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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8476701 No.8476701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the best rational explanation of KEK and overall memetic warfare?

>> No.8476706 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares who we were till we started posting the memes.

>> No.8476711

A massive case of self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.8476712

Nobody cared who we were till we started posting the memes.

>> No.8476721

Why are you guys photoshopping twitter posts? What is the point?

>> No.8476736

It's nothing more, than another iteration of propaganda, which has always existed.

>> No.8476766

Well, basically /pol/ summoned an ancient Egyptian frog god of chaos and used his powers to affect world events. This is the scientific explanation for it.

>> No.8477903

The only rationality here is notional.
Take for instance this well-memeing fellow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSjOhdb0WHg
He was killed in action during the Manbij liberation this past July. We may never be able to understand Kek's plan for us.

>> No.8477906

no real meaning to their lives
mass delusion

that's /pol/

>> No.8477928
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second order simulacras, we simulate what we believe to be true, without actualy having a reference in the reality.

the society thinks anonymous for example is a group of hackers ruled by a leet hacker overlord council that coordinates raids and attacks against scientology, etc.

because of this belief, some individuals start mimicking that "system of values" (whistleblowing, being a liberalfacist etc.) and since anonymous is not an elitist club, but an all-inclusive society, commit raids and attacks in their name.

thus the precession of a simulation created a second order simulacra. an organisation that as we here on 4chan know never existed as currently percieved but now exists due to the mimicking and therefore a simulation of what was percieved as real, without the actual reference.

>> No.8477943
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The singular is "simulacrum," the plural is "simulacra."

>> No.8477968

4chan has always been anti-establishment. Previously that meant being liberatarian fedora tipping atheists in response to the republican Bush government and generally right wing media. With the advent of Obama and the popularization of the liberal media in the form of more of a 'user shared / user written' news distribution aka, reddit, facebook, buzzfeed etc, as well as the inevitable platform that this gave to feminism / BLM and general equality based movements, the contrarian position (at least on the internet) has switched to being right wing rather than left wing. Of course, casual racism and sexism has always proliferated here and that fell nicely in line with the anti-immigration / non-pc appeal of Brexit / Trump.

It's not uncorrelated with the election of Trump but I think it's more that the changes on 4chan are a symptom of the same changes in society that have led to many voters feeling disillusioned and wanting to vote against the 'system' so to say. Another argument may be that the anti-media settlement of the alt-right was based against the blatant bias of the media towards Hillary, which probably also caused democrat voters to stay home because they though it was a sure win - Trump's total numbers not being much higher than Romney's or McCain's.

At the heart of it, somehow I don't think that posting pepe memes caused white women to vote for Trump.

>> No.8477971

>feminism / BLM
>equality based movements

>> No.8477976



>> No.8477992

Being as skeptic as I am, I'd say this is one of the times rationality should be left aside and watch this beautiful spectacle.

At least for shits and giggles.

>> No.8477997
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Script kiddies.

>> No.8478001

I stand corrected

>> No.8478004

4chan is the pursuit of societal equilibrium. If the society tends to go too much right, 4chan will tend left. If it tends to go too much left, it wil lean to the right. It has no ideology, it is as funny as it may sound, the common sense of society.

>> No.8478006
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so anonymous was never this leet neet hacking machine, made of uber-haxxors fighting against the establishment?

>> No.8478007
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>4chan is the pursuit of societal equilibrium.

Salty edgelords seek societal equilibrium? News to me.

>> No.8478009

>so anonymous was never this leet neet hacking machine

no, it were /b/ raids and mimicking (memes) like the guy fawkes mask from V for Vendetta, that started the whole thing until it became percieved by the media as it is now and took a life of its own. It is a stand-alone complex.

>> No.8478012

one salty edgelord means shit, but milions of salty edgelords. 4chan is just the dissident response to the media.

>> No.8478013

psychological model of magick explains it very well, but then again sci is so ignorant they don't treat psychology as science

>> No.8478014

Perhaps against their own best intentions
It is, what we may call, an "emergent property" https://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~jay/880/moreisdifferent.pdf

>> No.8478030

The internet means people can spend a lot of time in bubbles where their views are unchallenged and reinforced, enough to motivate them to go to the ballot box. This is something we need to learn to deal with. Both the right and the left because it is only a matter of time before there is a leftist version of Trump.


>> No.8478041

>elementary memetic theory everyone with a high school understanding of natural selection could/should have independently rederived
>has to tell the audience multiple times explicitly "we're worrying about what makes them SUCCESSFUL, not GOOD" and to not assume their own viewpoints and cognitive biases are under attack
>insists on a cutesy but grossly misleading germ metaphor, without arguing/illustrating that the "market of ideas" is more properly regarded as an "ecosystem of ideas" which is the metaphor's only real concievable use
I fucking hate """""intellectual""""" youtube

>> No.8478046
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>tfw caughting an angry germ

go watch cat pics bro

>> No.8478058

Confirmation Bias.

>> No.8478059

He is right though. Lots of alienated people are getting sucked into memes and it is kind of sad.

As I said it is both the right and the left who will take a good cause and abuse it.

