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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8479388 No.8479388 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys deal with all the spergs in STEM, /sci/? I have this kid in my one class who sits and huffs and whispers under his breath the entire class and it just makes me rage.

He's also a pimply faced, absolutely terrifying looking Arab, too. A cute little Asian girl was sitting next to him and he hugged her constantly (often talking over the professor) and now she only shows up for tests. Kek

>> No.8479429

I AM one of the spergs

>> No.8479435

I ignore them. In fact, I feel very comfortable around them and just use them to practice my social skills.

>> No.8479459

raping their puccis i'm bi

>> No.8479466

Are you an autism fetishist, anon?

>> No.8479490

it would explain why he comes here

>> No.8479502


>> No.8479514

Ignore them and work on your soft skills. Most STEM grads will wind up miserable with a boring job surrounded by freaks. The worst are the FOB Curry-Niggers.

My friend went to college with this girls - she runs ABC TV and he writes cashier software. He wants to kill himself.


>> No.8479723
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>soft skills
These aren't real things though

>> No.8479987
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Ignore them and enjoy the sense of superiority. Along the same vein a lot of them seem to be whiners.

>Taking 200 level CompSci class for a technical elective
>one guy talks nonstop
>over the professor, over students, everyone
>professor gives assignment demonstrating abstraction/polymorphism
>kid can't figure it out
>everyone else uses Google and does fine
>kid complains and gets mad at professor
>"We shouldn't have to use Google, you're supposed to teach us!"

That's college kiddo. The professor is there to facilitate your learning. He can't force the information into your head. You have to learn to learn or you're going to be a vegetable compared to other applicants for the job you want.

>> No.8479992

t. Never been in a professional interview

>> No.8480020

Let me describe every irritating STEM student ever

>massive superiority complex
>believes being good at maths makes him a better person than those around him
>many years of built up anger towards the world for not recognising his superiority
>determined to prove his 'intelligence' at any given oppertunity, usually in the form of putting others down or correcting them on trivial or insignificant details
>believes if somebody has any positive qualities outside academia (eg being strong or attractive) they must be stupid to compensate because life is like an RPG
>states his opinions like they are facts
>HATES being wrong, will get very angry if proved wrong and will shift the goalposts so he can walk away feeling right
>racist and sexist but doesn't recognise this at all
>no real friends, only associates or other omegas

Did I miss anything?

>> No.8480024

Oh I forgot

>judges others overly harshly based on a single mistake
>if he makes a mistake he will spend the next 30 mins explaining to you why he made the mistake

>> No.8480030

I believe that being good at math makes me a better person but I have a massive inferiority complex. I always worry about not being good enough.

My opinions are facts.

When I am wrong or get proven wrong I get depressed more than anything.

I am sexist but only inside. Also I am only sexist to attractive women. Ugly women are just men so I treat them equally.

I have like 3 real friends and a girlfriend who I do many friend-like shit like playing videogames so I will count that as 4 friends.

I smash her pussy every day so not a virgin.

Who am I even? Am I a STEM asshole? I am a very nice guy. I don't even talk to people so I don't even get to act superior. I do get a little rush when they ask me how much did I get and I get to tell them '100%'.

>> No.8480033

>braindead assignment googler criticizing anyone

you're both cringeworthy

>> No.8480034

>who am i even
On your way to narcissistic personality disorder if not already there

>> No.8480037

narcissism is cancer, we know.

>> No.8480044

>in lower division, expresses an unearned sense of accomplishment

>> No.8480049

Nah. I googled that psych meme and I found

>feeling of self importance

No way. If anything I think more about how worthless I am.

>need for admiration
I don't need it and no one admires me except professors. I actually get really uncomfortable when a professors points out how I am beyond the level of the other students. I feel bad, I don't want people to think I think I am superior.

>lack of understanding of other's feeling

I'd say I understand them too well and I am too sensitive. I get depressed thinking about the depression of other people. I can read tones and expressions to well, to the point it kills me inside when someone is trying to insult me through their tone or general attitude.

Psychology fails me again.

>> No.8480051

I think the fact that you are getting so defensive after >>8480020 was posted says a lot about you.

>> No.8480056

I was just pointing out how I fit some of his descriptions but I am the opposite of others.

His description of a stem asshole is flawed at best.

>> No.8480068

lol thats me

>> No.8480069

>his description of an asshole doesn't fit me so his description is wrong


>> No.8480082

Very accurate

>> No.8480089

>implying CompSci jobs aren't at least 60% googling

>> No.8480111

This is any desk-based job today

>> No.8480202

This is the most accurate thing I've ever read on /sci/. I know at least 2 people in my class that fit that description perfectly.

