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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 699x449, Amy's drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8488388 No.8488388 [Reply] [Original]

What's so difficult to grasp, brainlets?
>waves are travelling at relativistic speeds
>they exist in a separate frame of reference
>that makes the emDrive an open system, even tho no microwaves are escaping
No one will break your precious 3rd law, don't worry, it's all fine.

>> No.8488396

Reading the paper right now at the gym.

We'll see faggot.

>> No.8488448

Roger Shawyer, Theory paper V 9.4 (2006)

>> No.8488458


The EM drive cannot work because it violates newton's first law, these papers are just errors with the equipment

This is LITERALLY """neutrinos""" moving faster than the speed of like 2.0

Fucking brainlett non physics majors have no place in science or engineering

Fucking moron engineers

>> No.8488461

If the memedrive works, it breaks physics and is a perpetual motion machine

>> No.8488468
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Pic related is a closed system and would violate physics.

This is not the case with the emdrive.

>> No.8488470

not a siencefag here, this thing is on the news here in belgium, what the hell does it do

>> No.8488473

Wrong boundry conditions at the surface of the cavity makes it a closed system.

Otherwise we would have seen this effect in electronics 60 years ago.

Another freshman phystard btfo

>> No.8488524


it makes physicists and engineers insult each other.

beside that, it produces a very small amount thrust without consuming some limited propellant like ions and shit.

>> No.8488578

I'm too stupid to realize how lex secunda and lex tertia cannot be violated in case "the energy consumed by the engine is less than the mass required in order to create some thrust following actio=reactio"

>> No.8488586

What's going to happen whenever it works flawlessly in space, and we start building satellite arrays utilizing the drive for propulsion?

>> No.8488587
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Wir müssen wissen,
wir werden wissen!

>> No.8488602
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EM drive working would be as unlikely as someone like Donald Trump being elected President.

>> No.8488614


/x/ might be right with the whole mandella thing.
If I wake up to Shawyer's smiling face I'll kill myself.

>> No.8488617

Brexit approves!

>> No.8488620

OP ure hot af

>> No.8488642
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Proof of concept or shut the fuck up.

>> No.8488671

have you actually read his "paper"? it's a vixra-worthy mess; completely incoherent and precisely what'd you expect from a fucking electrical engineer. he does shit like mixing up frames, assuming a universal rest frame, etc. this is perpetual motion 2.0

>> No.8488680


>implying the thrust that the ayydrive produces cares about your subjective opinion and engineer-hating.

>> No.8488686

Out of all these threads about the emDrive I've seen, I'm not sure whether a single person can explain its mechanics.

And no, I can't. I've read nothing on it.

>> No.8488705

>assuming a universal rest frame
>subjectively incorrect


>> No.8488710

Well the guy who invented it seems to care or he wouldn't have written about a supposed theoretical justification. The guy would seem less cranky if he was honest and said "I have no clue what's happening, please investigate these experimental results".

I'm not upset about this situation at all though. If the memedrive actually works I'll be too excited at the possible free energy utopia to care about anything else and if it doesn't I'll just have another reason to make fun of engineers (like Electrogravitics).

>> No.8488711


Are you still talking about the evidently flawed theory?

>> No.8488714

Link to paper?

>> No.8488722

Cool story bro, but EMdrive would still allow you to get UNLIMITED POWER!

>> No.8488729

>detected thrust is several orders of magnitude greater than any possible error

It's OK anon. Einstein had similar reactions to the idea of a bound universe and to 'spooky action at a distance.'

>> No.8488736


ikr, isn't that great? I say embrace it, faggot.

>> No.8488744

>it uses pilot wave theory to move
>bohmian mechanics just BTFO /sci/

Should this board just be deleted for being so utterly and completely rekt?

>> No.8488760

This thing will produce new physics, just very mildly new physics.

The stuff in the paper is nonsense. The thrust it produces is fairly minuscule. To be produced by propellant would require nano-grams of exhaust. This would make it extremely challenging to actually observe as a weight loss.

The thing has thrust because of nano-grams of exhaust, that's probably the reality, but the new physics comes from explaining why it's producing this exhaust, which is less clear.

>> No.8488773

>they exist in a separate frame of reference

Wew lad.

>> No.8488778

UNLIMITED POWER means that literally anyone could destroy the earth.

