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File: 290 KB, 1280x815, 0090023451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8546514 No.8546514 [Reply] [Original]

Is Elon Musk really going to make all of our Sci-Fi dreams come true?

Pic related is concept art for Spacesuits after Elon Musk wrote in a contract that the company's space suits must look "Badass".

>> No.8546520

Depends if his suits are pressurized by air or mechanical means.

>> No.8546532

Welcome to the Fiefdom of Absurdistan

>> No.8546564

not really, he's another dumb virtue-signalling cuck who won't work on fixing the aging problem.

>> No.8546571
File: 37 KB, 397x371, weyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot fathom how anybody could dislike Elon Musk?

The guy is a total badass worth billions but chooses to spend it on furthering mankind's science and tech

Literally the future Weyland Yutani corporation

>> No.8546576

>peddles obvious scams like the hyperloop
>scared of funding genetic engineering
>doesn't think biological aging is a problem
>total beta numale gets emasculated in front of camera


>> No.8546582
File: 200 KB, 1200x855, stanley-von-medvey-enterprise-in-space-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just him as a business before anything else and therefore view him as a meme.

>> No.8546697

A) He spends a shit ton of money on himself. He lives in a mansion and drove several cars like BMWs. Most of his wealth is tied up in stock/ownership of Tesla and SpaceX, he doesn't sell it because then he'd have no way of growing his wealth.

B) He's scientifically retarded. His highest degree is a BsC. All his work is done by his engineers.

>> No.8546704

Tesla and SpaceX are cool projects imho but they both have economic goals in the end.

The Mars colonisation idea is a joke and whoever takes him seriously on this topic has either lost his connection to reality or never had any to begin with.

that people are still looking for the scientific messiah who solves all our problems is just pathetic, that's why we can't grow as a species.

>> No.8546876

I think you should start shifting the pessimissm at other groups of people who aren't hopeful at benefiting our species, in contrast to normies who think things are possible.

>tl;dr you're apart of the problem

>> No.8547041

Musk still takes graduate courses for physics.

>> No.8547043

Biological aging is not a problem worth solving, and a huge problem if it became common.

Cybernetics is the future.

>> No.8547044


>> No.8547057

>male suits have anime vaginas
>female suits have giant upside-down hooded clits
elon letting his musk show

>> No.8547400

>All his work is done by his engineers.
That is infinitely better than in most companies where ignorant management interferes in the technical work or otherwise is one huge hindrance. The prime example is manned operations at NASA.

>> No.8547416
File: 67 KB, 461x339, 3_461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not frivolous


If they ever crack mechanical counterpressure technology, it'll be MUCH more practical and efficient than current pressurized hard shell suits

And as a useful coincidence it'll be hot af when girls wear it

>> No.8547438
File: 15 KB, 224x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw future of space exploration is tight spandex and zero g boobs

How can people say there is no God? What cold and unfeeling universe would do this?

>> No.8547502
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1944, barbarella_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tight spandex
In fact it is latex but don't let that disturb you.

The model showing the bio suit is now promoted to NASA management so things may go forward a bit faster. However and without getting into the painful details these suits are always shown with female models and are not suited for men at all.

Many others have also worked on latex space suits with varying degrees of success, Pic. related. Yet the trouble remain these are still only fit for females.

>> No.8547513
File: 36 KB, 416x416, elizabeth-holmes_416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally cannot fathom how anybody could dislike Elon Musk?
Because he's not inventing anything, diverting funds that could be used for REAL research and not manchildren's dreams, and because of his shitty labour practises ?

Space Exploration should be a public enterprise. Not private.

He's a slightly better version of Elizabeth Holmes, as his scams are not dangerous to human health.

>> No.8547554

Are spacesuits based on anime really the most practical design?

>> No.8547555

Why should he. Not his expertise camp, at all.

Oh, do you mean shoveling money on it just because a random cunt on the internet desires it?

>> No.8547567

>fixing the aging problem
You mean "living forever" ? It's ridiculous and dangerous. And even more for manchildren than his sci-fi space colonisation.

>> No.8547577

>It's ridiculous and dangerous.
>believes the colonization of an entirely new planet is more realistic and less ridiculous than manipulating cell cycles.

>> No.8547578

How is studying medicine and trying to reduce the effects of aging for manchildren? It is little different from tackling parkinson's or cancer or any other reputable line of research.

Is this some sort of anti-intellectual thing? Because I want to spend some of my time studying instead of smoking weed and partying every night like your popular special snowflake normy friends that means I am now le creepy manchild. Why are you even on /sci/ if you hate this notion so much? Fuck off.

