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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8545131 No.8545131 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you did this?

>> No.8545157
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>> No.8545161


>> No.8545164
File: 12 KB, 250x250, costanza-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""""""""""""""sophisticated software""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.8545167

Early trancesentals calculus
8th edition

>> No.8545183

it's in both of the "big" stewart calculus books

>> No.8545194


I just had to look in mine. Holy shit, it is!

>> No.8545223
File: 1.55 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check my book
>it's real

We are living in the age of memes

>> No.8545243
File: 44 KB, 367x375, 1479274058210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to this thread
>"haha nice shoop"
>scroll down
>see steward calculus
>wait, isn't that the book I just bough-
>run over
>open to page 1107
>mfw it's real

>> No.8545250
File: 6 KB, 225x225, pepe-tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buying textbooks

>with money

>> No.8545258

>not having a college education
>on a science and math board

Dumb frogshitter, nothing new here folks

>> No.8545262
File: 9 KB, 362x358, 1479604890311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use textbook PDFs

>> No.8545267

It's hard for me to read on a PDF, to be honest. The light hurts my eyes after a while. It's convenient to have it for a search function, but desu many textbooks come with electronic copies anyways.

>> No.8545270

>It hurts my eyes after a while...
>That seems like a decent reason to throw hundreds of dollars away!


>> No.8545271

>buying stwart
Lol you just need to buy obscure specialized shit. Stop propagating the paper jew.

>> No.8545272

You have to pay money for those too though.

>> No.8545275

Well, actually, yeah. Something that, even if it might be minute for a moment, has some kind of detrimental effect on my eyesight that I'll be spending 100+ hours on is, well, worth a couple hundred dollars. Plus I'll have it even when I don't have access to electricity, which is always nice.

>> No.8545277

>being this Internet illiterate

>> No.8545284

Yeah it actually is considering you only get 1 pair of eyes.

This pretty much sums it up. Not only is it objectively better for the eyes, most of us just like having an actual physical book.

Required for the course otherwise I would use Ray Mayers' free ebook

>> No.8545285

I can't get the online key if I pirate it, anon, and I might need the online key for the class I'm enrolled in.

>> No.8545287

https://sites.google.com/site/themetalibrary/library-genesis voila

>> No.8545296

>I didn't actually read your post, but I'm going to be a smug faggot while simultaneously making myself look like a retard, anyway

>> No.8545297
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That's a great website and all but how can you torrent a valid online access key for a book?

>> No.8545307

Sorry I thought you just were some retard who can't Google. Don't know, in my uni they don't ddo that shit.

>> No.8545371

>and I might need the online key for the class I'm enrolled in.
what kind of kike college FORCES you to buy (((textbooks))) holy shit

>> No.8545383

Sometimes the classes implement the online portion of the textbook.

>> No.8545402

f.lux my man. Also blink regularly while looking at a screen.

>> No.8545428

Tell the professor you're poor as fuck and ask him if you can submit the homework by hand.

>> No.8545461

If you buy those 1000+ pages books with flashy images and glossy paper, you're LITERALLY retarded

>> No.8545492


>> No.8545493
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>tfw to intelligent two buy a physical book

>> No.8545496

>product placement
>in a math textbook

what is this world coming to

>> No.8545682


>> No.8545698
File: 287 KB, 836x1065, 1481798874762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8545703

Wow, a picture of Shrek. Only 4channers know who he is! Author must be one of is!

>> No.8545710

i dont think anyone actually implied that

>> No.8545760

It's a trend. Professors find it more convenient to make their students do online homework that automatically grades itself instead of throwing tons of paperwork at their TAs. It's pretty homosexual.

>> No.8545765 [DELETED] 

>Tfw you realize stewart is shilling dreamworks animation.

>> No.8545846

Chill out autismo, I just thought it was kinda funny, even the most normal of highschool kids are """in""" on the shrek """meme,""" and everyone knows this. It's just a silly picture and the shrek=vectors thing is funny is all, as was probably intended by the authors.

>> No.8545861
File: 60 KB, 550x366, 900000 years ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shrek pasta is 4 years old

>> No.8545884

all Me btw

>> No.8545924


>> No.8547254

Not him, and responding a day late, but I didn't even know about f.lux. Thanks a lot.

>> No.8547256

These stupid jokes remind me I'm too old for this forum.

I remember one of my little shit cousins watching Shrek when I was a kid too.
But I remember that it was way too childish for my age, and these little shits that were watching this cartoon thing are now you.
I'm spending my days shitposting with children.
Fuck you.

>> No.8547262
File: 2.02 MB, 2432x3286, IMG_20161218_053222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roommate's 7th edition has Antz instead of Shrek

>> No.8547270
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>> No.8547363

Mine too.

>> No.8547369

unfortunatelly no matter how many times you reaffirm me, I'm not going to leave. I have issues.

>> No.8547482

>look in oldish 4th edition stewart book
>no fucking shrek
>no antz
>just a picture of a fucking weather map
>flip to front cover

>> No.8548380

i was disappointed too
6th edition stewart, just random pictures of weird ass shapes

>> No.8548472

The homework is not graded by the professor, and is only accessible online.