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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8516373 No.8516373 [Reply] [Original]

"Hmmm, yes, I want to be a molecular bioengineer and invent an artificial ribosome to cure Alzheimer's disease.

Wait, why did you mark this question wrong? I think this question was unfair, you didn't go over this during the exam review session. Study outside of class? Why would I do that? Can I get half-credit? Is there going to be a curve?"

>> No.8516393

i fucked up, okay?

>> No.8516430

tfw modern colleges are now mostly just sports stadiums with degree mills on the side.

>> No.8516432

lol Americans...

>> No.8516437

lol.. the country that does the large majority of research and academia

>> No.8516444

>shitty research and academia

>> No.8516446
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>> No.8516454
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I see this kind of shit just in the US. Movies, forums, friends and my erasmus semester.

In europe most people are serious about their education and are not whiny entitled bitches that want the paper in exchange for $$$.
In the US, you pay 50k, being in debt for year and pay 100$+ á book and cover in 4 years what most people in Europe are covering in 1 year. Grading-curves? Multiple choice? No 100% final exam? Welcome to Burgerland.

>> No.8516459


>> No.8516541

Shit, I wish I went to a cushy euro college.

I graduated high school with a 4.0 but couldn't get a scholarship because I had to work instead of racking up sweet volunteer hours to compete with wang lin and gurdeep cowfuck because I was so fucking poor. Now I have to work during uni instead of getting my tuition covered because I did well in class, and so I can't fucking dedicate the time to take this shit seriously. It's basically take out more loans than I could ever afford to pay or get fucked when the rich fucking foreigners and locals can take full advantage of their privileges.

>> No.8516648

I had a 4.0, sick extra curriculars, 34 act with perfect math and science, a 500k business, and still only got into shit b tier colleges with scholarships at c tier colleges.

>> No.8516674

i had worse qualifications than that and got a full ride at UCLA and I'm white


>> No.8516690

Maybe his college essay was shit or something.
Or maybe he didn't apply on time.
Sorry, but that story sounds like bullshit, something important is obviously being left out.

>> No.8516728

My essays were decent not amazing but interesting for sure about go, video games and musical instruments. I don't know I didn't get mit, didn't get uchicago, didn't get princeton, and didn't get Dartmouth you tell me. White male with no charities or anything but academic and sports team captain. I got full rides at Purdue and Tulane with my intended major being math. Not quite c tier with Purdue. I got into northwestern.

I would have had ucla as a b tier school though for some things its amazing.

>> No.8516732

U Chicago interviewer even said I was in for sure as long as my scores were over the cutoff with my business and extra curriculars. I got fucked that place was my dream for 4 years suffering in high school. Went to Reed College.

>> No.8516741

My buddy got into Caltech and mit but not uchicago that year so who the fuck knows. A guy a year below me in high school got in with way worse stats for theatre the next year. All I know was college acceptances were the thing I had worked hardest for in my life at that point and I completely failed. My whole school was behind me too teachers helped me so much and killer I mean tear bringing recs because I was top of my class.

>> No.8517136

>Its another butthurt against america post

>> No.8517726

working in hs is viewed the same as volunteering by most schools
there were other factors in you lack of scholarship

this idiot from malibu was rejected by cal/ucla and is paying full tuition at shit tier brown
until you meet legit smart people you will have nothing to compare yourself to
people to overestimate their own smartness
this asshole lived in the richest part of la - was he actually as smart as his credentials would suggest
meanwhile i know a kid who is the offspring of a bubba in the navy and a thai hooker mother and he got into stanford


>> No.8517745

I feel like the entitlement would die if college weren't so damn expensive.

>You mean I have to pay $100,000 AND work? Fuck you!

>> No.8517753

>come on anon wormholes and the m theory is so cool. 11 dimensions lmao
>I hope that tomorrow cern finds out a graviton escaping to another dimension
>why don't you like modern physics anon? Black holes and shit
>classical physics is so boring. How can you like it?
Pls wake me up from this nightmare.

>> No.8517758

UCLA is super hard to get into due to California's huge population. It is right in the richest part of LA with tons of stuff for students within a short distance. Plenty of people get into higher raked schools but rejected by UCLA. I have know plenty of students who get into elite private schools but told to fuck off by CAL and UCLA; leaving them in the position of paying lots of money to go private or go to a reject UC for less.

>> No.8517776

Then why didn't you take time away from academics after highschool to work a job and build funds to go to college? You could have still studied in the meatime,or even have gone to a community college to pick up your freshman and sophomore year credits for cheap and have them get transferred in when you start. Nobody put a gun to your head and made you sign up for those loans.
>I have to work during uni instead of getting my tuition covered because I did well in class
That's not true. No university worth its salt accepts students specifically for doing poorly. You're complaining about a nonexistent problem.

>> No.8517792
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>Millennials bitch about other millennials like they aren't millennials

>> No.8517823

So glad I don't have to teach anymore. But to be fair, very few of my students were like this. It usually pans out to about 10% of students being like this, they make you spend inordinate amounts of time on them, and even after all the time you spent on them, they still suck.