>> No.8488873

Wait, why is everyone assuming that this either doesn't work or is infinite power? Isn't there a much more likely possibility that this is some form of directly converting the energy into thrust, à la photon engine except much better?

>> No.8488884 [DELETED] 

>either doesn't work or is infinite power
directly leads to
are the only two options you get from
>directly converting the energy into thrust, à la photon engine except much better

>> No.8488896

>directly converting the energy into thrust, à la photon engine except much better
is what it's supposed to do.
Infinite energy immediately follows from this because just accelerating continuously will lead to the craft gaining more kinetic energy than you put in to power the device (rather quickly, actually). From that point on you can do whatever you want with the craft to get energy back out (like crashing into a wall or something).
The reason this is not possible with a photon rocket is that the energy to thrust ratio is exactly low enough that the gain in kinetic energy would only offset the energy lost by creating the photons if you were already travelling at the speed of light.

>> No.8488940


Why? (To any of your post)

You're assuming that if you provide it a constant amount of power it will produce a constant acceleration, regardless of velocity and reference frame, yet I've seen nothing that hints at that.

>> No.8488965

Say you strap tons of them to a dynamo, they take less energy to run than they produce so you would just be generating more power indefinitely, assuming it was in space.

>> No.8488970

Not him, but are you saying that if it were set up right and not used for space thrusters and some kind of "energy factory" in the vacuum of space, you could literally make a electricity goes in - more electricity comes out system only using a dynamo? Is there anything in the paper that supports that?

Maybe I'm just reading wrong

>> No.8488983

I think so, because it produces thrust it's not like those perpetual motion devices that would require 0 friction to function. It might take time to become efficient while you wait for it to accelerate, but I don't know I'm not a rocket scientist

>> No.8489115

The acceleration will not be constant when seen from a stationary observer. This happens because of the finite speed of light: the acceleration will decrease the faster the craft moves (for a stationary observer!) since it cannot reach the speed of light.
What is assumed to be constant is the acceleration measured by someone travelling with the ship: if the craft stops accelerating and moves at a constant velocity, a crewman on the ship then has a perfectly valid reference frame in which the drive is motionless and not affected by outside forces, the same situation as before the ship started travelling, and should get the same results when measuring the drive's properties. That is why it's not expected that the energy to thrust ratio changes depending on how long you accelerated.
This of course assumes special relativity is true and there is no preferred reference frame. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1506.00494.pdf actually does the calculation and also has some discussion.

>> No.8489551

What if it levitates? Does that contradict general relativity?

>> No.8489674

>Experience is flawed because it contradicts Theory

How does it feel to fail to grasp the fundamental principle of Science ?

>> No.8489677

its been around since 2001.

it still doesnt work

this is going to give people so much ammo to hit nasa with even though nasa isn't involved at all

reddit will look like fucking retards for supporting this which is nice.

>> No.8489679

This seems like the least unlikely possibility

>> No.8489681

>it still doesnt work
Why do you mean by this, the entire problem is that it keeps working every time they test it

>> No.8489739

its like watching a fat man with a really small penis get frustrated because he can't ever get his peepee wet

>> No.8489740
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and also...


>> No.8489743

>Implying even a tenth of this board knows enough physics to even understand Copenhagen vs pilot wave

>> No.8489748


>start harvesting unlimited power through meme drives
>no one realizes it runs on human souls, eventually depleting them

>> No.8489754

I don't understand how. It still requires power to run. Even if you drive a generator with an EM drive wouldn't the power output be lower than the drive power consumption?

>> No.8489762


>wouldn't it be lower


>> No.8489768

Could some one provide me the link to the paper?

>> No.8489769
File: 150 KB, 263x261, mfw a swede was multicultural near me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he accepts meme matter which basically is aether 2.0 and bound to be debunked, but doesn't accept meme drive despite more proof is provided for the latter than for the former


>> No.8489771

I keep telling you people, it is worthless until it's in commercial use. The day it's an active component in a machine that we can all observe, it's real.

>> No.8489775

There's a LOT of backup for dark matter though.

>> No.8489779

Except evidence.

>> No.8489782


Theoretical science was a mistake

No, not saying it shouldn't be done, but people jumping on the bandwagon and treating it as a certainty, is the mistake.

