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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 619x611, 543654735425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8536235 No.8536235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>still believing in climate change and """global warming"""

kek. /sci/entists BTFO

>> No.8536236

literally no one cares

most posters from sci are from europe anyways

>> No.8536238

We already have this thread


>> No.8536239

Rex Tillerson believes in man made global warming. He also has a masters from UC Berkeley in chemical engineering. Didn't you read Private Empire?

>> No.8536248
File: 92 KB, 582x801, net_radiative_forcing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /pol/tards are at it again.
>The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the risks.

Speaking of ignoring the facts, here are a few papers from to top 3 general science journals. Don't ignore the science.


>> No.8536261

this is numale marxist SJW globalist jew science, doesn't count, when will you sheeple learn

>> No.8536274


>> No.8536276
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>> No.8536321

In 50 years time, when the world has turned to shit for numerous reasons, at least I'll be able to say "I told you so".

>> No.8536324
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>> No.8536575

You really should stop link-dumping. No one is going to read any of that and it's incredibly counter-productive to actually educating people on climate science.

Also, Red Tillerson doesn't deny climate change. I don't think he belongs in Trump's cabinet, but at least he doesn't outright deny it. Not that he will do anything to change it, considered he's essentially a special interest party himself for the petro industry, but at least he doesn't deny the science I guess, unlike morons like Trump and his other cabinet members.

>> No.8536597

tillerson is actually the first guy in the cabinet who doesnt deny it and advocated switching from coal to gas to keep emissions low.

>> No.8536609

people used to have to dance around controversial issues
then trump came along and just said all the dumb shit out loud
so who knows, maybe people can freely state their biases now
if so, I'm sure we'll see this guy come out and deny climate change exists or is an issue

>> No.8536625

if anything, trump made public debate even less fact based and more emotional. i hated the left as long as i can properly think, because they are the original "fuck facts, only feelings matter"-people. but trump's victory is not good news, now everybody in politics is as retarded as the most retarded leftists while putin is laughing his ass off about how easy it was to put the west into self destruct mode.

>> No.8536638

/pol/ should be gassed

>> No.8536641

Tillerson actually believes man has an effect on climate change. I'm assuming he doesn't believe we have a large enough effect for change to be enacted or he just doesn't care.

>> No.8536654

2/10 made me reply

>> No.8536670

This. Tillerson also supports a carbon tax. T-Rex is actually super fuckin' liberal but that don't matter cuz "muh scrooge mcduck stereotype"

>> No.8536678

it's extremely difficult to believe that there's even a remote possibility that there's a guy at the top of exxon mobile who will do anything positive in terms of climate change

>> No.8536681

Didn't Exxon's own research in the fucking 70s conclude that manmade global warming was real and it was why they shelved the report?

>> No.8536684

he isnt pro-carbon tax because hes a liberal, but because he wants to put coal out of business and have people burn gas instead. exxon has no business mining coal, but they are one of the worlds biggest gas producers.

>> No.8536691

gas has little emissions. exxon has lots of gas. switching from coal to gas will make exxon filthy rich. and it will reduce emissions by a lot.

>> No.8536704

>gas has little emissions
>and it will reduce emissions by a lot.
This isn't necessarily true because you're only counting the emissions resulting from burning coal vs gas
it doesn't include the amount of gas that enters the atmosphere due to leaking during extraction, and there's a huge amount of it

>> No.8536707



science is fucking worthless. nothing more than an attempt to gain a monopoly on what people consider 'factual', it's just part of the dissassociation from reality that is being pushed onto us by (((globalists)))

>> No.8536721
File: 23 KB, 670x503, 1481635550585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus this is either 10/10 b8 or 10/10 retarded.

>> No.8536725


wake the fuck up. science is fake.

>> No.8536733
File: 53 KB, 338x365, Fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate scientists are like the last few pawns in an end game.

>> No.8536822
File: 15 KB, 301x450, rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, after 35 years of being the best at whatever job i'm put into i'm going to take the defining position of my career and totally do a shitty job and sell out to my old company, haha, that'd be choice.