By the way, Millenials seem to be split into two groups. Older millenials (26-35) are nothing like the younger millenials (16-25)

>> No.8517841

Something's very wrong with this country. People keep saying everything is fine, but I don't believe it.

>> No.8517856

>I would have had ucla as a b tier school though for some things its amazing
That would depend on what part of the country you live in. In California a UCLA degree is the equal or better than a Cornell, Dartmouth, or Northwestern degree.

>> No.8517885

>going to shit state school with good physics program
>full ride
>never buy books and live off campus so actually being paid to go here
>doing undergrad research
>want to go to grad school, hopefully also for free
>am a millenial

Howd i do senpai

>> No.8517888

Thats because half of the younger group you describe aren't millenials, the cutoff is 1997

>> No.8517889

take any honors courses they offer
get published
get a patent

>> No.8517920

He ain't lying
>table of US NCAA coach salaries

>> No.8517934

Most of the sports are self funding though. It makes sense for a D1 football coach to be paid as much as he is. The problem comes with Title IX and other mishaps forcing bad programs to siphon off funds from basketball and football and redirect them into women's sports and nonprofitable men's sports like swimming and golf (which I can assume stays around at most places because of fraternity donors saying they'll only continue to donate back to the school as long as they keep their sport alive despite the fact that keeping pools open and prime for competition and flying golf players on jets is not economically savvy). When they overdraw from football and basketball profits, that's when they turn around and hike up tuition on students. Don't blame the football team.

>> No.8517960

Yeah I agree when you phrase it like that, it's essentially the school's advertising budget thrown into one guy. It is pretty amazing that football and basketball fuels a lot of US schools.

>> No.8517965

Look Professor I know you're shitposting here. You gave us questions on exam 3 that didn't even relate at all to the lecture notes or any review questions. Maybe if you weren't an entitled tenured cunt you'd realize this.

>> No.8517972
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What the fuck am I reading?

You're welcome for all that operating system software this planet uses on their supercomputers.

>> No.8518004

>implying we don't import chineses and injuns to do it for us

>> No.8518020

Yeah the only get I know that went to ucla was a pot dealer with a 24 on his act and around a 3.0 thought it was kind of trash for most stuff. I know its legit as fuck for film scoring though haha. I also thought it was below caltech, berkely, stanford, Pomona , Harvey mud, and what not so B tier.

>> No.8518022 [DELETED] 


>> No.8518064
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>le GNU hobo
Surely you mean to thank Lunix Torvaults

>> No.8518083

>implying 'generations' exist and arent just another way for marketers to generalise

>> No.8518113

You borrow *from* and you *lend* to people.

>> No.8518116

>tfw exambabbying my way through school, and barely have a 4.0
>tfw no connections
am I going to make it?

>> No.8518154

kys you missed an error prior to that one, faggot

>> No.8518183

Gather resources from your department
Go to job fairs on campus
Get internships and experience
Then you'll make it

>> No.8518191

Decent schools don't give a fuck about your 4.0 in highschool lol. Anyone can do that. Really good schools don't even care THAT much about act and sat scores. You have to set yourself apart even further by showing that you are very proficient in communication through your essays, and also by taking the hardest classes you possibly can.

For reference, I'm a white male. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA but I had taken and passed calculus BC, physics C, and many engineering courses offered by my local community college, as well as all the basic AP courses. I also worked my way up from Spanish 1 to AP Spanish literature. I worked 3 jobs total during high school and found some time senior year to do some volunteer work with my school.

I got a full ride to UT Austin for engineering and it's great.

>TL;DR u r lazy

>> No.8518200
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got u covered senpai

you don't need to hate millennial math majors because we already hate ourselves so much

>> No.8518205

Millennial is anyone under 36, ya damn uncle tom.

>> No.8518231

>Gather resources from your department
>Get internships and experience
how? I have no experience.

>> No.8518244

>uncle tom
Northing wrong with self-reflection and recognizing your own flaws. In fact, that's the biggest problem with millennials. We refuse to acknowledge there is anything wrong with our generation. If you don't accept you have a problem, you can never fix it.

>> No.8518309

>I have no experience

That's what an internship is for senpai

>> No.8518316

Both of them you fucking faggot.

>> No.8518328

Too true. I am a cog in penn states green machine

>> No.8518383

lol, we've been to the moon several times. Stupid Yooropoors.

>> No.8518387

Don't fall for the le Europe serious education meme fellow /sci anons. I've worked with people from all over the world. I'd NEVER pick any of the lazy Europeans I've worked with over an American.

>> No.8518400

>Multiple choice
No way

>> No.8518415

how would I get an internship if I have no experience desu? Especially if I'm autistic.

>> No.8518420

>shitty research and academia

Really? Is that why my friend is looking to pursue his biology doctorate in Europe because they don't even require you to be published first like American institutions do?

