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8494131 No.8494131 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it is lamentable that scientific studies about racial differences are effectively banned?

>> No.8494133


>> No.8494142

Do not reply to my threads please, you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8494144


>> No.8494148


yes, very much so but at the same time, its such a controversial topic that popular science journalism would easily cause so much chaos which is an important consideration and one that is difficult to control.

>> No.8494165
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But they aren't. There's 1,600 studies here on "race and intelligence" from 2000 to present, that's 100 per year. So not what I'd call "effectively band". For comparison, between 1960 and 2000 there were only 1140, so that's about 29 per year.

So, I'd conclude that far from being band, the past 16 years have been the most active in field.

>> No.8494170

we live in a multiracial society and we have to manage it

fanning the flames of racialism would only give it credence to stormfaggotry and lead to all kinds of racially inspired chimpouts, hatred, and racial antagonism, even more so than now

deal with it

in areas where it's a force for good (like medical testing) it's accepted and not made a big deal of

>> No.8494180


You are great Anon.

>> No.8494185

Comparing IQ test results is not the same as examining the operation of the brain, physical developments, or genetics.

>> No.8494188

>fanning the flames of racialism would only give it credence to stormfaggotry and lead to all kinds of racially inspired chimpouts, hatred, and racial antagonism, even more so than now

Or it will provide some insight as to why different races have different characteristics and behavioural problems and how to correct them.

>> No.8494194

Is that the sound of shifting goalposts I hear? Why yes it is. Pro tip, you're unlikely to find much work on [math] any [/math] of those topics since no one really knows what genes and such contribute to intelligence. At best you'll see some pilot studies.

But perhaps a more pressing question, what are time frame are you comparing studies on genetics and intelligence? Because the human genome was only mapped in 2003.

>> No.8494197

>Is that the sound of shifting goalposts I hear?
You are misusing that term.

>> No.8494199


no theres not dude. google scholar is not precise. like a search engine it just searches for the words race and intelligence in text. if you look through, most of those studies that come up aren't even about measuring race and intelligence. you'll get a whole load of studies which arent related to what we're looking at and alot of papers and books which dont deal with active research. it doesnt even restrict you to psychology/sociology research. you can get literature up there too. ive looked up papers on the issue before and there are very few new ones about

>> No.8494201

In fact, perhaps the reason you've not seen that much research on genetics, race and intelligence is because (and I'm going to presume you're an expert in the field here) the scientists working on these subjects have only had a complete map of the human genome for 13 years or so, no doubt there's still a lot to be understood about it and it is far too early to draw any conclusions about even gross properties.

>> No.8494207


and it also might shut up racially inspired chimpouts if there was enough research.

the only reason racialists can talk about it so much is that there are so many gaps in the literature.

>> No.8494210


>tfw narrowing the study of race and intelligence to genetics.

>> No.8494211

No such thing as race. There's only human and non-white and those are separate species.

>> No.8494212


>Do you think it is lamentable that scientific studies about racial differences are effectively banned?

>But it's not band, there's quite a bit of research done on the subject over the past 16 years.

No, I meant race, intelligence AND genetics.

So we've moved from just research on racial differences to a particular intersection of research. An intersection that I'd suspect is still in its infancy, almost incapable of making broad statements about the whole of humanity, let alone specifics about races.

>> No.8494215



>> No.8494218
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>> No.8494220

Speaking of cunts, women are not human either.
They're all too dumb to be considered human beings.

>> No.8494230

hey im liberal!

>> No.8494231


>> No.8494236

I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Black people" is not a monophyletic clade. An actual scientific theory of race would be quite a bit different from the stormfags theory of race. An actual scientific classification system wouldn't be so bad, though it would probably be dumbed down and misinterpreted by pretty much everyone outside the field. I also suspect it would attract a lot of kooks.

>> No.8494244 [DELETED] 

Pick one.

>> No.8494249

Well memed my friend!

>> No.8494259

im not a biologist but i imagine you couldnt put anything in humanity as a clade because all human populations do, have and can interbreed.

>> No.8494261 [DELETED] 

How's that welfare check, Tyrone?