>> No.8547579
File: 113 KB, 450x338, 283657main_FF_BostonGallery-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However and without getting into the painful details these suits are always shown with female models and are not suited for men at all.
Would the "painful details" be remedied by use of a codpiece?

>> No.8547582

Both of them are, at this time, manchildren fantasies. I'd say that stopping/fighting aging is more unethical than trying to go to Mars.

>> No.8547589

Because reversing aging is fucking retarded. Yeah, nothing like having a population that doesn't die out and isn't productive. There are only a few professions where you can work past 70.
Parkinson's and cancer is different at least for the idea that children and young folk can get these diseases and they're debilitating or fatal.

>> No.8547593

Depends. The Stratos4 was supposed to be realistic though the fan service often went overboard, way overboard.

>remedied by use of a codpiece
Sure, as long as you will accept being castrated by said codpiece. The operative phrase here is "compression".

>> No.8547594

A) Uh it's essentially his money. He doesn't have to play the modest card.
B) If he can manage a team of engineers and PhDs then he certainly has the ability to lead.
Try to assemble a large team and see it for yourself.

Most of the shit his team has chunked out in recent years are not ground-breaking. But would you really want to see him goes full business man and make money out of marketing?
I would certainly not.

>> No.8547611

Because we are not god. We're here to die. Also, it's way too likely that this research will end up having a near-immortal ruling class.

>> No.8547757

>a tech billionaire doing something other than hoarding his wealth
>waah waah he's a virtue signaling fraud he should be putting all his wealth towards these things that would require trillions to solve because I say so, how dare he put some of the wealth he earned towards things he thinks will be beneficial!!!


>> No.8547763

Existing prototypes already have more conventional rigid gas compression segments for the head, hands and feet

Adding one for your junk seems trivial

>> No.8547801

>The model showing the bio suit is now promoted to NASA management so things may go forward a bit faster. However and without getting into the painful details these suits are always shown with female models
Could this be because the administrators were ogling them which made them more likely to approve the project

>> No.8547825

>Existing prototypes already have more conventional rigid gas compression segments for the head, hands and feet
Not quite, the head and the neck remain unsolved problems in the biosuit project. You really do not want to compress the neck as you could end up blocking arteries.

>Adding one for your junk seems trivial
Same problem.

>administrators were ogling them
Dava Newman looks good and has the face of someone who smiles a lot and sports qualifications from MIT. Her background is plenty good and I think NASA will do well with a technical lady as opposed to the droves of career bureaucrats we have seen so far.

Having said that she is not above a few hot comments:
>Something that’s been fantastic about the Bio-Suit design—which is like a second skin contoured to the body—is that I’m not in a big 300-pound spacesuit where you don’t know whether I’m a man or a woman because it’s so big and clunky. The Bio-Suit is skin tight, so you can say, ‘Oh, hey—there’s a male astronaut, there’s a female astronaut.’
>So, I’ve been really pleasantly surprised—a lot of young girls are completely turned on by the design of the Bio-Suit. And they come up to me when I give talks at schools, and they think it’s pretty neat that it might be a spacesuit for a female astronaut. And oh, by the way, they think they might want to be an astronaut.”

>a lot of young girls are completely turned on by the design of the Bio-Suit
>girls are completely turned on

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.8547829

>I literally cannot fathom how anybody could dislike Elon Musk?

I don't hate Musk, I think his goals are far-fetched and lacking clarity, thought, and precision, but he's a businessman that's pretty much what they do. Now what I do hate is his retarded fandom who say dumb shit like "he's a total badass" or "literally the future Weyland-Yutani corporation". These people take what he says and just constantly vomit it into every thread they can, and when you point out that, say, a manned mission to Mars is fraught with issues that he's clearly not addressed they just sperg out, destroying any possibility of having a half decent thread.

And this isn't even getting started on the sycophancy. Hyperloop is a great example of this, he literally just shit something out one day on stage and made a little doodle and the Musketeers all started drooling over him and how smart he was, but not once did anyone do something similar for the hundreds (more?) of engineers that put time and effort into making his daydream a reality.

This thread is another example of that sycophancy, there's no discussion of how feasible it is, or even if it's just a copy of older (mechanically induced pressure suits aren't new) ideas. Nope, it's Elon and it's "badass" so lets just look at some pretty concept drawings and masturbate over how "awesome" it is.

Just so we're clear:
>Tesla motors wont save the planet
>Likewise Solar City
>SpaceX will never benefit you or anyone you know
>It won't send anyone on a manned mission to Mars, ever.

Also you know that Weyland-Yutani were the bad guys in literally every Alien film, right?

