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8518329 No.8518329 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so scared of ionizing radiation?

>> No.8518333

Hmm invisible rays of deadly energy that make you sick and usually end in a miserable painful death. What's not to like.

>> No.8518336

People fear what they do not know/understand.

>> No.8518350


People expose themselves to unnecessary dangers while trying to convince themselves and others they have some special ability to understand and appreciate a number of dangers including those posed by ionizing radiation.

Of course it's just a miserably misdirected attempt to obtain social status that only ends up giving them testicular cancer at some point.

What I'm trying to say is that you're dumber than the dumb people that are afraid of ionizing radiation, because at least they have a working heuristic, while you've got nothing besides a distorted understanding of the underlying mechanisms and enough desperation to expose yourself to unnecessary danger.

>> No.8518357
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because they don't understand how ionizing radiation actually affects you at certain doses. Any dose below 100 mSv more than likely did not effect you at all, with under 10 mSv being considered negligible and having shown recently to cause no damage at all to your body. Our bodies can handle a decent amount of radiation that goes beyond whatever you would experience in a hospital, or in nature. Major accidents in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs have the chance of affecting you via the ionizing radiation they're releasing. I've seen people freaking out over their 5 mSv CT scan, thinking they're totally going to get cancer or something. It's really silly. I think radiophobia is really dangerous to the public. I've had people call my hospital to ask about cancer worries from getting their CT scan when they were having nausea and headaches after hitting their head. Like, your chances of this giving you cancer are so stupidly small, and you're going to really be more worried about that than your headaches and nausea?

If I even had to assign a percentage for any adult, it'd be like 1 in 10,000-20,000 maybe and that'd be just from the studies I've read that even suggest a risk. Lets say that was reality. Do you know how many people would press a button if they had a 1 in 10,000 chance of dying but they'd otherwise get even just $1,000? Most people would press that button like 100 times.

We literally still have no true evidence that ionizing radiation at these low doses does anything at all. We've shown that under 10 mSv does not damage DNA, so almost every CT scan is extremely safe.

Atomic bombs and nuclear reactor melt downs... just hope you aren't close by.

People breathe in radon every fucking second of their life, for fucks sake.

>> No.8518362

Exactly, I shove up an enriched Uranium-glass dildo up my ass every day and I yell "THORIUM IS THE FUTURE THORIUM IS THE FUTURE" for roughly 30 seconds until I receive my daily 60 Sievert dose. (which by the way is literally nothing, I can't believe people are worried about such minuscule amounts, lol)

>> No.8518366

Why aren't you?

>> No.8518367

well 60 Sv will kill you.

>> No.8518370

I'm still here, and I'm just fine. It's all those anti-nuclear liberals that make these things up.
People even use radiactive spas, I'd love to try that but I'm too fat to travel that far :(

>> No.8518376


I wear a jacket with thin lead covering my torso and a baseball cap lined with lead when going on an airplane. Annoying when they look at me funny going through the metal scanner. Could I wear my radiation shielding jacket in a CT machine?

>> No.8518384

>metal scanner

they're called a backscatter x-ray and they emit less ionizing radiation than a dental x-ray.

>> No.8519096

>defending their usage

>> No.8519100

since when did i defend anything? fuck off retard i just know about radiation.

>> No.8519136

You can't see it. It can kill you and you don't even notice before it's too late.

>> No.8519138

>It can kill you
When? in a fucking bomb blast or a nuclear power plant melt down? no fucking shit idiot.

>> No.8519155

here's a (you) for (you)

>> No.8519685

they're retarded, basically.

>> No.8520065

People think MRI's are dangerous, let alone CT scans. Both are total bullshit, but people don't know any better and invisible things are scary.

>> No.8520098


>> No.8520564

Being afraid of CTs is retarded, but radiotherapy LINACs are intimidating as FUCK.

Being left alone in a literal bunker with a yuge moving machine you know is irradiating you is p scary

>> No.8520582

this. CT scans give off pretty low amounts of ionizing radiation, especially compared to shit like that.

I had a CT scan of my brain when I was 21. the dose ended up being 1.5 mSv, like a pediatric scan on a brand new machine. You need some really high doses for short blasts of ionizing radiation to even start damaging DNA, even in the most radiosensitive parts of the body.

>> No.8520596

>"so you're going to kill this cancer by blasting it with 2+ Sv of ionizing radiation...?"

Fuck that. I've seen so many studies of old people getting radiotherapy to their brain and their chance of developing alzheimers goes up and shit like that. FUCK THAT. CT scans are totally safe, but I don't see how anyone would think radiotherapy is a good idea. It's extremely dangerous.

>> No.8520597

Because it's basically poison.

>> No.8520623

Actually the brain is (somewhat) safe to irradiate.

And by safe I mean not as dangerous as irradiating other parts of the body.

Treatment of non-operable cancer is some fucked up shit, man.

It boils down to "imma JUST your shit up sempai, and let's hope that includes the overwhelming majority of cancer cells
ps it wont"

>> No.8520651

Why'd you have a brain CT?

>> No.8520660

I conked my head and still had nausea and dizziness days later, so they wanted to be sure I wasn't developing a hematoma. I was fine and they ruled all of that out.

>> No.8520665

because radiation is scary

>> No.8520858

>trades nonexistant cancer risk for non-negligible heavy metal poisoning risk

>> No.8521845


>> No.8521862

Because when people think of radiation, they think of bombs that can wipe out cities.