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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 180 KB, 504x563, Screenshot from 2016-11-28 21:54:52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8503695 No.8503695 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK is this allowed?

>> No.8503700

Well what does it say

>> No.8503703


It is autistic hipster shit.

>> No.8503715

Well better to have idiot normalfags trying to act smart than reveling in their stupidity, right?

>> No.8503720

What if one of these clowns gets hired over you, because your boss is a moron?

>> No.8503732

then you are interviewing at an absolute shithole filled with incompetants and you wouldn't want to work there anyway

>> No.8503748

If number 1 isn't "go to university" then it's clear that the author isn't speaking from experience.

>> No.8503756
File: 87 KB, 882x640, 1480205371987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tricks to instantly seem smart
browse /sci/ in front of normies

>> No.8503760

/sci/ is actually a great learning resource and is what gave me motivation be be a self taught mathematician. However, we do get lots of garbage threads.

>> No.8503765

>self taught mathematician
what's the point in this, exactly?

>> No.8503772

Same point as spending your time fapping to headless horse monsters that gobble women alive to transform them into centaurs on /d/, or getting really good at pretending to care about origami on /po/. It's fun.

>> No.8503808

Here, so that you guys dont give it views

1. Walk at the same speed as everybody else
>if you walk faster or slower than the people around you, they might think you're stupid.

2. Put on thick glasses
>if you're wearing glasses, you'll appear less attractive but more intelligent. Go hipster, look smart.

3. If you're going to hold something, make it something other than a beer
>People who hold an alcoholic beverage are perceived to be less intelligent than those who do not

4. Use a middle initial
>It'll make you seem intellectual.

5. Write simply
>researchers selected a sociology dissertation abstract with lots of long words and created a simplified version by replacing every word of nine or more letters with its second shortest entry in the Microsoft Word 2000 thesaurus. Results showed that the simplified versions author was judged as more intelligent.

6. Use graphs
>People are more likely to believe a claim if it looks and smells scientific, such as if it's accompanied by a graph.

7. Speak expressively
>Monotone sounds dull.

8. Look people in the eye
>"Looking while speaking was a key behavior," Murphy wrote. "It significantly correlated with IQ

9. Act confident
>That same 2007 study led by Murphy found that wearing a self-assured expression, as opposed to a serious one, was also a predictor of perceived high intelligence.

10. Dress smartly
>Studies have found that the clothes we wear shape the perceptions other people have about our capability

11. Smile
>Want people to think you're smart? Stop scowling.

12. Remove your facial jewelry
>Piercing your face may show how brave you are, but it won't do you any favors when you're trying to flaunt your IQ

13. Be funny
>A solid sense of humor can be a sign of smarts.

14. Be a leader
>A 2002 study found that people who were perceived as leaders were more likely to come across as highly intelligent.

15. Admit what you don't know
>Yes, we just advised you to pretend you're more knowledgeable than you really are.

>> No.8503813

>I fuckin love science
What do you expect from underage redditor

>> No.8503828

>>researchers selected a sociology dissertation abstract with lots of long words and created a simplified version by replacing every word of nine or more letters with its second shortest entry in the Microsoft Word 2000 thesaurus. Results showed that the simplified versions author was judged as more intelligent.
Either the peer reviewers were complete normies or they agreed with the author's implication: sociology deserves simplistic words.

>> No.8503857

>1. Walk at the same speed as everybody else
>>if you walk faster or slower than the people around you, they might think you're stupid.

This list is already dubious, the average fuckwit walks at a snail's pace.

>> No.8503870

admit what you don't know seems to be the only legitimate suggestion

>> No.8505090

Literally Red dit Tier garbage

>> No.8505142
File: 64 KB, 624x624, 14457316_1138355052912137_7445234969260577737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8505253

>getting really good at pretending to care about origami on /po/

/po/ is unironically one of the best boards on 4chan (aside from the stupid /pol/ raids) and origami is a top tier patrician hobby, what the fuck are you on about? are you mad because you can't even make a paper crane? is the baby mad because he has the dexterity of a coma patient??

>> No.8505257

>is the baby mad because he has the dexterity of a coma patient??

>> No.8505265

16. Be yourself :^)
>Studies have found that people perceive you as more intelligent if you act like yourself

>> No.8505401
File: 65 KB, 411x412, 1479835014749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Walk at the same speed as everybody else
>if you walk faster or slower than the people around you, they might think you're stupid.
1 step into the list and I'm already flabbergasted. What the fuck?

>> No.8505481
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1467994604065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. Use a middle initial
>>It'll make you seem intellectual.


>> No.8505524

>Write simply
should say "don't be that retard who misuses a thesaurus in a vain attempt to look smart," ...which is 90% of the papers I read

>Look people in the eye
"Have you not read Sartre?"

>Act confident
"Have you not read Sartre?"

>> No.8505525

>"Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity: problems with using long words needlessly"

kek top lads

>> No.8505564
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1473190915073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was convinced you were baiting but I looked it u and this genuinely is the list.

Pic very much related

>> No.8505588

>Want people to think you're smart? Stop scowling.
Not only wrong, but completely bass-ackwards.

>> No.8505601

5 and 15 are good advice, don't know how they got on the list.