>> No.8489785

>Muh rotation curves
>Muh bullet cluster
>Muh Powerspectrum
>Muh Lambda-CDM

>> No.8489810


It's likely that there's some error, yes.

There's also several explanations for how it works that don't violate Newton.

It could also break Newton's and not give a fuck about it. Newton's could end up being relative.

>> No.8490076


>m-muh measurement errors! t-there must be a mistake, m-my model c-cant be wrong!!!

>> No.8490100


>> No.8490129
File: 36 KB, 432x346, Witch-the-witch-from-snow-white-31444288-432-346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works.. but its use has dire consequences.

>> No.8490155

PopSci Trace just did a vid on it

>> No.8490160

literally just finished watching it. He stole it all from this thread...

>> No.8490190

>This experiment and theory don't match!
>Surely this means the experiment is at fault
kek and there's people claiming Kuhn wasn't right.

>> No.8490213

Why do you write like a nigger?

>> No.8490281

Simple explanatory slideshow.

>> No.8490491


Indeed, no idea why everyone is so butthurt over it.

>> No.8490498

Truly we are ready for a higher form of physics

>> No.8490530

This is silly and has no practical applications because it takes the same amount of power to slow it down. By law of conservation, strapping two of those devices to a spaceship would not be plausible because momentum is squared

>> No.8490557

Are you a complete moron? Why are you even on this board?

>> No.8490568

God these videos of old nutjobs with obviously no idea about physics beyond some super basic school knowledge are the worst thing this planet has to offer.

>> No.8490584

You're talking about the creator of the EmDrive - he will be remembered longer than Einstein.

>> No.8490607
File: 136 KB, 321x425, iu[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I wake up to Shawyer's smiling face I'll kill myself.

wakey wakey!

>> No.8490619

The ayydrive is the Great Filter.

>> No.8490654
File: 81 KB, 550x679, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8490666

I'll believe anything that you can prove works.

>> No.8490672

>those slides about how energy-momentum is still conserved
>"yeah we create these electromagnetic waves with momentum out of nothing but what do you mean it's not conserved"
>"energy is conserved because heat or something lmao"

>> No.8490711


>> No.8490761

>it wasn't vaccines that created autism it was EM drive experiments
you should hire a mercenary and try to overthrow the EM drive corporation.

>> No.8491018
File: 56 KB, 620x540, meemdrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was this funny? I think I'm becoming retarded.

>> No.8491020

Someone explain to me how does it imply unlimited power? You still need energy to run it.

>> No.8491035

Because physicists already invented dark matter and dark energy to account for two instances their calculations were shit.

I am still waiting for the dark propulsion that explains the meme drive lol.

>> No.8491048

except we found dark matter.

>> No.8491052

Yeah we dark found it.

As in we found nothing, but if you add some dark something then you find something.

>> No.8491066
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You have to admire the balls of the guy behind dark energy, though. It takes a brazen man to go up before the world and claim that there are five invisible particles for every visible one.

Then the next guy comes on stage and says, "That's nothing, get a load of this..."

>> No.8491085

It wasn't a claim, it was a verified observation with huge reproducibility.

>> No.8491090


>I have this great model! It relates the mass of an object to its orbit!
>That's not what we observe in the galaxy...

>> No.8491126

My best guess is they bounce against the outer end, combine and hit the front end at a greater net force to move it forward. Kind of like scooting across the floor in a cart by jutting forward.

>> No.8491154


>> No.8491196

quit dark posting

>> No.8491206

Newton was a fucking idiot

>> No.8491231

>> we found nothing
> what are neutrinos

>> No.8491399


What the fuck is wrong with physicists these days?

>adding up to dark matter
>adding up to dark energy

yeah k

>> No.8491416

Well clearly what we need is a theory of dark gravity

>> No.8491455

Dark matter explains the observations without any changes to the well established GR nor the extremely elegant standard model of cosmology. Matter that only interacts gravitationally is not particularly implausible. It's discomforting, which is probably why you feel so strongly about it, but by no means something that is a lot to buy. Distributions of dark matter can be observed fairly well via gravitational lensing. It's not like every piece of baryonic matter is shielded with dark matter in the same way (which would indicate a strong correlation between the two). Also it's not like nobody has ever doubted dark matter, it's probably the one established idea in physics that is criticized the most. There are countless attempts at correcting aspects of GR and cosmology to account for the offset created by dark matter. The problem is, none of those attempts comes even close to fit as well as dark matter. All of them usually only explain those aspects that motivated the corrections, but not the whole range of phenomena.

