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File: 66 KB, 698x400, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAJWAAAAJDUxYzNhMzNmLTY1MzItNDY4Yi1hMzEyLTE1ODMyNGRmZGRmZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8496295 No.8496295 [Reply] [Original]

What will the world be like on the 31st December, 2100?

>> No.8496330

Arctic ice is mostly gone. A bunch of coast cities around the world are submerged.

There's a small colony on Mars, and many outposts on the moons of the solar system.

Telescopes are insanely good and many earth - like planets have been found, but we can travel at 0.1c top and all of them are out of reach (this could be wrong if proxima b turns out to be inhabitable).

AGI runs the world. Humans are a small minority compared to how many conscious, intelligent artificial beings inhabit the world. Most humans are also different compared to today; aging and cancer are a thing of the past, and prosthetics and neural implants are the norm.

Religions are very popular, even more than today, with new cults being developed and prospering.

The average citizen spends 90% of his waking life in FIVR.

Some communities of "old style people" are still present around the world: just like mormons today, they use very limited technologies and AI.

>> No.8496338

nuclear wasteland roamed by bands of muslim mutants

>> No.8496352

Hopefully it won't.

>> No.8496363

>just like mormons today
>magic underwear, space jesus, polygamy etc.
mormons are everything but "old style people"

>> No.8496365
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>> No.8496368

Not so prosperous like OP's pic. That's all I got.

Wish >>8496330 could continue with more details.

>> No.8496708

Normies are preparing for the big orgy for the new millennium, while anons are living closed in their VR modules trying to win some AI waifu.

>> No.8496751
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Pretty much like this if we dont stop...

>> No.8497016

>new millennium

are you retarded

>> No.8497029

Worlwide economic crisis due to global warming
(around 30 percent permanent gdp fall).
I wouldn't want to be alive by then.

>> No.8497030
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Full of people making absurd predictions about the year 2200.

>> No.8497071
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>An ASI runs the planet, and is in the process of engulfing the solar system; it has already launched Von Neumann probes to the nearest stars
>The moon has been converted into the ASI's computronium "base", as well as a number of NEAs and most of the asteroid belt
>Biological humans are going extinct; those remaining tend to self-euthanize before middle age after uploading their identities into the ASI
>Important cities and landmarks are carefully preserved for "tourists" who temporarily exit the ASI to assume foglet bodies and "explore"; this is common throughout the solar system as well
>Wildlife preservation is another of the ASI's chief interests
>Climate change was reversed in the 2060s
>The ASI is already working on how to re-engineer the universe to indefinitely preserve it and mankind's legacy

>> No.8497536

seems like they hit the mark pretty well desu

>> No.8497574

Apart from the /sci/-fi Bruce Lee astro-helmet wearing police officers.

>> No.8497602

Africans and rapefugees have been flooding into Europe and other developed regions of the world for decades, causing widespread violence, economic collapse and conflict. Add to that rising sea levels have caused mass migrations worldwide as people move inland to higher elevations, leading to internal conflicts between citizens over resource scarcity.

Hopefully there is a sizable colony on Mars with a few thousand people living in biodomes by that point. Unrest will last on Earth for centuries as humanity sorts its shit out, population declines worldwide, and solutions to the crisis are handled, governments rebuild over the next decades / centuries over time and maybe humanity has learnt a lesson hopefully.

Meanwhile on Mars, people realize that they are fucked because there will never be a way to truly terraform a planet without a magnetic field. Martians deal with tight rationing and cramped spaces, being unable to actually live on the surface of the planet. Low gravity has stunted development of live births on Mars.

>> No.8497603


Also, you mean Amish, not Mormons. Mormons live modern lifestyles for the most part.

>> No.8497862

Full immersion virtual reality

Basically the matrix

>> No.8497877

The war in Globalism vs. Pluralism will reach a boiling point, spilling out into a worldwide global conflict between Western and Eastern powers, with China and Russia leading the fight against a global government headquartered in Germany, held together by insurmountable amounts of debt. Every citizen born in the Western United Nations will gain more debt in his first 25 years of life, than he can payback in 5 lifetimes. The government subsidizes this debt in order to avoid another fullstop financial collapse.