>> No.8494266

I'm confused, friend. I was simply congratulating you on your excellent memery! It was simply epin! Why are you lashing out at me?

>> No.8494272

Not a meme. Niggers are as far from a human being as anything can be, and that includes dogs.
Only women are dumber than niggers.

>> No.8494276

True but is anyone claiming the opposite? Even stormfags?

>> No.8494278

Bahaha. I love it! Great meme bro! Do you mind if I put this on Reddit?

Give him a hand, everyone! This man is on the bleeding edge of avant garde comedy!

Simply legendary

>> No.8494279

No because they still exist except the term race isn't used. Studies still refer to "Europeans", "Africans", "South Asians", "East Asians" etc.

>> No.8494280

Yes, by treating "Whites" and "Blacks" as generalizable and distinct groups and -this is key- insisting that they are subspecies, there is a clear implication that they are clades.

>> No.8494285

But nigs are not even the same species as humans.

>> No.8494289

People are afraid of coming to terms with the fact that most races outside of European and East Asian races tend to be of lower intelligence on average due to genetics. Because if everyone was to realize this, the idea that we all have equal potential becomes inane.

>> No.8494293

There is not one racist bone in my body but seriously considering the possibility of slaughter indiscriminately all inferior races is direly needed and soon.

>> No.8494294

They aren't banned really. I recently read something from NCBI (it might have been another institute but pretty confident it's NCBI) about epigentics and obesity and that there were ethnic differences in BMI and obtaining Diabetes 2. There are still many studied to this day. What is it you really mean to say?

>> No.8494296

I love how you guys always lump asians and Europeans together when I studies consistently rate asians as higher than Europeans. I agree with the studies, but it seems very disingenuous to rail against the "everyone has equal potential" baloney while mentioning east Asians and Europeans in the same breath.

>> No.8494297
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The only people that didn't realise the are outliers themselves and need to share the well-deserved fate the subhumans will soon get, if Humanity is to survive this century.

>> No.8494299

Asians are subhumans and should be gassed.

>> No.8494303

>anything but nigger-tier intelligence
As a Russian myself, no. This is a proof that IQ is shit.

>> No.8494305

OP forgot to add intelligence

>> No.8494308

There's a certain threshold people need to meet to be lump together with the superior races.

"Can your people successfully and peacefully run their own nation without assistance from other countries?"

If your people cannot meet this requirement, they don't deserve to be lumped with East Asians.

>> No.8494309

The jealousy is real.

>> No.8494311

If we are to isolate the best, then anyone that is not japanese need to be eradicated.
Before you mention the jews, one look at their community or even the fact that israel is on the verge of a civil war - despite being surround by people craving their destruction - along with the stereotypes associated with them imply a Humanity solely composed of jews would just not work. In fact, they themselves don't want that : G-d promised them each 2800 goyim slaves !

The japanese on the other hand near-top all metrics, from intelligence to productivity to crime rate to stability to...

no weeaboo

>> No.8494312

Then Europeans fail, because they're responsible for the most barbaric wars of the twentieth century and regularly get I to games of "chicken" over nuclear weapons.

>> No.8494313

Jealousy of what? Being a part of a race that doesn't contribute anything to the world other than degenerate cartoons and ugly AIDS whores?

>> No.8494314


i thought indian was known for doing quite well academically. atleast where i am anyways.

>> No.8494317

>Europeans fail

Yes, that's why the third world is literally dying to get into European countries where there is peace and prosperity.

>> No.8494322

It's one thing when one country gets into a fight with another country, it's quite another when the country tears itself apart as is so common in Africa.

>> No.8494324

I am against it being banned. Though I also don't really see the point in it, but if people want to research it, then sure they should be free to do so without having to fear for persecution and social ostracism.

>> No.8494327

Their average IQ means the percentage of their top outliers are laughable, but with ONE AND A HALF HOLY SHIT BILLION WHAT THE FUCK people there's bound to be ten thousands or twenty competent "people" around.

The thought-experiment of an India 100% european or japanese boggle the mind. It would probably be the stuff of legends where scientific production is concerned.

