>> No.8555915

he wasn't loved by his parents and there is a funny fluid running from his ears

>> No.8555950

Ah I know. I was the same.. And now I have to punish people who are like I was.. But it's good they get to learn it because some percent of them will be doing lots of fancy documents and presentations in their work.

>> No.8555972


bitch i had that shit covered

>state cross country athlete
>in top placing jazz band and band 4 years
>volunteered at a pharmacy and shadowed an MD
>had a job

maybe i fucked up the essay

>> No.8555977

germany it is huh?

>> No.8555989

Would guess Sweden. I was lucky as I spent time studying in high school actually getting good grades so I happened to fit the system at the time. It is more the later few years I started seeing some flaws in it.

>> No.8556013
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>B+ in Mathematical Economics

>> No.8556495
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I've always been bad at math and never did homework growing up to the point that I failed precalc in HS.

Freshman year I did terrible and learned how to study, do work, ect. Realize I want to do sciences so I transfer to a better college in area., somehow got accepted due to sheer magic. GPA gets cleared.

Fast forward to current transcript:

>C in Bio 1 and 2
>D in precalc, calc 1, chem 2
>Fail orgo, stats, and physics 1 because I tried to take all of them at the same time without having taken any in high school, also first time taking 18 credits

2.148 overall currently. A's and B's in all of my other science classes and labs.

I'm also taking a fifth year because my I love my major and I can't complete it in time due to transferring. I retook physics 1 and stats this semester to replace the grades. I don't know if I'm going to pass stats, because I had a C+ prior to taking the final and I had no fucking clue what I was doing.

For a good summary of how stressful this shit is:

>Before taking the physics final I was projected to have a B+ padded myself grade wise for future failure just in case.
>Final is 30% of grade if you get greater than 65 you automatically have a C, so bare minimum if I do disastrously only need to get 7 questions right
>30 questions on the exam so I could literally just guess on the scantron and I should at least get that C.
>Go in for exam
>"aww yiss I actually think I remember some of this other shit I had no time to study for!"
>Nose bleeds at the end of the exam
>Rush to guess on at least 5 questions
>Feel satisfied, not entirely brainlet
>Check exam grade that night while studying for next final
>9/30, 30%

makes me feel like a brainlet taking these requirements to get BS.

>> No.8556783
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They're cutting my funding. See ya, space cowboy.

>> No.8556853

> am an engineer
Wew lad

>> No.8556878
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>Tfw 3.1 C/B/some A's
Feel like the king of Brainlets

>> No.8556952

>2.2 in Bsc Mathematics (hons).

Might as well of went to arts college. Gonna cry that data analysis meme career.

>> No.8557083

Idk, I'm pretty sure I'll find job as a physician.

>> No.8557157


>> No.8557255

Does anyone else feel like brainpower starts to go downhill when you get to your mid-20s? Did an undergrad math degree but I'm sort of burnt out on making intellectual effort at this point.

>> No.8557359
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I'm a medical student and i barely know a shit about the human body. Also, i'm the a beta among betas, that can't be helpful in a career where you need to be an alpha.

>> No.8557417

Go into pathology.

>> No.8557639


That's part of my plan. I think i could be good at it. i like histology.

>> No.8558093


also in math club but only for 2 years

>> No.8558231

top kek m8 if you can't make it as a nurse there's no way you'll make it in pharmacy unless you want to be a "pharmacy technician" (read: cashier)

>> No.8558316

You mush have only applied to UW then you idiot. I applied to every school but UW and got accepted to all of them with a 3.4 and no EC's

>> No.8558333

This shit thread has been up for 11 fucking days, I'm glad it's finally hit bump limit.