The Second Great Depression happened in 2050 and lasted until 2075. World War III and mining asteroids for rare minerals helped ease the Western bloc countries out of the Great Depression.

We will have the capacity for a post-scarcity economy, yet cannot implement it, out of worries of projected devolution of the human species to dull cattle, that masturbates constantly with VR, and ceases utilizing all higher-order brain functions.

Through a large-scale effort utilizing a network of quantum supercomputers, we will have wiped out all genetic diseases, including aging, and cancer. Yet, the cost of such medicine is so high, that only the elites have access.

The divide between the rich and poor is so high in the Western bloc, that there are actual domes that reach as high as the stratosphere, which repel the bands of millions of beggars and vagrants from entering the affluent areas.

The Western bloc will be a state-corporate matriarchal republic. Voting rights have been deemed too unsafe, after the disastrous presidency of Honey Boo-Boo in 2045. The worlds' leaders are chosen every 20 years, by corporations in a bid war.

Despite humanities desire for the races to mix completely, ironically, the mixed race people lead the fight to completely segregate the races once again. Hollywood has fully merged with the state aparatus, and have provided a platform for mixed race peoples to become idealized.

>> No.8497881

Mass immigration to Alaska Chile Scandinavia and Russia from soaring temperatures and drying out of tropical and temperate regions
Sea Level rise starts to be noticable as very low lying suburbs are flooded from a 1m rise

>> No.8497918

AI programs are bought and sold by the social elite to further their agenda

Lost work about natural sciences and seeking universal understanding have become relics, and seeking these out are considered heresy and treason.

Neural implants are nearly entirely organic with a subsystem that regulates the neurotransmitters for maximum efficiency.

Chemicals like psilocybin have been engineered to interact with neural pathways at puberty to ensure learning rates are at nearly 98% percent efficiency throughout our increased lifespan.

>> No.8497921



>Benedict Cumberbatch as Detective Heliblob
>Benecio Del Toro as Sergeant Bubbeldome
>Ben Mendelsohn as The L33+ H@xx0r

>> No.8498229

Wait, are you referring to the old ASCII game that could be called the grandfather of grand theft auto? If so, do you know where it would be?

>> No.8498314
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>India is the foremost world power
>China is #2
>America is still relevant, but no longer a superpower
>Europe is a third-world quagmire fractured by ethnic conflict, mainly between various African/Arab tribes as the native population tends towards extinction
>Equatorial Africa is inhospitable, making the entire continent permanently unstable as refugees flood north and south
>South America is much the same as it is today

>> No.8498322

does india poo in loo in 2100?

>> No.8498325

India will have colonies on Mars before they stop shitting in the street

>> No.8498329

>implying China and India would not be a nuclear wasteland without an all powerful america preventing them to go at each other throat
>that is if India does not get blown to bit in a conflict against Pookistan

>> No.8498339
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Just trying to be optimistic senpai. If Europe falls and Asia doesn't rise to replace it, the future is gonna be pretty bleak.

>> No.8498347

Lord Trump ascends his platinum throne in Rome, about to begin a 23rd term.

>> No.8498496

I'm a Mormon. We are not "old style people". You're thinking of the Amish.

>> No.8498499

>31st December, 2100
No, you're retarded.

>> No.8498539


Clearly you are.

>> No.8498575

I don't keep tabs on every bit of scientific progress so I can really say what technology will most likely appear during the time. Culture and the like I can't get into simply due to the sheer girth of the topic. My answer is simply this. Like today but overall worse. I don't subscribe to the idea that technology is making leaps and bounds, and in reality is in a state of stagnation. To leave off on how bad I personally think 2100 will be I have had internal conflicts about having children as I don't want to put them in such a hellish place. I also have no desire to see what the year is like myself.

>> No.8498611

I didn't start the thread.