>> No.8548147

>She is a descendent of Charles Louis Fleischmann, the founder of the Fleischmann's Yeast company.[13] Holmes is also a descendent of Christian R. Holmes, a surgeon, engineer, inventor, and a decorated World War I veteran.

Damn, imagine being a descendant of these great men and all you ever amount to in your life is being a Fraud.

>> No.8548164

I think that it might have caused her to be overly obsessed with her personal success story of "changing the world." She wanted to make a difference so badly, I think she started to believe her own lies.

Not excusing her, though.

>> No.8548204

rule 34?

>> No.8548465

Cool story bro

>> No.8548686

>>Tesla motors wont save the planet
Part of the problems wit these debates are people who will want one single silver bullet to solve each and every problem. And guess what, you cannot.

Tesla motors make nice cars that are quiet and where I live also cheap (tax reason). These cars also score astoundingly well on safety since trad. automakers have focused their energy into cheating emissions rather than real progress. Musk has, if nothing else, given them a right kick in the rear.

And it goes one step forward in reduction of emissions and lowering our dependency on unstable warlike theocracies.

>>Likewise Solar City
Again, just one step but that is a beginning. In Germany every roof surface is about to be paved over with solar panels. It will not solve all problems but it will get you there.

>>SpaceX will never benefit you or anyone you know
How can you be sure?

>>It won't send anyone on a manned mission to Mars, ever.
The meek shall inherit the Earth, the rest of us shall go to the stars.

>Also you know that Weyland-Yutani were the bad guys in literally every Alien film, right?
That, at least, is correct.

>> No.8548835

I think you are missing the point though, almost all CEOs are like that with money. The reason people like him is because he is willing to try new ideas nobody claims he is a saint. Of course he's doing it for wealth and glory, what do you really expect of a businessman?

>> No.8550292

I wonder if any astronauts have spontaneously climaxed from the vibrations of take-off

The Space Shuttle looked better than an overloaded washing machine

>> No.8550310

>The meek shall inherit the Earth, the rest of us shall go to the stars.

Typical Muskfag. >>>/reddit/

>> No.8550328

>All of Musk's companies are IT or engineering

This is a pretty subtle troll actually.

>> No.8550342


You got it wrong.
SpaceX and Tesla are completely about Mars.
So is Hyperloop.
So is Powerwall.
So is Solar City.
So is Tunneling (his new idea)

All of this is simply to colonize Mars.
He might seem a happy person but he is a pessimist.
He sees no point in life if he doesn't do exiting stuff.

He wouldn't even get out of the bed if it wasn't for Mars colonization.

>> No.8550385

>Because he's not inventing anything
Are you literally fucking retarded? You don't need to invent some fucking memedrive to be worthy of praise.

The is absolutely nothing wrong with working on existing technologies and improving them.
Actually It's the SMART thing to do. That way you don't spend 10-20 years in a lab doing R&D before you do you first test run.
Just look at google's self driving car. They've been working on it for ages now and it still can barely drive outside commiefornia. Meanwhile Musk's autopilot is the best on the market.

He didn't spend 10 years trying make cheap electric cars less shitty before selling his first car. He didn't spend 10 years of research on perfect self driving cars before rolling out an update,
He didn't spend 10 years of research on making better batteries before selling his first battery.

No. He started with cars that were good but expensive, then he progressively made them cheaper.
He still doesn't have a perfect self driving car, but he sold cars with the hardware capable of it and is progressively rolling out updates.

Same story with his rockets. He didn't build a rocket that could land before launching his first satellite.

Sure others could have done this long ago. But they didn't and he did.

>REAL research
Imagine what a couple of dozens of people could accomplish on Mars. Just finding even one single celled organism on mars (or anywhere else outside Earth) would be the discovery of the century.

>Space Exploration should be a public enterprise. Not private.
I see no reason why the government couldn't outsource it to the private sector. Let multiple companies fight over it to come up with the best possible deal.
I like Musk, but that doesn't mean I dislike Blue origins or the ULA. Some good competition is necessary for progress.

>> No.8550389


I'm pretty sure the tunneling bit was just some road rage twitter rant.

>> No.8550391

Rage is the reason he created every single one of his companies. Including paypal

>> No.8550396

yea but they need mining equipment for mars

>> No.8550401
File: 22 KB, 265x395, 1473694777103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an alien and I must say that nothing like you mentioned will happen. The civilization will collapse and humanity will continue it's eternal loop.

>> No.8550416

>Space Exploration should be a public enterprise
Making me pay for "manchildren's dreams". Fuck off

>> No.8550420

I wanna fuck the spacesuit on the right

>> No.8550443

He is just trying to sell the idea to earthlings.
He will need mining on Mars.
Have you heard about the solar shingles he introduced a while back?
Those use glass material which I speculate is needed for Martian greenhouses.
He is pretty obsessed with this Mars stuff.

