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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 861 KB, 1920x1728, CMIP5-90-models-global-Tsfc-vs-obs-thru-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8515510 No.8515510 [Reply] [Original]

You have 1000 years to prove that man made global warming is not bullshit AND is catastrophically dangerous AND requires immediate GOVERNMENT action

You can start now

>> No.8515519
File: 499 KB, 350x197, awooos growing louder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now get the fuck off my board.

>> No.8515531

Threadly reminder that only [math] you [/math] can prevent cancerous threads.


Just don't reply to it.

>> No.8515532

There is not a chance in hell they can solve this without decoupling emissions from GDP... with a cheaper alternative to coal. At least not until we are basically technologically powered gods in 100 years.

Using the IPCC's own calculations, I will show that the policy recommendations to "stop" climate change are insane.

>The IPCC figured a 5% cut in emissions when

>Australia implemented it's carbon tax by 2020. (the largest and most ambitious plan implemented to date) source source2

>100% of Australia's emissions are 1.2% of global emissions.

>The 5% cut of Australia's global amount of 1.2% is 0.07% of total global emissions.

>IPCC figures Co2 will be 410ppm by 2020
0.07% of 410 is 409.988 ppm

>IPCC equation for Co2 forcing is (5.35 * ln(current Co2 / revised Co2 )) or (5.35 * ln(410/409.988)) source

>(5.35 * ln(410/409.988)) = 0.00016 w/m2 of reduced forcing

>Climate sensitivity parameter is simple the change in temperature per w/m2 increase. In other words, the actual change in temp divided by the change in energy 'imbalance' since the start of the industrial revolution(150 years). Accounting for El Nino it's risen ~ 0.7-0.8 K over the last 150 years, but lets just say 1 C.

>(5.35 * ln(400 / 280)) = 1.90821095007 w/m2

>1 C / 1.90821095007 = 0.52 K per w/m2 (PS, This number is unlikely to rise because it's derived from a natural logarithm, thus will asymptotically approach zero as Co2 concentrations rise)

>Then figure the climate sensitivity parameter of 0.52(0.00016) and you get 0.0000832 C reduction in global temperatures.

>> No.8515535

>doesn't sage

>> No.8515539

But I did it was the other faggot that didn't.

>> No.8515541

Read that again... it's 1:12,000th of a single degree Celsius.
Now... for the kicker... The IPCC estimated it would cost Australia 160 billion dollars over the 10 year carbon tax plan to get 0.00016 w/m2 of reduced forcing.. source, 2011 Garnaut Report, 11.2 billion per year tax, plus other indirect costs
To save a full degree Celsius of warming, based on the IPCC's own math on the Australian carbon tax plan, would cost 3.2 quadrillion dollars.... or 43 times total global GDP.
Does climate change really matter if the only realistic solution is an economic apocalypse?
According the the stern report(the biggest economic study ever done on climate economics, by the Royal Society of the UK), global costs, under a worst case(nothing done) scenario are expected to be ~ 5% of GDP per year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stern_Review
That means that if the costs of a carbon tax costs the average person more then 5% per year, then it is not worth it. Given that emissions are basically synonymous with GDP, a 5% cut in emissions would have an impact on temperatures literally too small to measure, but huge economic ramifications.
To use the above math on how long it would take to achieve a single C drop in temps spending 5% of global GDP on it.
(5.35 * ln(400 / (400+ (20 * 0.05)))) = -0.01335830906 w/m2 (co2 rises ~ 2ppm per year, figured a 5% cut over 10 years, or 400 +(20 * 0.05))
(0.52) * -0.01335830906 = -0.00694632071 K
1/0.00694632071 = 143.96 * 10 = 1440 YEARS
Well fuck. 1440 years to mitigate a single degree C at 5% GDP cost(3.5 trillion per year). How many star systems can we colonize before then?
So you are stuck in a paradox. Either you drastically lower the average living standard to a level far worse then climate change would ever cause, or cut emissions to a level that would have no discernible impact on global temperatures. In either case, it makes no sense.