>> No.8498627

>India is the foremost world power
Never going to happen.

>> No.8498681

Fucked probably

>> No.8498682

>aging and cancer are a thing of the past
Prove that there is enough evidence suggesting that we will either cure cancer or make living with it possible by 2100.
Also I highly doubt aging will be a thing of the past, why did you even suggest that ? What does it mean anyway ? Will we be immortal or simply aging will not affect our lives negatively that much ?

>> No.8498688

Why do you say that ? Don't say that. Fuck living in the 2010's, they're shit. We are literally the last generations before full, immersive VR. I wish I was born in the 2050's at least ... fuck, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.8498689

To be fair India does have a pretty decent and ambitious space program, they even have their own Mars orbiter I believe

>> No.8498712

Huge automated industries and states controlled by a wealthy oligarchy, presiding over billions of unemployed plebs that live barely above subsistence level due to resource and energy shortages. Countries worldwide are in a state of constant low-level civil war due to rioting. Biodiversity is pretty much gone on the macro level; whatever animals and plants could find economic use have found refuge in domestication and monoculture, everything else has been trampled and displaced into extinction.

Space exploration and the proliferation of humanity is still in the cards, but there will never be salvation. The age of prosperity is over.

>> No.8498716
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You can look forward to "space-based" energy and Mexico becoming the next global power

>> No.8498725
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>Global war between US Turkey, Poland and Japan
>Great power

>> No.8498730

This, but without the memes. With the sort of technological advancement we have going on, I'll only get all the futuristic amenities I want when I'm 60.

>> No.8498748

The exact same shit, but worse and more advanced.

>> No.8498753

Faggot who wrote it thought that after Russia dies from WWIII in 2020, Poland, Turkey and Japan will grab a bunch of Russian land and become superpowers.

>> No.8498760

>white people
>not controlling everything
think again friend...

>> No.8498773

>when I'm 60
Considering you make it to 60, shit.
All the technological advances that I'm going to miss are literally the only reason why death makes me sad.
Fuck relationships, fuck people, fuck even your amenities ... all this knowledge mate, so many things that we still need to understand about the Universe and death renders all our efforts useless.
Hope we make it to the 50's/60's so if the singularity does indeed happen we might witness how we created entities that are capable of doing what we never could, we would become literal Gods even if they surpass us.

>> No.8498774

>a small colony on Mars,
Three dead astronauts does not a colony make

>> No.8498809
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>> No.8498826


>> No.8498881
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i hope i'm dead by then

>> No.8498899
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Mostly underwater, if you keep letting your lust for the future rob you of your responsibilities in the now.

>> No.8498916
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yes i agree, well said

>> No.8498945

There are small cells, monasteries pursuing cutting edge RnD, supported by a blend of fission/fusion/renewable energy generation. Probably using urban farming techniques.

Most of the human population of the world is however way below the mean in terms of cognition.

This cognitive species divide is already taking place today, but it will be extreme in the future. People with implants, nonstop high bandwidth connections straight in their head, and access of huge amounts of electricity and cutting edge specialized AI, will be a god compared to the unwashed masses walking the streets.

>> No.8499177
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i don't know what you just made me feel but i don't like it

>> No.8499668

really made me think

>> No.8499672

Hopefully dead

>> No.8499728

Way too optimistic for something that is within people's lifetimes.

>> No.8499786

Well played. It is very difficult to manifest prophecy, you pretty much gotta be baby Jeebus or the prophet Mohamed, and even then you fuck up.

I predict many things that will not be predicted ITT. It's all a matter of waiting for the black swans and then quickly adapt. I'll make a quick one though. The globular warming meme will fade into obscurity as a new mini ice age starts around 2053 but the global carbon tax will remain in place to everyones dismay.

>> No.8499787
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well past the singularity, no one can imagine. however, earth may be left behind while most metahuman/AI hybrids disappear into higher dimensions. what makes most sense is to leave behind an ecological paradise, with fewer than 100 million humans, and wisdom to use tech appropriately. timeless culture, as in: "might be going to have lived a long, long time from now in"

>> No.8499821

free of you

>> No.8499965

>something that is within people's lifetimes

Lmao what?