>> No.8536846

>I don't have any idea how politics works in America or how corporate America defines success

>> No.8536849

u r on the wrong board son

>> No.8536866

lol, shut the fuck up nerd. there is literally zero precedent for a CEO with no political experience being appointed secretary of state.

any ideas you have about "how politics works" in this scenario is baseless speculation.

>> No.8536878

man, after 35 years of being the best at whatever job i'm put into i'm going to suddenly change my positions and become a force for good and completely abandon all of the things I previously thought were important to me, haha, that'd be choice.

>> No.8536898

Also, he's got yuuuuuuge conflicts of interest.

>Mr. Tillerson has perhaps the closest ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, having negotiated a 2011 energy partnership deal with Russia that Mr. Putin said could eventually be worth as much as $500 billion.


>> No.8536905



The Americans post on /b/ and /x/

>> No.8536909

These people want government positions because it gives them more power in their real jobs at their banks and fossil fuel companies

>> No.8536933
File: 35 KB, 490x290, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still believing in global trolling...

>> No.8536939

Probably better than an interest in conflict.

>> No.8536952

Then take a hammer and bash at your computer till it breaks into pieces. If science is fake your computer should still be working if the level 96 defensive spell it was enchanted with still holds up.

>> No.8536953

Every one knows global warming is the shekel source for many """"scientist"""". People should be free to criticise the Theory without being subjected harassment by the scientific community because climate science isnt an exact science like physics and chemistry (with this cases experience usually BTFO one of the parties).

>> No.8536955

>Jews trying to cosplay Hitler

>> No.8536961

The ultimate real Red Pill
>Algebraic proof

Have you swallowed the hardest red pill yet? So called ((science)) and ((mathematics)) are a jewish creation, an instrument to subjugate and destroy the white man.
>create ((science))
>build a whole structure around it to make it look logical and reasonable
>attribute every invention the white man achieved through his intuition to ((science))
>foster ((science)) to religious status and use it to subvert centuries long traditions and supplant Christianity
>use ((science)) to push sexual perversion and loathing of the white man
>use ((((scientific consensus))) to create the global warming hoax
>use ((global warming)) to create the perfect tool of white genocide: carbon tax

>> No.8536963 [DELETED] 


Please see this >>8536952

>> No.8536968

Have you broken your computer yet as described here? If science is fake it should not break apart, I promise! ;^) >>8536952

>> No.8536977

Actually he's right. Every scientist should have critical spirit, otherwise we would have never made the great discovers we've made on science.
Global warming looks like the Ptolemaic theory of the solar system where the church was homologous to the today elites and the so called scientists that shill for this shit
>ou vey the earth is in the centre look at our astronomical observations it's almost the same abs the theory predicts
>but I've got a much simple simple that says the sun is in the centre
>fucking retard look the out proofs go back to medieval /pol/ retard. I bet you believe the earth is flat. Ha ha fucking retard.

>> No.8536979

Although I agree global meme is a meme mathematics has a solid logical foundation that you can prove it by yourself. Jews can't control the fabric of the universe.

>> No.8536984


Don't listen to this nigger loving jew. Obviously a hammer would break your compute . Magic is the work of the devil and there is nothing """defensive""" about it. Your best bet would be to unplug your computer from the (((mains electricity))) power and use the faith of our LORD to power it. If your computer shuts down then it is obviously cursed by the jew devil and you should not think of buying a new one ever again.

>> No.8536985

Hello rabbi

>> No.8536991
File: 15 KB, 200x225, IMG_3507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to elementary school. Study maths by yourself and become the master Jew like me

>> No.8536996
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>Jews can't control the fabric of the universe.

Yes, goyim! Yes! You are absolutely right!

>> No.8537002
File: 132 KB, 861x787, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pasted it again.
AGW is really a religion dressed up as science because we still have too many priests lurking about, maybe more than ever.

>> No.8537006

Oh wait Jesus was a Jew and Jesus is God according to the master race Catholic Church. Holy shit.