>> No.8515544

You can argue about the plants and animals... But I can guarantee that any cut that is forced on people strong enough to have a measurable impact... would cause an economic apocalypse large enough to cause widespread environmental destruction. Starving people will burn the forests for energy and hunt everything to extinction, in order to survive.
To end this... Nuclear power is the only realistically viable path to disconnecting the carbon emission = GDP connection, But It's not "deniers" stopping the nuclear revolution... it's environmentalists.

>> No.8515550
File: 124 KB, 700x700, Ignore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage and move on

literally reposted directly from r/climateskeptics
protip: typing "source" and "source2" after your claims doesn't count as actually sourcing them.

>> No.8515554
File: 73 KB, 1056x869, basically this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people won't go away if you just ignore them.

>> No.8515559

Can you respond to these claims though?

Why are climate scientists making it so hard to take them seriously with all their shady graph and statistic manipulation?

Why resort to meme claims like "97% of scientists agree"?

>> No.8515561

Yes, they will. The only reason these threads keep cropping up is because they're guaranteed replies. Worst case is they're made and 404 in a couple of days, max.

>> No.8515562
File: 1021 KB, 500x274, heres your You.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an argument.

>> No.8515567

>Didn't say a single word from these, or insulted anyone
>Not even from /pol/

Absolutelly ebin :D now i believe in climate variations

PROTIP: If you actually believe in it, then it means you believe that it's going to be catastrophic for earth.
If you believe that, then it means you have to put some effort to convince people of it, specifically people who have a lot of money and a lot of impact.
Specifically people who doubt climate change claims, like me.

>> No.8515570


>> No.8515573


But the post you ignored is, stefan.

>> No.8515580

Can you respond to the post beforehand?

Or answer my questions? Just because they're not arguments doesn't mean you should ignore them

Why use bullshit claims like 97% of scientist agree, MAKING IT A GLOBAL DOGMA, if the truth is on your side anyway?

If 90% of your supporters are dogmatic idiots that support bullshit manipulated statistics, it's hard to be convinced to change lifestyles for this

>> No.8515596
File: 508 KB, 1020x875, Geologist's weapon of choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll happily respond to those claims when you source them. FireFoxG says that he's using the IPCC's own predictions; can you point to where the IPCC said any of that?
additionally, he does a little handwaving and comes up with a climate sensitivity parameter of 0.52, when this is significantly lower than estimates with actual research backing this up. (the usual range reported is 1.5-4.5)
any particular reason he handwaved a value and completely ignored the actual research on the topic?

>Why are climate scientists making it so hard to take them seriously with all their shady graph and statistic manipulation?
I can only assume you refer to the adjustment of instrumental data to account for bias/error in the measurements, which deniers breathlessly declare is TOTALLY FRAUD, GUYS.

>Why resort to meme claims like "97% of scientists agree"?
because the lay public doesn't have the background (or, frequently, the intelligence) to understand the technical basis.
and it's not "97% of scientists agree"; it's "97% of studies agree". one is popularity, and the other is the concordance of evidence.

>> No.8515601
File: 43 KB, 810x583, Global Warmlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because they're not arguments doesn't mean you should ignore them
nay, we laugh at them instead.
>bullshit manipulated statistics
this right here is the root of the problem. deniers dismiss any evidence that goes against their uhpinyuns by unilaterally declaring it to be fake, manipulated, or otherwise fraudulent. do they have actual evidence of this? no, but that hasn't stopped them in the past and it is unlikely to stop them in the future.

>> No.8515612



>> No.8515614

The 97% claim only accounted for the studies that even mention that climate change might be man made, and out of those only a small part of them said it's as bad as they claim it is

>> No.8515619

I'm asking you a question you pretentious faggot, I'm not making an argument

Graphs are constantly being edited to remove extreme points that disagree with the consensus, "97% agree", "the debate is settled"

if you want people to believe your claims, stop being so shady and anti science about it

>> No.8515622

Why are leftists so unfunny, this is reddit tier humor

>change name from global warming to climate change
>the main point is still global warming


>> No.8515651
File: 122 KB, 854x363, Clif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you do realize, neither of those documents contain sourcing for the claims you cuntpasted, right? for example, there's no mention in either of the "IPCC equation for Co2 forcing" as it's written in the post you borrowed.
did you think that nobody would actually read your links?

yes, they only looked at studies that took stances on whether climate change was anthropogenic, when seeking to answer that question. what's your rationale for including hundreds of studies that don't even relate to that question, when trying to gauge empirical support for it?
if you surveyed a few thousand evolutionary biology papers, you'd probably find that the vast majority of them don't explicitly say that evolution by natural selection is real, because that's not the question most studies seek to answer.

