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8525089 No.8525089 [Reply] [Original]

Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo gautengensis
Homo neanderthalensis

How come all "thisnking" guys vanished and such trivial specie like Chimpanzee still managed to survive?

>> No.8525097

From what I was told blacks aren't fully chimpanzees.

>> No.8525133
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>How come all "thisnking" guys vanished
They were competing for the same niche as our ancestors.

>blacks aren't fully chimpanzees.
Chimps have white skin, thin lips and straight hair.

>> No.8525136

>How come all "thisnking" guys vanished and such trivial specie like Chimpanzee still managed to survive?

>> No.8525156


weren't ((((they))))) our ancestors?

>> No.8525172

good question op , but probably from an ice age or some other drastic change in climate or environment.

>> No.8525174

>tfw we'll become extinct due to global warming

>> No.8525187

Weak as piss immune systems.
Blacks literally look more apelike than any other race on earth anon. Chimps have white skin because every freaking mammal with fur except the polar ones has white skin dumbass.

>> No.8525211


The interesting part is that blacks have a larger percentage of homo sapiens DNA than any other racial group. Whites and Asians have a large amount of neanderthal admixture.

This means that, despite your observation that they look more like apes, genetically, they're more "human" than you are.

>> No.8525213


>> No.8525225

They might be more human but they are still more "ape" than normal people are.

>> No.8525231


Not with regards to genetics. Any reference toward being more ape-like is purely informed by your own subjective opinion, not biology. If you're white, you're the one with the closer genetic resemblance to apes.

>> No.8525234


>normal people

You've just revealed your bias, by the way. Even black people are "normal people."

For the record, "normal people" also tend to be rather uneducated and unintelligent, so I would tend towards agreeing with you if your opinion is that you are a "normal person."

>> No.8525238

Neanderthals weren't apes, they were human, just not "Homo Sapiens" human.

Besides all, the "Out of Africa" theory and the "black race" as being the "original Homo Sapiens race" is sustained by very thin strings some of which are enitrely ideological.

>> No.8525242

>Blacks literally look more apelike than any other race on earth anon.
Which is true, since no race on Earth looks ape-like

>> No.8525245


Nope. We can objectively test DNA for homo sapiens markers. Blacks have more of those markers than white people. Precisely 0% ideological.

>> No.8525252

Yes anon pure humans look like primitive walking apes compared to us hybrids. I dont care how fucking human they are they are wild animals fuck humans.
Have you ever looked at an african's head sideways?

Blacks even have yellow scleras like apes, sagital keels like apes, elongated skulls and sloped forehead like apes.

>> No.8525254

No a black is actually more genetically related to a chimp than a white person.

>> No.8525262

During the time before the split the Proto Modern Human endured the Ice Age in the middle east and thus developed selections to become more intelligent. One of these selections was an augmented frontal lobe that held african animal instincts in check to a degree. This is the real reason why the humans born of this strain are the creators of all human civilization and innovation.

>> No.8525274


In reading these posts, the reality of how closely related some groups of people are to chimps has become more apparent. For this reason, all I can say to these posts is this: thank you for your effort. I realize how hard this must be for you.

If and when you're able to comprehend what I'm saying, I'd like you to weigh your conclusion against the fact that I'm black. If you're upset, feel free to tell us about it.

>> No.8525288

Genetic outlier that is what you are, the majority of your kind are wild animals in human bodies.

>> No.8525302


Black Africans also have markers of unknown "Archaic human admixture".

>researchers concluded that roughly 2% of the genetic material found in some Sub-Saharan African populations was inserted into the human genome approximately 35,000 years ago from archaic hominins that broke away from the modern human lineage around 700,000 years ago.

>In 2012, researchers studied high-coverage whole-genome sequences of fifteen Sub-Saharan hunter-gatherer males from three groups—five Pygmies (three Baka, a Bedzan, and a Bakola) from Cameroon, five Hadza from Tanzania, and five Sandawe from Tanzania — finding signs that the ancestors of the hunter-gatherers interbred with one or more archaic human populations,[39] probably over 40,000 years ago.[41] They also found that the median time of the most recent common ancestor of the fifteen test subjects with the putative introgressive haplotypes was 1.2–1.3 mya


It was probably some kind of "Homo erectus".