>> No.8480205
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>tfw would be a normie except i sweat excessively at inappropriate times
i c-can't fucking control it, it's a medical disorder ;_;

>> No.8480206
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>puts this much effort into judging people that he's likely never spoken to
the butthurt is real

>> No.8480210

"Soft skills" is code for being physically attractive

>> No.8480217
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>tfw you feel bad about your social retardation and then realize you'll never be anywhere near the level of curries

>> No.8480225


Let him be. I work in TV and all the STEM dorks we hire wind up as IT bitches for Private School liberal arts major. You can see the rage inside them as they fix a fax machine or spend all day putting screen protectors on iPhones.

For the rest of you - stay out of any industry that requires people skills - finance, advertising, marketing, entertainment. Stay in the dork tech world if you are as described in many of the above posts. These are the types you will work for.


For all you weird passive-aggressive Beta Asian males: Have some confidence in yourself, not in your dork abilities. It can be done.


I know a guy, a CAL EE grad who is a code monkey at PIMCO in Newport Beach, and with his fancy technical education he would take this man's car to the car wash and fetch his dry cleaning. His previous superiors were Oxford and Duke grads.


>> No.8480237
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Curry-Nigger Power!!

>> No.8480241

I actually based this description on a person I lived with for a few months, but the personality is common in STEM. Have you ever been in a physics classroom? If you don't recognise it its probably you.

>> No.8480295
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>implying chang and pajeet can be racist

Only white cis males can be racist anon.

>> No.8480298

>tfw they are stealing all the engineering jobs

>> No.8480312

>this kid in my one class
>my one class
OP cannot into S(te)M, thusly he feels the need to belittle true scientists and mathematicians. OP is engineer confirmed.

>> No.8480337
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Which one would you hire for the client-side job and which one for the back-office job?

>> No.8480339

The one who is more qualified for the respective positions.

>> No.8480347

you're a shy loser who didn't properly socialize as a child

>> No.8480355
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Mr. Ravidam Patel is that you?

>> No.8480361


Probably the one on the left because the one on the right needs to dress to impress. That's just my bias.

I'd need to scrutinize them carefully though, of course, if they are qualified enough to warrant an interview.

Also, you should be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.8480383

>believes if somebody has any positive qualities outside academia (eg being strong or attractive) they must be stupid to compensate because life is like an RPG

>> No.8480402

>Probably the one on the left because the one on the right needs to dress to impress. That's just my bias.

>needs to dress to impress

lol no faggot. You do not understand anything about workplace politics. Once you get off the university dreamland of "skill matters" you will fall on a job where you will realize that any retard could do the job you do. Even the most important and government-regulated jobs like engineering could be done by absolute outsiders. So much that I believe that consumer protection laws are not to protect consumers, but to protect people with those 4 years degrees from having to compete with a larger market.

So anyone can you do your job and your employer knows it so they pick whoever gives the most extra advantages. You find that one guy who also watches the sport you watch? Hire him over fucking Albert Einstein so that you can get drunk and talk about shit in slow days.

That is how it works and I've known it for a while but recently I've been realizing how STRONG this is. Recently I've been working with some financial instituons and what I've seen is that the boss is always a guy and the second in charge is always the hottest girl in the office.

It is scary how often this has been true, as I've seen it already with different companies. In every financial company the middle workers are men and average women, the people managing are the hottest women and the boss is the one man who owns it all.

Why is this? Because the boss knows he is going to get his dick wet with those promotions. That is how it works. Literally anyone could do the job of a manager. Being a manager is the easiest job in any industry. So what do you do? You fill it with whoever is going to give you the most benefit and apparently that means the most blowjobs.

>> No.8480415

>people who think you can't feel accomplished because you haven't done as much as them.

>> No.8480429
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Which one would you rather look like? Which guy gets the Manhattan corner office and which guy get the basement across the river in New Jersey.

>> No.8480431


>racist shill

I know your endgame you cunt.

>> No.8480441

>believes if somebody has any positive qualities outside academia (eg being strong or attractive) they must be stupid to compensate because life is like an RPG

This is the big one

>> No.8480455
File: 156 KB, 1000x400, BCVkYzuW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not come crying to /sci when you wind up being rejected by Abby for a dreamy USC liberal arts grad. She does not want to hear about your Matlab fixed income program you wrote. Just make sure you know how to deal with your inner rage.

>> No.8480469
File: 235 KB, 1000x1000, kiMAOoEr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sending you a virtual hug by Asian friend. You are not alone in this cruel superficial world.