>> No.8505622
File: 45 KB, 620x400, IMG_1856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of it seems like alright advice if you needed to present a serious speech to a high school - look trustworthy but be able to make jokes

but the "i fucking love science" group is just the epitome of people who think science = cool gifs of chemical reactions you see on facebook/a neil degrasse tyson quote with a space background it's basically what BuzzfeedScience would look like

>> No.8505651
File: 119 KB, 600x255, nothought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Walk at the same speed as everybody else

>> No.8506274
File: 375 KB, 572x464, 65465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Walk at the same speed as everybody else
This should be a fucking banner.

>> No.8506280

Most of those are actually pretty legit. Especially the first ones are kind of stupid, but the rest I can tell from experience works. I know many somewhat smart people who seem super stupid because of stuff like
>In talks they speak like utter retards, dull, monotonic (7)
>They try their best to form long and incomprehensible sentences (5)
>They dress like hobos (10)
>They act overall autistic (8, 9, 13)
>They are full of themselves and in defense 99% of the time (15)

>> No.8506350


17. Jus be konfidunt bro

>> No.8506375

i dig it

>> No.8506387

> middle initial
so perceived intel. is a function sociocultural context and reflecting chauvinism? Big suprise there... not.

t. scientist with only one (1) name, different culture, no middle or family or locality or decendancy or relgious name, only my one own name.

>> No.8506411

Where the dick are you from?

>> No.8506413

FUCK. Already clicked the link.

You're doing the lawd's work.

>> No.8506466


how does that work? How do you know who your parents are?

>> No.8506484

Because there is no law against it

>> No.8506519

>10. Dress smartly


>> No.8506560

>smartly adverb (STYLISH)
>UK or US old-fashioned: in a fashionable and slightly formal way
>Paul's always very smartly dressed.

>> No.8506690


>> No.8506707

oh man I am very angry right now
I need some playdoh and coloring books

>> No.8506737

Number 1 seems a bit weird but I think the rest are probably on point.

>> No.8506740

I'm literally shaking right now

>> No.8506756

Yes, I totally agree. I was just surprised that they managed to get two out of fifteen. That's 13%, certainly a higher grade than most of the IFLS crowd would get on an actual science test.

>> No.8506765

I don't really get the reactions here. Except (1) and (3) al of those are pretty valid. They are not particularly nice, but kind of true.

>> No.8508097


Well damn. I don't have a middle name, so i can't have a middle initial. Or can I just make one up, because then it will be B. for Brainiac, so people will immediately think I'm smart!

I understand where this article comes from though. Brain work is economically speaking worth much more than other work so seeming smart basically makes you more desirable to the opposite sex.

What I don't understand is why the fuck walking fast makes you seem dumb, or why the fuck there are people with colourful hair strewn into that article. If anything, those seem dumb to me in a sense of emotional maturity.

>> No.8508105

If they love science, why fake their knowledge of it?

>> No.8508107

I am guilty of this

>> No.8508112


This. I'm not a fattie, and my time is somewhat precious, so I'll walk fast. It's healthy, too.

>> No.8508165

>leveling dex

>> No.8508166 [DELETED] 

I think a more important question would be

why the FUCK do you care?

>> No.8508769

I hint that I browse /sci/ on other boards here, some of the other boards are genuinely impressed by it for some retarded reason. I cant remember which one, (maybe /mlp/) someone said he has 'mad respect' for me because of it.

>> No.8508805

Jesus this thread really shows just how retarded /sci/ is.

>popular science page posts a list of traits that have been experimentally shown to make you appear more intelligent
>/sci/ loses its shit for no apparent reason

I seriously don't understand the problem. There was a thread on here like 2 days ago about 'intelligence signalling', ie letting other people know you are intelligent.

At least when science is discussed elsewhere on the internet they can generally back it up with something. This place is filled with high school and college kids explaining things wrongly to each other and fapping over useless abstract maths

>> No.8508901

>self taught mathematician
What areas of mathematics have you studied yet? What resources do you use? MOOCs, books, both?

>> No.8508961

>10. Dress smartly
>>Studies have found that the clothes we wear shape the perceptions other people have about our capability
This is true. I wear a lab coat everywhere and people think I'm a genius even though I'm a dumbass who wears a lab coat everywhere. Though some people just think I'm a cook.

>> No.8508977

>I wear a lab coat everywhere

fucking hell....

>> No.8509096

N1 is the most autistic shit I've ever read

>> No.8509117

>I seriously don't understand the problem.
>Walk at the same speed as everybody else

>> No.8509120

how to be smart

1. clearly identify the problem
2. if an idea doesn't work, try a new one rather than using the same idea and running into the same brick wall

>> No.8509183

Because we live in a free society.

>> No.8509187

Thank you for making me laugh. I haven't had such a laugh in years.

>> No.8509242

this page turned to shit so fast its incredible

>> No.8509261


>write simply


>don't hit that arbitrary 6,000 word mark, and get a bad grade

smart people get bad grades!

>> No.8509524

>15 tricks to tricking the morons of the world into thinking you're smart - while you're actually an idiot

>> No.8509543

>ITT /sci/ becomes offended that someone can appear more or less intelligent than they are