>I'm not making an argument
I'll say
>Graphs are constantly being edited to remove extreme points that disagree with the consensus
and your evidence of this is...let me guess, it's a gif showing three unlabeled graphs that show slightly different trends because they're drawing on slightly different datasets?
>if you want people to believe your claims, stop being so shady and anti science about it
this from the side that constantly posts unlabeled, uncited memegraphs and insists that every bit of evidence against them is fake. projecting much?

>> No.8515653
File: 287 KB, 749x421, Inhofe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, we only do that because you fags do stupid shit like pic related.
and you still don't get the joke, presumably because you don't understand what's going on here.

>> No.8515662

But it's still not even close to 97% of that group

>> No.8515664

The difference is those people are literally denying climate is changing, not just that it's manmade

>> No.8515669

A ship sinking isn't analogous to climate change

For one end of the ship to be lifted so high, it would actually HAVE to mean that it's sinking, there isn't a case where a ship would be oriented like that without sinking

>> No.8515675
File: 1.13 MB, 400x268, scientifically proven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said it on the internet so it must be true
you may have a (You)
you may post Legates et al. if you wish, but that's been pretty thoroughly debunked already, so don't expect it to wow anyone here.

>> No.8515679
File: 762 KB, 1024x768, panda unrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isn't a case where a ship would be oriented like that without sinking
there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio...

>> No.8515680


>inb4 greentext of site name

>> No.8515683

I wasn't including dark magic in my claim

>> No.8515694
File: 305 KB, 1500x1100, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-y-you realize that what you posted was just a book review, right? it doesn't actually provide any evidence to support your point; it just says that the book does, without going into any detail.

>Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change
>we don't like the IPCC's conclusions
>so we'll start our OWN IPCC
>that'll show 'em!
>literally lists the Heartland Institute as its contact info

oh also
pic related

>> No.8515695


>> No.8515699

>Be a scientist
>Try to provide counter evidence to manmade global warming
>Be denied research money, shunned and shamed

nice system :D

>> No.8515714

>...you do realize, neither of those documents contain sourcing for the claims you cuntpasted, right? for example, there's no mention in either of the "IPCC equation for Co2 forcing" as it's written in the post you borrowed.
did you think that nobody would actually read your links?

It would be nice if you then didn't include all those climate studies that don't mention it in your pie charts to show how little deny it :)

>> No.8515735

Settle down fellas, it has been debunked


>> No.8515738

Prove your conspiracy or don't post it.

>> No.8515755
File: 1.65 MB, 1891x4901, 1480182478088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8515756
File: 67 KB, 215x295, smug anime face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to recap:
me: please provide sources for your claims
you: here are some sources
me: these sources don't support your claims
nice diversion

but, in fact, Cook et al. 2013 did NOT do what you're accusing them of doing. the 97% figure is of papers that took a position on the issue, not including the studies that didn't take a position one way or the other.
it's literally RIGHT THERE IN THE ABSTRACT, you actual retard.
>We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.

>> No.8515764

>muh 97%


It's pretty funny how global warming alarmists respond to skepticism in a similar way that evangelical Christians do. It's like you're a cult or something...

>> No.8515767

99.9% of scientist agree the sun is orbiting the earth

>> No.8515782
File: 135 KB, 600x575, Smeargle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how that list starts with a long list of arguments against it that the authors don't like.

>not all these papers actually reject AGW...
>not all these papers are PhySci papers
>not all these papers are peer-reviewed
>some of these papers actually explicitly support AGW...
>some of these papers directly contradict other papers on this list

basically just imagine a scientist giving a long presentation on a technical subject while Donald Trump shouts "WRONG" every third word and you've about got the tone of it.

