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8485898 No.8485898 [Reply] [Original]

Given the universe is 4 billion years old and radio waves travel at the same speed as light, if there was intelligent alien life, shouldnt earth constantly be getting transmission from other alien species? Like even if the aliens sent communications by accident like humans did 70 years ago shouldnt the earth be getting some kind of communication?

>> No.8485902

How do you know we aren't?

If we were sent wi-fi signal before we invented the internet, how would we know?

Why do you assume we'd be able to detect whatever signal they've sent?

Why do you believe we'd be receiving anything at all?

>> No.8485906


1. why do you assume aliens developed radio
2. why do you think they would continue to expose themselves to other alien life when they would be just as fearful of being annhiliated as we are

>> No.8485907

Theres no evidence that we have recieved any communication from an alien civilization.

What other types of communication can travel at the speed of light? Isnt it possible to narrow down the methods of communication based on distance and time?

Even if aliens had some extra sensory form of communication that could travel that distance the amount of civilizations a galaxy that is 47 billion years old should at least produce more than one that communicates similar to the way we do. We havent even gotten a fucking text message...

>> No.8485910

This sounds like the same argument religious people make for why god doesnt make his presence known... its just basically a cop out. Aliens and angels are just myths.

>> No.8485914

Sorry the autism but the one being 4 billion years old it's Earth.
The universe is like 14 billion.

>> No.8485916

what a shitty response

We are afraid of aliens

Aliens aren't afraid of aliens because of God?

>> No.8485917

>100 year window between swept radio waves and more direct communications that has to line up with our window of detection
>out of 4 billion possible years

gee I don't know why

>> No.8485924

>We havent even gotten a fucking text message...
>its just basically a cop out

Oh, ok. It's just a b8 thread.

>> No.8485932

Its not that much of a gap if there are more than one alien species and they have been transmitting for far longer than we have.

Also where are all the remnant transmissions from space battles between hostile alien worlds. Or debris from other civilizations technology such as satelites and space vehicles. We cant be the only dumbass species to lose equipment in space.

This doesnt even account for all the direct communications we should be getting from other species who would just have a casual interest in our world.

>> No.8485936

What? No... im saying that your comment doesnt explain prove the existance of aliens and sounds like something a preist would say about why there is no proof god exists.

>> No.8485943

your reasons for assuming aliens dont exist arent infallible

If we fear aliens it makes sense aliens fear other aliens discovering them and killing them too

There is no reason to assume other aliens are as intelligent as us

There is no reason to assume if they were as intelligent as us they discovered or used radio waves

There is no reason to assume if they used radio waves they used them for all time and never changed to a different system of communication

>> No.8485964

>can't even detect planets around other stars with 100% accuracy
>why can't see see tiny chunks of space debris?!

jesus fuck dude

>> No.8486065

I've never actually done the math, but I reckon the limiting factor is how huge radio emitters civilizations want to waste their resources on. It isn't really practical to broadcast your late night tv to whole galaxy.

>> No.8486073

The universe is too big also inverse square law

>> No.8486080

If everyone on the planet was removed, and all that was left was you and one random guy somewhere in Africa, why won't he hear you?

You're on the same planet after all, and probably calling out "Hello?" everywhere you go.

Does that mean only you exist?

Or does it mean you're a faggot?

>> No.8486119

You would be the nigger in that scenario... I would be the other guy not even trying to communicate cause im the only member of my species.

This again is a retarded example you give. Theres a difference between individuals and civilizations trying to communicate.

>> No.8486131

If me and the african had technology like radio and internet we could communicate just fine.

>> No.8486139
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>assuming they use the wavelengths that we're listening to, and don't use multiple wavelengths for single messages, let alone using light to communicate at all.

>assuming that if some one picked up an intelligent signal from some ayys, it'd be made public

>assuming we'd be able to decipher anything from a signal of unknown strength, unknown complexity and language sent from an unknown distance; that traveled for an unknown amount of time through god knows what and undergone an unknown amount of attenuation/absorption/degradation etc.

>> No.8486163

I can imagine it now: a species that loves to shout their mating call__runaway evolution__aliens broadcasting their mating call over all EMwaves, constantly. Entire galaxy full of mating calls... you can't deny that this is not implausible, given evolution.

OP, I don't have an answer.

>> No.8486192

anons point was that even radio communication has its limits, you idiots
signals do degrade over distance
a signal that originated billions of light years away getting to earth and still being intelligble would be comparable to some dude trying to yell at you from africa to america

>> No.8486271

Still, we havent gotten jack shit. Not even a garbled message. I think we should have at least some type of evidence but there is ZERO for alien life