>> No.8537138

mmmmh that's a good interesting thread. bump

>> No.8537140

>implying Romney is interested in conflicts.
>wanting to sell out allies for short-term profit
hello comrade.

>> No.8537170

Wikipedia has a very well sourced read on exactly what Exxon has done over the years to create a controversy over climate science.


>> No.8537178




>> No.8537292
File: 1.34 MB, 295x255, 1465258862181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol please go back!

>> No.8537365

lel, /pol/ actually believes this """"internet (((philosopher)))"""""guy is a legitimate source on scientific issues.
First issue from this video, using Monckton as a legitimate authority on climate science. This is a man who has for years claimed he was a member of the House of Lords with no evidence. For years he has claimed he was a primary science adviser to Margaret Thatcher, with zero evidence. Even her own autobiography makes no mention of Monckton, not one single mention of her, and she even names a completely different person as her main scientific adviser. Monckton is not a scientist, he has no scientific training, and has never published a single scientific paper in the field of climatology, despite him making the false claim that he has for many years:


Also, view his rebuttal to Monckton's response on WUWT:


First off, did you even watch the second video you linked, or did you simply type "climate change hoax" into youtube and then copy / paste the URL thinking it would back your "argument?"

James Inhofe is a complete uneducated retard by the way, and has direct funds linked from the petroleum industry, as do many other conservatives who insist on ignoring the scientific evidence (not that these retards could understand even the most simplistic statistics anyways).

Honestly I'm going to copy and paste this into the same reply you made in the other thread as well. I'm so fucking tired of having to fight the mass amount of ignorance from the types of people who deny climate science, and if you think I'm fucking tired just combating shitposts on 4chan, imagine how the legitimate scientists, who publish papers feel when some bumfuck retarded politician takes their data and tries to comprehend it.

>> No.8537386

James Inhofe? As in Jim Inhofe? As in the retard Oklahoma senator? I live in Oklahoma and if you take anything he says seriously you fucked up. Want to see what a conservative "paradise" looks like stay here for a while.

>> No.8537390

He obviously didn't even watch the video. The second video he posted is an argument against climate skeptics, not an argument for AGW being a hoax.

It's hilarious because it shows just how uninformed these idiots are. I know the guy who posted it won't respond to us because he probably realized what an idiot he was and ran off with his tail between his legs.

>> No.8537394

>Nerds are STILL mad that they lost

>> No.8537400

climatology is utterly incomparable to algebra

>> No.8537423

this thread wasn't made by a nerd

>> No.8537426



don't worry i got plenty of sources.

>> No.8537435

is trump literally just picking random people who have no experience in politics ?

>> No.8537452

yes but i don't see the problem with it

>> No.8537456

You didn't respond to a single argument I made in my post, how predictable. Not only did you not address that the second video you posted had nothing to do with climate change being a hoax (you do a great job on your own making yourself look stupid), but you failed to respond to a single thing I said about Monckton.

All you can do is post conjecture, not formulate an actual argument of your own, and rely on people like Molyneaux interviewing William Happer, oh yes look who he chooses to interview on climate science, someone who isn't even trained in the field!



Happer is a member of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, an organization which is essentially a lobbying firm for fossil fuel interests once again, he also has similar links to the George C. Marshall Institute. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK. Guess what, the GWPF doesn't even need to report its sources of funding legally, and of course they don't. Why would they? How would it benefit them to expose the companies that fund climate change denialism? It's so hilarious because this organization attempts to make cherry-picked statements that the Earth is not warming by showing narrow datasets, so typical.

Why is it that people like Molyneaux never invite people like Gavin Schmit, or James Hansen, experts in the field who understand the science to discuss the claims? Why is it that the only people they ever invite are people like Spencer, Monckton or Happer?

Why are they afraid of seeing the evidence, looking at the data and observations that support the theory? Why do they only interview people within their own echo-chambers?

>> No.8537473
File: 28 KB, 567x565, 70e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up. Stefan molyneux is easily one the greatest intellectuals of out time.

>> No.8537484

Here's another example showing how one single company, Exxonmobile, has funded climate change denial.