>> No.8494329

>"Can your people successfully and peacefully run their own nation without assistance from other countries?"
So I'm guessing Europe fails that test. How are Americans of European descent genetically superior to pure Europeans?

>> No.8494332

Show me a European country that can't run itself without becoming Somalia.

>> No.8494335

Caste system and brain drain. the ratio of high IQ chiefs to ungifted indians is low but it's from a pool of a billion so that is MIllions of geniuses.

>> No.8494336

>no weeaboo
Anyways, where would the Japanese have been without Perry forcing them to open their borders and as a result Meiji sending students all over?
>Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundations of Imperial rule

>> No.8494343

They're different things, but they're both barbaric ape-tier.

>> No.8494344

Retrograde time travel is impossible so the fucks i have to give about your question are statistically insignificant.

>> No.8494345

Greece literally can't function without foreign assistance.

>> No.8494346

>The thought-experiment of an India 100% european or japanese boggle the mind. It would probably be the stuff of legends where scientific production is concerned.
but anon there are ~700 million europeans

>> No.8494351

And a 100% european india would be 200% that.

>> No.8494352

It's a completely moot point. The Europeans could unite under one flag if they wanted, but they don't partially because they're hotheaded and petty, and have gone to war with each other constantly since prehistoric times. You could even make a case that they're biologically incapable of that level of cooperation.

>> No.8494353

>Everyone that is not Japanese should be eradicated
>Japanese would not be in such the high position they were if it weren't for cooperation with people of other ethnicities
I don't really think anyone can go it alone.

>> No.8494354

Well, we'll see soon enough.

>> No.8494357

And Greece is closer to Africa and the Middle East than it is the U.K. Coincidence?

>> No.8494360

the point is that your claim of India being some kind science producing utopia if it were populated only by Europeans is bs. it would just look like europe does now.

>> No.8494363

Wait until the guy who spouts about 'SJWtards' literally every post finds this thread.

>> No.8494367

Europe goes through cycles, just like China. They're on the precipice of another collapse.

>> No.8494370

>people have no problem accepting that different breeds of dogs have differing levels of intelligence which has nothing to do with culture or upbringing

>people can't accept that different races of humans have different levels of intelligence which has nothing to do with culture or upbringing

>> No.8494371

That's what happens when you let females and non-whites have their way.
Why are all women dumb garbage?

>> No.8494374
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Well, the topic of this thread IS genetics after all...

>> No.8494375

Go ahead and try to blame world war one and two on women and nonwhites.

>> No.8494382

Another proof that women are useless trash.

>> No.8494383

Both of those wars were fought because and for the jews, so the nonwhites part is easy.

>> No.8494384

Jews were responsible for both world wars

>> No.8494388
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The amount of civilisations they destroyed in written History is insane.
Thankfully, the artificial womb will enable humans to untie themselves from and get rid of the ancestral parasite.

>> No.8494394

There's no difference between this and nigs complaining about the white man keeping them down. It's bullshit.

>> No.8494401

>have contributed literally nothing to either science or art
>all are morons dumber than children
>physically weak
Women are the worst thing to happen to humankind.

>> No.8494409


world wars led to accelerated technological progress and there was a huge economic boom after WW2.

Sure it was sad that lots of people died but in the end, even a world war is not enough to destroy a white country.

Meanwhile, black majority countries live in a state of constant poverty and civil wars.

>> No.8494412
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>80 posts
>17 different posters

>OP tries to bait people into responding to his thread so he can spam them with his agenda but no barely anyone responds so he spends the next two hours shitposting in the hopes someone will fall for his bait

Try tomorrow when its not Thanksgiving

>> No.8494419

Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Young Bosnia, a group that was heavily influenced by revolutionary socialism. Socialism is an mind virus that was created by Karl Marx, who was a Jew.

>> No.8494438

>Jews led to accelerated technological progress and there was a huge economic boom after WW2 in America.

Tbf I guess WW2 wasn't that bad since it allowed America to become the global superpower and since it was the only large country to not be fully embroiled in it, the dollar became the reserve currency. Europe is much better under Pax Americana. We have seen what happens when that continent is left to their own devices

>Sure it was sad that lots of people died but in the end, even a world war is not enough to destroy a white country.