>> No.8550455
File: 137 KB, 1600x827, Alien_079Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes but he takes the light and everybody think he's a genius.

>> No.8550485


Ehh, digging holes in the ground is something we've done for a long time. I doubt there's actually any major improvements that need to happen in that area.

>> No.8550494 [DELETED] 

It would be neat if the machines can freeze/melt the melts oil and instantly give a structural capability.
All automated. Absorb the water etc.
Work on vacuum. Get rid of its enormous weight.

>> No.8550496

It would be neat if the machines can freeze/melt the ground it's drilling and instantly make it habitable and able to hold pressure.
All automated. Absorb the water metals etc.
Work on vacuum. Get rid of its enormous weight.

>> No.8550513

That might work on Titan. Apparently there is water ice there, so cold it is has hard as concrete.

>> No.8550544
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2666, kenny-vo-nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's no way they could make a baggy over-sized astronaut suit look cool?

>> No.8550575

He and his engineers. He's just throwing ideas around and doing PR.

>Imagine what a couple of dozens of people could accomplish on Mars. Just finding even one single celled organism on mars (or anywhere else outside Earth) would be the discovery of the century.
Elon and his company will never come to Mars. He barely managed to do in 2016 what the Soviets did with ease 50 years ago.
If you want a real chance of going to Mars, let it to NASA/ESA/Chinese Space Agency/Russian Space Agency.

>I see no reason why the government couldn't outsource it to the private sector.
Because the private sector does a terrible job at everything where the profit motive isn't directly concerned. Trains, Healthcare, Education, Science - you name it.

ESA needed about 7€ per European to land on a comet. Musk had probably much, much more money per capita and still hasn't accomplish anything of note.

Public services - and that includes research - require a public sector. It's simply cheaper for the taxpayers.

>> No.8550648
File: 515 KB, 2552x2043, SledDrivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite unlikely unless you are capable of making a bag of potatoes look cool.

Settings might improve things but the pressurised space suit is not going to be cool anytime soon.

>> No.8550653

Women in utilitarian, heavy but form-fitting suits really activates my almonds.

>> No.8550666

>He's scientifically retarded. His highest degree is a BsC. All his work is done by his engineers.
And you think most of his engineers have more than a bachelor's degree?

Credentialism is both ridiculous and destructive. It's fine to respect advanced degrees, but if you think someone is necessarily inferior in knowledge or talent because they don't have one, you're human garbage.

Musk is an active manager. He understands the work and involves himself in the decisions. Those same engineers under other management would not accomplish the same work. He was the one, for instance, who insisted on making the Merlin engines from 1C on reusable for many flights. His engineers thought this was a misallocation of resources and they should just focus on making a good expendable vehicle, but without it there would have been no Grasshopper, no reusable booster, and no experience to base ITS on.

>> No.8550683

I'm just here to say those suits are rad as hell, it really make it seem likeit's really happening.
So, what's the magic? Carbon nanotubes?

>> No.8550700
File: 2.81 MB, 3150x1755, miraculous-tales-of-ladybug-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in fiction?

The biosuit is based on two technologies
- a set of strengthening fibres along lines of zero extension as you move, and
- a polymer skin to be air tight, strengthened by the fibres (in reality "polymer" is technospeak for latex)

A hex mesh (pic related) might work as long as 2 out of 3 lines were elastic

>> No.8550702

Make it fossil fuel independent. Digging requires a lot of power and there is no oil on mars.

>> No.8550717

>are not suited for men at all.
Is it because dicks are a thing?

>> No.8550721
File: 47 KB, 550x373, indeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lines of zero extension as you move


>> No.8550728


>I'm so scared of dying waaaah

You're the real beta cucklord.

>> No.8550766

its simple, picture the polymeroid, now imagine stress radiate parallel to the direction of the action forces. That's exactly what happens in the extension gradient, only backwards

>> No.8550825


...So it really is magic then

>> No.8550827

nothing farther from it. Just plain old simple polymeroid gradientation. Where the fuck did you went to school

>> No.8550853


W-well, I'm just some pop-sci faggot, don't expect me to actually know all this polymeraids stuff. The suits really do look cool though, that we can all agree, right?

>> No.8550870

Then get reading

Don't be another Neil Tyson worshiping brainlet.

>> No.8550873

Thanks, senpai.

>> No.8550894

>Pic related is concept art for Spacesuits after Elon Musk wrote in a contract that the company's space suits must look "Badass".
And now they're lame. Good job, Elon.