>> No.8491468

heul hitler

>> No.8491471

>five invisible particles for every visible one.

But anon, all particles are invisible. We only ever see their effects. I mean has anyone ever seen a nucleus? No, but we can preform a scattering experiments and show that an object exists that has the properties that define a nucleus. It's the same here, sure you can't [math] see [/math] dark matter (since it doesn't use the em interaction) but you can do some experiments that show an object with all the properties of dark matter must exist.

>I have this great theory that is a vast generalisation on an existing theory.
>It holds up well everywhere, except for this one peculiarity.

Do you really think that we should abandon an incredibly successful theory such as GR just because it requires the incredibly small assumption that there is a particle that only interacts via gravitation?

>> No.8491480

>epicycles explains the observations without any changes to the well established Ptolemaic model nor the extremely elegant model of heavenly spheres

>> No.8491485

To be fair there is a more advanced theory that claims the momentum is transferred from the outside system through a long standing hypothesis on relativistic pressure

>> No.8491490

That's kind of like not at fucking all the same or even correct because you are using friction with the floor to jut your cart forward.

>> No.8491499

In the same way that, neglecting air resistance and machine inefficiency, keeping your foot on the gas and accelerating your car from 10 to 80 mph produces a net gain in energy.

Ie: it doesn't.

>> No.8491569


>incredibly small assumption
>majority of the substance of the universe

>> No.8491578

>Small assumptions can't have big implications


>> No.8491582
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>> No.8491655

Everything about this is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.8491664


>it breaks physics

The only thing it breaks is your Ego.

>> No.8491669

>Do you really think that we should abandon an incredibly successful theory such as GR just because it requires the incredibly small assumption that there is a particle that only interacts via gravitation?
>Do you really think we should stop jerking ourselves off over the "elegance" of our own Ego-driven Literature because it empirically contradicts the very basic tenet of Positivism?


>> No.8491674
File: 42 KB, 664x520, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an engineer BTFO physicists

>> No.8491695

The fact that you make this a personal thing tells me that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Really, you can vote for Trump for all eternity, but please don't annoy science with your ridiculous anti-intellectualism.

>> No.8491703


Common people have always BTFO of the big heads in regards to discovering things

Which makes sense, as actually rubbing sticks together is better than thinking about rubbing sticks together

>> No.8491746

You can rube sticks together but what about the DARK sticks you have to account for?

>> No.8491753

[Autistic Screeching]

>> No.8491775

That has to be the biggest non sequitur I've seen in a while.

>> No.8491803


Dark sticks, and by extension Dark Fire, are obviously just the mental masturbation of philosop...physicists.

>> No.8491808

>people thinking any physicists will be killing themselves
>even if there are several unconfirmed theories that could explain in and all it will do is expand currently known physics
It's obvious the guy most probably stumbled upon the drive by accident and his explanation is wrong. I doubt the drive will revolutionize anything, probably will make several missions easier but will be limited to the same engineering trouble as everything else.

>> No.8491841


>empirical material experiment proves random assumption-based theoretical model wrong
>people are so attached to said model that they're willing to deny said experiment
>these people call themselves scientists


Most Scientists are functionally illiterate, you're in good company.

>> No.8491856

In other news, MEMEdrive discussion is still banned in Physics Forums

>> No.8491876

>muh safe space

>> No.8491883

A supposed violation of momentum conservation may need a little more evidence than this. If further investigations really does confirm the findings, then I'm surprised, but excited for new physics. I can't deny that I highly doubt it though. It would be extremely implausible and would require a lot of explaining, specifically how this hasn't turned up so far in other experiments.

>> No.8491911

>something that violates the laws of physics as we know them isn't important unless it's making a profit.

What? Of course if it works it will eventually make a lot of people very rich at some point, but it working at all is incredible and worth plenty to science on its own.

>> No.8491944

Good argument bro, really convinced me of your opinion. Point still stands GR is a solid theory, it needs modification, but that shouldn't surprise anyone.