So all the countries that entered WW2 left it in the same state they entered?

>> No.8494445

>white people are more prone to crime and violence than any other race
>they just Jew around the bush and call it war to place themselves above the "savages"

>> No.8494447

pretty sure this is what the alt-right actually believes, whether you're joking or not, sad stuff

>> No.8494454

I think people do accept it, but nobody sane thinks the gap is as pronounced as stormfriends claim it is. Especially since different dog breeds have had their breeding controlled and directed specifically by man over thousands of years with shorter generational time spans with the specific intention of prioritizing certain traits we needed to use the animals as tools for hunting. Humans have longer generations and we are randomized by nature, and havent had our evolution controlled specifically so it's more likely for us to be closer.

>> No.8494457

Did I say anything incorrect?

>> No.8494459

>Killing tens of millions of europeans and destroying a continent is fine because muh super power & new world order

WW2 is the direct reason why the US is a 60% white country now

>> No.8494476

Are you actually a part of the alt-right? As in, unironically? I'm sorry. Posting facts is one thing, implying implications upon implications in conspiracy theories is another. I honestly thought you were being sarcastic.

>> No.8494477

Answer my question first. Did I say anything incorrect?

>> No.8494481

>socialism is a mind virus

>> No.8494483

Are you retarded?
>Posting facts is one thing

Also stop bumping a non-science bait thread you faget. l2sage

>> No.8494487

I didn't want to say meme because that carries the connotation of something not meant to be taken seriously. But it is a meme, as in, an idea that propagates virulently throughout the minds of people.

>> No.8494491

>post facts
>get called retarded

/sci/ everyone

>> No.8494494

please be bait

>> No.8494502

But meme magic is real. If socialism is a meme, then that means...

>> No.8494510

You can't even refute what I said. The fact is the facts point to Jews has been the root cause of both World Wars. I'm sure if Karl Marx was a white guy, you'd agree with me whole heartedly.

>> No.8494514
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>it's genetics guys
>posts IQ pseudoscience
Keep deluding yourselves sturmcucks

>> No.8494516

/pol/ falseflag? I refuse to believe this rabble is sincere

>> No.8494519

Fucking this

>> No.8494554

In theory yeah, people should be free to research it without backlash, but in practice the researchers tend to be stormfags.

>> No.8494560

>implying I have even been watching this thread since replying to some trolls in the beginning

Notice how no one answered my question and ended up talking about WW2. Really makes you think.

>> No.8494580

There are great mathematicians of all colors.

>> No.8494597

World wars actually did destroy white countries, one of them was Austria-Hungary.

>> No.8494601

Differences between races are attributed to the environment the are born to and their features reflect that. Intelligence is a difficult thing to gauge scientifically because its such an arbitrary thing. Its almost disingenuous to assume that psychology can accurately judge a group of individuals mental processes by way of their outward behavior. The science community understands whats science and what isnt so this why they stick to facts and let the humanities argue frivolously.

>> No.8494619

>Differences between races are attributed to the environment
If that is the case then why is it not allowed to be seriously studied?

>> No.8494677

It has been. In fact we have an entire field of science called biology for this very purpose.

>> No.8494702
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Then tell me exactly which environmental factors cause blacks to perform significantly worse on IQ tests that other races. Tell me what environmental factors led to negroes developing their distinctive skull shape, and why. Tell me what environmental factors cause negroes to be far more aggressive than the other races, and why. Provide sources.

>> No.8494710

pre eliminar data and hypotheses are taken as facts by retards

>> No.8494769
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>Do you think it is lamentable that scientific studies about racial differences are effectively banned?

No, because it isn't banned there's been plenty of studies dealing with racial differences. If there wasn't we wouldn't have on going research dealing with target medication based on race/ regional populations. Research on adaptive physical features such as epidermis integrity, motor function and hair structure. Research on comparing testosterone and estrogen levels of ethnicities. Research on gene clustering and distance. Research on immunity and disease resistance.

