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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8500459 No.8500459 [Reply] [Original]

Does psychology belong on /x/?

>> No.8500463

Maybe not /x/, but certainly >>>/his/

>> No.8500478

psychology: yes
psychiatry: no

>> No.8500506

same thing

>> No.8500516

no, they're not. psychiatrists have actual medical training. are you seriously claiming that medicine is not a science? are you in STEM, by any chance.

>> No.8500530

existence of the psychology field is such a waste of fucking money

>> No.8500553

Fields aren't made by the qualifications of the people in it. it still rests on psychological methods designed by psychologists and on theories developed by psychologists. Its methodology is not radically different from psychology. Plenty of people in psychology and neuroscience originated with degrees in math, computer science or biology. That doesn't make psychology any close to those other fields.

>> No.8500559

>developed by psychologists

i should say psychological in nature. But yeah, methodologically not different. Surely psychiatry is a medical profession different to psychologist but the science or methodology or whatever you call it behind them isn't different enough to say one belongs in x and the other in sci.

>> No.8500563

Psychiatry doesn't rest on psychology. Modern psychiatry uses biological methodology to access the physical and biological underpinnings of mental disorders.
Psychology can't access what it studies, and thus uses psychological methods and a shitload of stats.
The qualifications of the people in psychiatry (i.e., medical doctors, not PhDs in psych) mean that psychiatry is first and foremost a medical subfield that does not belong on /x/, but rather /sci/.

/MD-PhD student

>> No.8500608


This is where people don't understand you cannot breakdown brain science methodology into "oh heres psychology, here's psychiatry, here's neuroscience". Psychologists also look at biological underpinnings as well. If you do a psychology undergrad, you're going to do stuff on the biological underpinnings of behaviour and the methodologies whether thats neuroimaging or electrophysiology or neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Psychiatry doesn't have its own methodological stream. What you would call psychiatric research is done by a broad range of people, both with and without medical degrees, people that typically do behavioural stuff and those that do neural stuff. And no psychiatrist in their right mind will say psychiatry focuses just on biology. it doesn't and substantial amounts of psychiatric research involve just looking at behavioural and cognitive therapies and many psychiatrists will train in such. It is literally a high school meme when people think that psychiatry is just biological methodology and psychology is the opposite. the real world isn't so simple and psychology isnt a discrete field as such.

Look at these two studies by the same two psychologists, completely different methodologies.



now go meme elsewhere.

>> No.8500609


and consider that one article is published in "behaviour therapy" while the other is in "biological psychiatry" oh and all neuroscience, psychology and medical clinical / preclinical trials in general use "shitloads of stats"

>> No.8500633
File: 202 KB, 600x700, what the fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks psychology is a real science

>> No.8500637
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...and yet we have 300 threads of people bragging about IQ test results and their flawlessness, and how we should be genociding half the planet's population based on them.

Ya'll realize that psychometry is a branch of psychology, and that is a psychological test?

>> No.8500665


i didnt say that! i said psychiatric and psychologological method aren't easily distinguishable!

>> No.8500923
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you reversed them faggot

>> No.8500927

except psychiatry is mostly bullshit badly derived from psychology. psychology is at least kinda useful than magical happiness pills.

>> No.8500931
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>> No.8500937

It's /lit/.

Psychology is the whole thing (psychiatry, psychoanalysis, some philosophy, neurobiology). Some of them fit here, some of them do fit in /x/, but most of it (psychoanalysis) belongs in /lit/ and /his/ to some extent too. Psychoanalysis is about language, society, power and relationships. Psychiatry and neurobiology are about physiology and biological functions.

>> No.8500961

Maybe. But psychology threads wouldn't really work in /his/ and /lit/. /sci/ is the only board that has psychology threads too. I guess it's just something the whole board makes fun of even though it is part of the board, kinda like /sug/ in /co/ or /jojo/ in /a/.

Psychology is already pretty much a /sci/ topic. It might as well just be a multiboard topic.

>> No.8500992

Not true about /sci/ being the only board that talks about it, /lit/ has psychology threads all the time. Psychoanalysis mainly, Freud, Jung, Lacan, etc. very different from /sci/ threads, but nevertheless psychology.