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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 620x350, nuclear fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8526033 No.8526033 [Reply] [Original]


>Nuclear Energy isn't dangerous
>Ignores the disasters like Fukushima and Chernobyl

Top lel

>> No.8526052

and i can detect radiation from the sun when its daytime.

>> No.8526057


>if it's natural how could it be bad?!!

>> No.8526063

>Researchers say seawater samples taken from Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach indicate radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, but at extremely low levels not harmful to humans or the environment.

>but at extremely low levels not harmful to humans or the environment.

>> No.8526069


And what if the disaster had been worse?

>> No.8526076

The US Navy has operated thousands of years worth of time with their nuclear reactors and has never had an accident. Every nuclear "disaster" is almost solely caused by human error, not actual faults with the technology.

>> No.8526079

and what if the moon crashes into the earth?

>> No.8526082


that's stupid

yeah it could have been worse but it wasn't because after all it was pretty safe

>> No.8526088

tbf, those reactors were actually designed strictly for power. most shore based reactor designs were made for the purpose of creating weapons material.

>> No.8526196

/sci/ utterly BTFO

>> No.8526212

you forget this stuff can accumulate in animals as it passes up the food chain.

For instance mercury in the ocean is at low levels, but it's accumulated in whales so much that now a single bite of whale meat is more than a lethal dose of mercury.

Seaweed sucks up iodine from the ocean and Fukushima is releasing radioactive iodine in a place where seaweed is a stable food of the population. If we have 1 more Fukushima type accident on the ocean in the next century or 2 then sushi will become a lethal food item.

>> No.8526800

that picture is a wave height map

That's why it is measured in centimeters.

>> No.8527138

wow! I knew Japan is in danger of tsunamis but I didn't know it was also so damn prone to them. WTF is with that?

>> No.8527154




>> No.8527160


Does /sci/ advocate for Thorium? Most of the anti-thorium articles I've read are just very dismissive of MSRs in general, and it's hard to figure out what the problems are because I don't understand much of it.

>> No.8527185


The sun is one mean fucker

Here in Oz, you'll die just by standing out in it for a day

>> No.8527192

that'd be pretty dope

>> No.8527194

The answer is simple
Only let Americans and Western Europeans have Nuclear Power

>> No.8527200

If you think this shit isn't negatively affecting ocean life you're seriously worse than climate change deniers.

>> No.8527203


Literally fucking nothing, you absorb more from a hair drier

>> No.8527208

If you think vaccines aren't causing autism you are worse than Hitler

>> No.8527209

I'm sorry you think an insignificant amount of radiation is hurting literally nothing

>> No.8527211

>fish don't exist or migrate

>> No.8527222

>I don't need evidence because fish migrate

>> No.8527231
File: 79 KB, 628x473, MaxheadroomMpegMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both reactors were built in the 70s when there were way less safety measures in place

Any modern reactor is very nearly impossible to go into meltdown. I really wish people would stop blaming reactors for human stupidity. People act like Fukushima was solely caused by the tsunami, completely ignoring the fact that they cheaped out on the flood wall (only 10m [flood hit 13m] when many places went up to 17m), and their backup generators/pumps were at ground level, and those generators/pumps weren't watertight causing loss of heatsink. Had any one of those things been done, the chances of fukushima spiraling out like it did would have been far lower.

NPPs aren't dangerous, every accident in them has been caused by operator error and/or lax/cheap building.

>> No.8527239

You're missing the point. The Fukushima disaster /was/ caused by an earthquake and tidal wave but, despite the old (and shitty; fuck BWRs) reactor design the impact was negligible. If I recall correctly when they ran the numbers there will be zero additional deaths due to cancer from the amount of radiation that leaked out.

Also the sea wall was built above spec. At the time the requirements were several meters lower.

>> No.8527248

I ate whale just a little while ago. Guess I am dead now!

>> No.8527254
File: 78 KB, 737x407, stalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8527264

>fuck BWRs

I think the ESBWR sounds neat.

>> No.8527269

Fucking Japs.

>> No.8527288

Fish aren't going to be affected by an amount of radiation so small that a fridge magnet gives off more

>> No.8527322

Whats to stop someone from building a reactor far inland, away from potential tsunami-areas? I get that its nice to have the ocean right there as a heat-sink, but cant the same be done with a large enough water reservoir somewhere in-land?

>> No.8527375

We have a plant in Iowa and there are quite a few in Illinois I know so yeah it should be all good

>> No.8527623

more people die each year from coal plants by a few orders of magnitude

>> No.8527756

But what about all of the radiation that was just detected???

>> No.8527820
File: 90 KB, 1134x1333, radiation chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think we'll live

>> No.8527908

>Trusting a .png image

>> No.8527932
File: 13 KB, 425x282, man_relieved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sleeping next to someone
> Takes radiation dose
Thank God I'm safe.

>> No.8527949

It's at least some source of information, unlike your post

>> No.8527952

This is just wrong.
Osmosis does not work that way.
Second, radioactive isotopes are incredibly diluted so there is basically 0 zero risk of dying because of radiation poisoning.

>> No.8528237

>For instance mercury in the ocean is at low levels, but it's accumulated in whales so much that now a single bite of whale meat is more than a lethal dose of mercury
People back in the days were drinking pure mercury because they thought it would cure some illnesses.
That must be one hell of a bite of whalemeat

>> No.8528245

Chernobyl was pretty good for the local wildlife. Turns out having humans in your general vicinity is worse than a nuclear fallout

>> No.8528250

>wow! I knew Japan is in danger of tsunamis but I didn't know it was also so damn prone to them. WTF is with that?

it sits on the edge of the pacific plate.

>> No.8528287

Why not use radiotrophic fungi to soak up the radioactive particulates?

Then harvest the radioactive fungi, incinerate them, and then compress the radioactive ashes for industrial applications?

we are wasting a perfectly good disaster

>> No.8528294

This isn't Nuclear Energy's fault. This is Japan's fault.

Whomever said that an island nation located on the MOST ACTIVE TECTONIC BOUNDARY ON EARTH was allowed to have Nuclear Power Plants needs to be gassed.

>> No.8528383

whilikers, such scary picture...please terrify me more with le science color pictogramographs

>> No.8528415

What could be worse than one of the worst earthquake ever measured, followed by one of the biggest tsunami ever witnessed, which had the consequence to destroy the entire region power supply lines, and all this during the final phases of the dismantling of the reactors, where some securities must be removed temporarily?

If anything Fukushima proved that even during armageddon, the risk of radioactive leak is minimal.

>> No.8528696

>Whale, now 110% mercury
Would explain all the autism on this board, not to mention Japans fascination with tentacle porn and strange gameshows.

>> No.8528707

>what the problems are

cost, apparently

>> No.8529164

>tfw nuclear is Doomed in the future because of shit like this

>> No.8529234

>material from a few reactors getting spread all over the whole pacific.

Well can't be very much per cubic meter after a while.

>> No.8529240


You would think such a basic analysis would be taken into consideration when the statement was made.

>> No.8529717

Ok, /sci/: Design the ultimate, fool-proof, short of a supervulcano/meteor impact proof nuclear power site. Money is not an issue, and there will be no hippies protesting for any silly reasons.
It has to be built, and you are to set down the list of how things should be done.

>> No.8529756

Yep, nuclear war can bring peace to humanity

>> No.8529762

just build a giant pure-lead dome around it.