>> No.8515806


But it's not happening during the argument but before, it's written before the sources not during

You're purposefully acting like a moron

>> No.8515828

>the usual range reported is 1.5-4.5

That's the old ECS estimate from AR5, ∆T after doubling of CO2, not ∆T per W/m^2. The omission of a 'best guess' value in AR5 (in contrast to earlier reports) and the factor of 3 between min and max reflects the results of more recent studies.

The empirical approach is difficult because there are no reliable data about the global temperature 150 years ago. If you use satellite based data you arrive at an ECS of 1±0.3 K. You can verify that yourself, both CO2 and temperature data are publicly available.

>> No.8515867

kek. I love how they start with this, it's been debunked a long long time ago. The list includes engineers and mathematicians as somehow 'experts' on climate science.


>> No.8515897


>> No.8515903
File: 86 KB, 700x350, despots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the fossil fuels will be spent one way or another up until and probably past the point of EROEI as most of the low hanging fruit has already been picked so to speak. Carbon taxation and trading schemes at this juncture solve absolutely nothing but will enrich and empower totalitarian carbon regimes who will attempt to horde and ration out these dwindling resources themselves. These very people are really just the despots of yesteryear obviously. Parasites. Moons replacement is a devout Catholic so operations are going to be ramping up.

>> No.8515948


Howcome you're never skeptical of the skeptics?

>> No.8515965

>constantly silence any debate, call people retards for doubting ridciulous claims
>create models that constantly fail to predict things properly and contradict satelite observations
>say things like "the debate is settled" and "97% of scientists agree"
>question why people are doubting you

>> No.8515988


That's not what I asked anon. Why aren't you skeptical of the skeptics?

>> No.8516054
File: 82 KB, 720x540, 01 Linear Forcing 1.3 C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


" Removal of that hidden variability from the actual observed global mean surface temperature record delineates the externally forced climate signal, which is monotonic, accelerating warming during the 20th century."

False, Monotonic yes, accelerating, no. See

Thomas R. Knutson , Rong Zhang, & Larry W. Horowitz. Prospects for a prolonged slowdown in global warming in the early 21st century. Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13676 (2016) doi:10.1038/ncomms13676

For a graphic of the non-accelerating warming see, pic related:

The rate is linear and equates to a climate sensitivity mere 1.4 C degrees! Keep in mind that this graph is based on the heavily tampered Hadley CRU data, meaning that satellite data would show a much lower climate sensitivity!


I'm sorry that Professor Curry, the former head of the Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences is an evil denier. So much for a "consensus."

>> No.8516056
File: 184 KB, 817x464, 02 Greenland Ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did they say?
" The relation between changes in modern glaciers, not including the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica."

Nice cherry-picking! Antarctic Sea Ice is growing:
and its mass is growing:
Zwally, H. Jay, et al. "Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses." Journal of Glaciology 61.230 (2015): 1019-1036.
And Greenland ice is growing, see pic.

Greenland is growing:

>> No.8516062
File: 140 KB, 1022x707, 03 - NO HOT SPOT SANTER 2005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



" the uncertainties of model projections must be balanced with the risks of taking the wrong actions or the costs of inaction."

Muh, Pascal's Wager. Except for they conveniently forget to talk about economic destruction, and the severe risks of acquiescing to United Nations' governance.

Generally speaking, Climate 'Scientists' vastly underestimate the uncertainties in their models, pic related. And go back and look at:

Thomas R. Knutson , Rong Zhang, & Larry W. Horowitz. Prospects for a prolonged slowdown in global warming in the early 21st century. Nature Communications 7, Article number: 13676 (2016) doi:10.1038/ncomms13676

>> No.8516064
File: 62 KB, 484x292, 04 SOUTH POLAR TEMPS NO WARMING FOR 35 YEARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Cherry picking the Southern Peninsula of Antarctica. What about the rest of that continent? Oh yeah,
Flat to negative temps for decades. Pic related. And go back and look:

World record sea ice:
Growing Antarctic Snow/Ice mass:
Zwally, H. Jay, et al. "Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses." Journal of Glaciology 61.230 (2015): 1019-1036.
In short, a deceptive article.