>> No.8492026

>Breaks conservation of momentum
>The "impulse" is within the error margin
Wow this definitely works, its not a error in measuring and the evil elites are hiding it :^)

>> No.8492048

>The "impulse" is within the error margin
Except it's not you fucking retard.

>> No.8492066

it is. read the paper

>> No.8492506

They will argue that it may still work in space, but it obviously can not work the way it's claimed so they invent some stupid dark energy 2.0 to bring it into balance with the shit they had to hammer into their heads for 80 hours a week in university to get a shit paying job as a slave to some professor.

>> No.8492757

I did. Its not.

>> No.8492770

Because other experiments were run by brainlets who can't into Bohmian Mechanics

>> No.8492825


If it were up to the mainstream, this experiment would have been shouted out of existence to keep the status quo. As it is, research is hamstrung by the naysayers expending more energy on shutting it down, rather than opening their minds to the possibility that something's going on.

Physics is a broken hodgepodge of confused esoterica trying to integrate with the sublime purity of the QM model. You'd think that specialists would be excited at the possibility of insight into the gaps.

>> No.8492844


I think the problem is that the intellectual barrier to entry to QM so high. You need to accept so much bullshit and pretend that it makes sense, so when someone comes along and suggest that there may be a different way it's like a slap in the face. It's like you spend a lifetime building a house from popsicle sticks, and your neighbour comes over and gives you a brick.

>> No.8492852

Holy shit. That is a perfect analogy. lmao

>> No.8493859

Nice one.

>> No.8493866

This thread hadn't been bumped in 12 hours and you bump it for that? Fuck you.

>> No.8493914

>implying you're remotely smart.
Fuck off loser, no one respects you, and you now it, now go back to the basement.

>> No.8493917

>it literally just works
n-noo nono, b-but the f-frames, the frames!! noooooo

>> No.8493937

They must delete the forums and when this shit is confirmed working. Also mods and admins should seek a career in plumbing or construction business.

>> No.8493941

are they unfamiliar with the notion of a containment thread?

>> No.8493943

are you unfamiliar with the notion of a triggered autist

>> No.8493949


>> No.8493979

I like how they get their pants up in a twist because muh frame of reference and much relativity but at the same time just accept that there is this universal speed limit that obviously needs an favored frame of reference to even fucking work. Oh brainless when will you ever learn

>> No.8493988

>obviously needs an favored frame of reference to even fucking work

Why do you think that anon?

>> No.8494168

what is direction
what is angles
what is the wheel

>> No.8494424


Bump, because I don't like your tone.

>> No.8494446

>le einstein hated quantum meme
last time I checked he also shitposted with [math]\hbar[/math]

>> No.8494464

You should read about Eric Laithwaite and gyroscopes. He wasn't a nutjob. He was a talented engineer who thought Physics was a branch of engineering.

>> No.8494848


Wow you are literally the cancer that's destroying physics.

>> No.8494939
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The truth is out there. We've had functioning Emdrive and even Gravitics technology so advanced you plebs would consider it alien. Do your research and I don't mean the one your shitty narrative your shilling little prof sold you.


>> No.8494986

you are super retarded

i hope you die early with no offspring

>> No.8495003
File: 99 KB, 650x429, fmzSddG - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the ad hominem breh. Its people like you that get in the way of progress.10c have been deposited in your account

>> No.8495022


It's only an ad hominem if they say that your claim is wrong because you're super retarded.

>> No.8495028

Found... sort of. Several phenomena could be explained by dark matter - if it exists.
Found as in "having a jar full here", or seeing a spike in LHC experiments - nope.

>> No.8495036


Is afraid of him his own daughter?

>> No.8495123

What about the meme with strong electric fields accelerating quantum fluctuations, is that still a thing?

>> No.8495136

Why are you retards arguing about dark matter instead of the EM drive?

>> No.8495176
File: 36 KB, 551x565, frabz-What-if-Planet-Earth-IS-planet-X-5e6588[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for most part uneducated retard who came here for memes and what I'm about to say is irrelevant babble but what if emdrive uses energy of quantium vaccum,

and there are multiple civilisations trougout the universe using this technology

, and by collectively draining energy from quantium vaccum they increase pace of universe expansion?