>> No.8551641

AKA sufficiently advanced technology? Personally I think that is taking it too far. The technology, once explained, is easily grasped.

>> No.8551690
File: 39 KB, 700x405, Pope-kissing-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should he.
to live longer.

> It's ridiculous and dangerous
danger s only a problem because it can kill like letting yourself die.

> And even more for manchildren
"look at me everyone i'm so grown up letting myself die"
you are retarded, reversing aging would mean people who are 70 are as vigorous as those who are 20.

lmao, christianity and leftism are so cucked.

you're getting cucked out of your life though, dipshit. you're the loser.

>> No.8551897

>He barely managed to do in 2016 what the Soviets did with ease 50 years ago.
The soviets never landed a rocket vertically after delivering a satellite into orbit
The soviets had a bigger budget
The soviets had more experience than he had.

>Because the private sector does a terrible job
Only as bad a the public sector when there is no competition.

>ESA needed about 7€ per European to land on a comet. Musk had probably much, much more money per capita and still hasn't accomplish anything of note.
The ESA has more experience.

>hasn't accomplish anything of note.
Again with that lie. He landed a rocket vertically after delivering a satellite into orbit, multiple times now.

>> No.8551919

>cuck cuck cuck
The best science has to offer, gentlemen.

If the NASA or the ESA have more experience, let them handle it. SpaceX gets much more credit than it deserves, and this circlejerk around it is annoying.

>Only as bad a the public sector when there is no competition.
Excuse me ? Let's take something with a reasonable profit motive but still very heavy infrastructure costs, public transports.
Almost everywhere on the globe, notably Canada, England, and a bit of France, privatising rail has lead to increased costs for customers, increased costs for the state because it needs to bailout/subside the private contractors, and decreased quality of service.

Imagine the same thing, but within an industry with almost no profit motive and infrastructure costs several orders of magnitude higher.
SpaceX has every interest to make its missions as expensive as possible for NASA (can't blame them - they need to make a profit, after all) while cutting corners on their side.

>> No.8551939

You made me kek'd, thx

>> No.8551948

>Almost everywhere on the globe, notably Canada, England, and a bit of France, privatising rail has lead to increased costs for customers, increased costs for the state because it needs to bailout/subside the private contractors, and decreased quality of service.
You mean crony-reprivatizing rail services that were originally private, then were nationalized, then were "privatized" as a way to conceal the gift of tax money to politically-connected people.

You can't compare "privatized" utilities to actual privately-founded businesses.

Anyway, rail is infrastructure. A private company can't build a railway anymore because it's impossible to get the rights of way and all the other approvals. In fact, the nationalization of rail was largely accomplished by first strangling the businesses with overregulation, then presenting the nationalization as a bail-out of the failing companies.

>> No.8551964

>It's not Capitalism when it fails
Oh boi

>> No.8551993

It's not capitalism when its literally impossible to compete, retard
And you have one company owning everything

>> No.8552028

Japan's public transport is private. Yet it's among the best in the world.

>> No.8552064

>SpaceX has every interest to make its missions as expensive as possible
No they don't. The ULA did that because there was no competition. They charged more than double the amount of SpaceX, for years.
If SpaceX start doing that contracts will go to the ULA or Blue origin.
If you hate spacex for getting tax payer money, you should be furious about the ULA. And they hardly made any improvements on their rockets unlike SpaceX.

Like I said from the very beginning. It's only good if there is competition.
What do you think NASA does when building their probes and spacecrafts?
Do you think they manufacture everything in house? No of course not.
Different parts are made by different companies. And if company X can do it better/cheaper than company Y then you give contract to X.

If you still don't understand you're beyond hope.

>> No.8552084

>Japan's public transport is private.
Yes, because they privatised it while still keeping most, if not all, of the debt to the state.

>its literally impossible to compete
The only logical conclusion is to leave it to state-owned companies.

I'm not against delegating fabrication to private enterprises, because there is a good profit incentive here and the free market can work very efficiently.
I'm against however letting a private company (SpaceX) do what the NASA should do (Space Exploration, Rocket launches, rocket design...), because there is very little profit motive, and huge regulations/infrastructure costs by the nature of the industry.

If correctly regulated, and worker's issues notwithstanding, free enterprise is very good at a lot of things.
Launching rockets is not one of these things.

I also kind of dislike Musk as a person for being terrible to his workers, and being extremely self-centred. He gets too much recognition, his engineers don't get enough.

>> No.8552125

>because there is very little profit motive
Do you mean in space in general? Or just Mars. Space only wants to taxi to Mars. They themselves aren't interested in doing actual research there.