>> No.8516119

>Prospects for a prolonged slowdown in global warming in the early 21st century.
>Global mean temperature over 1998 to 2015
It's pretty funny that the first sentence of the paper invalidates it. Everyone by now knows the old denier trick of starting the trend at 1998 El Nino

>we estimate that the warming slowdown (<0.1K decade−1 trend beginning in 1998) could persist, due to internal variability cooling, through 2020, 2025 or 2030 with probabilities 16%, 11% and 6%, respectively.
Wow, 16%! Yeah you sure showed it wasn't accelerating by posting a study which cherrypicks 1998 and then predicts something happening with a 16% chance...

>For a graphic of the non-accelerating warming see, pic related:
What Lewis has done is subtract the non-detrended AMO from the temperature trend. This is idiotic because the non-detrended AMO includes the global warming trend. So essentially he subtracted the warming from the warming trend and then found that *gasp* there is very little warming. What actual climatologists do is detrend the AMO in order to obtain the cyclical natural variation.

>> No.8516137

>What did they say?
>" The relation between changes in modern glaciers, not including the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica."
>Nice cherry-picking! Antarctic Sea Ice is growing:
So you don't know the difference between glacier, ice sheets, and sea ice? Here's a hint: non-continental glaciers are in danger of disappearing, ice sheets not so much.

>> No.8516142

>muh tropospheric hotspot paper from 11 years ago


>> No.8516143

Why aren't climate change deniers permabanned from /sci/?

>> No.8516161

Yes, the South pole is seeing little to no warming. That's news to no-one.

>World record sea ice:
You're retarded.

>> No.8516169

>Be me
>Gone for few years
>Check back every now and then
>Be now
>Check back to /sci/ see if things have gone to shit and if the old shitposters are still around
>Literally same copy paste on the front page as 5 years ago

>> No.8516199
File: 349 KB, 480x360, Applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8516200

How scientific of you.

>> No.8516201

t. open minded scientifically minded scientific method scientist of truth

>> No.8516217
File: 33 KB, 679x598, patrick raeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignores evidence that goes against his opinions
>invokes conspiracy theories to explain his positions
"hey, think constant conspiratard shitposting should be a b&able offense"

>> No.8516261

Just like the church thought Galileo should be banned.

>> No.8516272
File: 33 KB, 746x691, I&#039;ve seen through your tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the proud tradition of speaking truth to power,
>much as Galileo Galilei once did!
>I shall cherry-pick 1998 as a starting point, conflate sea ice with glaciers, and insist that all evidence against my position is fake.

>> No.8516287

Trepanning was the medical consensus in the ancient era for treating headaches. Guess we should all go treat headaches with trepanning.

>> No.8516289

I have no opinion on global warming, I was just showing you the hypocrisy.

>> No.8516298

Wilful denial isn't a type of scepticism.

>> No.8516305

They don't silence any debate, there's nothing left to debate.

>> No.8516311
File: 221 KB, 1024x683, howoriginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, hypocrisy is the new hotness. The church of AGW is gathering a loyal following. They are led by a merry band of climate priests churning out reams of climate doom prophecies in the form of charts and graphs, their fellow clergy vet these rigorously. The prophecies can be forestalled by repenting through a carbon tithe, of course in order to save yourselves, your souls from mortal sin and save all of earth from a hell fire of CO2 and brimstone. History repeats and you can see it in action if you live long enough.

>> No.8516321

There's plenty left to debate, it's just reciting debunked nonsense from PR groups isn't debating.
Yes, 1998 was a warm year. Yes, global warming is north-biased. Yes, the satellite record has a shallower trend than surface records. No, none of that is news, and it's been addressed by actual climatologists a thousand times.

I mean. look at this crap: >>8516311
There's not even any actual claims here. You could replace "AGW" with anything and get a just-as-convincing argument for creationism or the flat fucking earth. How is that scientific debate?

>> No.8516332



>> No.8516369

Shut up you dazziling insuficient cunt, just because your graph looks good doesn't mean you logic behind it poses the same logic and background info as the Fukien graph you twisted shit head. I can look at this graph and shove a pair of ass-spreaders in my ass and pry hard just to find out that shit comes out.