The problem is chuckle fuck /pol/tards who are too stupid to do and understand their own research are so far stuck up their own asses to leave the echo chambers that they created for their own conspiratorial fantasy world. Where they unironically meme the language of a blockbuster movie produce by liberal Hollywood who they hate saying the masses aren't aware of reality.

Meanwhile the truth is the masses are already "aware" of said truths but are so busy trying to fucking survive their miserable day to day lives that they literally give zero fucks about it.

>> No.8494852

precisely the problem

>> No.8494915

>different characteristics and behavioural problems and how to correct them.

Wow. Seriously, just wow.

Nazi scientist, pls go

>> No.8494937

People don't have a problem accepting it. But once determined, the difference in intelligence shows itself not to be significant enough to warrant any further consideration or attention. That's without considering how much it's further negated by outliers and the fundamental point that environment has a bigger influence on a person's impact on the world than their innate intelligence.

It's exactly the same as the discovery that blacks have a higher proportion of fast twitch to slow twitch muscle fibres. It gives them a small advantage in explosive sports, but white people aren't going to make a big deal out of it because there's plenty of white outliers and differences in training methodology are significant enough to negate any inherent advantages.

>> No.8495358


This is a science board so until you inquire about something scientific ill go ahead and just laugh at your ineptitude instead.

Of course if youd like ill sit and explain what makes a science a science so that youre no longer confused and in the future can filter bullshit from reality my friend :^)

>> No.8495362

>if i repeat "i can't believe you're serious" enough time maybe it'll work as an argument
Hahaha, it sure does rabbi, it sure does.

>> No.8495366
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>being offended by science because the subject matter offends you
Oh that's right math is racist now too because statistics are racist.

>> No.8495367
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OP, if you think this thread isn't representative of academia : it is.
Remember that on the day of the rope, Khmer Rouge-style.

>> No.8495368


Who would pay for such a thing? Moron.

>> No.8495793

No, you fucking brainlet, it was more so the suggestion that different behaviour patterns need to be 'fixed' or 'corrected', as if everyone should be the same.

>> No.8495805


>we live in a multiracial society awe live in a multiracial society and

But we shouldn't.

It is empirically demonstrated that the more alien admixture an area has, the lower eusociality it has.

Like works best with like; if you wish for peace, give each people each there own spaces. If you with for war, conflict, and strife, try to force different peoples into the same living space.

>> No.8495834

Not /pol/ but I have literally never heard of an african or aborigine great mathematician. I've even heard of Indian mathematicians.

>> No.8495963

>It is empirically demonstrated that the more alien admixture an area has, the lower eusociality it has.

Do you live in an ant society?

>> No.8495966


No, I live in a white society.

Its very nice. Unfortunately, it also attracts lots of swarthy rent seekers looking to get a free ride.

>> No.8495968

Pick one.

>> No.8495970

Me neither.

>> No.8495974

That's because they're smart enough to realize they should be engineers if they are smart enough for mathematics.

>> No.8495977

if you are not an ant how is eusociality relevant?

>> No.8495980


Its relevant as I am not autistic and use the word 'eusociality' in lieu of a laundry list of particularly desirable traits, virtues, and conditions conducive to advanced civilization for the sake of brevity.

>> No.8496182

Blacks skulls are locally adapted for heat dissipation. The brain is like a CPU and is more efficient on the cold, and their climate did not make brains develop like they did in Eurasia where there was winters.

>> No.8497163


No. It doesn't offer anything particularly novel or interesting and the only people who care strongly about it are pushing a social agenda. In this respect, you are identical to an SJW.

>> No.8497747

>People don't have a problem accepting it.

Okay so the reaction to Charles Murray "The Bell Curve" is just something we should forget? That the reaction to a "troublesome inheritance" is something we should forget? The way James Watson said black people are less intelligent is just something we should forget? That the way people react when behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin informed some British politician that test scores are mostly influenced by genetics, and that all social policy regarded education is inherently flawed because it doesn't allow genetic research to help guide it, something we should forget? You saying people are so accepting of this, that every social policy towards education is aware of this information, that all immigration policy is aware of this information, and that non-whites don't riot in the street thinking that their failure is due to white oppression?