>> No.8480478

>when you're working with him in a project (big mistake) he as to double check everything you (changing evrything along the way)

>> No.8480529


>Hey kids... welcome to my martial arts class... I won't be actually teaching but I will be showing you what to Google to become a great fighter

I don't support him talking over the class and being rude, but God damn it if you're not as stupid as he is.

I knew it was going to be a shit post when you said


Sad news is... you're not much better than him... if at all, brainlet.

>> No.8480532


>racist and sexist

So I guess white males truly are the best at academia

>> No.8480535

Spergs don't exist in stem beyond undergrad because they don't interview well in grad school admissions. All my fellow students are boring but otherwise normal people

>> No.8480544

>people skills
Manipulating people, indulging, exploiting and accommodating their biases, irrationality and flaws rather than raising them up to the best people they can be, that's the real driver of society. None of that dorky STEM shit.

>> No.8480687

This is why we need full communism desu

>> No.8480699

If your university doesn't have a sperg then you're the sperg

Prove me wrong

>> No.8480708

You forgot
>Has the emotional competence of an especially viscous jar of molasses
>Projects his insecurities and shortcomings onto others better than a $50k top-of-the-line ultra-HD projector
>Staggeringly limited vocabulary which he attempts to disguise through the usage of a few large words. Said words are usually esoteric enough that nobody can call him out when he uses them wrong half the time.
>Several irritating speech habits, one of which is highly likely to be some variation of "Well in MY opinion . . ."

>> No.8480788

>when he uses them wrong
When he uses them incorrectly.

>> No.8480910

What if my university only has spergs?

>> No.8480919

Then you're the only normalfag

>> No.8480990

this, and at least the few sperg's we have are genuinely nice people, in general everyone is surprisingly normal just really committed to studying hard.

>> No.8481085

Well, you may add:
>asking retarded questions to pretend he's keeping up with an explanation

>> No.8481088

lul fresh out of college I believed my gpa/extra curriculurs mattered but I realize all that shit was just to get your foot into the door.

After many years, every company always hires maybe 1 or 2 spergs to do the heavy work and we call those guys "the guy in the dungeon."

>> No.8481101


>> No.8481107

ITT: Brainlets and liberals whine about people smarter than them

>> No.8481116

You are probably a sperg too, you just don't notice

>> No.8481130

>tfw you have to wait until grad school to sperg out about a specific discipline with otherwise normal and functioning people

>> No.8481136
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> in 300 level math class
>prof asks "isn't that really cool how curl works in this?"
>engineering student says "not as interesting as my engineering classes."
>prof asks him to repeat what he said because he couldn't hear him.
>I tell prof it's best for the both of them if he didn't
>mfw dumbass engineering students

>> No.8481208

>brownnosing the professor in front of the whole class


>> No.8481902

Pretty much every job I've ever had in the private sector involved me working directly with the person that hired me. Every person I've discussed it with said they hired me 'cos you could talk to people'. That's it. My qualifications got me in the door and then I just picked up on something the guy was talking about (sports, movies, women) in the interview and ran with it. Always made 'friends' with the other interviewees before going in too. Always first person to talk or volunteer for shit too.

Things are different in the public sector though, and I feel more comfortable there. Everything is more chill.

>> No.8482001

I've had a similar experience.

Private sector = normies, everybody is friendly and spends a lot of the day just shooting the shit. Thats until shit hits the fan and everybody goes nut for a bit before it settles down again. unfortunately there is also a lot of deadwood

Public sector = slightly more autism, nerdier conversation topics, less peacocking. everything is slow, steady and relaxed

>> No.8482136

You just described smart INTJ's. INTP's are much more open-minded and friendly

>> No.8482142

As a smart INTJ I have to say I try not to be a dick and don't fulfill most of the things on the list (except being a virgin lol)

>> No.8482336


>personality horoscope

>> No.8482420

>massive superiority complex
quite the opposite
>believes being good at maths makes him a better person than those around him
Not anymore
>many years of built up anger towards the world for not recognising his superiority
>determined to prove his 'intelligence' at any given oppertunity, usually in the form of putting others down or correcting them on trivial or insignificant details
>believes if somebody has any positive qualities outside academia (eg being strong or attractive) they must be stupid to compensate because life is like an RPG
Nah, when you get to a good school, you realize that people really can "have it all"
>states his opinions like they are facts
No, I don't even have opinions
>HATES being wrong, will get very angry if proved wrong and will shift the goalposts so he can walk away feeling right
see above
>racist and sexist but doesn't recognise this at all
>no real friends, only associates or other omegas

>> No.8482544

And people say we need more STEM majors.

>> No.8482566
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shine on, asianbro