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8517127 No.8517127 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way to get rid of them easily at home? Micropills and other such products contaminate water with female hormones, and it is not removed at water processing plants with current filtering technologies.

This is not tinfoil hat hysteria and I don't care how little of estrogen is in water I drink, I want to get rid of it. There are articles about subject at least since 1995 in Google Scholar.

One article about removal isn't exactly accomplished with home methods..

>> No.8517132

Who cares, fag? You're still a fag, no matter how much extra estrogen you consume.

>> No.8517202

t. low test faggot

>> No.8517204

Not wanting to be a cuteboi.

>> No.8517556

>Remove female hormones in tap water
>is there any way to get rid of them easily at home?

if I recall correctly, Alex Jones sells a line of water filters specifically designed for such a thing.

>> No.8517576

The estrogen is not estrogen, it's an estrogen like chemical. The bisphenols, have been found to be endocrine disruptors. Second, it's in pretty much everything plastic. There is no way to avoid it. If you take it out of the water, well you'll get it from food. If you don't get it from food, you'll get it from touching receipts or other things that have it

There is no escape anon, you're just gonna have to live with being a cuteboi

>> No.8517583

Infowars has some filters

>> No.8517642

but I don't look like a cuteboi.
I have a manly jaw, dreamy eyes, great hair
and now manboobs and crippling depression

>> No.8517720

>I have a manly jaw, dreamy eyes, great hair
Sounds pretty homosexual to be honest friend.

>> No.8517738

Estrogen in water can't be absorbed by your system unless you do it intravenously. Your stomach acids will break it apart. If things were as easy as drinking hormones mixed in plain tap water, a lot more people would be on steroids.

>> No.8517782

Drink bottled water and/or boil it ?

>> No.8517835
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Tap water more like trap water

>> No.8518303
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>> No.8518308
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Genuine kek

>> No.8518324

why would you want to, op

do you not want to be a glorious femboy

>> No.8518331
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>> No.8518342
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>> No.8519231

Are you implying xenoestrogens in the water supply is not a concern?

>> No.8519399


Include me in the screen cap.

>> No.8519415

no estrogens in water
only source is going to be plastics and other industrial materials, and foods (naturally occuring).
bisphenol A (tthe bog one everyone hitches ahout) is no concern as an endofrine disruptor.

you probably have no endocrine disurptora.

ifnyou do, take testosterone and SERMs.

>> No.8519417

So, it isn't as much of as issue as everyone makes it out to be?

>> No.8519423
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>> No.8519559
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Holy God hahahaha not sure why I hadn't thought of this before

>> No.8519590


Good fucking lord don't buy that guy's shit. Just find a good deal on a decent-rated RO filter or even just a home distiller.

>> No.8519764

Flawless execution. 10/10

>> No.8520257

>Are you implying xenoestrogens in the water supply is not a concern?

on the contrary, I am implying that it IS a concern.

>> No.8520269
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>Alex Jones
pic related, top kek

>> No.8520307

Get out of the dumb /pol/esmoker bubble, anon.

>> No.8520313

Yeah I just did that.

>> No.8520317

Stop watching anime. You have inmasculity problems and blame nonexistent 'hormones'. Gimme a break.

>> No.8520318


>> No.8520346
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>> No.8520518

I dirtnk bottle woater

>> No.8520570

out of plastic I'm sure

>> No.8520979

Xenoestrogens, like all estrogens, can increase growth of the endometrium, so treatments for endometriosis include avoidance of products which contain them. Likewise, they are avoided in order to prevent the onset or aggravation of adenomyosis. Studies have implicated observations of disturbances in wildlife with estrogenic exposure. For example, discharge from human settlement including runoff and water flowing out of wastewater treatment plants release a large amount of xenoestrogens into streams, which lead to immense alterations in aquatic life. With a bioaccumulation factor of 10^5 –10^6, fish are extremely susceptible to pollutants.[31] Streams in more arid conditions are thought to have more effects due to higher concentrations of the chemicals arising from lack of dilution.[32]

>> No.8520985

>hurr no estrogens in water

>> No.8520986

It's k. I like cock, ass, pussy, and breasts.

>> No.8521659

Filter the tap water through a woman (or ideally, a girl) and drink at the moment of expulsion.

>> No.8521677

>drinking water

>> No.8521834

put me in the screencap xdDdDDDdD

>> No.8521860
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Jesus save my sides