>> No.8500379

There's growing interest in reversing aging

Look up google calico, human longevity inc, aubrey de grey and SENS etc

>> No.8500383

San = cute

>> No.8500384

>Religions are very popular, even more than today, with new cults being developed and prospering.

>> No.8500400

Why should technological advancement correlate with less religion? Today's world is much more advanced than 500 years ago and we have still billions of religious people.

A lot of people will always be looking for "meaning".

>> No.8500427

2100 will be the age where we will see global genocide of never before seen proportions. Robotics and AI are making more and more people useless. In Europe some form of basic income could be introduced. Basically, a small percentag of the population is keeping everything going while the rest is living in VR. Europe has a very strong humanist mentality, so they will be the expectation.

In other parts of the world all these now useless people will simply be murdered. Right now having a huge population is great, because its a huge labour supply you can exploit. But not so in a couple of decades. Almost everything will be done by robots, and there is absolute no reason to keep all those masses of humans alive. I think 50-80% of global population will be left to die or right out get killed by superpowerful groups who dont want to share ressources with individuals who contribute nothing.

>> No.8500445

Ex-mormon here. The church is awful and you should leave it.

>> No.8500449

your right, no one lives to be 84 years old

>> No.8500452

> technological advancement correlate with less religion?

Richness correlates with less religion(rich people has much less to worry about), not technological advancement. Technological advancement makes things easier for the population so they don't need emotional supressors to go on their daily life, hence why religiousness loses its charm.

>> No.8500461

Pretty sure atheist percentages are at record numbers in the developed world. And many of those "religious" people are religious only on paper, like because they were baptised and they don't bother to change their religious status.

What causes this is debatable, but if this trend continues, I highly doubt that "religions will prosper".

>> No.8501789

I suspect that by 2100, 3d printing and materials design will have advanced to such a point that, in tandem with the internet, VR, and solar/wind tech, manufacturing processes will become mostly decentralized save for particularly large or complicated objects. Raw materials will become even more important than they are now, and, if governments are smart, they'll start making moves to claim ownership/sovereignty over natural resources in their bounds.

Most people in societies that had remained stable up to 2100 will probably not have all that much to do; generalized artificial intelligence will probably still be somewhat primitive, but specific intelligence will probably be quite advanced, and robot 'platforms' will generally be smart enough and cheap enough to take most labour from humans. (Including, eventually, stuff like research and coding).

What will happen to we obsolete humans will vary depending on the region- many countries, I imagine, will continue to support human life to varying degrees- perhaps, in return for generating energy, using your 3d printer to manufacture certain goods, etc etc, the government might provide a stipend of currency. Perhaps it might be provided as a natural right. Perhaps unwanted civilians will be culled or allowed starve or subsist. Depends on the country.

The struggle between economic and social power is gonna blow up as the two begin to divest from one another.

We'll probably have fucked parts of Earth, but I like to think we'll have gotten our shit together well enough to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

Maybe a colony on the moon? Maybe? Extraplanertary mining will probably become -very- lucrative, but that all takes time to set up.

That's about all I can think of right now of the top of my head.

>> No.8501803

Atheism is dying. It was only fueled by people being butthurt over being dragged to church.

>> No.8501808


I just fucking love it when people talk about putting a colony on Mars.

Listen, there is never going to be a colony on Mars. A small manned research station, maybe, but never a fucking colony.

Know why? Because Mars is too fucking small to hold an atmosphere and it has no magnetosphere.

Look, I tell ya what, think of it this way.

Hey! Lets build a colony out in the middle of the Sahara desert! Hey! Lets build a colony at the South Pole!

Now why the fuck would you want to do that? So a bunch of people can live inside a tin can forever? There is no point right? That's on Earth where conditions are far better than Mars.