>> No.8495212

pretty much this. Trust me, I'm a real science anon.

>> No.8495304
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Have physicists ever been BTFO so hard in the last 300 years?

>> No.8495305



Why don't the naysayers just make their own and test it themselves?

That's what a scientist should do.

>> No.8495324


But what if it works?

>> No.8495329
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>> No.8495335


They learn something new?

>> No.8495483

bump for physicists' tears

>> No.8495485


Yeah. Something along the lines of, "My life's work was a lie".

Not many people have the courage to accept that.

>> No.8495490

Get out >>>/pol/

>> No.8495491

Actual physicists don't care enough about this and other meme science like cold fusion and perpetual motion machines. They have their own grants and projects to worry about.

>> No.8495622

c is the limit in all frames of reference that's why Anon. You can't accelerate to c in earth's frame of reference then accelerate to a bigger c in the rockets frame of reference. What you can do how ever accelerate in the reverse direction of the path of your first rocket all the way up to c. And you would end up standing still to the frame of reference of earth again. Sounds like the universe does have again preferred frame of reference if you ask me

>> No.8495625

Pretty much the script of mass effect 3 before they butchered it because it got leaked anon.

>> No.8495631

Sounds to me like you are literally too stupid to understand SR. Sad sad

>> No.8495711

Sorry I triggered you brainlet. It gets better once you accept that everything you learned after the first 4 semesters is absolute bogus.

>> No.8495715

>c is the limit in all frames of reference that's why Anon

Right, but you've still not shown how this implies a privileged reference frame. Unless you're trying too say that the rest frame of light is privileged, in which case you're wrong because such a frame can't exist in the framework of SR.

>> No.8495732


Which would be why it's the backyard fags that make the discoveries.

>> No.8495753

>Makes argument about SR drenched with misconceptions
>Accuses other people to be brainlets
Nice try

>> No.8495778


sounds like a problem only solveable by feminist science

>> No.8495779

Not him, but there is one frame of reference that is quite special,

that in which there is no relative redshift of the CMB

>> No.8495801

Shawyer's been working on this for ages,he must have some major funding,but the thing that annoys me is he could easily afford to send a small emdrive into space for testing-you can book a small satellite launch for a few tens of thousands of dollars,pocket change in the aerospace world. Why doesn't he just send one up and finally confirm this thing one way or another?

>> No.8495812

They're launching a satellite next year.

>> No.8495814

Fetta is, I've heard dick about Shawyer putting anything in orbit, source?

>> No.8495818


>> No.8496085


>> No.8496205



>> No.8496243
File: 313 KB, 701x541, physicists HATE em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What day is the launch of the next test?

>> No.8496250
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 300k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in electrical engineering
>any job I want
>300k starting
stay mad physics major

>> No.8496632
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>you were born just in time to witness asteroid mining thanks to meme drive

>> No.8496643
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He didn't actually get hit the apple just feel close to him

>> No.8496649

asteroid mining is a meme
It'll always be cheaper to mine on earth

EM drive will enable colonization of the outer solar system tho

>> No.8496651

Price is less of an issues than reserves.

>> No.8496653

We have done zero mining of the ocean
Most land has not been mined
Generally mining is limited to what is only economically viable, such as almost all iron coming from australia/brazil/china subsidizing their own iron industry.

>> No.8496655


>I will not be satisfied until every square inch of land is strip mined

>> No.8496660

>I don't understand that it is ECONOMICS that will determine where mining is, and building a billion dollar nuclear powered space ship to mine a few thousand tons of metals over a period of 5+ years is not good economics

>> No.8496701

>a few thousand tons
Sorry, I thought you were unretarded. Disregard my former post.

>> No.8496785

erleuchtung naht

>> No.8496806

dude, stop

space mining is already economical for things like platinum, the key thing is re-usability, if you can get a fuel depot in space supplies by grabbing ice and shit that's up there and keep your fleet powered that way, you're set, operating costs will fall rapidly with economies of scale. Pretty soon, you can bring back even less precious metals and make a profit.

>> No.8496850


>space mining is already economical for things like platinum

I guess that's why people are doing it.

>> No.8496858

Wait. Are you assuming that the mEMe drive works when you state this?

>> No.8497070

english no good. just cleaning house. no good english.

