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File: 164 KB, 2121x1591, trump-speaking[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8482234 No.8482234 [Reply] [Original]

>"Our plan will yank the EPA" says Trump
>President-elect Donald Trump's decision to install Myron Ebell as the head of his EPA transition team has drawn scrutiny from the activist community. He is a global warming denier.

What does a Trump presidency mean for the environment?

>> No.8482237

something terrific

>> No.8482241

Does this look like the shart in mart board to you?


>> No.8482244

It means the ice in the freazer is gonna melt

>> No.8482245

I'm not posting it on /pol/, they're retarded hicks

>> No.8482273



>> No.8482289

You do realize "terrific" means both great and terrible, right?

>> No.8482293

I'm just quoting him.

He literally said he's gonna replace the EPA with something terrific.

>> No.8482295

EPA can go eat a dick.

>> No.8482301

So did he flip flop on this promise too?

>> No.8482364
File: 11 KB, 367x522, belief_denial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming denier
Which means he's not religious?

>> No.8482381

hes taking the money out of climate change initiatives that won't do anything and putting into clean water projects and infrastructure, things that will actually affect and benefit humanity

>> No.8482383


Interestingly, the EPA is the reason some guy's dick wasn't in your drinking water before it came out of the faucet.

>> No.8482393

It means we're all dead. Just about time. We were going to annihilate ourselves anyway. We are not a "good" thing to happen to this planet. As such, we must disappear. The sooner the better.

>> No.8482398

>black science man


>> No.8482399

If he does anything to the EPA, there needs to be some type of mutiny. If not blood in the streets, then certainly some kind of open and outright revolt. These people can't just do whatever they want without the consent of half of the country.

>> No.8482401

>things that will actually affect and benefit humanity
In the short term. I guess we may as well enjoy a good life for the short remainder of our time here.

>> No.8482403

His educational reforms are going to make sure underage b&s know how to spell "freezer"

>> No.8482404


>> No.8482412 [DELETED] 

I don't think I've every been angrier about anything in my life. This fucking living turd. Who does he think he is, I don't even know what call him

>> No.8482415 [DELETED] 

I don't think I've ever been angrier about anything in my life. This fucking living turd. Who does he think he is, I don't even know what call him

>> No.8482416

Look who's talking.

>> No.8482417

>thinking people on /pol/ aren't all hicks
Wherever did you get such an idea?

>> No.8482421

I don't think I've ever been angrier about anything in my life. This fucking living turd. Who does he think he is, I don't even know what to call him

>> No.8482422

Too dumb to understand implications, I see.

>> No.8482425

You're implying that what? That he's a hick too? How? You know what, I don't care. Just go back to /pol/

>> No.8482430

You're getting there. Now, who should go to /pol/?

>> No.8482433


>> No.8482434
File: 7 KB, 266x190, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get out of my sight

>> No.8482437

No, that's not the answer. Let's try again: Who should go to /pol/?

>> No.8482439 [DELETED] 

Great reasons to WAKEN IT FURTHER
you are a motherfucking genius einstein would be jealous

>> No.8482442

stop saying words

>> No.8482446
File: 23 KB, 600x399, 1477939772762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482447

Great reasons to WEAKEN IT FURTHER
you are a motherfucking genius einstein would be jealous

>> No.8482449

That's still not the right answer.

>> No.8482450

now fuck off

>> No.8482451

I don't care about your answer

>> No.8482452

Nope. Try again.
Hint: What belongs on /pol/?

>> No.8482455


>> No.8482456

Wrong. Try again. What belongs on /pol/?

>> No.8482457


>> No.8482459

You are like a little child.
I'm looking for a general answer.
What belongs on /pol/?

>> No.8482461
File: 25 KB, 125x126, unshavedpussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stronger pollutant regulation
>no CO2 regulation

>more national parks
>more mining/drilling/sustainable-logging

>> No.8482462

i'm tired of this game. it's not fun. why do you think this is fun? that's why you belong on /pol/

>> No.8482463

I'm sorry, "people who think non-fun things are fun" wasn't the answer.
What belongs on /pol/?

>> No.8482465

i'm not answering this question. just go back to /pol/

you might find fun things to do there. things that are fun for hicks and assorted dumb rubes

>> No.8482467

If you don't know what belongs on /pol/, don't tell people to go to /pol/.
Here's what belongs on /pol/: politics.
Who should go to /pol/? OP.
It's that simple.

>> No.8482469


>> No.8482473

warmist cultists btfo
how many billions wasted on that lie so far

>> No.8482477

I can't tell if this is satire or not. If Trump destroys the EPA, it'll be to replace the organization with something more efficient and effective.

>> No.8482479

How do you know that you, a hoaxer, are not the cultist? You don't. You can't.

The main difference is that one view is backed by the ONLY community that has ever provided real solutions to real problems in the history of humanity, and the other one backs Trump.

>> No.8482481

Something terrific. My balls are terrific too.

>> No.8482482

Hopefully an organization that can come up with some actual solutions.

>> No.8482485

Enjoy your pipe dream. Hope my balls come to you in it.

>> No.8482486

And Trump wants to Make America Great Again, while the cultists are globalists who want to destroy America

Easy choice for me.

>> No.8482487


>> No.8482488

Trump is a moron.

>> No.8482491

Smarter than you at the very least.

>> No.8482492

I'm not comparing myself to him, idiot.

>> No.8482493

It's good you admit that Trump is smarter than you, at least you're honest with yourself.

>> No.8482496

Yes, because it's something I never claimed in the first place.
Trump voters, everyone...

>> No.8482499

Nope, Trump never cared about global warming in the first place.

>> No.8482500

If you noticed, I never claimed that you claimed that you're smarter than Trump. I just said he's smarter than you. The Mentally Hill, everyone.

>> No.8482505

I would expect a politician/businessman to be smarter than the average person, like you and I. I am comparing him against past presidents. Whom he glaringly far inferior to.

>> No.8482507

But if he's smarter than you and he's a moron, what does that make you?

>> No.8482524

I don't actually give a fuck what it makes me. I'm talking about him. Can you fucking even read? God, it's like talking to Trumpertarians is like talking to fucking children.

>> No.8482525

Trump has an IQ of 156

>> No.8482526
File: 328 KB, 1280x720, Laughing Hillarys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482714
File: 52 KB, 500x500, ILLUMINATI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up libtard
the online test told him so, it must be true

>> No.8482886

We need the opportunity to make and spread high paying jobs, high value trade.

Change, raming, anthropogenic or not, it's well past the tipping point and countries like india, brazil and china just give no fucks about pollution and are doing their best to use up whatever they can get.

I say it's about damn time this country wakens it's manufacturing potential once more. We have resources worth mountains of money, a dire need for funding our populace, and holding on to certain resources is simply throwing the value away..

In any case the green movement is practically impossible to sustain without massive QoL, and possibly population level changes. Just is not feasible even within a generation's worth of time.
Don't forget...all those green technologies produce massive amounts of toxic waste, pollution, and unrecyclable products

>> No.8482892


>> No.8482893

That claim is utter bullshit. There is no evidence that Trump has ever taken a formal IQ test and received actual results. That's just hearsay and an assertion made up by bloggers.

>> No.8482903

I honestly don't care for the environment tb h. If it gets hotter than I'll just move north out of Florida. Planet will be fine through out my life so I don't care if it goes to shit the year after I die.