In 2007 Exxon pledged that they would cease funding to organizations like Heartland and GCM, and claimed that they accepted the science of climate change. If only that were true, their organization still places heavy investments in their lobbying efforts in direct support to AGW deniers.


LITERALLY all you can do is post climate blogs like WUWT or Realclimate, or Climateadviser.

Go ahead and post the typical denialist links you people always post as "proof" that the evidence is a conspiracy or some other such nonsense. Yes, evidence. That's a word that deniers really don't like. You see, if you're going to discredit / debunk AGW, you need evidence. You need data and you need research. You have to go out into the field, or use the databases of available climatological data in order to formulate an argument. Publish this argument in a peer-reviewed journal in order to have other scientists within the field review it, and it they find that the evidence you researched is substantial and correct, and that your methodology was also correct, then you get published and your paper will become a groundbreaking paper in the field. However, not a single denialist scientist (and there are very, VERY few of them in the field, only real ones are Roy Spencer, John Christy and Richard Lindzen) in the field publishing anything that discredits the evidence scientists have built up over decades of research.

All you have is conspiracies and other such nonsense typical of a /pol/-brainlet.

>> No.8537502 [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 663x783, 5c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agw is real but only a dumb hyper-empathetic cuck would allow themselves to be taxed and regulated so that the unborn come into existence. carbon-taxer's are the environmental equivalent of pro-lifers.

>> No.8537506

I'm pretty much convinced that of the people who post on this board claiming to be climate change deniers, only like 3% tops are real and the rest are just in it for the keks

>> No.8537508
File: 537 KB, 663x783, 5c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agw is real but only a dumb cuck would allow themselves to be taxed and regulated so that the unborn come into existence. carbon-taxers are the environmental equivalent of pro-lifers.

>> No.8537510
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ow the edge

>> No.8537512


No, the guy is picking a bunch of CEOs, recommended war vets and political contrarians.

It's only random because most people didn't think he was actually going to fucking bring in actual CEOs into the cabinet.

If you fucking thought Washington was all about special interest groups you haven't seen nothing yet now that the public voted in a billionaire to run it.

>> No.8537516
File: 1.21 MB, 1174x794, where do you think we are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post actually isn't an argument.

>> No.8537519

kys for the planet, it's the best way to reduce your carbon footprint. there is nothing edgy about putting one's own self interest first. sorry we aren't like you who are easily duped by appeals to emotion.

>> No.8537520

>carbon tax introduced
>install solar panels
>install electric stove
>install electric clothes dryer
>drive electric car
prablum salvd

>> No.8537522

you willing to pay for that or will i have to be taxed to pay for it? yup the cost will go to me for your moral grandstanding.

>> No.8537525
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>> No.8537527
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>> No.8537531

not that anon, but a lot of upstream leakage comes from deliberate venting (using gas pressure to drive pneumatic mechanisms). there's lossless tech available (uses electricity instead) but it hasn't been all that widely adopted, even though it pays for itself pretty quickly.
if Tillerson is serious about environmental policy, he'll push for a regulatory mandate on all gas extraction.

>> No.8537535

That wouldn't be such a problem if the USA didn't have shit-tier upward mobility. But the root cause is u̶n̶s̶k̶i̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶l̶a̶b̶o̶r̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶p̶l̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶a̶u̶t̶o̶m̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶ the Chinese.

>> No.8537542

you're the one who wants to "save the planet" so you can pay for it. only fair, because the way i see it you moral busybodies who want to tax and control my person are the only problem here.

>> No.8537546
File: 59 KB, 570x363, where-do-you-think-we-are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think we are?

>> No.8537547

if the price of fossil fuels goes up for any reason and the price of alternatives (like solar) stays the same or decreases, then you will have people switching like I described

even you, the anti-tax curmudgeon will benefit from it because it makes our country less reliant on limited and valuable resources

>> No.8537551

That's not how capitalism works and I suspect you know it.

>> No.8537553

ok then get to work to make these alternatives you want to be a reality and stop being controlfreak busybodies.