>> No.8478076
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/pol/ doesn't know what a meme is so to them any funny picture is instantly dubbed a meme.

Political pictures proliferate throughout the internet naturally so by politicizing funny pictures they think they turned them into a "political weapon" when really there is nothing unusual about silly political pictures circulating the internet. It's literally been going on since the dawn of the internet. The only difference now is that /pol/ is calling them memes and screeching about 'meme magic' even though that's not what they are.

Pic related, the sort of thing /pol/ thinks is a meme even though any 4channer who isn't pure cancer can immediately see that it is not. It is just a silly political picture.

>> No.8478079
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>both the right and the left
The real left, i.e. in contrast to the SJW intersectional "left," categorically refuses to do this, which explains its extreme lack of prominence. Identity politics are particularly intoxicating and perform an essential role in the late-capitalist ecosystem.

>> No.8478080
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>Previously that meant being...

Kill yourself newfag cancer. It's obvious you don't know shit about 4chan's history.

>> No.8478084

KEK, this is an 18+ board kid

>> No.8478093
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Hey everyone, get a load of this buttblasted memer.

Don't you know, /sci/ is the most pedantic of all the 4chan boards.

>> No.8478101

He's laughing at you kid, he's not buttblasted. Lurk more kiddo, before posting on chinchan.

>also reported for underaged

>> No.8478116
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No, that anon is definitely buttblasted just like you are.

>lurk more

Nigga I've been on 4chan since the very beginning before the word meme had even been memed. You're the one who needs to lurk moar, or as we used to say back in the day: gb2gaia, gaiafag.

>> No.8478133


>> No.8478138

calm down, you are making this even worse

>> No.8478170
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>> No.8478687


How I remember it, was in 2006/2007 it was basically just a bunch of us sitting around in IRC teaching ourselves how to be script kiddies and hacking stuff completely at random(basically just screwing around), we thought it was funny pranks. Occasionally we would post it on 4chan, but usually we used the /i/ boards on 7chan/420chan/711chan.

It was all fun and games and mean spirited pranks. Then when we did the prank on CoS and people took it seriously and started thinking it was an actual protest, and it just went completely out of our control (It was actually similar to what has just happened with Trump), our CoS meme-ing about a Tom Cruise youtube clip turned into a massive movement, a stand alone complex that none of us could ever have anticipated, it actually destroyed our raid culture because it popularized what was once our sekret clubhouse and flooded it with newfags.

Then all the newfags were talking to the press as though they were Anonymous, and co-opted all of 'our' shit. I don't know if there ever was a real anonymous, it was originally just a meme personification for the hivemind of the posters here, and then people composed levels upon levels of simulacra to it until it became an entity who's shape formed from nowhere.

Also, another word of advice, you cannot escape this site. I've been trying to get out for 10 years now. It's not possible.

>> No.8478699


For anyone interested, this is a pretty good history but from a 4chan moderator perspective as opposed to participant perspective.


I think the first thing I participated in was Tom Green/Hal Turner stuff, the Habbo Hotel things were funny also.

The move to other *chans occurred when moot banned raid threads.

The IRC prankster/script kiddie channels I was referring to first formed as random one offs to help coordinate the phone pranks, and then they just sort of stuck around and turned into a more long term prank chatroom, eventually spawning multiple(3-5) anon prank IRC networks.

>> No.8478700

>Also, another word of advice, you cannot escape this site. I've been trying to get out for 10 years now. It's not possible.

what this anon says is true

>> No.8478701
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you are missed cracky :(

>> No.8478704

>what's the best rational explanation of KEK and overall memetic warfare?

It's a secret, anon.

>> No.8478708


There was further splintering after the Scientology stuff.

Right at it's height of factionalization there was an IRC network that was devoted solely to script kiddie prank hacking that was anti-scientology, their homebase was 711chan.

There was also a few IRC's that were just completely devoted to the original purpose of telephone prank calls, this was back when skype was less restrictive.

Then there were 3 IRC networks that were basically just all Chanology/CoS stuff.

There were bitter rivalries and lots of infighting between the factions. spying/ddos/doxing/channel takeovers/irc flooding/etc/etc/ it was a wild ride. But even with all that rivalry, it seemed like most people idled on every network and participated in various different peoples projects.

>> No.8478717
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>October 1 - 4chan turns 13, and pedos lament that it's too old now.

>> No.8478727


>October 19 - 25 – The Caturday Nap - A number of users from Lulznet enter the 4chan IRC channel, demanding that it be moved from its current location on irc.rizon.net to irc.partyvan.org. Their request is not taken seriously and they are banned from the channel in short order. During the exchange, moot said “whatever, Im gonna go make soup”. Angered, Lulznet beings a DDoS attack against 4chan. The attack is relatively successful, with all of the 4chan servers’ timing out relatively quickly, in response moot simply plugs them out.
>Simultaneously, Encyclopedia Dramatica attacks Wikichan for the sake of it.

Based ED, forever retard-tier

>> No.8478784
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story time thread

>> No.8479030


Honestly, I think that there are tons of great resources that talk about harnessing this.

I wish that there was more papers about the way that ideas travel through minds in complex systems.