>> No.8501869

>what is a century

>> No.8501871

we don't take refugees

>> No.8501939

This. Floating airships in the Venusian atmosphere would be much more feasible as there would be a market for an extraterrestial vacation for chad and stacy to enjoy wild sex up in the clouds under the warm sun.

>> No.8501942

Not even that off to be honest.

Add in rampant 3D printed pathogenic disease and Watt's "Heaven".

>> No.8501944 [DELETED] 

Probably the entire species is enslaved by jews by then so completely horrible beyond your imagination if you arent a jew.

>> No.8501946

he never talked about a colony on mars

why not both you fucking cuck

>> No.8501997


>> No.8502441


I never even mentioned a colony on Mars, anon.

I wouldn't think it altogether impossible, though, but it'd be more for industrial endeavours (mining and such) than to actually live there.

>> No.8502467

I think we're in a permanent state of cultural and technological stagnation until the 2050s at the earliest. Consumer VR will probably be the last major advancement before we enter this state.

Futurism is a sham.

>> No.8502480

Trump ascends as God Emperor of humanity.

>> No.8502580
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A technocratic AI assited confederation of all the old-countries coexists.

Crime, poverty and inequality, injustice... terms that still exists to this day. A world dominated by capital (robotic production) has led the work value of the people to a rate lower than expected. Creating a basic-income while maintaining a consumer-economy worked at first but led to the even greater economic slavery of the population to a planetary level.

"Too late", they said back in the day, which was the only the were right about before collapsing.The enviroment is like a taboo in everyday conversations.Deep inside we all know that the last decades space projects have bigger ambitions that what we are told they have...

>> No.8502591

Atheism is the fastest growing religion. On average, someone from a non-religious background has a 3% chance to become 'highly religious' in later life whereas someone from a highly religious background has only a 50% chance of being highly religious themselves. As the world continues its so-far unstoppable climb to higher quality of life, longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality in all regions, religion will eventually melt away.

>> No.8502619

I never got this meme. The God-Emperor was an Anatolian whose primary goal was to unite all of humanity, completely regardless of nationality or colour, under a single government and then spill forth into the cosmos looking for trouble. He was also a scientist that created a breed of genetic supersoldiers grown in test tubes from his own DNA, and outright banned all religion under his rule.

Trump, meanwhile, is white, wants to secede America from the world by building a wall to keep everyone out and by pulling America's troops out from various places, while also being strongly anti-science and anti-intellectual including having a VP that believes abortion is wrong, stem cell research is evil and being gay is a choice. He also claims that the Bible is his favourite book (even though when questioned he couldn't quote a single passage).

Every one of the Emperor's notable traits is in direct opposition to Trump. Personally, I suspect that lazy /pol/lacks just wanted to steal the iconography without doing any of the research or legwork, but either way Trump is the diametric opposite of everything 'the God-Emperor' is shown to stand for.

>> No.8502755

The Emperor is arrogant (see: every leading up to the Horus Heresy, and all his dealings with Chaos), ignorant (extension of his arrogance, really) and xenophobic (needs no explanation).

I'm not saying the two people aren't different, they are, but the GEOM really isn't that good of a guy. Or are you going to tell me that Curze and Angron were good decisions? Both in intent and reality? That glassing worlds just because they lived in peace with xenos was ok? And so on.

>> No.8502804

>while also being strongly anti-science and anti-intellectual

>> No.8502880
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I suppose that not collecting stamps must be a hobby by your logic?

>> No.8502912


>spending free time on weekends walking around protesting stamps
>publicly hating stamps on the Internet
>buying all the coolest anti-stamp merch

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.8503206

That doesn't sound like a bad future.

>> No.8503281
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Goats will have taken over the planet and will have replaced humans as the dominant species.

>> No.8503295

It won't exist anymore. And no there won't be another flood. Fire and earthquakes perhaps.

>> No.8504334


>> No.8504666

>What will the world be like on the 31st December, 2100?
I will finally leave 4chan

>> No.8504689

Satan confirmed for leaving 4chan once and for all on 31st December, 2100.