Right now there isn't. But it doesn't have to be.
If you give contracts to companies to create super heavy lift vehicles and let them taxi stuff to Mars they can use that technology and expertise for non governmental contracts as well.

Want to put 400 tonnes into LEO? Want to put something on the moon? To bad, right now it would take billions.
But give them contracts and they'll have the opportunity to learn and create the technology. Now it'll only cost millions.

Why let NASA bother with transport? Let others do that so they can focus on research.

>He gets too much recognition, his engineers don't get enough.
I only recognize him as a smart entrepreneur and business man, I doubt his engineering skills are anything better than mediocre.

>> No.8552156

>I only recognize him as a smart entrepreneur and business man, I doubt his engineering skills are anything better than mediocre.

He's really praised by his workers though.

>> No.8552157


Note about JRE: all it's capital costs were paid by the previously nationalized state railroad JNR. The same is true of most other railways in existence, except the ones in English Commonwealth and the United States.

>> No.8552161

NASA has never done rocket design. They have only ever contracted that work out, given advice, and approved designs for use.

SLS is a Boeing rocket with Orbital-ATK boosters, and a Lockheed-Martin capsule on top.

The difference between SLS/Orion and Falcon/Dragon is that the former is a cost-plus contract (no matter how much it costs, NASA will pay for it, then they'll give the contractors some extra money just to be profit), while the latter is a firm-fixed-price private/public partnership (in addition to development funds from NASA, SpaceX is investing their own money, and if SpaceX spends too much, they can lose money).

>> No.8552243

Are you saying that Boeing would be able to dramatically change the design if they wanted to, like SpaceX does? Suppose Boeing decided hydrocarbon fuels are the way to go, would they have the freedom to make that decision/build a wider rocket?

>> No.8552266

NASA is like Windows XP
It was mind boggling and it did some truly crazy things but it's going out of style.

SpaceX is like a mac, it's approaching things in a totally different way, and promising the incredible.

Blue Origin is like linux.
Blue Origin doesn't have drooling fanboys, it doesn't have public exposure, it doesn't have crazy dreams, but god damn it works good.

>> No.8552319

>SpaceX is like a mac, it's approaching things in a totally different way, and promising the incredible.
HAHAHHAHA what a little idiot non understanding of anything ever

haha spacex liek mac?

what mac does

shitty shit sparkly stuff with123890193802908123% overprice that only impresses non technological idiots (like le you) , that is clearly CLEARLY ula

spacex is like linux, it gives much MUCH MUHC MUCH better functionality at a fraction of a cost and constantly inventing god tier paradigm change of the kind that if you even dare to deny thats it this converstaion is over i can 2322310% legit confirm youre inferior non deserving of talks by anyone. and also for a low LOW LOWLOW LOWLOW LOWLOW LOWMUHCH LOWER I CANNOT EMPHASISE HOW MUCH LOWER THE COST OF GOD TIER SPACEX AND LINUX ARE

if you dont know even half of this beat it kid, youre losing the war against not knowing

>> No.8552336
File: 89 KB, 390x495, space shuttle concepts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX doesn't have that freedom either, when it's working a NASA contract. They can't make radical changes to Dragon or Falcon 9, for instance, while they're under contract for development and launches with them. If you look at Crew Dragon, they had to build it for routine parachute landing and ocean splashdown (thus requiring a much higher survivability compared to if they were emergency backups only), when they wanted to go straight to rocket landing, but they were able to work within NASA's requirements to include the hardware necessary for propulsive landing, and therefore are free to develop it as an option in software for use outside that contract. They're free to do as they please with ITS as long as there's no NASA contract to fund it.

The way it works with "NASA vehicles" is that they put out a request for proposals, then private companies would send them their concepts, and they'd do a series of downselects and have them make more detailed bids until they chose one. So, at the proposal stage, there is freedom within the specifications.

This used to be a reasonable way of doing things, before the consolidation of the US aerospace industry so only Boeing and Lockheed Martin became credible bidders (except for ATK for solid rockets). A major point of the commercial cargo initiative was to develop some alternative contractors so they'd have some real competition. That's why they didn't take bids from Boeing and LM.

Anyway, it's not that Boeing was constrained by the SLS contract, rather the SLS specification was constrained so only Boeing could win the contract, by their own backroom dealings. MSFC is the tip of a pyramid of corruption.

>> No.8552339

See, the thing is, typing like that and being obviously upset about a comparison between two very valuable and successful companies which were formed due to people who had a certain vision for how things should be done, and the skills required to hire engineers and designers who know how to accomplish that vision, indicates to me that you are more of a "non-technological idiot" than the person you're replying to.