So, no, Black Africans are not by any term 100% pure "Homo Sapiens".

>> No.8525308

Who cares what they are, they should not be in our societies at all, if the nigger hadd a nonhuman appearance we would have exterminated them a long time ago, their human form is the only reason they are still on this planet.

>> No.8525432

>human admixture

where do they come from?
how come some clear trace of genome can manifest in other with such clarity?

what does that say about this trace, that it represents a violent mutation or a 2 differrent species that decided to crossbreed? It makes no sence

>> No.8525455

The thinking guys occupied the same kinds of environments. Chimpanzees didn't have to compete with them.

Events like the ice age created high competitive pressure in those environments and the thinking guys had to merge when possible or eradicate each other to gain access to limited resources. Also whoever adapted the fastest to the changed environment had a competitive advantage over the other sub-species, something like that is always a major booster for evolution per natural selection.

>> No.8525552

>You've just revealed your bias, by the way.
How many times are we going to see this on /sci/ regarding niggers before it gets through to /sci/ that /pol/ just doesn't care and /pol/ is always right.

>> No.8525690


how come chimpanzee and other species survive the ice age? they seem less organized

>> No.8526978
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>> No.8527058

Chimpanzees and other species didn't migrate beyond their original ecosystem, and so didn't have to worry about all the crap that comes with an ice age. Humans did.

>> No.8527098

>didn't migrate beyond their original ecosystem

wtf does that even mean

>> No.8527106

Homo Sapiens killed off all the others

>> No.8527112


How come he didn't kill all the animals?

>> No.8527115

Too many animals. Also the others were competing for the same food and habitat

>> No.8527122


This is such a bullshit. How come others primates be our ancestors and at the same time rivalise for food?

>> No.8527127

Other primates are jungle and tree dwellers, we are plains and savanna hunters. Chimpanzees don't go after Zebras. Other humanoid groups shared our territory. As we moved north and into forested areas where other humanoids such as Neanderthals lived, we adapted to that environment, killed and outbred them.

>> No.8527129


you believe in fairytales my friend

>> No.8527130

What's your opinion then?

>> No.8527139

there were just as many intermediate chimp species that died out.

>> No.8527140

>ITT: a /pol/tard comes on /sci/ and gets effortlessly BTFO and exposed as a prattling child

>> No.8527144

What do you consider to be the truth on the matter?

>> No.8527147

/pol/esmokers generally don't realize how much of a hugbox they are in until they leave /pol/, so shitposting can justify their beliefs since no one is there to properly challenge them.

>> No.8527249

G-d created all in six days and rested on the seventh.

>> No.8527283



>> No.8527291

Goal body right there tbqh

>> No.8527295

clearly, the jews.

>> No.8527311

his belly button is extremely disfiguring
also his sternum is weird
and with that little body fat he won't survive no harsh winter

>> No.8528088


My opinion?
as in Op
will it matter if i tell you i believe in only what my unexperienced mind declares on given facts.

and the facts dont match here

i believe in DNA more than scientists do.
I believe in its subtle power on quantum levels.
and direct universe impact on its structure to this very second
There are things in our bodies beyond mortal comprehension.

As the river of time flows the evolution to occur needs an impulse. This impulse must be strong enouch for the change. Relying on "solo" assumption that one specie devastated the other just becouse it was in its niche does not follow to the final statement of race extincion.

>> No.8528115
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If humans really were homos, how are we not extinct? See, I just rekt biology.

>> No.8528137


>be nordic white
>mother is nordic white
>father was dark-ish from africa.

I can't relate any of these things, my father side of the family can't relate to these things. Genetics seems to play a much lesser role than social influences no? That's just my guess

>inb4 sjw

>> No.8528993

Didn't see him get BTFO but if you say so. This entire website is a big ass echo chamber

>> No.8530346

>I'm black.
As in american black?
They are usually whiter than southern europeans.

>> No.8530375

>How come all "thisnking" guys vanished and such trivial specie like Chimpanzee still managed to survive?
Because modern humans occupy the same niche they did and we are more fit to it than they were

Chimps and the other apes occupy a different niche and are not competing with us