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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 306x306, Lithobates clamitans expressing discontent with regards to presentation choices in various textbooks .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8496504 No.8496504 [Reply] [Original]

My topography book uses some dumbly obfuscated matrix operations instead of saying something like "add each angle to the previous and divide the sum by C".

Why do you have to do this you dumb cunts?
I can tell you're trying too hard to make this look important. Just stop and make everyone's life easier.

>> No.8496552

Probably so that when you scale the difficulty of the problem up the method still works.

>> No.8496561

Post it.

Oh wait you won't because you're just a brainlet whining that a mathematical expression involves more than adding and multiplying counting numbers.

>> No.8496576

Mathematicians, being the most elitist and stuck up stem group, enjoy being over your head. It's like a mental illness.

>> No.8496582

If you were any not-shit at math then the first thing you would question is 'how the fuck did they find a way to model this with matrices and now how exactly does this subject relate to linear algebra?'.

Students with that attitude are fucking your girlfriend and getting 10 times more money and pussy than you.

>> No.8496586

Its almost like you don't understand what mathematics is

>> No.8496622

Jokes them my girlfriend is a boy.

>> No.8496624

Since when do engineers study topography?

>> No.8496631

I started a couple years into grad school.

> start reading a dynamical systems book
> see neighborhoods everywhere

>> No.8496634


Do you mean topology? I am talking about topography you fake gamer girl.

>> No.8496645

Yeah I was about to delete my post after rereading yours.

I remember the sophmore civies would go out and do surveying. That's basically topography right?

>> No.8496783

It keeps people in the dark about how much bullshit their field is.

>> No.8496802


>> No.8496827

the answer is group theory
or category theory

that is to say, if you can represent the method or whatever as a matrix, it has ALL of the necessary properties of anything related to matrices of that size and structure.

>> No.8496856

Actually mathematicians just like to express things in their own form of pottery because mathematics is a art.

>> No.8497061
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly af, I want a boy girlfriend

>> No.8497209

What pisses me off is they don't write explanations when they don't expect the readers to get it.

how hard is it to do "// blahablahblahblah"

>> No.8497211

t. cs brainlet

>> No.8497218

That's representation theory.