>> No.8552355

reddit treats everything he says as gospel

>> No.8552383

Reminder that astronauts will still have to wear space diapers under these new space suits, don't get your hopes up. (unless you're into that sort of thing)

>> No.8552418

not anymore.

Trump appointed him as counselor :^)

>> No.8552436

Diapers aren't really necessary. The vast majority of people can go a few hours without a toilet break, and it only takes 10 minutes to get to orbit. A de-orbit won't take much longer on a propulsive-landing vehicle.

There's no reason they'll have more than a half hour at a time when you'll have to be in the suit and not permitted to use a toilet.

>> No.8552478

just put an airlock minichamber on front and back so you can excrete freely and abundantly

>> No.8552479

Regardless of necessity; it would remain standard wear because of the chance of a failure that either incapacitates the astronaut or they have to commit overtime to the expected space walk duration. It's going to be there as a precaution because NASA doesn't want astronauts sharting in their new high tech and expensive space suits.

>> No.8552513

I don't see any reason it would be a disaster. You'd just need to clean the suit out afterward.

Also: it's not all about what NASA wants.

>> No.8552699

It is time someone fixed this issue, perhaps something along the suits in Eudeamon?

>> No.8554068

Unlike pressure suits skin tight suits are faster to wear and exit.

>> No.8554518


I have seen ... ummmm ... educational videos about entering latex catsuits and "fast" does not come into it.

This one >>8547502 is a modern catsuit that is best entered with some help. And a lot of lube, apparently.

>> No.8554672
File: 183 KB, 1920x1200, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>codpieces in space

>> No.8554706

>Space Exploration should be a public enterprise. Not private.
Because trusting Government has always turned out well.

>> No.8554716

I agree with your statement of OP but as a 3d designer when I see the space suits it really does make me wonder.

>> No.8554719
File: 789 KB, 1600x1200, rubber-suit-in-public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. Skintight stuff that isn't something like pantyhose/spandex requires up to an hour to get into if you don't have help and needs lots of powder or lube.

>> No.8554725
File: 63 KB, 600x900, 456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most sci-fi books have skin tight suits that use compression to hold everything in and only the character's heads have air. If there's a rip in the suit, it only affects the local tissues around it, instead of venting out all the air supply. Thus, they end up with wicked blood blisters and frost bite where there is a hole, instead of death.

>> No.8554740

Doesn't sound too hard to fix. Maybe a suit with zippers all around made with a fabric that shrinks at body temperature/electrical current?

>> No.8554878
File: 205 KB, 1140x760, 301d21bc5191d9ba853e44c63e34d77d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fetish suits don't have a surface on the outside to easily grip them. That is why it is so difficult to get into. Design the outside with texture and have some finger holds. It should be vastly easier to put on by yourself then.

>> No.8554952


>> No.8555296

Zippers would have to be air tight in the vacuum, subject to huge temperature swings. Much better then to avoid zippers altogether, which is what the biosuit does.

That makes relief even harder of course so it would be best to have the plumbing, umm, ready installed.

>> No.8556198

Well compared to pressure suits at least.

>> No.8556223

I appreciate the meme but guy you gotta turn it down just a couple notches k

learn when others are meming you look like an aspie

when did this website get so fuckin bad

>> No.8556244

Spot the chinese guy.

>> No.8556248

>peddles obvious scams like the hyperloop
How did he "peddle" Hyperloop? He disclosed that it's essentially a half-baked idea that his companies won't be pursuing, but gullible idiots hyped it anyways and here we are.
>scared of funding genetic engineering
Fortunately Bill Gates has that covered.

>> No.8556280
File: 211 KB, 1044x2068, %22Combat Edge%22 anti-G:altitude-compensating system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they ever crack mechanical counterpressure technology, it'll be MUCH more practical and efficient than current pressurized hard shell suits
The F-22's flight suit already employs thoracic mechanical counterpressure to increase the jet's service ceiling without pressure suits, on top of the typical anti-G pants. Obviously, maintaining sufficient PPO2 in the lungs is the first concern with any low-pressure environment, but the existence of this arrangement makes me wonder how much of a vacuum extremities COULD take if the thorax were pressurized to ~5 psia...

>> No.8556594

Reversing aging doesn't mean people get to live forever. It'll mean they get 5-10 more years to their life. But their is a strong push by businesses for aging research.
And do you know what industry would benefit this the most? The cosmetic/beauty industry.