>> No.8497133

>space mining is already economical for things like platinum
Assuming you find a magic asteroid that has tons of platinum...
More aggressive exploration for it on earth would give you better bang for the buck

The only advantage of space is dodging environmental regulation

>> No.8497174

So I have a question: if this is real, it would be pretty huge discovery. Wouldn't you publish this in something like Phys. Rev. Lett., Nature or Science? Why go for shit journal with impact factor of barely 1 that no one ever heard of (and take a fucking year pushing it through peer review)?

>> No.8497188


"Here's a device that seems to generate thrust, but I have no idea why" is not really Nature material, even if it is true. They would like a coherent theory to go with it.

>> No.8497191

Don't bother. It's the same kids who gre up watching star kek and they think having a loo in Mars will solve humanity's problems.

>> No.8497216

Does anybody know when we get to find out if this is the real deal?

>> No.8497278

>ywn attach an e-cat strap it to a skylon and ride to the stars on the power of memes alone.

>> No.8497285

is there a guide for how to build this? i just bought a new microwave, i wouldn't mind using my old one to build a space ship.

>> No.8497287

>few thousand tons of metals

Metal. Why the hell would you mine metals in space in the near to mid-term? That's a meme that needs to die. Mine WATER and make trillions.

>> No.8497297


Oh god. Really? What is the cost per litre of your space water, Mr Musk?

>> No.8497385

how much demand for drinking water do you believe will exist in the near to mid term?

>> No.8497387

>How many layers of matter are you on right now?
>Uhhhh 6?
>You're but a child. Watch THIS

>> No.8497414

>Paying a journal to be published
>Paying a journal to read the article
>Paying millions for university access to back issues online
Academia should be destroyed.

>> No.8497417

Yes. You build a conducting cone to certain dimensions and then pipe in microwaves of a specific frequency that resonates.

>> No.8497419

Anon it's not healthy to live in a vacuum.

>> No.8497428


>> No.8497440

>magic asteroid

>> No.8497468

enough to satisfy >1 planets

>> No.8497485


Fucking tons, dude.

It's more precious than oil to the middle east.

>> No.8497581

>implying its for drinking

>> No.8497592


You know all that water in the ocean? It can be desalinated. We don't do it, because it's fucking expensive -- a whopping 81 cents per cubic metre.

Can you get water from space at less than 81 cents per cubic metre?

>> No.8497599

this guy thinks things are particles instead of knowing they're compressions in vector wave space

>> No.8497677

How much would it cost to synthesize 100 m^3 of water from purely baronic plasma?

>> No.8497708

Resources which are rare on earth but common in other celestial bodies means there can be an economic incentive for asteroid mining. For example, tritium and other rare isotopes.

>> No.8497748

>For example, tritium and other rare isotopes.

Pro tip: just because it's rare doesn't mean there's a market for it. Take tritium, commercial need is about 400 grams per year, at a cost of $30,000 per gram. So you're looking at $12,000,000. Barely enough to off set launch costs (current average price to Send something to geostationary transfer orbit is something like $25,000 per kilogram, say you send 4 men weighing about 70kg each then you're already looking at about $7,000,000).

>> No.8497943
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>> No.8497945

>Thinking his calcucklations still matter when we can send shit into space with the power of memes alone
Lel get rekt phystard

>> No.8498071

Waves are carried by gauge bosons and those obey the conservation of impulse law. It should have added up.

This shit is very fucking fishy.

>> No.8498122
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>meme drive generates dank thrust

>> No.8498126

Accepting the possibility that you may be wrong is what makes you a good scientist. Don't be dogmatic, that is the anti-thesis of progress.

>> No.8498236

physicist btfo

>> No.8498245

Epicycles didn't explain several things though.

>> No.8498246


>> No.8498255

As long as it can still be used for stuff of course not.

You just have to realize its not actually whats going on, and only a hand way to look at things in some situations. Like geocentricity.

This is the problem, scientists think they are finding truth, science has nothing to do with truth.

>> No.8498473

Apparently thrust has a relation to the quality factor of the resonant cavity. The Q factor can be made quite high with superconducting technologies. Anyone have more intimate knowledge of this?

>> No.8498500
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what if

it shoots DARK MATTER as a propellant

>> No.8498513

If the retarded physicists call it dark propulsion, I'm gonna puch someone.