>the difference in intelligence shows itself not to be significant enough to warrant any further consideration or attention.

Blacks are 1 standard deviation lower in IQ compared to white. That means that 50% of blacks fall below or at 85. That means a sizable portion of the black population have an IQ in the 70 range. 70! There IQ was so low that it even forced a redefinition of what IQ range classifies as mentally retarded, since it meant a decent portion of blacks would fall under mentally retarded. That's not insignificant.


No they are not. That's the view that sadly, too many people believe. That environment actually matters THAT much. They fail to realize that all behaviors are influenced by genetics. All of them. In fact, genes influence behavior so much, that social psychological test meant to examine "environmental" effects of parenting have been found to actually been better predictors of genetics. Intelligence may be a difficult thing to gauge, but G and IQ are not. They are real, they are measuring something, it is influenced by genetics. It's heritable.

>> No.8497754

>Meanwhile the truth is the masses are already "aware"

Oh yeah, the majority of people are really aware that there are genetic differences between races, and that includes intelligence, and that racial equality is not only wrong, but that implies many policy we have are essentially based on something that isn't real. Uh sure. Do you anti-/pol/ idiots live in your own world? And don't give me this shit about how studies on racial differences are acceptable. Why do you think the Pioneer fund was founded in the first place? Seriously, research on racial differences in intelligence and other non-health related traits is so stigmatized that you have to look at between the lines on other research. You would be surprised at what they find, of course, they don't mention race because it "doesn't exist". But they do mention race with categories like "white Americans" and "African Americans"

>> No.8497757 [DELETED] 

>No. It doesn't offer anything particularly novel or interesting

Hm, I think explanations for certain trends in society would be pretty novel and interesting.

>only people who care strongly about it are pushing a social agenda.

Yeah, only people who want to maintain an advanced civilizations. What SJW. We should stop caring. In 2100, when blacks are the extreme majority and America becomes hyper-diversify, I'm sure we'll still go to space.

>> No.8497785

Banyaga is the obvious one. Blackwell and a string theorist named Johnson are two others I happen to know of. I think a big contributor to the Manhattan project was too.

>> No.8497806

People will one day study it under another name and purpose.

There is no way to genetically engineer humans without knowing these kinds of things.

In fact, if you did not realize, geneticists already do know these things.

>> No.8497914

it probably isn't studied because it isn't relevant. most people do not live based on scientific research. 99% of racists are just one step away from primitive prison-yard biases and this research would only become a stupid one-liner for talking heads on cable news, "well this study said their were differences."

also who cares. if it takes dedicated scientific research does it really matter? it might prove races are .01% different does that really warrant any sort of societal change?

>> No.8497917

we can already agree that anyone can drive a car, feed themselves, pay bills, etc... regardless of race. what sort of hidden dramatic difference can science prove? it's called grasping at straws. granted we're talking about biological differences not sociological differences

>> No.8497929

>we live in a multiracial society and we have to manage it
I don't

>> No.8498169

>if you wish for peace, give each people there [sic] own spaces

Which fucking rock have you been living under? Are you seriously this ignorant, or are you prepared to just completely disregard ancient history, modern history, and current politics in order to push your insecurity-fueled agenda?

>> No.8498173

>Robert Plomin informed some British politician that test scores are mostly influenced by genetics

Which tests?

>> No.8498261


Colocation does not eliminate conflict, quite the opposite; it simply means the battle lines are in your neighborhood rather than some far flung field. Explicit and remote conflict would be an improvement in many ways.

Take the example of the US; there has never been any true unity between the bantus and the teutonics, or any other tribe for that matter (except through opposition to the then dominant group). As time goes on those fault lines will continue to intensify, as we have seen already. The fate of the Austro-Hungarian empire is another example.

Although the ottomans were the degenerate 'sick man' of the great powers, they still managed to hang on for a long time. That achievement illustrates an essential principle: equality is not a stable equilibrium. If one group is not supreme, conflict is inevitable until supremacy is decided. Unsecured, distributed slices of power generates conflict like fungus sprouts on manure; secured power sources puts a stop to conflict.