Men in general really don't care about getting old(heck it actually benefits some of them in dating). But aging is one of women's biggest fear. Women would spend billion of dollars trying to look youthful. The biggest pusher of aging research won't be Anti-Parkinson or Anti-Dementia research team, but women's self own vanity

>> No.8556632

>Spends money on himself is bad somehow?

Why? He fucking earned it himself. What kind of commie are you?

>> No.8556753

The fact his companies are all essentially incapable of making profits, his claimed repayments of loans are literally just shifting loan money from one company to another, and the inherent lack of true innovation in the stuff he makes isn't something to dislike?

Musk's is the perfect example of how corporatism is terrible for everyone involved, but that's even worse than communism in that it hides it's shittiness by separating the blame into smaller parts.

>> No.8556769

do you want the pension system to be even more broke?
the only "aging problem" I know is that people are living too much.

>> No.8556881

>do you want the pension system to be even more broke?
It is already completely b0rken. Unless you are over the age of 60 you should expect the retirement age to increase to 75 before you get there. Then again the 70 year olds today are often in better health than the 50 year olds only a few decades ago.

>> No.8556975

>Reversing aging doesn't mean people get to live forever. It'll mean they get 5-10 more years to their life.
Then it's not "reversing aging". People don't die randomly through their lives, they get old and die because they're old. They get cancer when they're old because they're old. God, this has been a stupid argument, on both sides.

If you can "reverse aging", there won't be retirement or pensions. It won't be expensive to have all of those old people around because their bodies and brains won't be decrepit and they'll be able to work.

>> No.8557160

>He and his engineers. He's just throwing ideas around and doing PR.
And provides MONEY. Unlike every other billionaire, who just sits on it and buys more boats. It's like money makes you a boring fuck and Musk is immune. First guy to actually do something interesting with his wealth and you faggots bitch about pipe dreams and how he doesn't do everything himself. Wow what a surprise, have you ever heard of a "company"?

>> No.8557179

The pension system is a complete scam and sooner it dies, the better.

>> No.8557207

>self-contained oxygen supply
>power rangers helmet

>environmental control system
>mesh depicted over thighs

There is always something uncannily wrong with an idea from Elon Musk.

>> No.8557452

>mesh depicted over thighs
>There is always something uncannily wrong with an idea from Elon Musk.
Well, one serious idea is that you first put on a mesh suit and then the polymer (latex) is sprayed onto your skin.

I have no idea how you are meant to remove the latex afterwards.

>> No.8557468

Reverse the polarity on the sprayer.

>> No.8558128

Yes, any engineer in a high level research position needs at least a masters. BsC courses are a joke with respect to real work.

I meant how he actually accomplishes these things. He is neither innovative nor revolutionary. Toyota had EVs ten years before Tesla existed. Boeing had started designing reusables in the late 90s. But somehow Musk was able to hire engineers who could produce EVs better than leading companies and reusable rockets more cost effective than Boeing's. This is a technical feat that logically has nothing to do with musk

>> No.8558130

I didn't say that. I'm refuting his point that musk is a saint who devotes all his resources to science.

>> No.8558761

>any engineer in a high level research position needs at least a masters
You've been sold a line of bullshit.

>BsC courses are a joke with respect to real work.
What kind of chimp assumes people stop learning when they leave school?

You sound like a future bottle-washer, a person bribed with academic honors to do bitch-work for practically no money, who will never quite understand or admit that this is the reality. This is how most people get higher STEM degrees.

>somehow Musk was able
>logically has nothing to do with musk
Cognitive dissonance.

The world will always be a mystery to you because you can't face reality.

>> No.8558774
File: 132 KB, 890x501, MW-EZ495_musk_t_20161104122347_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Trump, all things are possible.

>> No.8558900
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>> No.8558913
File: 123 KB, 323x539, IMG_3656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never underestimate the power of memes. Praise Kek.

>> No.8558967


Nobody ever said that though. You just made that last part up because you are "thinking" with your emotions.

>> No.8559118


Yeah, the climate change denying, antivax buffoon is going to bring science forward. I hope he gets impeached but I'm not sure that his "smoking doesn't cause cancer" VP would be any better

>> No.8559120

Memes will save America
Memes will save Europe
Memes will carry us to the stars

>> No.8559274

>Unless you are over the age of 60 you should expect the retirement age to increase to 75 before you get there.
This is your brain on neoliberalism

>> No.8559323

looking like a cow is not badass

>> No.8559349

Fucking luddites.

>> No.8559484
File: 88 KB, 918x705, Screenshot_2016-12-24_02-44-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ship in the pic is a meme. The diameter of the centrifuges is too small, so the coriolis force or whatever would make you puke all over yourself, and the counter-rotating cylinders would still make the whole ship rotate around an axis, pic related.