>> No.8518429

>Wernher von Braun is American

>> No.8518433

Is all of america that bad? I'm really interested in MIT/GIT for an AeroE grade but you guys paint it as the most horrible thing

>> No.8518438

I got a $13/hr internship at a small biotech company over the summer by just selling my coursework well on my resume and doing well on my phone and in-person interview.

>> No.8518439

t. American

How is _literally_ paying for your degree treating you

Actually it is. Even some of their math exams consist of multiple choice.

>> No.8518450

Lmao nigga you got full rides into Purdue Tulane and Northwestern and you're bitching? At least you're not in a fucking state school you entitled whiny cuck.

>> No.8518455

My chemistry, and physics exams were all multiple choice.
would a high GPA (>3.8) be a suitable replacement for that, I'm thinking of getting involved in some way on campus next term.

>> No.8518457

I'm going to NYU for a science degree. Am I fucked?

>> No.8518459

Obviously, America also has the best schools the world over.

>> No.8518464

>Actually it is. Even some of their math exams consist of multiple choice.
Stop this bullshit. Go to any top-tier University and you will hardly ever find multiple choice exams in high level math courses

>> No.8518467

>Stop this bullshit. Go to any top-tier University and you will hardly ever find multiple choice exams in high level math courses

That's your problem. Not all Unis in the US are 'top-tier Universities'. <5% at max. And yes, eventually you won't find multiple choice there but the majority will still have them.
At the best, you should stop treating like everyone is attending an Ivy-league University in America.

In Europe, you won't even find at the most trashy Unis in Germany, Croatia or Netherland not even once multple-choice in STEM classes.

>> No.8518468

No because Americans can't learn and need curves.

>> No.8518469

>100% final exam
>using only autistic exams as to gauge competency
>50% of his grade isn't an in depth, semester long project.

euro education everybody.

>> No.8518470

>comparing an entire continent to a country
wew lad

>> No.8518472


>> No.8518535

I have no idea, I've heard anything above a 3.5 generally is meaningless outside of med school applications but I could be wrong. I did have an independent study under my belt when I applied sophomore year so that certainly helped

>> No.8518550
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i know this feel

>> No.8518565

Pre-med millennials are the worst. They're already more arrogant than brain surgeons who earn 7 figures.

>> No.8518578

God, if I go into med school with my Psych undergrad (I'll be 25 at that point [I was really lazy these past few years]), I'll chew out any fucker who thinks they can problem solve, define, etc. than me.

It'll be a nightmare for everyone and myself in so many ways.

>> No.8518586

By going to your department office and asking for help. That's literally what they are there for

>> No.8518604

True but in some you will have intro classes ment to break your soul while others have ezpz multiple choice exams. All my exams in math were open book untimed after freshman year....

>> No.8518629

american universities actually try to teach you shit instead of just being artificially difficult hazing periods.

so if you want to go to school where you will have lots of practical application and faculty that wants to see you succeed, then come to the US.

>> No.8518640
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Fuck off grandpa.

>> No.8518653

Get off my lawn, kid.

>> No.8518663

>american universities actually try to teach you shit
In Europe, we finish BSc in 3 years. You take 4 - 5.

>> No.8518686

> We try to cram the same amount of material into a shorter amount of time! That means you learn more!

>> No.8518692

It seems like you seriously lowballed the college choice unless it was a financial thibg

>> No.8518700

We learn more. You waste an entire year on calculus when you should have already mastered it.

>> No.8518703

>doing it in 1 year less time means you learn more
The fact that Europe does it in 3 doesn't make them superior as the actual classes involved with getting a BSc take 3 years everywhere, American colleges just have Freshman year be shit where kids figure out their major and they take general classes

>> No.8518717

Wouldn't that logically mean we learn more in college
We both spend 3 years actually doing classes for the BSc, but going by who learns more we have an extra year at the beginning where we take general classes, which we learn stuff in, and as you don't do those and after that we take the same stuff, logically we must learn more regardless of it pertaining to the degree we recieve in the end.

>> No.8518727

see, theres that ass backwards thinking again. your professors treat you like shit and convince you its normal.

you can deride it as hand holding or spoon feeding, but the fact of the matter is US educators are more invested into their students than europes. its also why US students get better grades.

>> No.8518731
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>come to /sci/
>get more depressed about what I'm doing
>been really struggling this semester too
>gaining debt really quickly
>don't even know if I feel passionate about this, but too late to back out now
>can't find any stupid internships


>> No.8518836

your fault for studying a meme major

>> No.8519108

stupid question
why post it

>> No.8519130

Nah, not really. I already live in Austin, and UT Austin's discipline of engineering that I do is #2-#4 in the nation depending on what authority you are looking at, with a 100 percent job placement at graduation for the last 5 years in a row. So I'd say it's pretty good for a full ride considering that I'm pretty poor and my parents never went to college.

Major is architectural engineering btw.

>> No.8519154

OP here. This was a bait post. I didn't mean to make anyone depressed. I just took a big shit on the forum and left.

Not everyone can be a molecular bioengineer, and that's okay.

Try to feel better, you sad Pepes