Sectarian conflict can take many forms, racial is simply the largest and most inevitable.

>> No.8498837


>it probably isn't studied because it isn't relevant.

Of course it's relevant you anti-racists. Are you on the bargaining stage? Is that what anti-racists tell themselves when they realize there is merit to the idea that there are intelligence differences? It exists, but its not relevant. A whole standard deviation in average IQ IS NOT INSIGNIFICANT. And it shows, why do you think leftists bitch so much about why black education is bad, or how we are failing inner city school children, or the fact that not enough blacks in STEM is proof of oppression and we need affirmative action to save it. Almost everyone thinks its relevant, they just make the mistake of thinking its environmental instead of genetics. IQ research even explains why some underpeforming race somehow outperform other performing race. A leftist could not explain why blacks or native americans, on average show higher success rates then Australian Aborigines. But if you recognize race and IQ. You can.

Also, to shed more light on how dumb your comment is. There are more women studies and more postcolonial studies, and more whiteness studies then there are studies that explicitly look at racial differences. I guess more people in society care about that then racial differences? It couldn't possibly be because the social and political climate is hostile to it. No, it's just that they don't care.

>also who cares. if it takes dedicated scientific research does it really matter?

Yes, because we could save our civilization, place smart immigration policy, encourage the deportation of illegal migrants, end dysgenic effects on civilization, and save billions of dollars by changing social policy that fail to work (and this research will explain why those policies fail), and put an end to certain racial tensions. But if you want to live in a world with BLM, be my guest. Just don't pretend that society will care about "science" or sending you to the stars.

>> No.8498845


>Professor Robert Plomin, the world's leading behavioural geneticist, met the Secretary of State for Education and ministers at the Department for Education in the summer. Mr Gove's policy adviser, Dominic Cummings, provoked outcry yesterday when it emerged he had backed Professor Plomin's research that genes accounted for up to 70 per cent of a child's cognitive abilities. Mr Cummings, in a 250-page "private thesis", said the link between intelligence and genetics had been overlooked in the education system and wanted to introduce Professor Plomin to ministers to redress the balance.

Linking intelligence to genes has long been controversial, but Professor Plomin has conducted research showing up to 70 per cent heritability for reading and maths tests at age seven, nine and 12, while scores for English, Maths and science GCSEs show up to 60 per cent heritability in a twin study.

The research is contentious because ministers and educationalists have long believed that any child, from whatever background, can achieve the highest academic ability.

>In his document, leaked to The Guardian, Mr Cummings cited at length research by Professor Plomin, including the studies showing up to 70 per cent of a child's performance is genetically derived. Mr Cummings said: "There is strong resistance across the political spectrum to accepting scientific evidence on genetics. Most of those that now dominate discussions on issues such as social mobility entirely ignore genetics and therefore their arguments are at best misleading and often worthless."


Now, there is resistance to this, but there is 100x even greater resistance to the idea of racial differences. However, this applies to racial differences too.

>> No.8498853

I meant to link to this

Oh, here's a funny quote

>Kevin Brennan, the shadow schools minister, said: "His claim that most variation in performance is due to genetics rather than teaching quality will send a chill down the spine of every parent – we need to know if these views are shared by Michael Gove.

Sounds like the fags here when ever we have these threads.

>> No.8499061

But that's wrong you fucking stupid faggot

>"Controlling for a rich set of observables, we find that crime is substantially lower in those neighbourhoods with sizeable immigrant population shares. The effect is non-linear and only becomes significant in enclaves. It is present for both natives and immigrants living in such neighbourhoods. Considering different crime types, the evidence suggests that such neighbourhoods benefit from a reduction in more minor, non-violent crimes."

>> No.8499064
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fucking racists, get some diversity you homogeneous scum.

>> No.8499071

>literally created by Marxist to push an agenda of "Social reform"

Try again.

>> No.8499112


>> No.8499117

>(((controlling))) for all of the factors that would put a lie to our theory...


>> No.8499118

If there were enough evidence to support the belief that black people were best suited to being a thrall class, what would be wrong with that?