>> No.8516403

>leader of major widespread religion publicly meets with head of international federation of world powers

>> No.8516428

AGW has the tax, there is no flat earth or creationism tax yet. Also a climate heretic hunt is already on. Look what happens to a climate "scientist" who doesn't tow the line, they are excommunicated from the club and will never proselytize in the realm ever again.

Well the Vatican played a huge role in both world wars but have since managed to write themselves out of much of that sordid history. Of course the UN manifest from those wars. There are plenty of smoking guns here and it didn't take long for the Papacy to endorse AGW which is odd on a few levels but bringing one billion new cultists on board, many in positions of power certainly will further the cause. New UN head coming in January 17th is a devout Roman Catholic. Don't be allergic to conspiracies son and a new age literal power grab seems highly plausible and apparently doable. In fact it's a done deal.

>> No.8516452
File: 154 KB, 319x437, Aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8516428 (You)

>> No.8516461

I don't see a problem with casting frauds out of a community dedicated to truth. We don't go around reserving a seat at the table with researchers who claim to have found ESP. This world is heading into full on /pol/tard post-fact bullshit and we're not going to be able to survive unless we mount an active defense against the politically brainwashed denialists.

>> No.8516467

>AGW has the tax,
The tax isn't even a part of AGW. It's a single proposed method to reduce CO2 emissions from industry. If you don't like it, push for others like a credit-trading systems or hard emissions limits like other pollutants get. Or come up with a new suggestion. But don't ignore reality because it disagrees with you pet political beliefs.

>Also a climate heretic hunt is already on. Look what happens to a climate "scientist" who doesn't tow the line
Yeah, look at all of the horrible shit that happens to Fred Singer, Anthony Watts, "Lord" Monckton, Willie Soon and friends. They get to be famous and have totally-not-oil money thrown at them.

Well, Soon got too greedy and got caught with his hand the cookie jar, but the others are still fine.

>Don't be allergic to conspiracies son and a new age literal power grab seems highly plausible and apparently doable. In fact it's a done deal.
What the fuck is a "new age power grab"?
And do you have any actual evidence for any of that shit, besides pictures of people shaking hands?

>> No.8516468

God I hope there is a new world order apocalypse just so that I know faggots like you would burn in it. Get off of /sci/.

>> No.8516692

same thing happened to this guy https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Peter_Duesberg

scientific "community" is cancer

>> No.8516695

>Denying that global warming is manmade
>Same as saying ghosts exists

t. tolerant scientist

>> No.8516754

Sage and you should feel bad op

>> No.8516768

>You have 1000 years to prove that man made global warming is not bullshit
You mean 2 weeks?
once trump is president the things he will do will be catastrophic for the environment and push it past the point of no return

and since it's essentially impossible to convince enough people in such a short time frame; we're fucked

>> No.8516775

>climate gets hotter
>hurr global warming

>climate gets colder
>hurr global warming

>> No.8516854

I'm so happy that climate alarmist will finally be BTFO

But sadly, they'll never admit to being wrong, just change the names of things

>> No.8516857

>bro get off the tracks the train is coming
>>No, you're just being a train alarmist
>>As soon as this train doesn't hit me you'll change your tune!

>> No.8516863


Enjoy your shitty earth you red team-blue team mongoloid

>> No.8516864

the fucked up thing is that it will hardly effect him
it'll be people for the remainder of the history of our species that pays the price

>> No.8516877

epic analogy, thanks for enlightening me

>> No.8516880

+5 virtue points, thanks for signaling!

>> No.8516883

This year is colder than ever where I live.

>> No.8516884

I thought it was pretty good myself. you're welcome

>> No.8516960

At least one anon posted something substantial: a calculation, a simple sanity check. Barely anyone addressed it.

>> No.8516975

it's a troll thread, you aren't supposed to take responses seriously

>> No.8517075

>virtue signalling
Apparently being opposed to harming people is a bad thing now.

>> No.8517089

Ugh, apparently being A GOOD person is BAD now. Sigh. Ugh. -_-

>> No.8517100
File: 92 KB, 582x801, net_radiative_forcing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8517131

prove me wrong

>> No.8517143

You're a dumb faggot

you literally can't prove me wrong

>> No.8517397

Belief in ESP and denial of climate change are equally scientific.

Prove me wrong.