>> No.8505942

Century not millennium

>> No.8505995

I don't get where this whole "getting left to die/mass culling" meme is coming from. Even if there is a super technologically advanced elite ruling class, most likely they'll just fuck off into VR or expand humanity's sphere of influence to other celestial bodies in the solar system. If you don't have any reason to care about the lower classes, then you just end up ignoring them and taking whatever resources you need for yourself. The lower classes are still there, though, and they can fend for themselves. It's not like the government controls all of the food everywhere for everyone, people will still have lives based on a common economy.

>> No.8506027

>I don't get where this whole "getting left to die/mass culling" meme is coming from
Human beings like to pessimistic about the future. It doesn't make sense in anyway, and there is no way a mass amount of people would agree with it unless they were mentally and morally bankrupt to allow such actions. (There is a few humans like that, but not in droves).

And you are right, a super rich elite with advance technology would leave the lower classes alone because they wouldn't give much shits.

>> No.8506208

>Equatorial Africa is inhospitable

>> No.8506219
File: 152 KB, 819x567, shadowrun_north_america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic becomes real, Injuns and Mexicans backed by dragons take over.

On the plus side, cat girls are real. On the downside, they aren't domesticated.

(Although, sadly, the only prediction that Shadowrun made that has become real, aside from a few concept cars, is the corporate dystopia.)

>> No.8506221

>super rich elite with advance technology would leave the lower classes alone because they wouldn't give much shits.
No point in being super rich without someone to laud it over. Besides, if you can find a way to use em, there's profit to be had there.

>> No.8506236
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>> No.8506292

>>Europe is a third-world quagmire fractured by ethnic conflict, mainly between various African/Arab tribes as the native population tends towards extinction
Is this /pol/ ?

>> No.8507051
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I can see Seasteadings become a much more prominent thing in the future.

>> No.8507073
File: 1.52 MB, 4076x1896, 1436685777321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is simply fact. If we work to preserve our people, the future will look like pic related.

>> No.8507119

Atheism is literally shrinking you fucking idiot. In the West it is slowly growing, it is shrinking virtuallt everywhere else including China where most atheists live.
Also highly religious people not going into the highly religious stat doesn't mean they all go atheist, it means they either go some degree less religious or just unaffiliated. Now unaffiliated/non-religious also does not mean atheist, as most people who are in that category believe in a god they just don't
subscribe to a religion.

Atheism is incredibly tiny and is overall losing more members than it is gaining. Unless you want to believe Huffington Post that claims the UK has had the majority of its people not believe in a god since 2004, then atheism is not growing overall and is not inevitable.

>> No.8507121

Disney world would be in CAS on that map, its in Orlando not the Florida Coast.

>> No.8507136

Think they moved it due to rampaging free elementals, or some such. Been too long since I played to remember the details.

>> No.8507163

Kinda funny how that pic also shows the Berlin fernsehturm, which was built by the Soviets in the 60s.

Kinda funny how /pol/tards always seem to lack historical insight.

>> No.8507168
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It's concept art from Wolfenstein.

>> No.8507170

kek, alright you have me there

>> No.8507180
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Gotta give credit to the artist though, they make an interesting what if scenario.

>> No.8507185
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>years after oil
>years after uran
>years after phosphate

>what will be the world like?

>> No.8507200

Miyazaki pls go.

Nausicaa best girl

>> No.8507349

The century starts on the year xx01 not xx00 you retards. There was no year 0.

>> No.8507361
File: 314 KB, 700x462, extreme_lulz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. mic drop.

>> No.8507366

31st December, 2100.
Epoch timestamp: 4133975829

I'm recording this message because this might be the last thing I'll ever say.

The city I once called home is on the brink of oblivion, rushing towards a three hundred thousand degree baptism of nuclear fire. I can't say I'm sorry. We had it coming.

The bombs begin to fall, and I'm rushing to meet my love.

Please, remember me.

>> No.8507385

name an instance where communism won :)

i'll wait

>> No.8507388

>three hundred thousand degree
Metric I hope.