>> No.8498818

What came out of that EM drive project?

>> No.8499022

Lots of calling names and swearing by Newton.

So if you think it's impossible, what do you think is the error source in here?

On one hand i don't think NASA would be so retarded to make such an error. On other hand I think a proper test should involve self contained, battery powered system. Otherwise, twisted cables or not, but if few miliamps can move a few cm long wire strand, 80w in and out make it no way a closed system and magnetic effects are bound to happen.

>> No.8499065

>what do you think is the error source in here?
>Some magnetic phenomena inside the metal
>Interference with the sensors
>Thermal effects

There's quite a few different reasons why it might not be as advertised, not that these reasons ever make it into some pop-sci shit.

We see Martin Tajmar testing memedrive, take away point they detected thrust in one direction...they measured something. Then they turned it one it's side and still measured thrust in the same direction as before. Clearly it's actually producing thrust.

>> No.8499167

>Users at Space Exploration StackExchange have denied these estimations as being orders of magnitude too high.[10
You were saying?

>> No.8499403

>tfw to intelligente to speak down to a brainlet

>> No.8499757

Can physics major brainlets even recover?

>> No.8500180
File: 155 KB, 1253x698, n6KMlFK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading the paper and some criticism on the web I'm fairly convinced the paper shouldn't have made it though review. What they have here is thermal expansion. They should have done more tests for this but they didn't.

>> No.8500205

Can newfags even include the post number that they're responding to?

>> No.8500211

It think he was referring to phystards in general, not some specific.

>> No.8500664


>> No.8500708

If the memedrive was proven to work would this mean that Newton was a brainlet and everyone who studied his laws were fooled by a brainlet?

>> No.8500736


>> No.8500877

Just because Kuhn accurately described how scientific judgements are prone to human opinion doesn't mean the experiment is never wrong or misinterpreted.

>> No.8501475
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If this was real, he would've been capped by the patriots like how Papa Kojima the gook tells us

How are they letting the madman get away with it? The theory is wrong

>> No.8501596


Do you eat your moms muff out with that mouth of yours?

>> No.8501608


It is currently energy intensive to desalinate ocean water.

>> No.8501756


Yes. That's why it costs 81 cents. But how does that compare with space water?

>> No.8501797

t. armchair physicist

>> No.8501933

this does indeed look like a cooling curve. But I have a highschool level knowledge of physics, so I find it hard to believe I would see that, and nasa EW scientists don't.

>> No.8503096

Bump because of that guy who was mad when someone bumped.

>> No.8503114
File: 13 KB, 734x128, Fuck_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, m8, fuck you.

>> No.8503190

Any updates on that CubeSat thing?

>> No.8503253

>But how does that compare with space water?

Depends entirely on where that water is going. If Space Colonies become a thing that is where the price of water will be much higher and space mining will be viable.

>> No.8503274

They argue in the paper than the curves they see are a superposition of thermal expansion and thrust. Problem is they decompose the curves using a model which assumes constant heating which clearly doesn't match the example shown even combined with their thrust template. Their model doesn't fit the data (they don't admit it but it's obvious from the plot) and it's that model they use to claim it isn't all thermal expansion. They need better testing, they've done too few tests to claim anything conclusive.

>> No.8504464

>Calls everyone else dumb
>gives most basic understanding response which clearly shows theydont understand

>> No.8504481

>meme drive
>even bothering discussing it when it's less than 0.01% energy efficienct


>> No.8504487


Throw on a nuclear reactor

Mature the tech

There's your interstellar probe ready to go

>> No.8504503

It's just a prototype now

>> No.8504511

>Accelerate something heavy as fuck with something extremely inefficient

A probe sent a few decades later with traditional rocket engines will catch up with it with ease

>> No.8504517

>Constant acceleration with C being the limit without the need for propallant is slower over a huge distance than a traditional rocket engine with a limited top speed
0/100 please come talk to me after class

>> No.8504519

GL powering that shit for long enough even with a nuclear reactor to make it to any significant fraction of C

>> No.8504567


Nuclear reactor + probe shit + EM drive = better than any rocket for given space in a vacuum

>> No.8504581
File: 124 KB, 458x419, Unlimited Power!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting your UNLIMITED POWER from the Dark Side