>> No.8499124

If you'd like to offer even one single paper backing up your point of view that would be swell.

As it is, I

>> No.8499127
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>doesn't understand control variables
>on /sci/
Fucking crossboarders I swear to god

>> No.8499130

>your point of view
Not mine, just pointing out that the Fabians really did found LSE to push an agenda of social reform. I wouldn't trust a damn thing they came out with.

>> No.8499259
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>it might prove races are .01% different does that really warrant any sort of societal change?

Well yes it would matter. Accepting that some differences are the result of an inherited biological trait would put to rest all the legislation trying to force equality of outcome.
In line of not fucking over Asian Americans with Affirmative Action, dumping inordinate amounts of money in inexplicably low performing schools, accepting a tidal wave of lower IQ migrants, murdering police for there perceived bias, etc.

Even a .01% difference make a massive difference, considering there's only a 1% genetic difference between us and apes

>> No.8499265

Doesn't explain why Brazilian/Mexican/-Arab skulls are all relatively normal.

>> No.8499311

So, let's say that we all agree that IQ is indicative of intelligence (it isn't), genetics are the most influential factor on IQ (they're not), and that there's a significant genetic difference between blacks and whites which predisposes blacks to lower IQ.

If this became a scientifically accepted consensus among academia, politics, and society at large, can you give me any substantial examples of policy changes which, if you were in the right position, you would implement to improve your country/the world? I'm talking feasible, worthwhile suggestions here. Because I don't think you'll be able to come up with anything.

>> No.8499335

Abolish affirmative action? Eliminate forced desegregation? Structure society around supporting the lower intellect of black people rather than pushing them to fit the white mold.

>> No.8499349

Well then, mentally replace the word "IQ" with "intelligence" and re read my post. You're getting lost in semantics.

>> No.8499404

Affirmative action is based upon the idea that blacks have equal IQ to white people though. It's primarily there to account for socioeconomic background.

>Eliminating forced segregation
Okay, so you don't actually have any valid ideas then. Good to know. I would have actually been interested to see what you had to say on such a matter, if you had two brain cells to rub together. I thought that maybe, based on your pushing of 'evidence' and 'statistical methods' throughout the thread, that you might have actually been somewhat capable of reasonable, self-directed thought - but clearly you're only capable of utilizing other people's intellect to push your own simple-minded racist agenda.

>> No.8499409

isn't* based upon


>> No.8499410

That was my first post in the thread.

>> No.8499422

Affirmative action is to ignore under-performance by black people, regardless of the cause, which will certainly include intelligence.
On the topic of desegregation, if black people really are of lower intellect, having black people in white schools would be detrimental to everyone. Assuming the classes went at the pace such that the average student could follow it, the black students would have a handicap and the white students would be held back.
This is just desegregation for its own sake though, if you have black people who perform equally well or better than white people, there is no reason not to have them in a place they can flourish.

>> No.8499930

>it was more so the suggestion that different behaviour patterns need to be 'fixed' or 'corrected'
If those behavior patterns including the law than they need to be fixed, you retarded mongrel.
>but muh nazism
I hope you realize that that's exactly what your liberal friends want to do when they talk about ''rehabilitation'' in prison. That's literally what it is, fixing the behavior of people. I guess liberals are nazis by your stupid logic.

>> No.8499937
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>we live in a multiracial society and we have to manage it
No I don't you brain dead fuck, cause I don't live in a liberal shithole like you do.
End your pathetic existence, we should stop our desire for knowledge because it will trigger people ? Fuck off, it's spineless pricks like you that are in the way of science.

>> No.8499962

Controlling for a variable simply means you exclude it from having weight on the result, no more or less.

Or in other words, its up to the statistician to exercise his intuition and good judgment to decide *beforehand* whether a certain factor is truly irrelevant or not.

Obviously one can see the potential space there for a disingenuous researcher to fudge things and confuse the statistically illiterate into thinking nogs are human.

>> No.8499963

Emil kirkegaard
Davide piffer

>> No.8500075

Or do the opposite and push a racist agenda.