>> No.8537558

Inconceivable! How can I, the great and powerful Anon, be butthurt if I don't experience any of your precious, insipid FEELIES! MWAHAHAHA!

>> No.8537559

what isn't? the fuck are you on about now? i'm merely saying you can piss off with your control freak taxes for things you want to happen. you can pay for it.

>> No.8537560
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>you're the one who wants to "save the planet" so you can pay for it. only fair,
we are

>> No.8537562
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>> No.8537563
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>> No.8537565

I could do that
or we could just increase the price of gas artificially and solve the problem right now
that would be a lot easier.

>> No.8537566
File: 24 KB, 658x500, Glacier_Mass_Balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't all billionaires like bill?
he restores my faith in capitalism a little bit every time

>> No.8537567

and yet you still want to tax me when you got 1B. how greedy are you people? fuck off already. do something with that money instead of whining that not everyone cares about your problems.

>> No.8537570

why do americans turn orange as they age?

>> No.8537571
File: 92 KB, 708x370, World_map_showing_surface_temperature_trends_between_1950_and_2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to inconvenience you, it's for your own good retard, now get vaccinated.

>> No.8537574
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Energy companies have been deliberately patent-hoarding emergent tech until it's unprofitable to sell oil. Don't expect ecofacists to play fair in an unfair game.

>> No.8537577

not going to happen, it'd fuck over the economy. but unlike the environmental crises which aren't going to be problems for us in our life time, the economy does matter to you and me despite how little you think about it.

>> No.8537579
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also, pic related

>> No.8537581
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good post

unfortunately, this is the real world

>> No.8537584
File: 565 KB, 1794x903, take_that_back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mong still had those tweets up a week ago when i checked

>> No.8537586
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>le everyone i disagree with is an agw-denying antivaxxer
sorry show me some evidence aside from irregular weather patterns that agw is a problem for me? a bigger problem than fucking over the eocnomy anyway?
pro-tip: you can't. look at this shit, all these models are all over the place.

then deal with them. stop trying to control me when they're your problem.

>> No.8537587
File: 988 KB, 500x275, yfw anthropogenic climate change exists.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand.
Anthropogenic climate change exists.
Sci will make wolfposting great again.

>> No.8537589

that's utter nonsense
the price of gas takes big swings up and down every few years on its own due to speculation and/or problems in saudi arabia or some other 3rd world shit hole

in fact, it could be better for us to artificially control the price by setting it at a constant higher level because it's much easier to handle shit when you have stability

>> No.8537590
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>your problem
Where do you think we are?

>> No.8537594
File: 2.27 MB, 2048x1536, ifallice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is if all land ice melted, we'll have to be building WALLS long before that happens it seems, instead of using our efforts on something useful

>> No.8537596

lmao, except industry and everything relying on the price on gas to be low will suffer like food, etc. with rising costs people will have less money to spend and the economy would suffer in turn from low sales.

>> No.8537597

Of all the things he could walk back, I really doubt this is one of them
the entire republican party is united around climate change denial

>> No.8537598

look at these models carefully and without any bias

>> No.8537599

Good! Let it sink. White people have brought pain and suffering to POC for too long.

>> No.8537603

i did and with most i'll be dead before they're a problem for me. unlike a carbon tax which would be an immediate problem for me. also considering how alarmist climate science has been and how desperate researchers are for funding i have little reason to believe the worst case scenarios.

>> No.8537605
File: 44 KB, 416x300, hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah POC want to genocide whites and deport us back to europe

>> No.8537609
File: 966 KB, 500x281, someones_shitposting_on_sci_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Sci will walk the middle path. We are not SJW cucks. Anthropogenic climate change exists!

>> No.8537610

>i did and with most i'll be dead before they're a problem for me. unlike a carbon tax which would be an immediate problem for me.
this is precisely why the carbon tax is such a great idea
it gets people who otherwise would never care, to have a reason to care

>> No.8537611

and turn against you.

>> No.8537614
File: 31 KB, 876x583, Samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know what kind of cruse this is.