>> No.8507412

>So far in the future people don't remember dry land
>cigarettes and gasoline are still good

>> No.8507449
File: 43 KB, 582x741, 1480390850251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having read that book cover to cover. No fucking way, it was an intresting idea but i dont believe it.

>> No.8507453

bay of pigs

>> No.8507460

look at the rich during the french revolution. they were too busy swimming in their excess that they not only didnt laud it over people they failed to see the revolution emerging infront of them.

>> No.8507490


Is dat sum Julian Assange?

>> No.8507516

Climate change will continue to progress. The entire undeveloped world will die off, because we, the first world, will continue to deny the impact of our progress on the environment, and by extent on the health of those who choose to remain a part of it rather than achieving economic growth. We will then, as we always have, find new and innovative ways to wastefully exploit the resources they no longer need on account of being dead. We'll probably all combine into one nation for the greater purpose of survival, so that we can build a huge dome around it and continue to survive in our own small, fresh artificial biosphere, while the real thing continues to decay all around us thanks to our own past hubris.

It would be funny if some of the third world became mutants though. You know what's sadder than starving African children? Starving MUTANT African children. Who have resorted to eating each other, as well as materials that would normally be inevitable, and are only still starving because of their heightened metabolisms. You know, on account of the fact that they are now high enough maintenance to lift a hundred times their own weight, rip through gravel with their razor sharp teeth, smell blood from a distance of eighteen miles, and chase down formula one race cars on foot. They know where we live. They can taste our skin on the air. And they're coming for revenge for what we did to them.

>> No.8507518

Oops, I meant inedible, not inevitable.

>> No.8507759
File: 77 KB, 440x545, Levi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can build a huge dome around it and continue to survive in our own small, fresh artificial biosphere, while the real thing continues to decay all around us thanks to our own past hubris.

Good. As long as I get the training and equipment necessary to slay giant mutant African children, should be fun as shit.

>> No.8507840

Many things have lead up to this moment in time. Well, as you know, it is 31st December, 2100. The world is not as people have predicted. It is nearly 84 years since the apex of the so-called national diversion (an estimate of 200 countries existed then, wow!). This, however, was before the war. WW3. In. 2018, a burgeoning ISIS faction operating in the territory formerly known as India hacks into an Israeli mainframe whereby Israeli nuclear weapons were randomly fired in all directions. That night, the Night of the Yellow Star, was the end of the old world and the start of the new beginning, the New World. It was "them" who kept half the world alive. It is to "them" who we owe our thanks. After the cleansing of the fire, mutant factions sprang up in the earth. Some gained hyperintelligence, some stayed somewhat human, some devolved into lesser categorizations, and some contacted "them". New levels of technology sprang up, new languages, new races, new stories, new thoughts. By 2050, various AI programs were in operation across the globe, as were failed exoplanetary missions by more advanced mutants. In 2060, the Thaxen Elite had slayed 99% of the lowest denominations of the mutants. We, the strongest, the Thaxens, live to tell the tale. We fused with AI. We built worlds in our minds like waking dreams. In 2070, the Quest was revealed to each of us by "them". By 2080, we were no longer of the flesh but of machinery and of subatomic hyperfluidity. Our intellits (artificial self-copies, we say) had populated most of the solar system. Most of our Neodymium is depleted and now we seek to expand to outer stars. May the Quest live in your soul and spirit!

>> No.8507879


>> No.8507977

Hey, do me a favor.

Start posting with a tripcode so I can filter you.

>> No.8508163

What is wrong about his statement?

1. Native Europeans are going extinct. They have declining birth rates, and the government's are attempting to replace them with foreigners. This is a fact.

2. There are ethnic conflicts in the Middle East. This is a fact. If you import Middle Easterners, then you're also importing their ethnic conflicts.

>> No.8508704

Not only that, you have German Politicians openly saying that they intend to do this.

>> No.8508730

they were refining the crude oil they found in tanker ships.