>> No.8537617
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They turn only against themselves.

>> No.8537620
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Even the best case scenarios are kinda shitty in the long run.
anyway I agree rationally, we'll probably be dead, I'm appealing to emotion, the emotion I have is I don't like fucking the planet man

>> No.8537621

you keep asserting that, but i have yet to see any evidence of this claim. agw happening doesn't automatically make it a problem for an individual.

>> No.8537625

at least they'll be giving a fuck
certainly nothing will ever get done if we can't even get people to give a single fuck

>> No.8537626

I like fucking the planet, you cuck

>> No.8537632
File: 48 KB, 387x357, 1480434677021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have another homeworld in mind?

>> No.8537634

and i don't like fucking my bank account and nor should you like fucking yours. you are aware though that we live in an entropic universe and everything goes to shit anyway? why waste our only lives bickering over it when we can enjoy them? no point m8.

>> No.8537636
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>> No.8537637

do you have the cure for aging to make me care what happens to it past my life expectancy?

>> No.8537640
File: 296 KB, 612x975, a2394857034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! Y-you tell 'em Rick!

>> No.8537643

Not yet :^)

>> No.8537651

to the anti-taxxers
what if it was only like $10 per year tax? would you still be vehemently opposed?

>> No.8537654

yes, it's a matter of principle. you want this, you can pay for it. do donation runs and charities. you got billy gates to cough up 1B, keep at it.

>> No.8537655
File: 57 KB, 900x466, better_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8537676

if we could get you all to cough up $10, then that's like $3 billion though
what if we just take it out of your entitlements instead? then you wont even notice it's gone

>> No.8537677

>you want this, you can pay for it
That's not how capitalism works and I suspect you know it.

>> No.8537683

>what if we just take it out of your entitlements instead? then you wont even notice it's gone

>> No.8537684
File: 499 KB, 350x197, awooos growing louder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course theft isn't part of capitalism.

>> No.8537686
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you're doing exactly what they said you would do.

outsmarted by the russians.

>> No.8537690

lets take your entitlements instead since it's being used for something you want. only fair.

back in circles already are we. see: >>8537559

anyway this argument is fucking boring, you guys are as zealous as the pro-lifers when it comes to their stances on abortion. lets enslave the living for the unborn. useful idiots the lot of you.

>> No.8537695

yuri bez pls.

>> No.8537701

Bezmenov stated that he was also instructed not to waste time with idealistic leftists, as these would become disillusioned, bitter, and adversarial when they realized the true nature of Soviet Communism. To his surprise, he discovered that many such were listed for execution once the Soviets achieved control. Instead, Bezmenov was encouraged to recruit the persons in large circulation, established conservative media, rich filmmakers, intellectuals in academic circles, and cynical, ego-centric people who lacked moral principles.

science of subversion

>> No.8537703

its a little different though
what's the point in planting my seed now if my family line will end in a couple generations?

>> No.8537705
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Where do you think we are?

>> No.8537706

that'd be your problem for falling for the reproduction meme, not mine.

>> No.8537708

also having kids is what ruined the environment in the first place. no kids means no one around to pollute

>> No.8537710


>> No.8537711
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>> No.8537715
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apply liberally

>> No.8537718

>a problem for me?
It's not, fortunately a carbon tax will get selfish people like you to do things for the good of your descendants and the planet.

>> No.8537720
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>> No.8537726

kys for the planet, faggot. every moment you're alive your carbon footprint gets bigger.

>> No.8537727

I'm just saying, that was pretty edgy.

What's more, there's nothing inherently wrong with appeals to emotion.

Humans aren't thinking machines; we're feeling machines that think.

>> No.8537732

edgy or not, it is a fact. sad state we live in when the truth is deemed edgy. safespaces have really gone too far.

>> No.8537733

>every moment you're alive your carbon footprint gets bigger.
Nope! It's even possible to have a negative carbon footprint.

>> No.8537736

not while you're breathing.

>> No.8537742

This kind of shit shows how deeply and fundamentally deniers just don't understand the science.

>> No.8537745
File: 694 KB, 800x494, mbrcbqlbrv3x5s9kvxmt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reproduction is a meme
>fuck the future of mankind nothing matters
>ur just gonna die anyway

>> No.8537746

actually it shows how autistic you are thinking that was a serious reply. i also don't deny agw, but do you realize how costly carbon capture is?

>> No.8537751

when you're dead nothing matters though.

>> No.8537757


>> No.8537764

If nothing I do matters, why should it matter if I fuck your life up? To me, you're just another signal in the noise.

>> No.8537768

i think that if the last line of defense is "nothing matters anyway let's just enjoy ourselves" then it's really as over as it can be

>> No.8537770
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because i'd fuck you up six ways to sunday if you tried, you little unarmed beta numale.

>> No.8537780
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keep telling your wife's son that. lmao.

>> No.8537785

I gotta be honest
I'm getting pretty close to holding that position myself
I really don't see any way that we're going to come out ahead of this issue

>> No.8537792

The arguments of """skeptics""" have gone from
>It's not happening there's no proof, no evidence, there's nothing, the science isn't a valid science, only "real science" matters
>Uh, ok, maybe the planet is on a warming trend and sea ice is decreasing, but this is all just a natural process, humans have absolutely nothing to do with that (conveniently ignores all the isotopic / O2 data linking the industrial revolution to the current CO2 trends).
>Ok, maybe there's some evidence and the planet is indeed warming due to human activity, but CO2 isn't that bad and warmer planet isn't bad either, I mean look we're gonna be able to grow crops further north now in some places! See, it's good!
>Ok yes CO2 increases are bad, and getting warmer is bad, but we can't do anything to stop it at this point so there's no point in trying so we might as well just do nothing, there's no point!
>It's all a NASA conspiracy, all the data is faked, nothing is real, green energy conspiracy, look at these blogs, its proofs! Fucking big government trying to take my money carbon taxes! Fucking commie pinko watermelon enviroterrorist! Look at this glenn beck interview! Oh look another interview on Fox News, see climate scientist, ur BTFO lol ur not even real scientists see

>> No.8537804
File: 161 KB, 282x286, fgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 1.9 meters bitch whatchu got?

>> No.8537812

reduce your co2 emissions by putting a 5.56 between your eyes.

>> No.8537818

there isn't hentai of this yet

>> No.8537830

M800 have you BEEN to Australia?

>> No.8537847
File: 195 KB, 1440x960, yesmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is the end game of the AGW enablers?
A global government - corporation that rations and controls energy through strict CO2 emissions monitoring?
If you reduce your energy consumption someone else will use it. Until you address the root problem which is too many monkeys not enough bananas, it's just pissing in the wind my friend.

Do you think the hypocrite on the left would consider spreading some birth control and sex education in Africa? Or the hypocrite on the right would reduce his footprint to that of a small African nation?
At least you used skeptic and not denier or climate heretic, that's encouraging!

>> No.8537852

>Do you think the hypocrite on the left would consider spreading some birth control and sex education in Africa?
it's traditionally the people on the right who block birth control and sex ed in africa...

>> No.8537879

I know it's standard cult building protocol to ban birth control and abortion, keep people ignorant about sex but the hypocrisy is getting outstanding. The church is going to start training their clergy in the art of regular AGW propaganda dissemination to their congregation of 1 billion plus. AGW, it's not just political, it's getting eerily religious too.

Serious question though, bickering aside, what is the end game, assuming AGW is correct and immediate action taken what exactly would that constitute? What would the typical AGW supporter want to come of it?

>> No.8537886

/pol/ belongs on /pol/, /sci/ belongs on /sci/

this board miscegenation is destroying our board culture and heritage

resist /pol/ at every opportunity

>> No.8537891

please seek treatment

this is beyond conspiracy theory and into delusion

you need help

I know I'm just one of your imagined persecuters but please

seek help.

You need to find something healthier than posting on /sci/ all day, you're getting further into your delusions every time you make one of these threads.